Latter Day Dilf

By Rob

Published on May 10, 2023


Nifty survives when we all chip in our share!

This story is populated with horny, reckless, sinful Saints that spring from my imagination.

No actual Mormons were harmed!

Latter Day DILF Chapter Ten

Waiting impatiently on the sidewalk out in front of the church, I keep watching for Mom and Dad so we can make our escape. I am so ready to go home. I got about two hours of sleep last night; so I'm in desperate need of a Sunday nap. I should've known better than to ride to church with my parents today. Who knows how long they'll be inside yakking, before they're finally ready to leave.

Of course everyone who walks past me has to stop to shake my hand; and with Troy getting married this week, almost every handshake comes with a nosey member asking when I'm going to be settling down myself. They sure have a lot of questions about my dating habits. It seems like everyone in the ward has the perfect potential bride that they'd like me to meet.

"My wife has a niece that would be ideal for you. She's a sensible girl with a strong testimony, eager to start a family. She has such a sweet spirit!"

When a `sweet spirit' is the best selling point they can come up with, you'd better proceed with caution. I swear, if one more person asks if I'm seeing anyone, I'm tempted to tell them that I had a hot date last night and didn't get home until four a.m. How long do you think it would take for that gossip to spread through the ward? It would surely spread twice as fast if I told them my latest crush is named Chuck!

As the foot traffic from the chapel to the parking lot peters out, I'm nearly ready to go back inside and see what's keeping my folks. That's when I see him walking towards me; his eyes fixed on me like a laser. I'm trying to remember his name. It's the new member of the Stake High Council who just spoke in Sacrament Meeting. Fuck! He is coming right at me.

During his talk today, I'd been kicking myself for fantasizing about him. He's probably in his sixties; attractive, tanned and immaculately groomed, wearing a well-tailored suit. Unlike many men his age, he still has a thick head of hair; and I'd be willing to bet that his haircut cost as much as the cheap missionary suit I'm wearing. I'd almost chuckled when he used a golf course analogy during his talk; because he looks and acts like the stereotypical corporate boss, the kind who brags about his ability to measure up an employee's worth, on the links. His bronzed, clean shaven face contrasts with his starched white shirt. As he was speaking earlier, I evilly pictured him loosening his tie and unbuttoning his crisp dress shirt to expose a smooth, broad chest. If he's not naturally hairless, he's surely the type of guy who shaves it all off.

He's a handsome guy; it's just that the words coming out of his mouth had been the opposite of a turn-on. He had been rambling on about the battle between pornography and the law of chastity, while projecting a stern humorless attitude. I'd be willing to bet that he's repressed his desires for so long, that he'd explode like a rocket if he ever let himself have some fun. Is it wrong that I want to fuck him, despite his smug, self righteous attitude?

And now he's walking straight towards me. What the heck is his name? Never breaking eye contact, he strides up to me and stops a little too close for comfort. It's an intimidating tactic, exactly the kind of thing I'd expect from a guy like him. He shakes my hand; but doesn't release his grip. He holds my elbow with his other hand and uses it to pull me in. Then he leans in even closer and speaks quietly, but authoritatively, into my ear.

"I say unto you, follow my counsel and heed my commandments, that you may taste the sweet fruit of obedience."

Wait.....What? No fucking way! Are you kidding me? I never imagined that he'd be one of the men in President Lyman's inner circle. I'm thrown off balance by the words coming out of his mouth. I just stand there, dumbfounded. I can see the carnal desire in his eyes. Is there any other way to interpret what he just said? This is the last person I would expect to encounter in the Brotherhood. Taking one step back; but still gripping my hand, he quickly looks me up and down.

"Bishop Steale speaks very highly of you, Brother Smith. He tells me that you have exceeded his expectations. While I trust the bishop's assessment, I intend to find out for myself. Follow me, son."

Now this is just getting fucking weird. Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks briskly back into the building. By the time I catch up, I see him stop and briefly say something to Bishop Steale. Then, with a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure that I'm following, he continues down the hallway. I'm not sure what I expected; but I'm surprised when he opens the door of the first classroom he comes to and steps inside.

I find him standing just inside the door. He's unbuttoned his suit jacket; flipped the end of his tie over his shoulder; and is standing with his hands on his hips. This old man is in amazing shape. He motions to me with his head, indicating that I should close the door. I notice that there is no lock. Even though the majority of the congregation have left, there are still plenty of people in the building; and there is a narrow window in the door.

