Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Jan 3, 2013


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.


Tanner was pacing in front of the airport exit. The airport security had finally stopped bugging him when he told them he was waiting for his roommate. It satisfied the security people, but it really wasn't that simple. Tanner had to admit, even if it was only to himself, he was falling in love with the handsome lacrosse player. Which scared the shit out of Tanner. Only two people knew he was gay, Randy and his sister, Jo, who had figured it out on her own. If his parents found out he didn't think they would be very happy, but he also knew he couldn't share his life with Randy from the recesses of the closet. He didn't want to lose his family, but he couldn't lose Randy either. He wanted to have Randy, and the support of his family, why did so many people make what seemed so simple to him be so difficult.

Tanner let out a sigh, realizing this was the same argument he'd been having with himself since Randy had left for winter break. Right now the only thing he knew for sure was he desperately missed Randy, and all the long distance phone calls and Skype chats just seemed to make Tanner ache a little more. He glanced over at the arrival boards and saw that Randy's plane should have landed 10 minutes ago. Where the hell was he?

Suddenly two powerful arms wrapped around his waist from behind and picked him off the floor. Twisting, Tanner's face exploded into a smile to see Randy.

"Damnit, boy!" said Randy with a grin, "I thought you'd be waiting to see me as soon as I got off the plane. But no! You're over here trolling for twinks."

"There was another exit?" said Tanner in a squeak. Clearing his throat he started again, "There was another exit? I've been waiting here forever."

Randy chuckled and sat Tanner back on the floor. "Yup, there are two, and you missed the one I was on. Come on, let's go get my shit."

The pair practically sprinted down the walkway to retrieve Randy's bags and go back to their apartment for some time together before starting the drive down state to the ranch Tanner's family owned. Randy had left on the florescent tape Tanner had covered his bag with when he'd left, and had Tanner carry it to the pickup, which had both of them snickering.

Once they were in the pickup and on their way to the apartment, Randy was constantly touching Tanner's thighs and arms. At one point Randy reached up and grabbed Tanner's hard nipple, causing him to gasp and swerve onto the shoulder. After he wretched it back onto the highway, Tanner flashed Randy a stern look, which only served to make him giggle. He went back to teasing, letting his fingers glide up Tanner's thigh, almost to his cock, but never actually touching it.

By the time Tanner parked outside their apartment, he was only seconds from exploding. Turning he thumped his finger into Randy's chest and said gruffly, "Stop it! I don't want to shoot in my jeans." Randy's face broke into a broad smile, causing Tanner to let out a sigh and lean against Randy's muscular shoulder. "I've missed you, a lot."

Randy cupped Tanner's chin and kissed him softly on the forehead. "I've missed you too. Let's get inside. God my balls are aching. I'm not sure if I didn't get myself as worked up as I got you."

Tanner laughed, "Oh stud, I can answer that. I'm definitely more horned up!"

With a ribald laugh, the pair sprinted for the stairs, only to hear their names being called.

"Randy! Tanner! You boys are back. How was the trip?" asked Jenny.

"Fine, Ma'am," Tanner told their landlord. "And how were your holidays?"

At this point the two were committed to the regulation fifteen minutes of small talk required from anyone in Oklahoma when you see each other after a trip. Both boys were fidgeting with their aching hard cocks by the time they heard the blessed words that ended their conversation.

"Well I'll let you boys go. Enjoy the rest of your holiday," said Jenny with a smile.

The boys turned and ran for the stairs, their need having made them even hornier than they were before. Jenny watched as they crowded through their door and then turned to walk back into her house. Boys and their hormones, she thought, it never changes.

Tanner slammed the door shut and turned on Randy with a ferocious sexual hunger. He grabbed Randy head, pinning it tight in his hands and kissed him hard. Three weeks without his man had driven Tanner to this point, and the drive to their apartment with Randy teasing him the entire time had put him in an aggressive fervor. He covered Randy's face with hard, need-filled kisses. Working his way down, he sunk his teeth into his lover's muscular shoulder and neck, leaving a vibrant red mark on his sinewy throat.

Tanner felt Randy's hands pawing at him, almost ripping off his shirt as he tried to strip his lover. As Tanner's shirt fell to the floor, Randy grabbed him and yanked him closer. Twisting his head, Randy fastened his teeth on Tanner's nipple and bit down hard.

"Fuck! Oh holy shit!" screamed Tanner, writhing in Randy's arms.

Randy stood up, taking both of Tanner's nipples and twisting them. "You like that, babe? Fuck, you can't imagine how much I need you," said Randy with a lust filled voice.

Releasing Tanner's nipples suddenly, Randy pulled them together tightly. Kissing and biting the side of his neck, he cupped Tanner's firm ass in his hands. As their passion continued to build, Randy slipped his hands inside Tanner's pants and rubbing his hands over his tight, hairy ass. Soon the sexual intensity was reaching a head. Randy gave Tanner a passion filled kiss and then dropped to his knees in front of his man.

Reaching up, he unbuckled Tanner's belt, opened his pants and tugged at them until they were wadded up on his thighs. Randy looked up at a panting Tanner, and then at his precum soaked underwear and bloated cock. He ran his finger along the length of the trapped cock, and felt Tanner tremble. Randy looked up and smiled.

"How close are you, babe?"

"How the fuck close do you think I am? You were teasing me all the way home, asshole!" said Tanner with a stifled chuckle.

