Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Dec 12, 2012


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.


Randy could hear the sound of Tanner's boots coming up the stairs to their apartment. He knew they had to have the talk he was dreading, and he knew Tanner was well aware something was wrong. He just couldn't bring himself to actually say the words, 'I'm gay'. They just wouldn't come out of his mouth. Even though they had been back at the university for several days now, but he hadn't worked up the courage. He hadn't had this much trouble telling his dad. He had never lacked self- confidence before, but if Tanner distanced himself, Randy wasn't sure how he could deal with it. Still wrapped in the shroud of depression, Randy heard the door open and Tanner drop his books on the table.

Tanner took one look at Randy and said, "Ok, spill it. This has gone on long enough."

Randy jumped, Tanner's demand neatly skewering all of his arguments to wait. Randy felt like he was about to vomit. This was going to be the most important 10-second announcement of his life. Gathering his resolve, he decided to stop putting it off. Randy pushed himself off the bed where he had been studying, stood, and turned to face Tanner, his arms shoved dejectedly in his pockets. Tanner saw the sad, almost desperate, look on Randy's face and became even more concerned.

"I'm gay," said Randy finally.

Randy watch as Tanner froze in place, his face expressionless. Silence filled the room until Randy thought the stress would tear him apart. Fear and anxiety built and morphed, creating horrible emotional monsters that began consuming Randy as the unfamiliar self-doubt curled around his body. Finally he saw Tanner begin to move, his face becoming mobile, then the entire world twisted for Randy.

Tanner jumped and did a fist pump with a whoop that people heard for blocks. Randy stood in utter shock as his roommate danced around the room cheering at the top of his lungs. Of all the scenarios he'd imagined, a frantically happy Tanner was never one of them. As he stared, and the exhibition continued, his hands fell limply to his sides and his mouth hung open in shock. With a final bounce, Tanner landed in front of Randy and grabbed him in a bear hug that had Randy's back popping.

"Damnit! Let me go you crazy man! What the hell!"

Tanner released Randy and stopped in front of him with a grin splitting his face from edge to edge. Tanner started flapping his arms again, trying to form words, until he had Randy chuckling in amusement.

"What the hell?" said Randy with a chuckle. "What's crawled up your ass?"

Tanner grabbed Randy in another tight squeeze and then stepped back, panting.

"I'm gay too! And I was afraid to tell you since I figured you'd want to move out rather than live with a gay guy and I couldn't stand losing the best friend I've ever had," said Tanner with a huge smile on his face.

"What? Wait a minute! You're gay too?" said Randy as he tried to comprehend.

"Yeah buddy! I love men. I prefer bulls to heifers, boars to gilts, roosters to -"

Randy put his hand over Tanner's mouth, ignoring the tingle that ran up his arm. "Enough of the witty hillbilly thing! I get the picture. I just never dreamed you'd be gay. I was worried too, I couldn't stand the idea of losing you as a friend."

"And look at my big stud lacrosse-playing roommate! I thought you'd beat me with one of your precious sticks if you found out I was gay," said Tanner with a chuckle.

The two men fall silent, staring into each other's eyes, both wondering where this put them, but neither of them willing to push the question right now. Suddenly their relief washed over them and they found themselves in a warm embrace. Stepping back, both men had a slight glisten to their eyes as a multitude of emotions washed over them. Finally they separated and held each other at arms length.

"Come on, let's get supper fixed," said Tanner.

Randy nodded in agreement, "That sounds like a great idea, and I won't even bitch if you make fried potatoes."

Tanner laughed, reached over and popped Randy on the stomach, "They'll make you fat!"

"Whatever!" retorted Randy.


Fred had been startled when the loud noise erupted from the apartment over his head. He'd stepped into the garage to put away his gardening tools just before it sounded like a small war broke out above him. He listened to the outburst for a second and then chuckled as he headed to the house. Jenny had been right again. Yes indeed, Jenny was always right. Those two were going to be a cute couple.


The revelation they had shared with each other consumed the weekend as they began talking about a part of their lives they had never been able to share with anyone before. Their friendship served as the foundation for the many long conversations that weekend. The relief of finding someone they could completely relax with was an amazing feeling for both of them.

The subconscious sexual attraction between the two added an unusual spice to the conversation. Inadvertent touches, combined with typical teenage rough housing, had left both men lusting for more, but there was no question of anything happening. Neither was willing to think they had a chance with the other. They both thought the other man was far out of their league. But in spite of their avoidance, eventually the conversation naturally moved to more intimate information.

"So, how many guys have you been with?" asked Randy with a quiet grin.

Tanner blushed slightly, then shook his head, "None, I was always too afraid of getting caught. I was afraid of what my family'd say. They're pretty conservative."

"Your parents seemed pretty accepting though, I bet it'd be fine," said Randy with a serious look on his face.

Tanner quickly diverted the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic. "Who knows you're gay?"

"Just you and my Dad, I told him over the summer. I was lucky, he was fine with it, said he'd been wondering if I wasn't," said Randy.

Tanner nodded, and then grinned, "And how many guys have you been with?"

It was Randy's turn to redden. His cheeks almost glowed as he thought about the fumbling exchanges he and Blake had experienced. Tanner watched his face darken to crimson and started laughing.

"Just as I thought, a boy in every port. Played the field did you?" teased Tanner.

"No, no. Nothing that exciting. Just one guy, and we only fooled around a little," said Randy as his face started to cool.

"What have you done?" asked Tanner, enjoying his role as voyeur.

Randy's face again started to redden, suddenly he felt like an awkward adolescent instead of a 19-year-old man. "You know, just." Randy made a jacking motion with his hand.

"Ah yes, I've done plenty of that myself," said Tanner with a snicker.

Randy cracked up laughing and threw a pillow at his friend. "You perv!"

Tanner blew a razzberry at Randy and grinned unrepentantly.


Sitting in the stadium, Tanner was freezing his nuts off. He'd got tickets weeks ago for the State game, but he was starting to regret his decision. The October weather had decided to do what Oklahoma weather did constantly; it changed. What was 60 degrees and sunny a few days earlier had become a miserable cold drizzle and Tanner hadn't dressed for it. Just to make it worse, Randy had been smart enough to bring a sleeping bag, and was toasty warm next to him snuggled in the down filled bag.

"You cold?" said Randy.

"No, I'm fucking great," muttered Tanner through chattering teeth.

Randy laughed at his roomie and then started unzipping the bag. "Come on, this thing is huge, and we'll keep each other warm too."

"We're in the middle of a crowd! What if . . . ," said Tanner, looking around.

"Someone thinks we're gay?" said Randy with a quiet snicker.

Tanner laughed and without another word helped Randy work the stubborn zipper down the side of the bag. With a lithe move, Tanner slipped into the bag beside Randy. After a little struggling, and some laughter from the people around them, they got it zipped back. Randy's body heat soon had Tanner warm enough that he stop shivering and they both refocused on the game.

Tanner was actually fairly excited about the game itself. State almost always lost, the game was a huge rivalry, and the stats were certainly against them this year. But to everyone's shock, this time they were winning, and by a substantial margin. As another orange jersey ran a football into the end zone, Tanner couldn't keep himself from a triumphant leap of joy. But the forgotten sleeping bag stopped him almost immediately, and he fell against Randy. As the two thrashed to extract themselves, Tanner's hand inadvertently slid across Randy's crotch, and into his rock hard cock. Tanner jerked back as if he'd touched a live coal.

"Oh fuck, man! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" said Tanner.

"Shh, it's ok. That thing has a mind of its own sometimes, sorry," said Randy quietly.

