Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

By RedDirt Writer

Published on May 30, 2014


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.

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Lariats and Lacrosse Sticks

Chapter Ten

They'd been back from Mexico for several days, but in the heat of getting everything done, they still had not emptied their bags. With Randy at practice, Tanner decided it was a good time to do their laundry. Randy made fun of him, but Tanner enjoyed the whole ritual. Randy wouldn't be home for a while, so it was a perfect time to go through and get everything back in its place.

He was just starting the first load when a light knock came to their door. When he opened it he was surprised to see a somewhat concerned looking Jenny.

"Hey, Jenny. What's up?"

She cut her eyes to the yard and then to Tanner. "Could you come help Fred for a minute? He doesn't seem to be up to his normal routine today."

Tanner wrinkled his brows. "Of course." He grabbed a pair of running shoes near the door and yanked them on his feet. He was dressed in a few moments and out the door after a fidgeting Jenny.

Just as she'd said, Fred was out in his precious garden. But rather than working he was sitting still. When they got closer he heard Fred's labored breathing. He ran the last few feet and knelt beside Fred. He rested his hand on the elderly gentleman and touched his arm, to find it clammy.

"Fred? You okay?"

He slowly turned his head as if it was all he could accomplish. "Just not feeling too well, Tanner. And I have the worst case of indigestion I've ever had."

Tanner patted Fred's arm and looked over his shoulder at Jenny. "Jenny, call 911. Fred needs to go to the hospital."

Tanner grabbed Randy tightly when he came into the waiting room.

Randy returned his embrace, and could feel tremors travel through him. They held each other. Tanner pulled strength from his husband and held on desperately. After a few moments he released Randy.

"How's Fred?" asked Randy.

"They think he's going to be okay. He had a mild heart attack. They're checking to see if he needs a stint or something. Jenny's in with him right now."

Randy pulled Tanner to the chairs and was soon briefed on the entire story. Tanner could feel the tension knot and tighten in his gut. He kept glancing at the door, wishing Jenny, or someone, would come let them know how Fred was doing. The tension had risen to an unbearable level, when a slender hand lit on his shoulder. He spun, to find Jenny standing beside him with a tired smile on her face.

"Thank you boys for waiting. I really appreciate it. Fred and I don't have anyone but each other so it was sweet of you to stay."

"How is he, Jenny?" asked Tanner.

"He's okay. They're going to do the dye tests tomorrow to see how much blockage he has. But they think he'll be fine. No more fried food for him. He's going to have to learn how to eat better. The fried, fried and fried isn't going to work anymore."

Tanner looked at Randy and his eyebrow shot up. "Did you hear that? That's how you eat. You're going on the same diet with Fred."

"Ah, crap," said Randy.

Randy looked at Tanner, and then at Jenny. Finally he and Fred's gaze met and a look of resignation passed between them. Their eyes traveled back to the table and saw nothing but vegetables. The lean meat was sliced into small portions, and Fred even had his portion on his plate. Fred's face became so forlorn that Tanner couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's not that bad, Fred. Just a couple of different dishes to try."

He turned his head to his wife and gave Jenny a pitiful look. "Can't I have a little gravy for the meat? I mean, it's turkey."

"No, sir. Not a chance. Here, try the kale salad Tanner made. It's really good, and kale is excellent for you."

He turned his sad gaze to Randy. "This is what you have to look forward to. Tanner will nag you until you break down and do what he wants." He winked at Randy. "All for a few minutes of marital bliss a few times a week."

"Fred! You hush," said Jenny.

Fred fell silent, but the grin on his face as he moved the pile of green around on his plate said he was in no way repentant for his behavior. Jenny ignored her husband and turned to the boys.

"So have you had your interview yet? I know you said you turned in your application for vet school."

Tanner stuck a fork full of food into his mouth as a way to stall for a few minutes. He was nervous about the interview, which was in fact coming up in a few days. They waited, looking at him as he went through the motions of finishing his food.

After a few moments, Tanner conceded defeat, and swallowed. "It's Tuesday. At ten."

"You'll wow them at State. I'm sure it won't be any problem," said Jenny with a smile.

Tanner stirred the food around on his plate. "I hope so. I hate waiting to see if I get into vet school."

Randy patted his husband on the shoulder. "It'll be fine, babe. They'll let you know in a few weeks don't they?"

