Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Feb 5, 2013


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in this story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

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The final weeks of their semester had been eventful for both men. Randy's lacrosse team was on a winning streak, and Tanner's classes were going well. He had decided to attend the gay-straight alliance meetings on campus and discovered they were not the meat market he'd feared, giving him the chance to get to know some of the other LGBT students on campus. With all the activities they were involved in Randy surprised Tanner when he walked in grinning like a mad man, holding a lacrosse stick.

"What're you doing?" asked Tanner.

"One of the guys on the team got a new stick for his birthday. He gave me the old one so you and I could play around together."

"With me? Shit Randy, you know I don't know anything about lacrosse!"

"It's easy! I'll show you how to hold the stick, and we can toss the ball back and forth a few times."

"I don't know. I've never even played baseball," said Tanner in near panic, afraid he was going to look like an idiot.

"It's nothing like baseball. Come on, let's try it."

Tanner let out a sigh of resignation. "Ok, but don't be pissed if I don't get it."

"You'll pick it up. Don't worry."

Tanner shrugged his shoulders and followed Randy down the stairs. They spotted Fred and Jenny drinking iced tea on their patio as they raced down the stairs. Randy waved and sprinted over to the couple. He carried on an animated conversation that lasted mere seconds and then hurried back to Tanner.

"Fred said we could practice in the backyard."

The boys moved to the middle of the yard and Randy rapidly went through some basics, then ran a few feet off and lifted his stick. "Here, I'll lob one into you."

With each ball missed or dropped the frustration level grew for both Tanner and Randy. Randy was trying to explain a game he understood on an instinctual level, and Tanner was becoming more and more frustrated with each mistake. It was obvious that they were not having a good time when Fred appeared at Tanner's side.

"Maybe I can help a bit. I played a little lacrosse when I was a youngster," said Fred.

The relief was evident on both Tanner and Randy's faces. Tanner smiled at Fred as he stepped closer and began to make suggestions. First he positioned one of Tanner's hands on the end of the stick, and the other midway up, pointing out that it would be easier to catch the ball by choking up on the throat of the stick. He then showed Tanner to hold the stick vertically in front of him. He nodded at Randy, who lobed a ball to Tanner - and it flew into the pocket.

"Holy crap! I actually caught it!" squealed Tanner.

Fred chuckled and helped position Tanner's hands for the toss back, then stepped back to watch. The first ball was far too short, but after a few more adjustments and tosses, Tanner was getting the ball to Randy on almost every throw. The pair spent the next hour practicing, with Fred helping. Eventually though Jenny gathered up their tea glasses, waved to the players and motioned Fred to come with her. Fred walked over to help, holding the door open as they moved inside. Jenny sat the glasses in the sink and turned to Fred with a conspiratorial look.

"You could have told the boys you were the captain of the Cornell lacrosse team," said Jenny with a chuckle.

"Could have, but wouldn't do any good, nope not any. 'Sides, that's ancient history, I'm an old fart, lacrosse is a game for young men."

Jenny walked behind her husband and kissed his cheek. "Come on you old leprechaun, it's time for bed."


The last weeks of the semester flew by for both boys. Randy had done more research into what he needed to do to transfer to State and had found that while his grades were not as high as Tanner's, he was still well above the entrance requirements. Randy had sent for the admission packet, and fortunately for his concentration it arrived after he'd finished his last final. Excited to have the actual application, Randy had it spread across the table and was studying it as he ate lunch. Engrossed in reading through the application, he wasn't aware of Tanner climbing the stairs until the click of the door announced his arrival. Popping the last bite of sandwich into his mouth, Randy turned to greet Tanner as he walked into the apartment.

He watched as Tanner dropped his backpack to the floor and pivoted toward him, giving Randy a shy smile. "Don't look so innocent, I know you're curious, and yes finals went fine. I think I have A's in all my classes, although the botany class is on the edge. Not that I understand what a large animal vet needs with botany."

"Poisonous plants?" said Randy.

"Oh shut up, you big ole' slut! I didn't want logic, I wanted sympathy!" said Tanner with a chuckle.

Randy looked over at Tanner and ground his ass against the chair, letting out an exaggerated moan, "You haven't been very sympathetic to scratching my itch."

Tanner yanked the farm cap off his head and tossed it at Randy with a laugh, "I know you aren't complaining. I know you're smarter than that!"

Randy broke out in laughter, "Nope, not bitching at all. Just say'n that anytime . . ." Randy wiggled his eyebrows at Tanner.

"Oh hell, I've created a monster that's addicted to sex!" said Tanner with a laugh. "But I'm afraid I have bad news in that area, I have to go home next week to help put up the first cutting of hay. But I can come back and help you get ready to leave."

"I'll just go with you. I like your parents," said Randy.

Tanner breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'd like that, but you know . . ."

"I know, I know. No hankie pankie while we're at your parent's house. But you know that means I'll be extra horny by the time we come back," said Randy with a cartoon leer.

"I think I can take care of that," said Tanner with a chuckle. "But I'm suppose to be there tomorrow, so we need to get packed. We'll be there most of the week."

"No problem," said Randy as Tanner turned to lay out what he needed. After a few minutes, he realized that Randy was standing in the middle of the apartment looking at him with a single piece of cloth in his hand.

"What the hell is that?"

"My clothes for the week!" said Randy. As he watched Randy open the fragment of material, Tanner realized it was one of the jockstraps that looked like a pair of briefs with the ass cut out. He suddenly remembered he'd mentioned to Randy that he thought they were hot, and now Randy was holding a fire engine red pair.

