Lean but strong

By Peter P.C.

Published on May 28, 1998



This text contains references to male sexual acts. If you are under the age of consent, you should stop reading now.

Lean but strong

It was the 21st of november 1996. Since a few days there was a guy called Mark in my house to do some chores. He was a 21 years old student architecture and could use the money he earned by doing some little repairs and odd paintjobs very well to cover some of the costs of his study. He was a lean tall guy, dark hair, dark eyes and he had a black t-shirt on and tight black jeans. He was a silent type; did not say very much and when he said something he did it with a very soft voice: you could barely hear him speak; but he did his chores well. I loved it to see him work with his lean flexible body.

After he had done his last chores, i invited him in the living-room for some drinks. We watched TV, we saw a episode of the series "The Renegade", in wich Lorenzo Lamas features as the renegade Reno Raines: a always agressive stud with sexy long hair, beautiful muscles and tight blue jeans around his round butt. In this episode there were two exciting scenes: 1. The scene in which the renegade was with handcuffs chained to the bars of a bed in a motel-room and was beaten up (while chained) with very hard punches on his stomach and on his face: the renegade was squirming and groaning like hell. 2. The scene in wich the renegade took revenge (freed of his handcuffs): he was beating and kicking his opponent for minutes until he was forced on his knees by the renegade and was forced to beg for mercy. Although Mark said nothing, i could see on the expression on his face that he was as excited about those scenes as much as i was.

The second scene was not very realistic in my opinion, because the opponent of the renegade was much bigger and much more muscular then the renegade himself; so it was very unlikely, that he would lose the fight with the renegade that easy. I said this to Mark and added that he would have no chance what so ever in a fight with me, being much bigger and muscular then he was. I know i am not a Mister Universe, but i am well trained (swim a lot and do some trackrunning) and i am in a good condition, Mark replied. Does that mean that you really think you could defeat me in a wrestling-match? I don't know, but i can try it, said Mark. OK, i am challenging you Mark, for a wrestling-fight, one fall only, just until one of us submits. But there has to be more at stake then just win or lose: The winner may do to the loser whatever he likes for the rest of the evening. I take the challenge, said Mark: "whatever the winner likes".

I was so confident that i could easely win the fight, that i was now already thinking of the things i would do to Mark after defeating him: playing with him; punish him for a long time. The fight started. We stood opposite eachother. I grabed his arms and he grabed mine. I was looking for a quick victory and punched him with all the force i had in me on his stomach. But that was a dreadful mistake; his stomach was hard like steel (a real swimmers-stomach); he barely felt my punch. For a few seconds i was so surprised, that i did not see what was coming to me: a formidable gutpunch of Mark: i doubled up; he threw his arm around my neck and there i was in a front-headlock. His arms were like steel; i punched in his stomach again, but it had no effect; he just tightened his grip and worked it hard: it was painful! "On your knees" he ordered and to enforce his order, he punched me with his free hand on my stomach so hard, that there was nothing else to do for me then to bow and sit on my knees. He was still holding me in a front-headlock. I could not see his face. I had to look down, but he surely was enjoying the situation: he was growling well-contented. Then he changed his grip, took my arm, twisted my arm behind my back and forced me to lie on the ground: there i was on my stomach, face down. Mark sitting on my lower back and on my ass; both my arms now in a armlock. He was constantly twisting arms behind my back: the pain was terrible. He was playing with me: one moment he was loosening his grip-almost letting me free from the armlock-, then again he tightened his grip again causing excruciating pain. He enjoyed the domination. "I love it, you wanted to wrestle, you challenged me, you were so eager: so wrestle or are you to weak to resist, whimp!". I made a last effort to escape from his armlock: no result, just more pain. I could not stand it anymore and said: stop hurting me! You don't give the orders here, say please! Please, stop hurting me! Add "sir" to it! Please stop hurting me, sir! Say it again! Please stop hurting me, sir! I beg you for mercy, sir! My god, what a humiliation, i (=big muscled 28 years old guy) was pleading for mercy to a 21 years old student; and it was not over yet. What was the deal again, said Mark. I will do anything you order! What? I will do anything you order, sir, i will be your slave!

Finally he let my arms go, the armlock was over. I had no strength left over in my arms. Knowing his strength now, i not even gave a moments thought to resist to his orders: i submitted to him completely. Turn around, he said. I layed on my back on the ground now, he sat on my chest. For the first time after the fight started, i saw the expression on his face and he saw mine. Mine was one of submission, anguish and pain; his was one of triumph, domination, excitement and about causing humiliation.

"Not that it matters very much, because i can take you anytime, but i will tie you up, i like it that way". He took some rope out of the toolbox and bound my hands together. He sat on my chest again, took his t-shirt off, pinned my (bound) hands to the ground and brought his nude chest to my face. "Lick it", he said; "lick my nipples" and i licked them for minutes: his nipples went hard of excitement. Mark moved more forwards and ordered: "Lick my belly" and i licked it. "Lick it, slave, lick it" I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. He thought i was defying his orders and he punished me hard: he pulled with force at my hair and slapped me 4 or 5 times in the face: "You do as i order!". "Yes, sir, anything you want, sir". At that moment i saw a huge bump in his black jeans: to have total control over me had aroused him and had made his cock hard like a rock. Now things went very fast. He opened his jeans. His huge cock jumped forward and he slapped his cock against my cheeks and ordered me to suck his large hard cock. Still sitting on my chest, knees on my arms, he took hold of my head and pulled it forwards. His dick was forced into my mouth. He pulled my head back- and forwards very fast: i almost choked, so deep went his cock into my throat. He stood up and took of his jeans. His cock stood upright against his stomach. He sat on my face and ordered me to lick his ass, while he was jerking off. "Take it", he said again and again. He almost came, but he wanted to humiliate me more. He streched his body over me, his hands in a "push-up-position" and his cock hanging above my face. "Say: please fuck me", he shouted (there was no soft voice anymore, just a clear and hard and commanding voice). In total submission i answered:"please fuck me in the mouth, master, please"! And there he went like a wildman; his cock went in and out off my mouth; his beautiful swimmers-ass pumping like hell. After a few minutes he came loudly groaning "take it all" and leaving a tremendous load of cum over my face.

Completely satisfied he took a cigarette and smoked it, sitting on my chest again; drank his beer, now sitting more backwards on my stomach and my crotch, just looking down on me. He was in power now: for days he had to take orders from me (what chores to do, how to do them); now he was in control; he was calling the shots. He sat on me for almost an hour. He did not say anything to me, but one and the same sentence every five minutes: "Who is the strongest now"; "You are, master", i answered every time. It aroused him again: his cock got big and hard again; mine too, seeing and feeling that beautiful young stud above me. He layed flat down on me, fast and violently rubbing his cock against mine. We both came after only a few minutes. He kept laying on me with his face next to mine; cheeks were touching eachother; he even alowed me to caress his face and his hair with my bound hands.

One year later we met again. I did not even try to wrestle him then, but submitted immediately and he fucked me twice in the mouth: i have found my lean (wrestling)master.

Please send your reaction to this story to my e-mailadress: peterpc@wxs.nl

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