"Yeah, they said before the end of school. That way we can plan better."

Randy borrowed Tanner's trick and pushed the food around on his plate while he considered the alternatives. He looked up at Tanner and squeezed one eye shut. "Why don't we go see your folks next weekend. That way you can chill out a little."

Tanner sighed and then rolled his shoulders. "That sounds like a good idea."

Tanner stretched as the pleasant breeze dried the sweat from his torso. The weekend at his parent's home had helped him relax, just like Randy had hoped. His parents and sister had taken an afternoon trip to Ardmore, and Tanner had volunteered himself and Randy to get the hay barn ready for this years haying. The work was hot and sweaty, but the spring weather was actually not bad. Unlike the weather they'd have to endure to load the barns this summer. A metal building and one-hundred degree weather was not a good combination.

Randy threw the last bale onto the stack and sagged against it. "Damn, I'm glad that's done."

"Wimp! It's barely eighty and you're whining about the weather. You damn Yankees."

"I've told you a dozen times, Maryland is not Yankee land."

Tanner chuckled and tossed his hand back toward Randy. "Whatever. You play a sport with a net on a stick."

Randy suddenly lunged and grabbed Tanner. He coiled his muscular arm around Tanner's head, pressing his face into Randy's sweat drenched armpit. The assault of musky scents had Tanner hard and horny almost instantly. He inhaled deeply, the musky scent invading him. He slid his hands across Randy's chest, enjoying the texture of his chest hair under his hands. The pair moved in slow motion and Randy released Tanner.

Tanner's tongue flickered across his lips and the pungent taste of his man filled his mouth. He grabbed Randy's face with both hands and smashed their lips together. Their kiss went on for several minutes. Tanner drove his tongue into Randy's mouth and soon their tongues were straining against each other.

Tanner frantically worked to open Randy's jeans while he pressed his husband against the wall of hay. The scent of cured grass mingled with the smell of rut coming from Randy. Finally the elusive button popped open and Tanner grabbed Randy's crotch with both hands and squeezed.

"Ah, fuck." Randy groaned and bucked forward into Tanner's hands. He grabbed Tanner's arms and pushed him down.

Tanner knelt willingly and released Randy's cock. It arched upward from Randy's crotch into the space between them. Tanner leaned forward, and ran his tongue along the underside. The sweet taste of the clear honey leaking from its tip setoff the sparks of lust inside Tanner. He pressed his lips around the head of Randy's cock and his face inward until his lips pressed against the wiry hair at the base of his cock.

Randy grabbed Tanner's head between his hands and started thrusting into his mouth. Tanner was excited to be taken. He enjoyed the change at times when Randy took charge like now. The hard cock ramming in and out of his mouth was making Tanner horny as hell. He opened his pants and pulled out his cock and started stroking it.

They moved together, enjoying the sensations as they both moved closer to a climax. Tanner could tell Randy was getting closer, his thrusts were hard and fast as they hammered the back of Tanner's throat. Then it happened, Randy grabbed Tanner's head tight between his hands just as the first round of jizz hit the back of Tanner's throat.

Tanner swallowed quickly as his mouth filled with his husband's cream. Randy slowed fucking Tanner's face. Tanner slid his hands over Randy's hard butt, enjoying the texture under his hands. His cock was still rock hard as Tanner began licking and sucking the last drops of cum from him.

Suddenly Randy jerked away and laughed. "Enough! It's sensitive."

Tanner rocked back on his heels and wiped his mouth along his arm. "How'd you like that, stud?"

Randy grinned, dropped his pants and braced himself against the hay. "Fuck me. I need fucked."

Tanner stood, happy to accommodate Randy's needs. He grabbed some lube from the birthing kit and smeared it over Randy's butt just before he rammed two fingers inside him.

"Ah, fuck. That's it. I want it rough today," said Randy.

Wordlessly, Tanner smeared lube down his cock then squatted behind Randy. His ruddy cockhead pressed against Randy's hole. Tanner grabbed his hips and shoved himself in, burying himself to the root with one hard thrust.

"Fuck! Okay, give me a minute," yelled Randy.

Tanner waited, rocking slowly. After a few minutes, he felt Randy relax around him. He pulled out slowly and then sank his thick cock deep inside Randy again. This time the response was a deep moan. Tanner pulled almost out, squirted more lube over his shaft and then shoved back inside.