"Oh crap, you can't-"

Randy broke down laughing and tossed the jock to the bed. Walking over he wrapped his arms around Tanner and pulled them together, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Oh . . . you are so easy."

Tanner chuckled and kissed Randy back. "Probably, but get busy and pack!"


Tanner wiped his arm across his face, clearing the flood of sweat for a few seconds. He couldn't believe his easy week of hauling hay with Randy had turned into an endurance trek through hell. It was one of those May weeks that are a harbinger of the summer to be, which translated into spending the last few 100 degree plus days throwing 60-pound bales into an oven-like hay barn.

Standing for a few minutes on the bale wagon, he watched Randy working at the other end of the bed as they stacked bales. The heat had driven them to shed their shirts hours ago, and Tanner had a fantastic view of his boyfriend as the fierce sun glistened off his muscular torso. He drifted in speculation as he tried to think of a way for them to get some time together, and he was still mulling over ideas when a bale fell from the lift and plowed into his side, almost throwing him off the wagon.

"Pay attention, Tanner!" yelled Jo.

He glared at the back of his sister's head, knowing she was laughing at his expense. He also glowered in the direction of the ranch house, and his father. He sometimes wished they had the latest equipment. It would make life so much easier. Deep down he understood that part of the reason his family had managed to not just survive, but thrive, was a history of making the most out of whatever they had. Still it was frustrating to see the ranch next-door finish in half the time because they had new machinery. But as his dad had pointed out numerous times, the owner of that ranch was a doctor, the ranch just a hobby, so they didn't need to make money.

When a second bale rammed into Tanner, he heard laughter coming from both Jo and Randy. Without acknowledging either of them, he refocused on the work at hand, throwing bales high onto the stack. After tossing several bales, he calmed down, knowing that if it had happened to Randy or Jo he would have laughed too. They were nearly finished anyway, and it would be after sundown before any more hay could be baled.

After the last bale was loaded, Jo drove them to the hay barn. The wagon wasn't moving fast, but it was still enough for a light breeze that caused the scent of Randy's sweaty body to surround Tanner as they stood side by side. Tanner looked at his lover and smiled, again enjoying the sight of his bare torso decorated with scattered pieces of hay. The vision of Randy's chest fueled an intricate fantasy, until they lurched to a stop. Concentrating on the job at hand, the three of them soon had the last bale stored.

Exhausted and over-heated, the two young men walked to the house and washed up, using the garden hose to wash the dirt and hay from their torsos. The additional cooling effect of the cold well water was a welcome benefit. After wiping water from their skin, they hurried to Tanner's room, found clean t-shirts and were tugging them on as they raced to the table. They sat down just as Tanner's mom began putting the meal on the table.

"This looks delicious, Mrs. Carson," said Randy as he started shoveling food onto his plate.

"Please Randy, just call me Mary," she said, "Besides, I always heard hunger was the best spice for any dish."

Randy chuckled, piling his plate high with barbecued ribs and salad fresh from the family garden. Jo and Tanner's father were not too far behind. The small group dug into the deliciously prepared food. Reducing what had looked like an enormous amount of food to a few odds and ends. Tanner drained his glass of ice tea and then turned to his father.

"Dad, do you need us for anything this afternoon? I thought I'd take Randy over to Turner Falls, and we could swim."

Mark Carson shook his head, "No, I don't need you. It's going to be too dry to put up hay. But Turner Falls is just a wore-out tourist trap, why go there?"

"It was fun when I was a kid, it just seemed like it would be a good place to cool off."

"No, you're thinking of Sulphur Springs. It's a national park now. Ya'll should go there." Mark chuckled, "That water'll cool your jets."

Randy gave Tanner a questioning look. Tanner explained, "It's fed by a huge spring, and the water really cold."

"That sounds good to me!" said Randy with a smile.

"Ok then, let's head to Sulphur," said Tanner.

"Hey, I wanna go!" said Jo. Tanner's mother piped up too, "I wouldn't mind tagging along either. I could pickup a few things in town."

Tanner sighed inwardly, his plans for some alone time with Randy squashed. A swim in the bracingly cold water would still be a good thing though, so the trip wasn't a total bust.

The three younger travelers rushed to change to their swimsuits while Mary made a list of things she needed in town. The resulting trip was fun, even if it wasn't exactly what Tanner had envisioned. He'd talked Randy into diving into the swimming hole first, giving he and Jo uproarious entertainment. They laughed at his cold-water induced scream until they were gasping for air.

An afternoon of swimming had left them ready to finish the work as darkness, and cooler hours, descended on them. By the time the last bale of hay was in the barn, they were all too tired for anything other than falling into bed. This was their last day on the ranch, tomorrow it was back to the university where the pair would pack Randy's pickup for his drive to Maryland.


Randy and Tanner barely contained themselves as they made the trip back to their apartment. They had both been flirting with the other, and as a result they arrived desperately in need of release. Grabbing their bags, they burst through the apartment door and tossed them into the corner. The instant the door shut behind them, Randy had Tanner pinned against the wall, kissing him hard. The week of abstinence had left them both horny as only men in their sexual peak can be. Tanner's aggression was no less as he grabbed Randy's ass and squeezed it tight in his work-strengthened hands. The slick fabric of Randy's basketball shorts shifted under Tanner's hands revealing that Randy was not wearing anything under them. He groaned at the discovery and ripped the shorts off his handsome lovers body.