"Get on your knees, Elder. Use your mouth to prepare the way."

"Someone could walk in..."

"On your knees, son. I don't have much time. My wife was chatting with your parents when I left her. I told them I felt moved by the Spirit to have a few words with you. That should buy us a little time."

I obediently kneel in front of him. He holds my head firmly against his crotch. I get a light whiff of cologne until he grinds his pelvis into my face; then I detect the unmistakable musk of a very horny daddy. I can feel him getting harder through the fabric. He lets go of me just long enough to unbuckle his belt and let his wool trousers fall to the floor. I start to pull down the bottoms of his corban g's; but I'm rewarded with a slap to the back of my head.

"The sacred Temple garments are your protection, Elder; an emblem of your power and Priesthood. Pull my member out through the fly."

Why is this turning me on so much? His member? Really? I want to laugh, but my boner is telling me to just play along. My first thought as I snake my hand into his garments is that I nailed it when I figured he'd be smooth. Like the proverbial baby's bottom. There isn't even any stubble. His low hanging balls are immaculate. Probably feels awesome for him against the silky fabric of his g's. My second thought is that the head of his penis is quite a handful. When I finally extract it from his g's, I take a quick look before I take it into my mouth.

Fuck! This guy's cock resembles a gear shift knob. If not for the freakishly large glans, it would look kind of normal, I suppose. It's a bit longer than average; but even though he's getting hard, it's the thinnest shaft of any dick I've seen on a dude. His long skinny `member' ends in a knob that's easily three times as wide as the rest of his cock. It makes me think of the clapper in a bell. I have to give him credit though; as soon as I start sucking, the old guy gets hard as a railroad spike. His steely erection further enhances the contrast in the circumference from the root to the tip. Well, they say life is all about variety! I open wide and get down to business.

He only lets me slobber on it for a minute; then pulls me up and pushes me face first against the wall. He reaches around me to undo my belt. I unbutton, unzip and push down my trousers. I'm not sure why I opted for my one-piece g's when I was getting ready for church this morning, but it certainly makes the old man happy when he sees them. A growling sound comes from deep in his broad chest.

"Oh yes, Brother Smith! You continue to impress me. Those garments are the perfect choice for a receptive partner. I'll have you know, in forty years of marriage, I have never shared intimacy with my eternal helpmate without the blessing and protection of the sacred Temple garment."

Now I'm really trying not to laugh. With my back to him, I reach through my fly and pull out my own hard cock, so I can stroke while he does his thing. I'm a bit worried about the initial entry of that wide, bulbous head. It would be nice if I had some lube. Then, like an answer to prayer, from the side pocket of his suit jacket, he retrieves a small vial on a keychain. For the second time since my adventures in the Brotherhood began, I feel consecrated oil being rubbed around my puckered asshole to get it ready. It makes me wonder if anyone really carries that stuff around for giving blessings; maybe that's just a cover story.

After carefully slicking me up, I feel his enormous cock head at the entrance to my hole. I try to relax my muscles to ease the entry. Rather than push in right away, he raises both hands and places them on my head.

"We thank you for the blessings we are about to receive."

Okay. I'd been determined not to laugh; but did he just bless me like I was a plateful of funeral potatoes? He doesn't give me time to think about it. Quickly, both of his hands drop down onto my hips. He holds on tight and shoves his full length into me. It stings as the knob pops through my sphincter; but with the widest bit inside me, his hips start to move, and it feels so fucking good. I'm trying to relax and enjoy the ride. Yet, for the life of me, I can't erase the image of his matronly wife, fully clad in her Temple undies, getting the same treatment. I try to suppress my chuckle, but I can't stop it entirely.

"Are you laughing, Elder! Is this a joke to you?"

"No. It just feels so good. I can't help myself. I'm trying not to moan or call out!"

Fortunately, he buys it. It's the best I can come up with on the spur of the moment. I beat my meat to try and get into the mood; but I can't get the thought of him and his wife out of my head. If she is like many other devout Sisters of her generation, his `member' is probably the only one she's seen in action. No doubt, she thinks all men in the ward have a penis that resembles an extra large tootsie roll pop on its rolled paper stick.

