Laura and Me

By Addie Q

Published on Feb 12, 2007



This was a wonderful compliment from a reader. She took a story she liked of mine titled "Becky and Me" and re-wrote it from the other girls side of things. It's beautiful. If you wanna read the first story. It's in the Lesbian/High School page, scroll down, it's there... peace from AddieQ!

= = = = = = = = = = Title : Laura and Me = = = = = = = = = = = author: ? = = = = = = = = = =

This is a reverse point-of-view to the story "Becky and Me" written by Addie Q

I'm lying on my bed on my stomach with my arms around a pillow, trying to calm the storm of feelings roaring inside me. My best friend, Laura, is next to me and my parents are gone for a few days.

I've known Laura for years and she's the best friend anybody could have. But I have been fighting other feelings about her. She's so strong and reassuring, something I know I need. All my life I've felt insecure, needing constant encouragement or reassurance. I always worry about what people think of me. When I was little and needed comfort or assurance, I used a baby-like voice. My mother always responded to that voice. For some reason, I never outgrew it.

One day, without even noticing it I found myself talking in my baby voice around Laura. She was so reassuring, complimenting me, taking away my worries, making me feel better. Since then I've used that voice anytime I felt vulnerable, and Laura has always responded. She teases me often, but for some reason I don't mind that. I'll use my little voice and she'll push more, making me act more like a baby. We often talk about our bodies at those times and sometimes I talk about my weight, hoping she'll assure me that I'm not fat.

As I grew older and more aware of my body I started comparing it to others. My breasts are small but perky, while Laura's are a little bigger. I always worried about my butt. I worry that it's too big, too soft. Laura's is cute - little and tight. Thinking about the differences always made me worry and I'd find myself talking in that baby voice. Laura would compliment me, saying she liked my butt more than hers. We were often comparing our bodies, our breasts, our bottoms. Laura seemed fixated on my butt; she commented on it a lot using words like beautiful and delicious. That caused a mixture of feelings to tingle through me. I was definitely excited about the thought of her liking it and at the same time I worried that it wasn't attractive enough. One time I was wearing a pair of clingy sweat pants. Laura complimented me, saying they made my butt look really nice. While I tried to laugh it off as her fixation, I found myself very aroused and masturbated that night thinking of what she said.

I was learning a lot about my body. And I always felt a jolt of arousal when Laura poked my bottom. I was finding myself more and more curious and wondered about exploring that forbidden zone. But I was afraid to.....I needed reassurance,. I was showering earlier, thinking about Laura staying with me for the weekend. Without consciously knowing why, I washed my butt very carefully.

Laura came over and before long we were joking and talking about our bodies, comparing them. Somehow, Laura convinced me to compare our butts in the bathroom mirror. We went in, standing side by side and pulled our pants down a little, just letting our asses show. God hers is cute. I worked up the nerve to say "Oh my god, Laura - your butt is so tiny and cute." Mine looks so big in comparison. She is clearly fixated on my butt, and the old question arose again, Does she really like it?

Laura replied, "Yours is perfect..." I shuddered at that comment.

As we were looking, I found myself hoping she would touch it. I stopped my mind from fantasizing further, although it clearly wanted to. What if she thought it was too dirty? I so wanted her to touch it. I hesitated, and then said quietly, "I took a shower this afternoon and I always wash my butt really well." Why did I say that?

Laura said, "Well, it sure looks nice and clean." It was a polite thing for her to say, but how did I expect her to respond? I realized with embarrassment that I created a weird nervousness. I could only reply thank you, in my little baby voice.

We stopped looking after a very short time and went back to my room where that nervousness still prevailed. Even though we were good friends, we had never seen each other naked. I couldn't get the sight out of my mind nor the thought of her looking at my butt. I so wanted her to like it, to touch it. I remembered what she said about my sweat pants, so I gave her the men's pajamas I normally wear and pulled on the sweat pants calling them my pj's. She put on the men's bright blue cotton bottoms and top, just using two buttons. Her cute braless breasts were clearly outlined against the fabric.

My mind was racing - I so needed her to compliment my butt, and I don't knw why - but I needed it. But I couldn't initiate anything, or even ask for it. I just can't! I need Laura, to reassure me. So here I lie on my stomach, hoping.....

I flinched as I felt Laura's finger touch my bottom. Through my shock I heard her soft whisper "Oh Becky."

My defensive side reacted first. I squealed, "Laura - Stop it!"

"You're so worried about being ticklish," she stated.