Without a pause, Randy peeled off Tanner's shirt and launched it randomly into the air. His focus was on his handsome boyfriend, and nothing else. Dropping to his knees, Randy grabbed Tanner's denim covered ass, leaned in and pressed his face against his crotch. The smell of Tanner and sweat was overwhelming. Randy loved the scent of his man; it seemed to supercharge his system, making his already hard cock throb with anticipation. Randy began chewing on the bulge that snaked across the front of Tanner's jeans, feeling his levels of passion ratchet up as the tube of flesh shifted under his assault.

Lifting his face, Randy unbuttoned the jeans in front of him and slid down the zipper. To Randy's surprise, and pleasure, he could see Tanner's wiry bush as it peeked from the opening. Grinning he looked up at Tanner.


Tanner leaned down and kissed Randy and then stood with his hips pressed slightly toward Randy. "Yeah commando. You aren't the only one who's horny as hell after the last week."

"Hell yes!"

Randy yanked down Tanner's jeans, freeing his cock from the confines of the denim. Taking it in his hand, Randy started teasing it with long strokes, his hand twisting each time he reached the head. In short order, he had Tanner groaning with abandon. Knowing this wasn't where he wanted this to end, he let his hand drift off his lover's throbbing cock. Standing, he kissed Tanner hard, and then carried him to their bed. Randy was enjoying the moment as he carried Tanner's nude body to their bed. A wave of sexual electricity surged through him, his body suddenly weakening. Randy chuckled when he almost immediately realized that the source of his kryptonite was Tanner teasing his nipples.

"You almost got dropped," said Randy, panting heavily.

Tanner gave a lusty chuckle, "I'd have survived."

Randy grinned and tossed Tanner onto the bed. Reaching down he ripped off Tanner's boots, pressing each one against his face and breathing in the intoxicating scent. He paused to enjoy the sight of his muscular boyfriend, the reddish undertones of his chestnut hair catching the sunlight, creating a golden aura. A broad expanse of hair spread across his pectoral muscles, narrowing to only a few inches wide before plunging down his stomach. From there it spread around his navel before coalescing in a dark treasure trail that dove downward. The amble hair covering his legs joined it at his groin to create a masculine nest for his rock hard cock, with its crimson, plum head. Randy knew Tanner was the most handsome man he'd ever seen.

"Hello! Are you going to sketch me or something? Earth to Randy," said Tanner with a smirk.

A broad grin exploded across Randy's face. He stripped quickly, jumping on the bed beside Tanner, and wrapped his arms around his lover. Their lips pressed together as their hands explored and tantalized, letting the ardor of the moment drive their lovemaking. Their bare skin rubbed together, igniting jolts of lust across their systems. A clear coating covered their rigid cocks as precum dribbled from their piss slits. The fever pitch of their frottage was bringing them closer and closer to their much-needed release.

Pulling back, Randy panted, his cock drooling a steady stream, marking his heightened state of lust. Recognizing how close his orgasm was, he desperately tried to slow his race to a pinnacle. Looking at Tanner, who seemed to be equally close, Randy smiled and caressed his face.

"I want you inside me. I want your week's worth of jizz filling my ass."

"Oh shit. Yeah, that sounds fucking hot," said Tanner, his speech slurred with desire.

Randy stretched across the bed, grabbing the bottle of lube they kept on the nightstand, and handed it to Tanner. "Get me ready, baby. I'm so fucking horny I'd let you just dry fuck me, but I think that might make the next couple of days of driving pretty miserable."

"On your belly, boy!" said Tanner with a chuckle.

Randy pushed up the bed, twisting as he came down to offer his bubble butt like a gourmet dinner. Tanner grabbed a couple of pillows and shoved them under Randy's pelvis, lifting his ass until it was deliciously protruding. Tanner reached over and started to dribble lube down Randy's ass crack, but stopped. Sticking the bottle in Randy's hand, he jumped off the bed and raced to the bathroom. In a heartbeat, he was back carrying two large towels. Kneeling behind Randy he slapped his lover's ass and then pushed him forward.

"Raise up a second."

Randy followed instructions without question, his hard cock overwhelming any desire for discussion he might have had. He felt the terry cloth slide under him, covering the pillow. He gave Tanner a questioning look and got a smirk in return.

"There's going to be a lot of juice down there pretty soon, and I don't want a cum soaked pillow," said Tanner with a chuckle.

Randy started laughing, wiggled his ass in the air and enjoyed the feeling of the towel under his aching cock. His laughter became a groan as he felt a well- lubed finger invade his hole. Tanner smiled at Randy's response, slipped the finger of his other hand into his butt alongside the first and started stretching Randy's ass. Tanner's fingers slid through the saturated hair, teasing Randy unmercifully as he plunged his fingers inside his man's hot ass.

Randy was soon gasping for air as Tanner rammed both fingers inside his lover. Randy's body was a tangle of taut nerves that Tanner was playing like a harp. Seeing that Randy was more than ready, Tanner grabbed his hips in a vice-like grip with his fingers. Tanner let his rigid cock rub up and down Randy's dripping ass crack. Soon he was pushing his cockhead into Randy's pucker with each pass, Randy's body flushed with sexual excitement as Tanner extended the foreplay. Randy looked back with a storm of passion showing across his face.

"Fuck. Me," Randy gasped out.

