
By Jack Santoro

Published on Aug 10, 2006


Lawsuit, Part 2 By

After leaving Vic I went to my office and made a couple of phone calls to follow up on my promise to him. To my gratification they produced quick results. I tried to give the good news to Vic right away but he was out of his office and I had to leave him a message to call me with Grace, his secretary. When he returned my call during the middle of the afternoon I told him that I had some good news and invited him to meet me at my house that evening.

When Vic arrived at six I led him to my kitchen and a moment later the bell rang. It was the delivery from a local pizzeria, and I brought the two boxes into the kitchen.

"How do you like it, anchovies? The other one is sausage and pepperoni." At that moment the bell rang again. I answered it and led in my other two visitors, who were both in our age bracket.

"This is Rocco and Percy," I said, nodding toward the new arrivals. "This is my friend Vic." Vic stood and shook hand with the man nearer to him, a slender bespectacled guy with a badge and a Glock 17 on his belt.

"Hi, Percy," he said.

"No, he's not Percy," I corrected him. He's Rocco, and he's a police detective who heads the Code Enforcement Team here."

"I'm Percy," said the tall, well-muscled man who stood next to Rocco. Percy's olive complexion, square jaw, and broken nose gave the impression of a barroom brawler, although in real life he was soft-spoken and studious.

"Okay, now that we've got that straightened out, let's eat," I suggested. As we ate, Rocco explained his team's functions to Vic:

"The Code Enforcement Team was originally set up to rid the city of sleazy motels, apartments, bars, and other businesses that served as fronts for all sorts of illegal activities. We'd found that some places served as focal points for crime. For example, one bar we closed down was infested with drug dealers and gun-runners. A motel had mainly prostitutes and their johns as guests."

"A no-tell motel?" Vic interjected.

"Right. You get the idea. Anyway, we inspect these places for violations of the building code, housing code, fire code, health code, and anything else we can apply. We issue a citation for any violation and they have 30 days to correct the problem. If they don't, they're history. We can and have shut them down."

"I asked Rocco if he could help out with this problem," I added.

"We'll take a look at them next Monday morning," Rocco said. "Percy here is the health department inspector. He might be able to make the most substantial contribution because we're talking about a medical office and surgical clinic." Percy nodded.

"I've got a lot of rules to enforce," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can find something that these fuckers are doing wrong, some corners they're cutting. It'll be my pleasure."

"We'd both like to close these guys down, or at least make life as hard as possible for them," Rocco continued. "People like these chopped my penis when I was born, taking advantage of my parents' ignorance. Good thing more parents are refusing to have their sons clipped these days. I think the rate's down to 50 percent."

"It's even better in Canada," I interjected. "It's only about 20 percent up there. The provincial governments won't pay for it under their socialized medicine plans. Only a few nuts up there are still promoting circumcision."

""When I was nine I had my tonsils out," Percy said. "While I was under the anesthetic they also took off my foreskin, just like that. I hadn't been having any trouble with it. It slid back easily for washing, but they sliced and diced me anyway. I've felt incomplete ever since, and I've always been pissed about that." Vic and I listened sympathetically.

"Now I hate to eat and run, but I've got to get home," Percy continued. "I promised the wife and my boy that I'd take them to a movie tonight." He got up as I rose to usher him out. After a round of handshaking he headed for the door.

"You two are lucky," Rocco reflected as he bit into another slice of anchovy pizza. "You're among the minority that escaped the chop." I patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"After Percy's nasty experience he made sure that his son didn't get clipped when he was born," I explained to Vic.

"Percy can be a pretty intimidating guy," Rocco added. "Right after his son was born the doctor tried to high-pressure his wife into signing a consent form for the circumcision. Percy caught up with him in the hospital parking lot and made it clear that his son was coming home with everything he'd been born with. He didn't lay a hand on him or even make a specific threat, but after that little meeting the doctor forgot all about clipping the kid."

"That's a story that ended well," Vic commented. "I just wish all parents were so conscientious." He shuddered. "Just the thought on someone taking a knife to my dick makes me nervous."

"Well, we expect to go in with the whole team on Monday. We'll even have a fire inspector with us to check that they have enough extinguishers on hand." Rocco nodded vehemently as he spoke.