"Good," said Randy. He then ripped down Tanner's briefs and caught his cock as it swung upward and buried it down his throat. Randy swallowed and adjusted, ramming more cock down his throat until he could feel Tanner's pubic hair rubbing against his lips.

"Ah, Ah, Shit! Ah!" screamed Tanner.

Tanner grabbed Randy's head and started fucking his face like a wild man. His hard cock rammed into Randy's face without any thought of tender love. His hormones and lust flared like an exploding fireball and he used Randy as his convenient recipient. Fortunately for Randy, Tanner had little control left and Randy's slick throat almost immediately obliterated the infinitesimal thread that remained. Tanner grabbed the back of Randy's head and rammed in hard, pinning Randy with his hard cock down his throat.

Randy felt the first shot of cum hit the back of his throat, followed rapid fire by a barrage of volleys. Randy swallowed frantically, trying to keep up with the rapid flow, but found it impossible. White cum leaked from the sides of his mouth as he drank down the youthful protein. But the frantic release, while huge, was short lived. Randy let Tanner's dick slide from his mouth and slowly licked the remnants of cum from its circumference until it was glistening with saliva.

Tanner gasped and shook with each touch of his boyfriend's tongue. He was still holding Randy's head, but now it was for support. As his desire spiraled down, he realized that his passion had driven him past their safe level, and he wasn't sure how Randy would feel about the way he was just used. Tanner hesitantly looked down to see how much damage his rampant passion had caused, only to see Randy grinning up at him as he wiped the last trail of cum from his face.

"Fuck! That was hot," said Randy passionately.

Tanner chuckled and lowered himself until he was kneeling in front of Randy. Leaning over, Tanner gently kissed him and then licked a white fleck from his cheek. Pulling back slightly, he searched Randy's face for signs of concern.

"You ok?" asked Tanner.

"Oh hell yeah! Well I will be when this guy is taken care of," said Randy with a rough chuckle and a motion to his cloth-trapped cock.

Tanner smiled as his hands trailed lower, taking Randy's package in his hands and squeezing slowly until a deep groan leaked from Randy's mouth. Tanner began kissing up and down Randy's neck while he grasped and squeezed his nuts and swollen cock. Hungry for his lover's dripping cock, Tanner lowered the zipper, reached inside the dark slit and slowly fished out Randy's wet cock. As it leapt free, Tanner looked down and licked his lips at the sight of Randy's cock.

Tanner slowly lowered himself until he was almost lying on the floor. He kissed the tip of Randy's dick, letting his tongue travel around its edge as he did. Raising back again, he kissed Randy, letting some of the passion come back into his touch.

"What would you like for me to do about the little guy?" said Tanner with a smile.

Suddenly Randy turned crimson at the question and Tanner cocked an eyebrow at his reaction.

"What?" said Tanner.

"Well," started Randy, "I've been looking on-line . . ."

"Oh? You surfing porn without me?" said Tanner with a smile.

"Ah. Well. Kinda," stammered Randy.

"And what did you find that you'd like to try?" said Tanner, getting interested in whatever was getting his much reaction from his typically calm boyfriend.

"Rimming," said Randy as his skin got even redder.

"You want me to lick your ass?" said Tanner.

"It was just an idea, you don't have to, don't sweat it-" said Randy.

"I'm, well, it's just that we haven't ever talked about it before. Babe, I'm not sure I can lick your asshole," said Tanner with doubt in his voice.

"Ok, I understand. It was just a thought," said Randy.

"Now, don't dump the idea. Your ass is fuck'n hot, and I love the feel of it in my hands. I'm just not real sure about lick'n the little pink starfish," said Tanner with a chuckle.

"Oh, I can guarantee it won't be fishy," said Randy with a chuckle, starting to relax as they discussed it more.

"Does it sound hot to you babe?" asked Tanner as he began to think about it more.

Randy pulled up his cock and ran his finger through the precum drooling from it and then looked up at Tanner with a smirk. "What'da you think?"

Tanner chuckled again and smiled as his lover. "Alright, I'm willing to try just about anything once, but you're going to go do a little cleaning for me first," said Tanner with a nod toward the bathroom.

Randy chuckled, "Probably a good idea. Be right back."

Tanner watched, amusement on his face as Randy unfastened his pants and stripped on his way to the bathroom. Once his clothes dropped to the floor, Randy almost sprinted through the door. Tanner immediately heard water running and a few heartbeats later, Randy was back and pulled him to his feet.

"You sure, Tanner? We don't have to do this," started Randy.

"Shutup and lay on the bed you big dumb jock. And get your ass ready for a thorough eating."

Randy shot Tanner a grin and crawled onto the bed. Tanner watched as his hard ass flexed with movement, his athletic body never failing to entice Tanner. He watched as Randy slowly lowered his chest to the bed while his ass was in the air, his knees spread wide to give Tanner better access.

Tanner crawled up the bed and grabbed Randy's melon shaped butt in his hands and opened his crack. Leaning down he enjoyed the dark hair curling from his crack, and the pink hole puckered at the base of the trench. As he leaned in, Tanner inhaled deeply, the scent of his lover setting off fireworks in his head. The mellow earthy tone was buried deep in the masculine smell of Randy. Tanner had been more than a little concerned about how he would react to Randy's butt, but it was nothing like what he'd imagined.