Tanner pressed forward, shoving his cock deep inside Randy with one long push, his lust overwhelming any concerns he had for his lover. As he reached bottom he paused, then began to gyrate his hips, pressing hard against Randy's bubble butt. With a sudden change of tactic, Tanner pulled almost out, and then shoved his raging cock hard into Randy's receptive ass. His passion overwhelmed everything else as he used his cock as a pile driver, fucking Randy with abandon. Soon the room was awash in the sound of slapping flesh and grunting men as the two of them rushed to meet the cravings that had built over the past week. With his fingers griping Randy's hips, Tanner unleashed his needs. His lovemaking shifted to meet their animalistic desires. Tanner felt his balls tighten against his shaft, his nipples hard and aching, as he rushed toward a mind-blowing culmination.

Randy's ass locked around Tanner's cock, his body wracked with his orgasm. As he forced his way back through the wall of muscle, the sounds of his man's pleasure were the final straw, forcing Tanner over the edge and into his own climax.

Burying himself deep in Randy, the ropes of cum exploded from his throbbing cock. Tanner's week worth of seed filled Randy's ass, flooding him with youthful cream. Their bodies locked together as wave after wave of desire washed over them. Their needs crested, long moments passing before it began to recede.

The two of them collapsed onto the bed, panting from the intensity of their lovemaking. Tanner kissed the back of Randy's neck, enjoying the slightly salty taste of his lover as he rested on top of him. Randy rolled until the pair were face to face, and kissed Tanner with gentle care.

"That, my wonderful lover, was mind blowing," said Randy as he drifted back to earth.

"Oh shit, I love fucking you. It's always incredible!" said Tanner with a sideways grin.

Randy reached down between them, causing Tanner to gasp when he squeezed his still plump cock. Milking it with teasing strokes, he could feel the blood return to the growing organ.

"Ready for round two?" asked Randy, grinding his ass against the bed at the thoughts of Tanner again inside him.

Tanner leaned forward and raked his teeth down Randy neck and then kissed him passionately. "Hell yes I'm ready!"


Tanner was feeling more than a little lovelorn as he stared at the handsome face on the screen in front of him. They had been Skyping each other for the past two months, and he was getting tired of it. He desperately wanted to hold Randy in his arms and kiss him passionately. By now he wanted to take Randy, pin him on the floor and take his ass. Afterwards, they could cuddle and hold each other, once he'd worked out some of his sexual aggression. The scene he was looking at on the computer screen didn't help his growing frustration at all.

Randy had got up from his desk and was rummaging through a box beside his bed. Somehow he'd managed to have his ass in the air facing Tanner, and his shorts had slid down to reveal that he wasn't wearing underwear. The top of his tight, furry ass was staring Tanner in the face. He swallowed hard, and then cleared his throat. Randy twisted around with a questioning look.

"Nice ass, babe. Been work'n out?"

Randy chuckled and shook his butt toward Tanner. "Actually I have, glad you noticed," said Randy with a smirk.

Tanner licked his lips as he watched Randy's shorts slide lower with each movement. Just as he thought he was going to get a free shot, Randy pulled them up. Randy shot him a smile as he turned back to the camera and dropped into his chair with a grunt.

"So, did you get the package I sent you?" said Randy.

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot. It came today," said Tanner, and then he chuckled. "I don't think you needed to mark it as sample exams to keep everyone from opening it."

Randy laughed and winked at Tanner. "Oh, I think the thought of holding an exam makes most people break out in hives."

"You want me to open it?" said Tanner with one eyebrow lifted.

"Yeah, but close your door first," said Randy with a smirk.

Tanner gave his lover a questioning look, and then closed his door. As he settled back into the chair he shook the small box, knowing this had to be some sex toy Randy had found.

"Well open it, dork!" said Randy with a chuckle.

Tanner pulled out his pocketknife and began cutting open the package, even though Randy let out a dramatic groan when he saw the knife come out. In spite of Randy's fear that he would agonize over opening the package, with a few flicks of his wrist Tanner had it laying open in front of him. He gave Randy a condescending look and then stared at the content of the box.

"You're a perv, you know that don't you?" said Tanner with a chuckle.

"Me! Who's the one with the obsession over my ass?"

Tanner reached in and pulled out a plastic bubble pack and showed it to Randy. "Purple? You had to send a purple dildo?"

Randy started cracking up, holding his stomach while a multitude of emotions flicked across Tanner's face. After a few moments, he reached back and pulled out its identical twin.

"I thought it might be fun to play with them. It'll be hot to see you dicking yourself with it," said Randy with a smirk.

"You're crazy! What if my mom had opened this damn thing?"

"Calm down, I didn't put a return address. You had plausible deniability."

Tanner began to laugh. "Fancy term for someone holding a purple dick!"

"Speaking of, whatcha think?"

Tanner chuckled and shook his head at his lover. "You're crazy, my parents come in here all the time. I don't want to be ass toward a computer screen with a purple dildo up my butt!"

"Ok, ok, not tonight. So when are you going to have some alone time? I really want to play with these together." Randy winked at Tanner. "Mine is still in virgin condition."

Tanner rolled his eyes as his lips twitched with a smile. Looking back at his lover he began, "Not in the next few days, I think next week they're taking Jo shopping for clothes at the outlet mall in Texas. So they'll be gone all afternoon."

"Ok, then it's a date. Next week. Just let me know when you find out for sure."

"Ok," said Tanner, starting to become a little concerned about the whole thing. But he decided it might be fun to try, and no one would know. He hid the toy in his room and hurried back to his conversation with Randy, who kept playing with his dildo until Tanner forced him to put it up. Afterward, they spent their typical handful of hours talking about everything happening in their lives until the late hour forced them to say their goodnights. Once they cut their connections, they went to bed missing each other deeply and knowing they didn't want any more summers apart.


"What're you doing?" said Jo.

