Lawyer Owns Me

By subservient bottom

Published on Jun 12, 2018


This is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of unsafe sex and bondage. None of it is true and I don't encourage any of it.

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Mike wakes me up at 8 a.m. and tells me to get ready for a "day of fun." I shower, shave (Mike likes me smooth) and hurry up to make breakfast.

As I cook Mike, my one-time lawyer and now total master, and Rich, his friend who is spending the weekend with him, are packing a cooler with beer and snacks. "Make us four sandwiches while we have breakfast, Faggot, then pack the car with the beach blanket and chairs." They are heading to the beach with the two women they met last night.

Once the car is packed, Mike orders me into the back seat and we take off. "I have to drop the Faggot off," Mike tells Rich. "It is not much out of the way." Mike told me last night that he is "renting me out" for the day to Clem Carson, who is willing to pay Mike $300 to enjoy my "services" for the afternoon. Mike lost just about that amount in his poker game Thursday night so he sees this as an opportunity to get his money back.

We are in a middle class housing tract and the buildings are starting to show their 50 plus years. He pulls into the driveway of a midblock house in need of a paint job. Mike gets out and heads to the front door.

"Come on, Faggot," he says to me, then adds over his shoulder to Rich, "we won't be long."

I follow Mike to the front door and he rings the bell. The door opens a little and Clem sticks his unshaven face out. "Don't bring that piece of crap into the house," he snarls at Mike. "There is a door on the other side of the garage. Take him in there, have him strip and kneel down facing the wall. Tell him to wait for me. I'll pay you when you pick the garbage up."

"You got it," Mike says.

Mike and I walk around the garage, find the door and go in. I do not believe what I see next. The garage is a virtual dungeon of bondage tools. There are chains, restraints, butt plugs, ropes, cuffs and shackles. In one corner is a bed and next to it something that looks like a saw horse, but with a round leather plank between the legs. I later find it's a fucking horse. (Not "fucking four-legged animal" that runs in the Kentucky Derby but a table designed for fucking.)

"OK, strip and kneel down over there facing the wall, Faggot," Mike says, looking around the room. "Looks like you are in for a fun afternoon. Enjoy,"

Mike shuts the door and I wait, kneeling for at least half an hour. Then I hear Clem come in.

"Well, hello, fag boy," Clem says. "Turn around and we'll get started. How about a blow job to warm things up."

I see he is holding a whip so I don't want to give him an excuse to use it. He comes close to me, drops his pants around his thighs and holds his semi erect cock in his right hand. He swings his dick softly, beating my face with the tip. "Open wide, boy," he says, and when I do, he puts the head of his cock between my lips. "OK, suck, I hear you are pretty good."

As I am sucking he pushes his shaft into me, and I feel down my throat. He moves back and forth with increasingly violent thrusts. He grabs the whip with both hands and puts it behind my neck, immobilizing my head. After a few more thrusts he starts to cum, letting go a big load into the back of my throat.

"Yow that was fun, wasn't it, Faggot?" he says. Actually, the total helplessness of my situation had created a perverse excitement and my own cock had started to rise.

Then the there was a knock at the door. "Oh, that's my nephew. I think he's a virgin and maybe we can teach him a few things so he'll be ready for pussy," Clem said. Then he turned toward the door. "Come on in, Stevie," Clem says. "I want you to meet our playmate for the afternoon, this is..."

"Hey," the young man who entered the door interrupts. "That's Mike's queer."

I recognize the youth as one of the high school gang who regularly torments me on Friday afternoons. He is about 14, with dark eyes and an expression that seems to turn to a sneer when he smiles.

"You know this fag?" Clem asks.

"Well, I don't know him. But we have fun with him every Friday. Here look at the pictures I took yesterday."

He holds up his cell phone in front of Clem's face. "Well lordy, be," Clem exclaims, then turns to me. "You sure are a pretty one. And I know you are a nice pussy boy."

Steve explains the Friday rules to Clem. "We can make him do things, but we can't touch him. Sometimes I'd like to punch that queer."

"Well guess what," Clem says. "There are no rules here, you can do whatever you want. The young man points to some of the bondage tools. "Can I use those?"


