
By Jack Santoro

Published on Aug 31, 2006


Lawsuit, Part 5


Rocco was not going to let me forget my promise to dock his circumcised helmet inside my foreskin, and he phoned me several days later. I suggested that he come over Saturday morning, and so he did.

I was only part-way through a pot of coffee when he arrived and I invited him to have a cup with me. As it was warm inside the house I suggested that he get naked, as I was. He eagerly stripped down and then sat in the chair next to mine with his equipment on display. As we sipped our coffee I noted that his penis, limp, was about three inches, like mine, and I remembered that we were both "growers," with erections that topped out at around six inches.

At the end of his prick was a helmet much like mine, with upturned rim, but a dull pink shade instead of my glossy purple. Behind the corona was a jagged scar, a permanent memento of how his body had been violated shortly after he'd been born.

"You've heard what happened at the building, didn't you?" he asked.

"I heard about it from Vic, who owns the building. The lady who fell down the stairs is suing the hell out of them. Vic's lawyer told him that the doctors are totally liable, since they put in the stairs without his permission."

"That was a few days ago," Rocco said. "The latest happened Thursday. Some woman brought in a newborn baby to be circumcised. The baby wasn't hers. She was a neighbor of the parents and while she was watching the baby she changed his diaper. She saw he hadn't been cut and got the idea that he needed circumcision. Maybe she thought the parents just forgot to have it done."

"I think I see what's coming," I said. Rocco nodded and continued:

"Right. The parents emphatically did not want the kid clipped. The father had been clipped, like me, and he hated it so much he said he would never allow any son of his to be butchered. Now the neighbor did a stupid thing and he brought charges against her. I had the pleasure of taking the case when he walked into headquarters and I arrested her myself. She seemed like a really neurotic bitch, and I was a little surprised that the parents entrusted their kid to her."

"Now I bet the doctors are in trouble too, aren't they?" I asked. Rocco continued:

"Oh, yes, for sure! They're in deep, deep shit, because they cut that kid without parents' consent. Their consent form requires both parents' signatures, but they slipped up and this time accepted only the woman's signature. She used her own name, and claimed the kid was her son. That's negligence. They're going to sue both the neighbor and the clinic for all they've got." He finished his coffee and I picked up both cups and placed them in the sink. We then went into the bedroom, our favorite place to play.

As we sat side by side on the bed Rocco began rolling the nipple of my long foreskin between thumb and forefinger. We watched as my prick began to fill out, and soon there was no nipple left to grasp, only a pucker just beyond my swollen glans. I'd been gently squeezing Rocco's helmet as he'd worked on me, and his prick had responded, filling out to its full six inches.

"You can see that docking isn't quite what some people believe," I said. "I've got a lot of foreskin, but also a lot of helmet, and now my foreskin's all filled up with my meat. I wouldn't be able to get much over your tip, even stretching the skin."

"That means you've got to lose that erection," he responded. "I'll make you come first, then." He began stroking my foreskin gently up and down, in very short strokes at first, but gradually increasing the travel. The pucker stretched to reveal my meatus before he brought It up to encase my helmet totally. Then he drew it down again, a little farther, until the opening was the size of a dime.

"Want me to lube your prick?" I asked.

"No, not until you're ready to take it inside your skin," he replied. "I want to be sure I don't come before you do, and if you lube me I might lose it too soon." I continued squeezing his glans, certain that this would maintain his erection without the danger of driving him over the edge. I also knew that working with my foreskin was very arousing for him. The warmth and gentle strength of his fingers easing my foreskin sensually over the contours of my helmet were supremely arousing for me. I felt a sensation of tightness as my scrotum contracted, drawing my balls closer to my body.

"I just love that skin," Rocco murmured as he continued to work my hood up and down my engorged glans. "I like the way it slides over your tip." Now he had my foreskin halfway down the taper of my glans, and the stretching had thinned it out. His fingers urged the hood up again and the pucker reformed at the end as it closed over the front dome of my helmet. He lowered his head and I felt the tip of his hot tongue insinuate itself into the foreskin pucker, probing for my meatus. I wanted to do the same to him but was afraid that the feel of my hot mouth on his prick would trigger him.

"I love that slit, the way it's shaped like a teardrop," Ronnie commented as he lifted his head for a couple of seconds. Now he probed deeper into my pucker and I felt his tongue-tip tickling my gaping slit. He swiped across it several times, sending thrills into my swollen tissues. He was intent on subduing my erection as soon as possible so that he could dock with my foreskin, and this showed in his efforts. He stripped my foreskin down all the way and locked his lips into the deep groove behind my flaring corona, touching nerve endings that rarely saw the light of day. He pumped his mouth up and down on my helmet several times before raising his head again to say:

"I can feel those little bumps on your rim with my lips. Your rim's very sensitive." He referred to the little buds of sensation that studded my corona, each with its erotic receptors, eager for the sensations that would bring me to the peak of excitement. Now his mouth closed again around my turgid tip and he began rotating his head.