Soon Tanner was pounding Randy's butt and the slap of their body's colliding with each other echoed through the enclosed space. He could feel his nuts slapping against Randy's butt while the moans from them echoed. Tanner's pleasure built with each stroke. Randy's back was arched as Tanner plunged into his bubble butt hard and fast.

Tanner peaked at the point of no return. He buried himself deep inside Randy and pinned him against his crotch. His body shook again and again as he filled Randy with his seed. The orgasm rolled over him again and again. Once the last round had emptied into Randy, Tanner slumped against him.

"Ah, shit. That was good," said Tanner.

"Fuck yeah. It was."

Tanner let them both catch their breath. Then he slowly pulled out. With the grin on his face he pushed the dripping cum back into Randy.

Randy started to laugh and pushed himself upright. He twisted his head and winked at Tanner. "I think I need to go take care of something before we check the cattle. Otherwise everyone is going to know what we did."

"Or think you have a problem."

Randy scowled back at Tanner and then started laughing.

It was just April, but sometimes in Oklahoma it was hot in April. Today was one of those days. It had to be close to one-hundred as he and Randy rode the miles of fence to make sure they hadn't been damaged over the winter. Recent winters had been hard enough that even the old timers couldn't recall as much ice and snow. Ice was the worst. The worst of the ice storms had missed the ranch this year, but there could still be some damage, which was the whole reason for what they were doing this afternoon.

Randy turned to me and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Let's take a break and let the horses rest. This heat has to be rough on them too."

Tanner glanced across the green sea that rolled out from them and into the rough Arbuckle mountains to pinpoint their exact location and see what would be the closest place to water the horses and get them all out of the scorching sun. After a moment he nodded and they started down the steep slope. A few minutes were all it took to spot the grove of trees he'd been looking for. This was one of his favorite locations, the trees actually surrounded a small spring that ran for a few hundred feet before disappearing again. But there would be plenty for the horses to drink their fill and for all of them to cool off.

Once they reached the clump of trees, he and Randy dismounted and walked the horses to the small pool of water. After his horse had slurped his fill of water and became more interested in the lush green grass, Tanner pulled a water bottle out of his saddlebag and took a drink. After a second, he passed it along to Randy who began to quench his thirst.

Tanner looked across sun drenched landscape as a fit of wind twirled through the grass. A moment of peace filled him at the sight unrolled before him. Randy rested his hand on Tanner's bare shoulder and then leaned in to kiss his neck.

"What's up? You've been kind of quiet all day," said Randy.

"Just thinking."


Tanner looked over his shoulder at Randy and grinned at his insistence. "What if I don't get into vet school?"

Randy shrugged. "Then you apply again next year after you take a few more classes."

"Yeah, but what if I never get accepted?"

"That's not going to happen."


"Listen, you're one of the smartest guys I know. You're going to get in. But just for the sake of argument, what would you do? I'm sure you have some kind of plan."

Tanner paused for a minute to think about his answer. "I'd come back to the ranch, I guess."

"Okay, and what else?"

"I don't know. That's about as far as it goes."

Randy grinned at Tanner. "Where would our house be? I'm sure you've already worked out the details."

"Oh, shut up."


Tanner sighed, looked at Randy, and then grinned. "On the south side of the ranch. I don't want to be too close to the parents. I'd like a little privacy."

"And what kind of house?"

Tanner started laughing. "Okay, even I haven't planned that far in advance. We can figure it out when we're ready to build it."

Randy chuckled. "You sure? No stash of dream home pictures?"

Tanner shoved Randy playfully. "You goof. Come on, before the horses are stuffed on grass. I'm ready to be out of this heat."

"Take me back to the spot for the clinic."

"The clinic?" asked Tanner.

"Yes, the clinic. You showed me where you wanted to put it once. We're pretty close I think."

"Yeah, we are. I can't believe you remember though."

Randy leaned in for another kiss. "Of course I remembered. Let's go look at it again."

"Yeah, let's go look. I'd like that."

Tanner shrugged and turned his horse toward the top of a nearby ridge. They rode in silence, both wrapped in their own thoughts. The closer they got to the spot he'd showed Randy last year, the more apprehensive Tanner became. He wasn't sure why Randy wanted to go back, especially since the whole thing was still a dream. With each passing day, Tanner thought it sounded more and more like a dream he'd never be able to attain.

