Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Jan 25, 2013


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

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Randy double-checked the supplies they had packed. They were going to be gone for a week, and he really didn't want to be running back and forth to the nearest town. He was looking forward to spending as much time as possible with Tanner, and he didn't want errands to consume their days. So it looked like they had packed enough food to last an entire platoon for a week, not two college guys. Randy was carefully doing a final check on the tarp that covered everything when Tanner walked onto the stair landing.

Glancing up their eyes met and Randy couldn't help but smile. "Looks like it's tied down tight," said Randy.

"Cool! I'm ready to head out."

The pair piled into the pickup and began their trek to the southeast. The countryside quickly changed from rolling hills covered with a mix of grass, blackjack and post oak to a forest much more familiar to Randy. Tall pines soon dominated, as the rolling hills became steeper and the road more winding. The human population also dwindled as they traveled further away from the university. They were enjoying quiet conversation and beautiful countryside when Randy motioned to a remote gas station they were coming upon.

"Hey stop there. I need to pee," said Randy.

"Yeah, me too."

Tanner wheeled the truck to the restroom door on the side of the small store. Randy baled out of the pickup and raced to the door, his bladder bursting. But Tanner was equally fast, and got his boot into the door as Randy tried to shut it.

"Damn dude! I'm about to piss my pants!"

"Me too! Come on, we can both get in there," said Tanner.

"Alright, fine. Just get the damn door closed," said Randy.

With the door locked, they yanked their cocks out. Soon the loud splash of dual streams and sighs of relief filled the bathroom. They both seemed to urinate for hours as their bladders emptied. As Tanner's stream slowed he glanced over at Randy, smirking to himself as he contemplated teasing his boyfriend by grabbing his still dribbling dick.

Suddenly they both jumped as loud banging erupted from the bathroom door, punctuated by a woman screaming at them.

"Git outta there! We don't like your kind here! Git out!"

The boys froze, looking at each other and wondering how this had happened. It wasn't like they had a rainbow flag on the pickup. The banging started again as the boys were yanking up their zippers.

"Ma'am!" yelled Tanner, "We're coming out."

The attack on the door stopped and Randy slowly opened it. As soon as the door swung open, they were met by a small, middle-aged woman who was holding a broom as if it were a baseball bat. As soon as she saw them, the tirade started again.

"You can't stay here. Your kind ain't welcome. You take it somewhere else. They might put up with your kind in the big city, but we's good Christian people out here and you gotta go."

"Yes, ma'am. We can sure do that. Just let us get to our pickup," said Tanner with his hands in the air.

The woman shoved the broom in the direction of the pickup. "Yup, git! That'd be the smartist thang. Jess git outta here."

The boys eased toward the pickup. Neither believed she could do any real damage with the broom, but they didn't want the situation to escalate. They were opening the pickup doors when the woman began muttering again.

"Damn Yankees! You need to git outta here! We don't want none a your kind down here. Can't stand Yankees."

Tanner paused for a minute to absorb what she had just said. Wondering if that was really the problem, he turned slowly to look over at the increasingly flustered woman.

"Ma'am, I'm from just north of Ardmore. My family has been there for over a hundred years. I'm not a Yankee by any means," said Tanner as he tried to remain calm.

"What about that then!" said the infuriated woman as she pointed to the back of the pickup.

It took Tanner a second to realize she was pointing to the license plate, which clearly said Maryland. They'd taken Randy's pickup more or less at random, not even considering that someone would take offense.

"It's my . . ." Tanner froze for a second, not certain how to describe Randy to this woman. "It's my friend's pickup," said Tanner as he nodded toward Randy.

The woman pointed the end of the broom at Randy. "You a Yankee, boy?"

"No, and most people in Maryland would be offended if you called them a Yankee," replied Randy, not happy with this woman, or how Tanner explained their relationship.

"Ah see. Well then, git your business tended to. We don't cater to strangers much in these parts, either. It's best for ya'll to not be here after nightfall."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Tanner and climbed into the truck. As soon as he heard Randy's door close, he sped from the parking lot. Minutes stretched and expanded, as the events consumed both of them. While part of the confrontation would be humorous with time, the remainder had serious long-term implications for them as a couple.

"I'm sorry. I guess I kind of reacted without thinking," said Tanner after the silence had continued for too long.

"Yeah, it didn't feel good. But I might've said the same thing. I know she was just holding a broom, but she was kinda crazy," said Randy as he shook his head.

Tanner smiled slightly. "So what does this mean, are we 'friends' to the world and never touch or hug outside of our apartment?"

Randy considered the question for a few minutes before answering. "No, but we didn't need to discuss anything with that woman. If she was that freaked out when she thought I was from the North, can you imagine what she'd be like if you'd called me your boyfriend. It may be kind of a copout, but my private life is no one else's business."

"Ok, I can live with that," said Tanner, knowing things would change, but they always had to do what was best for them; no one else was living their lives for them.

"It's a deal," said Randy, glad they had reached a solution they both could live with.

Suddenly Randy chuckled as he thought about their near miss. "Was that woman for real? That was a freak show!"

Tanner smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, she was for real. This part of Oklahoma is called 'Little Dixie' for a reason. Some of the people here are pretty backward, and a Yankee for them might be someone from Tulsa." Tanner shook his head again at the improbability of the kind of encounter they'd just experienced.

Tanner continued, "There's a lot of pot grown in this part of the state too. This is definitely not where you want to go wandering around without someone who knows the area. You might get shot. So the crazy act could have been fake."

"And we're going to camp here?" said Randy with a questioning voice.

"Don't worry. We're going to be in the national forest, and I've got our permits already. We'll be fine."

Randy relaxed, feeling better now that Tanner had explained more. After a few minutes the easy conversation typical of their relationship resumed. By the time they were pulling into their camping spot, they were back to being a laughing, good-natured couple.

Randy looked around and decided they'd picked an ideal spot. The site was heavily wooded with a nice flat area to pitch their tent. Part of a tiny campground, they even had a fire ring to use. A small creek ran just below the campsite, adding to the ambiance. They strolled around the camp, both amazed that they had managed to pick such a perfect spot considering neither of them had ever been here; the hours and hours of studying satellite images and topography maps having paid off. Randy had paused on the bank of the creek and looked across the beautiful mountains. After a few moments he felt two steel strong arms wrap around him. Turning back, he smiled at Tanner.

"This is fucking amazing. I can't believe we're spending the week," said Randy. "You sure we can just camp here?"

