Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Mar 10, 2014


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

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Chapter 9

"Did you see what I got from my dad?" asked Randy as he walked through the house.

Tanner motioned without looking up. "No, what is it?"

"Here, look."

He handed an envelope to Tanner, who pulled out its content. Tanner scrutinized it for a minute and then looked back. "It's a plane ticket..."

"Exactly, one ticket."

Tanner studied the ticket for a minute then looked at Randy with his eyebrows scrunched together. "Randy, this has my name on it."


"It's got my name on it. And its a ticket to Puerto Vallarta."

Tanner twisted his face, got up without a word and walked to the other side of the room. He fished for a minute and pulled it out of his book bag. Looking at it for a minute, he walked over to Randy and handed him the plain white envelope. "I knew this was from my folks, so I didn't even notice it was addressed to you."

Randy turned the envelope over and looked at the front. "Oh, shit. This was addressed to you. I just opened it because I knew it was from Dad."

Tanner grinned and handed Randy the envelope from his parents. "Betcha a dollar I know what's in it!"

Randy grinned, slit the envelope open and fished out the folded paperwork. He glanced at it for a minute and then grinned at Tanner. "Oh look, babe. Your folks are sending me to Puerto Vallarta!"

Randy and Tanner snatched their bags from the baggage belt. They'd packed fairly light, but still had one large suitcase of their clothes that wouldn't fit in the overhead bins. But now with each of them with a backpack over a shoulder and Randy pulling the bag behind him, they had one thing left--figuring out how to get to the hotel.

They walked from the baggage area and into a flurry of activity. Randy could feel the concern building. Tanner let out a squeal and pointed. "Look! A van from the hotel! We're saved!"

"Oh, thank God. I thought you were going to have a melt down."

"Yeah, whatever. I thought you were gonna cry like a little girl."

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

The pair broke into laughter as they walked to the van. They were met at the door by a smiling face. "Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Puerto Vallarta."

Randy and Tanner crawled into the van and buckled themselves in. They took off and almost immediately were glad they'd made the choice to tie themselves in. The trip was made at flying speeds that made both men uncomfortable.

But the trip ended in front of a huge modern hotel that would not have looked out of place in Miami or Houston. The palm trees flanked the entrance and the guys were thrilled to have arrived. They were swarmed with people to help them and soon they were leaning against the lavishly carved front desk. A beautifully tanned man about their age with brilliant white teeth smiled at them.

"Welcome, welcome. How may we help you."

"We have reservations. Randy Preston and Tanner Carson."

His fingers danced across the keyboard for a few moments. "Ah yes, there you are. The honeymoon suite." He smiled even wider at the pair. "Excellent choice."

A few minutes passed while Tanner and Randy waited for the keys and directions. The bellhop loaded their luggage onto his cart then wheeled them to their suite. He deposited their bags and Randy gave him a tip. Once the door closed behind him, Randy wandered over to see what Tanner was staring at with such fascination. He smiled at the wonder Tanner expressed for the tableau of the sea spread out before them. The azure blue waters and the snow white beaches were like something from a postcard.

"Beautiful isn't it," said Randy.

Tanner turned and gave him a kiss. "It is beautiful. I can't believe we're here."

They watched for a few moments, seeing the ebb and flow of people across the expanse of sand.

"This is crazy," said Tanner.

Randy moved behind him and took him in his arms. "Why?"

Tanner turned and looked deep into Randy's eyes. "Well, we got married. That by itself is crazy. That my parents are helping to pay for our honeymoon, that's even more crazy."

Randy tilted his head and started kissing down Tanner's neck. Tanner stiffened for a few moments, then melted in Randy's arms. After a few seconds, he was chuckling.

Randy smiled at him. "Why the giggling?"

"I was just thinking how my big strong man was making me feel. And giggling was kind of part of the package."

