Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Oct 5, 2013


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

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Tanner and Randy had gotten to know Tanner's uncle and his husband quite well after they helped Tanner come out to his parents. Not only had that brought the family back together, the reunion had given Randy and Tanner another, more established couple, to talk to when questions arose. It wasn't that the boys were having trouble, or that Rob and Ian were the epitome of normalcy, but it was still good to see another couple who had already been through the same thing. Their new friendship with each other helped a few times when questions had come up. Oddly enough they had bonded with their opposites. Tanner got along great with Ian, and Randy seemed to prefer Rob's company. It wasn't that they didn't all get along -- they did -- but they seemed to split up in those pairs.

The newfound closeness also translated from a loose invitation to the older couples' wedding, to a place in the wedding party and plane tickets to get them to Seattle. The rest of Tanner's family had been invited too, but they hadn't been able to get away from the ranch for that many days. Tanner also thought his parent's didn't want their reunion with his uncle to be at the wedding. They probably needed to have a serious talk, and a wedding wasn't the right place. But they had sent gifts with Tanner for the wedding couple. Tanner refocused on the bowtie Randy had helped him tie, as he tried to get it to sit more comfortably on his neck.

Tanner shifted uncomfortably in his tux. The layers of starched clothing wasn't so much the problem as the nervousness at being in his uncle's wedding. Randy had gotten off lucky - he was an usher - but Rob and Ian asked Tanner to be one of Rob's groomsmen. The whole logistics of the thing were humorous: two grooms, each with five groomsmen, who weren't all male. The arrangements were enough to confuse anyone although the other people in the wedding party took the unusual arrangement in stride.

"They're a bitch, aren't they!"

Tanner turned to see Ian's niece, Rene, who was also dressed in a tuxedo. A tux was fitting, considering she was one of Ian's groomsmen. She was dressed as a counterpoint to Tanner in a white tux with black shirt and cufflinks. At some point during all the planning the couple had decided one groom and all his wedding party would wear white, and the other all black. Tanner agreed the color choices made it easy to tell who went with whom.

"It's not as bad as the cummerbund, though. I don't care what Randy says, they feel like a girdle," said Tanner with a chuckle as he tugged at the uncomfortable piece of clothing.

"Come on you two. It's time for the groomsmen to file in," said Ian.

Tanner and Rene moved, knowing where they should be, since Ian had been drilling everyone all week on the processional, which Tanner had to admit, wasn't the worst idea ever. It wasn't like there was anything like a traditional gay marriage. So a lot of decisions had to be made. But the couple had agreed on the details long before the event and it was just a matter of teaching everyone else what they wanted.

The twin lines of groomsmen walked lock step down the church aisle. The sanctuary of the Episcopal Church was awash in fresh flowers and origami cranes that Ian asked each guest make and add to the decorations. Ian's father was Welsh, but his mother had survived the Japanese internment camps and so they were a tribute to her. As the wedding party made their way down the aisle and split to each side, the piano solo ended and quiet descended on the church.

The day had dawned into a rare sunny late fall event for the Puget Sound area, and the weak yellow light was piercing the sanctuary with a kaleidoscope of colors from the stained- glass windows. After the setting had reached a respectful silence, the first notes of the bridal chorus began and the couple stepped into place with Ian's diminutive mother standing between them. As they walked slowly down the aisle, Tanner had to admit they made a handsome couple. Rob looked a lot like Tanner, his reddish tinted hair was thick and wavy, his beard carefully shaped and trimmed, looking extremely handsome in his black tux. Ian was equally stunning in a white tux that contrasted artistically with his blue-black hair, his Japanese heritage framing his face in an indefinably exotic feel.

Between the two beaming men was their escort, Ian's mother. A full head shorter than either of them, she easily was the focal point of the procession. She was wearing what was obviously a custom-made kimono, white with a black-on-black embroidered obi. As the first cords of the bridal chorus drifted from the pipe organ, the three began walking down the aisle, preceded by the flower girl throwing tiny black and white origami cranes, symbols of loyalty, honor and peace, down the aisle. The couple had chosen two ring bearers, twin boys from a couple they were friends with, and the tow-headed twins each held a pillow with a ring securely attached.