"Believe it, big boy. We can afford it, cause it's free. And yes, we can camp here. I have a permit already. We're inside the national forest and this use to be a logging road," said Tanner with a chuckle. "This early in the season we'll probably have it all to ourselves."

"I guess we should set up camp, then we can screw around the rest of the day," said Tanner.

"I'm good with screwing around, I think screwing around would be fuck'n fantastic!" said Randy with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh shut up you big horn dog and help me put up the tent," said Tanner as he chuckled.

Randy nestled in Tanner's arms and kissed him gently. Smiling, he leaned his forehead against Tanner's.

"Ok, but only because you are so cute," said Randy. Giving Tanner another tight hug, he walked over and started undoing the tarp covering their supplies and equipment. In short order they had set up the dome tent and tossed in their bedding. Knowing they would be parked practically beside their campsite, Randy had packed a few of the heavy pieces of equipment that he would have never considered otherwise. As a result they had a small folding grill to put over the fire, a cast iron skillet and dutch oven. As they unpacked the last of it, Tanner looked over the pile and chuckled.

"I thought you were Mister Backpack. Why all the stuff?"

"It'll make life a little easier. Besides, I'd rather cook in the pans we brought instead of the little backpacking stuff," said Randy with a smile. "What about the food though? Do we need to do anything with it?"

"Well we sure as hell don't want it in the tent. There're black bears in this part of the state. I think it'll be fine in the cab of the pickup though, what do you think?"

Randy walked over and kissed Tanner gently and smiled down at him. "So long as my cub is around, we can do whatever you'd like."

Tanner chuckled and returned his boyfriends kiss. "Yeah, but if you don't get your morning scrambled eggs you get bitchy."

Randy snickered and swung a playful punch at Tanner. Turning to the task at hand, they soon they had everything stowed away. The day had became one of those warmer than normal March days and as a result both men had stripped off their shirts while setting up camp. Randy licked his lips at the sight of Tanner's muscular chest and its healthy covering of hair. They would have plenty of time later for him to explore his lover's body. Shaking himself out of the spell that had been cast on him, he smiled at Tanner.

"Let's try to find that trail we saw in the satellites. It looked like it would be a great hike."

"Sure, that sounds great." Tanner ducked in the tent and Randy heard some rustling inside for a few minutes before he reappeared with hiking boots in hand. He watched with a smile as Tanner flopped down, yanked off his shoes, tossed them into the tent and then pulled on his hiking boots. Tanner stood, bending over to finish tying his shoes. Randy grinned, jumped behind him, grabbed his hips and started banging his crotch against Tanner's butt.

"Oh! Oh! Fuck yes! What an ass! Fuck'n A" screamed Randy in a high falsetto.

"You asshole! Stop it!" said Tanner through his laughter.

Randy stepped back with a laugh and smacked Tanner on the ass. "Mighty fine piece of ass you got there, man."

"You don't quit screw'n around and you'll never see it again," said Tanner with a smile. "Now come on jerkwad, let's get going."

The pair ambled along at an easy pace, enjoying the sights and smells of an early spring forest. The path Randy had spotted on the maps was along a ridgeline and had some fairly steep climbs. They were more than offset by the virgin forest with a full range of animal inhabitants. In one picturesque clearing, Randy and Tanner stood and enjoyed the sight of a whitetail doe and her young twins that still sported their newborn spots. Both of boys were amazed at how the dappling rendered the twins almost invisible when they were still, flashing into being only when they lunged forward on unsteady legs.

About an hour hike from their camp, they arrived at a limestone outcropping marking a high bluff. They carefully walked onto the expanse of rock and looked across the miles of mountain valley. Below them was a crazy quilt of terrain in a million shades of green and brown that no photograph or painting could possibly hope to capture. After a few minutes the two lowered themselves onto the rock, enjoying the majestic scene before them.

"It's a shame that in a state that has so many examples of God's work, that the major religions insist that ten percent of the population are evil," said Tanner softly.

"Not much you can do about them. They're going to think what they're going to think," said Randy with a shrug.

"But I want to live here, and some of the people in the state think the bible says I should be killed because I'm gay, that we should be put to death," said Tanner with a shudder.

"I know, babe. I know. But what're you going to do?"

"I'm not sure, I'm just not sure," said Tanner with a sigh.

Randy leaned over and kissed Tanner on the neck. "Enjoy the week, love. We can worry about solving all the bigotry in the world next week."

Tanner smiled and popped Randy on the arm in good-natured fun, then returned his kiss. "You're right! Don't let my moody ass spoil the week. This scenery is so mind-blowing!"

"Yeah, I'd like to blow something . . ." said Randy with a snicker.

Tanner chuckled and rolled to his hands and knees, crawling the short distance to Randy. He straddled his lover, grinding their crotches together. Leaning down he nipped at Randy's neck in a series of small bites until their lips met. With a quiet loving touch he pressed his lips against Randy's, igniting their passion as the kiss became hot and insistent. Cradling his man's face, Tanner continued their kiss, pressed his lips against Randy's until they were both breathless. Tanner pulled back, a smile transforming his face as he looked at his man.

"What were you saying about blowing something, stud?" said Tanner softly.

Randy glanced quickly around them, trying to see if they were in as remote an area as he thought. When he could hear nothing more than the songs of a few birds, he moved to fulfill his threat.

Randy quickly slid under Tanner's body until his face was trapped between Tanner's thick thighs. Reaching around, Randy grabbed Tanner by the ass and then pressed his face tight against Tanner's crotch, inhaling deeply. The sweaty, masculine scent raced through his body, his cock stiffening to rock hard in a matter of seconds. Realizing he was holding his breath in anticipation, Randy released it in a torrent against Tanner's crotch. Randy started to settle in for a long enjoyable session, and the realization hit that this wasn't the location for a protracted lovemaking session.

Taking charge Randy rolled them, putting Tanner on his back. He quickly sat out to attain his goal, a mouth flooded with Tanner's essence. He opened Tanner's jeans and then reached through the fly in his underwear and fished out his engorged cock. Jacking it once, he saw a droplet of clear fluid appear on his slit. Randy leaned forward and licked it off, taking it in his mouth and savoring the flavor of his lover on this tongue.

With a lecherous smile, Randy plunged Tanner's shaft into his mouth and began pumping up and down with abandonment. Reaching a finger inside Tanner's fly, he started stroking just behind his nuts, pressing hard. Each time he did so he was rewarded with a louder moan.

