Leadr House

By moc.loa@htroNoehT

Published on Dec 31, 1998


WARNING: The following is a work of fiction containing (hopefully) graphic descriptions of sex between any number of willing men. If this sort of material offends you, you shouldn't be reading it. If you are too young to read this sort of material, you shouldn't be reading it. If however, you are of age and you're sitting in your dorm room and no one else is around and you can't figure out why you get a hard-on every time your best buddy drops his shorts and heads to the shower...read on my friend.

This story is fictional. Any similarities between the men in this story and the men that you know are purely coincidental, although the author wouldn't mind hearing about them himself.

Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Constructive criticism will be accepted. Praise will be absorbed. Flames will be ignored.

Now, without further ado . . .


by Theo North

Chapter 12

in which Kent and David

finally meat again

It was just like old times . . . David bent forward, grasping the counter by the sink, gasping and moaning as the giant cock glided in and out of his tight boyhole. Before him in the mirror, he could see Kent's reflection: the broad, hairy torso, the strong shoulders and bulging biceps, the deep, brown tan, the look of utter bliss as he slowly fucked the boy in front of him. Their eyes met in the mirror and Kent smiled at David.

"I love you, kid," his deep voice growled.

"I love you, too," David moaned. Kent wrapped his strong arms around the boy and pressed his muscled chest to the young man's back. David sighed as his body yielded; for the first time in months he felt safe, at ease, like he belonged.

Getting to that point, though, the two men had spent a night putting each other through hell.

Still wearing his jockstrap, David sat awkwardly in Kent's pickup truck on the ride to the hotel. The gloomy silence in the truck's cab didn't help ease the tension.

"So . . . how you doin'?" David attempted to make conversation.

Kent just grunted.

"I was kinda surprised to see you here, tonight."

"Yeah, I just bet you were," the driver snarled. "I bet you thought you'd never see me again."

"Well, no, I figured I'd see you when I came home for Christmas," David started.

"Oh? So I could fuck you again when you come home, huh?"

"Well, if you wanted . . ."

"You're a fuckin' piece of work, kid. You know that? What the fuck do you think I am, anyway? Some goddamn . . . piece of . . . CHRIST!" the man pounded his fist on the dashboard. "Just shut the hell up till we get to the hotel."

David sat, naked and scared, by the passenger door, trying to figure out what had set Kent off. The big man was mad and had been since he took David out of LeaDR House. Though he didn't know why Kent was mad, he knew HE was at the root of it . . . and Kent was not the kind of guy you wanted to have mad at you. He was large, and strong, and just rough enough around the edges that he might be capable of anything.

The truck tires screeched as Kent pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. Yanking open the passenger door, he grabbed the fratboy by the arm and pulled him out of the truck. David blushed as he was led, in a jockstrap, into a side door of the hotel and down the carpeted hallway to Kent's room.

Once inside, Kent slammed the door shut and threw David onto the big, king-sized bed. He locked the door and set the deadbolt - not that there was much need: his large, menacing figure blocked the only exit as he approached the boy on the bed.

"So, David thinks his dad's servants are just his personal fuck toys, huh?" he growled.


"Course, I guess you don't need servants, now, huh? You got a whole fucking campus of rich fuck buddies, huh? Plus all those guys from the auction -- cops, coaches, professors, rich daddies. Is that who you're fucking now, huh?"

"NO!" David protested.

"No?? What? You still saving it for working guys? Flaunting your rich ass in front of groundskeepers and janitors? Is that it? You like doing it with servants so you can tell 'em what to do and then leave when you're done?"

"No! You were the only one . . . I mean . . . I'm not doing it with anyone," David sputtered, trying to find the right answers to a question he didn't understand.

"I bet . . . I just bet . . . well, tonight we'll see who tells who what to do . . . and who leaves when he's done."

"WHAT THE . . . ?" David cried out as the big man grabbed him and flipped him over on the bed. "Damn it, Kent! What the hell is the matter with you, you big stupid motherfucker? What is this all about?"