"Sorry. I'm zoning I guess. Sorry," said Tanner.

"You gotta pull it together, big brother. I know you miss Randy, but Mom and Dad aren't stupid, they are going to recognize the puppy dog face."

"I know, I know. It's just been a long summer. I really miss him."

Jo stepped closer and paused as she tried to decide how to ask. After they stood for an uncomfortably long time without speaking, she shook her head and let out a sigh. "There's just no other way to ask, so . . . when are you going to tell the rents?"

Tanner chuckled for a moment and then nodded in acknowledgment of his sister's serious question. "After Randy comes back. He wants to be with me."

"You're going to do it together? Wow, that could make for some spectacular fireworks," said Jo. Her face twisted as she considered Tanner's answer. "Have you thought about calling Uncle Rob?"

"I did. I have. Yeah, I thought about it. I don't know. He might not even know we are alive."

"It's worth a try. See what Randy thinks. Maybe Rob can tell you what happened with him. Give you some idea how Dad will act when you tell him."

"Yeah, ok. I'll talk to Randy and see what he says," said Tanner in resignation.


As the phone began to ring Tanner screwed up his courage. He and Randy had discussed the idea of calling his uncle and seeing if he had any suggestions that would help his coming out. Neither of them wanted to open old wounds for Rob, but hoped he might be of some help. They'd agreed it could go badly, but hoped that it wouldn't. It had taken a lot of effort to find his uncle's phone number, they had thought he lived in Seattle but it was actually Lynnwood. But they did locate it and now events were set into motion. Tanner listened to the phone ring a fifth time, and started to hang up, when he heard someone answer the phone.

"Hello," said a deep voice.

"Yes, could I speak with Robert Carson?"

"Who is this?"

"His nephew . . ."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for several heart wrenching moments. Tanner was starting to fidget when he heard, "Hang on, let me get him."

Tanner sat on the floor, his legs too weak to hold him. What had he been thinking? He'd never met this man, whom his family had disowned almost a quarter century ago. There was no way this conversation could go well, he was sure his uncle would blast him for what had been done. Tanner started to panic and was about to hang up when he heard a vaguely familiar voice.

"Hello? Tanner?"

Tanner swallow hard, and nodded, then realized that his uncle couldn't see him. "Yes, it's Tanner."

"Is everything ok? Are your mom and dad alright?"

"Yes, sir. Everyone's okay."

There was a long awkward pause. Tanner swallowed hard, realizing it was up to him.

"Uncle Rob, I have a problem, and I was hoping you could help."

Tanner could hear the trepidation in Rob's voice when he spoke. "Ok, what's up, Tanner. It must be serious, or you wouldn't be calling me. I seem to remember your grandfather referring to me as Satan's spawn."

"Yes, sir. I know I probably shouldn't be bothering you. Maybe this was a mistake. I'll let you go." Then he heard another voice on the line and realized it was the person who'd answered the phone.

"Rob, shut up and don't hassle the boy. It's important, or he wouldn't have called."

Rob chuckled for the first time. "Get off the extension, Ian."

"Nope! I've been telling you for years to give your brother another chance. Our wedding is coming soon, and I think this might be your chance. So I'll just be a good little boy and listen."

"Asshole," growled Rob.

"Yup, that's the only way to get through your thick Okie skull."

Tanner heard a long sigh, and felt much better with his uncle's partner on his side.

"What do you need, Tanner? Sorry, Ian's right. I have a lot of baggage about my family, and none of it's your fault. You were in diapers the last time I saw you."

"Yes, sir. Well here's the deal. I'm gay, and my boyfriend and I are in love. I'm going to tell my parents as soon as Randy comes back from summer break. But we thought you might have some suggestions," said Tanner quickly.

His disclosure was met with utter silence. The seconds ticked by, until Tanner heard Ian begin to laugh. Soon he heard the phone hit the floor, but you could still hear his raucous laughter. After a few seconds, Tanner heard, "Hang on Tanner. My husband's apparently lost it."

Soon Rob was back, and there was a relaxed note to his voice. "Tanner, I'm flattered that you called. As you can tell from Ian's response, this wasn't something I'd ever expected. So tell me about your boyfriend, and maybe I can help you avoid the debacle that was my coming out to your grandparents."

Tanner took a deep breath and plunged into his story. He started with their meeting in the dorms, their mutual coming out to each other and how after a while they had fallen in love. He shared the highlights of their life together for the past two years and then told about the camping trip and how he had come to realize that he needed to live his life, and it might be without his dad.

"Well, first I don't think Mark's nearly as freaky about religion as Dad was, so that will help you. But let me get Ian back on the phone, he teaches psychology at the university. He might have some good ideas too."

Tanner spent the next hour enjoying a helpful conversation with his uncles. They both shared parts of their lives together, and by the time they said their good byes, Tanner had a lot of suggestions to help with his coming out, and an invitation for he and Randy to attend their wedding in late fall.


"Yes, that's what he said. And yes, I'm sure you're invited to the wedding too," said Tanner as he told Randy about the talk with his uncle. He had spend the last few days thinking about the suggestions they'd gotten, and had decided most of them were good ideas, not all, but most. He and Randy had been talking about it since they'd started Skyping that evening and he thought they had covered just about everything.

Randy had noticed from the time Tanner appeared on his screen that he was not wearing his typical t-shirt, jeans and boots, but was in a sleeveless shirt and a loose pair of gym shorts. The combination made him look like any gay boy's wet dream so far as Randy was concerned, and he hoped it meant they were going to play. Randy hadn't masturbated since last week hoping they'd share some cyber-sex while Tanner's family was out shopping.