"It's not that, you always try and poke at my butt," I answered. Please, I thought - keep talking about it.

"How can I help it?

It's so cute."

I squirmed at that. Did she really think it was cute? I hoped so, but worried because it was bigger than hers. I hoped she'd keep talking, reassuring me. "It makes me nervous," I replied.

"Oh c'mon Becky - you know that I'm completely in love with your butt."

Oh god, I thought that was too much? That statement surprised me and I couldn't stifle a little smile.

Laura whispered, "I love your beautiful ass..."

"Stop it - I never know when you're kidding."

After a pause, Laura said, "Oh Becky, don't listen to me, I'm sorry."

I couldn't deny the disappointment I felt at those words. Deep down I knew I wished that she was serious and not kidding. I didn't want the subject to drop. How to keep her going? "Jeez Laura - I mean, you just sound so excited about this kind of stuff." I couldn't hide the nervousness from my voice. Was it my fear of her feelings or my own?

"Oh you're right; I guess I say the same thing all the time."

"Laura, it's so weird - you're totally fixated on my butt." There. I said it.

"I guess I am...."

A silence followed. I felt relaxed in the soft warm light of my bedside lamp. I needed her to push further, but the silence was lengthening. After a while I risked another comment in my baby voice. "Laura, you just love to talk about my butt, don't you."

"C'mon Becky, you know why I talk about it, because it's so cute."

"No way, it's just so enormous. I hate my great big butt," I pouted in my baby voice, hoping for reassurance. Laura responded by poking my ass.

"Oh stop it. Looking at you I feel like I have such a huge butt."

She laughed at that, and I protested, "Don't laugh!"

She patted her hand on my pants, right on my butt and said, "Be quiet, your ass is fabulous." After she said that, she left her hand on my butt. She often poked it as we talked about it, but this time she let her hand stay there.

I twitched a little, and said, "It just feels so big. I hate it!"

Laura replied, "And I love it." She left her hand there, and I lay still wondering what she would do. It felt so good, so reassuring. Laura rubbed it nicely, giving it a little squeeze and said, "This is NOT big." She kept her hand there for a moment as I lay still. Then she started rubbing, gentle and slow. Laura softly caressed and fondled my butt for 10 minutes. I sighed with happiness. I felt a surge of arousal inside me, fueled by her soothing touch.

After a while, she stopped stroking and just let her hand rest on my butt. My arousal would not subside. I was craving more contact, firmer contact. I tried to send telepathic messages, to no avail. She seemed to be softening her stroking when my body craved more. I needed more, but oh god I can't ask. I thought of a hint that might work. Of course it came out in my baby voice.

"You don't think it's... it's too soft?"

"Oh Becky - no, it's perfect."

"I think it's too soft."

"Then let me feel you make it hard."

That response took me by surprise. "What?"

"Try and make it hard," she said.

I flexed my muscles against her hand, feeling her grip my cheek tighter. The feeling was great.

"Oh c'mon, you can do better than this," she said. Then she repositioned herself behind me, sitting on my legs and putting both hands on my ass. "All right, let's really make it hard," she commanded.

I really wanted to respond so I said, "Just a second," and took my glasses off setting them on the bedside table. I put my head back on my pillow, held my breath and squeezed as hard as I could, flexing my muscles and pushing back. Laura responded by squeezing and pushing into my butt.

"Harder!" she commanded.

Jolts of electricity shot through me. It felt so good. The arousal was definitely building in me. She grabbed with both hands and pushed. I made my butt as stiff as I could. She give it a few hard squeezes and pushes, which felt great. I tried to make light of it by wiggling and pushing back in a playful way. I realized how hard I was pushing when I grunted at the effort. After a while I needed a breath, so I exhaled and melted in relaxation.

"Wow, nice going Miss Power Butt!"

It felt so good. I responded in my baby voice, "Thank you." Laura kept on rubbing. Slow, soft and round motions, one hand on each cheek.

She whispered, "Becky, you have a beautiful ass."

The words made me shiver. I could barely eek out in my baby voice, "Thank you..." And she kept on rubbing. She left her hands on my butt, one on each cheek. I relaxed at this point, but Laura gently caressed my butt. Careful round motions, gently squeezing. It felt so reassuring, so arousing. She slowed down and I could feel her slightly spread my cheeks apart. Although it felt arousing, I automatically squirmed a little.

"Oh please, no. Don't tense up, this is... so good."

She continued to calmly push and massage my butt, and I stayed silent. It felt so reassuring, and it was definitely building an arousal in me.

