Latin Love in Sunnydale

By lightdagger

Published on Aug 9, 2000


Disclaimer: This story contains sexually oriented material, which consists of male-to- male sex. This in no way implies to the sexuality of any of the characters or actors in the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy the Vampire and the shows characters are trademarks of and copyright Joss Whedon and Warner Bros. even though I wish they were really mine...

Author's Note-Please send comments, ideas, and if you must, flames to Should I continue with the story. Please tell me!

Latin Love in Sunnydale-Part 2 by Lightdagger

Angel wasn't sure how to react. Here he was, on the outside, looking in, watching his lover Xander get it on with none other than Ricky Martin! Angel had been alive for a while, 237 years to be exact, and few people he's ever seen matched the beauty and sexual energy that emitted from the latino superstar. He couldn't very well blame Xander for doing what he was doing...or could he.

He thought back to earlier that night. After waiting for a while for Xander to come over, Angel started to get worried. Worried for Xander's safety, as well as the thought that he wasn't gonna get any action tonight. He reluctantly got out of bed, dressed, and went out in search of his lover.

He had stepped outside of his apartment and went in the direction of Xander's house. He hadn't gone for more than a block when he heard a roar of pain. Vampire, Angel thought. He took off in the direction of the yell.

He arrived at the alley that Xander and Ricky met, though at that time, Angel didn't know that. All he knew was that there was a vampire in the alley, huddled over in a corner, clutching his face in pain. Angel picked up a piece of lumber conveniently on the floor. He slowly made his way to the vampire. A vampire is dangerous enough, more so when it was in pain.

He had gotten about 5 feet from the vamp when it suddenly attacked him! The vamp charged from it's sitting position and leaped at Angel. Angel barely had enough time to dodge the beast. The vampire flew past Angel and fell to the ground. It quickly got up. Angel could see that the vamp's face was badly burned. Must have been holy water, Angel thought. He didn't have to really think about who would carry holy water in Sunnydale, considering the lack of knowledge possed by the Sunnydale residents. It was most definatly a short list.

The injured creature attacked again. This time, Angel was ready. He quickly brought up the ready made stake, and penetrated the chest of the vampire, piercing his heart. The creature stopped, was about to cry out in pain once more, but turned to dust before a sound could come out.

Angel dropped the stake and stepped back. He took a deep breath, not that he needed it, and leaned back against the wall. He was about to start back down the alley when he sniffed the air. There was a familiar odor...Xander! That was Xander's scent! Angel had been with the teenager enough times to know his scent anywhere. So it was Xander that had burned the vampire. Clever boy, Angel thought.

"But, where is he?" Angel said outloud. He started to really worry now. Xander was no match for a vampire one on one. What if there were others! Angel sniffed the air again. There was....another human with him. He could smell the sweat, and almost the fear, of the human with Xander. Angel went down the alley, following the scent.

It had take Angel a while, but he had tracked the smell to an old hotel. He followed the trail to a certain hotel room. He carefully peered in. In the room was Xander! He was on the bed, drinking a coke. Angel was about to go over to the door when he saw what he assumed was the bathroom door open. In the doorway was a man, a very attractive man. He was only wearing a towel around his waist! He was dripping wet as well, as if he just got out of the shower. The man in the towel walked over to Xander, strutting his stuff. The man stood in front of Xander. Xander seemed really nervous, and turned on at the same time. The man said something, and then dropped his towel!

Angel growled. His game face automatically came into view. This...whomever it was, was seducing his lover! And Xander didn't seem to be doing anything to stop it. The man turned around, laid the towel on the floor, then turned back around and knelt in front of Xander. Angel gasped! It was Ricky Martin! The latino hunk was beginning to straddle Xander's cock through his pants. He slowly removed Xander's pants and put his hands on Xander's boxers.

All this was happening as Angel stood outside staring.He couldn't believe it! He had lusted after Ricky Martin for years. Unlike most people in the U.S., Angel had heard of Ricky years before, when he first started his solo career. Angel had followed Ricky's rise to stardom for years, not so much because of his music, though he had to admit he liked the Latin beat, but because of the artists amazing ability to get handsomer as the years went by. Angel had seen Ricky go from teenybopper teen idol to a full fledged music icon. And now, here was the man of his fantasies, giving head to the man of his reality, Xander. Angel was torn between emotions. On one hand, Xander was cheating on him, though technically, they never said the relationship was exclusive. It's mostly been sex, but there had been some emotion as well. This really hurt Angel more than he liked to admit. But, on the other hand, Xander was only a teenage boy, filled with raging hormones. And Ricky was so hot that Angel doubted even he could have resisted Ricky's charms. Who was he to judge Xander for following his emotions? Besides, he's always wanted Xander to be happy.