"Oh fuck, damn your mouth is so good! Fuck, fuck, fuck," said Tanner between gasps for air.

Tanner's cries were like music to Randy's ears. He could feel Tanner's cock growing and knew they were nearing his climax. Randy rubbed the sweet spot between Tanner's legs, taking his cock deeper until Tanner's pubic hair was rubbing on his lips. Randy twisted and licked, wanting and needing Tanner to feed him his load. Randy felt the tremble that he had been looking for, the head of Tanner's cock swelled to new proportions and a flood of jizz hit Randy's throat.

"Oh my god! Fuck! Fuck!" screamed Tanner.

Tanner's jet of cum shot down Randy's throat and he swallowed quickly, knowing more would follow. True to form Tanner soon was pouring into Randy, cum dribbling from the corners of his mouth. Gulping down the gift, Randy clamped his lips around Tanner's cock until he felt that last shudder of release cascade through his body. Randy swallowed the last blast and then began gently nursing Tanner's dick until he had garnered the last drop. Releasing the softening cock, Randy began licking up the drips and small puddles that had escaped him. Tanner was writhing from the attention to sensitive dick, but after a few seconds he opened his eyes and smiled at Randy.

"My turn," said Tanner.

Randy laughed and started tucking Tanner back into his pants. "I don't think so stud, we just gave a free show to anyone in that valley with a pair of binoculars. I know, there's not really much of a chance that someone saw us, but just in case."

Tanner chuckled and finished getting his clothes back on, pushing himself up on his feet. His legs were a little weak from their sexual escapade, but after a few steps they started working better. As they moved down the first hillside, he took Randy's hand in his, and without a word they began the return trip.


"I gotta piss like a Russian race horse!" said Randy.

"Yeah, me too! And we're still a good half hour from the camp." Looking around, Tanner spotted a dense thicket of cedars, he listened for a second, but detected nothing.

"Come on, we can drain the snakes in there," he said with a laugh as he pointed to the brushy area, "Even if someone comes along, they can't see us in there."

"Fine, great, whatever. I just gotta pee."

The pair raced to the cedars, forcing their way through the outer branches and quickly finding themselves in a very small opening surrounded by evergreen branches. Tanner looked over and realized the Randy was already digging for his cock and sweet release. Turning slightly, Tanner quickly pulled out his own cock, still damp from the blowjob Randy had given him. He held the shaft in his hand and tried to relax. After a few seconds he started a strong yellow flow that was splattering noisily in the dry leaves. Tanner finished quickly, finding his needed relief. As he stuffed himself back into his pants, he turned to see Randy with his cock in hand, and a look of desperation on his face. Feeling Tanner's stare, he spat out.

"Sometimes I'm a shy pisser. Apparently this is one of those times."

Tanner smiled with an ornery look and stepped behind Randy. Randy felt his lover against him and then hands other than his own wrapped around his cock. As the sensation around his cock stilled, Randy felt Tanner gently sucking on the side of his neck, and a soft sigh drifted from his lips. The distraction seemed to be all Randy needed as a pungent stream began to pour from his dick.

Tanner was intrigued by the sensation of holding Randy's cock while he pissed. They had peed together many times, with only one bathroom sometimes there was no other choice, but he'd never held someone else's cock when they were urinating. At first Tanner merely held it, fascinated with the sensation of liquid flowing through the thick tube on its underside. But as Randy continued, Tanner felt his inner twelve year old come to the forefront, and he started aiming the stream in different directions while he ran his tongue up the side of Randy's neck, and biting on his ear lobe.

"Don't aim that shit at my pants," said Randy in a gravely tone; aware that the intimacy they were sharing was causing his cock to fill with blood. By the time his flow stopped, his cock was rigid, and Tanner continued to fondle it.

"I'm done," said Randy softly.

"I'm not," said Tanner as he started stroking Randy's hard cock. His boyfriend rested against him as Tanner continued his assault on Randy's neck while stroking his cock faster and faster. The blowjob he'd given Tanner a short time before had left Randy primed and he knew it wasn't going to take much before he shot his load. When Tanner started twisting his hand around Randy's sensitive glans at the end of each stroke, Randy could feel his nuts tuck in tight against his shaft as his balls started pumping out juice in massive quantities. Randy was starting to make the small grunting noises that Tanner knew signaled the beginning of a noisy and satisfying orgasm, when suddenly they heard voices drifting toward them.

"I know what I saw, Bradley. It was two guys fucking like rabbits on Lookout Bluff."

"Whatever, Stephen. I didn't see a darn thing. The one fun thing we've had happen on this god-forsaken trip and I miss it. Why did I let you talk me into leaving the resort at Hot Springs to go camping with you."

"Oh get your princess ass moving. Maybe they're still there."

As the first words had reached them, Tanner had covered Randy's mouth, but had never stopped stroking his throbbing cock. So while the other pair, who obviously had seen them, walked past, Randy's full nuts emptied of his load, leaving white trails over the ground and foliage. Once he realized the intruders were not a threat to them, Tanner found he enjoyed the voyeuristic experience of almost discovery. Randy's body trembled and shook as he continued to pump out volley after volley, most of it in a small pool just in front of him. Suddenly Tanner felt Randy bite his hand.

"Oh shit! That hurt, you bit me," he swore softly.

"It damn well should!" said Randy, "Jacking me off while those two walked past. You have a kinky streak, Tanner Carson."

Tanner chuckled, stripping the last drops of cum from Randy's softening cock before releasing it.

"Yeah, I did kind of enjoy it," said Tanner.

Randy turned, intentionally letting his still drooling cock slide over Tanner's leg. "Come on kinky, let's get you back to camp before you jump me for more outdoor sex."

Randy reached down and pushed his cock back inside his pants. Once he and Tanner had checked to make sure neither of them looked like they'd just had sex, they continued to their camp with a lot of good-natured horsing around. The night came early that evening, both of them exhausted from their day.


Randy stuck his head out, the crackling fire a strong inducement for him to emerge from the cold tent. The past days of camp had gotten them into a routine with Randy cooking most of the meals. Tanner had wanted to learn how though, so Randy had been teaching him the art of cooking outdoors. As a result of his newfound skills Tanner had decided to cook this morning. As Randy stepped out, Tanner turned to smile at him.

"Morning sunshine. I thought we'd have bacon and eggs, biscuits and red- eye gravy this morning."