Then, a couple minutes into the fuck he's throwing me, I start to change my mind about this old High Councilor and his goofy looking penis. He shoves me tight against the burlap covered wall and starts to fuck me like a demon. In the process, he begins pulling all the way out of my ass on each stroke, before pounding back in. On every fucking thrust he is popping that big mutant glans of his in and out of the little ring of muscle that guards my ass. I say a prayer of thanks for that holy olive oil he used in preparation; and I hang on for the ride. As his tempo continues to increase, he's pushing air into me with every thrust. I can actually hear my ass burp each time he goes in or out.

Even though it's feeling great, I can't stop thinking that we could be caught any time; so it's a relief when he starts to tense up and quietly groan. With one final jab into my ass, he presses his body tight against my back and whispers through clenched teeth.

"Accept my seed, Elder. You are nothing but a vessel for my righteous Melchizedek seed."

He holds his body perfectly still throughout his orgasm. The only movement is the pulsing of his cock head with each contraction as he fills me up.

Before he can pull out, I hear the door begin to open. Fuck no! I panic until I see that it's Bishop Steale. He's already undoing his zipper, before he can even get the door closed behind him. When he hauls out that big dick of his, I have no doubt that he's been watching us fuck through that narrow window. He's already bricked up.

The High Councilman doesn't seem surprised to see him. This must have been their plan. He slips out of me with an audible plop; then pulls the starched white handkerchief from his breast pocket and carefully wipes the oil and cum from his `member' before tucking it away.

The bishop quickly tosses his suit coat on a chair. Along with his huge dick, he's managed to fish both of his bull balls out of his fly. As he moves in to take his turn, he accepts the older man's outstretched hand; then clasps it in a ritual Patriarchal grip that I have never witnessed outside of the Temple. Bishop Steale is eating up the High Councilor's obvious admiration of his huge endowment.

As the older man stares at the bishop's oversized genitalia with awe and respect, he tentatively reaches out to touch it. The bishop silently nods his agreement; allowing him to reverently take it in his hand and feel its heft. In response, it grows even harder, causing the foreskin to fully retract. Bishop Steale raises two fingers to my mouth and I eagerly suck them. Then he groans as he slides the wet digits into my freshly bred hole. I turn my head to see him smirk as he waves off the offered vial of consecrated oil.

"I think you've already provided plenty of lubrication, Brother; and I don't want to make this too easy on him. Trust me! Elder Smith enjoys a bit of pain to go along with his pleasure. If you'll just watch the door for us, that would be great. I assure you, after watching you anoint Brodie through the flap of his Temple garments, my Priesthood rod is primed. It isn't going to take long for me to add my seed to the offering you've already provided."

Rather than guard the door from the outside, like the Bishop had obviously done, my first righteous breeder remains in the classroom with his hand on the doorknob, ready to watch me take Bishop Steale's enormous cock. At least his body is blocking the view through the window, should anyone try to look in. Knowing my egotistical bishop, he's surely thrilled to have an audience to play to anyway. With one hand on the back of my neck, he pushes my face against the rough, textured wall. I use both hands to obediently hold the rear flap of my garments open. I focus on relaxing my ass. When I feel his wide cock at my hole, he pauses just long enough to pray.

"Oh God, the eternal father, we thank Thee for the blessings we are about to receive. In the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen."

What the fuck is going on with these two? I don't have time to overthink things. As our voyeur adds his `Amen', Bishop Steale gives my ass a resounding slap; then he forces his way into my hairy, cum-filled ass in one mercifully slow push. It's not lost on me that this dick is thicker along its full length than the oversized head of my first fucker. This is the second time my bishop has used my ass for his pleasure. I'm hoping that someday the two of us will be able to hook up when we're not so rushed. I'm pretty certain that he'd be able to go at least a couple of rounds. I said he had a big ego; and with good reason. He's darkly handsome, hung like a mule and has a body built by CrossFit.

I feel the power in that muscled body as he really starts to pound. I bend just enough to get my hands on my thighs in an attempt to steady myself against his brutal attack. I end up hunched over, bent at the waist, with the top of my head braced against the wall. I feel a jolt in my neck each time he hammers that beast into my guts. Enjoying every moment, I don't realize that I've shut my eyes until I'm startled by a hand closing around my cock.

The High Councilman has deserted his guard post at the door to get a closer look at the action. He isn't stroking me, just holding my penis tightly in his fist, at first; before letting his hand slip lower to tug down on my nuts. I feel his other hand slide down my ass to feel the bishop's point of entry. The old guy better still have his handkerchief ready; because I can feel the sloppy mess Bishop Steale is creating, churning up the load that's already inside me.