Angel saw that Xander had just cum in Ricky's willing mouth. Ricky got up off the floor and he and Xander began to make out. Angel made a decision. He walked over to the door and knocked. *****

A knock at the door had broken up Ricky and Xander's kiss. The both jumped up, startled. Ricky quickly grabbed his robe from the closet and put it on. Xander quickly put on his pants, forgetting about his underwear. He quickly sat on a chair by the desk, away from Ricky. Ricky walked over to the door, looked over at Xander and looked around the room. The bed was a bit rumpled, nothing major. His eyes widened as he saw Xander's boxers on the floor. He quickly pointed at them. Xander looked over and saw them. He sprang from his chair, swiped up the boxers, and hid them under a pillow on the bed.

Ricky breathed deeply and opened the air. He had been expecting maybe a fan, a reporter, or even his manager. He didn't expect the tall, gorgeous stranger standing in the door way. The man was dressed completly in black, wearing a long black trenchcoat over black khakis and a black shirt. The man's dark brown hair was held perfectly in place by who knew how much hair gel. His pale skin glowed in the moon's light.

Ricky cleared his throat and said, trying to sound calm, "Um...Can I help you?"

Angel said, "Can I speak to Xander?"

Upon hearing his lover's voice, Xander slid lower in his chair, as if trying to go through the ground and disappear. What the hell was Angel doing here? Xander thought. He was terrified at how Angel would react seeing him here, in the latino stud's hotel room. God, what if he saw us making out!? Xander thought.

Ricky looked over his shoulder at Xander. Ricky saw that Xander was really nervous. Ricky suspected that Xander had been caught red handed.

Ricky asked, "What do you want to do, Xander?"

Xander gulped. "Um...go into the hellmouth and let it swallow me..."

Ricky had a confused look on his face. He blinked repeatedly and said, "Que?"

Xander shook his head. "Never mind. I'll...I'll talk to him."

Ricky nodded and looked at Angel. "Well, would you like to..."

Xander leaped up from his chair and yelled out , "No! Don't invite him in!"

Ricky jumped at Xander's yell. He stepped back and and left the door wide open. Angel was about to come through the door when Xander stopped Ricky from inviting him in. Now, without an invitation, an invisible barrier kept the vampire from entering.

Angel said softly, "Xander, invite me in. We need to talk."

Xander got up from his chair and slowly walked to the door. He motioned for Ricky to sit on the bed. Ricky complied. Xander slowly closed the door halfway, cutting Ricky's view of Angel.

"I am so sorry about this deadboy...I mean, Angel. I...I can explain."

Angel put his hands on the invisible barrier. He looked deep into Xander's dark eyes and said, "So explain. Let me in and explain to me how you wound up with your cock in a superstar's mouth."

"Um...if you don't mind, I think I'll explain here, on this side, where I don't have to worry about, you know, contagious bites and whatnot."

Angel growled. His game face came out. Ricky wouldn't be able to see it, due to the door being halfway closed, but Xander saw it and gulped.

Angel said in a very low voice, ""

Xander gulped. He said, "Well, when you put it like that..." He slammed the door. He leaned against it and took a deep breath. He could hear Angel growl on the other side.

"Xander! Let me in! I only want"

Xander wasn't convinced. He yelled out, "Only if you promise there'll be no bitting of any kind."

Angel knocked once more on the door. He said, "I promise."

"Swear to me Angel, on your soul."

Angel sighed. "On my soul, if I try to bite you, let it be taken away. Again."

Xander looked over at Ricky. Ricky had a totally confused face. Xander shrugged and opened the door. Angle was there, leaning on the doorway.

"C'mon in, dead...."

Before he could finish, Angel flew through the doorway, inhumanly fast. He picked up Xander and pushed him onto the bed. He quickly got on top of him, and kissed him passionately at the same time rubbing his crotch agains Xaner's. Xander had no time to react. He lay there with his eyes wide open, on the bed, with his vampire lover on top of him and his fantasy latino superstar to the side.

