Last night in the city

By moc.loa@48noilnayR

Published on Jul 12, 2005



About one month ago I left for NY, just barely 21 and excited to go for a summer school program. I had been accepted on what I thought must have been a mistake as the others I knew who were going I felt were much more qualified and deserved it more. Because of my surprise at my acceptance, I ended up behind in my registration sheets and was unable to send in my roommate request sheet on time, so when I arrived on the blistering hot day at the beginning of june, I was not sure what to expect. Now I had only come out of the closet in my small college town to a few friends and only about 2 months before I left; but as I barely knew anyone there I felt much more open to explore my sexuality while in the city, going to gay bars and clubs and even going home with guys on occasion. However, on that first day I was nervous as to whether my roommate would be as accepting of my sexuality as thoughs I had told. I arrived and unpacked early that day and was surprised and pleased to see that no one's name had been put next to mine on the roommate roster. I was looking forward to many nights of long luxurious jack off sessions and hopefully of fucking some dorm dwelling cuties' asses till dawn. It was that point that the dreaded RA showed up to deliver the bad news I was getting a roommate...

and he was only 17...and had arrived with a girl (okay he didn't say that but I saw him get out of the cab later, ok?) I cringed, not only did this ruining my sex plans, but it meant playing mommy for a month and not bee able to get him drunk enough to experiment as he had always wanted to but never had. I sat on my bed defeated, and waited as the door opened. Now it would have sucked enough had he been an ugly homophobic prick, but he was neither. The boy who strode in stood at an imposing 6'3", maybe weight 150lbs and had a heart warming if a little tired looking and brace filled smilei could tell from that moment on that being in the room was going to be hell... A few days later, after killing ourselves in classes, and making a lot of new friends, I reevaluated my situation with my roommate, Charles. Over the past week, I was so busy with class and socializing I hadn't even thought about sex and Charles and I were becoming amazing friends. We were always together, going out together at night and I was pleased to throw him an impromptu birthday party when he turned 18 only a few days after getting there. Charles and were going great till we got to the weekend, and all of a sudden I was no longer distracted. Friday night, we were heading to the gym and both went into the lockerroom at the end of the night to change and go swimming. Charles, to my disappointment, when into the changing stalls near the back, and I, wanting to not be too obvious checking out the guys with huge meat walking around me, went into thee stall next to him. It was torture seeing him drop his shorts and underwear under the edge of the next stall, but I started to realize just how horny this guy made me. That night as we were going to bed I decided I had to get out of that dorm room tomorrow, or it was going to kill me. That morning I left with a close friend who I knew back at school to go see a show, and let Charles know we wouldn't be back till late. On the train she interrogated me as to why I hadn't told him I was gay, and I dodged the question masterfully. I was looking forward to Charles free day and was very upset when, upon arriving, we discovered the show was sold out and had to return to the dorm. As I arrived, I made myself a vow, that I would no longer think about charles in a sexual way. I got to the room and was surprised that when I entered Charles was not there. His computer, however, was sitting on and open on his bed. Now I am usually a man of morals, but I was so curious about him at this point that even the thought that he might have some internet porn on his computer almost made me cum. I slowly slipped onto his bed and moved my finger across the mouse pad, and what I saw almost made my heart jump out of my chest. An open file of porn...hundreds of files...and not single one had a female in it! I was so confused, my manly, fun, young roommate was not only also into men, but by the looks of his porn collection he was into the dirty stuff. Pictures of men being tied up and fucked dominated the folder, and by the most recently used I could tell that Charles was either a kinky dominatrix top or a submissive kinky bottom. I was confused, I was angry, I was upset, but most of all I was about two seconds from shooting my load all over his bed. I quickly ran to the bathroom, whipped my cock out and before I could finish one stroke, was spraying the walls of my shower with cum. After that day, all I could do was think about how charles looked (awesome), smelled (amazing) and would hopefully taste and feel, which in my mind was best of all. The last week of the trip had rolled around and part of me started to realize that I was in love with Charles, and would probably never see him again after this week. It was then I made the decision I would come out to him the last night of the trip and it would then be up to him whether or not he was ready to come out to me. The last week dragged on as Charles made comments about girls tits and asses with the same closeted gusto I had made at his age, but finally our last night rolled around. After dinner with many of our friends and some teary good byes, we returned to our room. Now I had never told charles I was gay, but I had also never told him I was straight so my plan was to just say something about meeting a guy at a club a few nights ago and see his reaction. "So, last night, weird huh." I said as I gathered my liquor backed courage. "Yeah feels weird huh? I never even got laid" Charles threw out as he laid on his bed. "Well, you have one night, you never know..." Here goes nothing. "Afterall, I only got a little action from a guy I met at the bar two weeks ago." Silence filled the room as my heart seemed to stop beating for a second. What had I done? Was my best friend who I loved now going to hate me? Was he going to beat me up? Was he so afraid of his sexuality that he would leave them and there? Had I gone to far? Would he- "Wow, really?" He said so nonchalantly it was like he was asking if the price of bananas really was down to 89 cents a pound. "Um, yeah. Just a little make out action, and we jacked off together, wish I had gotten laid though, I really needed it." I watched for his reaction and I could tell he was excited. "Oh, what are u into? Do you prefer to be on top or on bottom? How many guys have u been with?" His rambling question shocked me, but at the same time, I could tell he was getting hard and seemed really interested. "Oh, I like to top, love to kiss and suck, been with enough..." Charles was now sitting on thee edge of his bed, kicking off his shoes. "Wow, that's amazing, I always wondered what it would be like to be with a guy, well, good night." And with that he dropped his pants, and went to bed. I stood shocked for a few moments and then finished getting ready and crawled into bed. A few moments later I heard a sound from his bed. "Are you awake?" I stayed silent for a second still trying to figure out what happened. "Well I guess you're not, but you should know...I'm gay...and I have never done anything with anyone.. or told anyone about this ... but over the past weeks, I think I feel in love with you kinda...but I don't know what to do." "Charles" "You're awake, shit, sorry man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" "I kinda fell for you too" "Oh...can I come over there?" My brain was saying no, don't do it, go back, stop while you can and not get hurt in the end, but my cock won out "Yeah."he slowly got out of his bed and I could see what had to be a 9 inch cock hanging out of the slit in his boxers. I threw back the covers, and he was on top of me quickly, kissing my neck and cheeks. I finally, grabbed his face and brought his lips to mine, the kiss was slow and sensual at first, tongues finding tongues, but it soon became heated and passionate, and I was soon sitting up with my arms around his waist while he felt my chest, I gripped his hard rod while my own thick 7 inches crept out of my boxerbreifs. My tongue left his mouth only to find his nipples, which caused him to gasp and moan like a 14 year old girl. I flipped him onto his back and slowly slid up and down his body switching from licking his cock and ball sack to his chest, thighs, and neck. He Finally had enough and pulled me up so I was stradling his face, at which point he took all 7 inches of my cock down his throat like a pro. Now in the past month, I had managed to get off 4 times, and all of them had been at least a week before, so his oral minstrations were all too soon rewarded with a huge load of fresh cum. I tried to pull out but he had other ideas, holding onto my ass like it was his to claim. Charles seemed surprised at first but soon got the idea and swallowed hard, even though it was sooo big it started running down the sides of his mouth onto my sheets. I pulled out a few minutes later after I was too sensitive and shocked the poor boy by immediately swallowing his entire nine inches. After all, I have a little more experience thathe does am a talent cock sucker. Now Charles not having enough time to jack off of late either, came just as quickly and screamed bloody murder while doing so, I am sure waking all of our dorm neighbors. By this time I was already hard again and Charles seemed to just stay hard after he had cum. As we lay there kissing and fondling, Charles seemed to get a brilliant idea, jumped out of bed, ran to his dresser drawer and returned with a large tube of hand lotion. "I want you in me, I want you to take my virginity tonight. NOW."I was soon being greased up by Charles' skilled hands, and that is when I noticed his clean pink rosebud winking at me as he bent over my cock. With no warning to him at all, I pulled his ass over my face and dove my face in. His initial objections were soon replaced by moaning and promises that he had never known that could feel so good. After getting his hole nice and sopping wet, I flipped him on his back, lifted his legs and whispered in his ear. "Is this what you've wanted? Is this what you think you need" "Yes please, I need you in me, I need you to be a part of me...please...I love you and I need you in me." I looked down on the face that would be heading for the opposite end of the country tomorrow and I now realized I really did love him. I slowly sank my cock along his ass crack until it popped through his sphincter. He grimaced at first, obviously never having had anything other than maybe a finger up there before, but soon was begging me to make him mine, and I was more than happy too. We layed there with me pistoning in and out of him for what seemed like days, just kissing and tonguing each other while I made love to his ass until finally I released into his sweet cavity. When I tried to pull out, Charles clung to me and held me in while he juiced my cock with his muscles. This had the desired effect and I was soon on my back with him riding my cock like a professional would have. As I started to feel my second orgasm build, Charles looked at me and his previously untouched dick exploded covering us in cum. Now I shoot a big load, but Charles was the