"Come here, Queer," Steve says to me. He picks out a pair of leg irons and tells me to put them on. I bend over and fasten one around my right ankle, as I am bent over fastening the left ankle bracelet, I feel what I assume is a butt plug go into my ass. "Do you like that, Queer?" Steve says and he laughs. "Don't let it fall out."

I stand as upright as I can with the plug in my ass. Then I notice that Clem has been filming this exercise. "Why don't we have him dance?" Clem says."

"God idea," Steve says, then he turns to me. "Start dancing, and don't let that thing fall out of your ass."

You can imagine how ludicrous this is. My feet are chained about a foot apart. I shuffle about in what must be a grotesque spectacle.

I entertain them like this for about ten minutes when Clem says, "OK, you can stop now, fag. And get on your knees."

He turns to his nephew and says, "Son, I know you are not gay, but the first time a girl sucks your cock you've got to know what to expect and be experienced enough not to cum in her mouth right away. Fag, here, is going to show you what a blow job feels like. Take your manly pecker out and stick it in his mouth."

The lad, who is well endowed for a pubescent youth, comes toward me tentatively with his cock in his hand. "Don't touch it, fag, just put your hands behind your back and open your mouth. Go ahead Steve, close your eyes and pretend it's a pussy." I start sucking. The youth is not quite sure what to do so he stands transfixed, obviously feeling something besides his hand around his dick for the first time. "Move your hips back and forth, Steve, like you are going in and out."

I can feel the youthful member get hard and start to twitch. "Uncle Clem, I'm gonna cum," he yells.

"Pull out," Clem says, "Shoot it all over his face."

Steve gets his cock out just as he is about to shoot, and he hoses my face down with cum.

"Great," Clem says. "How did it feel?"

"Pretty good, but it would have been better with a girl."

"Next time."

I am still on my knees with a plug in my ass in leg irons with a face full of semen.

"I'm going to take a picture and send it to my friends," Steve says, then grabs his phone and starts shooting. After he spends a few seconds pushing buttons on his phone, he looks at Clem and says, "Uncle Clem, I gotta take a leak. Can I go into the house?"

"No need for that. See that bucket over there. Go piss in it."

As I hear Steve urinating, I realize my bladder is pretty full, too. "Mr. Clem, Sir." I say in my most obsequious manner. "I have to pee, too."

"OK, fag, that bucket is big enough." He then unlocks my leg irons, removes the butt plug and points to the bucket.

Before I am done, I notice the bucket is full. "Sir, its full and I still have to pee more," I say.

"OK, see that shallow pan next to it. Finish in there."

Clem and Steve do some more weird things with me. I get on my knees and put my head on the floor as Steve stands with his foot on my head, like a hunter showing off the bear he brought down. Then they bend me over for a dildo trial, playing with plugs of various sizes and shapes.

Clem asks Steve if he wants me to "eat his ass".

"I gues so," Steve says.

"OK," says Clem. "Stand over there, turn around, drop your pants and stick your ass out. Faggot, you go over there and rim his ass with your tounge."

I do as I am told, put my nose between the young boy's cheeks and start rimming his ass. His hole isn't all that clean and I can taste some of his shit. Just then he lets out a really loud and smelly fart.

"Wow, great job, Steve," Clem says. "You farted right in that fag's face."

Just then I feel the whip across my ass. I had instinctivly pulled back when Steve broke wind.

"I didn't tell you to stop," Clem says."Rim him some more."

That lasts a about another ten minutes, Steve's hole is nice and clean and my mouth tastes like shit.

Finally Clem says, Steve I'm hungry and I've got some hamburgers upstairs. You take the fag outside. See that other bucket there with the mop in it?, have him fill it with water and bring it back in.

We do as told, and when we get back into the garage, Clem has set up a table with two chairs and put the hamburgers and some other food on it.

"The floor needs mopping, fag" Clem says. "Do it while we have our lunch."

As I am mopping Clem and Steve talk about a game that took place the night before. Then they laugh about some of the things they made me do. After about 20 minutes I am convinced the floor must be clean and I stop mopping.

I stand there for a few minutes until Clem looks at me, then the floor, and then nods approvingly. Then he says. "You must be hungry."

I was famished. "Well, looks like we finished the burgers, but we do have some potato salad left. Here, you can have some."

He picks up the container, stands and starts walking toward me. I take a couple of steps toward him. When we are a few feet apart he holds out the container. As I reach for it he suddenly turns it upside down and the entire contents goes onto the floor.