Angel broke the kiss off and looked deeply into Xander's eyes. "Seeing you with another man was...hard. But seeing you with Ricky Martin, going at it, was such a turn on.I have to have you."

Angel looked over at Ricky. The superstar was still confused, but he slowly began to smile. Angel smirked and said, "And you too."

Ricky's grammy award winning smile came back. He leaned over and kissed Angel on the mouth, greedily sucking on his upper lip, then slowly sticking his tongue into the cool mouth of the man on top of his new young lover. Angel swirled his tongue around Ricky's, still able to taste the cum from Xander.

Xander still lay underneath Angel. Watching his lover and the superstar go at it made his cock grow once more. He began to grind his hips into Angel's. He could feel the hard bulge underneath Angel's pants rub against his own.

Angel, feeling Xander's movements, broke the kiss off with Ricky and looked down at Xander. He got up and began to take off his clothes. Xander sat up and followed suit. Ricky watched as the two young lovers took their clothes off. He was too turned on to think.

Xander got up and stood next to the now naked Angel. He began to kiss Angel passionately, running his hands up and down the cool vamp's body. Angel did the same, running his own hands over Xander's back, cupping his ass in his hands. Their cocks, now fully erect, rubbed up against each other.

Ricky watched the them make out. He could see Angel's 8 inch cock rub against Xander's 6 inch one. Ricky began to rub his own cock through his pants. He undid his fly and took out his 7 incher. He unzipped his pants and began to stroke his cock. He moaned as rubbed his hand up and down his shaft, hoping that the two men would turn their attentions to him.

As if reading his mind, Angel and Xander broke their kiss and turned to Ricky. Xander helped Ricky out of his shirt while Angel took off his pants. Now all three hot men were nude. Xander gently pushed Ricky down on the bed. Xander got on the side of Ricky, lowered his head, and began to kiss Ricky's chest. He licked Ricky's chest and ran his tongue over Ricky's nipples. Ricky's nipples were getting all hard from the simulation. Ricky moaned in ecstasy.

Angel, not wanting to be left out, got on his knees, in between Ricky's legs. He slowly moved up the bed with a cat like grace. He reached the promise land, Ricky's large cut cock. Angel took the large cock in his hands. Ricky's eyes went wide and he moaned even louder as he felt the cool hand of Angel begin to stroke him.

"Oh si. Si. Suck me, please, mi angel." Ricky said, his sexy Spanish accent turning Angel on even more.

Angel smiled and lowered his head. He took the cock in his mouth and began to suck on it. He moved his head up and down Ricky's shaft, taking the cock all the way in. After a couple of hundred years, Angel had pretty much mastered the art of cock sucking. He planned to use only the best techniques on Ricky.

Ricky moaned as all the stimulations coursed through his body. Ricky raised his head and watched as Xander licked his body, working especially on his nipples, all the while, Angel sucking on his cock. Angel by far was the best cocksucker Ricky had ever experienced.

All this was too much for the artist to take. He began to lift his hips up, shoving it farther into Angel's willing mouth. He moved in rhythm with Angel, making sure that most of his cock was in Angel's mouth at all times. He was almost near climax when Angel stopped. Angel lifted his head and looked up at the superstar.

"Why are you stopping?" Ricky begged. "I was sooo close. Please, don't stop."

Xander looked up from his work on Ricky's body. "What's up, deadboy? Want me to finish the job?" Xander licked his eager lips with his tongue, anticipating Ricky's cum in his mouth.

"I have a better idea. Come here." He motioned for Xander to him. Xander got up and walked over. Angel put his hands on the young man's shoulders and said, "Since you've already gotten off, I think it's only fair that you help us get off. At the same time."

Xander's eyes widened with lust. The thought of both men climaxing at the same time, with him...mmmmm, Xander thought.

"Hey, it's a dirty job. But I'm MORE than willing to do it." Xander smiled.

Angel looked over at Ricky. He smiled at the superstar and said, "So which side do you want, heads or tails?"

Ricky smiled and stroked his cock. He looked at Xander's willing mouth and said, "Since you are his true lover, I think you should make love him in the true way. I will...content myself with his, how you say, cock sucking head."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Angel said with a smirk. He turned Xander over, so he could face Ricky, and bent the teenager over. Ricky got up and stood in front of Xander's mouth.

"Now," Angel began, "at the same time, stake him." This brought a giggle from Xander.