She said quietly, "This is wonderful."

She slowly pushed and squeezed, and spread my butt open. She repeated the pushing and squeezing in rhythm for a few minutes, each time grabbing with more force, pushing my cheeks wider apart. I kept still, enjoying the feeling and wondering how far she would go with this. By now she was getting shamelessly sexual, pushing her thumbs deep into my crack. With each slow pass, her thumbs inched deeper into my bottom and further down between my legs. Then Laura got up on her knees, and started pushing a little harder. It seemed like she wanted to go further with this, and I wanted to encourage her. I arched my back, and tilted my butt upward, against her hands. Her rubbing got more sensual and I found myself pushing back against her hands, straining for more contact. It felt so intimate, so forbidden. My butt was getting higher and higher. I knew I wanted to go there but I had to have Laura lead me. She was wantonly unrestrained as she massaged, pushed and squeezed, making firm round motions. She was so physical, so bold. A passion was building in me. I wanted more. By now there could be no denying what we were doing, and I wanted/needed her to get more aggressive. I shifted a little, and she stopped, taking her hands off my ass. I knew I was crossing a line, but wanted this so badly. Slowly and deliberately, I squirmed up onto my knees, arching my back and pressing my face down on the pillow. I was pointing my butt to the ceiling, making my message clear. I was a little worried, how would she react?

Laura softly whispered, "Becky, this is so nice."

She put her hands back on my bottom, but this time she was extraordinarily gentle, just barely touching. It was very slow and very smooth. I felt her move my t-shirt a tiny bit, exposing a little skin. Her fingers moved to the edge of my pants and started to pull the stretchy fabric down. A shock ran through me. As aroused as I was, part of me needed to protest. I started to squirm.

"" protested Becky. I wriggled, but she held onto my pants. "Becky, I want to, I - I mean, can I take a peek at your panties..."

I resisted, "But I'm not sure if..."

"Becky - please!" she begged.

The panty line made me hold still. After all, we had been looking at each other's bare butts earlier. And her touching felt so good. She slowly pulled the sweatpants down, revealing the top of my panties.

"Little flowers - Oh my god, these are so cute...." She said happily.

"I - I don't know if..." I replied, still needing to protest.

She asked, "Can I see a little more?"

"But Laura..."

"Oh please, this is so nice - please."

"It's just..." I replied.

"Becky, please," Laura interrupted. "There have been so many times that I have told you how much I liked your bottom. I wasn't kidding."


She went on, "Becky, I love bottom, really - I do. I love your beautiful bottom. So please - please let me do this, I'm begging you, please."


Laura said with desperation in her voice, "Becky - please, I have to do this."

The words stunned me. She wasn't just reassuring me. She really wanted it - for her. I was touched. After a long pause I answered quietly, "Okay."

Then she pulled the sweatpants down to my knees. I held still, with my back arched and my ass in the air.

Laura whispered, "Oh god, Becky - thank you."

She held still for a little while and I could feel her looking at me. Then she did something so wonderful, so touching. I felt her lips kiss the fabric of my underwear, once on each cheek. It touched me deeply.

I could only speak in my little baby voice. "Thank you..." I was incapable of forming the words that were in my mind.

Her fingertips gently touched my panties. She traced the outline of the waistband, all the way around the front and back, slowly and softly. Her fingers moved smooth and slow. I shivered when her fingers touched the tiny silky hairs near my crotch. Then she did it all again, even slower. And I shivered more.

"Becky, I absolutely love your bottom."

She put both hands on my thin cotton panties and again began to slowly squeeze my bottom. It was very gentle, very slow, coming almost to a stop. Then I felt her thumb, gently placed directly on my star. OMG. The touch sent a jolt through me and I moved a little. I so wanted her to keep going, but I couldn't say anything. I pushed my pillow aside, letting it fall onto the floor. This let me put my face lower, and arch my butt even higher. Then I carefully spread my legs, as wide as I could with the sweatpants still around my knees. I knew this looked like a blatant invitation, but I needed her touch so badly.

"Oh Becky," she whispered, her thumb gently on my star.

She moved her thumb very slowly, keeping it against my tiny pucker through the thin fabric of my panties. Laura pressed her thumb in a little round motion, firm onto that spot. A soft moan escaped my lips. Oh god this was so wonderful.

Laura whispered, "Oh god, so beautiful."