Randy stretched and yawned. "Doesn't red-eye gravy have coffee in it?" he asked.

Tanner looked at him for a minute, his mouth open. Then with a smile he retorted. "Bacon and eggs, biscuits and brown-eye gravy ? la Tanner."

Randy leaned over and kissed the top of Tanner's head, watching as his lover worked on breakfast over the fire. The food actually looked really good with a half-dozen eggs in the skillet surrounded by frying bacon and a dutch oven buried in the coals that Randy was certain held the biscuits. His mouth was watering when he squatted beside Tanner. Tanner looked up and beamed at Randy.

"Sleep well, babe?"

"Hmm, very well. Something about a nice relaxed 69 with my boyfriend makes me sleep like a brick," said Randy with a smile.

Tanner chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, that made me sleep well too."

Randy watched Tanner scoop the food onto a clean plate, and then begin adding flour and milk to the bacon grease as he made the gravy. While the gravy thickened, he deftly fished the dutch oven from the coals and set it to one side. A few short minutes later Tanner handed Randy a plate filled with food.

"You seem to have picked up campfire cooking," said Randy as he took the first tasty bite.

Tanner laughed, "Yeah, after you talked me through every meal for the last two days! How is it?"

"Delicious! Really, really delicious."

The two descended on the food like typical ravenous young males. Soon every speck was gone, and the pair were comfortably full. Randy settled back and then belched with satisfaction.

"That good huh," said Tanner with a laugh.

"You could cook for me for the rest of my life, I'd be good with that," said Randy.

Tanner looked at him with a shy smile, but then silently gathered the dishes and began cleaning up. Randy watched him for a few seconds, beginning to wonder what was happening between them. But Tanner flashed him a gleaming smile, and Randy's doubts evaporated. Pitching in to help clean up, they soon had everything washed and tucked away.

They began going through their plans for the day as the sun came beaming down from broken clouds. Randy glanced up and smiled at the clearing sky.

"Looks like it's going to be a great day!"

Tanner chuckled at his lover's enthusiasm. "You know what they say about Oklahoma weather."

"What?" said Randy.

"If you don't like it, wait a minute and it'll change."

Randy smiled and shook his head at Tanner. "I'm sure it'll be fine. It's going to be a beautiful day, just wait and see."

Tanner grinned, knowing better than to try and guess the weather in the buckle of tornado alley. Focusing on the maps, they soon had their day planned and food stashed in their daypacks. As they walked down the trail, Tanner tried to see what the weather looked like, but all that was visible above the towering pine was blue sky. He turned back and enjoyed the sight of Randy's tight ass moving in front of him for several moments, then sprinted down the trail to catch up.


Tanner tossed the pack in front of their tent before collapsing on the ground before the long dead fire. Looking up he smiled at his boyfriend who was in no better shape. They were dripping sweat, their clothes largely soaked through and clinging to them. They'd kept on their shirts today, to avoid the painful sunburn neither wanted, but that meant their shirts were soggy with sweat and covered with salt rings. Both men began shedding shirts and kicking off shoes until they were down to nothing but a loose pair of shorts. Randy glanced the direction of the creek and grinned at Tanner.

"I think a little swim would feel good," said Randy.

"You're crazy! That water's gonna to be freezing," said Tanner.

"Oh come on, don't be a wuss."

"Yeah, whatever. You'll think wuss when your nuts freeze and fall off."

Randy grabbed Tanner by the arm and pulled him toward the water. "Come on! Let's get this shit washed off us."

Tanner sighed in resignation, and allowed himself to be dragged to the side of the water. Tanner knew the creek wasn't snowmelt, but it was still going to be cold this early in the spring. He glanced over just in time to see Randy's shorts and underwear hit the ground. His tongue ran along his lips as he watched his lover step out of his clothes and walk to the edge of the water. Randy looked back at him and grinned.

"Here goes nuth'n!"

Randy ran to the waters edge and took a long shallow dive into a deep pool just off the bank. Tanner watched with a grin spreading across his face, waiting for the scream he knew was coming. With a loud splash, a blonde head surfaced with a gasp.

"Holy shit! It's so fuck'n cold!" shrieked Randy.

"I told you!" said Tanner with a chuckle.

"Yeah well get your cute ass in here. I'm not sleeping with someone who smells like week-old armpits."

"I thought you liked the smell of my pits," said Tanner innocently.

"Not when they get a big ole stank on them!" said Randy with a chuckle. "Now drop them drawers and get in here!"

Tanner shook his head in denial but stepped out of his clothes. As the last piece hit the ground he took off at a dead run and dived into the creek. The cold water shocked his system and he struggled for air as he tried to find the surface. Finally his head burst through, very close to Randy.

"Shit! It's freezing!" squealed Tanner.

Randy started laughing, his body having acclimated to the temperature, at least somewhat. He laughed to himself when Tanner bobbed above the water, exposing his chest. Tanner's nipples were drawn up smaller than pencil erasers, just small pink dots on his chest. He pushed closer, and was startled with Tanner wrapped his legs around Randy's waist.

"Get me warm!" said Tanner with a laugh.

Randy struggled with him for a few moments, before laughingly surrendering and pulling Tanner tight against him. He was enjoying the sensations of Tanner's warm crotch pressed against him in the cold water. Randy gave Tanner a lingering kiss, his hand brushing over Tanner's cheek and gave him a smile tinted with sadness as he recalled the lack of response he'd gotten earlier. He'd tried numerous times to talk about their future together, now it was Tanner's turn to broach the topic of their future. Randy just hoped they had one.

Snapping out of his quickly darkening mood, he pulled Tanner to him, kissing him again. Then he let go, and dove into the water, coming up in the deepest part of the pool. He shuddered and turned back to Tanner.

"I think my nuts just ran up my ass for warmth. Maybe we should rinse off and get out before our good bits freeze off."

Tanner caught a slight refrain of melancholy from Randy, but wasn't sure as to its source. But he did agree, it was too cold to stay longer; his feet were already starting to ache. Taking a deep breath, Tanner ducked his head under the water again. Surfacing with a gasp, Tanner made for the shore. As he stepped out onto the gravel bank he glanced at Randy with a smile spreading across his face.

"I told you we should've brought the solar shower! We could have a nice warm rinse."

"Oh, bite my ass! Suck it up and don't be a sissy," said Randy with a hearty laugh.