Tanner tried to refocus on the game, but he kept remembering the feel of Randy's hard cock as his hand slid over it. Tanner was soon playing every scene of Randy nude or hard since they had been living together, and had his own cock throbbing and leaking precum. As he uncontrollably dwelt on his feelings about Randy, he couldn't help but notice each time they touched, and the wonderful scent of man that ran past his nose each time Randy shifted on the hard metal seats.

Soon Tanner was so involved in lusting over Randy that he almost missed the final field goal that won the game for State. When Randy turned and gave him a hug in celebration, Tanner thought he was going to explode in his pants. Fortunately, Randy released him just in time.

"Congratulation! Your team won!" said Randy softly, not wanting any of the disappointed fans to realized they had a traitor in their midst. Randy noticed that Tanner seemed to be gasping for air.

"You ok? You look kinda flushed," said Randy in concern.

Tanner tried to calm down, willing his rock hard cock to behave, and most importantly trying to keep from exploding in his pants. Finally pulling himself together, at least slightly, he gasped out an answer, "No, just a little over heated. Give me a sec."

"Oh hell, let me get this thing unzipped so you can cool off," said Randy with concern.

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in, and he realized he had to move fast or everyone around them was going to see his hard dick and the huge wet spot in his pants. "No! Wait! Just give me a second," said Tanner.

Randy stopped and watched Tanner, wondering what was going on. This wasn't like Tanner at all, but he was almost panting and his cheeks were cherry red. He also had a distant glazed look in his eyes that worried Randy.

Tanner pulled the unzipped part of the bag around him and felt the chilled rain fall down the neck of his shirt. The cold water rapidly did what he couldn't accomplish any other way, and his dick deflated, at least for the most part. He gave himself a few more seconds and then finished unzipping the bag, careful to keep part of it over his crotch to cover the wet spot. His activity caused him to miss Randy's quick adjustments as he hid where his own cock had been leaking.

With a minimum of additional drama, the two started back to their apartment. The freezing rain didn't encourage a leisurely stroll, but their conversation was on the safe subject of football by the time they arrived at their door. They huddled in the freezing rain while Randy worked to get his key into the ice-coated lock. Once they'd crossed that hurtle, they were both racing to change out of their wet clothes, and to hide the evidence of their earlier arousal. Tanner grabbed a pair of sweat pants from his bed and almost ran to the bathroom to change, while Randy took advantage of the unexpected privacy to strip off his pants and pull on the nearest pair of shorts. Just as he yanked them on, the bathroom door opened and Tanner walked back through with a wad of clothing that he tossed into the hamper.

"Wow, it was good to get out of those wet clothes! I was freezing my balls off," said Tanner.

"Yeah, I agree. Next time we'll just watch the game on TV if the weather is that bad," said Randy.

"Unless it's against State," said Tanner emphatically.

"Unless it's State," agreed Randy with a chuckle.

With that, both men began pulling together their books for an afternoon of studying. But as time passed, Tanner studied Randy more than his books. His cock was again hard as a rock and his desire for Randy was going off the charts. Suddenly it dawned on him, how did he know that Randy didn't want to date him? Jo had said that last summer Randy was checking him out, and it wasn't like he had to worry about him being straight. A small voice tried to warn him that it might not be good if Randy turned him down, but it was quickly shouted down by masses of testosterone coursing through Tanner's system. Finally arriving at a decision, Tanner got right to the point.

"Hey, you wanna go out some time?" said Tanner.

Randy turned and put his arm over the back of the chair and studied Tanner for a few seconds, "You mean like a date?"

"Yes . . ." said Tanner as suddenly the little voice became a screaming banshee telling him he had fucked up royally. His face began to redden as the silence stretched on for what seemed like hours.

"Sure," said Randy with a smile, "I'd like that."

Tanner thought his world would explode. Those few words had suddenly shifted his entire life path. Tanner had no idea where it was taking him, but he knew this was one of those moments he would remember for the rest of his life. As his elation moved into unbridled joy, he realized that Randy was talking again.

"One thing though . . ." said Randy with a serious look on his face.

"Ok," said Tanner, as he chewed his lip.

"Just because you're buying me dinner, doesn't mean I put out. I'm not easy ya know. And you are buying, 'cause you asked me out," said Randy with a smile.

A huge smile broke across Tanners face. "Yes, sir. Got it, I will treat you like the lad- gentleman you are."


As they walked back to their apartment, Randy wanted to take Tanner's hand and hold it like other couples would. He had been ecstatic when Tanner asked him on a date, because Randy had thought he'd never have a chance with Tanner. He was so incredibly handsome and it had shocked Randy for Tanner to ask him out. He knew he sat still for a long time as he tried to make sure he'd heard correctly. But it was his dream come true. Except this time he was Cinderfella, and he got the prince.

They could have sat on the edge of the sewer treatment plant for the date and Randy wouldn't have cared. Of course Tanner had picked a nice restaurant; a lot more expensive than their normal hangouts, not even a chain place. After their amazing meal, they had gone to the latest comic book makeover movie. No, the irony that two gay guys on a date would go see an action flick, wasn't lost on him. But the stereotypes just didn't fit them. They both preferred action movies to musicals, and Tanner knew that when he picked the movie. It had been a great success so far as Randy was concerned too. They had gotten into watching the movie, cheering the heroes and booing the villains. They had also managed to share a bucket of popcorn, and each time their hands touched Randy had felt a jolt run through his system. By the time the movie ended, what he really wanted to do was straddle Tanner's lap and make out. But he managed to maintain his decorum and not get arrested for public indecency.

Randy watched with a grin as Tanner tried to open the apartment door. Randy hoped that the slight tremor making the task more difficult was his fault. With an ornery grin he decided to put his theory to the test. He put his hand in the small of Tanner's back and ran it slowly up the young man's muscular back. He felt a shiver travel up Tanner's body, but Randy also underestimated the effect it would have on himself. As he felt the smooth muscular body of his date, his body quickly responded. With his fingers spread between Tanner's shoulder blades he lost himself in the hard flesh under his hand, almost missing the fact that Tanner had dropped his keys.

"Damnit, Randy! Stop that," said Tanner with exasperation in his voice.

"Sorry, honey," replied an unrepentant Randy.

Tanner grabbed his keys from the landing and quickly opened the door before Randy could start anything else. Stopping just inside the door, he turned and looked at Randy, rising slightly on his toes so they were eye to eye.

"In the movies this is where the girl asks the guy in for drinks, but we're underage, we both live here, and last time I checked neither of us was a girl," said Tanner with a grin and a bashful glance to the floor. When Randy didn't respond, Tanner looked back up, to see a smoldering look in his eyes.

As their eyes locked, Randy stepped in close and wrapped his arms around Tanner and pulled them tight against each other. Knowing his dreams were about to become reality, he savored the moment, looking at Tanner. He was surprised to see Tanner's cheeks flushed red and his lips looking very kissable. Randy surrendered himself to the moment and leaned in, pressing his lips against Tanner's. The touch of their lips ignited a fire in both of them. Randy's hands flew over Tanner's back, touching and feeling the man in his arms. As the desire calmed, Randy slowly pulled back, their lips separating with a soft pop and a gentle hissing sound as they both gasped for air.

"But we can still do the goodnight kiss . . ." said Randy with a rough voice once he had regained some control.