Randy ran his hands under Tanner's tee, pushing them over his hairy chest. He loved the texture of Tanner's chest under his touch. His fingers spanned the fan of hair centered along his stomach, and let the tips of his fingers slip into his shorts. He unfastened the top button on Tanner's shorts, which let them slip slightly lower on Tanner's ass. Randy let his fingers slide inside the front of Tanner's shorts, and ran his fingers through his dense bush.

Tanner leaned against him with a sigh. "Was this your plan--to whisk me away to Mexico to fuck?"

Randy chuckled and then kissed Tanner hard, their lips smashed against each other. After a few seconds they separated, both of them breathing harder. Randy grinned at Tanner. "Well this trip was a present from your parents. So I guess they're wanting grandkids."

Tanner leaned against Randy and started laughing. "Yeah, I don't think that has much chance of happening."

"We can certainly give it our best effort."

Tanner chuckled and pushed his shorts down, exposing the hard cock trapped inside the tiny briefs Randy had bought him for the trip. The leaking tip had already created a translucent wet spot in the white material. Randy reached up and squeezed his cock tight and slid his hand down its length. Then he pressed Tanner's shirt upward and let it fall to the floor. The sight of his hot cowboy husband, hard and panting in just a pair of white briefs was having its desired effect on Randy. His own cock was throbbing and stiff.

Suddenly Tanner lunged at him and his shirt was tossed into the air a few moments later. Their hairy torso's ground against each other as their tongues pierced each others lips. He could feel Tanner tugging at his basketball shorts, quickly untying them and pushing them to his knees. His red and black Baskit jock strap framed his butt nicely. They wrapped their arms around each other, and ground their crotches together.

Tanner ran his hands over Randy's butt, and his cock twitched in response. He traced the tip of his finger along the edge of Randy's crack until he found his goal. He ran his finger over Randy's hole until he had his husband panting with anticipation. Tanner spun Randy around and pushed him across the huge bed. He trembled in anticipation as Tanner quickly rummaged through their bag and pulled out a bottle of lube. As the cool gel slid down his crack, Randy let out a sigh.

Tanner shoved his briefs off and grabbed the sides of Randy's jockstrap. He pressed the flared head of his cock against Randy's hole and then sank inside. There was a gasp as Tanner snapped his hips forward, followed by a sigh as Randy accommodated Tanner. Randy felt him slide in deeper until he moaned as Tanner's flared cocked slid across his prostate.

Randy's body arched as the pleasure engulfed him. Tanner fit so well, and hit all the good spots, he just left Randy panting for more. The strong hands that grabbed his jock were cinching him tight as Tanner began to fuck him in earnest. The rhythmic slap of skin against skin filled the room.

Randy was enjoying the pounding he was getting from Tanner. Somehow their time together held more depth of passion. Sex was taken to a whole new level, and Randy was reveling in the connection. The pounding he was getting was taking him to a new level as Tanner's mushroom head clipped his prostate with each thrust. The cowboy was riding him with a smoldering heat that was leaving Randy wanting more. The tight fabric that still trapped his hard cock was like another hand stroking him.

Randy tried to hold out, but the layers of sensations were too much. Tanner landed a particularly wonderful punch against Randy's prostate and it began. Randy could feel the cum rushing from his full balls. He sprayed against the thin fabric as Tanner clipped his prostate again. His ass clamped down as Tanner plowed deep. Another thrust and Tanner pinned him against his cock and began filling Randy's ass. The ample load filled him and soon the wet sounds of a well fucked ass floated through the room and Randy collapsed onto the bed.

Tanner followed quickly on top of him and sighed. "Welcome to Mexico!"

Randy groaned.

"Come on. Get your suit on," said Tanner.

"I'm trying, I'm trying. I think you bought one that was too small on purpose."

Tanner chuckled a little as his husband struggled to get his suit over his muscular butt. "I didn't, but you're going to have everyone checking you out on the beach."

"I could just buy a banana hammock down stairs and wear that."