Randy watched Tanner, enjoying the sight of his tight ass as he walked to his clothes. Randy loved the way the hair on Tanner's ass looked when it was wet, giving the illusion of stripes on his pale butt. Once the object of his desire disappeared into a pair of underwear, Randy rinsed himself a last time and made his way to the creek bank. As he wiped the water off his wet body he looked up to see Tanner looking at him and laughing.

"What?" said Randy.

Tanner continued his laughter and pointed at Randy's crotch. "The little guy is really playing the turtle game. I don't think he's coming back out until summer."

Randy looked down and saw that his dick was shriveled to smaller than his thumb and his nut sack was tight and deeply wrinkled. Looking back at Tanner he rushed him with a whoop, trying to tackle him. Tanner grabbed his clothes and ran for the camp, his scream of joy echoing through the clearing. Randy soon was dressed and followed him, nailing Tanner with a swat to the ass the first time he was in range. Then he dropped beside the fire and started working to bring it back to life.

The rest of their evening was spent toasting marshmallows and snuggling against each other as day slowly transitioned to night. Tanner had been watching the sky, and in the dim evening light he thought he could see a dark cloud formation that could mean a rough night for them. Suddenly a large raindrop hit the campfire, erupting in a jet of steam and a loud pop. Another drop hit Tanner in the face and splattered. The rain began to increase, causing them to dive for the tent. They had barely gotten the flap zipped shut when the hell-bringer storm hit them with full ferocity.

The rain and wind was pummeling their small tent, the support rods bending like drinking straws under the violence of the storm. After the roof of the tent hit Randy for the fourth time in so many minutes, he lay down on their bedding and pulled Tanner into his arms.

"Soooo . . . Is this a tornado kinda storm?" said Randy.

Tanner chuckled, knowing how the storms freaked out people who were not born in the region. "It could be, or just a big super-cell thunderstorm. But usually they don't last long."

The two huddled together, enjoying the rush of being in a tent with the storm raging around them. Tanner had thought it would end soon, but it seemed to go on and on. Randy shifted on the pads, and his hand hit water.

"Shit! The tent's leaking," said Randy.

They lay quietly as the storm raged around them. The high winds almost flattened their tent as it pushed the rigging to its limit. Suddenly with a snap, one of the hold-down straps broke on the rainfly and the rain started spraying the two boys.

"Damnit! Get in the truck!" yelled Tanner.

Ripping open the flap they ran for the pickup, but even in that short distance they were completely soaked. Vaulting into the cab, they sat panting for several minutes, trying to reconcile themselves as lightening filled the sky around them, the loud cracks of power sounding uncomfortably close. With cold clothes sucking the heat from them, the boys huddled against each other for warmth.

"Let's start the pickup so we can get warm," said Tanner through chattering teeth.

"We're almost empty. I was going to get gas tomorrow," said Randy, feeling the wet chill through his body. Randy pulled Tanner closer, dragging him partly over the center console. "It'll be over soon, then we can see well enough and we'll go into town."

"That sounds like a great idea," said Tanner, starting to warm up as they huddled together. The thunderstorm slowed to just heavy rain, and the chill in the pickup began to dissipate. Tanner realized he had stopped shivering, just before he drifted to sleep.


Randy slowly woke, the morning sunrise flooding the pickup with light. He moved and immediately realized two things. Tanner had fallen asleep curled against him, and sleeping huddled in the pickup seat had left him sore and cramped. Leaning down he kissed Tanner softly on the forehead.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," said Randy.

Tanner stirred, turning his head and smiling at Randy, then groaning as he tried to sit upright.

"Oh shit, I'm stiff!"

"Let me check," said Randy with a chuckle as he reached between Tanner's legs. Tanner grabbed Randy's arm, pulling it back with laughter.

"Oh no, big boy. I can guarantee he's not stiff today, but every other muscle in my body is."

Randy chuckled and pushed himself up in the seat as Tanner moved off him. Looking outside the pickup it looked like there had been only minor damage, other than everything being wet. The two of them slid out of the truck and began cleaning the camp. Tanner ducked his head into the tent. Turning, he looked at Randy with a frown.

"Everything's soaked. We don't have any dry clothes."

Randy stretched, his flat stomach appearing and waking a hunger in Tanner. But it disappeared almost immediately and another kind of hunger made a loud growl arise from his stomach.

Randy smiled at Tanner. "Come on, let's get the wet shit and go into town. We can get some breakfast, get warm and dry our clothes. The tent will dry out today and then we'll be fine for our last night."

Tanner nodded in agreement, ready to eat whatever they could find. The two of them swung into gear and soon had all their wet clothes wrapped in the tarp, the water dumped out of the tent and left with window flaps open so it would dry while they were gone. With some relief, and the heat running, they headed down the road to the small town that Tanner seemed to remember being only 15 or 20 miles away.


Tanner walked onto the sidewalk in front of the coin-laundry. He stretched contently, his belly full and his body warm and dry. After breakfast, they had been fortunate to find the town did have a laundry and they had stuffed every empty dryer in it full of wet clothes and bedding. Knowing it would take a while to dry everything, Randy had left Tanner to watch their stuff while he went to get a few supplies, and gasoline. Tanner noticed an elderly woman sitting in one of the chairs just outside the door, enjoying the warm sun while she worked on her sewing. Tanner smiled at her when she looked up.

"Morning ma'am."

"Hello, son. You must be visiting, I know everybody in these parts."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm spending spring break here with my . . .friend."

The old woman chuckled. "Friend? My granddaughter had a 'friend'. She had his baby a while back."

Tanner flushed a little, "Yes ma'am, you're right. He's my boyfriend."

The woman poked at Tanner's arm with her gnarled finger and chuckled softly. "At least he won't get you pregnant, huh!"

Tanner flushed deep red, "Ma'am!"

She motioned Tanner to the seat beside her, "Sit down with an old woman. Tell me about this man of yours. You're just traveling through, so you can tell me anything and it won't matter. 'Side, who would believe a crazy old woman!"

Tanner sat down beside her with a laugh, realizing that she was actually right. The longer they talked the safer he felt and his comfort increased with the centenarian. In the warm late-morning sunshine it seemed perfectly reasonable to unburden himself to a complete stranger. He shared his feelings about Randy, telling her how much he loved him. As well as how frightened he was for them, with some people wanting to make their love into something evil and tainted. The fear of people hating them simply because they were in love, without even knowing who they were. The words just tumbled out and she sat and patted his hand gently. He told her things that he hadn't even shared with Randy, but when he stopped he felt a clarity and lightness that he couldn't remember having before. Turning he looked at the smiling woman.