It was immediately evident Ian's mother was guiding both men. The trio beamed and nodded at friends and family as they went down the aisle. The day seemed particularly preordained for perfection. The couple had actually been together for well over a decade, but laws had changed to allow them to marry. The mix of light and pattern seemed to be a celebration from on high for an event that shouldn't have been the struggle it had. By the time they reached the end of the aisle and both leaned down as if synchronized to gently kiss Ian's mother, there were handkerchiefs aplenty out drying eyes.

Their eyes locked as Ian's mother settled into her seat on the first pew. Rob intertwined his fingers with Ian's, lifted his hand and kissed it with tender love before walking the remaining few feet to stand before the minister, hands still tightly clasped. With a dignified and meaningful cadence, vows were exchanged. The room glowed from within when the ceremony was concluding and the couple leaned in to exchange kisses. As their lips separated and they turned to the crowd, a thunderous cheer met them. The audience stood and continued their cheers, and with the addition of a few wolf whistles the pair retreated down the aisle feeling blessed.


"Good lord! You people do understand we've been living in the same house for years, so we can only use so many gravy boats," said Rob with a laugh as he held up the latest gift he had opened.

He let out a low grunt as an elbow was shoved into his ribs. "What my husband meant was it's a lovely and thoughtful gift," said Ian with a smile. The crowd around them broke into laughter, knowing the multiple gravy boats were a running joke between many couples.

The pair opened the multitude of gifts, including some simple presents from Tanner's parents. But Rob came to a silent stop when a large, plain box was placed on his lap. His eyes locked on the gift tag for several long minutes.

Ian nudged his arm. "Open it, what's going on?"

Rob looked at Ian with an indecipherable expression on his face. "It's from my mother."

"I thought she died years ago," said Ian.

"She did," said Rob. He looked at Tanner who was sitting to one side with Randy. "You brought this?"

"Yeah, Dad said there is a note inside explaining everything." Tanner shrugged.

Rob tried to open the gift, but his hands shook too badly to accomplish it. After a second failed attempt, Ian reached over, gently took the package from Rob and sat it on his lap. He began to slowly open the package after getting a confirmation nod from Rob. The box opened to reveal its contents.

The couple's eyes met, and Ian reached in and pulled out the folded letter on top. Ian read through the note and then handed the aged paper to Rob. He read through the note in the growing silence around them, tears rolling down his cheeks. After trying to speak with abortive results, he handed the note back to Ian.

Ian read through the note again and cleared his throat. "The note is from Rob's mother. If it's okay with Rob, I'll read what it says." Ian glanced at Rob, who nodded. Ian cleared his throat and began reading.

"My dear baby boy,

This quilt is for you on the day of your wedding. If you have it in your hands, I didn't live to see the wonderful day of your marriage. I wish you and your husband love and happiness for the rest of your life. The quilt is made from bits of your clothes as you grew up. I hope it brings you good memories of times we spent together.

I hope you can forgive your mother for being too weak to stand up to your father the way you did. You were always strong. But my weakness lost my baby to me and I don't know if you can ever forgive me. I know I've never been able to forgive myself.

Your mother and God are proud of you on your wedding day. Never doubt that.

All my love,


Ian carefully folded the letter and handed it back to Rob. Leaning over he kissed his husband tenderly and then wiped away the tears. Rob cleared his throat and gave Ian a weak smile. "Well, that was unexpected. I guess we have a handmade quilt."

The pair pulled the blanket from the box, unfolding the huge piece of art across their laps to reveal the double wedding ring pattern. They fingered the cloth, studying the artistically presented handiwork. A warm, gentle chuckle came from Rob. "It's from shirts I had over the years. These are from years and years of saved material."

The pair touched the individual pieces, each a small reminder of Rob's childhood and adolescence, with fond recollections of time spent with his mother. He glared at Ian when he began to laugh. "What?"

"Deep purple paisley? And they thought you were straight?"

Rob smiled and gently smacked his husband on the shoulder. "Hey! It was very in style in the early 80's. I looked fabulous!"

"Baby, that was never really in style, but I'm sure you looked fabulous."

A gentle laughter spread through the crowd as the wedding party relaxed again. Ian began unwrapping the last of the gifts as Rob folded the quilt, giving the precious gift a loving pat before going back to their day.


A pair of arms wrapped around Tanner's waist, and he twisted to find himself face to face with Randy. He leaned in for a much-needed kiss, then smiled and touched his boyfriend's face.