Tanner pulled him into the room, kicking the door shut behind them as he grabbed Randy's face between his hands. Leaning in, Tanner pressed his lips hard against Randy's as the passion of the moment overwhelmed him. Randy loved the feel of Tanner's work roughened hands against his face while their lips slid over each other, moans and gasps filling the tiny apartment. Even in the heat of the moment, Randy remembered that Tanner was a virgin, in all ways. So he didn't want to press things too far, wanting to leave Tanner with no regrets, but he thought they could go a little further.

Randy clasped Tanner's hands, pulling them to their sides. Smashing their lips against each other, Randy took Tanner's bottom lip in his teeth and teased it gently. When that resulted in a chorus of moans, he let his tongue slid along Tanner's lips. Tanner's mouth immediately opened, and Randy slipped his tongue deep inside Tanner's mouth.

The pair was lost in passion, each touch and caress building the lust inside them. Time seemed to stand still as they shared an intimate moment with each other. Their hands drifted over each other's bodies, muscle and masculinity intermingling with hormones and pheromones as their emotions built. Finally Randy slid his hands lower, grabbed Tanner's tight ass and squeezed it between his hands.

"Oh god!" moaned Tanner, "I'm so close to coming."

Randy stopped, and reluctantly moved his hands back to Tanner's waist. Leaning in he softly kissed the panting Tanner, who was looking very confused.

"Babe. I want your first time to be mind blowing. Let's cuddle and watch TV. Ok?" said Randy quietly, afraid Tanner might misinterpret his actions.

Tanner stood in a daze as his impending orgasm slowly subsided. The hands holding him, the kisses he had never had, it was all causing a whirlwind of emotions. He knew Randy was right; he didn't want his first time to end with him shooting in his pants. He looked up and smiled at Randy.

"You're right, it's ok. Let's watch some TV and cuddle," said Tanner. Grabbing Randy's hand, Tanner pulled him to sit on the couch, clicked on the TV, then snuggled against him. Randy put his arm around Tanner and pulled him tight against his chest. The warm loving embrace gave Tanner a warm sense of security as they settled in for a great ending to an amazing date.


Randy was suddenly awake, unsure what would have brought him out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night. He and Tanner had enjoyed their evening together, and Tanner seemed ok with Randy stopping them from going too far. Something had happened though, he was awake. Randy sat quietly, trying to work out the reason. As his senses extended into the room, he became aware of more and more. The hum of the fans, the rattle of leaves against the window, but then he heard a wet rhythmic noise.

Moving slowly, he turned his head, looked over, and smiled to see Tanner with his shorts tucked below his balls, his hand slowly jerking his thick cock. Randy watched entranced, enjoying the erotic show. Reaching down, he started squeezing his own rapidly growing cock as he watched his hot roommate slowly masturbate. Tanner's breathing was becoming rapid and Randy could tell he was close.

Suddenly Randy heard a loud grunt, and even in the dim room he could see the first squirt of cum shoot above Tanner and hit the wall. After the initial volley, his body seemed possessed, with stream after impressive stream coating Tanner with a thick layer of jizz. The scene almost set Randy off too, but as he edged closer and closer to his own fulfillment, he stopped.

Tanner was still panting softly in his bed, and Randy wanted so much to go to him and enjoy the aftermath of his climax. But it was more important to Randy that Tanner still be around tomorrow, and the next day, and the week after that; than for him to get his rocks off. Leaving his aching cock untouched, Randy turned on his stomach, tucked both hands under his pillow and closed his eyes, knowing he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.


As Randy walked up the driveway, he heard familiar low voices. Coming around the stairs to their apartment, Randy found Tanner helping their landlord, Fred. He paused for a few minutes and had to smile as he watch his boyfriend cleaning the flowerbeds under the direction of the diminutive old man. Randy also quickly noticed that there was still a lot of fall clean up to do around the older couple's yard. He tossed his bag down on the stairs and moved to help Tanner.

Without a word Randy got another rake from the garage and moved to one of the large beds in the couple's yard. Fred bobbed his head in acknowledgment and soon the two young men were heavily involved in getting Fred's yard back to its pristine condition. As they hauled the leaves to Fred's compost, the two would wink and flirt whenever they thought he wasn't watching. The simple act of helping put both of them in a great mood, and the nip in the air marking the arrival of fall made the physical work enjoyable. As they dumped the last of the leaves into the pile, Jenny stepped out onto their patio and called to them.

"Come on boys. I have snacks for my hard working men."

Tanner motioned for Randy's rake and trotted to the garage to put them away while Randy followed Fred to the patio. As Tanner trailed behind the other two, Jenny motioned them to a table that she had covered with food and drinks. Smiling she handed Randy a steaming mug of spiced cider, followed quickly with another to Tanner. "Thank you, boys. Fred is getting too old to be doing heavy lifting. I tell him, but he never listens to me."

"It's ok, Mizz MacIntosh. We're happy to help, anytime," said Tanner with Randy nodding his agreement as he took another drink of the warm flavorful drink. Relaxing in the waning fall sun, the four of them visited and nibbled at the snacks until the sun was only an amber smear along the western horizon.

Tanner glanced at his watch, looking up with a frown, "I'm sorry to be the spoil sport, but I have a meeting in about an hour and I need to get ready." He turned to acknowledge the hosts, "Thank you, Mizz MacIntosh, Mister MacIntosh. The food was great, it really hit the spot."

Randy climbed to his feet and then drained the last of his latest mug of cider. Sitting it down he smiled at the couple, "Yeah, me too. I've got a test tomorrow and I need to study. But it was very nice of you to feed us."

At the announcements, Jenny rose to her feet in a spry leap, grabbing each boy in turn, and hugging them against her tiny frame. "You boys are such a blessing, yes indeed, a blessing. Now off with you, schoolwork is important. Scoot! Go on!" said Jenny with a shooing motion from her never still hands.

The boys smiled and returned her hugs and then headed to their apartment. Fred and Jenny watched with smiles as the two entered their apartment.

"Won't be long now, not long at all. Tanner is gonna show that Easterner how cowboys ride any day now," said Fred with a smile.

Jenny swatted her husband "Oh, Fred! You're terrible! Git yourself in the house before those boys hear you"

Fred took his wife's hand with a smile and nestled it in the crook of his arm, walking arm in arm with her into the house.


Tanner appreciated the time that Randy was giving him to work things out. But after several weeks of almost daily hot make-out sessions, jacking off nightly wasn't taking the edge off any more. Tanner decided it was time, and he was going to be the one who started the ball rolling. He'd worked out not long before he expected Randy home and his muscles had a nice pump, then he'd put on a pair of white shorts that you could see through, with nothing on underneath. He hoped the combination would be enough to convince Randy that he didn't need any more time. To help set the mood, he'd splurged and put together a meal of all the foods he could remember Randy mentioning that he enjoyed, like seafood and macaroni salad. It had been somewhat of a challenge, the only seafood that looked appetizing was shrimp, and he had a difficult time finding the macaroni salad, but he'd managed to find it at a deli in town. The rest of the meal was easy in comparison, but Tanner didn't care how much effort it took. He wanted it to be as close to perfect as possible.

As much as Tanner loved to eat, he was a decent cook too. He'd found a shrimp recipe and thought it looked like something Randy would enjoy. He turned on the music, relenting his typical country for some soft jazz, and was soon so focused on the meal that he didn't even hear Randy coming until the door opened and he walked in.

Randy looked around the room as he put down his bag, knowing immediately what Tanner was doing. He agreed too, it was time. But he was impressed with all the effort Tanner had put into his seduction, and he planned on enjoying every minute.

Tanner glanced over his shoulder and burst into a smile. "Hey! Welcome home. I thought I'd fix us something special."