Leaning in he slowly tongued the base of Randy's scrotum. As he worked over the soft skin between Randy's spread legs, Tanner began to relax more with each swipe of his tongue, moving closer and closer to his ultimate goal. The slow build up was not only driving Randy wild with desire, it was evaporating the last of Tanner's hesitation. He moved his mouth to the top of Randy's ass, loving the taste and texture of it. As Tanner continued to explore these new sensations, he soon had Randy's trough of masculinity drenched, spit dripping off his boyfriend's nuts and onto the bed.

Tanner lifted off his lover, watching for a second as Randy's hole pulsed with need. Swirling his tongue in circles along Randy's crack, he slowly, so very slowly, zeroed in on his target. Finally reaching it, Tanner quickly flicked his tongue over Randy's flexing hole.

"Fuck! Oh shit! Yesss!", squealed Randy.

Tanner pulled up, cataloged his feelings, and realizing he was enjoying everything. It was the most intimate thing he could imagine, and the only detectible taste was simply distilled Randy. Moving back in again, he pressed his mouth against Randy's hole and licked it frantically. When Randy's squeals reached epic proportions, he knew it was time. Pressing his mouth against Randy's butt, Tanner's tongue darted out and speared Randy's hole.

Randy practically roared at the sensation, the tentative finger play the two had tried was nothing compared to the sensation of Tanner's hot tongue driving itself into his puckering butt. He tried to lay still on the bed, but the electric jolts emanating from his ass soon had him spread as widely as possible and pressing back against Tanner, wanting more and more.

Suddenly he felt Tanner's hand wrap around his throbbing cock and pull it down between his spread thighs. While Tanner continued to french his lover's hole, he started stroking Randy's thick, hard cock. As his stiffened tongue found its way into Randy's butt again and again, Randy was almost screaming with desire, his face buried in the pillow as he let out repeated cries as the passion built. Randy was incoherent with lust as Tanner stroked his dripping cock. His balls were already tight against his hard shaft when Randy felt Tanner press his face hard into his hairy crack, shoving his tongue deep inside. The extra bit of tongue up his ass drove Randy over the edge.

"Oh! Oh! Fuck!" screamed Randy into the pillow.

Randy erupted, his cock shooting on the bed as Tanner continued to lick and kiss at his hole. His body was overloaded with firing nerves as he shot volley after thick volley of cum onto the bed. With a final massive shiver, the last of his orgasm released Randy and he slumped against the bed.

"Oh shit. I've never come so hard. Look around down there for my balls, cause I think I shot them out," mumbled Randy.

Tanner chuckled, leaned down and planted a kiss on Randy's hip. "You are so fuck'n sexy," said Tanner.

Randy glanced over his shoulder and chuckled softly, "You just like me with my ass in the air."

Tanner grinned and then ran his finger down Randy's crack, teasing his hole again. A tremor ran through Randy's body as new sparks of desire flared inside him.

"You better stop that or I'll pin you down and have you eating my ass until I cum again," said Randy with a smirk.

"Hmm, sounds yummy. But how about we shower and grab something to eat before round two," said Tanner.

"Probably a good idea," said Randy with a grin.


After spending the day reacquainting themselves with each others bodies, Randy and Tanner left to spend time at Tanner's parent's ranch, which was located a few hours south of the university. They were both excited to be together again, but knew they had to watch their displays of affection since Tanner wasn't ready to come out to his parents. While there was some work Tanner's dad needed help with, the pair also had quite a bit of free time to relax.

Their return ride from a routine pasture check had somehow turned into another competition. Randy topped the hill, his horse almost sitting down as it spun on its hindquarter, and raced into the wooded valley. Randy could hear Tanner whooping behind him as they galloped toward the ranch. Randy might not have been experienced riding Quarter horses a few months ago, but his athletic body had quickly adapted to the quick little ranch horses.

Rounding the last thicket of trees, he crouched across the horse in an attempt to beat Tanner back to the corral. He could hear hoof beats close behind him as Tanner closed the distance. Urging his horse to greater speeds, determined to win this time since he had already cheated with a head start. But by the time they had covered all but the final 100 yards, they were neck and neck and Tanner was flat against his big stallion. Randy couldn't understand how Tanner could get that horse to move so fast. Randy had ridden him too, but had lost even then. As he saw the opening in the metal fence fast approaching, Tanner sudden shot ahead of him, winning their impromptu race.

Randy brought his horse to a sliding stop and then let him walk slowly over to Tanner's mount. Positioning his horse close to Tanner's, Randy quickly leaned in and stole a kiss.

"Hey!" hissed Tanner, "My folks could see us."

"They went to town, remember? Nobody here but us boys," said Randy.

Tanner looked around quickly and then took off for the stables. A split second later Randy's horse leapt to follow. Dismounting, they quickly unsaddled their cooperative partners and, after a cool down walk, had them brushed and bedded down. Walking back into the alleyway, Randy felt strong arms wrap around his chest and hold him tight. He twisted until the two of them were face to face.

"Hey, good-look'n," said Randy with a smile.

Tanner leered at Randy and shoved him against the hay stacked opposite the stalls. Pinning his lover against the bales, he leaned in and bit down on Randy's neck, sucking and biting as his hands urgently explored Randy's body. He pushed Randy's shirt up, loving the feel of his lightly textured chest. Leaning in he sank his teeth into Randy's neck again, matching the spot, wanting to mark his man.

"Oh jeez! Get a freak'n room would you!"

Tanner and Randy flew apart. Both frightened for the second it took to recognize that it was Jo who had caught them.

