Late Realizations

By moc.liamtoh@epocsartet

Published on Aug 11, 2009



Disclaimer: The following is work of fiction. It involves gay sex, among other things. If you feel your soul will burn in hell after reading this, please do not read it. If you are under 18, do not read this. If you are in an area that does not allow you to read/access this, do not read it.

Also, please do not copy this without my permission. If you do want to repost this, please ask me first and make sure I am properly cited.

Late Realizations

We talked. We chatted. We sent each other emails in an attempt to know who the other person really was. Of course, nothing compares to meeting in person.

I arrived at his apartment building, wearing my sexiest pair of Calvin Klein underwear, a t-shirt, and skinny jeans. As any proper homosexual knows, this allows others to better mentally undress and rape them. Checking for the third time that I was at the correct address and time, I nervously pushed the call button. The door buzzed open without a word.

I walked forward towards the elevator, but hesitated before pushing the button.

"What if he turns out to be a serial killer?" I asked myself. "Maybe I should take the stairs."

This would serve two purposes. It would give me more opportunity to change my mind. And it would get the blood flowing to my body and my brain.

I reached his floor and pushed the stairwell door open.

On the way up, I had decided to go through with it. I had reminded myself that most people are not serial killers. Even still, I had to be careful; but I had taken some precautions by letting a friend know where I was going.

I walked down the hallway, looking at the apartment numbers. I reached his apartment and knocked three times. There was no answer. So, I decided to wait thirty seconds before knocking again. As I waited, I turned around and examined that hallway.

Before I could react, the apartment door opened quickly. One gloved hand covered my mouth. The other arm grabbed me by the crotch and dragged me in.

My thoughts raced everywhere. I was scared. But I was also quite excited.

As he directed me in to the living room, he spoke into my ear with a low voice that excited me even more. "You ready to play, slave?"

I nodded as best I could, before he forced me onto my knees. Keeping one hand on my head, he walked around me, but forced my head down, just enough so I couldn't see past his knees. From all I could tell, he was wearing jeans and red Converse trainers.

Putting one leg on my back, he forced my head down to his shoe and simply said, "Lick."

I lapped at his sneaker, trying to steal glances upward, but these were met with great force, now on my neck.

I suddenly felt one of his hands now holding my hair and forcing me towards the other sneaker.

I continued lapping at his trainers until he told me to look up.

I now took in the sight of my "captor". I immediately noticed that he had not posted old pictures. He had a very short haircut, with a scruffy beard growing. He was wearing a well-fitting t-shirt. And he had a simply lip piercing.

Rather deftly and unexpectedly, he locked a leather collar around my neck and fastened a chain leash. He pulled me by the leash towards his sofa. Sitting me on the ground and himself on the sofa, he pushed his sneakers into my face and said, "Untie them."

Without wasting time, I began to untie them. The immediate odor of worn shoes only nurtured my hard-on. My slight intoxication by the smell only prompted him to grab one of the sneakers and the back of my head, and force the two together.

He told me to inhale. I gladly obeyed, closing my eyes while I took in the scent.

Unexpectedly, he pushed both of his socked feet onto my face and forced me on my back on the ground. Both of his feet covered my face. He wiggled his feet to assert his dominance. My hard-on strained against my pants.

Noticing my hard-on, he put one foot on my crotch, but left the other foot on my face.

"Take my sock off with your teeth," he said, as he playfully ground his other foot into my crotch.

As I took the sock off, I realized that he had taken his shirt off without me noticing. But I had little time to think about it as he shoved the other foot in my face and told me to take that sock off.

With both feet fully uncovered, he replaced them onto my face. I then heard another voice from across the room. As both of his feet were firmly holding my face in place, I could not see what was going on. But, the music that started playing in the background told me that he was watching TV.

Apparently, he had better things to do than pay attention to me. But I didn't care. I was in heaven. It seemed as though his feet were made to fit to the contours of my face. The arches fit nicely along my cheeks; the toes rested on my forehead; and in between, the metatarsals covered my eyes. I had one option: to lick.

For the next half hour or so, he watched TV, with his feet in various positions. I licked them. I rubbed them. I worshiped them.

After what seemed like an eternity, he turned off the television and turned his attention back to me.

"Having fun down there?" he asked.

I looked up, his right big toe in my mouth, unable to answer.

Taking my lack of response as a "Yes," he shoved more of his right foot into my mouth. He fit all five toes in my mouth and then started fucking my mouth with his foot. He ground the other foot into my crotch, causing sensations of both pain and pleasure.

He continued this for a minute before commanding me, "Turn your body the other way." He repeated this process with opposite feet. The combination of the strain of my cock against my jeans and his foot grinding against my crotch felt blissful at this point.

He must have noticed my mind wandering, because he grabbed my forgotten leash, and yanked my head. With one of his gloved hands, he grabbed the back of my head and dug it into his crotch. That discomfort passed quickly because I now smelled one thing: sex.

After teasing me this way, he grabbed my chain and stood me. With his free hand, he undid my jeans, pulling them down with a free foot.

"Nice undies, now take off your pants and sandals."