Randy walked over, enjoying the view of Tanner's ass through the translucent shorts. He wrapped his hands around Tanner's waist and leaned across to look at the food. He was a little surprised to see shrimp getting their trademark redness as they reached the perfect degree of doneness. Tanner quickly fished them out and laid them on the serving plate. But Randy's attention was snatched from the food when Tanner walked past him to their small table, rubbing his hard ass against Randy's crotch. Randy immediately hardened, his breath coming in gasps as Tanner's silky shorts caressed his crotch.

He watched as Tanner's bare feet padded across the floor, his hairy calves flexing and releasing with each step, his butt flexing through the sheer white shorts. By the time Tanner had taken the few steps to the table, Randy was hard and leaking precum. Randy's nipples hardened and began to ache softly as he moved to sit beside his amazingly handsome boyfriend. Randy had been waiting, and had kept his promise to himself that he wouldn't release any of his built up passion until it was with Tanner. The nightly make-out sessions with his boyfriend and then listening to Tanner afterwards jerking his cock had Randy unbelievably horny.

Finally making it to the table without exploding in his pants, Randy gingerly sat down and for the first time paid attention to the meal. Tanner had cooked one of Randy's favorite meals, steamed shrimp with macaroni salad and several vegetables, including saut?ed kale and mustard greens. He quickly loaded his plate as his hunger won out over his sexual need, at least for the moment. As the first fork of macaroni slipped into Randy's mouth, he was transported back to summer picnics on the beach when he was little. It even had that touch of something special in the dressing. He looked at Tanner with a smile.

"You remembered."

"Of course I did, 'just a pinch of Old Bay'," said Tanner with a grin.

"Perfect, just perfect!" said Randy with a smile. Randy took another bite and continued, "I can't believe you found it this time of year."

Tanner said chuckling, "Well it wasn't easy. I didn't know it was a summer thing."

Randy enjoyed the meal Tanner had put together, and as he was sucking the juice from the last piece of shrimp off his fingers; he felt a set of toes slide up the inside of his leg and between his thighs. Randy smiled at Tanner and spread his legs wider, giving him open access. Soon Randy's breath was coming in short gasps as each pass of Tanner's foot made his cock ache and jump. As he watched, Tanner's face got a look of sheer deviltry. Grabbing the table, Tanner slid low in his chair and Randy tried to figure out what he was up to until he felt Tanner's toes glide over his nuts and rock hard cock.

"Fuck! Stop, or there'll be a mess," moaned Randy.

Tanner's response was to tease Randy again and again. Soon the athlete's head was thrown back and his nipples were hard and protruding in his skintight workout jersey. As he was about to release weeks of built up semen, Tanner stopped and slid back into his chair. Randy watched, panting, as Tanner laid both palms flat on the table and slowly started to rise. Randy licked his lips as slowly Tanner's bare chest appeared; next hard abdominal muscles came into view, along with his deep Adonis belt. Randy distantly noted that in spite of all his bitching, Tanner was definitely more cut as a result of the workout sessions the two of them shared.

Any other thoughts evaporated as Tanner's navel came into view with its whorl of dark hair that thickened to a dense treasure trail plunging down his stomach. Randy waited with little patience as Tanner teased him. Finally Tanner started to press upward again and Randy could clearly see the base of the hard column of flesh trapped under the table as a grunt escaped from Tanner's lips. Finally Tanner's cock escaped its entrapment and swung into view. The white shorts gave most of Tanner's goods a slightly abstracted look, with tantalizing glimpses of his dark bush and egg-sized balls. Incredibly that was not the most impressive, that honor was easily captured by the head of Tanner's cock, a deep red flesh mushroom that was clearly visible through the soaking wet fabric.

Once Tanner was standing, he walked closer and put his hand under Randy's chin. Lifting him so they were looking eye to eye, Tanner kissed him softly and then smiled at the rapidly panting Randy.

"Come on, let's move this somewhere more comfortable," said Tanner in a low voice.

Taking Randy's hand he pulled him to the bed, smiling as he looked back to see the bulge in his workout pants. He pulled Randy the few feet to bed and kissed him again. Running his hands under Randy's tight shirt, Tanner softly caressed his chest, enjoying the lightly textured fur it was covered with. Tanner had wanted this to be special, and other than a multitude of his own fantasies, and a few gay videos, his experience was non-existent. So he'd done some on-line research and had found a few things he wanted to try with Randy. Starting with the first thing on his mental list, Tanner pushed Randy's shirt over his head, sliding it off his muscular arms until it puddled in the floor.

Without looking for permission, Tanner started exploring Randy's body, and Randy was only too happy to accommodate him. Tanner began his sampling by blowing gently into Randy's ear, which won him a giggle.

"Sorry, cutie. But that just tickles," said Randy with a smile.

"Good to know," said Tanner with a chuckle, "How about this?"

Tanner took ear lobe between his teeth and bit down as he tongued the flesh between his teeth.

"Oh god, no, that's good. No giggling," said Randy with a moan.

Tanner chucked to himself and moved to the other side to repeat his performance. Soon the young jock had his head thrown back, groaning with pleasure. Tanner's hands traveled over his hard back as he kissed gently down Randy's neck and explored his body, careful to keep his hands above Randy's pants and the straining cock trapped inside. He whispered to Randy, "Let me know if you like this."

Randy nodded weakly as Tanner moved back, his need to erupt on the precipice as Tanner masterfully kept him at the peak of his arousal. But then Tanner sucked one of Randy's nipples into his lips, gnawing on it gently as his tongue lashed over the hard tip. Randy let out a shuddering gasp as his body quaked in response. Feeling Tanner move toward his other nipple, Randy grabbed his shoulders, "I'm about to blow. That feels amazing, but I don't want to just shoot in my pants."

Tanner grinned broadly as he rubbed his fingers over Randy's nipples, amazed that he could bring Randy off so easily. But he agreed, he wanted to see Randy shoot, all the play over the past few weeks made Tanner want to fully experience everything about their first time to bring each other to a climax, he especially wanted Randy's explosion to be unforgettable.

Tanner leaned in to kiss Randy, running his hands over the hard body in front of him and letting his them slide downward until he was cupping Randy's ass and squeezed it gently. Tanner's hands shifted, his thumbs slide into Randy's waistband then slowly pressed the crimson pants over his ass, letting them fall to his ankles. He looked up to see the look of pure lust etched on Randy's face.

Tanner's own needs were building too, and he knew neither of them were going to last long. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he pulled Randy closer and then started peeling the compression shorts off his muscular body. Time seemed to stand still as more and more of his boyfriend's crotch was exposed. The dark blonde bush surrounding Randy's cock and balls was dense and smelled of fresh sweat and sex. With a final jerk, Randy's shorts were off his hips and his cock swung in an arch that ended with it tight against Randy's flat stomach.

Tanner was mesmerized by his first real view of Randy completely nude. He was not disappointed. Randy was just as hot as he'd always known he would be, maybe more so because he was more than just a cock and balls, he was an amazing guy. Tanner leaned in to sniff as his hands explored Randy's crotch, feeling his hands slide through the dense hair that was wet in places with precum. Leaning back slightly, he took Randy's cock gently in his hand and pulled it down from his stomach, looking at it as he lightly traced his finger over the large blue vein running down it's length. As he ran his finger across the crown, he felt Randy's hands grab him under the armpits and lift him from the bed.

"My turn," said Randy.