Tanner caught Randy's eye and grinned at him with a certain amount of deviltry in his gaze. Randy chuckled and blew a kiss at his lover and then waited. Tanner reached under his bed and pulled out a box. Knocking off the lid, he pulled out the small purple dildo that Randy had sent him.

"Woohoo! Fun night for us!" said Randy with enthusiasm.

Tanner chuckled and waved the small toy in Randy's direction. "So whatda you think, lover. You want to watch me with this thing?"

"Oh hell yes! Show me what you can do, babe!"

Tanner had been planning all week, thinking how to make it as erotic as possible. He'd seen his share of gay porn on-line, some of it awful, but he'd got some ideas. He thought Randy might like the whole jock look so he'd bought the shirt and shorts, both as revealing as possible. He started to move, getting into his role as seducer. Taking the dildo, he ran it over his lips, his tongue flicking out onto it. He ran his hands under his shirt and started rubbing his nipples, letting out a low moan as he let the tip of the dildo slip into his mouth.

"Oh fuck, babe. You look so damn hot!" said Randy surrendering himself to the scene before him.

Tanner pulled off the shirt, letting it slide to the floor as he ran the wet plastic cock over his hard nipples. His gasps and whimpers filled the air as he surrendered himself to the spectacle he was creating. He locked eyes with Randy, seeing that he was sitting frozen in place watching Tanner.

"Take off your shirt, baby. I want to see your hot chest. Play with your nipples for me."

Randy obeyed; pulling his shirt over his head then running his hands over his bare chest. He watched as Tanner started squeezing his hard cock through his shorts. Randy began to pant from the building desire. Tanner slid his hand into the top of his shorts and began stroking his cock. He had let out a sigh as his hand first touched it, and then he started stroking as he watched his boyfriend.

"Strip for me, baby. I want to see that hard ass of yours," said Tanner.

Randy smiled and stood, the camera overwhelmed by his crotch. Tanner watched, licking his lips as he watched Randy's strong hands unbutton his cargo shorts, and then slide them off. Tanner chuckled as Randy's cock flexed against his compression shorts, the bulge of his cock dominating the view. Randy stroked his fingertips down it a few times, the wet spot marking his cockhead growing in size. After a few minutes, Randy's hands slid up again, peeling his shorts off and freeing his hard cock. He sat back on the bed, his legs spread while he fondled his balls and cock.

"Your turn, babe. Show me that fat cock of yours," said Randy.

Tanner smiled and followed Randy's example, standing so his crotch filled the view. Reaching up he began pulling down his shorts, revealing more and denser hair as his pubes came into view. Once he reached the base of his cock, he swayed for a few seconds, letting his cock jump inside his shorts. Then Tanner hooked his fingers around his shorts and yanked them down. His cock flew out, almost hitting the screen as it arched upward. Tanner moved backward, stroking his cock as he watched Randy.

Randy grabbed the bottle of lube he had tossed on the bed before they started tonight. Squeezing out a large glob, he reached down and smeared it over his crack, covering himself with lube. Tanner moaned with lust as he watched Randy sink two fingers into his ass and start fucking himself.

"Damn! That's so fuck'n hot!" said Tanner breathlessly.

"Show me, babe. I wanna see you finger that tight hole." Randy said with a moan.

Tanner slathered lube over his ass, rubbing his finger over his wet pucker until his breath was coming in gasps. Need possessed him as he slid one finger deep inside his ass. As it disappeared in his gut, he looked at Randy with a lusty smile.

"Is that what you wanted to see? You wanna fuck my cowboy ass?"

Randy had slid in a third finger, moving faster as he fucked his ass. "God yes, you're so fucking hot. Finger that virgin hole for me, babe. I'm gonna pound that fucking ass."

Tanner slipped in a second finger, gasping as his hole stretched wider, a lance of pain shooting through him. With care he worked in more lube, and soon had two fingers buried deep in his gut. His cock was aching and hard, precum belching out with each thrust. He locked eyes with Randy, seeing his lover's flushed body as he drilled his ass with his thick fingers. Tanner touched the tip of his cock, pulling off strings of precum as he eased his fingers into himself.

Randy could feel his balls tight against his shaft, knowing he couldn't take much more without losing his load. He snatched up the purple toy and covered it with gel. He grinned and pulled his legs up, rubbed the dildo over his hole, and then rammed it deep into his gut. As the last of the rubber dick slid inside him, Randy felt it scrape over his prostate and his body shuddered.

"Fuck! That feels so good. Fuck, Tanner. Do it, put it in."

Tanner licked his lips, his ass opening and the pain diminished. Deciding he was loose enough for the small toy, he let his fingers slide out and then slathered a thick coat of lube over the plastic. Rolling to his side, Tanner pulled his top leg against his chest, teasing his hole as he worked to insert the toy. He eased it in, pushing deeper with each thrust, his inner gateway slowly, ever so slowly, letting the intruder through. After a few moments of resistance, Tanner felt the head slide through, and he gasped at the surge of pain.

"Breath babe, push out a little. It'll pass in a minute," said Randy in a gentle voice, already working the toy in and out of his own ass as he watched his future husband pleasure himself.

The pain subsided for Tanner, and he pushed in further. The sensations were indescribable, the small plastic dick slipping deeper inside him. He paused frequently, giving himself time to adjust until he could feel its base press against his ass cheeks. His ass pulsed, clamping around the shaft, sending jolts through him as the pleasure began to build. He looked at the screen, watching as Randy fucked himself with the toy, his body trembling and shaking with building passion as they moved closer to climax.