"Feel like a dip in my Jacuzzi?" I asked. Both Rocco and Vic nodded and seconds later we were stripping down in the room holding the pool. I switched on the pump and bubbles began rising through the water.

I'd seen Rocco's prick before, and knew that he was hung about average, a three-inch "grower" that expanded to about six when hard. Vic gave his crotch a long look, seeing Rocco's mutilation for the first time. Rocco noticed Vic's stare and commented:

"That's what they did to me, you see. Think of how you'd feel if you were me." Rocco had a handsome prick, but instead of a long tapering foreskin shrouding the perfect helmet, there was a jagged scar behind the rim. Rocco's shaft was two-toned, darker behind the cut and lighter in tone forward of it. The thin neck emphasized the flare of his glans, which had a sexy upturned rim like mine.

"Okay, let's get in and enjoy ourselves," I suggested. We lowered ourselves into the water, and I felt Rocco's fingers around my prick.

"You've got a nice tip on yours," he commented. "I can always see its outline through your skin." Turning to Vic, he said:

"Yours is nice too. It looks as if your tip's as big as Jack's, because it shows through the skin too."

"Yeah, we've all got the helmet type," Vic said. "I'm sorry yours isn't covered with foreskin like ours."

"I'll just have to live with it," Rocco said. "Meanwhile, I can help to see that the maniacs who like to mutilate babies have a hard time." I felt his squeeze the end of my prick as he spoke, and my prick responded. Vic was sitting on the other side of Rocco and he moved his arm. I guessed that he'd begun giving Rocco's helmet a few rhythmic squeezes. Rocco glanced at him and reached under the water, and the look on Vic's face told me that his prick was getting attention as well.

"Yours is about the same size as ours," Vic said after a few seconds, during which he'd been able to stimulate Rocco to full erection."

"Yeah, we all have about six inches," I confirmed.

"You guys have really long foreskins," Rocco added. "I like that. That means I can give you nice long strokes."

"We'll give your prick some of those long strokes once we get some lube on it," I said to encourage him. I cupped his scrotum in my other hand. I felt him push my foreskin down off the head, and now his fingertips lightly explored the contours of my naked glans. Our foreplay continued for several more minutes without words, as we became totally engrossed in handling each other's hot aroused pricks.

"Let's dry off so we can continue," I said. We got out of the Jacuzzi and took towels from the stack next to the pool. Our erections stood out proudly ahead of us as we toweled ourselves, and when we were dry I led the way to the bedroom, where a queen-sized bed awaited us. On the bedside table were condoms and several bottles and jars of lubricant.

Vic and I had slid our foreskins forward as we'd dried ourselves, and Rocco sat on the bed, eying them enviously. I stood in front of him, my prick pointing at his face, and said:

"Help yourself." His fingers wrapped around my foreskin-covered head and he began sliding the hood cautiously back and forth. Meanwhile, Vic sat next to him and began anointing his penis with Albolene, which we knew from experience that many circumcised men preferred because it's non-drying. Vic began sliding his fist up and down Rocco's prick, occasionally giving it a slight twist for an extra dose of sensation.

"You weren't cut as badly as some I've seen," Vic stated. "You've still got your gee-string. Some guys got that chopped off too."

"Be grateful for small favors," Rocco said ironically. He was delicately stripping my foreskin back all the way and then bringing it forward again to cover the head completely and form a pucker in front. "I really love working that skin," he said.

"Makes you hot, doesn't it?" Vic asked him.

"Oh, it really does. Now that I've got two handsome uncut dicks next to me I'm in seventh heaven."

"Want to change partners?" I asked Rocco. He nodded and I sat next to him and took over from Vic, who now stood and moved in front of Rocco. As my fist slid slowly up and down Rocco's well-lubricated prick I watched him grasp Vic's penis tentatively, palpating the head through its enveloping hood. He gave the foreskin a slight twist, and then began drawing it back to expose the front dome of Vic's helmet.

"You've got a longer slit than Jack," Rocco told Vic as he peeled back his foreskin. "When I push back the skin the lips spread." As he spoke I noticed a large drop of clear natural lubricant pour from between the lips of the slit, rolling down to blend in with the foreskin. Rocco pulled the foreskin toward him, spreading the fluid over the front dome, and then pushed it back farther than before, enough to expose about half the helmet.

