
By Jack Santoro

Published on Sep 4, 2006


Lawsuit, Part 6


The next evening we had a little gathering at my house. Vic attended, as did Rocco and Jim, his former partner. Vic and I had seen the TV news coverage of the shooting at the circumcision clinic, but we knew that many details were missing. Rocco began explaining the events to Vic and me:

"I got called out on this yesterday, Vic. You and Jack know that I'm on the Code Enforcement Team, but we don't always have the manpower to handle unexpected events, like this shooting. Jim works white-collar crime, but we both got tabbed for this one." Vic and I nodded in understanding.

"When we got there we found Doctor Cutter D.R.T.- that's `Dead Right There.' He had several bullet wounds in him. One was in the center of his back, another in his right hip, and the third one was at the base of the skull. You don't have to be a medical examiner to figure out that was probably the fatal shot. One of his partners, Doctor Slicer, was sitting in a chair and the pistol, a Colt .380 Auto, was on the desk next to him."

"There were three doctors working in partnership," said Vic, who owned the building and had leased it to the Downtown Circumcision Center. "There was Butcher, who I guess was the senior partner, and these two others." Rocco picked up the thread:

"It was Cutter who circumcised the boy with only one signature on the consent form, and that wasn't even the mother's signature. Other employees in the clinic told us that Cutter and Slicer had had a big argument about this before the shooting. Slicer was really pissed that Cutter had exposed them to another lawsuit at a time when they were already being sued big-time."

"I'm suing them too," contributed Vic. "They built that staircase without my permission, and that's expressly prohibited in the rental agreement. That makes three lawsuits they're facing."

"Was Doctor Butcher there at the time?" I asked.

"No, he wasn't, and when I spoke with him he didn't seem too concerned about the whole thing," Jim said. He's going through a divorce, and since he's getting sued, his soon to be ex-wife is sharing in the pain. He doesn't give a fuck. Slicer, on the other hand, was looking towards an early retirement, and these lawsuits have just wrecked his plans. He and Cutter were arguing about it, and Slicer just lost it and dropped Cutter right there."

"The District Attorney is having Slicer held for second-degree murder, and the judge didn't allow any bail," Rocco continued. "It looks like an open-and-shut to me. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think the D.A. is even going to offer a plea agreement to Slicer. It's a slam-dunk."

"I'm personally glad to see Slicer go behind bars," Jim said. "I'm not even shedding any tears over Cutter." Rocco looked significantly at Jim before saying to me and Vic:

"He's had his own bad experience with doctors."

"Well, since we've covered that ground, what do we do now?" Jim asked. "Rocco told me visiting you guys would be an interesting experience." It wasn't hard for me to guess what Rocco had told him about Vic and me, and his experiences here.

"I guess it's time for show-and-tell," Vic said, getting up and looking at me expectantly. I nodded and led the way to the bedroom, where we began stripping down. Vic and I were the first naked because Rocco and Jim had to take off their holsters, handguns, badges, and handcuffs as well. Jim was looking at our crotches as he stripped down, and we looked at his when he slid down his Jockey shorts. We saw that he had a foreskin that covered only half the head.

"Man, you two sure have long foreskins," Jim exclaimed admiringly to Vic and me. Jim was about Rocco's size, and blond as well.

"We give them a lot of exercise," Vic said, speaking for both of us.

"Jack docked me last time," Rocco said to Jim.

"He's got enough foreskin to do it," Jim answered.

"You're welcome to touch," I said to Jim. "My prick loves attention." Jim sat next to me on the edge of the bed and Vic pulled Rocco down next to him. I felt Jim's warm fingers close around my prick, gently palpating it, and I reached for his, giving his glans a few slow squeezes.

"I wasn't cut as badly as Rocco," Jim explained to me. "When I was only a few weeks old, the doctor told my mother my skin was too tight and wouldn't go back off the head. He said it would be best to cut the end of my skin off, to make it easier to peel back for cleaning. She said okay and he did it right in the office."