"Aww, sorry about that," Clem say. "But when my grandmother would finish mopping a floor she would always look at it and say, `It's so clean, you can eat your lunch off of it.' Now I am sure you made the floor as clean as my grandmother used to, so go ahead, eat your lunch."

I am so hungry and potato salad was something I hadn't had in at least two years, so I kneel down and reach for it with my hand. Then I feel the whip come sharply across my wrist.

"I didn't say you could use your hands," Clem says, then stands over me, grabs my hands and cuffs them behind my back. "Now go ahead and eat, he says."

My face was in the salad mess and I was trying my best to scoop it with my tongue and get as much as I could. "Steve, I think he needs to get closer. Why don't you help him."

Steve approaches me and starts to bend over and push my head with his hand. "No need for you to stoop," Clem says. "Just put your foot on his head."

He does and pushes my face into the pile of gooey potato salad. I try to get what I can into my mouth without choking but I feel a good deal of it on my upper lip, my nose and even my eyebrows. Clem and Steve laugh and are snapping pictures when there is a knock at the door. "Come in," Clem says.

I hear the door open and I look up from my undignified position to see Terry Thompson, Jr., the son of the sheriff, standing there. When he looks at me he starts laughing. "What's the matter, can't the queer eat without getting his food all over his face?" he says.

"So you want to fuck this fag?" Clem asks.

"Yeah, I would," Terry says. "You know I'm not fruit or anything. I just heard that fucking a queer in the ass can be as good as pussy."

"We'll let you find out," Clem says, then turns toward me. He unlocks the handcuffs and points toward the far corner of the room. "Fag, go lean over that fuck horse. Reach for the ground on the other side, and keep your ass pointed this way."

I assume the position as best I can. Clem gives my ass a little lash with the whip, "Spread your legs farther apart!"

He pauses a few moments then says to Terry, "Looks like you ain't ready to fuck yet. You want the fag to play with it, or maybe suck it? Or I can put some porn movies on the TV there."

"It would be OK if he played with it," Terry says. Then he walks around in front of me with his cock hanging out of his pants. I feel the whip lash my ass. "Stroke it, Fag," Clem says. "Play with it, gentle like."

I reach out and grab the boyish cock. I gently pull the foreskin back. Then I cradle it in my hands and start stroking.

"Ooo man, that feels good," Terry says. "This queer knows what he's doing."

"Lick it, Fag. Put your mouth on the tip," Clem says.

I take the now hardening cock into my mouth and start working it with my tongue.

Clem gives a grunt of approval. "Get it wet, Fag," he says. "Make it nice and slippery."

By this time Terry has a major erection.

"Come around, Son," Clem says. "Put it in this ass pussy. Squeeze your cheeks, Fag. Make him feel good."

Terry goes behind me and I feel is rigid cock slide into my hole. He starts with a few tentative pushes, not getting in much past the head. "Don't be shy boy," Clem says. "Let that faggot ass know he's dealing with a man."

Terry pushes all the way in, so far that his balls are banging into mine. I think of the humiliation. Not only did Terry, Sr., bully me in high school and help frame me as an adult, now I am being fucked by his adolescent son.

Terry has put his hands on my shoulders and is pounding away. I can feel his dick deep inside me. The total abject subservience of my position is making my own dick hard, and I instinctively push back against Terry, which just adds to his pleasure. His member seems to grow inside me, getting thicker and longer by the thrust. Suddenly I feel a burst of hot, slimy liquid in my bowels.

"Yeowzie," Terry shouts. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

"You sure are," Clem says. "Good boy."

Terry's cock relaxes, he takes his hands off my shoulders and backs away.

"How was that?" Clem asks. "As good as pussy?"

"No way," says Terry, who probably wouldn't admit it anyway. "But it was OK. And, look, I think the queer liked it."

He as pointing to my now semi-erect cock.

"All fags love getting fucked," Clem says. "The harder the better."

I say nothing, somehow aware that I am not done for the day yet.

"You boys want to stick around for the main event?" Clem asks his guests. "It will be a show you should enjoy"

"Sure," they say almost in unison.

"Great. OK, Fag, lie down on the bed."