"It was a great wedding. I think the gift from your grandmother was the best thing," said Randy.

"Yeah, I think they really loved it too. The wedding was great though. Too bad it took fifteen years before they could have it."

"I don't want to wait that long, I want us to get married soon," said Randy.

A slight smile came across Tanner's face. "Are you proposing to me Randall Warfield Preston the fourth?"

Randy smiled and kissed Tanner. "Yes, Tanner William Carson. I want you to marry me."

"Where's the ring? I may be easy but I ain't cheap," said Tanner with a chuckle, his emotions mixed about the intimate moment they had shared.

"I'm on it!" said Randy with a smile. "And when I have the ring, we're setting a date!"


"Hey sexy, wanna get lucky?"

Tanner shivered at the familiar husky voice, the scent of Randy curling through his nostrils. The reception was beginning to wind down and as the party continued, Tanner escaped to a quiet corner and had been watching. He turned and ran his hands over Randy's chest. Pulling Randy against him, he started nibbling on his ear. When he got a low groan, he released his ear and whispered. "You're fucking hot in a tux."

Randy groaned as Tanner's hand grabbed his crotch and squeezed. His tongue traced along the edge of Randy's jaw, pressing hard against his lips. As they continued to make out, their youthful bodies responded and began grinding against each other. Randy broke the kiss, and scanned the area to see who might be watching them. Relieved no one caught them, he pulled on Tanner, directing him to a coatroom he noticed earlier. Randy scanned the room again, and then opened the door and yanked Tanner inside.

In the dimly lit room, Randy turned to Tanner, taking him in his arms. "Hello, sexy. What did you want now?"

Tanner smiled and kissed Randy hard, Tanner's tongue battering against his teeth for entrance. He gladly parted his lips, and Tanner immediately rammed his tongue inside. No less aggressive in his assault he grabbed Tanner's ass and squeezed hard. After several minutes of frantic kisses, Tanner broke their embrace and moved backward.

"I want your cock. You're so fuck'n hot in your tux and I'm going to suck you dry!" Tanner slowly kneeled in front of his man.

Tanner's hands gripped his package, Randy's cock quickly filling and stretching down his leg. Tanner's mouth descended on his hard cock and sighed. But a second later Randy's eyes flew open; he grabbed Tanner's head and pulled him off his crotch. Looking down into his questioning face with a grin Randy whispered, "Oh no. I don't want it to look like I pissed my pants."

Without a word Tanner pulled down the zipper and opened Randy's pants. Tanner's fingers probed the opening, finding the fly in his underwear and fishing out his hard cock. His dick popped loose and Randy sighed when Tanner's tongue travel along its length. He let out a low moan as the jolts of pleasure shot through his body until Tanner let the cock pop from his mouth and reached up and smacked Randy's ass.

"Quiet. There are people in the ballroom, you know!" said Tanner.

Randy nodded, trying to be quiet. "Okay, yeah. Just hurry up, before someone needs a coat from in here."

Randy watched Tanner run the sleeve of his tux over his wet mouth, Randy's hard cock waved between them protruding virulently from the fly of Randy's black pants. For once Randy felt good looking, he thought the tux was a perfect fit and showed his body off to its maximum. The glistening hard column of flesh protruding from his zipper made the entire scene just nasty enough to make Randy's body begin to throb.

He watched as Tanner wrapped his fist around his cock, sliding the head of his cock into his mouth and swirling his tongue around its rim. Randy almost let out another loud moan, but strangled it back. Without conscious thought he took Tanner's head in his hands and started pumping into his hot mouth. It didn't take many thrusts until the tingle in the root of his cock signaled the eminence of his orgasm.

His fingers dug into Tanner's scalp as the first surge of semen flood out. Randy pinned Tanner's head against his pelvis as he exploded with days of built up cum. Randy watched and was turned on by the struggle Tanner had swallowing the entire load. After a few delicious moments of climax, Randy dropped back to the present and remembered they were in a coat closet at Tanner's uncle's wedding, and really didn't want to become part of another infamous wedding story.

A tremor raced through Randy's body as Tanner released his cock and began licking the last traces of cum. He tilted Tanner's face toward him and wiped the dribble of semen from the corner of his mouth, sucking the cream from his finger. He watched with rapt attention as Tanner dug his cock out and pounded hard and fast. He continued to touch Tanner with careful tenderness as his partner raced toward climax. The handsome man under his fingertips shuddered as his orgasm began.