"Damn, you look so fuck'n hot," said Randy, starting to pound his ass with the toy.

Tanner became lost in the feelings, and the sight of Randy fucking himself hard. He grabbed his dripping cock and started pounding it while he rammed the purple intruder over and over into his gut. The feelings of orgasm overwhelmed him as ropes of cum started shooting from his cock, the first jets hitting him in the face and then a fountain of cum covering his torso. With a final gasp, he collapsed against his bed, the toy trapped inside him by the massive contractions of his body. Panting, he looked at the screen in time to see Randy's cock explode, pouring cum over his hairy stomach.

The rooms were filled with gasps for air as both men drifted. The pair basked in the wonderful feelings, which also served to underscore their need to be together. Randy ran his hands over his chest, smearing the load of cum. He snapped out of his daze in time to see the dildo slither from Tanner's butt and hit the floor.

"You look kinda hot and slutty, babe," said Randy with a chuckle. Reaching down he pulled the dildo from his ass, enjoying the sensation as it popped out. Looked back he saw that Tanner was chuckling.

"Yeah, I'm not the only slut here."

The two lay in their beds, their hands trailing over their chests and pelvis, enjoying the afterglow of their cybersex, long distance pillow talk causing both of them to giggle. As they were relaxing with each other, Tanner's phone began to buzz.

Picking it up, Tanner scanned the incoming text message. "Fuck! They're almost home!"

Randy started laughing as he continued to finger his satisfied hole. Tanner was frantically putting away everything. In the midst of the flurry of activity, he turned and flashed Randy a smile. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, you bad man! Love you!"

"Love you!" replied Randy. The screen blinked close and Randy lay feeling especially relaxed. He slipped his finger in a little further, feeling a stirring as his cock started to inflate.

Knocking filled the room. "Hey, Randy! You there?"

Randy panicked at the sound of his dad's voice, and clothes and toys began to fly.


Tanner wiped his nervous hands on his jeans for the hundredth time since they had started the trip. They were getting close to Tanner's parents house, and the culmination of the critical decision to tell his family they were a couple. Tanner's family did not have an illustrious history for supporting gay family members, but he'd gotten a lot of advice from his Uncle Rob and Ian, Rob's husband. They both thought Tanner's dad would take it better than his grandfather had, which had resulted in Rob being disowned.

At Ian's suggestion, they had worked through every scenario they could think of, and how that would make them feel. From a full meltdown with screaming and crying, to complete and utter acceptance, they had spent hours and hours preparing Tanner mentally for whatever happened. Regardless they knew it was going to be a difficult conversation. Tanner had reached the decision during their trip last spring break that he needed to be out to his family, and if his parents couldn't deal with that then they weren't the people he thought they were.

By the time Randy arrived from Maryland, Tanner had managed to work himself into a fine set of nerves. He had been eager to see his love again, but the thought of talking with his parents left him nauseous the majority of the time. Mostly he just wanted Randy to hold him and reassure him that everything would be okay. After he had arrived, Randy accommodated him for several days, but realized coddling Tanner wasn't helping.

They had talked about it and decided the best thing they could do was talk with his parents now. Whatever happened, another week of waiting wasn't going to make it better, and once it was done maybe Tanner could go back to being a functional adult.

So, armed with the knowledge from Tanner's sister that both parents were home, they started out just after daybreak for the trip south. Jo knew what they were planning too, and was going to try and help, but Tanner had made it clear that she shouldn't get in the middle of things if their parents didn't take his news well.

Tanner felt the pickup roll to a stop in front of his parent's house. He couldn't help but think this might be the last time he ever saw the ranch where he had grown up.

Randy reached over and patted Tanner's leg. "It'll be fine. Wait and see. Your parents will understand."

"I hope you're right," said Tanner with a sigh. "Come on, let's get this over with."

Randy watched Tanner jump out of the pickup and then scrambled to follow him. As they entered the front door, they could hear Tanner's parents in the kitchen. Tanner was getting flushed as the stress of the moment began to overwhelm him. As he walked into the kitchen, his parents turned and gave them a look of concern and curiosity as they came in.

"Tanner? What's wrong, why are you home?" said Mary, his mother.

"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you. We need to talk to you."

"Alright son, go ahead," said Tanner's dad, Mark.

Randy stayed close to Tanner, for support, but was resolved to stay quiet if possible.

Tanner tried to start, and words didn't come out. Swallowing hard, he tried again. "Mom, Dad, I need to tell you. You love me don't you? You'd always love me won't you?"

Mark lowered his cup of coffee, it's contact with the countertop sounding like a hammer on an anvil in the silent void the kitchen had become. "Of course, son. What's up? Why are you so upset?"

Jo walked in as Tanner tried again to explain, "I didn't choose, it's not a choice. I've always known, but now, with Randy, it's important that you understand."

Mary slowly wiped her hands with the dishtowel that was thrown over her shoulder. Her face was an unreadable mask when she turned to Tanner. "Just tell us, Tanner. I'm sure it's not as bad as you think."

Tanner became more rattled with each passing second, his ideas and carefully practiced speech forgotten. "It did with Uncle Rob, now you don't talk. I don't want that to happen, but we're in love, and I can't live half a life. I just can't..." Tanner gasped for air, feeling like the room was suddenly extremely close, and he couldn't continue. As his knees weakened, he felt a hand gently press across his lower back. Glancing back, he saw Randy nod at him, lending him strength. He also saw his sister's face and got a shy wink from her. His strength returned, outweighing the fears and worries. Taking a deep breath, he turned to his parents.