As I move toward the bed, Clem pushes me down onto it. "Roll over, face me," he says. He grabs my wrists and pulls them down toward my feet. Then he produces a short chain that has four cuffs attached. He puts one around my left wrist and bends me to attach it to my left ankle. He does the same on the rigth side. Then he puts a spreader board between my knees. I am now locked into a jackknife positon, with my feet and hands about a foot apart. Clem rolls me over so I am facing the wall. Then I feel him stick a finger in my still sloppy asshole. "No need for lube," Clem says and I feel him lie on the bed beside me, with his entire body next to mine. I feel his hard dick go into my hole and he starts pumping.

"Go get him, Uncle Clem," I hear Steve yell. "Fuck that queer."

Clem is squirming, trying to get his cock in a better position inside me, all the while I can feel the back and forth. Each thrust gets more violent as he pounds away. I am totally in his control, as my arms and legs cannot move. "I'll bet your ass has never had this much fun," Clem howls, then pulls my hair. "Tell me how much you like it."

When I don't respond immediately he whacks me in the cheek with his bare hand, all the while still fucking away. "Tell me."

I have no choice. "Oh I like it."

"Tell me more," Clem says, and slaps me again before grabbing my hair and pulling my head back.

"Oh, I love it, Sir. Please keep fucking me."

Whether my last sentiment set him off or whether he was ready anyway I will never know, but Clem explodes in my ass.

`Oh, Faggot, you are a sweet fuck," Clem says as he relaxes, then gets off the bed, leaving my locked in that ridiculous position.

"Let's clean him up, Mike will be here soon," Clem says. Then he unlocks my shackles and tells me to go kneel on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Boys, this fag needs a shower. Bring that bucket over here."

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Steve brings the bucket that he and I have filled with piss. "Go ahead," Clem says, `give him the shower."

With that Steve pours the bucket over me. "Make sure you get him all clean," Clem laughs. "Don't forget his head."

I feel the urine, still a little warm, going over my back and into my hair. Then Clem brings over the shallow pan, with my own piss still in it.

"You must be thirsty, Fag," Clem says as he sets the pan down in front of me. "Drink up, lap it up like the dog you are."

I put my face down toward the pan and hesitate. I feel the whip lash across my back,

"Drink it, Fag," Clem says. "Lick it all up."

Fortunately there isn't a lot in the bowl, and I am able to get it all in just a few minutes. By now I have become accustomed to the warm, salty taste of urine.

"That's the good boy, now put your clothes on."

Before I have finished putting my clothes on, Clem and the boys leave the garage.

"Just wait here until Mike comes to pick you up," Clem says..

About half an hour later, I hear a car pull up. I hear Mike and Clem talking outside the garage, then the side door opens and Mike says, "Come on, Faggot, let's go home."

He is in his bathing trunks and sandals and holds the door open for me. "Good God, what is that fucking smell," Mike says, as I walk past him. "I swear it smells like piss."

"He had a little accident," Clem says with a chuckle. "But it will wash off."

"I can't have him riding in the car with her," Mike says, pointing to his car. I notice there is a young woman sitting in the front seat. Mike walks me around to the back of the car and opens the trunk. "Get in, Faggot," he says.

I climb into the trunk and curl up as Mike slams the lid. It is dark and smelly, but through a crack in the back seat I can hear Mike's conversation with the woman, whose name I learn, is Laura. Mike is trying to persuade Laura and her sister, whose name is Rachel, to invite him and Rich over for dinner and much more. The girls are obviously willing, but there is a problem. They live in a house their uncle owns. He charges them no rent, as long as they take care of his son, their cousin, Simon.

Simon it turns out is mentally challenged and gay. He has the intelligence level of a 12-year old. They cannot leave him alone overnight, and when they invite company over, Simon keeps pestering them and basically ruins things.

"I think he is still a virgin," Laura is saying. "He just sits in front of the television and watches gay porn and masturbates. He has terrible hygiene. He is so ugly and smelly he can't get a date. We tried a male prostitute, but even he wouldn't go near Simon. And although he is not very smart, he can sense if someone doesn't like him and he goes nuts.

"It drives me and Rachel crazy, but there isn't anything we can do. We would like to invite you and Rich over for the night, but we just can't because of Simon."

Mike is silent for a few minutes then says, "What If I could get Simon a date, somebody that would really like him, or at least pretend to?" Mike asks. "And it would be a date that would let Simon cum as often as he wanted, and would invite Simon over for the night and take care of him. If I could find somebody like that, then could Rich and I spend the night with you two?