Randy dropped and plunged his face between Tanner's spread legs and wrapped his lips around Tanner's cock just as he fired his first volley. Randy's hands gripped Tanner's hips tightly as volley after volley filled his mouth. Randy swallowed quickly, relishing the hot bittersweet load. After a handful of convulsive jets, Randy nursed the rest of Tanner's erotic release from him. Randy pulled Tanner to him and gave him a kiss.

"When you two are done let us know, some people need their coats."

Randy and Tanner looked at each other in a panic at the sound of Ian's voice, horrified they'd been busted.


Even weeks later, Tanner still turned red each time he thought about them getting caught at Ron and Ian's wedding. Fortunately, the older couple had found their horny closet escapades more humorous than offensive, and said the whole thing sounded like something they might have done when they were younger. Adding to Tanner's discomfort, Randy had started thinking them being caught was funny too. Fortunately, he didn't think it was humorous enough to share the story with everyone.

As the end of the semester crept closer, and the winter holidays approached, Tanner had been struggling about what to get Randy for Christmas. He wanted something personal, but he didn't have much cash. As they became more comfortable with each other, they had started adding a little variety to their sex life, but Tanner didn't think he was comfortable yet with anything too far out there. The sex slave gift he'd given Randy for his 21st birthday was as far as he could go. Besides, sex toys weren't cheap either.

As Tanner thought about gift options, he drifted into contemplation of how different their holiday was going to be this season. First, they were spending the entire time together. That alone was going to be wonderful, but adding the fact Tanner's uncle and his husband were coming to visit Tanner's parents for the first time in 20 years, the season was going to be special. Tanner had kept in touch with his uncle since their first phone conversation last summer and he knew Rob eagerly anticipated the visit. And Tanner was flying back to Maryland with Randy to meet his dad. All in all, the holiday was going to be packed with festivities and reunions. Realizing none of this wool gathering was helping him come up with ideas, he started searching for suggestions on the Internet. Following a random set of links, Tanner stumbled upon an idea that met all his criteria, and more. A broad smile blossomed across his face as he started to make of list of the things he would need.


Randy and Tanner were wedged tight in their make-out chair, both of them enjoying their time together. The pair relaxed for their last night in the apartment before they began their epic trip for the winter holiday. Tanner had finished his finals a few days earlier, and had been putting together a great last dinner for the two of them. Randy had come home early, happy with how his tests went and began helping with the meal too. They'd soon sat down to a great dinner Tanner had obviously splurged to buy, although Randy suspected the steaks were pilfered from the family freezer at the ranch. Everything was delicious, and they had a great time talking while they cleaned up afterwards.

Before long they settled into the chair together, but Tanner knew Randy was barely keeping his urge to open their gifts under control. He'd been on the same page in the book he was reading since they'd wedged themselves into the chair. Tanner was delighting in his eagerness, knowing he would break sometime soon.

"Ahh, you know it's the last night for us in the apartment," said Randy without meeting Tanner's eyes.

Tanner hid his smile, slowly closing the magazine in his hand and let it drop to the floor. "Oh, I guess it is."

"So, I guess tonight we open our gifts to each other."

"Yeah. Yeah I guess we should," said Tanner as a smile covered his face.

"Well, Damn. Let's open them!" said Randy, losing any semblance of patience.

Tanner rolled out of the chair with enthusiasm. Grabbing the two presents from under their tiny tree. he handed Randy his gift, and then jiggled his own present. The weight and noise made by the box suddenly had Tanner questioning his homemade gift. But it was too late now for him to make any changes. He hoped Randy would know the present was from the heart.

"You go first!" said Randy enthusiastically.

Tanner dug in his jeans for his omnipresent pocketknife, found it lurking at the bottom and fished it out. He grinned when Randy let out the expected sigh, and began working on the package. In a few moments he had a plain brown box lying in the midst of the wrapping paper.

"What did you do? I thought we agreed to not spend much."

"Oh, open it. I couldn't resist," said Randy as he practically twisted in his seat.

Tanner shook his head as he carefully cut through the packing tape. Opening the flaps, he was staring at a small piece of black leather in the box. Lifting it in his hands, Tanner let it unfold, and realized he was holding a black leather jockstrap. He gave Randy an ornery look and held it against his waist.

