Learn Your Lesson Slave

By tyler love

Published on Jul 7, 2005


`You will learn to respect my every word boy' sir whispered in my ear then gave me a kiss on the cheek as I breeved heavily in panic

My name is Ben and I was very popular with the girls in school and loved the attention. I was 5.7, slim but toned body, darkest brown eyes and rich dark hair that fell over my face. I was tanned as my mums side of the family were Portuguese and was quite smooth across my chest and ass but was quite hairy in my pants and had dark hairs across my legs. I loved school and took part in most attictivities and became respected by most class mates. I was very quiet thou and although the girls found me very attractive, I never seemed to make of move on any of them.

As I got though the door of my home after swim class, I chucked down my bags and sat across the sofa and turned on to TV.

`Get up' a voice grunted, as I looked around I saw Tyler my step dad glaring at me with evil in his eyes. I have never got on with my step dad and have always chose not to obey him as he enjoys being the only man in the house. My step dad was a very good looking chap, very muscular and toned with huge arms and pecks, he had blonde hair that he self dyed with styled spiky and bright blue eyes. He looked the complete opposite of me. As a child I never had a dad so to respect one now was not my plan. As he glared at me I looked at him and laughed.

` I said get up you little bitch' Tyler grunted louder as he grabbed me by my school collar and dragged me up.

` What the fuck is your problem!' I shouted as I tried to escape the grasp of his hand.

You're my problem and I have had enough of you thinking you can run this house' Tyler said as he gripped my shirt tighter. Your going on a little holiday with my friend I go far back with, where he will train you to be a respectful young man, your mum thinks your staying with my parents and it will stay that way as I am taking your phone and your wallet.' with that Tyler threw me back causing me to fall on the floor and grabbed my phone and some of my processions..

` You....you have gone mad, wait till mum fucking comes home.'

Suddenly they was a knock at the door, Tyler grabbed me by the scruff of the neck leaving me struggling like a puppy and dragged me to the door. There at the door was a dark, shaved haired guy with a goatee. His body was amazingly toned under his fitted white tank top and his arms were just as big as Tyler's. I couldn't see his eyes as he wore dark sunglasses but the rest of his face was very attractive.

` He is yours now mate' Tyler spoke as he literally handed me over to the stranger.

NO PLEASE LET ME GO' I yelled. YOU CANT GET AWAY WITH THIS' I kicked, shouted and tried to punch the stranger as he dragged me down the road and into an alley where there was a black car parked. He looked around and opened the boot and with his strength he griped hold of my struggling body and lifted me in the boot and shut it. I was petrified as I didn't know what was going to happen. The car started to move and I felt like I was in there for hours. Suddenly the car stopped and the dark stranger open the boot and dragged me out. I stood there feeling faint, I looked around, I was in the middle of nowhere and behind me there was a huge, red bricked house. The stranger grabbed my rich soft hair tightly and smacked me in the mouth causing it to bleed.

` YOU EVER TRY AND PUNCH OR KICK ME AGAIN AND I WIL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU' He screamed forcing my head to look at him.

` I--I'm sorry Mr' I yelped feeling scared out of my wits,

`YOU CALL ME SIR!' he shouted louder gripping my hair tighter causing me to yell in pain.

`Ye..ssss sir' I yelped again as tears ran down my face. With that he dragged me by my hair into the house and down the cold corridor into the front room.

` GET ON YOUR KNEES' he ordered still hold of my hair. Feeling scared and dizzy I stumbled and fell onto my knees. Sir let go of my hair but grabbed my arms and tied them to a pole that was above my head this made me have to stay up on my knees and meant I couldn't sit down on my feet. He then ripped my clothes of me leaving me in just my fitted briefs making me cold and shivery. I kept my head down and avoided contact with this crazed stranger. He crouched down next to me and tweaked my nipples and felt my dick though my boxers causing me to struggle. SMACK. He smacked me across the face with the back of his hand, leaving my cheek red.

` DON'T FUCKING MOVE ON INCH OR SAY A WORD!' He yelled. Obeying him I kept my head down and accepted him touching my genitals and poking my anus. He then went into the other room and left me kneeling, tied up. He came back after about an hour with a black object in his hands.

` Your seen one of these before boy' he asked, slapping me around the face gently with it.

` Nooo..o' I muttered, he punched me in the face so hard I flew back but stayed up because of my tied up, now cut arms.

` NO SIR YOU SAY BOY' he yelled punching me in the stomach.

`No sir' I just about said though the pain of my winded stomach and painful nose.

` Well lets try it out boy' he said pulling my briefs down pulling apart my ass cheeks rubbing my anus with it.

` Please don't sir, I'm not used to it' I cried. He punched me again in the stomach causing me to yell louder.

` SHUT UP AND TAKE IT, YOU'RE MY LITTLE SLAVE AND I WIL DO AS I WANT WITH YOU.' He then shoved the black object up my anus causing me to scream in pain,

This will teach you some lessons' he yelled. Now I want you to toss yourself of and enjoy it but if you cum I will beat the crap outta you' He threatened me as he pulled of my briefs. Not wanting another stomach beating I started to play with myself as he sat on a chair near me and watched. I felt humiliated at this and wanted the ground to swallow me up, after a while it became an effort not to cum and I began to slow down.

` FASTER' Sir ordered. I obeyed and went faster, not knowing how fast I was going due to being so scared, I cummed across the floor next to sirs feet.

` Well I see you cant control yourself' sir said getting up from his chair. I winced at the pain I thought I might go thou now for disobeying him but kept quiet knowing that it would be worse if I spoke.

`Little boys cant control them self's and you have just proved to me your are one so you don't deserve any body hair' my uncle sarcastically said walking to the bathroom and getting a razor. He began to roughly shave all the hair on my body without water causing me to be in pain, especially when he came to my pubic hair as he pulled and tugged at my bits and shaved around them. He even shaved around my anus telling me to keep still. When he had done, I was completely without body hair.

You look like the little boy you really are' he pointed and laughed. From now on that is going to keep trim and tidy and you will be banned from body hair' he said feeling my smooth dildo filled anus.

` You will learn to respect my every word boy' sir whispered in my ear then gave me a kiss on the cheek as I breezed heavily in panic. He went up to a wheel and turned it making the pole I was tied up to rise higher, It became so high I was lifted of the floor which was such a painful strain for my tied up arms. I began to struggle wanting to be back at home instead of this cold house. PUNCH I felt another painful blow to my stomach and then another one, Interrupted my one into my crotch, I yelled in pain and cried as sir beat the hell out of my hanging body making it bleed, if that wasn't enough, he began to take a belt to me leaving purple welts and cuts all over my naked body. When he had done I was left hanging there with painful bruises and cuts all over my ribs, chest, ass back and legs and deep cut into my tied up wrists.

` You will learn boy and it will become easier or it will become harder your choice' sir said patting my stomach , lighting up a fag and walking away. I was left hanging for hours with the black object in my ass, and sir came back and took pictures and even ate his dinner in fount of me. I was evenly let down and made to perform all sorts of humiliating chores and orders for him, which I will write about some other time. I was kept there for 2 months which seemed like a life time and has to obey his every word. He even invited his friends around where he made me dressed in a tiny cloth and become there little whore. When Tyler came to pick me up I cried like a baby in his arms as he laughed with sir. I will write you more stories about these humiliating events which made me learn my lesson and respect my step father.

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Next: Chapter 2

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