"WHAT'S THIS ABOUT??!!! WHAT'S THIS ABOUT??" The big man roared in his ear. "This is about boys who say good-bye without showing any respect. This is about rich shitheads who fuck around with people's . . . never mind. This is about how I'M the one who says when something is over and how I'M the one who gives the good-bye fuck."

A jockstrap is not much protection when you're lying under 230 pounds of solid muscle determined to shove 9 " of cock up your ass, so when Kent released his steel-hard meat and put it against the boy's hole, David could do nothing but scream in protest.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled "Not like this, please."

"SHUT UP" the gardener growled and brutally shoved his cock deep into the boy's hole.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW AAAAUUUUUGGHHHH UUUUUNNNGGGHH" David screamed as the massive cock invaded his dry, clenched ass. "OOOOWWWWW OH FUCK ... FUCK YOU, KENT!!!"

"You already did that boy," the man said quietly. "Now it's my turn." He churned his hips, driving his spear in and out of the boy's hole.

"OOOOH! NOOOOO! GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING SHIT THAT HURTS YOU BASTARD!!!" David yelled. His head thrashed back and forth as the giant cock fed his asshole, filling him up and stretching his chute. He grunted and groaned, biting the sheets of the bed and clenching them in his fists as he flexed every muscle. He twisted and writhed, rocking back and forth, trying to escape the fuck or ease the pain.

"YEAH, KID! You take that hard manfuck . . . you want to know what it feels like to get fucked hard, I'll goddamn SHOW you what it feels like to take a man's fuck. You won't forget ol' Kent so easy after this, huh?"

"STOP! PLEASE STOP! Oh god . . . oh, owwww . . . what are you talking about? . . . please, stop . . . please . . ."

"NO! You're gonna remember Kent now, huh? Bet you'll think twice before you walk off and leave a guy feeling like shit, won't you? YEAH! TAKE that big mancock and think about how it feels to get FUCKED OVER."

"Kent, please . . . please . . . oh, my ass . . . sore . . . please" David was sobbing now, burying his head in the mattress and crying as the big man continued to pound his tortured ass.

The big man froze as David lay before him. "No . . . oooh . . . please stop . . . please . . ." David cried.

Kent almost convinced himself he would feel better after he took his revenge. Now, though, hearing David cry, he felt sick. His stomach lurched, his heart stopped and his mind raced: "Shit! The kid's crying. Is this what I wanted? Does this help? No! This isn't why I came, here. GOD, everything's fucked up!"

He quickly pulled out and attempted to draw the sobbing young man into his arms. "Oh christ . . . oh christ . . . I'm sorry . . . I'm so sorry . . . Baby, I'm sorry. I . . ."

David pushed himself away from the big man.

"You fuckin' bastard!" David spat the words through clenched teeth. His eyes flashed a hatred that made Kent feel even more miserable. "What the hell's the matter with you? Why did you . . . do this?"

Then the hate-filled eyes began to swim with tears. As they washed down the boy's face, they took away the contempt and replaced it with a look of pain and anguish that made Kent feel even worse.

"I thought I was LUCKY you bought me tonight. I was afraid those others guys would hurt me. And now I get hear and you fucking rape me, tear my ass open . . . god . . . you're a fucking prick . . bastard animal . . . you didn't have to do this."

"I'm sorry kid, please. I'm sorry. I just . . . I don't know . . . I wanted to make YOU sorry."

"Sorry I met you?"

"No, sorry, you left . . . I guess I wanted to hurt you."

"Well congratulations." David curled into a fetal position, sitting in a corner of the bed.

"No, I . . . I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me," Kent said, suddenly defiant.


"Well, you treated me like shit, David!"

"What? When?"

"Last summer."

"You're insane. I never did anything to you last summer. YOU did everything to ME. You fucked my ass, you fucked my face. Everytime we were together, you were the one in control," David said.

"But you were the one who left," Kent said sadly.

"I WENT TO COLLEGE! You KNEW I was going to go to college, you dumbfuck! I talked about it all summer!"