"Sure," she says. "But where are you going to find somebody like that?"

"The Faggot in the trunk. He'll be perfect. He would take good care of him."

"But he might not want to do it. Simon is pretty disgusting."

"He'll do it if I ask him. He does whatever I want."

Just then we pull up at what I gather is where Laura, Rachel and Simon live. Mike opens the trunk and I climb out. As Laura heads for the door, Mike stands me up and says without a smile, "OK Faggot, here's the deal. I am going into the house and come back with a guy named Simon. I am going to tell Simon you saw his picture, think he is really cute and want to meet him. And not only do you think he is very sexy want to meet him, you want him to have dinner and spend the night with you. And you are going to like him, get it?"

What choice did I have. "Yes sir," I say.

"Good fag," Mike says as he gives my cheek a little love tap.

Mike goes into the house and comes back about 15 minutes later accompanied by a man whom I assume is Simon. He is in his early 20s, with uncombed dark hair, probably three days worth of beard growth and his head slightly angled to one side because of what I gather is some sort of spinal deformity. If I were casting Hunchback of Notre Dame, he would make a perfect Quasimodo.

"Faggot, this is Simon, the one whose picture you liked so much. Simon, this is Faggot. OK, Faggot, show Simon how much you like him. Give him a kiss," Mike says.

Simon smells as if he hasn't bathed in days. His breath reminds me of rotten prunes. I reach out my arms and pull him toward me, planting a kiss on his disgusting lips. The smell almost causes me to wretch, but I hold him in a clinch. At first he is unresponsive, but quickly he becomes excited and is returning the kiss with enthusiasm. His arms have wrapped around me.

"OK boys, break it up, You'll have plenty of time for that later," Mike says. "Get in the car. Why don't you both ride in the back seat so you can get better acquainted."

I get in the right rear door and slide all the way across the seat. Simon gets in and stays near the door. Mike gets in the driver's seat, turns around and says, "Don't be shy, Faggot. You told me you really like Simon, show him. Slide over and sit next to him."

I do as Mike says and when I am next to Simon, he puts his arm around me and grins. "You really do like me," Simon says. "Nobody has ever kissed me like that before."

"And that's not all he'll do," Mike says, as he is driving towards our house. "You know what those guys do in the movies you watch? You know, fucking and sucking? Well you can do that with Faggot. He will suck you and you can fuck him. As many times as you want. Isn't that right, Faggot?"

"It sure is," I say on cue, and emphasize the point by putting my hand in his crotch. I can feel him get hard almost instantly.

"Is Faggot really your name?" Simon asks, "I've never heard that name before."

Before I answer Mike chimes in, "It sure is. He is very proud of it,

"Oh, one more thing. Simon, I know you might want to suck the Faggot and let him fuck you, but he doesn't like that and is not supposed to do it. So help him out, will you and leave his cock alone. OK?"

"If that's what he wants, I'll do it," Simon says, then gives my shoulders a squeeze and grins at me

Just then we pull into the driveway, We get out of the car and Simon takes me by the hand and kisses me again. We drop hands and Simon grabs the overnight bag he has brought with him and we follow Mike into the house.

"This is where you can watch movies," Mike says indicating the living room. "Faggot, go put on some love scenes, you know like Dick and Jane only make it Dick and James. But before you do that, let's show Simon where you guys will sleep tonight. Let's go to the playroom."

This is a four-bedroom house that once was mine. Mike sleeps in the master bedroom, Rich is across the hall in the guest room. Down the hall are two more bedrooms. One Mike uses for an office and the other is now known as the playroom. It is a small room barely large enough for a standard double bed and a dresser. On the dresser are dildos and butt plugs of various sizes, a chastity belt and a couple of pair of black ladies panties.

"Here, Faggot, let's make sure you are dressed for the occasion," Mike says. He picks up a pair of panties. "Take off your clothes, throw them in the washing machine and put these on. This is all you will need until tomorrow. Oh, Simon, one more thing Faggot likes is to use one of these," he says as he is picking up a dildo. "Here let me show you. Bend over, Faggot."

I do as told and Mike pushes my panties aside and shoves the dildo into my ass. "See, Simon, put it in there like this and move it around. He really likes that, don't you Faggot?"