Randy slowly knelt in front of Tanner, running his hands over his lean torso, flicking his thumbs over Tanner's nipples as he had done. As his knees met the hardwood floor, he let his fingers sink into Tanner's hips as he leaned in and inhaled. The clean smell of Tanner was mixed with the wet scent of precum from his leaking cock. When his face paused in front of Tanner's throbbing cock, he couldn't resist flicking his tongue out for a taste. Tanner let out a loud moan and Randy sighed softly as the tang filled his mouth and exploded through his system. Chiding himself for rushing things, he began slowly revealing his treasure as more and more of Tanner was exposed. Glancing up he saw that Tanner's eyes were locked on the scene of what Randy was doing. With a smile, he pushed the shorts down to Tanner's ankles, watching as his cock sprung up and slapped Randy wetly on the cheek. Leaning in, he kissed the side of Tanner's hip gently, and then felt himself being lifted to his feet.

"Oh no, big boy. You had your chance to run things, tonight is mine. Just hang on," said Tanner as he kissed Randy gently. Randy felt Tanner's hands leave his body and he recoiled slightly from the emptiness that resulted. But regaining himself, he watched as Tanner pulled pillows from both beds and piled them in the corner of his. He watched as Tanner crawled across the bed, his bare ass the focus of Randy's attention.

"Come here," said Tanner as he sat down.

"What?" said Randy slightly startled.

"Come sit between my legs, I want to have some fun," said Tanner with a leer.

Randy smiled, not certain what Tanner had in mind, but sure he was going to enjoy it. He crawled between Tanner's thighs, staring at the stone hard cock that was the object of his desires. As he got closer, Tanner pulled him into a kiss, their bare chests rubbing against each other as they enjoyed a new level of closeness. As their lips separated, Tanner turned Randy gently until his back was pressed against Tanner's lightly haired chest. Tanner twisted his head and kissed Randy softly on the neck.

His hands began to caress Randy's chest, focusing on his nipples for several minutes until Randy was crying out with desire. Having succeeded in driving his partner to the edge again, Tanner let his hand slide lower, wrapping his strong fingers around Randy's hard, wet cock. Tanner slowly started stroking it as he continued his nipple play. Soon Randy was thrashing in his arms, a writhing masculine entity that needed release. Pulling from his newly discovered bundle of tricks, Tanner slid his hand down Randy's torso until he was fondling the other boys nut sack as he stroked the rampantly leaking cock in his other hand. Smiling slightly, he let his hand slide lower and pressed hard against Randy's perineum.

"Oh fuck!" screamed Randy, "Here it comes!"

Randy's body tensed as his climax began, his entire body shuddering in Tanner's arms. With a guttural cry, the first wad of cum erupted from his cock with a splat on his pelvis. It marked the beginning of a steady eruption of youthful cream that flooded his lower body. Tanner continued to slowly jack his cock as the stream of cum flowed from it. Tanner was amazed at the amount, it was like a biblical flood as it covered his whole midsection. Finally he heard a relieved gasp as Randy finished, his body slumping against Tanner in exhaustion.

"Oh my god, I've never come like that before," said Randy between gasps.

Tanner laughed softly, "Yeah, you pretty much hosed yourself there stud."

Randy turned slightly pink in embarrassment, but quickly recovered as Tanner grabbed a towel he'd laid close by and started wiping the cum off Randy. Soon he had the majority of it captured in a now soaked towel. But he still had a problem of his own.

Randy turned in Tanners arms and stroked his face. "That was fucking amazing. Damn, I thought my balls were going to be sucked inside me," said Randy with a smile. Running his hand down Tanner's chest, he got a soft gasp in reply.

"I think you need some relief. I have an idea. Do you trust me?" said Randy.

Tanner nodded, wondering what the lacrosse player had in mind as he watched him lay on his stomach down the bed. He opened his legs slightly and then looked back at Tanner. Tanner was starting to tremble as he looked at Randy, he wasn't sure he was ready for this step. Turning he met Randy's eyes,

"Randy, I'm not sure about-"

Randy took his hand, "Do you trust me?"

"Sure, but . . ."

Randy chuckled and then wiggled his butt in the air in front of Tanner. "Calm down Tanner, you're not going to fuck me. Now listen . . ."

Tanner breathed a quick sigh of relief and then absorbed the idea Randy was proposing. He looked at Randy's tight bubble butt, and smiled.

"Yeah, I think that'd be fucking hot!" said Tanner.

Tanner moved quickly and knelt between Randy's legs. He reached down and opened Randy's tight ass cheeks and almost shot his load just from the sight of his hot, hairy crack. As his breathing sped up, he moved forward, lodging his hard cock between the firm cheeks. Urgently needing release, he began sliding along Randy's crack, the hair quickly becoming coated with precum. Soon he was rocketing toward an orgasm as the texture brought Tanner a whole new set of sensations. Soon the hot wet sounds were surrounding them and then Tanner's body convulsed as his cock exploded, spraying them both. While his body was wracked with pleasure, Tanner wrapped his arms around Randy, sunk his fingers into his pecs, feeling Randy's body shake as jet after jet of cum shots layered themselves on his back and shoulders, some dripping from his dark blond hair. Tanner slowly drifted back to the present as his cock softened and slid into Randy's crack, leaving a thick trail of cum lining Randy's trough. Tanner lost himself in the moment, rubbing his hands over Randy's cum covered back. After a few minutes, an exhausted Randy turned his head to look at Tanner.

"Tanner, we have a little problem," said Randy with a slight smile.

"What's wrong?" asked Tanner with a look of concern on his face.

"You need clean sheets. I lost a second load on your bed as you humped my ass."

Tanner started laughing as he ran his cum slick hands over Randy's back. "Let's go shower and clean up. Then we can change the sheets, it's a good thing I bought an extra set."

Tanner climbed off Randy, smacking his ass as he did. Randy tilted his head and then stuck out his tongue at Tanner, rolled on his back and wiggled, wiping cum over most of Tanner's bedding.

"Asshole!" squealed Tanner, who then started laughing as Randy squirmed across the bed like a dog getting his belly scratched.

"Come on, jerk wad. It's a good thing Fred installed the new tankless hotwater for us, cause this is going to be a long shower," said Tanner.

Tanner pulled Randy off his bed and then pushed him toward the bathroom.


Taking advantage of the cool autumn weather, Jenny and Fred were sitting on their patio sipping hot chocolate. With a sigh, Fred moved slightly in his chair, pulled out his wallet, and handed Jenny a twenty-dollar bill.

Jenny smiled broadly and slipped the bill into the pocket of her housecoat. She leaned over and kissed Fred tenderly. Reclining against her chair she smiled at him.

"I told you Tanner would be the one to get the ball rolling."

Fred chuckled and shook his head, "And I should know better than to doubt you."

"I also told you that apartment needed better soundproofing," said Jenny as she kissed Fred's cheek.

"Yes, dear," said Fred with a chuckle.


The semester moved forward, and the boys continued to explore each other's bodies, delighting in the pleasure they were giving and getting, but neither wanting to push the other too fast. Randy felt especially responsible for guiding and supporting Tanner, although he was proving to be an apt student, as well as creative. Their lovemaking was passionate and affectionate, and while both men were ready to take it to the next level, neither was certain how to best bring it up. The situation changed little as time slid closer to the winter break.

With finals looming, the couple was sitting on the bed with their legs intertwined as they read through their textbooks. But after an afternoon of studying, Randy was ready for a study break, and was willing to annoy Tanner to get it. Running his toes over Tanner's thigh for the third time in ten minutes, he got the same response as Tanner swatted it again and pushed his leg away.

"Study," said Tanner sternly.

"But my cute boyfriend's right here, and I wanna play," said Randy with a smile.

"Study now, play later," said Tanner with a stern look as he continued, "If . . . you're good."