"YEAH BUT . . . You just LEFT . . . I mean, you barely said good- bye. You didn't give me a chance to say good-bye to you. You didn't even tell me when you were leaving until the day before you were gone."

"Well, if this is how you say good-bye, no wonder I took a pass on it," David said. "Besides, I didn't think I had to give you a lot of warning. We weren't dating, you know."

"I know, but . . ."

"It was just sex."

"Not for me . . ."

"What do you mean, not for you?"

"I . . . liked you. I looked forward to seeing you."

"Bullshit. You were shanking someone at each house on your schedule."


"You were fucking Mrs. Rathburn on Soleo Drive. You fucked Mackenzie's daughter on Palm. You were pounding it into Mr. Sargent on a regular basis and, at least once, he paid you extra to fuck his pool boy while he watched and jacked off."

"WHA?? How the hell do you know all that?"

"People talk," David said. "So don't give me shit about how I was special. I was one more rich piece of ass on your route."

"No, that's not true."

"It's ok. I mean, I'm not upset. It was great up until now, and you were my first and you taught me a lot. But let's not pretend it was something it wasn't. Hell, I didn't even think you really liked me."

"What do you mean? Of course, I liked you."

"You always snarled at me. You were so condescending, making me beg to suck your cock or get fucked by you. You always made me wait until YOU were ready. You never seemed anxious to be with me . . . more like it was just something you had to do."

"I was just playing a role, guy. Honest. I thought that was how you wanted me to be. I was trying to be the 'rough-guy" you know? The whole 'Lady Chatterly' thing? That's what most of my customers wanted."

"So you WERE fucking those others."

"Yeah," Kent admitted. "But you WERE special. And I'm sorry if I didn't show it. David, I loved being with you. You were so much fun, and, I don't know. I'm not good at this, but there was something real special about you. You grew up so much last summer, you know, and I felt like maybe I was a part of that. Do you even realize how much you changed?

"I'm not just talking about sex," Kent said. "Though you got GREAT at that, too. But you grew so much more confident. I mean, a lot of the guys I see your age don't even talk they just give me this whole sullen-attitutude-thing like they're too cool to be bothered, but I know it means they're just scared to death to talk. But, man, you started opening up and talking to me and you were actually interesting! And I watched you, you know, and you talked with other people at the house and some of your dad's business partners and stuff. And your friends! Man, at the start of summer, you just sort of hung out with your friends and they kind of led things, but by the end of the summer, you were the leader of that pack of kids. You were the one with the ideas of what to do or where to go.

"And, I swear, as you got more confident, you got better looking. Maybe it was just because it was summer, but you got leaner, your muscles got bigger, you got tan. WOOF!"

"You noticed all that?" David interrupted.

"Damn straight I did! . . . David, you're right. I was a prick tonight. I don't know how to tell you I'm sorry. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I mean . . . oh man, you'll laugh at me . . . I actually thought I'd come up here and win you back." Kent chuckled, but there was no humor in it.

"Go ahead, look in my suitcase," Kent said. "I've got all these candles and a bottle of wine. I brought a CD player and I was gonna play this disc of . . . fuck, this is so stupid . . . I was gonna play this disk of garden sounds. You know, birds chirping, and stuff, so it would remind you of last summer. It was stupid. I'm an asshole."

"And then I got here and I went to that auction, and I saw you walk out on that stage and, goddamn you looked so hot. Your fraternity brothers were all howling and guys were cheering. And I saw those other guys bidding for you, and they really wanted you, I could tell. I realized you were really popular here. I figured you've probably got a lot of guys, and women too, who want to be with you, and I thought, 'Kent, you jerk. That kid doesn't need some dumbass gardener.' You'd moved on with your life, you know? And then . . . then I remembered last summer, and how you left . . . and I felt like such and asshole for coming here. I was so mad. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted you to feel some of the pain I felt. I'm sorry . . . I'm sorry."

The big man hung his head. He just sat there on the edge of the bed, silently cursing himself and wishing he were dead.

"I - I don't have anyone else," David said.