"I love that sliding foreskin action," he said fervently as he pushed Rocco's hood back to bare the head entirely. "I noticed you've got those little bumps around the rim just like Jack's got. Those are nerve endings, aren't they?"

"Yes they are," I said, picking up the thread. "I think you've got them too but they're not as visible." I gave his hard prick as couple of full-fisted twists to enhance his sensations.

"Ooooohhhh, that's nice," Rocco whispered. "Don't make me come yet. I want to play with your dicks a while longer and make you guys come. Then when I finally get my nuts off it'll feel better for me." He wrapped his lips around Vic's exposed glans and began pumping his head back and forth. This had an immediate effect on Vic, and I saw his body tense.

"I'd better lie down or I'll collapse when I get off," Vic said as he moved to place himself flat on the bed. Nobody was handling my prick but my erection remained firm because of what I was seeing. I slowed my strokes on Rocco's penis to avoid bringing on his orgasm before he wanted it. Now I just held his shaft in my hand and ran my index finger across the lips of his slit to maintain his excitement.

Vic's balls were pulling up into his body as I watched. Rocco was now pumping his mouth vigorously on Vic's erection trapped inside his mouth. Rocco's right fist was wrapped tightly around the base of Vic's shaft, keeping the foreskin drawn back all the way and maintaining a delicious tension on Vic's frenulum.

The combination was irresistible. Vic's stomach muscles tightened visibly and his legs began to tremble as Rocco twisted his head, running his lips sideways around the corona of Vic's bulging helmet. Vic began to grunt as his body responded, and his eyes closed. I knew from experience that now Vic's entire world was in his prick, and he was totally engrossed in the sensations Rocco was giving him. Rocco had also closed his eyes, focusing on sucking Vic's hard and swollen glans. Now Vic grunted hard and his hips bucked, thrusting upward and pushing his prick deeper into Rocco's mouth. I saw Rocco's Adam's apple bob and I knew he was swallowing the first of Vic's copious loads. Vic grunted again, carried away in a glorious spasm of joyful agony, and Rocco swallowed again. Rocco was pumping his head rapidly up and down now, his lips compressing Vic's swollen corona with each stroke, working hard to intensify Vic's orgasm and suck more life juice into his mouth. Vic's hips bucked again with the third release of sperm, and Rocco's Adam's apple bobbed again. Now Rocco backed off somewhat, lifting his head to release Vic's swollen and throbbing glans, keeping his lips pursed on the front dome of the helmet to form a seal around the slit. I watched Vic's prick jerk in Rocco's fist as he let off another load. Rocco kept the foreskin drawn tightly back from the swollen purple helmet, stretching the nerve endings without the friction that might cause Vic distress now that his glans had attained its heightened sensitivity. Vic's penis jerked in ever weaker spasms until he was drained, having discharged all of his juice into Rocco's eager mouth. He began to relax visibly as Rocco lifted his head and carefully eased the foreskin forward over the wet and still-swollen glans. "I'm so hot from feeling him cream," Rocco said as he stared at me with pleading eyes. I knew that his turgid prick must be aching for relief. His helmet was fully engorged, dark purple, and glistening with its slick coating of Albolene. I began sliding my fist lightly over the nerve endings, testing how much stimulation would be needed to make him discharge. Rocco lay back on the bed next to Vic, who still had his eyes closed, and I massaged his shaft and glans in long sensual strokes, knowing that he was primed for a hot orgasm. Rocco began breathing deeply, and the rate increased as I began stroking him faster. I saw a drop of clear fluid part the lips of his slit, and knew his body was responding to my loving caresses. His breathing increased to gasps as his sensations mounted rapidly, and within seconds he was moaning hard, overwhelmed by both the psychic stimulation of having made Vic come and the strokes I was applying to his swollen prick. The rim of his helmet felt hard beneath my fingers as I twisted my fist to bring on his climax, and now he yelped with the onset of orgasm. I felt his prick throb between my fingers and then a long string of white cream shot upward from his slit to land on his prick and my tightly encircling fingers. The friction had made his prick and my fingers so hot that his sperm actually felt cool against my skin. I twisted my fist again on the back-stroke and Rocco yelped again, his eyes closed and his beautiful prick releasing another long rope of sperm.