"Thank you for listening. It really helped," said Tanner with genuine meaning.

"Sometimes it helps to just have someone listen, don't it. But I'll tell you something, you have to live your life how you see it. Can't Randy nor your folks tell you the answer to that. I know you're frett'n about your parents, but what if you lose Randy? Just weigh all your choices, it's your life and don't let neither side bully you into a decision that isn't yours.

I'm old and I've seen a passel of change. Black men getting the vote, women getting the vote, integration, mixed marriage, it was all really controversial, some fine people died bringing the change. This time don't seem no different. People thump'n on their bible instead of actually read'n it. It's a shame people don't do more what God says for 'em to do 'stead of telling other people how they should live their lives. But you hang in there, you just 'member this old woman and how much change she's seen."

Tanner nodded, overwhelmed at the support from someone he would have thought was hopelessly mired in the past, only to find remarkable clarity. He gently took her hand in his, leaned over and kissed her velvet soft cheek. Before he could say anything else, a large man rounded the corner and made a beeline for his companion. When he got closer, the large man smiled at Tanner.

"Hope she hasn't been bothering you. I'm afraid there's not much left inside that old head, on days when she does talk it's mostly nonsense. But she likes to sit here in the sun and pretend she can still make quilts. We don't even let her have a needle any more." Turning to the woman he held out a hand, "Come on Grams, you've bothered his young man enough. It's time to go home before you tire yourself out."

With gentle care the giant helped the frail woman up and with agonizing slowness they started down the sidewalk. Tanner watched her slow shuffling walk as the pair moved away, but then she looked back at Tanner with a shy smile and winked at him. Tanner sat in shock as she disappeared around the corner. Sitting back in his chair, he thought about everything she had said to him, and what he had told her, some of which he hadn't even admitted to himself. A light breeze lifted his hair, and something fluttered out of the chair next to him.

Reaching down he retrieved a square of cloth the size of his hand. Opening it gently he saw the exquisite tiny stitches and felt the soft cotton cloth. Looking at the pattern he began to chuckle. He looked down at the design she could not possibly have created while they were talking, but in his hand was what could only be a four-leaf clover, made of rainbow material.

Tanner carefully folded the small pieced cloth, and tucked it into his pocket. With a smile he walked back into the laundry and began gathering the dry clothes. He was ready for Randy to return, they needed to talk, and this time it was his turn.


Randy looked at Tanner again, knowing something had been on his mind since they returned from town. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he waited patiently. They had eaten a great meal from the odds and ends Randy had picked up, and now they were sitting around the fire and enjoying it's warmth as the sun slowly frosted the trees crimson. Tanner was prodding at the fire, obviously struggling with something. Finally he looked up and smiled at Randy.

"We need to talk," said Tanner.

Randy nodded; not trusting his voice and feeling his throat tighten from the sudden stress of what could come from this conversation. Tanner looked into Randy's eyes, cupped his face between his hands and leaned in, kissing him with gentle care.

"I love you, Randy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Randy struggled with comprehension, wanting it to be true, not trusting his ears. He felt tears come unbidden to his eyes and slowly roll down his cheeks. Tanner smiled, wiping away Randy's tears. He held Randy, making soft sounds of support while the love of his life silently cried in his arms. After a few minutes Randy pulled back and smiled at Tanner.

"I love you, Tanner. With my whole heart."

"I talked to an old woman at the laundry today. It helped me realize what was wrong. I was scared, Randy. I've loved you since we were just roommates, but I didn't want to end up like Uncle Rob," said Tanner.

Randy wiped his face with his sleeve as he listened to Tanner. "Uncle Rob? You never mentioned an Uncle Rob before."

Tanner laughed, the humor never reaching his eyes. "We don't talk about Uncle Rob. He's the black sheep of the family."

"Why, babe?"

Tanner laughed, this time with sincerity. "Because he's gay, because he left, and because he never came back, because my grandparents died before he fixed things between them."

Randy waited silently, knowing that the story wasn't over.

"He's Dad's brother and teaches at a university in Washington. I don't know much else, it happened about the time I was born and I just know he was never welcome back at my grandparent's house. They said he was evil and filled with the devil. I was afraid that might be me, that my parents would disown me." He paused, and turned to Randy, "But it's more important for me to be with you, I won't live a half of a life with you. I'm going to tell my parents, and if they disown me then that's their loss."

Randy smiled and pulled Tanner into a tight embrace. After a few minutes he released Tanner and clasped him on both shoulders. "Well we're not going to make that call tonight. We'll work it out between us and it will happen when everything is right."

Tanner nodded, enjoying the embrace and feeling the intimacy between them. Turning he gave Randy a slow kiss, feeling the heat build between them. The declaration of his love had removed the final barriers and their love joined them as never before. As passion washed over him, he felt Randy gently separate from him. When their eyes met, Tanner fell into the ice-blue pools of tender love that were Randy's eyes. Randy gave Tanner a gentle smile.

"I want you to have me tonight. I'm ready," said Randy.

It took Tanner a few moments to realize what Randy was talking about, and when he did his eyebrows shot up. "Really? Here? It's not exactly the roses and candles that I'd envisioned for when we shared that."

"It's with you. I don't need roses and candles. I just need you and I need you in the most intimate way," said Randy.

Tanner chuckled softly, "Yeah, well, I hope you still think that when little rocks and sand are grinding into your tender parts."

Randy laughed and gave Tanner a lingering kiss. "I'm thinking my tender parts will be fine." Taking Tanner's hand, he led his lover into the tent, leaving the door open toward the low burning fire. Randy let Tanner's hand drop and quickly made them a nest of bedding, smiling at Tanner as he shook the sand from the sheets, then stripped and lay on the bed, the firelight reflecting from his taut body.

"Come here, babe," said Randy with a pat on the bed beside him. He smiled as Tanner shed his clothes and lay beside him. The two of them explored the others body with their touch, loving the feelings they created. The gentle caresses continued until the fever of the moment had both of them ensnared. Randy pulled back and smiled at Tanner.

"I think you might want to start getting me ready, before we lose it."

Tanner grinned, riffled through their supplies and retrieved the bottle of lube. Pushing Randy on his back, Tanner raised Randy's legs over his chest until his ass was spread wide. Looking down he enjoyed the sight of the slightly sweaty ass crack, knowing that he wanted this to be as perfect as possible. Squirting the lube over his fingers, he reached down and began smearing the lube over Randy's hole.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good. Yeah, baby," said Randy with a sigh.