"I'm not seeing anyone else, at all. Those other guys bidding for me were doing it because they wanted to torture me."


"Long story," David said. "I haven't had sex with anyone for a couple of months. I . . . I'm . . . oh, fuck. Nothing ever goes like its supposed to, does it, Kent?"

"No, it doesn't, kid."

The two stared at the other, each with tears welling in his eyes for the pain he felt inside. Slowly they moved across the bed and into an embrace. It was not a sexual union, rather, one of comfort and friendship. David buried his head on the big man's chest and let go with the frustration and grief inside him. Why was it every friendship or relationship he had with a male wound up causing someone pain? He never knew how to act or what to say around his father anymore, and it seemed every conversation they had left David feeling more alone and confused than before. He had tortured his coaches, insulted his fraternity brothers . . . and now Kent had repaid last summer's emotional wounds with physical ones. It was wrong. All of it was wrong, he thought, as he cried against Kent's warm, solid chest.

Holding the young man against him, Kent cradled David's head and stroked his hair. "It's OK, son. It's OK," he murmured over and over. He tried to convince himself of the same thing, but he wasn't sure. Inside, he knew he loved David. The emotion took him totally by surprise. At the age of 28, Kent's cock was in no danger of suffering from neglect. Though he was an excellent landscaper, he knew that his successful business was due in part to word-of-mouth regarding his sexual talents. After work, Kent's nights were filled with parties, dancing, bars, baths, and lots of hot-looking men. In the morning's he'd roll out of whatever bed he was in and head to work, and his heart never felt the slightest twinge as he walked out the door. For some reason, David was different. During the long, quiet hours working in other families' lawns, he would think of David and once or twice was tempted to call him and see if they could get together over lunch. He would look forward to the days he would work at the James' house and he could see the kid again. By the end of the summer, he even fantasized about David while he was fucking other guys. No doubt about it, he was hooked on a guy for the first time in his life . . . and look at how it had ended.

Kent carefully cupped the young man's face between his strong hands. Pulling David's head away from his chest, he looked into the boy's tear-filled eyes. "Sometimes," he said, "sometimes, when things don't go the way they're supposed to, sometimes, you just have to start over, you know?"

David looked up. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." He leaned down to kiss the boy curled against him. "Can we start over, please?"

"Yeah, I think I'd like that," David said.

The two came together in a kiss, tongues lashing together, their hot breath moving back and forth between them. As the duo realized the kiss was something they both wanted, both needed, they grew more insistent, more passionate, more fevered.

Kent laid back on the bed, David tumbling over on top of him. His hands explored the big man's strong body. He ripped open Kent's shirt revealing the forest of black, course hair that had first attracted him to this stud last summer. In his excitement, Kent's nipples rose above the hair like two brown peaks; David's mouth watered as he lowered his face to one of the nubs and began to suck on it.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm" Kent moaned as the boy sucked and licked his chest. "Yes, son. Yes."

Meanwhile, David continued to explore the man's hairy, hard body. He had never had this much freedom to explore Kent last summer and he found himself getting harder and more excited as he rediscovered the hunk's muscled frame. Shucking the big man's jeans, David traced his tongue over the tan lines caused by the tight denim shorts he remembered so well.

"Yes, oh god, yes! More . . . take my cock! Please!" Kent wailed. His large, muscular body lay spread out on the bed, his tan skin providing a sharp contrast to the white sheets. The muscles in his shoulders and arms rolled like waves as he flexed and relaxed his arms, pulling his left hand up behind his head to reveal a hairy armpit, stretching out his tongue to taste his own sweaty excitement. His legs spread slightly to let his swollen balls fall down against the cool sheets as his heavily veined cock rose high, dropping pearls of precum onto the flat, hairy ripples of his abdomen.

David remembered that cock well. He remembered how good it felt in his mouth, how warm and full, and he could delay no longer. He swooped above the giant dick and took it deep into his throat.

"YESSSSssssssssssssssssssssss!" Kent hissed as David slid the meat deeper inside him. "You were always so good . . . soooo goood!" Kent moaned.