The bishop leans his torso back in order to give the old man a good look as he continues to wreck my hole. I don't know if Bishop Steale was inspired by watching the High Councilman's technique as he'd fucked me; but he starts fully withdrawing on each stroke, before ramming back inside. He must be in hog heaven to have an enthralled spectator taking in his performance. As much as I'm enjoying his prowess, I'm praying that he gets his nut soon. I think of my parents waiting for me; and hope they don't come searching. No doubt, Dad would love to see what we're up to; but I've still never told my father about my sexual connection with the bishop, or even about my unusual special calling. I'm curious to know if he's even aware of our Ward leader's extracurricular activities. Finally, to my relief, as his cum load makes its way from deep in his balls, Bishop Steale announces that he's ready to erupt.

"Elder Smith, I'm about to give you the blessing of my Melchizedek seed. Never say I don't support you in your calling! It's a double baptism for you today!"

Waiting impatiently on the floral sofa in the foyer, Dad looks up when he hears our unlikely trio coming down the hall. He stands to greet us. Bishop Steale doesn't say anything to him; just smiles and gives him a confident pat on the back as he continues on to his office. Dad gives me a questioning look. I just shrug. The High Councilor firmly shakes Dad's hand.

"You've raised a fine young man, Brother Smith. You should be proud of your son's abilities, and his willingness to serve!"

Looking confused, but not sure what else to say, Dad answers supportively.

"His mother and I couldn't be more proud."

I have no doubt that Dad is being sincere; but he's probably wondering what in the heck the old guy's talking about. If he knew I just got tag-teamed, I'm sure Dad's inner horndog would be proud; but my mother? Probably not so much.

That's when I notice Mom outside on the sidewalk chatting with a silver-haired Sister; obviously the High Councilor's wife. I can't help myself, that image of her comes roaring back. I picture her bent over the edge of their marital bed, still clad in her stark white, protective undergarments; patiently waiting to receive her eternal partner's Priesthood. Her eager supplication gives Relief Society a whole new meaning. I wonder if they start their sessions with a hymn and a prayer?

It isn't until we are settled in the car that Dad asks me what our "secret" little meeting was about. The fact that he asks in front of Mom, leads me to believe that he doesn't suspect anything sexual was going on. I might tell him everything later; but for now I'm just tired. I need to eat something; and I need to take a nap. To lighten the mood, I respond with an oft repeated phrase the Church uses to dismiss questions about what happens in the temple.

"Sacred, Dad. It wasn't secret'; it was sacred'."

Good old Dad laughs as he pulls out of the parking lot.

I fish my phone out of my suit jacket and take it off silent mode. There's a text from Troy asking if I'm home yet. He asks if he can come hang for a bit. Judging by the time stamp, he sent it while I was between Priesthood breedings. He's going to be jealous as fuck when I fill him in on my Sabbath adventure. When I text him back, he says he's just headed over to his soon-to-be inlaws' for Sunday lunch. We make plans to have him swing by in a couple of hours on his way home. He says he needs some advice. I never did get a chance to cum at the church while I was getting railed. I'll bet I can convince Troy to help me out.

Back in my apartment, I start to change out of my Sunday clothes when I notice what a mess my two righteous Mormon daddies have made. My g's are actually glued to my ass with a combination of sperm and consecrated oil. I've never felt the need to take a shower after Sacrament Meeting; but then I've never come home covered in Melchizedek ball juice before. So I hop in the shower, soap up, rinse off and pull on a clean pair of garments before lying down on my bed. Before I drop off, I shoot Troy a text and tell him to just come on up when he gets here.

Spread out on the bed, I get bricked up again as I think back to my evening with Troy and his dad a couple days ago. After Troy, Wade, Dad and I had gone out for dinner, I thought the four of us might all end up naked together. But when we got back to my folk's place, it was Dad's idea to have us split up. It was decided that Troy would head inside with my dad; and daddy Wade and I would go up to my apartment. I guess it made sense because Troy's dad had been discreetly rubbing his hand on my crotch under the table while we were sitting next to each other at the diner. Then on our way home, we rode in the back seat; with him silently encouraging me to rub his hard-on through his Dockers.

