Late Night at the Office

By Riaz Ali

Published on May 3, 2020


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Disclaimer: 100% Work of ficton

Late Night at the office Part 1

`Im never gonna get to the gym tonight at this rate,' I grumbled to myself as I poured over the latest finance reports, my eyes beginning to blur from staring at the screen for so long. I sat back in my chair and stretched, the bottom of my polo riding up, revealing a small stretch of my abs. I pulled my shirt down and stood up, taking in my surroundings. It was about 8pm and the office was deserted. I worked at a small law firm, and it being the end of the fiscal year meant a lot of work for me since I was one of two accountants on staff. The other, Jeremy, was on vacation, so the brunt of the work rest on my shoulders for the next few days. It was a cushy gig, the people were great and the money was awesome, so I didn't mind nights like this too much.

I walked over to the bathroom and pushed open the door, walking over to the sink. I took a look in the mirror, happy with the face that looked back at me. My brown hair was wavy and styled messily, and my 5 o'clock shadow hugged my jaw line nicely, making it defined. Thick lashes framed my brown eyes, and I twisted my pouty lips into a smile. I ran my hands down the thin polo covering my chest. My shoulders were broad but lean, and a nice set of pecs sat stop flat abs. My nipples were slightly visible through the thin black fabric, and as I moved my hand over them my biceps flexed, stretching the fabric thinner. My hand ran further down my chest, down my abs and rested on my bulge. The grey slacks left nothing to the imagination, and my cock started to stiffen at the light touch. I put my hands in both my pockets and turned around, admiring the way the slacks hugged my ass, giving me a real bubble butt. I was half horned up, and I was tempted to hop on Grindr to see who might be nearby, but I banished the thought, facing myself to focus on work. The sooner I finish work the sooner I can leave and get to the gym, and then maybe have some time to fool around with someone. `What I wouldn't give to get some dick right now though,'' I whispered under my breath. Signing I asked my hands and walked back out the bathroom and to my desk.

I took a seat, and resigned myself to another hour or so of work when a bit of movement caught the corner of my eye. There was a light on in the corner office. I was racking my brain trying to remember whose office it was when the door opened and my dick went rock hard. The man that walked out was my walking wet dream. He was a lawyer by the name of Zach Hayes, and what I wouldn't give for him to bend me over his desk and fuck me like he hated me. He was wearing a tight blue dress shirt that showed off his thick pecs, and massive arms. The shirt tapered down to a narrow waist and thick thighs with an ass for days. I closed my jaw and readjusted my cock as best I could in my slacks, my brain short circuiting at the thought of Zach and I being the only two people in the office after hours. Zach spied me staring, and with a wave walked over. I wave back and let him come to me, since I was unable to stand due to the massive hard on I had right now.

`Hey Patrick! What are you doing here so late?' Zach exclaimed in a deep baritone and a smile that could melt ice. He had thick black hair the was styled long with tapped down sides, and it was pulled back slickly. His jaw was strong, with stubble covering it and his eyes were an icy blue that you could drown in. I swallowed and cleared my throat, trying to find my voice.

Hey Zach! Great to see you, I was just uh, wrapping up some fiscal end finances for you guys,' I smiled back, my dick still sticking uncomfortably against my waistband. Well I was just wrapping some stuff up for a case tomorrow, glad I'm not the only one stuck here,' Zach said with a wink.

"I am going to cum in my pants if he keeps this up". I thought to myself.

`Well I'll leave you to it, let me know if you need anything!' Zach waved and walked over to the photocopier.

"Yea I wouldn't mind your dick down my throat". I thought to myself and waved as he left.

My eyes were glued to his muscled ass, the pants he was wearing strained valiantly to contain them. As Zach fiddled around with the copier, I brought my right hand under the desk and began to massage my cock through my pants, feeling a little bit of precum ooze out the tip. I moaned softly to myself, my eyes still on Zach, mentally undressing him with my eyes. I continued to grab my dick, imagining what it would feel like to run my hands along those muscular pecs and arms, tun my tongue along his nippled and trace my way down to his cock...