"If you did then you'd have every everyone, men and women, checking you out. And I get very jealous."

Randy smiled at Tanner. "I'll keep that in mind. There are a lot of cute boys around here though."

"Keep it in your pants, dear husband, or I'll cut it off for you."

Randy chuckled as he laced the trunks closed over his plump cock. He smiled as Tanner checked out his equipment and gave him a wink. "Come on, big boy. Let's go to the beach and enjoy the sun and surf while we're here."

Randy grabbed Tanner and pulled him toward the door.

A few minutes later found them walking through the light crowd on the beach. Tanner shaded his eyes against the bright Mexican sun and took in the sight of the azure blue ocean and the pale sandy beach. Randy glanced around and smiled at Tanner. "Down to the ocean, or do we take advantage of the hotel and have pastel drinks with bright colored umbrellas sticking out of them brought to us in massive amounts?"

Tanner looked around for a minute and then motioned to the hotel's lounge chairs. "I think a few drinks would be great. Just remember, the drinks are from our cash. So don't plan to get plastered."

Randy chuckled. "Yes, mother. I wouldn't want to blow our wad."

Tanner grinned and lifted an eyebrow while Randy tried to look innocent. "Yeah. Well, I think we're good in the wad blowing category." Still shaking his head he moved to one of the chairs and sank into it. He looked up at Randy and grinned. "Boy, why don't you go fetch us some drinks?"

"I'll make you think 'fetch me a drink' and if you don't watch it--"

Tanner ran his fingers up the inside of Randy's thigh. "Pleeeaaassseee."

Randy chuckled and then headed toward the bar. He arrived to see an golden skinned beauty smiling at him from inside the bar.

"What can I get for you, sir," said the bartender in a lyrical Spanish accent.

Randy smiled back, trying to get his bearings. "Something tropical and frozen seems to be the drink of the day."

He nodded at Randy. "It's not busy. I'll bring them out to you and your companion."

Randy felt a shiver and nodded, his throat suddenly dry. He turned without another word and headed back to Tanner. He settled in beside Tanner and stared at the vast expanse of ocean. His mind was absorbed in the moment when there was a touch and Randy jumped. He turned to find Tanner looking at him with a concerned expression.

"What's up?" asked Tanner.

Randy let out a shaky chuckle. "Nothing. Just zoning I guess."

Tanner's eyebrow lifted and his lips tilted downward. "Just so you know, I don't believe you. But I'm going to let it go."

Randy started to reply when the bartender arrived with two vibrant red glasses on a tray. "Here you are, sir. Anything else I can get you?"

Randy looked at the handsome man with his white teeth, charcoal black hair and beautiful dark skin. Randy struggled with the primal response his body was having to the sexy latin man. He took his drink and quickly set it down when he realized his hand was shaking. He looked quickly to see if Tanner had noticed, but he seemed absorbed in sampling his drink. He turned back to the guy and slipped him the money.

"Thanks. Keep the change."

"Thank you, sir."

Randy watched for a minute, enjoying the view of his tight ass in the linen pants he was wearing. He took a sip and the cold and alcohol hit him at the same time. "Wow. This is strong."

Tanner looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, you better be careful or you won't be responsible for what you do here."

Randy choked a little and then looked at Tanner, to find him staring at the ocean.

Tanner was pulling his shirt on as he considered. They'd decided to go dancing tonight after a day of enjoying the brilliant sunshine. They'd been told the nightclub in the hotel was actually one of the better night spots within walking distance. He fiddled with his shirt for a few moments, then looked at Randy.

"You know, I think we could go in jeans and boots and do better. I feel like a damn peacock or something in this stuff."

Randy stopped primping his hair and studied Tanner from top to bottom. "You look hot. Besides, this isn't a country bar in southern Oklahoma. You'd look funny in jeans, white tee and boots." Randy closed the distance between then and pulled Tanner against him. "It'll be fun. You'll see."

