
By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 27, 2021



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Part 3

"If you want to be better, be flexible," said Mateo

"Flexible in what way? Replied Ramon watching Mateo putting his clothes back on. It was obvious that Mateo had found what he was looking for; and that item was Ramon.

"You're quite a fabulous guy," said Mateo; but I'm sure you know that already."

"I can say the same thing about you. Now that is out of the way, let's get real. I work at Macy's in the men's clothing dept. Where do you work? Asked Ramon. "I take it you do work someplace?" he said somewhat sarcastic.

"Stop trying to be a Lopez, of course I work. I am a waiter at Eduardo's in Greenwich Village. I wait tables with a couple of camareros. If you plan on eating out, tonight is perfect." Replied Mateo.

"That is not likely," mumbled Ramon in a low voice. However, Eduardo's would be different. I'll give you a number and you can text me whenever you like. Not a problem, we can talk," He concluded

"I don't want to talk. Wait, Yes – I do want to talk, but I would like to see you again. We don't have to do anything. It is worth the gamble;" said Mateo, walking around the room trying to have a convincing conversation

"Uhh, I don't know about that." Said Ramon

"It's only dinner; are you that fuckin fussy." Barked Mateo

"Nope and it sounds good to me," said Ramon "I gave you a number," he concluded

"Oh yeah – the number. These fuckin queers are always handing out numbers"

"What's wrong?" asked Ramon "I am not a fuckin queer."

"That doesn't work. I will text you and you will say you are busy. That's no good." Explained Mateo

"You don't know what I will say. There is nothing like knowing the answer to a question before asking it. Yeahhh it is worth the gamble," replied Ramon putting his arm around Mateo's neck. "I am not a queer," repeated Ramon.

"Well, I am and I think you like me bro. – I am caliente man – all caliente," said Mateo

"Yup, I do like you, but hook ups are unpredictable and that's the wonder of it.' Replied Ramon never taking his eyes off Mateo as he strutted about the room. Man, he sure was cool.

"Alright, I am a fuckin queer; I don't like hearing those words but showing me is perfect. He continued.

"Slut." Said Mateo

"Cock sucker," replied Ramon

They laughed and by all appearances they genuinely liked each other and not because of sex entirely. They were both Puerto Rican and what they had in common is startling. They looked like brothers with dark hair, dark eyes and facial hair. They both had smooth silky tan skin and spoke Spanish.

Their bodies were titanium trim – "just picture it" Ramon had to know where they were going as a team. He assumed no place, but time would tell.

Mateo stopped pacing around the room and leaned against the door talking. "Do you think I talk too much?" I am sorry, but you took me by storm and meeting somebody like you is rare for me."

"Oh stop with the "lonely stuff. That is freaking impossible. You have dudes lapping after you all the time. A crotch like that doesn't go unnoticed. Waiting on table's customers must flirt with you all the time"

"Thank you" replied Mateo, as if he was just presented with an award

"No problem. It is all explained in chapter three, of "How to tell a sock from a cock." Said Ramon grinning.

"I didn't say I was lonely, I said it was unusual. "Mateo straighten his shirt, ran his hand through his hair and opened the door. "Gotta run I am working tonight. You do know where Eduardo's restaurant is in the village. He concluded

"I know," replied Ramon "You haven't heard a word I said. I am not going to be there"

"A-huh, I heard you," winked Mateo. Do you want me getting hit on and fucked by some stranger?"

"How dumb is that? What do I care about what you do? You're not my boyfriend." Said Ramon

"I know and it might be something we can talk about." Smiled Mateo adjusting his crotch making sure Ramon was watching. Mateo mumbled a few more words of no importance and was gone.

Ramon looked out the large double windows as he bounced down the stone steps and onto the street. By coincidence, he passed Eddie on the sidewalk coming home, but they didn't know one another.

Once inside Eddie went straight to the fridge and popped open a can of beer. He plunked himself down in a chair and put his feet up relaxing.

"Okay – ask me?" said Eddie

"Ask you what? Oh, you mean what you did this morning?"


"Okay, I am asking," replied Ramon

Eddie plunked down several-crumpled $100 dollar bills from his shirt pocket onto his lap. He took a swig of beer, scratched his crotch and waited for a response.