"At least it keeps part of the head covered," I commented as Jim's prick grew in my hand. As his penis lengthened, the big helmet-shaped glans pushed out of the remaining foreskin and now stood unmasked, displaying its blunt nose and high flaring corona. The front part of Jim's glans was dry and leathery from being constantly exposed, but the prominent rim was moist and glossy. Mine had also grown, and I saw that we were both about six inches. Jim had a straight shaft like mine, but mine had a prominent vein running down the right side. Jim's slit was longer than mine, and had begun seeping lubricant.

"I like your long skin," Jim said. "The longer the skin, the longer the stroke." He illustrated his meaning by treating my erection to several long, sweeping strokes, drawing my foreskin all the way down to expose my helmet and the deep groove behind it, and then bringing his hand up to make the end of my foreskin bunch at the end. In return, I dipped my index finger into the wetness at the end of his glans and spread the thick viscous fluid in small circles around the slit.

"Vic's going to dock me," we heard Rocco say. We looked at them and saw that Rocco was holding Vic's foreskin back tightly with his left hand while the fingers of his right hand caressed Vic's engorged glans. I knew how intense the sensations were, as a friend had brought me to orgasm that way. Vic was gasping as the intense sensations burned into his nerve endings, and I knew he'd be blowing his load in a minute.

Rocco pushed Vic flat on the bed as he continued to work his fingertips over his helmet. Vic was secreting profusely, lubricating Rocco's caressing fingertips, and I saw that Rocco was working Vic's tortured tip perfectly. He was moving his fingers rapidly, working different parts of the large helmet without lingering in one spot, in order to avoid tiring out the nerve endings. This provided fresh sensations every second, and Vic was responding as his gasps grew more ragged.

"His tip's getting really hard now," Rocco commented to us as he concentrated on bringing forth Vic's orgasm. "It's also getting darker." This told us that Vic was on the brink.

"Even with our long foreskins, we can't dock another tip while we're hard," I explained to Jim.

"No, not with those large tips," Jim answered, showing that he understood. "Rocco's got to get Vic's erection down so he can fit inside."

"That's exactly right," I added, perhaps unnecessarily as we watched Vic's excitement peak. Vic threw his head back and grunted hard as the first white jet flew from his naked glans onto his stomach. Rocco's skilled fingers danced over the hard, sensitive surface, sweeping around the swollen ridge, bringing forth another heavy gush of white liquid as Vic howled in ecstasy. Jim and I gripped each other's pricks, caught up in the excitement, but not near climax. I swiped my fingertip across Jim's leaking slit, making him gasp at the intensity of the sensation.

"Better stop, Jack," Jim told me. "You'll make me come, and I'd like to hold off so you can dock me." I eased off on the stimulation, just sliding his skin up to bump his rim.

Vic howled again, shooting another torrent of cream onto his stomach, as Rocco continued caressing his throbbing tip. Vic had let go of Rocco's prick but the erection didn't soften at all because Rocco was so turned on from bringing Vic's penis to orgasm. Vic's entire body shuddered with the fury of his hot sensations, and he unloaded another stream.

Now Rocco stopped fingering the glans because he knew that it had become super-sensitive, instead just jiggling the bunched-up foreskin to bump against the rim. Vic's tip dribbled a few more discharges before beginning to soften. Rocco leaned over to plant a dry kiss on his lips.

"How do you want me to finish you off?" Jim asked me. "I'd like you to bust your nut first so you can dock me."

"It's up to you," I replied as we watched Vic slowly recover from the shattering climax he'd just experienced.

"I'd really like to put my mouth on the beautiful tip and suck the cream right out of it," Jim said. Now Rocco was scraping Vic's cream up with his fingers and spreading it over his circumcised prick as lubricant. He stretched the tip of Vic's foreskin and slipped his glans inside it. Vic grasped his prick and pushed his foreskin forward to cover Rocco's glans completely, and began stroking it gently. They lay face to face on the bed, joined at their pricks, enjoying the intimacy of going head to head.

"I don't think Rocco's going to last long," I said to Jim. "Even though his prick isn't as sensitive as it would have been if he hadn't been circumcised, he's so worked up right now that I think he'll blow his load any second. We watched as Rocco's hips began thrusting, driving his swollen glans into Vic's shrunken helmet inside the foreskin. I was still fondling Jim's hard prick, and I fingers were still sliding my foreskin up and down over my helmet, although we probably had enough stimulation from watching to keep us aroused.