"Okay. But it's a good thing I can wear your shoes 'cause I'd never wear these little suckers at home."

Randy looked over at the ankle-high boots that Tanner was wearing. Their eyes met and Randy chuckled at the unhappy expression on Tanner's face. "Come on. Cheer up. It'll be fun."

"It would be more fun if I could wear my boots." Tanner folded his arms over his chest and sighed. "I feel like I look funny. And not funny ha ha either."

Randy chuckled and then looked at Tanner. The shirt was practically see-through and just highlighted Tanner's hairy chest and small dark nipples. The pants were lightweight and clung to his hips and showed off his body to a delicious extent. He was sure to be the lure of anyone attracted to a guy who was in the club tonight.

"You look great. You'll need a stick to beat back the guys who will be after you."

Tanner stopped his fussing and stared at Randy. "I'm not worried about beating off the guys who are after me. Should I be concerned about you?"

Randy shook his head vigorously. "No! Why the hell would you say that?"

Tanner shrugged and tugged at the shirt one last time. "Just checking. The scenery is different here."

Randy shook his head and walked over to Tanner. "You're the only scenery I need today, or ever."

Tanner kissed him and flicked the last imagined speck from his shirt. "Let's go. It's not going to get any better."

A short time later they were standing at the entrance to the club. Not so different from clubs everywhere. The music was pulsing and the people were moving around, shopping. They watched the crowd for a few minutes and then Tanner grinned. "I believe we've hit LGBT night at the Coppa."

Randy chuckled and nodded, having just noticed the predominance of men in the room too. "Come on. Let's find a table. We can sit for a little while and then decide if we want to dance or not."

The pair found their way across the floor to a table away from the swirl of activity. They had just settled in when the dark skinned bartender from earlier in the afternoon appeared.

"Evening, gentlemen. What's your pleasure to drink this evening?"

Randy and Tanner's eye's met and they grinned at each other. Tanner ordered for them both. "A couple of good Mexican beers, and a pitcher of Sangria."

The waiter scribbled for a second then met their eyes again. "And appetizers?"

The boys eyes met and they shrugged their shoulder. "What would you suggest?" asked Randy.

"Oh I'd highly recommend the Queso Fundido. It's exceptional here."

"Cheese dip?"

The waiter laughed, his bass voice echoing across the room. "Oh, it is much more, Senor."

Tanner met Randy's eyes and shrugged.

"Okay, Queso Fundido it is."

As he walked away, Randy watched his round butt recede into the dim of the bar.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Randy's head snapped back like it was on a bungee cord. "What do you mean?"

Tanner nodded in the direction the waiter had taken. "The waiter, did you enjoy watching his butt?"

Even in the dim of the bar, Tanner could tell Randy's face was deep red. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, with Tanner waiting for Randy to take the conversation wherever it was going. A sigh leaked from Randy and he sagged against the table.

"Sorry, I was looking. I didn't mean anything by it."

Tanner reached over and took Randy's hand in his. "Thank you."

Randy frowned at Tanner. "For ruining our trip?"

Tanner chuckled and patted his hand. "No, dingleberry. For telling me the truth. Shit, just because you look doesn't mean you're cheating on me."

A shy smile crept across Randy's face. "I guess being married and faithful doesn't mean I'm dead now does it."

"Nope. But just so you know, if you cheat, I'll cut it off."

Randy laughed and looked at Tanner, who had a dead serious expression. "I'm a crazy dude who grew up in the hills of southern Oklahoma. Don't push your luck. You know what a gelding is, right?"

"Okay," said Randy, "That's good to know I guess."

Before Tanner could reply, the waiter had reappeared, with their drinks. He sat the two bottles on the table, each with a slice of lime, the Sangria and the Queso Fundido.

Once the waiter had left, Randy dredged one of the tortilla chips through the cheese concoction and popped it into his mouth. He chewed for a few moments then nodded. "Not bad, try some."