The horses lunged up the last few feet of the rise to reach the top of the escarpment. The sat side by side as they looked at the unobstructed view that spread for miles around them. The rolling countryside with its combatants in an ancient war was cornered off in the crossroads between the forested east and the vast prairies of the west. In the distance, he could see where some of last years brush fires had created blacken corpses, surrounded by their attendants of knee high grass that would reach Randy's height before the end of the scorching summer.

The silence stretched out and Tanner glanced at his husband, to find a smile plastered across his face. He couldn't help it. Without thinking a smile stretched across his face. I shook my head at Randy.

"What are you grinning about? I know this is no Maryland."

Randy nudged his horse closer and leaned to Tanner, the leather protesting his weight going sideways motion, until he kissed Tanner. "You're here. If it were hell on earth, which it isn't, this would still be my favorite place."

Tanner rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Goofball. But I'm glad you don't hate it."

"Hate it? No way. In a week or so the Indian paintbrush will be everywhere and later the blanket flowers. It's just gorgeous."

Tanner chuckled. "I didn't know you were such a fan of Oklahoma wild flowers."

Randy winked at Tanner. "I might just surprise you some times."

Tanner reached over and squeezed Randy's arm. "You surprise me all the time, and in great ways." He turned back to the view. "So this would be the place. We're not too far from the county road, just around that clump of trees."

Randy nodded and crossed his arms as the horse under him dropped his head to graze. "This will be perfect." Randy threw his leg over the saddle horn and dropped to the ground. He walked to the edge of the bluff and stood for several minutes.

Tanner left him to his introspection and walked into the small cluster of trees while they let the horses graze. As he walked, the entire layout came into his mind and he couldn't help with begin to chuckle.

"What are you cooking up?"

Tanner glanced over his shoulder to find Randy had moved in behind him. He waved his hand in Randy's direction. "Oh, just being weird."

"Well I'm weird, so tell me about it."

Tanner shrugged. "It just came to me where everything should be, and that we should have our house as part of the clinic."

Randy nodded and smiled. "Show me."

The rest of the afternoon was spent with the two of them happily planning their lives.


Tanner paused for a moment, thinking he'd heard his name, but saw no one he recognized, he began walking again.


Tanner stopped again, this time he saw a handsome guy in his early thirties rushing toward him. He looked vaguely familiar, but couldn't quite place him. He waited to see what was going on.

When the person got closer it clicked for Tanner, it's the ranger from the trip he and Randy took to the mountains. Tanner struggled to recall his name. The guy stopped in front of Tanner and held out his hand.

"Hey, good to see you again! I kept hoping I'd run into you on one of my visits to campus. I don't know if you remember. We met when you were camping in the Ouachita Mountains. I'm Kip."

Kip! Damn it, sure. He propositioned us to share partners. Tanner glanced around, wishing Randy were with him. After their trip to Mexico, they had been pretty protective of each other. He wasn't certain what to tell Kip. He hoped that wasn't the reason he'd signed Tanner down.

Kip glanced at his watch. "Hey, I was going to campus corner to grab some lunch. You wanna come? It's my treat."

"Well, I was on my way to the library..." Tanner said, trying to find a graceful way out of the situation.

"Oh come on, the library will still be there in an hour."

Tanner hesitated.

Kip winked at him and smiled. "Come on. I promise not to bite." He leaned closer to Tanner. "Unless you like biting."

In his surprise, Tanner let the book bag slide off his shoulder until he was holding it in his hand. Kip reached over and grabbed the dangling bag and slapped his hand onto Tanner's shoulder. "Come on. I hear it's a good place to eat. Someone told me you have to try the fried Oreos."

Tanner scowled, not seeing a way out of this without being an ass. He walked with Kip across north campus, filling Tanner in on happenings from the mountains that Tanner had no clue what he was talking about. But it was so cozy and familiar sounding that Tanner couldn't help being pulled into the stories. By the time they reached the restaurant, Tanner was feeling much more comfortable with the handsome ranger.

They found themselves a seat in the crowded bar and soon had a waiter to take their order. Kip grinned at Tanner. "What's your favorite?"

Tanner paused for a minute. "The Okie Monster, or their pizza. They have good pizza."

