Learn Your Lesson Slave

By tyler love

Published on Jul 19, 2005


I was so relived when sir finally realised me. I fell to the floor and felt the pain going thought me fast. Sir walked up to me and tapped his foot on my leg.

get up' he quietly demanded. I thought about what he said for a moment. Sir kicked me as hard as he could in the ribs, I said get up bitch' he screamed as I moaned in pain. I stumbled up slowly to my feet and looked down.

` Stand up straight lad' he demanded. I stood up straight and looked at him with my sad brown eyes. He took off his shades to show his crystal green eyes, I stared into them. He then grabbed my dark brown hair and pulled it hard.

What the fuck is all this hair hey' he said in a sarcastic way as he punched me in the tummy. People could mistake you as a little girl' He then dragged me into the bathroom and demanded I got into the bath, I started to cry as I was scared. He forced my naked body into the bath and started to fill it with cold water. I started to shiver as I sat in the bath curled up. When the bath was filled with the cold water he turned the tap off.

You are quite a mess boy, with all that blood and piss on you' he said as he roughly scrubbed me with a scrubbing brush. I struggled away from the pain but he held me down and scrubbed hard so all I could do was take it. I don't like my boys messy. I like them trimmed and shaved and clean , you got me!?' he said smacking the back of my head with the back of his hand.

` Ye--Yes sir' I timidly said.

` Good boy' he sarcastically said as he patted my chest as I sat there curled up in cold. He poured water all over my hair and washed and rinsed it. He then scrubbed every part of my body. He grabbed my dick and scrubbed around it and scrubbed my balls causing me to cry. He automatically gave me a smack in the mouth when he heard me cry and told me to be quiet and it would go faster. He then demanded me to get on my hands and knees and stick my ass in the air. When I obeyed he scrubbed my ass cheeks and even my anus. After he had scrubbed he rubbed my boy hole and stuck his two fingers up it.

Oh boy your tight' sir said laughingHonestly the boys will tear you apart' he laughed again as he took his fingers out my anus. I began to cry but soon stopped as he grabbed me by my bitch hair and dragged me out the bath and demanded I stand in front of him. I felt so small standing in fount of him wet and cold and naked. Honestly boy you are a mess' sir said with a tut. I looked down at my body to see bruises, welts and scars over my body. Wells its you that did them is what I felt like saying but being wise I kept quiet and put my head down. You must be quite scared of me boy to put up with the stuff I do to you' he said sternly. I looked down and shook my head, You will learn everything soon boy' sir said in my ear. Now lets get you ready for the party tonight he said holding me by the hand and into his room. Sit' he demanded as he pushed me onto his bed. Still a bit wet and very cold I curled up on his bed and watched what he was doing. He went to his wardrobe and got out a cloth. He grabbed my arm tight and forced me to stand up next to him.legs apart boy' he demanded. I obeyed and parted my legs as he wrapped the cloth around my waist and between my legs. He pulled at the thin cloth and made it go up my ass cheeks causing my dick and balls to flop out of the thin clothe, he held my bits and popped them back in tightly tying the cloth to secure them in place. `That does the trick boy' I spoke for the first time in hours.

` Si...sir What's happening tonight...' I quietly asked.

I'm having a party and your going to be the host, my friends are going to pull you around and use and abuse you in whatever way they want' he said with an evil grin. I burst out crying and panicked. Sir grabbed me and hugged me and stroked my girlish locks. My chest was going up and down in a panic as I cried. Hush hush hush' he said rubbing my hair. Your just learn to respect me and my friends to night and the pain will only be a fraction of what it might be. I cant promise I wont hurt you even if you're a good boy tonight but I can promise that Ill be easier on you if you stay calm and good. You're my boy now and you do as I say' he said reaching his hand down to my bum and rubbing my anus over the cloth. I felt more calmer and my chest slowed down as I hugged sir and made his expensive white Gucci shirt wet with my tears. He grabbed my chin and lifted up my head and wiped my tears away.Now boy I want you to get on your knees and practice' sir demanded. I obey and got my knees. `Get him out' sir demanded again.

`yes sir' I mumbled. I unzipped his jeans and pulled down his boxers to find a hard 8" cock which sprung out and smacked me on the face. Sir laughed and grabbed my hair and told me to open. I opened my mouth and he shoved 5" off cock into my mouth causing me to choke. He then pumped in and out of my face going faster each time. He went on fucking my chocking face for 5 minutes then let go of my hair and told me to open my mouth. When I did he tossed his white cream into my mouth and told me to shallow. I wasn't used to the taste so when I pulled a face he slapped me 5 times in the mouth causing my mouth to bleed. You better not misbehave boy as Ill kill you sir threatened me.

`I..I.I wont sir' I shyly said holding my mouth.

` When my friends come I want you to address them as sir, uncle or dad, you will do everything they say but you have to look at me for approval, I don't want you showing me up and if you do I will put a riding crop to your bottom. Now drink this juice and go sleep on the floor next to my bed so your not tired later.' With that sir handed me a pint of orange juice which I gulped in one and after I had drank it I ran to sir bedroom and curled up on the floor in pain and fear.

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