"What do you think, you big perv?" asked Tanner with a grin.

"I think it looks fuck'n hot!" said Randy, punctuating his compliment with a wolf whistle.

Tanner smiled, his hands shook slightly as he draped the gift over one thigh. He motioned to Randy to open his present, unable to speak.

Randy ripped into the package without hesitation, paper flying around the chair. In mere seconds, Randy held a small cardboard box in his hand. The container was inexpertly decorated, and he knew the artist was Tanner. Not certain what he had, he gave Tanner a questioning look.

"Open the box, it's really what's inside."

Randy flipped open the box and found it filled with rectangular pieces of cardstock. After studying the content for several moments, he gave Tanner a questioning look.

"Read them," said Tanner with a chuckle.

Randy grabbed a handful of cards and flipped through them, as he did a smile dawned across his face and he slowed to a crawl. After several seconds of silence, an expression of happiness settled on his face and Randy looked up at Tanner.

"Reverse cowboy?" said Randy with a snicker.

"Yeah, you know. With the catcher on top and backwards," said Tanner, his face turning deep red as he questioned the sanity of his gift.

"So these are?"


Randy started chuckling as he flipped the edge of the card he was holding. "So I can cash these in anytime?"

Tanner grinned. "Yup, anytime."

"Where is the one where you wear your new jockstrap and ride me...what was it? Reverse cowboy?"

Tanner snickered and grabbed the card from Randy. With a pen he quickly scrawled across the card and handed the modified coupon back.

Randy chuckled at the 'with leather jock' added to the card. With a lecherous grin, he handed it back to Tanner. "I would like to cash in this coupon, please."

"Well certainly, sir. We can take care of that right now," said Tanner as he tossed the card over his shoulder. Tanner leaned in, running his hands over Randy's stubbly face as he pressed their lips together. Randy's hands began to caress his back, sliding under his shirt. Their touches became more demanding as their tongues fought for dominance. Tanner slid into Randy's lap and enjoyed the heat of their bodies as they pressed against each other.

The foreplay consumed them as they explored each other. As the time slipped past, their clothes were lost in piles around them. Their cocks were swollen and stiff as they slid over each other. The clear juice flowing from them smeared, creating erotic webbings in their pubic hair. As their passion reached a plateau, Randy pulled back, separating the two. Tanner could see the twinkle in his eyes as his tongue traced over his deep red lips.

"I believe we need your sweet ass in the chair and me on top to get this right," said Randy with a chuckle. Tanner ran his hands down Randy's chest, tweaking his nipples. As his fingers traced gentle circles across his lover, Tanner leaned down and kissed his neck. Pulling back, he lifted himself off Randy's lap and swatted his leg with a chuckle.

"Well, move your ass! 'Cause I'm ready for a piece of Randy."

Randy chuckled and lifted himself out of the chair. "Yeah, yeah, how romantic! I'm just a piece of meat for you."

As Randy moved to give Tanner the chair, he pulled them together and gave him another kiss. "Just remember you're my piece of meat."

With a chuckle, Randy pushed Tanner into the chair and he watched with eager anticipation as Randy straddled his body and started dry humping against his crotch. Their tender lovemaking continued to build, until Tanner was more than ready. Almost simultaneously Randy lurched from the chair and trotted to the bathroom. He reappeared with a bottle of lube and was quickly standing over Tanner coating his cock with the slick gel. He watched as Randy filled his hand with lube and coated his crack. He watched, not daring to touch himself or he would explode, as Randy slid multiple fingers into his hole, getting ready for the invasion. Tanner loved to watch as the fingers slid in deep and stretched his ass. But he was ready, and he moved until their knees were touching.

"So, how do we do this?" said Randy.

Tanner chuckled and waved his stiff rod. "Well I'd say first, you need to turn around, that would be the 'reverse' part of the 'reverse cowboy'. Then you sit on your boyfriends dick and ride like a cowboy."

Randy grinned and spun his ass toward Tanner. Reaching between his legs, he grabbed Tanner's cock and slid it against his hole. Randy's ass kissed Tanner's cock and then the heat of his gut encased him. Randy gasped as he took the last inches, lay back against Tanner and shuddered.

"Damn, that hits all the good spots," whispered Randy.