Up in my room, I excused myself to go to the bathroom to take a leak before things went any further. Just as my stream started to flow, Wade came in and joined me. He flashed a wicked smile as he reached out to hold my pissing cock; and brought my hand over to grip his. As we whizzed side by side, I had a flashback to a camping trip when I was a teenager. Wade had been the Ward Scoutmaster back then. He had enlisted the help of another one of the dads to help chaperone the troop of eight energetic high schoolers. After we had set up camp that first night, I remember walking into the trees outside camp because I needed to pee. As soon as I had unzipped, the other Priesthood leader had stealthily stepped up alongside me and unfastened his pants. At the time, I hadn't really figured out my sexuality; but even then, I was curious about what other guys were packing. And back then, the only time I could get a peek was at urinals or in locker room showers.

I still recall my nervousness as this grown-ass man casually unbuckled his pants and tucked his garment waistband under his balls; then, hands free, let the piss start to fly. His cock had seemed enormous to me; and it was hanging out of a thick bush of pubic hair. I remember looking up to discover he was watching me check him out. He just smiled, before joking that I seemed to have trouble getting my own flow started. I can still picture that big python of a cock; but for the life of me, I couldn't remember who the dude was.

"Wade, who was the dad from the Ward who went with us on that three day camp-out at Willow Lake? Do you remember? He was really tall and lean, with dark hair."

"Ummm.....Bill Pratt, wasn't it? Evan's dad? What brought that up, Brodie?"

"Standing here draining our bladders together, I just flashed back to doing the same thing next to him on that first night at the lake. He showed up out of nowhere and just hauled out his junk. The dude was hung like a horse!"

"Oh god, I'd forgotten about him. You're right! He was fucking huge. He did the same thing to me a couple times that weekend; I'd go off to piss in private and he'd miraculously appear. I remember thinking it was strange, with unlimited trees to piss next to. It makes me wonder if I missed a golden opportunity; back then, I just figured he liked intimidating guys with that huge dick of his."

"So the two of you never,,,"

"No way! No, I was curious back then; but I'd never done anything with a guy at that stage. But that humongous cock of his sure made an impression on me. Sounds like it did for you too, son."

"I hadn't thought about it until just now."

"Uh....Brodie? Do you still have your Scout uniform?"

"Sure. Why? What are you thinking, old man? Do you want to live out a fantasy? You want to see what it's like to raw-dog one of your boys, Mr. Scoutmaster?"

And that's how I ended up bent over my bed in my old Boy Scout uniform, with my good friend's dad holding me down and forcibly shoving his fat prick up my ass. I'd come to learn that Wade was constantly horny; but our little role-play really seemed to set him off that night. He was in rare form. He savagely fucked me in every conceivable position; telling me he wasn't going to sign off on my merit badge until he was convinced I had earned it.

Ever the good leader, once he had demonstrated his expertise and unloaded his balls in his young charge's cunt, he gave his trainee a chance to practice what he'd learned. Right after he finished breeding his impressionable Eagle Scout's guts, Scoutmaster Wade climbed up on the edge of my bed and presented his own hairy daddy hole, so I could send him home to his wife with my nut planted deep inside. But first, I couldn't resist burying my face in his furry crack.

As my tongue found his hole and speared inside, I remembered him telling me that he always bottomed for my dad when the two of them got together. I wondered if he was comparing the rimming skills of father and son. Once I had him nice and wet, I reached around and gripped his still hard cock as I eased into his eager ass and started to pump. As I quickened my pace, I kept my fist closed tight on his prick, jacking it in time with my thrusts.

"Your hole feels so fucking good, Wade. Do you suppose my dad is giving your son the same treatment right now? Too bad Troy's bulked up so much from the gym. That big muscle ass of his would split his scout uniform shorts wide open."

"Fuck, Brodie! If you keep talking like that I'm going to nut again. I've never watched your dad plow my boy's ass; but I'm sure as hell picturing it now!"

"Shit! I'm getting close! If you're really ready to cum again, I'll try and hold out. Cum for me, daddy! I want to feel your cunt squeeze this load right out of me!"

That's all it took. As Wade's second batch of jizz spayed my hand and onto the bed, I squirted my biggest load of the day deep inside. After we'd cleaned up and were getting dressed, Wade confessed that it was hearing me say `Cum for me, daddy', that had pushed him over the edge. I'll have to remember that the next time I get a shot at his sexy daddy hole.

I just hope his son, Troy, had as much fun that night with my dad.