"Sorry, Jo. We forgot you were here. I guess we got a little carried away," said Tanner as he tried to catch his breath, trying not to think about what would happen if Jo had come along ten minutes later.

"A little? I've known girls that had to get married and got less action than you two just now," said Jo with a grin.

Randy chuckled, "I'd let him marry me to make an honest man out of me."

Tanner's head snapped to look at Randy, but before he could formulate a reply, Jo responded to Randy.

"Oh you know you're safe in Oklahoma. They wouldn't know marriage equity in this state if it bit them in the ass," said Jo. As soon as the words were out, she regretted them, even if she was just teasing Randy. She didn't mean to remind her brother or his boyfriend about their second-class citizen status in the state. The silence stretched out for an uncomfortable length of time before Randy walked over and grabbed Jo in a hug.

"It's ok. I know you were just messing with us," said Randy.

Tanner patted Jo on the back and agreed, "It's ok, sis. We were all just goof'n."

"I know, it's just stupid that they are so freak'n backward about it," said Jo.

Tanner patted his sister again, and then they all headed to the house without another word. As they went through the door, they walked to their respective bedrooms to clean up before their parents got back from town.

Tanner and Randy walked into Tanner's room and sat side-by-side on the bed. They remained silent, thinking about what had happened in the stables with Jo walking in on them.

"We need to be more careful," said Tanner.

"I know, babe. We will be," said Randy. Leaning in he kissed Tanner lightly on the cheek, "You just make me so hot. I want you so bad."

Tanner chuckled and pushed his lover back on the bed, straddled his chest, and leaned down to kiss Randy passionately. Breaking the kiss he looked at Randy and grinned. "You'll make it until we're back at our apartment. Its only a few days."

After a few moments, Randy felt Tanner begin to grind his crotch against him. "Hey, stud. You too! No dry humping the boyfriend."

Tanner laughed and rolled off Randy, his hard cock obviously straining inside his jeans. Rolling on his side he leaned over to kiss his boyfriend, and a slight gasp escaped from Tanner. Randy turned to look at his lover, and saw a look of concern on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Ahh, you might have a hicky," said Tanner.

"What!" said Randy as he jumped off the bed and raced to the mirror on Tanner's wall. Turning his head he saw a quarter sized purple spot on his neck. Turning to Tanner with a look of concern. "What're we going to do? If you don't want them to know then we have a problem."

"Come on, let's see if Jo has any ideas," said Tanner as he pulled Randy to his sister's room. Knocking furiously at her door, he waited impatiently for her to open the door. It opened suddenly and Jo was standing in the doorway, looking slightly irritated at the interruption.


Wordlessly Tanner pointed to the bruise on Randy's neck. After a moment of silence, Jo broke into a giggle. "That's impressive, brother. Dang impressive. I suppose you want me to save your sorry rear-end and do something so Mom and Dad won't notice."

Tanner smiled, knowing Jo was going to help or she wouldn't be teasing. "Yes, Jo. Please."

Jo chuckled and motioned them into her room. She seated Randy in front of her dresser and turned the light so she could see his neck clearly. Looking down she rifled through her makeup and finally found the bottle she was looking for. Turning back to the guys, she looked at Tanner and winked. Going to work, she soon had the spot covered, with only a slight variation in color marking the previously vibrant spot.

Randy turned, looking at his neck and then turned back to Tanner. "Well?"

Tanner stepped closer, turning Randy's head and looking at the mark from a variety of angles. Finally he relaxed. "Yeah, I think it'll be fine."

"Of course it will be fine. I did it!" said Jo indignantly.

Laughing softly, both boys gave Jo a hug and then turned to go back to their room. As they were going out of the door Jo grabbed Randy's arm, stuck the makeup in his hand and winked. Randy paused for a second and realized he would need more cover-up later.

The rest of the day went well, and Jo's makeup job apparently worked since there were no comments about Randy's neck, although Tanner did think his mother shot him a puzzled look at one point, but it was gone in an instant. That evening at dinner the conversation was warm and friendly. Tanner's initial concern about the hicky on Randy was subsiding until he looked up to see a twinkle in Jo's eyes while they were enjoying dessert. He started chewing on his lip as the smile spread across her face.

Jo turned to their dad, "You know, Dad. I thought I heard the studs screaming last night."

Randy started choking on his food, trying to see Jo's face but was unsuccessful. Turning he saw that Tanner was studying his sister with a twisted lip. Their dad gave Jo a puzzled look.

"I don't think so. They aren't even next to each other, I don't see how they could be after each other," said Tanner's dad.

"Oh, it sounded like they were right on top of each other," said Jo innocently.

"No, that's not possible. I checked them this afternoon and there were no bites."

"You sure?" asked Jo innocently, "Because I could of sworn that the bigger one had a big bite on his neck."

Randy and Tanner were both sending searing looks at Tanner's sister, wondering what the hell she was doing.

"Mark, you might want to check them again," said Tanner's mom with a look that said this conversation was not what she wanted at her dinner table.

With a smile from Jo and silent sighs of relief from Tanner and Randy, the conversation shifted to the impending beginning of classes and what was happening with all three youngsters. Soon they were all heading for bed, and another frustrating night of hands-off for Randy and Tanner for fear that they would draw more attention to themselves.