"Oh, I can be very, very good," said Randy with a snicker.

When his latest innuendo didn't get a response, Randy crawled across the bed to see what Tanner was working on. Randy looked at the textbook and then at Tanner. "Chemistry?"

"Yeah, organic chemistry. Mostly diagramming structures, but it's a prerequisite for biochem, which I have to take before I can apply to vet school."

"Why chemistry? For the drugs or something," asked Randy, suddenly finding it interesting.

"And nutrition, if I don't get into vet school I'll probably go into Animal Science and they have to take biochem before they take their nutrition classes," explained Tanner.

"So Animal Science is . . . like Pre-vet?"

"They have Pre-vet, but I'd probably go into Ranch Management, then I could go home and work," said Tanner.

"But you can do that without a degree," said Randy as he struggled to understand.

"You could, but they teach you all the stuff about breeding system, mixing rations, managing herds, building working facilities that make sense, and the business side of buying and selling livestock; all the stuff to run a successful operation. You could also use it to work for someone else, like to be their ranch manager. It doesn't have to be working for yourself."

"Oh," said Randy as he sat and tried to digest what Tanner had just explained.

Tanner finally closed his book and looked at Randy. Realizing Tanner wanted his attention, he refocused on his man. When Tanner saw that he had Randy's attention he started, with more than a little hesitation.

"You know what we've been doing has been amazing," said Tanner.

"The sex?" said Randy.

"Well everything, but yeah the sex," said Tanner.

"Yeah, I'd kind of noticed."

Tanner chuckled and smiled before he continued, "You also know that I've never been with anyone but you."

"Yesss," said Randy with trepidation.

Tanner chuckled and reached over and patted Randy's thigh, "Calm down, I just want to talk about . . . well the next steps. Randy, I don't want my first time to be with a rubber. Whatever we do I want it to be just you and me. So . . . we haven't really talked about it, but are we exclusive?"

"Yes! Hell yes!" said Randy almost in a scream.

"Ok, ok, I want to be too, but we hadn't talked about it. So I thought I would make sure we were both think'n the same thing." Tanner hesitated.

"Yeah?" asked Randy almost dreading the conversation now that it had taken an unexpected turn.

"Do you think we need to be tested? I mean, I've never been with anyone, but . . ." said Tanner hesitantly, dreading Randy's reaction.

Randy nodded and smiled at Tanner, melting his tension. "Blake and I always used protection, and it was mostly hand jobs anyway, but I should double check. I don't want to take a chance. Then we'll know, and we won't have to worry about condoms."

Tanner breathed a sigh of relief and leaned over, giving Randy a kiss. Who smiled and returned the kiss.

"That'll save us a shitload of money too. I mean the super magnum extra large sized condoms to fit my giant cock must be about ten, twenty bucks each!"

Tanner rolled his eyes and chuckled, pushing his boyfriend back to his books.


The pair had gotten through their finals with flying colors, but both of them were unhappy about their impending separation. They'd worked it out so they were both gone only as long as they had to be, but both had to go home to help their families. They had a few more days before they were leaving, and they were planning to spend them together. Fred and Jenny had invited them for dinner, so they were doing that before they left too. They'd both come to really love the older couple, they said the funniest things, but when you thought about them, it would really make sense.

But tonight they were going to have their private Christmas celebration and open gifts from each other, Randy had insisted they do it earlier 'so they could enjoy the gifts', which Tanner wondered about. He'd had a difficult time finding a gift for Randy, but he'd finally managed to get something that he thought would be good, and another that would be funny. Tanner was also hoping now that the stress of finals was over, they were going to have time to enjoy being with each other. But he didn't know if Randy had done the test or not, he didn't want to ask and be a nagging boyfriend.

They had finished supper a few minutes before and Tanner was lagging behind as he slowly loaded the tiny dishwasher Fred had installed in the apartment. He was starting to question his gift, wondering if Randy would think it was stupid, or even worse, insulting. Tanner knew he was really touchy about his sport, and now he was starting to wonder. But Randy was excited to get to the gifts under their tiny tree, so Tanner had little choice.

Randy grabbed the four gifts and slid beside Tanner. With the two of them firmly wedged into the heavily padded chair, Tanner looked at the smug look on Randy's face and had to laugh.

"Comfy?" asked Tanner with a laugh.

"Yup!" said Randy, "Now, I want you to go last. Cause you're probably going to want to use some of your presents right away."

Tanner twisted his lips with concern, so focused on the potential fallout from his gifts that he didn't even question why Randy wanted him to go last. So he watch as Randy picked up his smaller gift and shook it, and then repeated the performance with the larger present. Smiling, he started opening the larger gift. He soon had wrapping paper littering the floor as he pulled the gift out of the box. Looking up he grinned at Tanner.

"Lacrosse balls and bag? That's cool! I can always use them," Randy got a slightly confused look on his face, "But why dark blue, I mean they'll work great, but blue?"

"Yeah," Tanner smiled shyly, "I thought they'd match the balls in your pants by the time you get back from break."

Randy looked blank for a split second, and then burst out laughing. "That's great! I'll crack up every time I pull them out!" Randy grabbed him and gave him a warm kiss, then pulled out the smaller gift, stripping it of paper in the blink of an eye. Soon he was looking down into the small square box. After a few tense seconds for Tanner, Randy looked up and grinned.

"A lacrosse pendant, I love it! And I've never seen one this detailed," said Randy.

"Well there was an art major in my chemistry class, and I helped him pass the class. So in exchange for the tutoring, he made it. It's suppose to be sterling silver," explained Tanner.

"It's great. I'll get a chain for it while I'm home, but it's so accurate. The guy did a great job."

Tanner beamed at Randy, thrilled that his gifts were so well received, completely forgetting the presents on his lap until Randy nudged him.

"Well, stud. Are you gonna open yours?" said Randy.

"Oh! Yeah!" said Tanner. Randy handed him the larger of the two boxes and watched as Tanner pulled out his pocketknife and carefully cut open the wrapping paper. As he methodically opened the package, Randy looked on in disbelief.

"Seriously? You're going to open them that way?" said Randy finally.

Tanner chuckled and nodded, "Yup, this is how I do it. Now sit still so I don't cut you." With a flick of his wrist, the last piece of tape parted and the paper slumped around the box. Tanner looked it over for several seconds and then looked at Randy with a quizzical look on his face.

"A bed doubler?"

"Yup, now we can shove our bed's together and make one big king that we can share," said Randy.

Understanding bloomed across Tanner's face, followed quickly with delight. Turning the box over he turned to Randy, "I wanna put 'em together tonight. Ok?"

Randy nodded, elated that Tanner was so excited about being able to share a bed. Pushing the second package at Tanner, Randy grinned at him.

"Hurry up, open this one," said Randy with barely contained enthusiasm.

Tanner turned the small box in his hand and then followed the same routine to open it. He lifted the lid to the small, shallow box and then beamed at Randy as he pulled the braided wrap out. With a couple of quick loops over his wrist Tanner had it on and held it out for Randy to admire.

"It's fantastic, but you shouldn't have spent so much money," said Tanner.

"Didn't buy it, I made it. A guy back home showed me how to do the braids when I was a kid," said Randy with a grin.

"Wow, that's really cool," said Tanner as he let the bracelet twist on his wrist. Looking up he smiled broadly at Randy, "Thanks, I love everything."

"Oh wait! I have another for you!" said Randy as he handed Tanner a wide, flat box. "Come on, open this one. You'll like it best," chattered Randy excitedly.