Rocco was moaning now, and it was clear that the sensations in his prick were mounting as Vic stroked his foreskin over the swollen tip. I knew that only the fact that Vic had just shot his load prevented him from getting hard again and pushing Rocco's glans out of his foreskin. Now Jim removed his hand from my shaft and said:

"I think we'd better stop right now. Watching this is so exciting that we might drop our loads before we're ready." I nodded agreement and released his prick.

Rocco was totally caught up in his sensations as Vic pumped his foreskin back and forth over his tip, and we saw his eyes close. His moaning became louder as he approached the peak, and his jaw dropped. Vic looked at us and smiled.

"I've got so much cream lubing my dick that it's hard to hold on," he said. "It's no big problem, though. Even if I lose my grip on my skin and undock, I'll stroked his tip with my fist and make him come." We saw that, indeed, drops of semen and natural lubricant were soaking the med under where their pricks were joined in the coital kiss.

Suddenly, Rocco's entire body stiffened and we heard him howl as the sweet agony of the orgasm overwhelmed his senses. His face flushed as his hips thrust his prick deeper into Vic's foreskin, and we saw a gush of cream pour from the end of Vic's hood where it covered the circumcision scar. Rocco howled again and the cords in his neck stood out as the second wave of sensation coursed through his body. I felt Jim grip my hand, squeezing it hard, and I knew he was caught up in the vicarious excitement, as I was.

Rocco cried out again as he unleashed a third load, carried away in the frenzy of his orgasm. He thrust again and then settled down to a mild shuddering as his orgasm passed its peak. Slowly, his body relaxed as we watched a stream of white sperm ooze from Vic's foreskin, which still engulfed his head. Rocco's prick softened and shrunk, and after about a minute separated from Vic's foreskin, which then gushed the accumulated cream onto the bed.

Jim and I were still hard, and now he bent over to kiss the blunt front dome of my helmet as he pulled my hood down tightly. His warm soft lips caressed the nerve endings, and then engulfed my glans. I felt his fingers clamp tightly around the base of my prick as I lay flat on my back, and I knew that constricting the veins in my shaft would make my erection super-hard within seconds. The pressure of the blood quickly built up in my helmet and now it was aching for relief as Jim's lips worked around my corona and his tongue probed my pouting slit. I heard Vic comment:

"That's it, Jim, Get Jack to blow his load and he'll be able to take your tip inside his foreskin." Both he and Rocco had propped themselves up to watch the show. Rocco gently fingered Jim's prick, sliding the skin up just far enough to bump his ridge. I saw Vic dip his head to lap Rocco's prick to remove the coating of cream that clung to his naked glans. Vic's foreskin completely covered his head, ending in a tight pucker that held in whatever residual juice it contained, except for a drop that filled the pucker.

Jim was enthusiastically sucking on my swollen helmet, moving his head up and down so that his lips rode over the taper right to the corona, and then withdrew until they were just kissing the front dome. At the same time he moved my foreskin up and down to follow his lips, making the thick fleshy sleeve envelop my glans as his mouth uncovered it. Then he pulled my foreskin down, baring my helmet to his lips as they swept down after my foreskin. I was getting, in effect, a double sensation that was irresistible, and I felt my body tensing although I tried to remain relaxed.

My breathing was ragged and heavy now, and I felt my stomach muscles tighten as Jim dragged me relentlessly toward the edge of the precipice. Suddenly I felt his teeth scrape my glans, sending an electric thrill down my shaft, and the soft tickle in my helmet changed to a hot tingle. I cried out as I felt the root pf my prick contract sharply, and an instant later I felt the pressure in my urethra as the first torrent of sperm poured into it. The hot stream rushed up my tube, almost burning me as I grunted in sweet agony. It poured into Jim's mouth and I felt his tongue and palate squeeze my helmet as he struggled to swallow.