Their week on the ranch was coming to a close. Randy had several days of lacrosse practice and Tanner needed to do some prep work for his classes this semester since the professor had given them assignments that were due the first day of class. They were leaving in a few hours, but had agreed they wanted to take a last horseback ride before they left. So, with everything packed and ready to go, Randy found himself in one of the more remote parts of the ranch, following Tanner on a ride he'd insisted they take.

Randy watched as Tanner's tight ass and meaty thighs moved in time with his mount. The more he was with Tanner, the more things he found attractive. But it didn't hurt that he was a nice guy, someone Randy could see spending the rest of his life with. Randy was startled out of his revelry when his horse came to a sudden stop. Looking up he saw Tanner grinning back at him.

"What's up?" said Randy.

"Come up here, I wanna show you something."

Randy guided his horse beside Tanner's until he was looking at the tableau before them. It was a vignette overlooking a small valley. It was similar to a hundred other spots, but Randy could see this was somehow special. The thickets of trees formed islands of sculptural abstraction with their bare winter branches playing against the tan dormant grasses. At the bottom, Randy could just make out a small creek. As his horse settled next to Tanner's he reached over and ran his hands over Tanner's back.

"This is a cool place," said Randy with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't know why but this has always been my favorite spot on the place. I'd love to build my house up here someday. The creek has water even in the summer, it comes from a spring a little ways up the ravine," said Tanner with a smile.

Randy surveyed the area and grinned back at him. "Yup, I could live here."

Tanner leaned over, meeting Randy half way as their lips pressed against each other. Randy let his hand trail up the back of Tanner's head, cupping it in his hand as he leaned in to kiss Tanner again. Their lips were separated by a fraction of an inch when they heard the rhythmic sound of a horse galloping toward them. They quickly moved apart, turning to see who had discovered them.

When Jo's grinning face topped the hill, Randy quietly whispered to Tanner, "Your sister is a cock blocker if ever there was one."

Tanner laughed softly as he watched Jo barreling toward them on her horse. He didn't need to think about it too much to realize he was in complete agreement with Randy about Jo, he was ready for some private time too.


Classes had started, meaning Tanner and Randy's time was completely consumed. But they made an effort to at least spend some time together each day even if it was a few quiet minutes while they were both in bed, because between Randy's lacrosse practice and Tanner's heavy course load, they were stretched thin.

Tanner was enjoying what had somehow become their cuddling station, both of them wedged into the big overstuffed chair. The close personal contact seemed to work for both of them. If either of them needed to do more than reading assignments, then they separated. But both young men enjoyed the closeness, and the ability to lean in for a kiss whenever the mood struck.

Randy stretched, letting one hand alight on Tanner's neck and started rubbing. "I think it's break time, don't you agree it's break time, babe? Yeah, definitely time for a little break. Yup, I think we need-" Randy was silenced when Tanner slapped his hand over Randy's mouth.

Tanner grinned at Randy, enjoying the twinkle in his eyes and knowing he was in a playful mood. "Ok, but you have to let me finish this page. Then we can get a snack, or whatever," said Tanner with a grin.

"What are you reading?" asked Randy.

"The reading assignment for the second biology class, it's more mitosis stuff. Not hard, just a review mostly."

Randy nestled against Tanner and got a serious look on his face. "I've been thinking . . ."

"Did it hurt?" said Tanner with a grin, but when he turned to look at Randy he saw this was a serious conversation. "Ok babe, what about."

"My major. I've been thinking about changing to Animal Science," said Randy.

Tanner pushed himself upward so they were not so physically entangled when they had this conversation. "Ok, but they don't offer it here. State has the Animal Science program."

"Yeah, I know." Randy paused for what seemed to be a very long time before he continued. "I was thinking I could go to State with you."

Emotions whirled through Tanner at the thought. This was a major commitment. Were they really a long-term couple? He knew what he thought, but he wasn't sure about Randy. Randy had proposed it though. Also, what would happen to Randy's lacrosse? Tanner knew how important it was to him. With all these questions and more whirling around his head he realized that Randy was watching and waiting for a response.

"I would love that, Randy. But what about your scholarships and lacrosse."

"Well I'd have to find a job. But if you're in vet school I'd need to wait anyway so slowing down wouldn't be bad. And yeah, State's lacrosse is division 2, but I could still play. Playing college lacrosse is the important part for me," said Randy.

Tanner was afraid. This was a first test of their newborn relationship, and he wasn't very comfortable with the implications. Not that he didn't think he and Randy were made for each other, but it was all so new. As a couple they were new; living their sexuality was new; having more people know, that would be a huge step when they took it.

Randy could tell his announcement had shook Tanner. He was so in love with Tanner than it never occurred to him that they wouldn't spend the rest of their lives together. They'd known each other for two years, he knew straight couples who were married and had known each other for a lot less time. He scolded himself for dropping this bomb on Tanner without more explanation.

He pulled Tanner from his perch on the arm of the chair and held him in his arms. "Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to freak you out. I was just thinking out loud."

"I want to, Randy. I want the whole white picket fence and two point five kids that's the dream. I guess I'm just scared."

Randy kissed Tanner on the forehead, squeezed him tight and then pulled back so he was looking directly into Tanner's eyes. "I love you, Tanner. And I'll do whatever it takes to convince you of that."

He snuggled against Randy with a contented smile, knowing that Randy wasn't expecting a reply and suddenly felt much better about everything.

Randy kissed Tanner just along the hairline and then burrowed his nose into his boyfriend's hair.