"Ramon only said –"Pick up your money."

"I got laid," he mumbled AND I got paid,"

"Of course you did," replied Ramon not especially interested in what Eddie was saying.

"I went to this imps place to watch a porn movie; okay I was in for that. There were two white guys, kinda old who wanted a Puerto Rican." Continued Eddie.

"So what?" Mumbled Ramon

"I'm a freakin Puerto Rican. Jesus, do I have to spell everything out for you?"

"So you're a slut and made a couple of hundred," replied Ramon "who cares?"

"It was $400. But should have been more."

"What did you steal?" asked Ramon sarcastically

"I steal nothing. I believe in God,"

"Are you messy," asked Ramon with genuine concern. Eddie's best feature was his butt. He had a fuckable ass and wasn't afraid to use it. He should have been a porn star by the size of the toys men would stick in there to loosen him up for a grand fucking.

"Not really, they used condoms. You would have been rock hard watching me ride those old dudes. It was easy and sure, I took the cash. It was business," Said Eddie "When they plunge their dick into Elvira they get their money's worth.

"I know Miss Elvira – cash is cash," commented Ramon "You have done worse - a lot worse"

"Jesus, don't remind me; it's almost rent time again, and you know what that means."

Eddie showered, put on clean clothes and left the house. He was going to Spanish Harlem but Ramon didn't ask why. He no doubt was up to no good. They were only housemates; that was it.

The next several hours ticked away faster than they normally would. Of course, faster was not true, but it seemed that way for Ramon. All he could think about was Mateo towering above him force fucking his mouth and never choking him with all that cock. Cool man cool.

He went on line to see exactly where Eduardo's was located in the village. He remembered it, but had never been there. The closest subway stop was Washington Square.

"Humm, that is easy," thought Ramon. However, he did not intend to go anywhere. He was only curious.

Ramon soaked in the tub until the water began to cool down. He stood up, grabbed a large white bath towel and began drying himself. It was then Eddie returned and walked straight into the bathroom where Ramon was drying himself.

"He had just put one foot on the toilet seat in order to dry between his legs. His junk hung down like polish sausage resting on ping-pong balls. His crotch was the hairiest part of his body and he looked lip-smacking good.

"Want some help drying off," smiled Eddie, standing in the doorway

"You're back – sure dry my back for me," said Ramon

Eddie began drying his back and running the towel between his legs, sliding it along the crack of his butt.

Ramon started to giggle. "That's it. You can stop now, pervert."

"How `bout a quickie," asked Eddie almost in a whisper. He had his hand on Ramon's dick and playing carefully with him.

"Don't touch the goods. I have a date tonight." Said Ramon

"Can I go with you?" asked Eddie just kidding

"Yes, you can. In fact, I would like you to go with me. It is not really a date. It is more of a treasurer hunt. It was then Ramon told everything he wanted Eddie to know about Mateo.

"So what's the point," said Eddie. "I mean it is hardly a guarantee of anything. This brother is playing games. That is what the pretty ones do all the time. Cock tease – cock tease."

"I know and I tell myself that often." Admitted Ramon "I will be fucking if I play my cards right. He is not all that smart compared to me."

The subway ground to a stop at Washington Square and they pushed their way along with people on to the street.

"Tell me again, why are we doing this?" asked Eddie.

"I am learning to be flexible," said Ramon

"That's nuts"

"I agree, but I am giving it a try. Flexible is supposed to make me better."

"Better for what?" asked Eddie as if bro had lost his mind.

"I haven't figured that part out yet."

"Jesus," mumbled Eddie shaking his head and giving Ramon a little pinch on his butt. "That's insane."

A few blocks later, they were standing in front of Eduardo's restaurant. It was still early but they were serving dinner.

Without hesitation, they walked into the restaurant and directly to the bar. The dinning room was on the other side divided by a huge planter of silk flowers and greens. It looked dated like something from the sixties.

"Are you señores, having dinner," asked Hugo the bartender? His name written on a black shirt in white script.

"Yes, we are," answered Eddie in Spanish. "We are going to the dinning room next."

The dinning room was beginning to bustle with the dinner crowd. "You can bring your drinks with you to the dinning room," said Hugo. There was a small sign that read, "Please seat yourself."