"Yes," I say as enthusiastically as I can.

"Good," Mike says, withdrawing the dildo. "Now let's go downstairs."

When we get back down, Mike motions for me to set up the DVD player. I turn it on and there is scene of one guy giving another one a blow job. "Simon, whenever you want Faggot to do that for you, just say. `Faggot, suck.' That's all, and he will do the rest. Go ahead, try it."

"Faggot suck," Simon says reluctantly.

Mike waves for me to forward. I get on my knees open Simon's fly and take out his cock, with is already hard and dripping precum. I take it in my mouth, just the tip at first and work it with my tongue. I figure the sooner he cums, the better.

"Ooooh," Simon moans. "Oooh, Faggot, you do love me."

"All right," Mike says ."That's enough for now" Mike looks at the screen and sees that the men in the film are in a different position. One is bent over and the other is fucking him. "Look at that," Mike says pointing to the screen. "Would you want to do that, Simon?"

"Well, sure, if Faggot would."

"OK," Mike says. "He always wants to do it. Whenever you do, say, "Faggot, fuck." And he will bend over or get on his hands and knees and you make love to him like that. So remember, it's Faggot Suck, if you want to have him love you with his mouth, and Faggot Fuck if you want to do it that way. Got it?"

"Yup. I am really glad Faggot likes to play with me so much."

"I gotta go gather some things from upstairs, then I am going over to your house and spend the night with your cousins. But you guys can go ahead and get started."

"Oh Boy," Simon says. "Faggot fuck."

I bend over and present my ass to Simon as I watch Mike go upstairs, "Oh, Faggot," Simon says as he pounds away, "You really love me don't you?"

Just then Mike comes through the room carrying a small overnight bag. "He surely does," Mike says. "Tell him, Faggot,"

"I love you Simon," I say without much conviction. Simon doesn't notice, he is shooting a gigantic load of cum in my ass. "Oh, Faggot, you are so nice," he screams.

"Have fun guys," Mike says as he heads out the door. "Oh, there is some left over steak and potatoes in the fridge for Simon's dinner. Faggot, you just have your usual. And look at the bright side, Faggot. Tonight you get to sleep in a real bed. Bye."

Simon wants to watch the movies now. I sit down a few feet away from him on the couch, but he slides over to be right next to me. The movie hasn't been running for ten minutes before I can see the bulge in his trousers. He is getting hard again. He might not have the greatest brain in the world, but there is nothing wrong with his libido. He unzips his fly and moves my hand to touch his now throbbing cock. "Faggot, suck," he mutters. I get on my knees between his legs and undo his belt, pulling his trousers down to his ankles. I put my mouth on the tip of his cock, which is still crusted with dried cum. I have just the tip in my mouth, hoping that will excite him enough to cum. He moans in pleasure but starts to thrust upward. He puts his hands on the back of my head and starts fucking me in the mouth.

"Oooh, uuuh," he moans. "So good."

He puts such force into his thrusts that he almost gags me. I try to pull my head back, but he has a firm hold on my head. He finally pulls my head back and still holding it, moves my cheek along his throbbing shaft. He does that a few seconds, then suddenly puts the cock roughly back into my mouth and lets go another big load.

"Yaah," he yells. "Whooo."

These are probably the first two times he has ever cum with another person, and I can tell he realizes that as great as jerking off can be, this is better.

I stand up, and as Simon pulls up his pants, I retreat to the bathroom and clean up as best I can. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and see a pathetic figure wearing nothing but a pair of ladies' panties.

It is after 6 and I ask Simon if he's hungry. He says not yet, he wants to watch more movies – and probably use me again. I have no choice but to sit next to him and endure. He is becoming a little more self-assured, and initiates a kiss. He is kissing my lips, my face and moves to my neck. Meanwhile he guides my hand to his groin. Good God, he's hard again!

I rub his cock, which is about to burst out of his pants. He moves my hand, stands up and undoes his pants, letting them drop to the floor. He looks down at me and grins, "Faggot, fuck," he says.

I dutifully get off the couch, stand up, slide my panties down and bend over in front of him. He is behind me in a second and puts his hard cock in my crack. He makes several thrusts but can't locate my hole. I reach around and with my hand guide his cock into its target.