David stretched his mouth wide, opened his throat and relaxed as the stud's meat slid inside him. Kneeling and bent over, David's muscular body glowed in the moonlight coming in from the window. His broad back, still holding onto the remnants of last summer's tan, flowed up and down as he bobbed his head. The twin melons of his ass were so white they practically glowed in the pale light. Kent glanced down at that ass and remembered the tight, velvety heat inside. He reached down to try to slide a finger into that delicious hole, but couldn't reach from his present angle. No matter, he thought, there would be plenty of time to do everything they wanted. He was sure of that.

Sucking the giant cock, David exhaled through his nose and relaxed his muscles. The young mas was lost in a moment of absoulte bliss. Suddenly, there were no problems, no worries, no hang-ups or self-recriminations. Now, it was only David and Kent. This is good, he thought. This is right.

He slurped up the length of Kent's cock and let it slip from between his lips.

"Yesssssssssssssssssssss," Kent sighed. "My balls, David. Suck my balls, please."

David took the heavy orbs into his mouth one at a time. The giant eggs felt so full and warm. Running his tongue around the hairy nuts, he could feel them dance and bob on their cords. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," he hummed against them and Kent moaned louder.

The big stud spread his legs wider, giving David further access to his nuts . . . and beyond. David licked behind the giant balls, their weight resting on his cheek as he darted his tongue into Kent's hairy trench.

"OOOOH YEAH!" Kent cried out as his legs opened wider and rolled back. David happily continued to slurp away, tonguing Kent's crack, licking closer and closer to his pink hole. Though Kent had often rimmed David last summer, the boy had never returned the favor. Seeing Kent's reaction now, though, David couldn't imagine what took him so long. He shoved his head forwarded and targeted the tight pucker before him. As his wet tongue thrust inside, Kent threw his head back and howled. The man's cries were loud and deep like the call of a wild animal at night but more joyous. "FUUUUUCKK! YESSSSSSSSSSS! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SUCK MY ASS, KID!!!!! OOOOOOOH YESSSSSSSS!! SOO FUCKING GOOD!"

David drove his tongue onward and inward, shoving his face deep into Kent's hairy ass. His lips locked around the man's hole as his tongue pushed deeper and deeper inside. He moaned against the hole and the vibrations only increased Kent's pleasure.

Kent was now laying back, his legs folded against his chest and spread wide as his head thrashed back and forth. His eyes squeezed shut and his moans and grunts increased as his ecstasy grew. "More . . . more . . . please, David, more . . . oh yes," he pleaded.

"MORE?" thought David. His tongue had reached the end of its limits. What more could he do to this big stud's ass? Kent had been a strict top all summer and David wasn't sure how far the man was willing to go with this. Things were going so well now, he didn't want to screw up and ruin everything. He continued to rim the hot ass in front of him, increasing his speed and reaching as deep as he could.

"Mooore! Oh god more! Please! YES!" Kent moaned.

David tentatively brought a finger to the edge of Kent's glistening hole. Slowly, he shoved it inside, expecting to be ordered to stop. Instead, the big hunk beneath him sighed and whispered a quiet, "Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

Delightfully startled, David shoved the finger in deeper and began to pump it in and out of Kent's tight ass.

"YEAH!" Kent growled as he began to wiggle his hips up and down on David's finger.

"You into this? Is this OK?" the young stud asked.

"Yeah, I'm real into this. This is GREAT!" Kent moaned.

"Holy shit, this is hot!" David gushed as he shoved a second finger into the hairy ass.

"Mmmmmmm yeah. That's hot. Open my ass up, David. Get me ready, kid."

"Ready?" David asked.

"For you cock, dude. You want to fuck me, don't you? Come on dude, you gotta do it now. You got me all hot."

"FUCK!" David exclaimed. "YOU like to get fucked?"

"With the right guy, yeah," Kent moaned, relaxing his ass around a third finger. "I just don't meet the right guy too often . . . mmmmm . . . But you've got me too hot to turn back. Now climb on and stuff me with your hard cock."