I pumped away at his shaft and glans, bringing forth another yelp and another stream of juice. Rocco's hips were bucking, and only his tightly contracted scrotum kept his testicles from bouncing around. I gave his helmet another twist, concentrating on the flaring rim, as I brought my fist up to envelop it. The dark purple glans spit another discharge that landed on his stomach.

I swept my fist down in a twisting motion, stroking him aggressively, confident that the sensations in his circumcised glans were too dull to suffer hyper-sensitivity in mid-orgasm. Rocco yelped again as his glans spit at me. When I gave him the upward stroke, the resulting discharge was weaker, and he didn't yelp. I continued stroking him until he jets had relented to a slow seepage and his prick had begun to soften in my fist.

"I heard him coming," Vic said, looking at both me and Rocco. "You really got him off." Vic had raised himself and now we sat silently for a moment, sharing the satisfaction of having given orgasms to rampant pricks.

"You still haven't come," Vic observed. "I think you're ready for one." He was right. My prick was full-hard, my swollen helmet dark purple ahead of its collar of wrinkled foreskin, and a drop of clear lube filled my teardrop shaped orifice. Vic leaned over and grasped my prick in the middle of my shaft, drawing the skin back from where it filled my groove behind the head. He lowered his head and I felt his soft warm lips on my glans, caressing it lovingly. Now Rocco had recovered and sat up watching us.

"That's it, Vic," he said. "Give it to him the way I gave it to you. When you came, I felt every throb of your helmet in my mouth." Vic's lips slid down over my wet glans, now compressing my corona and dropping into the groove behind it. His fist tugged at my shaft skin in little jerks, stretching the nerve endings with erotic pulses. I lay back to enjoy the inevitable.

I felt Rocco's hand cupping my contracted scrotum as Vic's lips began twisting around my corona and the nerve-filled groove behind it. I tried to remain relaxed to prolong the delicious sensations, but I knew that it was only a matter of time until I'd be lost in the frenzy of orgasm. I felt the sensation build up in my helmet as Vic licked the underside with his tongue while his lips worked on my corona. The first gentle tickle came when his tongue probed my meatus, and it spread under the glans as his tongue-tip moved to my tightly-stretched frenulum. Now the tickling feeling spread up both side of my rim, and I knew that I was poised on the brink.

My helmet was so hot and hard, the flesh so tightly distended, that it ached for the release of orgasm. Between Rocco kneading my nuts and Vic's hot mouth on my prick, I knew I'd be unable to hold out any longer, and I abandoned myself to the sensations. My eyes closed as the tickle in my tip changed deliciously into a hot tingle that spread all over my helmet, from front dome to swollen rim.

The hot tingle exploded, and I cried out in joyful agony as the first jet surged into my urethra and charged upward in a searing hot blast that turned my brain to mush. I became a mass of sensation as Vic's lips pulled another hot gush of cream from my prick. My entire body writhed in blissful agony as the orgasm's fury washed over me.

Vic twisted his lips around my corona as his tongue drilled my orifice and I felt my hips buck as a third torrent of fluid gushed through my prick. As the fourth spasm swept through me I felt his lips move up to purse around my slit. Vic was well aware that my tip, like his became overly sensitive during orgasm, and he skillfully kept the tension on the skin of my prick to maintain the momentum of my orgasm.

My next discharge was also heavenly, but weaker. I was emptying myself into his mouth, joyfully, eagerly, but I knew that it would end soon. Weaker contractions now gripped the root of my prick and I knew that my jets had turned to a flow, which was now a mere seep. Gradually I relaxed, sinking helplessly into the daze.

Minutes later I opened my eyes to see Rocco wiping the cream from his body. Vic had lapped the residue from my tip and now he was gently easing the protective foreskin up to cover it. Now he leaned forward, lowering his head to kiss me tenderly on the lips.

We were all exhausted and we cuddled together in relaxation, waiting for the sleep that would soon overtake us. It did and we slept until morning.

Continued in Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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