Tanner considered Randy then followed his lead. He chewed the treat and nodded. "Not bad, a little spicy, but not too bad."

"That's what I thought too."

They went through the food, enjoying each bite as well as their drinks as they watched the crowd on the dance floor. Both decided the dancers were mostly tourists down to enjoy the warm weather.

"Come on. Let's show these Yankee's how to dance," said Tanner.

Randy chuckled. "I hate to tell you, but I think we're considered Yankee's here."

Tanner shot him an expression of horror. "No! Tell me it ain't so."

Randy pulled Tanner to the floor. They melded into each other as the music thundered around them. As the night wore on, the atmosphere became more contemporary. Soon Tanner's shirt was open and the couple reveled in the dancing.

As their evening came to a close, Tanner pulled Randy through the open doors and onto the veranda to enjoy the cooling Pacific breeze. He turned and wrapped his arms around Randy. "This trip has been a blast. I know we can't stay forever, but it is fun."

Randy drew Tanner tight against him and pressed their lips together. "It is nice. Once we get back it'll be a rush to the end of the semester."

"I know, and there'll be my interview at State. So this is going to be our last shot at some time together."

Randy lifted the tail of Tanner's shirt and rubbed over his back. "This has been a good trip though."

Suddenly a third figure was on the veranda with them. In the dim light, they could see the silhouette of the bartender. He moved toward Randy and wrapped his arms around his waist. Tanner's eyebrows shot up as he watched the hot Latino making moves on his husband. The bartender ground his crotch against Randy, and Tanner could feel the anger in him begin to build. He stepped forward, just as Randy moved away from the embrace.

"Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I'm married. Right now my husband is standing behind you, looking very pissed."

The young Latino turned with a smile. "But of course. I was hoping to spend the night with both of you." He uncoiled from Randy and threw his arms around Tanner--and gave him a kiss.

Panic welled up in Tanner, this wasn't what he wanted. He wedged his hands between them when Randy pulled the guy away and pulled him away.

"No! Not happening. We aren't really the sharing kind. I'm sure there are plenty of other couples out there who would love to share."

The bartender stepped back, and straightened his clothing with a pop. "I see, well I'm sure there are others who would enjoy a special evening with me." He met both their eyes with a measured look, until Tanner was beginning to have pity for him. He was moving to give him a hug, when the young man continued. "I was considering a lower fee for you too, since you're a cute couple." With that he turned and walked away.

Tanner froze in place for a few moments before meeting Randy's gaze. "We just got propositioned..."

Randy fought a smile from growing across his face, until he could hold it no longer and snorted. "I'm not so sure what you'd call it, but we were at least getting a discount."

Tanner chuckled as Randy put his arm around Tanner's shoulders. "I think it's time for us to wrap up the night. I've had about as much excitement as I need."

Tanner let out a breath and nodded. "Plenty of excitement. I'm ready to head up to the suite and crash."

A wash of intimacy traveled through Tanner as Randy wrapped him in a tight hug. He kissed Tanner's neck and whispered. "Let's go upstairs and get some rest, we still have a few days before we have to head back to school.

Tanner enjoyed the breeze blowing across them as Randy shot down the dirt backroad in the jeep they'd rented for a few hours of exploring. The tropical splendor was great, although the condition of the surroundings got poorer and poorer as they moved away from the strip of high rise hotels that hugged the beaches.

They were approaching a small herd of goats and he signaled for Randy to slow the vehicle. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it exactly. They rolled to a stop as the curious animals wandered over to investigate the strangers in their territory. They watched the multicolored animals for several minutes before it dawned on Tanner what had caught his attention. Someone should be taking care of the herd. The animals was too far away from any homes to be allowed to wonder free.

He turned in time to see a young boy walk from the edge of the trees carrying a small goat. The expression on the boy's face was heart rending. Tanner motioned Randy from the jeep. "Come on. I think the kid is hurt."