Simultaneously, both hunks shoved their cocks into Xander. Angel stuck his cock into Xander's tight hole, relishing in the feeling of warmth and pleasure that his cock was feeling. Angel placed his hands on Xander's hips and began to pump in and out of the teen's ass.

Ricky, on the other side, gave Xander what Xander had been wanting for a long time, his gorgeous latino cock. Xander's eagerness clearly showed as he expertly sucked on the latino's meat. Ricky moaned and threw his head back as Xander's tongue did wonders. Soon, Ricky couldn't take it, and he began to fuck Xander's mouth, moving his cock in and out of the warm, moist hole that was Xander's mouth.

It was a site to see as both men pumped their cocks out of the teen's orifices, in and out, in and out, and with growing urgency. Xander's cock swung below him, still erect. Xander reached down and began to stroke himself. He stroked in synch with Angel's pumping.

Soon, Angel began to moan louder. Xander recognized that moan. He knew his lover was about to come. Xander began to move his body backwards, helping Angel's cock go in even deeper. Xander wanted desperately for Angel to cum inside of him.

The increased friction caused by Xander's movements was to much for Angel. He began to fuck Xander's ass harder, faster. His face was one of pure ecstasy. With a loud cry, he came, time and time again, shooting 5 times inside the young man. Xander could feel Angel's essence inside of him.

Ricky, hearing Angel come, began to fuck Xander's mouth with more speed. He grabbed Xander's hair and forced his cock down the teen's throat. As he climaxed, he cried out, "Oh si! SI!" He shot 6 loads of hot cum into Xander's mouth. Xander could taste the latino's cum inside his mouth. He relished it, trying to swallow every drop. Unfortunately, it was too much and some spilled from the sides of his mouth. It didn't matter. What he got was enough.

Ricky pulled his cock out of Xander's mouth, followed by Angel removing his cock as well. Xander, fully aroused still, stood straight up. He was still stroking his 6 inch meat. Angel looked at Ricky and nodded. Ricky got the idea. Ricky placed his hands on Xander's chest and pushed him down on the bed. Xander fell on his back. No sooner had he landed did the two studs get on either side of him. They wasted no time and both began to suck his cock and balls. Angel worked on Xander's cock since Angel knew more than anyone what Xander liked. This left Ricky Xander's balls. Ricky licked them and sucked them like they were his favorite candy. Angel moved his head up and down Xander's shaft, already tasting the precum.

Xander, unable to hold back from all the sensations, cried out as his came. He shot load after load into Angel's willing mouth. Angel swallowed almost every drop, some spilling over his mouth. Ricky eagerly licked up the remaining cum. Angel continued to suck on Xander until he got soft. Then Ricky and Angel laid down on the bed, on either side of Xander.

"Well, that was fun." Xander said, out of breath.

"Oh yeah. I haven't had a threesome like that in decades." Angel said as he stretched out his arms over his head.

Ricky lifted his head up, which was previously lying on Xander's chest, and looked at Angel. "How can that be? You don't look past 25 years."

Xander's eyes opened wide and he glanced at Angel. Angel coughed and said, "Um, I mean, it feels like decades have past. Since, um, I've had an experience like tonight."

Ricky, unsure what to make of Angel's statement, simply nodded and put his head down again on Xander's chest.

"So, Ricky. How long you planning to stick around Sunnydale?" Xander asked to change the subject.

Ricky sighed. "Well, my concert is in two days. After that, I'm on the road again."

Angel reached over and stroked Ricky's golden hair. "Well then, we have to make the most of the time together."

Ricky smiled and said, "That would be nice. We should do something tomorrow. Maybe have breakfast and then...come back to the hotel...for some dessert."

Xander once again looked nervous. "Um, Angel here is something of a...a night person. Sunlight and him don't really mix."

Angel nodded. "Yeah, you see, i work the night shift and..."

Ricky began to play with Xander's right nipple absentmindedly rubbing it with his fingers. "I understand. Besides, after tonight, I feel like I can sleep all day."

Xander moaned as Ricky hit the right spot. Angel smiled and began to play with Xander's left nipple. "I know the feeling."

Ricky, feeling very drowsy, said right before he fell asleep, "Besides, at night it's easier to catch those damn vampiros." With that, he was out.

Xander's eyes opened wide and he quickly looked at Angel. Angel was just as shocked, but he shrugged his shoulders and rested his head on Xander's chest as well.

Xander, who didn't know what to say, merely relaxed and fell asleep, his arms around his old lover and his new one.

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