She played with my star for far more than a few minutes. It felt so wonderful. I kept hoping/wondering how far she would take this. She was pressing in a rhythm, firm and slow against my rosebud. Then I felt her other hand delicately stroking my legs with her fingertips. She carefully touched the few thin pubic hairs along the inside of my groin. It sent shock waves through me and I shivered from the sensation. Then I felt her cupped hand rest up against my crotch. A louder moan arousal was building and my heart was racing. She pressed against my vaginal lips, and I was sure she could feel my growing wetness. I wanted this. I needed this. Her finger lightly teasing my rosebud had set off a desire in me, and I carefully moved my groin back onto her thumbs. I started to pump rhythmically, craving more contact, and Laura pushed back to meet each motion.

"Becky - yes..." she whispered.

We continued for a few minutes, the motions almost robotic, unwavering pumping and rubbing. Then Laura stopped rubbing and started to pull my sweat pants off my legs. We were going further and further into uncharted waters, and my last inhibition faded away.

"Laura?" I whispered nervously. It was a question, not a protest.

"Shhhh...." She said, and then pulled my pants off my bare feet and let them fall to the floor. I had to put my knees together to allow her to take the pants off, and now I repositioned myself with my knees just a little wider than they were before. Laura kissed my bottom again, right on my panties. After a long pause, she delicately stroked my panties with her fingertips.

Finally she said, shakily, "Becky, remember tonight...."

"Yes..." I answered.

"Tonight, when we pulled our pants down together, and looked at our bottoms in the bathroom mirror?"

How could I forget? "Yes, I remember."

"I - I mean, Oh Becky, I - I really enjoyed it" she stammered.

I quietly replied, "So did I."

"Becky, your bottom - is so beautiful." She was gently stroking my panties. I knew I should reply, but after a long pause all I could whisper was

"Thank you..."

"I was so happy to see it, to really finally see it."


"Yes - really, it made me so happy to see it. You must know how much I love it, and I want you to know how beautiful - I - I ..." Then she reached under, between my legs, and delicately stroked the few soft pubic hairs sticking out of my underwear.

I shivered a little. "Oh god, Laura..."

She whispered, "Your bottom is so perfect and lovely."

We sat in silence for a long time, with Laura gently touching my delicate little hairs. Then she whispered, "Becky, I'm going to pull your panties down."

While my mind knew it should protest my emotions had gone beyond all inhibitions. I wanted her to keep playing with my butt.....and I could only wonder how far she would go. I held still, waiting for her. She leaned in and kissed the bare skin at the base of my back, just above the waistband of my panties. She kissed my back a few times, gently. Then she put her fingers inside the waistband of my panties, and slowly started to pull them down. She kissed every inch of newly exposed skin. It probably took her five minutes to slowly pull my panties all the way down to my knees. And she kissed my skin the entire way down my legs. She carefully pulled the panties off my legs and set them on the bed.

Now I was completely bare to her, wearing just my right red t-shirt.

Laura blurted out, "Oh God - Becky..."

My ass was still pointed high, and I needed Laura to keep going. I moved my knees back into that strong wide stance......knowing my rosebud and wet pussy were completely open to her.

"Oh my god." She whispered in a shaky voice.

She carefully put her hands on my bare cheeks. It felt so warm, so reassuring, and so good. She held still, nothing was happening. I wondered....does she think we've gone too far? I nervously whispered, "Laura is everything okay?" I was petrified of what the answer might be.

"Oh god yes, Becky!"

"What?" I asked.

Laura whispered, "Oh god, Becky - I had no idea that it could be so - so beautiful."

My baby voice came out. "Really?"

"Yes, really - it's I mean, you..." and then she trailed off.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"It's - it's so..." she stammered.

"Tell me - please," I asked quietly.

"Your - anus is so lovely." She whispered.

Those words electrified me. OMG....she really likes it. How far, I wondered. A little whimper escaped my mouth.

"Becky, it's so delicate and perfect - I had no idea..."

I had to encourage this....I wanted so badly for her to play with my bare rosebud. I carefully arched my back and lifted my ass even more.

"Oh god, Becky. I love you so much."

The words went through me like a shock. My body responded by rocking my hips, ever so slightly. My excitement caused me to contract and push my sphincter, pulsing it a little.

"Becky, oh god - Becky..."

My feelings overwhelmed me and I whispered, "I love you Laura..."

Then something incredible happened. I felt Laura's face move closer, and her wet lips kissed my rosebud. The feeling drove me beyond arousal. I shuddered and let out a passionate moan. She kissed it again, her lips pushing firm against my tiny star.