"Besides," started Randy with a chuckle, "Dad will be happy to hear he was right."

Tanner popped up with a look of concern across his face. "What'da you mean?"

"Nothing, just that Dad said I should give you time to get use to things before I sprung anything new on you. But, of course, I didn't listen."

"Your dad knows? When did you tell him? Why did you do that without talking to me?" asked Tanner, panic starting to build.

"Tanner, he's happy for us. It was no big deal."

"But what if he tells my parents? I don't want to think what might happen. What if they yanked me back home? They help support me!"

"Tanner, calm down. He lives a thousand miles from here, and even if they were neighbors, Dad is good with secrets."

"Randy, I just can't let my parents find out. Not now anyway. I just can't. Jo's already figured it out, but I can't . . ."

"Don't worry, babe. No one's going to out you. We can do all this at your speed, I promise," said Randy.

"Ok, yeah. Sorry, I just-," stammered Tanner.

"Tanner, relax. It's all good. We're good," said Randy.

Tanner shuddered slightly, his arms wrapped around his chest. "I know you want more, but so much stuff could go wrong. I know you keep saying it will be ok, but what if it doesn't? What if they throw me out?"

Randy trapped Tanner's face between his rough hands, "Tanner, I'm sorry I've upset you. It wasn't intentional. And when you want to tell your parents is up to you. If it doesn't go well, then just remember we're in this together. If I have to work to get you through school I will. Now come here and cuddle with me. I believe we were about to start making out before I started talking too much."

Tanner paused for a few moments and then let out a soft chuckle and relaxed against Randy. "Yes, we were going to take a little study break, weren't we?"

Tanner leaned in, pressing his lips against Randy's and soon the recent conversation was the furthest thing from either of their minds.


Tanner looked through the information again. It wasn't like this was the first time he'd seen it, but he wanted their first time to be amazing. He had started trying to loosen himself up like the instructions said, but so far the most he could take without pain was one finger. When his fingers started slipping in, his ass just slammed shut. Tanner was hoping that it would be easier if Randy was working on him, instead of doing it to himself.

Tanner didn't think there would be any problem getting Randy to try a little finger play. He practically begged Tanner to rim him every chance he got. Once Tanner had even managed to get Randy to come from just tongue action. But he really wanted to take it a little further. As much as he was a typical 19 year old with surging hormones, Tanner wanted to make sure they were both satisfied. He thought the two of them balanced things pretty well, and Tanner wanted to keep things that way.

He'd made a stop at the drugstore and picked up a few things, just to be prepared. Tanner had felt a little odd, picking up several kinds of lube. But the guy who had checked him out didn't even bat an eye. Tanner looked over the selection of lubricants he'd bought and had to chuckle. He'd been pretty optimistic; they could probably fuck for months with this much stuff. The articles had been pretty clear though, the more lube the better; and the less 'discomfort', although that sounded ominous enough to Tanner.

Tanner couldn't help but get a little melancholy, spring break was coming in a few weeks, and while neither he nor Randy had obligations for once, they didn't have the money to go skiing in Colorado or to Padre Island with their friends. In his case, if he wasn't going somewhere, then his parents expected him to come home and work. So they wouldn't even get a chance to spend much time together. Tanner refused to get depressed about spring break, they would get plenty of time together later, just not this time.

As he stored away the last of the supplies, he heard Randy's familiar footsteps up the stairs to their apartment. At the simple sounds of his boyfriends approach, Tanner started to smile. They'd been together for months, but he still couldn't believe Randy, hot steamy athletic jock Randy, wanted to be with him. But he did, and Tanner certainly wasn't going to ask why, well not again anyway.

After a few minutes he realized it was taking Randy a really long time to get up the stairs, and he was making an awful racket. Tanner walked over and opened the door to see Randy struggling up the stairs with a duffle bag big enough to hold both of them. Tanner stood looking at the scene before him in disbelief, until Randy snapped him out of it.

"No, no, I've got it. Don't muss your pretty little nails there cowboy," said Randy.

Tanner chuckled and grabbed the end of the bag. Between the two of them they quickly had it into their apartment, where it took up a good portion of the room. Randy tugged the bag to one side, and then let it drop. He stood up and grinned at Tanner as he rotated his aching shoulders.

"There we go! Got it taken care of," said Randy, his smile so large it was infectious.

"We got what taken care of? What the hell is in there? You could hide several bodies in that bag," said Tanner with a chuckle.

"Spring break, dumb ass. This is our spring break trip," said Randy.

"Really?" said Tanner tentatively, "You hiding me in the bag and shipping me to Fuji or something?"

"No! We're going camping! I love to camp, and you've talked about how beautiful the Ouachita Mountains are. So I borrowed this stuff from one of my lacrosse buddies. He said it's got all the stuff we need," said Randy as he beamed at Tanner.

"You know, spring break is in March. It might be pretty cold. You sure you want to spend it in a tent?"

"Absolutely! We're going to have a blast," said Randy enthusiastically.

Tanner knelt beside the bag and started pulling out equipment. After he'd pulled out the third cast-iron skillet, he began to laugh. "Who did you borrow this from? They have way more crap than we need. There's stuff in here that we wouldn't need unless we were trying to furnish a cabin."

"Brad loaned it to me. He said it had everything we would need."