Tanner ran his hands over Randy's chest, letting his boyfriend enjoy the sensations. He loved the heat sprawled against his body, and his fingers gliding over the textures on his chest. Tanner sighed with pleasure as Randy started to gyrate his hips. Randy lifted himself and eased Tanner's cock back inside his depths. Waves of hedonistic pleasure washed over Tanner as they hit a wonderful rhythm. He absorbed the moans of pleasure coming from both of them as the lovemaking moved forward.

Tanner slouched against the chair, working his own nipples as Randy began increasing his speed. He was thrilled at the sight of Randy's cock flopping in time to his thrusts. Leaning forward, he ran his hands over Randy's chest, pinched his nipples and gave them a twist.

"Shit! Do that, harder," said Randy between gasps.

Tanner began working over Randy's nipples, twisting and tugging on them as Randy's body responded. Desperate gasps came from Randy's core as the overwhelming waves of ecstasy swept over him. Tanner recognized the impending climax and plunged his hands into Randy's crotch, clamping his fist around Randy's steel-hard dick and started pounding his cock.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck!" screamed Randy.

His body began violent tremors, his system overwhelmed by the combination of Tanner's cock buried in his ass, and the death grip on his cock. A strong wave of pleasure washed over him, and then his cock was locked in Randy's ass, unable to move as Randy's orgasm began. The spray hit Tanner's legs as Randy flailed against him, expelling round after round of cum across both of them. The new position worked on Randy, because Tanner had never seen this much cum.

Tanner let his hands travel over Randy, smearing the runlets of cum through the hair on his chest. He could feel the convulsions still traveling through his system. Tanner's cock pulsed in time with Randy's sensations, his balls tight against him as he panted, trying to bring himself down from the edge.

"Shit, that curled my toes," said Randy with a chuckle.

"Yeah, whatever," said Tanner with a growl. "My turn now."

Tanner moved as if the two men were joined at the groin, pushing him forward until Randy's hands were on the floor with Tanner gripping his ass like a vice.

Tanner's lust was a seething mass overwhelming him and he was ready to breed his man. Plunging himself deep inside Randy, his pace only accelerated as he rammed himself in hard and deep. He knew he wouldn't last long and Randy's still rippling gut was milking him even as he plunged in over and over again. Tanner's breath was coming in gasps when his system convulsed and the first round of semen shot from his cock. The low guttural moan emerged signaling the first of an overlapping sequence of pleasure jolts that marked their joining. The bliss enfolded him as he surrendered to the orgasm and let the ecstasy sweep through him.

His body began to relax, his grip on Randy's hips loosening as he let them run over Randy's exposed butt and torso. With his cock still buried deep inside, he pulled his limp lover from the floor and into his arms. Randy lazily turned his head and Tanner curled against him until their lips met. Tanner was somewhat surprised when Randy started chuckling in his arms.

"What's so funny, sport?" asked Tanner.

"I want you to know I didn't use up the coupon."

"How do you figure?"

Randy pointed to the pristine leather jock strap, still nestled in the wrappings. "We sorta forgot the jock."

Tanner had a blank expression for a minute, and then joined Randy in his laughter.


"Hey, Slurpee. Good to see you again!"

"Uncle Ian! Stop calling me that! Dad will hear and I don't want to explain?" said Tanner.

Ian grabbed Tanner around the neck and fondly ruffled his hair. While the first few days back in Oklahoma had been awkward for everyone, with time the tension lessened until the relationships were beginning to develop. Ian had developed a special fondness for Tanner and his boyfriend. He seemed very comfortable with himself, something Ian certainly hadn't felt at the same age. He'd found the couple easy to be with too. They were who they were, no hidden agenda or battle to forward a cause. They were living their lives, and while they were certainly fighting the battles that came their way, they weren't going out of their way to seek them. Ian recognized the necessity of people battling the front lines against discrimination, but he also felt same-sex couples who lead average lives were equally important. He wasn't going to tell anyone how they should live their lives. He hoped people found whatever mix made them happy.

Ian was drawn back when Tanner grabbed him around the waist and tried to lift him. He smiled and then let his center drop, throwing Tanner completely off his grappling.

"Ah, young one. Do not grapple with someone who is a master of the ancient art of jujitsu," said Ian with a grin.