Tanner slowly slid two fingers inside Randy, feeling little resistance, and seeing only pleasure on Randy's face. As he continued to pump his hand in and out of Randy's ass, he heard his man panting, his breath coming in ragged gasps as the sensations sent him closer to covering them both with cum.

Tanner pulled his fingers back, adding more lube as he included a third finger and then slid them back inside his man. He felt Randy shudder as he slowly stretch his hole wider. Tanner slowed as Randy's face first twisted in discomfort, but quickly he relaxed and was soon pulling his legs wider apart, wanting more. He met Tanner's eyes and groaned.

"Fuck me, please fuck me. I need you in me to make this night perfect."

Letting his fingers slowly slide out, he reached between Randy's legs, smearing lube over both their cocks. As Tanner moved into position, he found himself trembling. Randy reached up, a sweet smile on his face, and caressed Tanner's face. Tanner returned his look, knowing everything would be fine, because they loved each other and this was only the first of a lifetime of intimacy.

Pressing forward, Tanner met only velvety tightness that gripped his cock and made him want to plunge deep inside Randy. But he maintained his slow decent, pausing whenever there was a flicker of discomfort, until in much less time than he'd thought, he heard a soft slap as their skin met. Pressing hard, he enjoyed the tight caress that surrounded his cock.

Randy let out a low growl. "Hell yes! Oh god! Fuck me, Tanner. Breed me!"

Tanner smiled at the words he never thought he'd hear. Moving back slowly, he pulled almost out, and then pushed back into his receptive lover's ass. Soon his speed had increased, his nuts tight against his granite hard shaft as he plowed into Randy's grasping hole. Tanner knew he wouldn't last much longer, he could feel the churning in his balls.

With a final urgent thrust, Tanner buried himself into Randy, his cum flooding Randy's ass as their souls merged. Tanner's body trembled and shook, his body reacting to the new sensations like nothing before. Cum rushed from his cock, flooding Randy's ass with jizz, creating the indescribable sensation of fucking through your own cum. Tanner's body trembled one last time, depositing the last of his seed deep in Randy.

Tanner drifted, absorbing the sensations that surrounded him. But as he calmed, he could see Randy writhing slowly, impaled on Tanner's still stiff cock. Tanner grabbed Randy's dripping cock, smearing the lube over it and pounding it hard as he worked to send his lover into an intense orgasm. Within moments Randy's body was twisting and convulsing, plummeting over the edge. He shot the first thick stream of cum, and with each convulsion and release, the white flood covered more and more of his stomach, clinging and running down the hair that covered it. With a final bit that oozed from his stiff dick, Randy collapsed against the bedding. He lay panting for several minutes. Tanner grabbed a shirt from their dirty clothes and began cleaning them both. As the last of his climax faded, Randy looked up at Tanner with a broad smile.

"Damn, if I'd have known it was going to be that good, we would have never waited so long."

Tanner beamed, "I was worried I wouldn't be good."

"Oh you were damn good!" said Randy with a chuckle. But Tanner noticed him grimace and twist slightly.

"You ok? Did I hurt you?"

Randy laughed in genuine humor. "Not you, but I might have found a few rocks and sticks to dig into my back during sex. I'm not saying you were right, but I don't think I'll be fucking in a tent again any time soon."

Tanner chuckled and then lay beside Randy, holding him tight as they relished their first time. He knew that even though it was different than he'd envisioned, it would still be an important point in their relationship, rocks and all.


Randy looked around the tent as the morning light gained strength. He sucked in air, realizing that the tent smelled of cum and sweat, and it was making him hard again. He rolled over, looking at Tanner and smiling to see his morning erection. Knowing it was the last day before they headed back to school, Randy wanted to enjoy the morning before leaving. Randy tried to resist, but Tanner's dream must have been amazing, because he released a soft sigh and a drop of clear liquid bubbled out his piss slit.

Randy tossed restraint to the winds. Leaning over he let his tongue trace over Tanner's cock, tasting his precum as it ran down his hard cock. With a sigh, Tanner stretched and opened his eyes to a slit, a smile bursting across his face.

"What a great way to wake up," said Tanner softly.

"Morning lover, how about a farewell fuck?" said Randy.

Tanner started laughing, "My to-the-point lover, I seemed to have awakened a monster in you. I thought you were not fucking in a tent any time soon too."

"Not quite a monster, just an itch I've had for 20 years and I like how you scratch it. And you can lay on your back this time," said Randy with a chuckle.

"Well come here then, and use my scratching post."

Randy coated his ass with lube and then crawled on top of Tanner, moving so Tanner's swollen cock head was pressed against his hole. Pressing down he felt the huge head kissing his ass, Randy eased down. Without a pause he let his body drop, a growl forced from his body as the plum sized head scraped against his prostate. With only a short pause he started bouncing up and down, loving the feeling of Tanner's fat cock inside his ass.

"Hello. Anybody here?"

Both men froze; warring emotions flitted over their faces.

"Hey! Anybody in the tent?"

With the second call, Randy and Tanner flew apart, Tanner's cock ripping from Randy's ass, causing a gasp of pain at its violent exit. Realizing that neither of them had responded, Randy called out.

"Yeah, hang on. We were sleeping in. Just a sec."

The two scrambled for clothes, yanking on whatever they could find, regardless of who's it was. Within seconds they were clothed, and tumbled out of the open tent. As they regained their composure, they looked up to see a man a little older than they were, in the brown uniform of a national forest ranger.

"Morning guys. I'm Ranger Morgan. Kip Morgan."

"Morning Ranger. What can we do for you?" said Tanner through a stammer, trying to straighten out his shirt, until he realized that it was Randy's, and on backward.

"Just checking your permit," said Ranger Morgan with a small smirk.

"Oh sure, no problem," said Randy, moving to the pickup to retrieve the paperwork.

Tanner watched Kip, hoping he didn't realize what was going on, but knew that he couldn't have kept from hearing them.

Tanner turned to see what Randy was doing, and was mortified to realize that the ass of the shorts Randy had on were soaked through in places with cum that had leaked from his butt. To make matters worse, a light breeze wafted from the tent, and Tanner realized that they both must reek of sex. His stomach churned with stress as he watched Randy walk to Kip and hand over the permit. Tanner knew he could smell the two of them, but what could he say to them. It wasn't like they were the first campers to stink, but how many pairs of guys smelled like jizz. After an agonizing length of time he handed the paperwork back to Randy with a smile. As the two of them moved closer together, Kip looked at them with a knowing smile.