Tanner chuckled as he hauled out a solar shower and showed it to Randy. As they went through the contents, they realized they could narrow it down to the few things they needed, and leave the rest in the garage. But after their amusement at the bottomless bag of camping stuff, Tanner stepped around the bag and grabbed Randy, planting a huge kiss on his lips. "Thanks! I was just getting all cranky because I was going to have to go home and work over the break. I think a week of camping in the mountains sounds great."

Tanner let his hands slide around Randy's neck, his lips started nibbling his musky skin. Randy sighed softly but then pulled back slightly. "It's not like I don't wanna have some fun time, but how did we go from camping to heavy petting in two-point-five seconds?" asked Randy.

Tanner looked down, feeling a little foolish. "Sorry, I guess I was horny thinking about all the stuff I just bought at the store."

"Stuff, what kind of stuff?" said Randy as a smile threatening to break his face.

"Lube . . . "said Tanner quietly, his face flushing.

"Cool! I'm ready to play," said Randy.

Tanner looked up just in time for Randy to kiss him, their lips slid over each other as their excitement grew at the thoughts of a new sexual exploration. Their lust filled systems were racing toward hard passionate lovemaking, but each of them knew they had to take care of their lover. Their hormones dictated the opening moments as their clothes flew to all corners of the room as they frantically pawed each other.

Tanner knelt in front of Randy, pulling down his tight underwear and enjoying the thin trail of wet precum that was trailing down his briefs. As he released Randy's cock, it swung in a long arc and hit Tanner on the cheek with a wet sound. Grinning maniacally, Tanner grabbed Randy's stiff cock and took the head between his lips, gripping Randy's ass tightly as he plunged the hard dick deeper and deeper. Since his first experience, he had learned how to relax more, and usually could take Randy's full length down his throat. This time though, he was happy with less, Randy was horny enough that his cock was swollen to new proportions. As his cock disappeared over and over again, Tanner could feel his lover's body begin to tremble. Pulling back slowly, he released Randy's cock from his mouth with a final lick.

Tanner stood, wiped the saliva from his face, then yanked Randy against him, their hard wet cocks sliding over each other. Tanner intertwined his fingers in Randy's hair and gently pulled his head back, fastening his teeth to Randy's muscular neck and biting down softly.

"Oh fuck," sighed Randy, "You have all year to stop do'n that."

Tanner continued sucking and biting on Randy's neck, enjoying his dominance over his hot man, loving how responsive his lover was to his touch. Tanner enjoyed taking charge, just in this one thing, but Randy seemed to enjoy the role too. Tanner let his free hand glide over Randy's chest, enjoying the textures as if they were newly discovered. With a gentle shove he pushed Randy face first onto the bed. Tanner chuckled as Randy squirmed, grinding his crotch against the sheet as he waited impatiently for Tanner to continue. Tanner leaned down and slapped Randy lightly on his furry butt, and was rewarded for his effort with a deep groan.

Tanner wrapped his hand around own cock and stroked it slowly and then swatted Randy again. "Get up on your knees, I have plans for that hot ass tonight."

Randy responded by bounding to his knees, his hips swaying slowly as he spread his legs wider, ready and waiting for what came next. Tanner pulled out the recently stocked drawer and looked through the variety of lubes, deciding an old standard was the best way to start. Squeezing the thick clear gel onto his finger he moved behind Randy, put his hand in the small of his back and held him in place. Looking between his spread cheeks, Tanner saw Randy's pink hole winking at him. Reaching down, he smeared the glob of lubricant over Randy's ass and then stroked it slowly, teasing over his hole as the hair matted down.

"Oh shit! Fuck yeah, that feels so good. More, fuck give me more, babe," groaned Randy.

Tanner smiled and worked the tip of his finger into Randy, swirling it slowly around his hole, pushing deeper as Randy's response was nothing but pleasure. As he buried his index finger inside Randy, he paused to give him time to adjust to the intruder. Randy did adjust, almost instantaneously as he began pushing back, wanting more. Tanner began slowly finger fucking him, his finger gliding easily into the hot recesses of his ass.

"Oh fuck'n hell! That feels amazing. I'm tingling from my fucking toes to the end of my hair. Oh god, babe. Give it to me."

Tanner let his finger be pushed out, and watched as Randy moaned with disappointment as his ass emptied. Tanner grabbed the tube and squeezed out another healthy blob of lube, and coated two fingers. Pressing his intertwined fingers against Randy's hole, he began pressing in, feeling the muscles stretch as his thick fingers slowly forced their way into his gut. Several minutes passed as Tanner slowly and carefully opened his lover, so turned on that his own cock was dripping precum over his leg, but wanting the experience to be a good one for Randy. He knew that this was new ground for them both.

As he held the two fingers still, he gently caressed Randy with his free hand. His lover, crouched on the bed panting and loving begin finger fucked, was one of the hottest things Tanner had ever seen. Randy's entire body was responding to the sensations, his muscles rippled with cascading waves of pleasure that moved through his body. Tanner was enthralled by the scene before him, amazed at Randy's response.

Remembering the online discussion about fingering your lover's hot button, Tanner slowly started finger-fucking Randy, watching as the big jock panted and moaned as his sexual timbre built. His ass clenched tight, gripping Tanner's fingers in an iron grip as his butt convulsed again and again. Pulling almost completely out, Tanner teased the tips of his fingers just inside Randy's smooth hole as he rotated his hand.