Tanner grinned at his boyfriend, wondering what could be in the box that had him so excited. Randy was practically crawling out of his skin as he watched Tanner methodically open the gift. He pulled out a large envelope filled with paperwork, as he slid it out, he looked at Randy with arched eyebrows.

"Read it!" said Randy, about to burst with excitement.

Tanner scanned through the pages, it slowly dawning on him what he was looking at. When he finally looked up at Randy there was a glisten to his eyes.

"You got tested," said Tanner, thrilled beyond words.

"Yup, tested and clean as a whistle. So we can do whatever we want, no rubbers needed."

Leaning over he kissed Tanner softly on the lips, then pushed himself out of the chair, took the gifts from Tanner's hands and set them aside. Tanner watched, his heart pounding in his chest as an almost predatory Randy moved in front of him, bracing his hands on Tanner's thighs as he knelt between them.

"I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you," said Randy softly.

He let his hands run up Tanner's denim covered thighs, stroking the muscle straining inside them. When his hands met on Tanner's crotch, he began rubbing his thickening cock through the jeans. Tanner was letting out soft sounds of pleasure as Randy worked the bulging mound in his pants. With a smile, Randy reached up, took Tanner's zipper and slowly lowered it. Reaching inside the dark opening, Randy fished out his hard cock.

Looking up, he watched Tanner, not wanting to miss his expression. Randy moved closer and pulled Tanner's hard cock up and let his tongue slip out, moving it closer, watching as Tanner stared at him with fixed eyes, his tongue moving closer until it touched Tanner's cock and made a quick swipe around it's large head.

"Oh Fuck! Oh god yes! More, fuck'n lick it more!" said Tanner through the gasps.

Randy pressed his lips against Tanner's slit and started tonguing it. His fingers drifted through his dense bush as he tasted the warm, delicious precum that was pouring from Tanner's cock. He fondled his nuts, letting them slide through his fingers as he pressed his face down, his mouth opening to accommodate Tanner's thickness. Soon he had Tanner's mushroom head in his mouth as he ran his tongue over it.

"Oh holy fuck! Oh damn, Randy! Man! I! Oh fuck! Gonna shoot, fuck come off it!" gasped out Tanner.

Randy snickered, completely unwilling to let a drop of Tanner's cum escape his mouth. He'd never taken a load before, it just hadn't appealed to him, but this time he wanted to drink down Tanner's cum more than anything. Pressing his head down, he was amazed when he felt Tanner's curly pubes rubbing against his lips. Randy quickly pulled back for air, and then shoved his face back onto Tanner's cock. He pinned Tanner's trembling body to the chair as he frantically deep throated his boyfriend. As the lust built, Tanner grabbed his head and started thrusting into his face. In spite of a few deep thrusts that caused him to choke, Randy loved it.

Tanner suddenly tensed, his ass clenched off the chair as he screamed out, "Fuck! Yes! Take it!"

Randy grabbed Tanner's rock hard ass and clamped his hands around it as the first volley of cum filled his mouth. He tried desperately to swallow the torrent of cream that bombarded his throat, but a thin dribble leaked from his mouth. Tanner was bucking hard, much more so than Randy could ever remember before. Time seemed to stand still for Randy as he focused on delicious sex. But eventually he felt the muscles in Tanner's butt begin to relax as the flow weakened from his dick. With a final sigh, Tanner collapsed back into the chair.

Gasping for air, he watched as Randy licked his cock clean, swallowing every drop of cum that he could find. He was beginning to regain his composure when Randy looked up with a smile, licking the last spot of cum from his lips.

"How was that?" asked Randy.

Tanner leaned forward and pulled Randy on top of him, kissing him hard and plunging his tongue deep inside Randy's mouth. As they kissed, Tanner could faintly taste the lingering fragments of his orgasm. Pulling away, he looked at Randy with lust filled eyes.

"It was fucking amazing! Let's get those damn bed's locked together so I can have my turn." Randy smiled as Tanner struggled to get out of the chair, without ever tucking his cock back into his pants.

"You gonna put Mister Wiggles there up?" said Randy.

Tanner laughed at Randy and then shook his head, "Nope, he needs air. He's been trapped in pants for 20 years and you just gave him a whole new place he want to live."

Randy laughed and then stepped closer, kissing Tanner again and tugging on his flaccid penis. "Ok, just don't get him injured, I'm kinda fond of the little guy. Grab the shit for the bed and let's get busy."

The two of them quickly put their beds together and as they installed the last piece, Tanner turned and started stripping Randy of his clothes. After he peeled off the compression shorts, Tanner pushed him back onto the newly joined bed. Randy propped himself on his elbows as he watched Tanner strip. Soon the cowboy was crawling on the bed beside Randy and kissing him gently.

"You're fuck'n hot," said Tanner.

"You are so wrong," said Randy.

Tanner put his finger over Randy's lips. "Shhh, no arguments from you." Tanner paused, and when Randy looked up he thought he looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"I've never done this before. What if I don't . . . What if I don't want to . . ." stammered Tanner.

"Whatever you want to do will be amazing. Don't do anything that you don't feel like do'n. Whatever you do, will be perfect," said Randy as he caressed Tanner's torso. Suddenly he chuckled and Tanner looked at him in concern. Randy continued with a grin, "Just watch the teeth, they're a mood killer."

Tanner grinned, "I can do that." Tanner leaned closer and kissed Randy gently; as their lips separated he began kissing down Randy's neck. Eager as he was to get to his goal, he wanted Randy to enjoy the build up. As his hands splayed across Randy's lightly haired chest, he flicked his tongue over Randy's nipple, teasing the hard point with his teeth as he licked over its tip. Tanner wiggled lower on the bed, until he was looking over Randy's ripped stomach. His tongue traced along each of the muscular ridges, enjoying the texture of hair as it thickened slightly before plunging down his abdomen. Tanner kissed down his stomach, eventually reaching his goal, the thick patch of hair surrounding Randy's thick dick.

Tanner lifted Randy's heavy member and looked at it, watching as the clear fluid slowly flowing from its large slit. Looking up at Randy, he saw a smile of anticipation.

"Oh damn, Tanner. You look so sexy, fuck I want you so bad," said Randy through a moan.

Tanner's eyes glinted with joy just before he leaned in and licked across the head of Randy's cock, tasting his first dose of man. He savored the substance; amazed at the way it wound itself through his system, his recently spent cock awakening with the taste.

"Come on, babe. Suck it, lick it, fuck do something!" moaned Randy.

Tanner grinned at his impatient man, and then sucked the head of his cock into his mouth, draining the fluid from its tip and then sinking it into his mouth with his tongue dancing across it's surface.

"Oh fuck yes! Do that, fuck that feels good!" cried Randy.

Tanner pressed down quickly, and just as quickly came up coughing and choking. Randy chuckled as he watched Tanner try to regain his composure.

"Well you definitely have a gag reflex," said Randy with a soft laugh, "Take it slow. Deep throating is highly overrated anyway, just work on the head. That felt amazing!"

Tanner smiled at Randy and wiped his mouth on his arm. Wrapping his fingers around Randy's swollen cock, Tanner slowly stroked it as he leaned in and ran his tongue around the crown. With little hesitancy he was soon licking and running his tongue over Randy's cock and balls.

Randy moaned softly and sank back into the bed, enjoying the attention as Tanner ran his tongue over his hairy nuts, but the multitudes of new sensations meant that Randy was primed and ready to nut. He groaned loudly as Tanner's tongue hit a particularly erotic spot.

Tanner let his tongue trail up the side of Randy's trembling cock and then took the head back in his mouth as he jacked the shaft. Randy soon felt his balls boiling over.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm coming!" yelled Randy.