Before Wade left, I asked him if he knew what happened to Brother Bill Pratt, the well-hung chaperone from our camping trip. He said he still lived in the Ward, even though he wasn't an active member these days. After Wade went home, I looked Bill up in the Ward directory. I wondered if I would have the balls to drop by his house sometime. I could use the excuse that I'm just inviting him to come to church on Sunday. Or I could say I was curious what his son Evan was doing these days. I mean, it's not like I'm not getting enough dick; but I would love to see if that monster is really as big as I remembered. I know it's a long shot; but the dude was such an exhibitionist, a visit might be worthwhile.

Fuck. Remembering that night makes me even hornier. So I end up wasting my precious nap time, fantasizing and rubbing my boner through my g's. When Troy shows up, I'll have to ask how his `alone time' with dad turned out that night. I'm dying to hear all about it. As far as that goes, I guess I could ask my dad.

Since I'm not getting any sleep anyway, I get up and pull on some loose basketball shorts over my garments. I'm just rummaging for a clean tee shirt when I hear Troy coming up the stairs. I look over to see him open the door just wide enough to poke his head in and look around my room

"Is the coast clear? You don't have any naked tricks hiding under the bed?"

"Fuck you, Troy! I'm afraid it's just you and me. Glad you could come over! Less than a week of freedom left for you, bro!"

"Man, this week is gonna be so freaking busy. You're still coming to the temple with us Friday, aren't ya?"

"Hell yeah! Of course I am. They haven't yanked my Temple recommend yet. Or have you heard something I haven't?"

"From the dirt I've been hearing about you and the Bishop, I don't think you have to worry about that, bud. Sounds like your `calling and election has been made sure', dude!"

"That fuckin' Bishop Steale! I have an interesting story to share about him. You're going to love it. I can't really tell anybody else this shit without outing someone in the process! But you go first, buddy. You said you needed some advice?"

He reaches out and gently cups my butt cheek before he answers. Troy's a muscular guy and he can get rough sometimes; but for now, his big hand lightly slides over the curve of my ass through my silky shorts. He turns me around and presses his crotch against my butt. He must've been playing with that big dick of his on the drive over; it's hard as rock. He slips his hand under my garments and grips my pecs.

"I'll tell you what I really need is to fuck a big load into you, buddy. Are you game? Here's how I see it; if I share my testimony with you while I'm here, I can mark this down as a ministering visit when I report to the Elder's Quorum president next week. I love sharing my testimony. You wouldn't deny me that, would you?"

"I can feel your testimony, you fucker. It feels like a strong one. The prophet said the best way to strengthen your testimony is to share it with others. You're supposed to share it with everyone you meet."

"Fuck yeah! My testimony is growing as we speak. You feel that? I'm going to shove it so deep up your hairy cunt, there won't be any room left for doubt!"

"I'm more than ready. Where do ya want me, Elder?"

Instead of answering, he yanks my shorts and garment bottoms off with one swift tug, and aggressively pushes me face first onto the bed. I hear him unbuckle his belt, then the sound of his zipper. He swats my ass hard enough to leave a handprint behind; then he pulls my cheeks apart, spits loudly on my hole and shoves in his thumb.

"Elder! You dirty fucking dog! This hole feels freshly wrecked! You've already hooked up since we got out of Sacrament Meeting, haven't ya? You, my friend, are a legend; a pre-lubed gaping legend! Well, hold on tight `Lil Bro'; because I'm about to help you magnify your calling!"

In one violent shove he buries the full length of his cock into my guts. It knocks the wind right out of me. As I gasp to take a breath, he reaches around to my chest with his right hand. He finds my nipple and twists it hard as his hips start pumping. With his other hand, he forces my face down into the mattress and starts pounding away.

"So much fucking cum up there, buddy! Your Sabbath breeder must've had balls the size of an elephant's. That's assuming all this jizz came from one dude. I can feel it dripping down my nutsack, bro!"

I figure if he really expects me to answer, he'd let up the pressure on my head. As it is, all I can do is moan into the comforter. He's hitting my prostate with a series of jackrabbit jabs. Then he drops his weight down on me, and switches over to long, slow deep thrusts. With his body stretched out on top of me, I don't think I could get away, even if I wanted to. For the record, there is nowhere else I want to be right now.

In order to further show who's in charge, he slides an arm up under my throat and flexes, trapping my neck between his bicep and forearm. The next thing I know, he has worked both of his feet around under my ankles, pinning my legs together. He's growling like a bulldog; and passionately pulverizing my ass. I've never seen this side of my buddy. I am totally restrained. Immobilized. Under his control. His to use. It feels fucking amazing. His breath feels hot on my neck as he starts to growl into my ear.