Gliding back in, he probed for Randy's prostate, trying to find the sweet spot inside his lover. Suddenly he bumped against a hard spot, and Randy's response was unbelievable. It was as if he were suddenly afire with passion. Grunting and moaning, Randy was reduced to a sexual animal as Tanner stroked his sweet spot again. Tanner could feel it growing as Randy's now impending orgasm barreled toward a finale, and again ran his slick fingers over the spot. The touch was too much for Randy, cum exploded from his cock, thick pools quickly forming as his body emptied itself, Randy's ass clamping down on Tanner's fingers.

Tanner continued to stroke Randy's prostate, grinning at the response he'd gotten from his lover. The feel of his sweaty muscular body straining under his touch as round after round of semen flooded from his dick was sweet reward for Tanner. He never considered himself to be a great lover, so each time Randy responded so forcefully, it was a wonderful reward for Tanner. Finally feeling the last ripple of orgasm travel through Randy's body, he slowly slid his fingers out of his still clasping ass.

He gently and lovingly ran his hands over Randy's body as they enjoyed a few moments of bonding. Randy slowly fell to his side, his face still red with exertion and passion, but he smiled lovingly at Tanner and reached up to touch his face gently.

"Oh crap, babe. You make me feel amazing," said Randy softly.

"Good, I'm glad," said Tanner with a grin.

Randy grabbed a towel and threw it over the pool of cum. Grabbing Tanner's arms he pulled the cowboy down to him, kissing him hard.

"My turn now," said Randy with a grin.

Tanner smiled, but it was with some worry that he felt Randy begin to run his hands over his ass. But as the gentle touches continued, Tanner was able to relax. Eventually he felt Randy roll him onto his back.

"Pull your legs up, and relax," said Randy as he kissed down Tanner's neck.

Tanner looked down at himself, heels against his ass, granite hard cock levitating above his stomach and leaking precum. He felt very exposed and vulnerable, but somehow Randy made him feel safe. As he relaxed against his boyfriend, he felt Randy move, covering one finger with slick gel. The thought of the discomfort he'd felt when he'd tried fingering himself caused him to clench his ass muscles.

"Relax, Tanner. I promise I'm not going to hurt you," whispered Randy in his ear.

Willing himself to unwind, Tanner was finally able to release his muscles. As soon as he relented, he felt the ball of Randy's finger glide along the rim of his asshole. Tanner focused on the feelings it generated, and started to understand what Randy had enjoyed so much. Time was suspended as his lover brought him pleasure different than any he'd experienced before. The ripples of indulgence seemed to flow from his core, surrounding him with amazing sensations. Gradually Randy's finger probed deeper and deeper, finding new spots that Tanner had never known. The pleasure far outweighed the small jolts of pain that occasionally shot through Tanner's ass.

Trying to repeat what Tanner had done to him, Randy covered two fingers with lube and began working Tanner's backdoor. As he eased through the first gateway, he looked up to see a grimace of pain playing across Tanner's face. Pausing, he watched for a few seconds, then let his fingers slip back out slightly. Randy kissed Tanner's taut stomach, feeling the light covering of hair and silky skin covering solid muscle, willing Tanner to relax again.

"You ok?" Randy asked finally.

"It's ok, go ahead," said Tanner with a valiant smile.

"Did it hurt?"

"Maybe, a little."

"Then we need to slow down, I don't want to hurt you," said Randy with concern tinting his voice.

"Ok, that's probably a good idea," said Tanner, relieved that Randy was not upset.

Randy smiled and let his fingers slip out, his fingers traveling up and down Tanner's ass crack, coating the hair with slick gel as he teased his hole with each pass. Twisting himself on the bed, he took Tanner's cockhead between his lips and began cleaning it of the coating of precum.

As Randy sank Tanner's thick cock into his mouth, he firmly pushed his finger inside until the first joint of his finger was again inside of Tanner. Moving his finger in small circles, he slowly moved his head up and down Tanner's cock. He soon had Tanner twisting on the bed as he sunk his finger deeper inside his ass. He began to slowly finger fuck Tanner while he sucked his cock, trying to find the magic button that Tanner had used to drive him insane.

"Oh shit, that feels good," gasped out Tanner.

Randy grinned as he found what he thought he was looking for. Stroking his finger over a firm spot, he soon had Tanner thrashing under him. The combination of mouth and finger sent Tanner plunging over the edge. He grabbed Randy's head and was bucking in and out of his mouth as his seed raced for release. Randy relaxed, wanting the bellyful of man juice that he knew was going to be delivered. Tanner gave a final thrust into Randy's mouth and then began emptying his balls.

Randy felt the flood of cum rush into this mouth. Swallowing quickly he tried to contain the torrent, but as usual with Tanner, the volume was immense. Randy soon had white trails of cum running down his face as Tanner bucked into his mouth. The flow quickly subsided though, until Tanner relaxed against the bed with a soft sigh. Randy let his finger slide out slowly and then carefully licked remnants of semen from Tanner's cock. After enjoying the last drop, Randy crawled up the bed and lay on his side, gently running his hand up Tanner's side.

Tanner's eyes had drifted shut as he recovered from the orgasm. With Randy's touch, they fluttered open and a wide smile quickly covered his face.

"That was amazing," said Tanner.

Randy burst out into a hardy laugh. "What was so far beyond amazing that it isn't even funny. I've never felt anything that good before. Shit, your fingers up my ass felt so good."

Tanner smiled, leaned over and kissed Randy. "Good! That's what I was going for."


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Next: Chapter 4

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