As I followed his instructions, I heard him rustling behind me, but I could not turn around because he was holding me by the collar at this point. Suddenly, he slapped and then grabbed my ass with what now felt like a bare hand.

"Let's go play some more, slave," he growled.

I found myself being directed by the neck and ass to a bedroom. I felt him take off the leash.

"Take off your shirt."

I complied.

"Now take off my pants."

As I took off his pants, I thought about my poor boxers, stained with pre-cum and straining with excitement, all without him or myself directly touching my raging boner.

I didn't have much time to think, because as soon as I completed his orders, he grabbed my head and shoved it into his left armpit.

"Smell." I complied. "Lick." I complied. "Now gag!" he said mercilessly. He held my head for more time than necessary for the smell to become fixed in my brain.

While my head was swimming dizzily from the mixture of pheromones and sweat, he replaced my leash. Pulling me with him, he lay down on the bed, spread his legs, and beckoned me to the space between his legs.

"I want you earn your treat," he said, grabbing his crotch. "I want you to worship my body. If it feels good enough, I let you have your treat. If not, you will get punished," motioning towards the crop on his nightstand.

I did not hesitate for a second. I knew I disliked punishment. But I also knew foreplay was a personal expertise.

I began by lightly licking and nibbling at his ears. I worked my way down to his armpits again. I started with the right pit and then moved on to the left one after I had thoroughly cleaned the first one.

From his armpits, I made my way to his nipples. I worshiped both of them as though they were his cock. I licked, nibbled, and swirled my tongue around them, all while rubbing and massaging his chest and arms.

I moved from his nipples to his treasure trail while still playing with his nipples with my hands. I expertly made my way down his treasure to trail, pausing to tease his navel.

Just before I reached his crotch, he stopped me and said, "Sit up."

I obediently I sat up, but found myself going further backward. His hand on my chest, he pushed me onto my back, my head by the edge of the bed. He straddled me, his crotch in my face.

"Do you think you deserve my cock, slave?" I nodded in response.

He slapped my face. "I asked you a question, slave."

"Yes," I said.

He slapped my face again. "Wrong answer, slave. I'll ask you again; do you deserve my cock, slave?'

Not knowing what to say, I repeated my answer, "Yes," again, hoping he simply had not heard me.

He slapped my face twice this time. "Wrong answer again, slave. Who am I?"

"My Master," I responded.

Again he slapped my face, but this time, he said "That's right. Now I'll ask one last time. Do you deserve my cock, slave?"

"Yes Sir!" I shrieked, closing my eyes and quickly wishing that he would not slap me, or worse, get his crop.

"Right answer, slave. You're in for a treat. I was going to give you a good cropping, but I can tell you are itching to get into my underwear. Now, get on your knees, on the ground."

As I did as instructed, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his semi-hard, uncut cock out of his underwear.

Simply, he said, "Suck."

I greedily obeyed, taking his expanding into my mouth. I teased it to stimulate his cock to full size.

Once it was full-sized, I began sucking it, slowly at first to dispel my gag reflex, but increasingly quickly once I had overcome that. While I was sucking, he stood up, grabbed my head and started skull-fucking me, simultaneously grinding his hips while bobbing my head up and down. I closed my eyes and let lust overcome me.

Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and said, "On your stomach on the bed, slave."

I moved quickly, eagerly awaiting what would follow. He coated his right hand's fingers with lube and began finger-fucking me, first with one finger, then with two, and finally with three. He easily found my prostate and started massaging it. I gasped, and then breathed. He continued this, adding a fourth finger, until he felt I was sufficiently ready for the real thing.

I heard some wrinkling and saw him toss a condom wrapper past my head, behind his bed. I soon felt him spread my ass cheeks and place his lubed-tip cock at my hill.

I braced myself, but then remembered an important rule of sex: relax.

He must have been waiting for this, because I felt him enter me. It was large, but smooth and lubricated enough to feel good.

He fucked for at least half an hour, alternating between fast and slow to prolong the process, until I felt him cum. He let himself fall on me, cock still inside me.

Flipping the two of us over, his cock still in me, he began masturbating me while moving his cock ever so slightly inside me. I was in pure ecstasy. I closed my eyes and let him work magic on me.

When I felt my white-hot orgasm, I felt it in three places: my cock, my sphincter, and my prostate. My chest was covered in sticky semen.

He ran his hand over my cum-laden chest and rubbed my own cum on my face.

"Slave, it's late out. Do you want to spend the night here?"

Still panting, I managed to spit out a weak, "Yes Sir."

"Well, too bad," he said, laughing, "I don't want you spending the night here." He pulled out and pushed me off the bed.

I stood and started to walk to the open bathroom, when I felt an all-familiar tug on my leash.

"Slave, put your clothes on."

I wanted to clean myself, but feared the repercussions of disobeying him.

When my clothes were on, he grabbed my hair and forced me onto my knees. "Kiss Master's cock goodnight." I kissed it. He took off my leash and said, "Now get the fuck out of here."

I scrambled to grab my sandals and leave.

It was only when he had shut the door that I realized that there was a collar locked around my neck and my body reeked of cum.

The End

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Copyright 2009

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