"Jujitsu? Really? That's cool!" said Tanner as he stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair.

Ian chuckled and wrapped his arm around Tanner and gave him a side hug. "Actually I did judo, not jujitsu. And I barely reached green belt. My dad thought the class would be good to help me embrace my Japanese heritage."

"Well still, it's cool," said Tanner with a grin.

"It has come in handy a few times. There are a few bigoted straight men walking around Washington who know that someone who's gay can still beat on their ass."

Tanner cringed a little, wondering how he would react in the same situation. With a crooked smile he grabbed Ian in a genuine hug, sharing the affection. "I'd be happy to have you in my corner any time, Ian."

Ian patted Tanner on the back as they separated. "I'm glad you would. But how about you show me how to saddle that damn black monster so I don't slide sideways after about 20 feet."

"He's holding his breath when you put on the cinch. I'll show you what to do. Come on," said Tanner with a shake of his head.


Rob watched out the window as his nephew and husband walked to the barn. He was sure Ian had talked Tanner into another lesson in horsemanship, not that Ian took much convincing in that area. He was glad his husband had so easily worked his way into the lives of Mark's family. He and his brother had done as much patching in their relationship as was possible for now. Decades of hurt were not going to be cured with one Christmas trip to a rocky hillside in Oklahoma.

This was no surprise to anyone though. He and Mark had talked before they had ever bought their tickets, and both sides had made apologies for problems they had created.

"Tanner really likes Ian, you know."

Rob replied without turning. "Ian thinks the world of Tanner too, and Randy. Although, I think he has something on them."

A soft chuckle came from Mark. "I wouldn't be surprised. My nice calm son lost his mind when he fell in love."

"Wow, those are words I never expected to hear coming so calmly from my brother's mouth."

A gravely sound Rob identified as laughter after a few moments, filled the room. This time he did turn back to see his brother's eyes dancing above the coffee cup covering the lower part of his face. "You seem okay with it. What happened?"

The question brought even more ripples of laughter from his brother. "You mean besides Mary warning me what would happen to me if I were to run off our only son?"

Rob's face broke into a smile. He'd always known Mary was a good counterpoint for his hardheaded brother. "Well yeah, besides that. I have a good idea of how it is to have a strong willed partner. Ian doesn't let me get away with much of anything."

Mark's smile slowly disappeared as he stared out the window. When the quiet stretched out for several minutes, Rob started to say something to break the silence.

"You never did like quiet."

The statement startled him, and seemed completely off topic. "What?"

"You never liked the ranch. It was too quiet for you. I always thought that was part of the reason you left. You need the noise and people of Seattle."

Rob took a sip of his coffee, unsure where this was going. "I never fit in here the way you did. But Dad tossing me out on my ear had a lot to do with my leaving too."

Mark's normal bravado collapsed. "That's really what it comes down to, doesn't it? How important is it to be right. Dad always thought he was right."

"Dad thought I was making a choice. Do you have any idea how many times I prayed and ask God to make me 'normal' so I could fit in you and Dad's world?"

"You know, I never really thought you had decided to like guys."

Rob slowly sat the cup down and stared at his brother. "Then why? Why did you not talk to me for almost 20 years?"

Mark let out a long sigh. "Because it was easier I think. I didn't want to have the constant battle with Dad, and you were gone. I'm ashamed of what I did, but really I was trying to make it easier for me instead of doing the right thing."

Rob looked out over the rolling hills, the outcroppings of rock, and sea of grass sweeping in front of him. Finally he started to talk again. "You know, I hated you for years. I thought my big brother should have defended me."

"I should have. I don't know--"

"Yeah, you should have. But let me finish. Twenty years ago things were very different. They've changed a lot even in the last few years." Rob smiled. "I can marry the man I love now, and my nephew and his boyfriend can come to the wedding."

"Not here. Not Oklahoma. Some of them are fighting hard against any kind of equity."

"Well there you go."

Mark's face twisted in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"There's how you make up for being silent with me. When the fight starts, this time you better speak up. Because this time it's not your brother at stake, it's your son."

Mark's face twisted, then he grabbed Rob in a tight hug. "Welcome home, little brother."


For some of you these stories have taken on a life of their own. But if you are in need of real help, or know someone who needs help, you can find links to a variety of GLBTQ organizations on my tumblr site (

Next: Chapter 8

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