David's cock WAS hard. In fact, it was harder than he had ever seen it in his life. As David got into position, he was pleasantly surprised when Kent threw his strong legs over the kids shoulders and locked his ankles behind his head. The move pulled David closer to Kent's achingly beautiful face and thickly muscled chest. "Now fuck me boy," he growled into David's ear.

David did just that, sinking his cock into the tight, warmth of Kent's hard man-ass. "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh CHRIST!" he yelled out as he felt hair and muscle wrap around his bloated dick.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, shit, kid. You're so big," Kent moaned.

"That's cause I don't think I've ever been this excited," David gushed. Then, realizing that maybe Kent was saying he was in pain, asked, "Should I pull out?"

"NO! No, just . . . ease it in there . . . yeah. Mmmmmmmmm. I'm not really used to getting fucked."

"I'm no really used to being the one doing the fucking," David said.

"Well, I guess we're both learning some new things tonight," Kent grinned.

"Guess so," David laughed.

"Time to see if you learned anything from me last summer," Kent said. "Show me how a stud fucks another stud."

"YES SIR!" David whooped and lurched back to drive his cock deep into Kent's bowels. The kid pistoned in and out of Kent's hunky ass with the excitement and strength that only a young man can muster. Kent would have cursed himself for forgetting the non- stop stamina of youth, except the fuck felt SO good. Soon both men were sweating and grunting as David drove his cock full- length in and out of Kent's ass over and over and over. David's young balls beat out a rhythm, slapping against the hard muscle of the bottom stud's rear. Both men were growling and cursing, grunting and gasping, sighing and moaning as they drove each other onward.

Just when Kent thought he would have to cum or die from the sensations sweeping over his body, David pulled out.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" the older stud screamed.

David said nothing but grinned wickedly as he flipped his hunky partner onto his hands and knees. Newly positioned with his ass thrust upward, Kent felt David grab hold of his hips and then that thick, young cock was back inside him.

"YESssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss," he sighed. He shoved back on each of the kid's inward thrusts, pulled forward as the kid pulled out. Once the rhythm was established, Kent began to work the muscles in his ass, milking the young stud's hot cock.

"JESUS!" David gasped. "I thought you said you weren't used to doing this?? Where'd you learn to do THAT?"

"I'm a quick study," Kent chuckled as he continued to work his ass on the kid's meat.

"Ooooooooooooh, Kent! . . . Damn . . . I'm gonna . . . Oooooooooooh"

"Me toooo!!!!!!!" Kent moaned, fisting his own heavy cock in time with the thrusts his ass was receiving.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOH! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! KENT!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" David cried out as the single greatest orgasm of his young life erupted from deep inside him.

Kent's orgasm was only a beat behind David's. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" he screamed as his heavy balls unloaded a thick, creamy load that pooled on the sheets beneath him.

---------------------------------- Later, cuddled on the bed, the two talked honestly with each other.

"So how come those two guys wanted to torture you?" Kent asked.

"Oh, man. I don't know if I should tell you that." David chuckled.

"Come on . . . tell me . . . tell me," Kent said. Then he reached beneath the blankets taking David's balls in his meaty paw and giving them a playful twist. "Tell me!"

"OW! OK," David laughed. He related the whole story of catching the coaches in the steam room and of how he had intimidated the two of them. He told Kent about the steam jets and the wet towels and leaving the two men bound together as he left.

"YOU did THAT??" Kent was truly astounded. It didn't sound like the David he knew. "Yeah," David said sheepishly.

"Damn! Remind me not to go to the gym with you."

"Just don't piss me off," David grinned.

"What did those guys do to piss you off?"

"Oh they didn't. They just . . . they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was going through a lot of shit . . . I . . . I'm sorry, I'd love to tell you, but I can't," David said.

"Can't or won't?"

"I don't know."

"Have you talked to anybody about it?" Kent asked.

"Well, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"It's not something I can talk about, OK? I can't tell anybody. Just trust me, OK?" David said.