first man I had ever seen who could rival it. He quickly slid off my dick and together our loads covered us, the sheets, the wall above my head and both

of our faces as we stared into each others eyes. It was then that I let the darkness over whelm me as Charles slid into the bed next to mee and whispered "I love you." The next morning I awoke at about 11, as my flight wasn't until that night, and was shocked to see that all signs of my roommate and lover were gone except for my cum stained sheets and a note next to me on the pillow. "I don't know how to start this letter," it read, "but only to say I loved you. From the first day I saw you, I knew I loved the way you looked and smelled and smiled, but only as I got to know you did I realize that I would end up heart broken at the end of these 30 days. I am not good at goodbyes, and, after last night, I am not sure I could have said it without crying. I wanted your last memory of me here to be a wonderful one of the love and passion we shared and I cannot wait to talk to you again. I miss you now just writing this and you are sleeping not more than 5 feet from me. I love you and I am so glad you made me realize that when I did. Charles." I was sad but didn't cry as I packed and left for home that day, because I knew I would always have that night together.

Epilogue So fuck I was upset, yeah we had that night together, but I just kept thinking how had I made a move earlier we could have had a month together. Now, Charles and I were on the phone hours a day and he seemed to get more and more distant as the promise of school starting in two weeks became more real to him. I could tell I was losing him slowly, and it made me mad as hell, because not only was I in love, but I now seemed to bee getting hit on by every guy on the planet since I had come out and was even being groped by straight guys at parties I went to. The first day of school rolled around I was sitting in the class I was TA for that semester, brooding as usual at my own stupidity. I finally remember where I was and got up to call roll. As I got down the list names seemed to blur until it came up... "Charles..." that couldn't be right. "Here." I looked into the class and there he was with a shit eating grin all over his now braceless face. "and may I be excused to the bathroom." I said yes without even looking to the teacher and quickly excused myself as

well. As we kissed in the toilet stall I got mad and asked why he hadn't told me and why he seemed so distant. "I wasn't sure you still wanted me and I thought you might force yourself to be with me if you knew I was transferring here." "Never, I love you! And as for forcing myself, I prefer to force you." I said as I pushed him to his knees and revelled in the feeling of my cock being home again.

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