Randy studied the boy. "He looks okay to me."

Tanner popped him on the arm. "The goat, dumb ass."

They walked closer and the boy never let his eyes flicker from the two men. Tanner knelt in front of him and held out his hands for the goat. The child looked carefully at each of them and then lowered the baby goat into Tanner's hands.

"Randy, hold her so I can check the problem."

Randy shifted to Tanner's side and cradled the goat in his hands. Tanner gently examined her. Suddenly the goat was bleating and thrashed in Randy's hands. "I think you found the spot."

Tanner gently prodded the cyst that had formed on the goat's leg. "I need to drain it. Do you have your pocket knife?"

"You're shitting me, right? You went through the same TSA screening as I did.'

"Sorry, dumb question." Tanner looked around and found the boy watching them carefully. "Hey, ask the kid."

Tanner turned to the young boy. "Do. You. Have. Knife?" He made a sawing motion with his hand.

The boy fished in a pocket for a minute and pulled out a small pen knife. Tanner took it and smiled. He turned back to Randy with a grin. "Got it. Hold her tight now. I just want to drain the thing."

The next minutes were spent lancing and draining the cyst. Tanner was glad they'd caught it, the smell when they drained it made the boys nose wrinkle up. But a short time later the large cyst was drained and the goat was taking careful steps and beginning to browse on the greenery around them.

The boy made certain the goat had found its mother and turned back to them. "Thank you, se?or. I appreciate you helping my goat. She'd been getting worse for several days. Gracias."

Tanner worked his mouth a few times before he got words out. "No problem. Just keep it clean and she should be okay."

They climbed back into the jeep and Tanner intensionally never met any of the many glances Randy made in his direction. Eventually the gush of laughter he was expecting filled the air. He looked at Randy with a wry grin. "Shut up. I don't want to hear it."

"Do. You. Have. Knife?"

Randy roared with laughter as they drove down the road.

The early morning breeze made the almost sheer curtains billow into their room and blew across Randy's butt. He and Tanner were sprawled over each other in a tangle of limbs and linens. He moved closer to Tanner and pulled the sheet off them. He ran his hand over Tanner's back and muscular ass before he leaned in and kissed his shoulder.

Tanner wriggled into the bedding, stretching as he awoke. His hair was mussed and he sleepily rubbed his eyes. "Mornin'."

Randy kissed Tanner again while his hand slid over Tanner's butt, enjoying the texture of it under his palm. "Morning, sexy. How are you?"

Tanner squirmed on the bed, clenching his ass cheeks as Randy caressed him. He sighed when Randy's finger slipped between his ass cheeks. "I'm good. I love waking up like this."

Tanner relaxed against the bed while Randy slipped himself over Tanner so he was sitting on Tanner's butt. Randy rubbed his hands over Tanner's back, pressing into his muscles as he gave Tanner a back rub. He dug his thumbs into Tanner's neck and worked across his muscular shoulders. Tanner relaxed into the bed and after a few minutes Randy lay across Tanner's back and rubbed his chest over it's expanse.

Tanner let out a grunt and opened his legs wider. "Oh, shit. That feels good."

Randy ran his hands under Tanner's chest and rubbed his fingers over the hard nipples. Tanner writhed under him and Randy slipped his cock between Tanner's ass cheeks and ground his hard cock against him. Soon he had coated Tanner's trench with precum and Randy was sliding back and forth, the waited hair providing a delicious sensation for his cock. Tanner's smiling face looked back at him and gave a wink.

"How about getting to business back there big boy."

Randy grinned and bounded from the bed to rifle through their bag. He retrieved a bottle of lube, crawled back on the bed and squirted a blob of gel onto his fingers. Pressing them against Tanner's entrance, he slipped two fingers inside through the already relaxed opening. A few minutes later he was gliding three fingers inside Tanner and he was moaning and twisting under him.

"Shit. That feels so good."