"I'm gay, and Randy and I are in love," he said with crystal clarity.

Tanner watched his parents, no clues as to their thoughts showed on their faces. He felt Jo move closer to him, subtly showing her support. The minutes passed as both parents stood silent, unmoving, without comprehension or emotion showing from them. Finally, his father lifted the coffee cup to his lips and drained the cup. Setting it back down, he looked at Tanner.

"You talked to Rob?"

"Yes sir. We thought he might have some suggestions on how to handle this. I didn't want it to end up like when he came out."

"Might have helped if Dad hadn't found out by catching him and the neighbor kid in the barn."

Tanner looked at his father, his mouth opening and closing until he snapped his lips shut. This wasn't going bad, but he wasn't sure how it was going. He heard his mother clear her throat. When he looked at her, she was looking at him and Randy.

"You two love each other?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're ready to support each other through a life that's going to be more difficult just because you're gay?"

"Yes, ma'am. We know life is going to be harder. We've already seen some of it."

She locked eyes with Randy. "If you hurt my son, you'll have to deal with me, young man!"

Randy smiled at Mary and nodded. "Yes, I understand. I would never hurt Tanner."

Suddenly Tanner's father stood, setting his cup on the counter. "I need to set those posts in the south pasture. I better get going." Tanner watched as his father turned and walked out the door, feeling his heart break a little more with each receding step. As his father disappeared out the door, he felt his mother's small hand pat his cheek.

"Let him think about it. He'll make the right decision. I had an advantage, I already knew," said Mary.

Tanner's focus snapped to his mother. "You knew? How?"

"Well first off, your sister is not the makeup artist she thinks she is," she said with a smirk, "And second, I know how people look at the love of their life, and that's how you look at Randy."

Mary took a step and wrapped her arms around Randy. "Welcome to the family, son." Randy wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and hoping that Tanner's dad would make the right decision too.

The day wore on, the passing time melding with Tanner's emotions and tying his gut into knots. His mother had accepted him and Randy unconditionally, but with his father's exit from the house he wasn't sure what was going to change in the relationship with his father. As the sun tilted toward the west, he heard his mother begin to make dinner. He and Randy made their way from the bedroom, hoisted themselves onto the barstools and started chatting with Tanner's mother.

Tanner jumped when he heard the screen door slam shut, his stomach churning as he waited to see what his father had to say. His mother strode across the kitchen, meeting his father before he made it further than the mudroom. He heard the quick, and quiet, conversation she had with his dad, but was unable to understand any of it. They stood as Tanner's parents walked in, Randy taking his hand and letting their fingers interlace.

"Tanner, come in here. Please."

Tanner slowly walked into the living room, with Randy's hand in his. They stood silently; ready to hear whatever his dad had to say. Motion in the doorway told Tanner that Jo had moved where she could see what happened. Mark looked at the couple and motioned them to the couch. He and Mary settled into the chairs across from them, and Mark took a deep breath.

"First, Tanner you are my son, and you'll always be my son. I never thought Dad did right by Rob. I've been thinking about this all afternoon, and I never want the same thing to happen between us. I think I owe Rob an apology too; not speaking out when something's wrong is as bad as giving it support. Like they say, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

Tanner sat quietly, happy with what he had heard so far, but he knew they weren't finished.

"I don't claim to understand. I know what Dad always said, but he used the bible to justify a whole lot of things that I think are wrong." He studied Tanner, looking as if he'd never seen his son before. "I don't know about the whole choice or not thing, son. But if you say it was never a choice, then I trust you. You've always been honest with me. To be blunt, I've never understood why anyone would choose to be gay when it makes things so much harder. I've never had much use for bible thumpers, you know that too. I think they're good at judging everyone else."

Tanner nodded, squeezing Randy's hand as the conversation seemed to go in a positive direction. His dad looked at them, seeing them in a whole new light.

"So you two are a couple? I'm glad you found someone to love. I guess it's too late to say you need to leave the door open when Randy's here..."

Tanner relaxed slightly and chuckled, his face turning red with the implications. "Yes, Dad. It's a little late for that."

"But you're being careful, 'cause you know AIDS... "

Randy stepped in and answered this time. "Sir, we've been tested, and we're a monogamous couple. So you don't need to worry about that."

Surprisingly, Mark chuckled, "Good, I was dreading the safer gay sex talk."

They all laughed softly. Tanner looked at his dad, tears of relief rolling down his face. He lurched from the couch and wrapped his arms around his dad, hugging him tight. "Thank you, Dad. Thank you for understanding and loving me."

Mark returned the hug, and sighed, still not certain of all the implications for Tanner, but never considering losing his son. After a few moments they separated, and Tanner sat back beside Randy. With a sigh of relief, he felt the weight of the past months melt off him. Tanner smiled at his parents.

"I was afraid you wouldn't accept me."

Mark chuckled, wrapping his arm around his wife. "Well it didn't hurt that your mother said if I fucked this up she would kick my ass all the way to Wichita Falls."

Tanner's mouth fell open at profanity from his father and even more so at the nod of acknowledgment from his mother. With a laugh, he leaned back against Randy.

Mark looked at his wife and gave her a slight smile.

"I think it's time to make a call to Seattle and talk to my brother too..."


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For some of you these stories have taken on a life of their own. But if you are in need of real help, or know someone who needs help, you can find links to a variety of GLBTQ organizations on my tumblr site (

Next: Chapter 6

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