Kent sighed. "David, everybody needs someone to trust. Someone who they can tell EVERYTHING to. Now, I'm not saying you have to tell me, but you do have to tell somebody a counselor or therapist or a friend or your dad . . ."


The strength of David's refusal at the mention of his Dad was shocking. Kent thought the two got along well. "Is it your dad?" he asked.

David refused to answer.

"David, I want you to know you can tell me ANYTHING. David, I love you. I fucked up earlier, bu I'm not gonna lose you now. If I can do anything to help you, I will."

"You love me?"


Tears welled in David's eyes.

"Talk to me, David. What's going on?"

The young man took a deep breath. "It's my dad. I, uh . . . well, I . . . I've been having these dreams."


"Well, in these dreams, I . . . god, this is embarrassing . . . I'm having sex with this guy. I've been having the dreams for a couple of years now and I never saw the guy's face, but then I got to school and one night he had a face and . . ." his voice trailed off.

"And it was your dad?"

"Yeah," said David quietly.

"Well, your dad is pretty fucking hot," Kent grinned.

"Yeah but he's my DAD!!! That's SICK!" David said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . Let's not go overboard here. It's a dream, right?"


"Are you attracted to your dad sexually?"

"I don't know. I mean, I don't WANT to be. I never really thought about it. I mean, I love my dad. And I know I like guys, but . . . wanting your dad, that's wrong . . . only, now, since the dreams, I can't stop thinking about it. What do you think it means?"

"I don't know. Does it have to mean something? David, you're a teenage guy. Teenagers are horny. That's a given. That's fact. They think about sex all the time and they'll fuck just about anything. Add to that the fact that this year you've been coming to grips with the idea that you're hot for guys . . . I mean, there are so many issues going on here that a dream with you and your dad is almost natural."


"Look, it doesn't have to mean you want to suck your dad's cock. Or maybe it does, but like I said, you're a teenager. And you're realizing you're gay. And you've been raised by a single dad who you love a lot and who is, as I said earlier, one very hot man."

"I guess."

"Let me ask you a question. You told your dad you're gay, yet?"


"I didn't think so. What do you think he'll do when you tell him?"

"I'm not gonna tell him."

"David, you HAVE to tell him."

"Kent, I'm his only kid. He wants me to be just like him. He thinks I'm this big, popular, fraternity jockhound, just like him. I can't tell him I'm gay. It'll crush him. And I couldn't stand to disappoint him."

"He won't be disappointed. Look, I'm sure he's pleased that you have so many interests in common with him, but I promise you that what he wants more than anything is for you to be happy. And I'm sure he wants to be a part of your life for the rest of your lives. That can't happen if you have to always hide your boyfriends and partners from him. Tell him. Trust me, he'll still love you."

"Right. Easy for you to be so confident of that. He's not your dad."

Kent took a deep breath. "David? Who do you think told me about the auction tonight?"

You could have knocked David over with a feather.

The next morning, David woke up, eased himself out of bed and padded over to the bathroom. After finishing, he walked to the sink in front of the mirror and turned on the cold water. He was leaning over to wash his face when he felt the heat of another body behind him and a razor-stubbled chin against his ear.

"Mmmmmm. Good morning, stud" Kent whispered.

"Good morning to you," David said, feeling his lover's lengthy cock rising against his ass.

It was just like old times . . . David bent forward, grasping the counter by the sink, gasping and moaning as the giant cock glided in and out of his tight boyhole. Before him in the mirror, he could see Kent's reflection: the broad, hairy torso, the strong shoulders and bulging biceps, the deep, brown tan, the look of utter bliss as he slowly fucked the boy in front of him. Their eyes met in the mirror and Kent smiled at David.

"I love you, kid," his deep voice growled.

"I love you, too," David moaned. Kent wrapped his strong arms around the boy and pressed his muscled chest to the young man's back. David sighed as his body yielded; for the first time in months he felt safe, at ease, like he belonged.

----- There'll be more LeaDR fun in Chapter 13. Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Next: Chapter 13

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