"You are so fucking wet, dude! Is that your dad's cum running down my balls? That would be so fucking hot! Or is it my dad's? He told me you earned your merit badge with flying colors the other night! The pervy fucker asked me if I still had my scout uniform. He told me the two of you got your rocks off, just thinking about my fat, hairy ass ripping the seam out of my old shorts."

Still panting against my neck, he fucks me even harder. I know he's close to getting his nut when I feel him tighten his vise-like grip on my throat. Just before he starts to yell, he painfully pulls down again on my nip. That's all it takes for me. I squeal and start spraying a day's worth of jizz onto the bed beneath me. The second I start to spurt, he gives one final stab; probing as deep as he can in my guts. His entire body spasms as he breeds me; adding his load to the ones that Bishop Steale and the High Councilor blessed me with earlier.

He remains on top of me, still connected, until his breathing returns to normal. He could probably fall asleep right there, but I need to get him off of me. So I clench my ass and squeeze, a little too hard it turns out. I end up expelling his softening cock, like I'd planned; but the sloppy sounding fart is followed by a tsunami of semen. Troy cracks up laughing and rolls over onto his back next to me. I roll onto my side to survey the damage. Between all the cum that was in my ass and the huge load I'd had saved up in my balls, my bed was a fucking mess. Of course, Troy thinks it's hilarious. The fucker doesn't have to do my laundry.

"Get up, stud! I need to pull the bedding off. I don't want all this baby batter to soak into my mattress!"

"Ah, don't be such a little bitch. A couple loads of spunk aren't going to hurt anything."

"It's four loads, dumbass! Four record breaking loads, by the looks of it. Now move your hairy butt!"

"Four? You slut! I knew it, bro. Your ass was like a swamp. Are you going to tell me whose nut juice I was marinating my dick in? Or did I guess right, earlier?"

"It wasn't either of our dads'; but that was a hot guess. I think the idea turned you on, too."


"You were number three. Bishop Steale was number two. I'll tell you who the first dude was if you get up and help me strip this bed. Then you can tell me what it is you wanted to talk about. What kind of advice are you looking for?"

"Yeah, okay buddy. It's not really advice. I just need someone to talk to; someone who's not going to be judging me....

Rather than help, he just stands there watching me pile up the sheets and comforter on the floor. He looks fucking sexy; his thick swollen cock hanging heavily between his legs. There's still some jizz dripping off the tip. I bend down to catch it on my tongue. He automatically brings his hands to my head and runs his fingers through my hair. I can tell that wheels are turning in his head as he tries to come up with the right words.

"So, are you going to tell me what's up? Are you nervous about the wedding?"

"Not nervous, really. I am crazy about Lindsey. I can't wait to marry her. But mostly, I can't wait to fuck her, dude!"

"So you guys haven't...."

"Oh, hell no! We haven't yet; but when we talk about it, she gets as horny as I do. Until we go through the temple, the most she will do is rub my boner through my jeans when we make out. I told her it just means I have to beat off in the car on the drive home. She laughed and confessed that she's been test driving a vibrator that one of her non-member friends gave her at her bridal shower."

"You're serious? She told you that? I thought she was a good Mormon girl."

"Hey! That's not fair, bro. She's got needs, too. We talk pretty openly about everything. We have a whole list of things we want to try on each other. Man, you should've seen us both rolling our eyes while that old dude was talking about the evils of porn in Sacrament Meeting today. Afterwards, Lindsey said it made her want to see what the geezer has hiding in his browser history."

"No shit? She said that? I think I might have a pretty good idea what revs him up. What would you say if I told you the `old geezer' was responsible for pumping in load number one?"

"Get the fuck out! The evils-of-porn-is-a-victory-for-Satan High Councilor is one of the fuckers who nailed your slutty ass?"

"Well somebody had to get me opened up for the Bishop!"

"What the hell? I was pushing his cum around in your ass, bro! Are you serious? How does something like that even happen? Where?"

"In one of the classrooms at the church after most everyone had left. They took turns watching the door."

"Fuck! I don't know about that High Councilman; but I'm freakin' jealous that you hooked up with Bishop Steale again! Damn! Just when I promised myself I was going to stop chasing Priesthood dick while Lindsey and I get settled in."

"And you're okay with that? That's going to be a big change, bro."