There were three waiters, maybe 4, working as far as Ramon could tell. Each waiter was dressed in black with red cummerbunds and red handkerchiefs tied around their necks. They also had their name written above a shirt pocket in white script. The waiters were all Hispanic and Italian and dressed sexy on purpose. The food and service was good, but sex prevails, when you look like these guys.

"Whew" said Eddie, "Look at esos hermanos," I'll take him and I don't need a plate."

"Cool it, crotch eater; I am here on a mission," snapped Ramon

"I am not surprised; you are displaying the symptoms of a pathetic jackass. Which one of these fuck toys is Mateo?" asked Eddie

"Ease off – he is coming this way," mumbled Ramon, looking down and pretending he did not see Mateo.

Mateo came over to where Ramon and Eddie were setting. "Good to see you came tonight. I had a feeling you would show up. We have some wonderful specials on the menu tonight." Said Mateo

"Whatever you say," mumbled Ramon. "I'm flexible; it's not complicated"

"Does the special include any of these waiters?" Asked Eddie smiling and sounding a little fruity...

"Sorry Isabella, but waiters don't date customers. We are here to take your order and bring you your food." Mateo winked and whispered to Ramon. But, I already have your number, so that is a different story."

Mateo stood next to the table and his tight black pants accented the cheeks of his ass plus a hefty bulge in his pants. He pressed his crotch into the table as his dick moved in his pants. He was definitely showing how hot he was.

Ramon knew how hot he was. A few hours earlier, they were mouth-swapping spit and swallowing cum. Oh yeah, he knew exactly how delicious Mateo was. His cock was getting hard under the table just seeing him again.

The three of them talked only for a couple of minutes. Mateo couldn't spend much time with them, so took their food order and returned with drinks for both of them.

Every time Mateo passed their table, he did a little pause and twitched or touched something. Once it was his butt and other times his crotch. He truly loved himself and it was noticeable.

"Mateo is in love with Mateo," said Eddie who was street smart and a long way from being a fool.

"Where are you going to be later?" asked Mateo

"We will be at the house. Sure not going anywhere." Exclaimed Eddie

"He is not talking to you jackass – he is talking to me." Said Ramon

Mateo winked at them and smiled. "Cool so you will be at the house later. Good to know," he said before walking away to another table.

Mateo continued waiting tables and the time passed by rather quickly. Most of the dinner crowd had left and Mateo had a chance to sit with them and talk.

Their conversation was entirely in Spanish, and what they talked about is still unknown. However, it was short-lived because the boss walked through the dinning room and Mateo pretended to brush crumbs off the tablecloth and chairs with his hand. Then he walked away again.

Moment later he returned with the check and that pretty much said it all. They left a huge tip and went back to the apartment. Ramon thought Mateo would be there later, but time would tell.

Eddie didn't stay. He was a roamer and the streets beckoned him constantly to be on the move. Typical of how he behaved, he left the house and was on the prowl again.

Ramon fell asleep on the sofa with the TV playing an old black and white movie in Spanish. Around 2:00 am, Ramon went to bed. Morning came and it was just another day. Mateo never showed.

Ramon shrugged it off as typical and nothing much surprised him. There is no guarantee on getting together when it comes to gay studs looking for hook ups. Mateo was cool, but no different from all the rest.

Men never get an argument from me, they are all cock suckers anyway," Ramon thought heading to kitchen for his morning coffee.

Some things are better not remembered, thought Ramon. It was true. When people are fake to begin with, one has nothing to regret. He wasn't sure if Mateo was sincere or just using him like so many others. He didn't give a damn and walking away was easy for him. He was capable of replacing somebody like Mateo at any time. Still there was a mild degree of disappointment that hung over him like a cloud.

Ramon was terribly spoiled because Mother Nature had been good to him. Very good indeed. You could search from head to toe, in order to find something adverse about him; only to come up empty handed

Ramon knew it was selfish being so absorbed in himself - but isn't everybody at some point.

"I had an enlightening time with Mateo," he thought. "Nothing of quality comes easy."

********************* Part 4

jbalancier9@yahoo – Thanks everybody for your comments – appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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