Lawyer Owns Me

By subservient bottom

Published on Jun 4, 2018


This story is fiction. None of it happened. It contains scenes of unsafe sex that I do not encourage.

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Friday night

I am driving Mike, my master and virtual owner, and his pal Rich to San Remo Restaurant where they have dinner reservations. San Remo was one of my father's favorite restaurants and, while not as fond of it as he was, I did enjoy an occasional meal there.

But I haven't been inside in two years. Mike showed me a letter the owner had sent me shortly after my trial for sexual abuse of a child, saying that I was no longer welcome at the restaurant and how embarrassed my father would be to have a pervert for a son.

We pull into the restaurant's crowded parking lot and Mike points to a place facing a cement wall. "Pull in there," he says. He then reaches into the glove compartment, takes out a pair of handcuffs, puts one cuff around my wrist and the other around the steering wheel. He takes the key from the ignition and puts it in his pocket. "We won't be too long, Faggot, unless we get lucky."

I sit there staring at the wall, hoping nobody looks closely at me because I am still dressed in panties, a garter belt and nylon stockings. I can hear people coming out of the restaurant, some talking softly, others laughing and almost shouting.

After about an hour someone comes up to the car and knocks on the window. I see it is one of the restaurant security guards, asking me to lower the window. Because the ignition is off, I can't do that, I open the door.

"What are you doing here?" the guard asks,

Before I could answer the other guard says, "Oh, it's OK. This is the pervert that Mike Brampton has custody of. This queer does things with little boys. I guess he is just guarding Mike's car tonight."

"Well I guess it's all right then." The first guard says. "Holy Shit, Mark, get a load of what this dude is wearing. I gotta get a picture."

He takes out his phone and snaps a couple of shots, something I have grown used to the last two years.

After about two hours Mike and Rich come out, both obviously drunk.

"Well, Faggot, you missed quite a show," Mike says as he unlocks the handcuffs and puts the key in the ignition. "A couple of really hot ladies thought Rich here is sexy and they are going to meet us at the beach tomorrow."

As I drive Mike insists I take a longer route home, he wants to show Rich some of the sights. We have been driving about ten minutes and are in the public park when Rich says, "Hey I gotta take a piss. You better find a gas station or something."

"No need for that," Mike says. "This car comes with its own urinal."


"I'll show you. Pull over there, Faggot,"

Mike has indicated a secure clearing just off the road. Mike turns to me and snarls, "OK, Faggot, get out, go over there, get on your knees and open your mouth."

I do as I am told, and I know what's going to happen next. Mike says to Rich, "OK, there's your urinal. Go piss in his mouth."

Rich staggers over to me, takes out his cock, puts it next to my mouth and starts pissing.

"Don't worry if you piss in his face, he's used to it," Mike says. "And don't swallow till I tell you to, Faggot."

Rich, who is evidently starting to enjoy this, grins at me as he relieves himself in my mouth, then shakes the last few drops off his cock all over my face. I have had to let some of Rich's piss go down my throat, but still am kneeling there with a mouthful as Rich zips his pants and heads back to the car.

"OK, Faggot, go ahead and swallow. Then get back in the car and take us home,"

For the rest of the ride home Rich and Mike are talking about the two women they met at the bar in San Remo and how much fun they are going to have with them at the beach the next day.

"Better get your rest," Mike says to Rich as we pull up to the house, "we've got a big day ahead of us."

I am unsure what Mike has planned for me the next day. I don't know if he is going to keep me locked in my room or maybe take me to the beach. He has done that before, using me as servant and errand boy so he and his friends can relax. But as he is locking my chastity belt for the night he says he has other plans. "I lost 300 bucks playing poker the other night and you are going to get it back for me," he says. "You are going to spend the day with Clem Carson. You remember Clem Carson don't you?"

Boy do I ever. I have only met him once, but that was quite an experience.

About two months ago Mike had locked me in my room and gone out drinking. I was awakened by the sound of voices upstairs. After a few minutes Mike opened my door and said, "Come on up, Faggot, I want you to meet somebody. And don't bother to put on any clothes."

I went upstairs naked except for the chastity belt covering my cock. Standing the hallway was a middle-aged man of average height slightly overweight wearing Levi's and a work shirt. He had some scars on his face and was missing several teeth. He had not shaved in a few days and reeked of cigarette smoke.

"Faggot, this is my new friend Clem. Clem, this is the faggot I was tell you about."

"He don't look like much," Clem said. "But you say he'll do whatever you want?"

"Whatever I want."

"Prove it. Have him turn around, spread his legs, bend over and touch the floor with his hands."

"OK, Faggot, do what he said."

I turned around, put my legs as far apart as they would reach and stretched my arms down to the floor."

"Lordy look at that ass," Clem said. "He might not be much but he has a fine pussy hole. I sure would like to fuck it. Would that be all right?"

"Let's see," Mike said. "Mike walked around, lowered his face to it was right next to mine. I could smell the booze.

"Would you like Clem to fuck you, Faggot?"

I knew what would happen no matter what I said, and I also notice that Mike had picked up a paddle.

"Yes," I said weakly.

"Yes what?" Mike bellowed.

"Yes, Sir."

"Yes, Sir, what?" Mike said as he bounced the paddle on my head.

"Yes, Sir I would like Clem to fuck me."

"OK, Clem, you heard the man."

It was just a few seconds when I felt Clem's cock at my ass. He let it rest there for a moment, then gradually began thrusting his hips and pushing it into me. It wasn't an easy entry at first, and I tried to move my ass to give me a better angle, The sooner he came the sooner it would be over.

"Oh Boy," Clem exclaimed. "Your faggot really knows how to take a man's cock."

By now he was totally in, his pubis flush against my ass.

He had been pounding me for about two minutes when I lost my balance and stumbled forward. I felt his cock withdraw as I was falling.

"On your knees, boy, we will finish this dog style."

I got on my knees and elevated my ass to give him a good target. I was getting excited by the idea of not only being under Mike's control, but devoting myself totally to the pleasure of someone I didn't know and probably wouldn't like. My cock probably would have gotten hard except for the chastity belt.

"Atta boy," Clem said, and quickly mounted me. No hesitation this time, he went deep into me the first thrust and didn't withdraw until he started shooting cum up my innards.

He was still cuming when he pulled out and some of his jiz landed on the floor.

"Sorry about that," Clem said.

"Not to worry," Mike said. "Faggot will clean it up."

"That sure was good," Clem said. "Do you ever rent him out? I could sure have a good time with him if I had him at my place for a day. I'd pay you."

Oh, great, now not only was Mike my master, he was my pimp. And I could imagine how awful a day with Clem would be.

"I don't know," Mike said. "You might wear him out. I need him ready to go all the time."

"I would give you 300 dollars for a day, or even an afternoon. I wouldn't keep him all night."

"Let me think about it," Mike said. "Give me your number."

Clem left and I heard nothing about him or of him until tonight. Mike obviously has it set up so he will be making money while he and Rich are entertaining some women at the beach.

Mike sits down and watches me lick up the cum on the floor. I then head down to my room. "See you in the morning, Faggot," Mike says as he locks the door.

end of part 3

I would love feedback.

Next: Chapter 4

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