"Yess!" he shouts as he feels the tip enter me. He starts to fuck me slowly. In spite of myself I feel my cock getting hard. I reach down and start to stroke myself, timing my strokes to coincide with Simon's. I can feel Simon getting harder and harder inside me. I'm getting harder myself, and I shoot a load just as Simon unloads inside me.

"Ooh, Faggot, ooh," Simon sighs. "I love you. Do you love me?"

Thirty seconds earlier I might have really meant it when I said, "Yes", but as soon as I shot my load my feelings of revulsion toward Simon returned. But I knew I had to answer in the affirmative. If I didn't Mike might find out.

His latest climax has evidently whetted Simon's appetite. "I'm hungry," he says after putting his pants back on. "Can you fix me dinner."

We go into the kitchen and I fix him Mike's leftovers while I have my usually drab fare. Simon sits at the table while I clean up. Watching me move around in my panties has Simon excited again. I am at the sink when I hear, "Faggot, suck."

I turn around and there is Simon standing with his fly open and his cock sticking out, hard as a rock.

I assume my familiar positon on my knees in front of him and put his cock in my mouth. I am not delicate this time, but take the whole shaft into my mouth. Simon takes my head in his hands and moves it back and forth along his pulsating dick. "Oooh, Faggot," he says for the umpteenth time. This time he lasts awhile, and I desperately try to get him off by using my tongue, first along the shaft then flicking into the tip. Simon is content to just stand there, pull my head back and forth along his cock and moan. My knees are getting sore and my mouth is weary when he finally shoots. Given how often he has cum, his load is rather small this time, but there is enough for me to swallow.

All this activity, which has me weary, has finally worn Simon out.

"I want to go to bed," he says. It seems he can't remember exactly where our room is, so I lead him upstairs. He heads for the bed, then notices the dildos on the dresser. "Oh, I'm sorry," Simon says. "Mike said you like to play with these. I forgot. Here, we can do it."

"Oh, you don't have to," I say, having no desire to have anything else pushed up my ass, much less a dildo.

"Oh, I don't mind," Simon says. "You have made me feel good. I want to do the same for you."

"Just great," I think, but I say, "OK, but you don't have to do it very long." Then I bend over and brace myself. I can feel Simon slide my panties aside and then the dildo goes deep in my ass.

"That's how Mike did it, I think," Simon says. "Does it feel good." Actually it hurts, but I don't want to tell Simon that. "It feels good, Simon," I say. "But we shouldn't do it too long."

"OK, just a few more," Simon says, then he starts going faster with the dildo. "I like watching this going into you. It's kind of like fucking almost."

"Yes I suppose it is," I say as I pull away. "I think that's enough for now."

We are turning the bed down when the phone rings once, then there's a pause, then it starts to ring again. Mike's signal.

I pick up the phone. "Hi, Faggot. How are you and Simon getting along?" Mike says.

"Just fine."

"Good. Put Simon on."

"Here Simon," I say, handing Mike the receiver. "Mike wants to talk to you."

"Hi Mike," Simon says, then pauses. "Yeah, we are having a great time. We've made love a bunch of times. This is the best night ever. (pause). Yeah, we had dinner. Faggot had something else, but I had steak. It was really good. Now we're about to go to bed. (pause). OK good. (another pause). Hi Laura. Yes we are having fun. You should see, Faggot. He wears panties like you and Rachel.

I could hear Laura's laughter through the phone. "Yeah, he does," Simon says. "And he likes to play with a..a," he stops and turns to me. "What's it called?"

"Dildo," I say.

"That's right, dildo. He likes it when I put it in his ass. Mike told me so."

I can really here Laura's laughter now.

After a minute Simon hands me the receiver. "Mike wants to talk to you."

"Hello," I say into the receiver.

"It sounds like you are being a good fag. Keep it up," Mike says. "Rich is fucking Rachel in the other room and I am going into the other bedroom with Laura. You do what Simon says the rest of the night, but have him ready by 10 o'clock, Got it."

"Yes sir."

"Good. Nighty night."

Simon and I crawl into bed. Mike is right, a bed is a lot more comfortable than my cot. Simon wakes up with a hard-on a few hours later, and fucks me right on the bed. He does it again three more times. Neither of us gets much sleep. But after that we both fall asleep.

More to come later. I love feedback

Next: Chapter 5

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