His lips swiped around my rim and the groove behind it as he probed my gaping slit with his tongue. I felt his fingers tighten around my shaft, constricting the veins and making my erection even harder. Rocco was a sophisticated and experienced oral artist, and I knew that he'd brought both cut and uncut pricks to hot, shattering orgasms. In my case he'd have my load soon because there was no way I could resist the heavy stimulation he was pouring into my prick.

Now he pushed me flat on the bed as he crouched next to me, one hand around my prick and the other cupping my scrotum. He was going for the finish and I tried to remain relaxed, understanding fully that he'd draw the orgasm from me no matter what.

The fingers he had tightly clamped around my shaft moved down slightly, pulling the skin with them and putting tension on my gee-string that attached my foreskin to the vee-groove under the head. This stretched the nerve endings, and I felt my excitement mount another notch. Now Rocco twisted his head more quickly, increasing the pressure of his lips on my sensitive tissues, and I felt a slight tickle begin in my hard, engorged rim.

My prick was as hard as it could be, partly from sheer excitement and partly from the tight fist that kept the blood trapped in my veins. I knew that my helmet was fully engorged, hard, glossy, and aching for the release orgasm would bring. The tickle spread from my rim and groove to all over my helmet, also fueled by the tongue tip that was drilling my gaping teardrop slit.

My breathing was becoming ragged from my excitement, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Rocco's lips, tongue, and hands were all over my groin, handling my genitals to ensure that I was receiving maximum stimulation. Now I was becoming so engrossed in the sensations emanating from my groin that I let go of his prick. The tickle in my glans changed to a mild tingle, and I knew I wasn't far from the critical point.

I began to moan softly as my eyes closed. I was withdrawing from the world outside, withdrawing into myself as the mounting sensations demanded more and more of my attention. The tingle in my glans became stronger and more compelling as Rocco worked his magic mouth over the sensitive nerve endings. My abdominal muscles tightened and my legs began trembling. I began to grunt with each jolt of sensation. Suddenly I felt Rocco's teeth scraping down the broad upper surface of my helmet.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I grunted as the sensations filling the head of my prick exploded, shooting down my shaft to trigger my ejaculatory muscles deep inside me. I felt my hips buck, thrusting my prick deeper into his mouth as the first torrent of sperm squirted into my tube to rush up my prick. My throbbing helmet hit the back of his throat and the stream jetted from my gaping slit. I felt his throat muscles clenching the head of my prick as my insides contracted again, sending another heavy load gushing from my glans.

I felt the heavy suction as Rocco shifted his technique, now sucking hard to draw the jets from my jerking prick. I shot again, grunting in joyous agony as the sensations of orgasm enveloped me, rendering me helpless. My glans suddenly became super-sensitive and I screamed, but Rocco kept sucking hard, his tongue lashing my hard hot helmet. My body responded and released several more burning jets that seared their way up my tortured prick.

I was sobbing when Rocco stopped sucking, and my prick was barely twitching, the orgasm fading quickly. He delicately drew my foreskin upward to envelop my glans.

"That was lovely," he began. "When you started to come I felt your big helmet throbbing in my mouth, and you almost drowned me with your cream." I couldn't reply because I was sinking into the daze that follows orgasm. When I started to recover a couple of minutes later I opened my eyes and reached for his prick. It was still hard.

"I've been rock-hard all the time," he said. "Working on your cock and making you come kept me really excited. If you'd been stroking me the normal way you would have made me come."

"I'm glad you didn't," I said. I squeezed his glans, testing its hardness, and found it at maximum hardness, the surface taut and glossy. "You're tip's really hard, not spongy," I continued.

"Your dick's shrinking fast," he commented. "I guess we can start pretty soon." We shifted our positions so that we faced each other, pricks ready to connect. I reached for the bottle of Astroglide and poured several drops into my foreskin, which had resumed its front-nipple shape as I'd lost my erection.

"Here, ease it in," I suggested as I held my foreskin's orifice open for him with thumb and forefinger of both hands. The blunt nose of his helmet touched my pucker and I realized that I had to stretch it wider. I pulled outward, spreading the orifice enough for him to introduce his helmet's front dome, and worked the thick fleshy sleeve toward the high flaring rim of his glans.