"You guys been here long?"

"We've been camping all week. We're heading back today," said Randy.

Kip nodded, appearing to consider his options. With a small sigh he seemed to relax.

"Look guys, I'm not getting all up in your shit, but you might want to rinse off before you leave. You smell, kinda distinctive. You're a cute couple and all, but you need to wash off some of the funk of sex."

Kip's smile broadened as the two turned a multitude of colors of red. Tanner was wishing he could hide, but he glanced to Kip's crotch, and realized he was sporting a huge boner. Shocked he looked up and met Kip's eyes.

"Yeah, well. You aren't the only couple around here, and my boyfriend and I will sometimes play with other couples. If you two are interested, here's my email." Kip stepped forward while digging out his wallet. Pulling out a simple card with just his name and email address, he handed it to Tanner. Tanner took the card and glanced up, realizing the ranger was ruggedly handsome. He watched as Kip climbed into his jeep that somehow they had missed hearing when he pulled up. As he watched the Ranger drive off, Tanner felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Randy.

"I dunno. What do you think, should we keep it?"

"Did you think he was hot? Does a four-way sound good, or maybe a three way?"

"What'd you mean? I wouldn't do anything without you," said Tanner, realizing he was on shaky ground.

"Keep it. Sometime you might want to take him up on it. You haven't been with anyone else, you never know."

Tanner looked at Randy's back as he turned and walked back to the tent. He wasn't sure what was going on, after telling Randy he loved him he thought this kind of stuff was behind them. Unconsciously he stuck the card in his back pocket as he followed Randy.

They rushed to break camp, deciding to head back to campus without any stops to avoid another dunk in the freezing cold stream. Tanner thought Randy seemed a little introspective, but didn't say anything about Kip's visit. With a last snap of the tarp to clear it of pine needles and dirt, they packed up and headed back home.

The conversation was light and inconsequential on the return trip. They passed the convenience store they had stopped at on the trip down. Both of them staring at it as they raced past. They had traveled a few miles when Tanner turned to Randy.

"Go back, go back to that store."

"Are you fucking crazy? She might have a gun this time!"

"No, I have something I need to do. Turn around."

Randy shook his head, unsure about the sanity in this decision, but within minutes they were rolling to a stop in front of the store. Tanner motioned for Randy to follow him. Walking into the store, the same woman was standing behind the counter, watching the tiny television that was propped against the rack of chewing tobacco. Tanner cleared his throat, and she looked up.

"Whatchu do'n back here? I done told ya to git!"

"Yes ma'am. I just wanted to clear up something," said Tanner.

"Yeah?" she said with a scowl.

"He's not my friend, he's going to be my husband, and I love him a lot." Tanner turned and grabbed Randy, kissing him hard as their lips pressed against each other. The seconds that passed seemed like hours before he released Randy and turned to the woman.

"Thanks, ma'am. I just wanted to clear that up. My momma always told me to never lie." Tanner grabbed Randy's arm and walked calmly, but quickly to the pickup and pushed Randy to the driver's side. Looking across the cab he got an ornery look on his face.

"You might want to leave now, before the shock wears off."

Randy nodded in disbelief as they sped back onto the state highway. After a few miles, Randy started chuckling and was soon laughing hysterically, tears rolling down his face.

"You're a crazy mother fucker!" said Randy in delight.

Tanner nodded and settled back into the seat with a smug look on his face. The remainder of the trip was fun and relaxing as both boys relished the successes and triumphs of their trip.

Pulling into the apartment driveway, both men jumped from the pickup, gathered their supplies and made a dash for the apartment. Hoping they would avoid seeing Jenny and Fred, they started up the stairs, thinking they were going to make it without encountering their lovely, but omnipresent, landlords. As the stairs let out a loud squeak, they heard voices coming from the garage. Looking down, Tanner saw a tiny figure with a cloud of white hair move from the garage, Jenny, and just behind her was her husband.

"Hey boys! How was the trip?"

With a silent sigh, the couple turned, taking the steps back down to talk with the old couple. They were greeted and warmly hugged before they started sharing the details of their trip. Randy was lost in describing the vista to Fred when Jenny eased to Tanner's side. She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.

"Honey," she whispered, "You two smell like - well like you had a lot of fun, but I'm going to get Fred in the house so you and Randy can get all cleaned up. We can catch up later."

Tanner blushed in embarrassment, their second time to be busted in the same day, but when he looked back at Jenny to apologize, she nudged him with her elbow and gave him a wink. "Good job!"

Tanner blinked once, and then again as he let Jenny's words sink in. Breaking into a huge grin he started to hug her again, before remembering that he wasn't in prime condition to be too close to anyone. By the time he'd recovered from his near gaff, Jenny had grabbed Fred by the arm and was guiding him away from the boys.

"Come on, Fred. You told me you'd change out that light that burned out. It's about time you got it done."

"What bulb? I don't remember needing to change a bulb," said Fred with confusion in his voice. As they moved further away from the younger pair, he turned to Jenny and in a lower voice asked Jenny, "Did you smell something funny on those boys? It seems familiar, but I can't quit place it. You don't think it was wacky weed do you?"

Jenny chuckled as she pulled Fred through the door. "No, honey. It wasn't pot, trust me."

As Fred and Jenny disappeared into their house, Randy and Tanner were struggling to get their camping equipment into the apartment. Once the door was shut Randy turned to Tanner and grinned. "That was the shortest discussion with Fred, ever!"

Tanner started laughing, and collapsed in their snuggling chair as he looked at Randy's puzzled face. "That's because Jenny would smell sex on us, and thought we needed to clean up a little."

"Oh crap! She could smell it on us?"

"Yeah, she may be old, but her nose seems to work just fine." Tanner refrained from pointing out that Kip could smell it on them earlier too.

"Well let's get cleaned up," said Randy as he pulled off his shirt and headed toward the shower. Tanner tossed off his shirt and was following close behind when he realized Randy had never changed shorts from this morning, and now had interesting stains across his ass. He groaned to himself, hoping no one else had noticed.

Stepping into the bathroom, Tanner stripped and stepped into the shower with Randy. They began washing each other with deliberate care. The careful washing became gentle caresses and soon Tanner had forgotten about the problems of their day.


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Next: Chapter 5

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