Another spasm gripped the root of my prick, sending another burning stream rushing up my prick, and my hips bucked involuntarily as I yelped again. The tingling in my helmet was intense was Jim sucked the gushing cream from it, and then his teeth scraped the sensitive surface again, triggering another contraction.

I was lost, tumbling in the free-fall of orgasm, aware of nothing but the hot sensations in my groin and totally oblivious to the world outside my body. My prick pulsed again, and another gush of cream poured from it into Jim's mouth. Now I felt him withdraw his mouth, at the same time pulling my foreskin all the way down so that it snapped into the deep groove behind my throbbing rim. My frenzied release continued, slowly declining in intensity, until I'd drained myself and was still.

"That was nice, when you took your mouth off and we saw his tip still shooting," I heard someone say in the distance.

"His helmet was such dark purple," another voice said.

Slowly I regained full consciousness as my prick began to soften. I felt Jim's strong fingers holding my foreskin as the precious head retreated into its fleshy cocoon.

"I'm waiting for you to get completely soft to make room for my tip," Jim said.

"Ever dock with a guy before?" Vic asked him.

"Oh, yes, a couple of times," Jim replied.

"I've had a few guys docked inside me," Vic continued. "It's always a thrill to feel the guy's tip throbbing against mine when he comes."

"I once docked with a guy who had so much skin it was as long as his cock when he was soft," Jim said. "When he was hard, it was still long enough to take my tip and his. We were going head to head and getting close. He shot first because his tip was more sensitive than mine. When he shot I think our holes were right against each other, and he shot right down into my dick. That was so hot, feeling his come shooting down my tube that it triggered my come right then. I unloaded so much it just poured out from under his skin."

Now Jim rolled onto his side and we were face to face, our pricks touching. My foreskin pucker touched the dome of his dark helmet, and I reached down to ease the skin over the end of his prick. Although he'd swallowed most of my ejaculations, I still had a lot of my cream inside my foreskin, and this provided copious lubrication. I felt my foreskin stretching as it slid up over the taper of his glans, until it was poised on the rim. Jim's prick, fully distended, had the remaining foreskin stretched tightly back along his shaft, leaving the head and groove completely bare.

"Let me just slip my foreskin as far as I can over you," I suggested. "I think I can cover you right down to the groove." I urged my fleshy sleeve forward with my fingers as his swollen tip pressed against my shrunken one. Jim was already gasping, excited from having made me come and the anticipation of this moment. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were already closed, and his face was flushed.

Now that his glans was fully seated inside my thick fleshy sleeve, I began stroking it over his sensitive surfaces. I didn't apply much pressure, just enough to make sure his head remained covered, but even this was enough to heighten his excitement because he was already primed for it.

"He's going to shoot a big load inside your skin," Rocco said. "I've seen him shoot, and he really drains his balls when he lets go."

"Good for him," I replied. "I want him to drain himself just like he drained me." Jim had begun thrusting as I was stroking him, and there was no doubt he was ready to cream. His breathing was heavy, and I saw his body tense with excitement. His mouth was open.

I heard him cry out in release as I felt his hot hard helmet throb sharply against mine. An instant later a gush of hot cream poured from his slit, swirling around my glans, bathing it thoroughly. He cried out again as I felt his helmet hammer against my glans, and more juice poured from it to flood my foreskin.

My hood was distended with his cream, and when he shot his third load the pressure forced it out between the edge of my foreskin and the neck of his straining prick. He was moaning loudly with the frenzy of his orgasm, and now he discharged another stream that poured from the edge of my ballooned foreskin onto the bed.

I stopped moving my fingers, letting him thrust into my foreskin, until he was totally spent. I didn't want to risk over-stimulating his glans, as he was only half circumcised, and his corona was probably as sensitive as mine and Vic's. His last discharges weren't as powerful as the first, and gradually he became still as he sank into the daze that follows climax.

We all lay still for many minutes, recovering from our ecstatic experiences and happy to have shared them with each other. Vic spoke first:

"Well, maybe we'd better take showers, and for sure change the bed." Lethargically, we got up and stripped the sheets, and then went into the bathroom.

Continued in Part 7

Next: Chapter 7

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