"Aaaaahhhhh! That feels good, so verrrry goooood," he sighed as I enveloped his hot hard head totally with my foreskin, forming a circle with thumb and forefinger of my right hand to lock it in place behind his rim. My hood did not reach his jagged circumcision scar, which was about an inch behind the head. I began twisting my foreskin over his helmet, which was well defined even through my thick foreskin. His swollen glans filled my hood, pushing my shrunken tip back into the depths of my foreskin.

"I'm going to make you shoot your load right into my foreskin," I promised him as I continued twisting the hood around his swollen rim. I already felt some of the lubricant that had seeped between the lips of his long slit wetting my glans and foreskin. He was primed for orgasm, as it was long overdue after the vicarious excitement of having made me come.

His breathing was heavy and ragged now, as he was becoming caught up in the compelling sensations of sex and the psychic stimulation of feeling a foreskin encasing his bulky helmet from dome to rim. Watching his face, I saw his eyes dance with excitement as I stroked him. Now I put my other hand between us to cup his balls, which were already drawn tightly against his body. I carefully and gently kneaded his scrotum to add to his excitement. He moaned loudly, evidence of his mounting passion, and I knew that he was helpless in my hands.

I was glad I'd drained myself only minutes before, because feeling his helmet inside my foreskin was supremely arousing, and I would have popped a boner right then if I hadn't had relief just before. As it was, I was aroused psychologically because I was giving Rocco pleasure in the best possible way, fulfilling his desire and fantasy of having his prick stimulated by a foreskin. Knowing that I was having this effect on him was very pleasurable for me, even though my body didn't respond erotically.

I felt the hardness of his glans against my fingers, foreskin, and my shrunken helmet deep inside. As the pace of his breathing increased I knew that it would be only a matter of seconds until I felt his tip throbbing hard with the release of orgasm. His stomach muscles tightened as he became drawn further into the eroticism of docking, and now his legs had developed a fine tremor. His jaw clenched, and then he took a deep breath.

"AAAHHHHHH!" he bellowed as I felt his hot hard helmet throb inside my tightly stretched hood. My fingers felt the convulsion in his groin as a torrent of hot juice blasted out of his long slit to flood my foreskin. He yelped again in the sweet agony of orgasm as I felt another heavy throb in his helmet and another rush of cream that swirled around my glans inside my foreskin. I felt my foreskin ballooning in my fist as I kept it clamped around his glans, twisting it to maintain the sensations for him.

Another gush erupted unseen, but not unfelt, inside my foreskin, bathing our tips with hot fluid that added to our sensations. Rocco was crying out again, helpless as the orgasm raged through his body, transporting him to the height of ecstasy. I followed him vicariously every moment, enjoying the pleasure I was giving him, as he'd enjoyed sucking my prick to orgasm only minutes before.

I felt some of the thick fluid leaking past the end of my foreskin, where I held it clamped into the groove behind his rim. As he cried out and another surge of cream poured into my foreskin, more forced its way past my clamping fingers to spill between us. My foreskin was stretched to its maximum with his sperm, and I reluctantly loosened my grip to let his juice flow.

I kept twisting, as I knew that the thick fluid would mask the more acute sensations, and drew that last spasms from him. Now we lay together, pricks still joined my my long tube of skin, while he sank into the daze that follows the storm.

Minute later he opened his eyes. He leaned in toward me to plant a dry kiss on my lips and then said:

"Oh, Jack, that was hot. I've never felt anything like it." Now tears came to his eyes. "I wish I still had my skin," he said. I hugged him to me.

"When I was coming, my tip didn't get super-sensitive like yours," he continued. "I wish it had. I wish I could have felt that last increment in sensation." Tears came to both our eyes as he sobbed his thoughts to me and I maintained body contact, providing the reassurance words could not. After a few minutes he spoke again:

"My sister married a Canadian and they moved to Canada ten years ago. They've got three boys and none of them was circumcised like American boys are. More than 50 percent of American boys get clipped, even today. Maybe six or eight percent of Canadian kids do."

We dozed off together, not awakening until noon. Then we rose and took a shower together, Rocco taking great pleasure in pinching the end of my foreskin shut as we both were watching my hood balloon out with urine. Then he let go to release the gush that splashed over our calved before swirling down the drain.

We'd dried ourselves and were getting dressed, preparing to go out to lunch, when his cell phone rang. He answered it and listened intently for a minute before saying:

"I'm on my way." He turned to me and said:

"There's just been a shooting. I've got to roll on it because it's the weekend and I'm on call. One of the three doctors partnered in that circumcision business just went ape and shot one of the others. I'll try to let you know what happened." With that, he was out the door.

Continued in Part 6

Next: Chapter 6

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