I closed my eyes for just a second, lost in my dirty thoughts. I didn't notice that Zach had walked away from the copier and was in perfect view to the side of my desk to see me rubbing my cock through my pants. I opened my eyes and locked eyes with him, my hand frozen on my cock. His eyes darted to my hand and then back to my face, and then he did the unthinkable. He ran one hand down his chest and down his abs. He stopped on top of his meaty package, and grabbed a handful. He gestured with his head towards his office and walked away.

"Either im about to get fired or have the best sex of my life." I mused.

I stood up and followed Zach, eyes on his ass again. We reached his office, and he pushed the door closed behind me, pinning me between him and the now close door. His face was inches from mine, I could smell his breath, like mint and chocolate. In one instant he brought his lips to mind and his tongue was in my mouth, hungry. I returned the kiss with the same hunger, my body melting into his. His stubble was rough against my face, and he took his free hand and grabbed my waist, pulling me against his body. I could feel his hard cock pressing against mine, and I moaned into the kiss, needing more. I placed my hands on his muscled ass and grabbed handful, pulling even closed. He broke the kiss and whispered to me, voice husky, Is this what you wanted?' Fuck yes this is what I wanted,' I snarled back at him, my hands now tearing at his muscular back. He pushed me against the wall and stepped back. With one quick motion he undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor.

I was on my knees in heartbeat, tonguing his rock hard cock through the fabric of his boxers. His hands were in my hair, running his hands and grabbing a fistful of it. He jerked my head up and looked down at me.

"Suck my dick,' He growled, showing my face in his package. I didn't need to be told twice and I yanked his boxers down, his cock slapping me in the face. It was thick and cut, with veins running up and down its thick length. The big tip was leaking precum, and his balls were heavy. His cock had no hair except for a small bush of dark hair above his package. I licked the precum off his dick and Zach moaned, his grip in my hair tightening. I took his cock into my mouth, savouring the taste and running my tongue up and down the length, covering it in my spit. "You like the taste of my cock huh? he growled. The only sound I could make with his thick dick in my mouth was a strangled `Mhmmmhmm" before he grasped my head with both hands and shoved his cock down my throat. My eyes began to water and my cheeks bulged, I struggled to breathe with his monster dick down my throat. My hands were on his ass, fingers digging into the muscle. Zach slowly withdrew his meat, a thick trail of saliva stretched from my mouth to his cock. I had a second to catch my breath before he plunged his cock into my mouth again and began to fuck my face.

"Of fuck YES you're a good cocksucker take my fucking dick down your throat. Fuck yes thats it let me fuck that pretty little face of yours, bet this is what you wanted when you were jerking yourself off under the desk eh? My bug fucking cock down your throat."

I was in heaven with each thrust of his dick. There was spit and precum running down my mouth as Zach used my mouth, his balls slapping against my chin. I moaned loudly, enjoying his verbal assault and his assault on my mouth. After what seemed like an eternity, his pace began to quicken. "Fuck im getting close you ready for my hot cum down your throat slut? Ready to take my load?" I looked up at him and he looked down at me, his face twisted in a harsh smile as he looked down at me with his cock in my mouth. His face had a few drops of sweat on it, and he looked like an absolute stud using me for his pleasure. With a strangled roar, he came, torrents of hot salty cum down my throat. I struggled to swallow it all, some of it oozing out the side of my mouth and running down my chin. He held his cock in my mouth before pushing me off of it. I sat back and leaned against the wall, struggling to catch my breath, cum covering my mouth and chin. Zach smiled down at me, his hands on his hips and he cock on proud display.

"Ready for round two in a few minutes?" He said with a smirk. " I need that ass next." He winked at me. I smiled back at him and wiped at the cum and spit with my hand. "You fucking know it." I said with a grin, as I began to unbuckle my pants.

Next: Chapter 2

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