"It's one of the things I'm trying to get my head around. Like I said, I'm crazy about Lindsey; and once we're married, I can't wait to try all the stuff I've dreamed about. I kind of worry that I might miss the dick; but I've got to give her a fair chance. You know what I mean?"

"Sure, buddy. I know what you mean; but things might be different for me. I'm beginning to realize that I might not be wired the same as the rest of you guys. I can't remember the last time I thought about a girl while I jerked off. Do you think it would be bad if I decided I was gay? I know it would be rough church-wise and family-wise."

"Yeah, rough is probably an understatement. It wouldn't be easy; but it's your life, buddy. You have to be true to yourself. You know that I'll stick by you no matter what. You're my bro; ain't nothing going to change that. But have you thought that maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet; the one you can't resist."

"I dunno. We'll see. I'm not in an hurry. My life is crazy right now with school and work; not to mention my fucking `special calling'."

"Dude, you better just enjoy the fact that your `special calling' actually includes fucking. What a lucky son of a bitch!"

"I know. I know. I'm having a blast, bro; I'm going to live it up while I can. I'm not ready to settle down yet. Although, you remember I told you I was going on that date last night with the non member dude?"

"Oh yeah. The construction guy. Chuck, right? Well? How was it? You didn't even see his face that first time, right? When Brother B and President Lyman whored you out to him? So how did it go? Did you wish you still had the blindfold on? Or was he as good looking as he told you he was?"

"He's pretty fucking hot, buddy. He's a nice guy, too; with a grown-up job and 401k. What's not to like? He's not really that much older than us. We seemed to hit it off. You'll like him, Troy. He has our twisted sense of humor."

"And a girlfriend, right?"

"He did; but he broke up with her. That kind of freaked me out when he told me. It wasn't because of me, though. He'd fooled around with guys in college. Then after breeding me that first time, he said he'd never cum that hard with a chick. So he decided that he's not done exploring; he wants to figure some things out. He did ask me if I could ever see myself settling down with just one person. The way we met was so freaky; he couldn't help thinking I'm a slut. But then, when he found out I was a virgin until a few weeks ago, he understood why I'm living it up now. He said he was insatiable for months after the first time he got laid, back in college."

"He sounds like a cool guy. When are you seeing him again?"

"He's supervising a big project out of state for the next several months, so it's going to be hit and miss. He's already invited me to come visit him, though."

"Well, I'm happy for ya. You'll have to keep me informed of all the new Priesthood dick you're getting while I'm `off the market'. Speaking of which, I know it's supposed to be a secret, but I heard you fucked around with Brother Nilson, the Elders Quorum President."

"Who told you that, dude?"

"Don't worry! I'm not going to tell anyone; but that one really threw me. Bro! Colby Nilson? A hot fucking cop? I never would've guessed in a million years. My source tells me he thinks he has a boyfriend, too! Damn! You are so fucking lucky!"

"I'm not going to argue with you there; but keep quiet about Colby. He's already paranoid about people finding out. He is fucking sexy, though. Plus, he has some friends visiting from Utah next week; a pair of married daddies he's going to hook me up with. Sounds like they want to take turns on my ass!"

"You, my friend, are living the dream!"

As Troy's heading out, I follow him down the stairs to the garage so I can toss my sperm soaked sheets in the washing machine. He's rattling off the names of all our friends that should be back in town this weekend for his wedding. It will be good to see everyone again. My ears perk up when he mentions Evan Pratt.

"Hey, remember when his dad went on that Scout trip with us?"

"Remember? Dude, that camping trip was the first time I had a cock in my mouth! Bill Pratt caught me taking a leak and hauled out his whopper to join me. When he saw me brick up, he forced me to my knees. After that first taste of dick, I never looked back."

I'd just planned on a quiet walk through the neighborhood as the sun was going down. But before I know it, I'm standing on the Pratt's front step and I'm ringing the bell. What the fuck am I thinking?

He's putting on a shirt as he answers the door, but hasn't buttoned it. He is obviously going commando in his loose athletic shorts. He breaks into a smile before I can get out the sentence I'd planned

"Hi Brother Pratt. I'm a friend of Evan's and....."

"Brodie! I haven't seen you in ages. You're looking good! But you can drop that Brother Pratt shit. Call me Bill."

Hey! I saw you jerking off just now! Drop me a note and let me know what you thought. I'm open to suggestions?

Next: Chapter 11

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