Randy leaned close and nibbled at Tanner's ear before whispering. "You are so fucking hot. I'm going to fuck you until you feel it all the way back to Oklahoma."

"Oh yeah, that sounds amazing."

Randy coated his cock with the thick gel and then pressed himself against Tanner's puckered hole. The heat from Tanner kissed against the tip of his cock and a sigh came from both of them. Randy pressed forward, Tanner's ass tightening around his cock as he pushed harder. Tanner buried his face into the pillow and moaned when Randy slipped through the first entrance. Lost in the moment of pleasure, Randy bucked his hips and sank himself into Tanner.

Their bodies meshed as Randy started his long thrusts. The hot grip of Tanner's gut was pushing him to the edge, but he was fighting for it to last. Their week together had been amazing, and he wanted more. The tightening in his crotch was beginning, and Randy moved slower to prolong the pleasure. His body was overwhelmed with the pleasure of making love to his husband. The teasing stretched as his cock felt like it was forged from iron. He could feel the crown rubbing, and it proved too much. He slammed inside Tanner, pinning him to the bed as his body convulsed, emptying itself into Tanner.

Randy pinned Tanner under him, his hands on his muscular shoulders. His body bucked with each wave of orgasm and the sounds of pleasure from Tanner drove his ecstasy higher. With a final shudder, he collapsed on top of Tanner. Their eyes met and Tanner leered at Randy.

"My turn now."

Tanner rolled, grabbing Randy by the shoulders and moved them until he was on his back. Tanner smeared lube over them both and pushed himself inside.

"Fuck! Not so fast!" screamed Randy.

Tanner ran his hands over Randy's chest as he froze in place. Once the searing pain subsided to a warm pleasure, Randy relaxed and nodded at Tanner. At the signal, Tanner pulled back slowly then pressed forward again. This time the pleasure mounted for Randy and he rolled his eyes backward as he reveled in the pleasure.

"Oh yeah. Like that."

Tanner rose to his toes and began moving faster, the earlier fucking he got leaving him wanting more. His speed increased and the heat of their passion built until Tanner was pounding himself into Randy, who was hard again. Tanner's breath came in gasps as his climax raced toward its conclusion. He slammed inside Randy and shook as the first volley of cum shot into his lover.

The wet heat filled Randy and he grabbed his hard cock. Pounding it in his clenched fist, his own orgasm raced forward again.

"Ah, fuck!" yelled Randy.

As Tanner opened his eyes again, Randy came again. This time the liquid pleasure oozed onto him while his body again spasmed. Randy released his cock and dropped his hand onto his stomach, rubbing it over his belly. He smiled at Tanner and lifted his semen coated fingers.

Tanner sucked a finger into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. The sensation was remarkably erotic for Randy, especially considering he had just completed his second orgasm of the morning. After Tanner had licked each finger clean, Randy let his hand drop to the bed.

"Holy shit, you're amazing."

Tanner chuckled and relaxed across his husband. "I'd disagree with you, but I'm too tired."

A low rumble came from Randy's chest as they drifted off to sleep again to enjoy their last day of tropical paradise.

Tanner laid his hand on Randy's broad shoulder and squeezed gently. His husband turned his head back and they joined in a quick kiss.

"This was a perfect honeymoon. I was getting so burned out from school and other pressures. But not now. Damn, do you think we can do this every spring?" asked Tanner.

"So long as my handsome horny man is with me, we can come here every month."

Tanner chuckled. "I doubt we can afford that kind of jetting around."

Randy looked at him in mock horror. "Wait a minute! I thought I was married to a doctor. I wanted to be a kept man."

Tanner spun him around and swatted his ass. "A veterinarian. I'll keep your goats healthy. Now go, I don't want to miss our flight."


For some of you these stories have taken on a life of their own. But if you are in need of real help, or know someone who needs help, you can find links to a variety of GLBTQ organizations on either of my blogs ( or

Next: Chapter 10

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