"Oh god" I gasped.

I was trembling and my breath became very short. I couldn't believe this was happening. Laura was actually kissing my asshole! Gawd it felt good. She kept kissing my ass and I got more and more excited. I was building in a way I never have before. Then Laura placed her hands on each butt cheek, spreading them, and slid her tongue against my rosebud. I spasmed and jerked at her touch. I was building even higher as she started licking hard, getting me so wet.

I panted, "Oh god - Laura, it feels so good."

She took one hand and put it on the inside of my thigh. I was incredibly wet, and I knew she could tell how aroused I was. She moved her hand up and touched my open wet sex. I started to pump my hips immediately, hoping to drive her hand into me. Laura pressed her palm up against my wet crotch, rubbing my hardening clit. I was pumping so hard, so fast, riding Laura's hand. I was breathing hard while she continued to lick all around my star. I lost all inhibitions I may have had....I simply needed Laura to take me completely. My top suddenly felt constricting, out of place.

"Stop," I said. I held still while Laura stopped, my body still arched to the ceiling, and I was heaving like I had run a mile.

Laura asked carefully, "Becky, what's wrong?"

I felt an incredible desire for her, but couldn't put my thoughts into words. "Laura, I - I"

"What is it?"

I sat up on my knees, still breathing hard. I heard a nervous whisper behind me.


I tried to speak again, "Laura, I feel...I mean I have to..." but the words wouldn't come.

"Becky - what?"

I knew what I had to do. I just couldn't say it. In a smooth deliberate way, I pulled my red t-shirt up and over my head and let it fall to the floor. I then undid my bra and took it off. There.....if I haven't made it clear by now.... After a short moment, I slowly leaned forward and put my face to the bed. I moved my ass so it was pointed up to the ceiling, and carefully spread my knees wide so I was spread open for her. I knew I was giving myself to her completely, and needed her to take me.

"Oh god, Becky..." she whispered.

I needed her, badly. My need came out in my baby voice. "Laura...can you?" I still couldn't say it.

"Do you - do you want me to - to lick some more?" she asked.

Oh god......just what I wanted. "Yes," I gasped.

She gently put one hand on my hip, and cupped the other hand against my wet sex. I shuddered with anticipation. I felt her lips delicately kiss my rosebud. I shivered dynamically at her touch. My words came out as a whimper, "Oh god..."

She kissed and licked again, and drooled down in my crack. Between my sex and her saliva things were positively soaking. I whimpered again, "Laura, oh my god - this is so amazing." I was thrusting my ass back against her wet hand. I was pumping so hard, her lips bounced on and off my pumping hole. Laura moved her hand from my hip, under me, and felt my small breasts. I was rocking and moving as she caressed my tiny titties. I let a passionate gasp escape my lips. It was so incredible; she was licking my star and rubbing my breasts with one hand and my crotch with the other. I realized how much I needed this, how much I loved her, and cried softly at the realization.

Laura pulled her face away and asked, "Becky, are you all right?"

I panted in reply, "Oh god Laura, I love you so much."

At this she moved her hand from my tiny breast and touched my slippery rosebud. The touch electrified me and I gasped, "Oh God!" I pushed back and wriggled, trying to back onto her finger. I was so wet, that her finger slid smoothly into my ass. I was so close. I gasped, "Laura, I'm going to come."

Her other hand found my slippery clit and pushed firm against it. I was about to explode when Laura pushed her finger deeper into my ass. "Oh god. I'm going to come." She kissed my butt cheek as I spasmed against her. "Oh god - Oh god," I panted. Laura pushed her finger a little deeper into my thrusting ass.

"Laura!" I screamed as I climaxed in an amazing orgasm. "Oh god - Oh god - Laura!" I gushed against her hand as I released my come. My hips convulsed as I let out a series of passionate sobs. Aftershocks coursed through my body. As I came down, I sighed, "Oh my god, Laura - that was incredible." I was breathing hard, and slowly melted down flat against the bed. I lay on my stomach, my bottom and legs were covered with wetness.

Laura rubbed my ass-cheeks. I closed my eyes and slowly caught my breath with deep inhalations. What had just happened?

Laura started kissing my bottom again, and I could feel her soft kisses through my wetness. She crawled up and kissed my back, crawling higher with each kiss. She inched herself up and kissed my neck. All I could murmur was a soft, "Mmmmm."