Tanner released Randy's hard cock with a pop, not ready to take the load in his mouth, and began rubbing it against his rough face as he jerked it slowly. The first hot blob of cum flowed onto his cheek, each new squirt of cum adding to the coating until Tanner's face was covered with white liquid. Soon cum was dripping from his chin as Tanner relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of hot man essence coating his face and neck. He felt a final tremor travel through Randy's body as the last of his load slid from his slit.

Tanner licked his lips, getting a small taste of Randy's masculine load, and smiled to himself. He liked the taste, he wasn't sure he would, like most guys Tanner had tasted his own semen and hadn't been impressed. But Randy's cum; it was amazing. Tanner couldn't have defined it, but it was like his body was missing a critical nutrient, and Randy was it's only source.

Moving closer with a leer, he began licking Randy's cockhead, cleaning it of the coating of jizz. Tanner's tongue and lips traveled over Randy's pelvis until he felt Randy's hands on the side of his wet face. Laughing softly, Randy ran his hands over Tanner's face, smearing his cum over it and into his hair.

"Damn! You got into it, babe," said Randy as his hands continued to travel over Tanner.

Tanner blushed and turned in head down slightly, "Sorry, I guess I got carried away."

Randy laughed and pulled Tanner back to him as they kissed. He then ran his tongue over Tanner's cheek and kissed him again with his tongue coated with cum. Pulling back slightly he smiled at his partner, "Well, get carried away like that every time. 'Cause it was fucking hot!"

Tanner laughed as he looked into Randy's sparkling blue eyes, "I'll see what I can do," said Tanner with a smile, "But I think we're gonna need to shower. This shit's starting to dry."

Randy grabbed Tanner's hand and pulled him toward the shower, eager for more time with his amazingly hot boyfriend.


Randy woke the next morning with a wonderful feeling of contentment. His initial disorientation was immediately replaced with a sense of fulfillment as he realized Tanner had spooned up behind him. The warmth of Tanner's body against him, as well as his scent, made Randy feel very content. He wasn't going to get too far ahead of himself, but right now this felt like something he'd like to keep doing for the rest of his life.

As he settled back in, he felt one other new sensation. Tanner had a raging early morning erection, and it was firmly planted between Randy's bare ass cheeks. Randy started to move slightly, again enjoying the sensation of Tanner's mushroom- headed cock sliding up and down his crack. When a slight sigh escaped his lips, Randy stopped and relaxed against the bed. He didn't want to push Tanner too far, and some guys never learn to enjoy anal sex. He just hoped Tanner wasn't one of them, because the sensation of his big cock head gliding over Randy's puckered hole had Randy ready to shoot.

Randy willed his body to relax, and with Tanner's dick still wedged between his cheeks as he drifted back into blissful sleep.


Randy was picking at his piece of fried chicken while Tanner dug into his. The fried, fried and fried planning of the menu wasn't really what Randy would have preferred, but he could get down the chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and corn that Fred and Jenny had made. The older couple had insisted they have dinner together before the boys left for the holiday, and they both liked Fred and Jenny so they had readily agreed.

Once they finished the meal, Jenny brought out a plate piled with different sweets. Tanner noticed that Randy was wrinkling his nose at the idea of more empty calories in his system. Reaching over he picked up one of the white squares and handed it to Randy.

"It's Divinity, try it," said Tanner.

Randy nibbled a tiny corner off and tasted it tentatively. A smile erupted across his face as the sweet treat proved the perfect combination. Finishing the first one quickly, he reached for a second, and third, before Tanner nudged him.

"Jeez! I didn't know you had such a sugar monster," said Tanner.

Randy laughed, "Usually I don't, but this is so good!"

The MacIntosh's laughed at the pair and then began asking the boys how classes were going and their plans for the break. Both guys felt very comfortable with the couple. Somehow they just seemed like people who would always be in their lives. Eventually they had moved to the living room and were sipping delicious hot chocolate. Fred looked over at the boys with an adolescent grin after he'd finished a few mugs of his 'special' hot chocolate.

"You boys were pretty loud the other night, glad things are working out," said Fred with a bawdy grin.

Tanner and Randy both flushed bright red; while Jenny smacked Fred across the arm with her tea towel.

"Hush, you old coot! Leave the boys alone! Their private time is none of your business. If you'd of soundproofed that apartment like I told you, you wouldn't be hearing them," said Jenny with a scowl.

Fred howled in laughter as he looked at the faces of the other three, but settled back into his chair without another word.

The easy conversation resumed before too long, with both boys grinning from the memories of their wonderful night. Jenny suddenly jumped out of her chair and scurried to the back of the house muttering to herself. The boys glanced at each other as she returned shortly with a tiny box, wrapped in the most riotous Christmas paper imaginable.

"A little something for you two. Just a little something," said Jenny.

Randy started to hand it to Tanner to open, then remembered the agonizingly slow method he used to open presents, and decided to do it himself. He quickly tore into the box and popped open the top. Looking at the contents, Randy's cheeks reddened.

Tanner saw Randy's reaction and cautiously moved to peer inside the box. Randy saw him moving and tilted the box so he could see the content.

It contained a gift card to the local adult bookstore. As the realization of the gift dawned on Tanner, he looked up, trying to salvage his dignity.

"Fred-" he began.

"Oh, honey, no. I got that. That way you boys can get something that might interest you, just something fun," said Jenny with an angelic smile as the two boys sputtered.


Randy watched out the plane's window as it taxied to the gate, glad that his dad had sprung for him a plane ticket home. It was a long drive from Oklahoma. He was also excited to see his dad; they had a lot of catching up to do. As the plane came to a gentle stop, he thought back over the semester, and how amazing it was to be with Tanner. After their conversation about animal science majors, Randy was also thinking it might be a better fit for him than business. He'd never really been that interested in a business major, but the flight home had given him plenty of time to think about it. He needed to talk to Tanner about the degree more, but he was interested.

As he walked up terminal hallway with his carry-on bag, he still felt the slight ache from saying goodbye to Tanner at the Oklahoma City airport. Neither of them had been happy about the separation, but neither had a choice. It wasn't going to be the entire break anyway, Randy was coming back early to spend some time at the ranch, but that was still two weeks away.

Working his way down the walkway to the baggage carousal, Randy started looking for his dad. He was excited; he'd never told him that Tanner was gay and they were a couple. It just didn't feel like something to share in an email or over the phone. Besides, he needed to see the expression in his eyes, to be sure that he really was ok with everything.

Randy grabbed his bag as it went past; it was hard to miss with the florescent orange tape around it courtesy of Tanner. He'd explained that it was just for ID purposes, but secretly Randy thought he was still trying to get even for the gift card from Jenny and Fred, like he had been responsible for it somehow.

As he scanned the crowd again, he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. Dropping his bags he grabbed his dad and hugged him tight. After a few seconds his dad peeled Randy off him and smiled at his excited son.

"So how are things? What's new?" he asked.

Somehow Randy's careful explanation of his romance with Tanner completely left his mind and he blurted out.

"Tanner and I are a couple!"

A few people close enough to hear chuckled softly, but panic set in for Randy. That wasn't how he intended to say it. God, he sounded like an over hormonal twelve-year-old girl. Fearful, he looked up to meet his dad's eyes.

And saw nothing but loving understanding, and pride in his son.


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For some of you these stories have taken on a life of their own. But if you are in need of real help, or know someone who needs help, you can find links to a variety of GLBTQ organizations on my tumblr site (

Next: Chapter 3

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