At this point Laura was sitting on my butt, kind of pressing into it. She was humping my butt, really pushing it with her groin. It felt so good, but I wanted to feel her bare sex on my bottom, I needed her to ride and hump my ass. She was starting to grunt, rubbing against my butt. I was rocking my hips, so my butt would push up against her. It was incredible. She reached up and grabbed at me, groping as she ran her hands across my bare back. She leaned in and kind of hugged me, still humping and breathing hard. I was pumping my butt up against her. I felt her kissing my neck, close to my hairline. Then she sucked my earlobe, sending me higher. I could wait no more. I turned my head and almost instantly we were kissing each other on the mouth. Wet passionate kisses, full of feeling and desire.

I rolled over onto my side, and now Laura was humping the side of my hip. We were still kissing deeply. Laura sat up a little, still thrusting against me. Her breasts were pushing against the thin fabric of the pjs, and I could feel the wetness in her crotch as she humped against me. I was eager for more. I looked at her breasts pressed against the top, and suddenly needed Laura to be naked with me. I undid the buttons on her shirt, and took it off. This was the first time I had seen her breasts. God they were lovely.

They were a little bigger than mine, but not too big. They were perfect - bouncing with each of her humping pushes. We stared in disbelief at each other for a long time, and she was rubbing against me with more and more urgency. I looked at the growing wet spot on the thin blue fabric of the pajamas. A wave of emotion went through me. This lovely girl was going to cum from riding me.

"Laura, Oh god, you're so wet." I exclaimed.

"Becky, I - I love you so much."

With that, I reached up and started to pull off her pajama pants. It was a little awkward, with our position and Laura was thrusting and shaking almost uncontrollably. But I needed us both to be naked. I gently pushed her down on her back and lifted her pants. I looked directly at her open legs. She was soaked....a mass of wet juices covered her sex.

"Laura, I can't believe how wet you are," I whispered.

I stared at her, at her wet crotch. Then I knew what I wanted, what I needed. By now I was convinced that she truly loved my ass, and I needed her to cum while riding it with that wet crotch. I wanted to feel her wanton wet pussy riding my butt, with nothing between. I wanted her to come on my ass. I wanted her to fuck my ass.

I kissed Laura quickly on the mouth, then lay down close to her on my belly. I hoped the invitation was clear. I looked at her and she at me. She wasn't getting the hint. So I squeezed and flexed my butt, and let it slowly start to rock. Please Laura, I thought, don't make me say it.

Laura realized my offer, because she got on her knees and climbed onto my back, pressing her clit against my firm ass cheek. It felt so incredible, so powerful. Her wet crotch pressed against my ass. I started to push my butt up and into her, trying to fuck her with my ass. Her wetness covered my cheeks with a layer of her juices. I rocked harder, pressing as she held still. I looked over my shoulder at her and asked meekly, "Is this okay?"

Laura leaned in and kissed me. Wet, on my mouth. I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth as we kissed passionately. She started humping furiously, with passionate force. She was grunting and panting, and broke away from the kiss.

"Oh god - Becky."

I was thrusting my ass hard up against her, and the wetness was getting sloppy and noisy. Laura's head bounced over my neck and hair, but she was too far gone. Her body was bouncing and rocking over me as she pumped and rubbed her clit against my smooth wet butt. We pushed and thrust and I let my ass rise up. Laura got higher on her knees, and reached under to hold my breasts. But after a while she let go, loosing all control and rubbing harder. I thought she was getting close, but wasn't sure. "Do you think you can come?"

"Yes, oh god - Becky, yes."

I pushed my ass up into her sopping pussy with an even rhythm. I could feel the orgasm build in her. She began to gasp and then her hips pumped in these fast shivering pulses. She was slapping against my ass. I pushed back hard. Laura started moaning, out of control.

I had my ass up high and her wet lips were pushed deep towards my crack. She was rubbing, hard, with her firm slippery clit. She exploded, shaking with powerful waves and convulsions. She was humping me furiously, with passion. This was so incredible. "Laura - yes" I gasped.

Then I felt something even more incredible. A warm liquid squirted onto my ass and into my crack, like she was peeing. It was hot and powerful. Laura screamed as she sprayed against my star, and it splashed down my legs and across my back. It was so incredible. I squealed "Laura, oh god!"

Her hips quavered and she humped my soaking ass. Everything was getting soaked with her hot, sticky juices. Then it slowly subsided. She was still sitting above me, and I could feel her slide lower to look at how covered I was with her come.

She leaned down and gently kissed my bottom again. I was completely in love.

I whispered, "I love you Laura."

I heard the words I always needed. "I love you too."

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