Kip turned to the waiter. "We'd like two Okie Monsters and a cheese pizza."

The waiter nodded as he wrote down their order, and then left with the admonishment that their food should be delivered soon.

Kip smiled at Tanner. "So, what did I just order?"

Tanner chuckled. "Basically a fancy frito chili pie."

Kip leaned back, resting his arms on the back of the booth. "Okay, that sounds good to me. I was a little worried."

Tanner smirked. "Is that why you ordered a cheese pizza too?"

Kip grinned. "Maybe..."

Their waiter came back and gave them their drinks. Kip and Tanner watched him walk off. Kip turned with a grin. "Nice butt."

Tanner choked a little, instantly remembering all his misgivings.

"You still dating the lacrosse player?"

Tanner nodded. "Randy and I got married, in Maryland."

Kip nodded. "Too bad Oklahoma doesn't recognize it."

Tanner shrugged. "It's coming."

Kip leaned in closer and smiled at Tanner. "I don't know if you remember, but my boyfriend and I like to find other play with. We're both mostly bottoms, so it keeps everything fun."

Tanner swallowed hard. He studied Kip for a moment, any interest he might have had earlier in he and Randy's relationship, was long gone now. While he was trying to come up with a suitable rejection, their food was delivered. That gave Tanner another few minutes to think.

Once the waiter had left he turned to Kip. "I'm flattered, really. But Randy and I don't share. Sorry."

Kip looked at him for what seemed like a very long time. Eventually he waved his fork at Tanner. "No sweat. You two were so know."

Tanner felt relief wash off him. "That's really nice. But we'll pass."

From there the conversation relaxed, Kip didn't seem to want to make things too difficult for Tanner, which he appreciated. By the end of their lunch together, they were both enjoying the others company. They paused outside and Tanner extended a hand.

"It was good to catch up with you. Good luck to you and your boyfriend."

"Same to you," Kip said as we shook hands. "Good luck with vet school too."

Tanner shook his head. "Soon, damn I hope it's soon." They waved as they parted and Tanner resumed his trek to the library.

Randy's knife went through the chicken fried steak like it was butter. He and Fred had convinced their spouses that one splurge meal every few weeks would keep them from losing their sanity and eating nothing but fried and sugary stuff. He popped the bite into his mouth and bit down.

"Oh, man. Jenny, this is delicious," said Randy.

"Well, eat up. We don't eat like this around here any more." She looked at Fred and lifted one eyebrow. "Do we, Fred?"

"No my princess. We most certainly do not. We eat green healthy vegetables that build strong bones and make sure I don't fall over with a heart attack." Fred plastered a fake grin on his face and beamed at Jenny.

The boys chuckled for a moment, then looked at Jenny. Her face was frozen as she gave Fred a scowl. She held it for a few moments, then shook her head and started laughing. "I can't stay mad at you, you crazy old man."

Fred winked at Randy and Tanner. "This is what happens when you've been married as long as we have. You just get a little crazy."

Randy chuckled and talked around a mouth filled with Jenny's delicious cooking. "We haven't been married a year, and already we're more than a little crazy."

Jenny slowed, then cast a glance at Fred. "Are you going to ask?"

Randy and Tanner looked at each other, then back at the older couple. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, really. It just gets harder and harder to find someone to rent the apartment to. You know, nice folks like you," Jenny said.

Randy glanced at Tanner, who gave him an almost imperceptible nod. He turned back and grinned at Jenny. "How would you feel about another couple, like Tanner and I, only women?"

Jenny looked a little confused. "Are they nice girls?"

Tanner nodded. "Yeah, and they're married too. One of them plays for the woman's rugby team."

Fred looked at Jenny and shrugged. "Sounds fine to me. It'd be nice if they liked to help in the gardens like you boys do."

Tanner grinned. "Oh, I don't think that would be a problem. Tammy loves growing things."

"Perfect!" said Fred, his eyes gleaming.

The four of them quietly finished dinner. Randy suddenly became aware that the other three were watching him. He realized he was smacking the plate with enough force to make it rattle. He grinned and sat the spoon on the plate.

"Sorry. I guess I got too excited about something that wasn't veggies for my own good."

Jenny chuckled and patted his cheek. "I have something I think you might like," she said.

Jenny disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes and then came back with a huge pecan pie. She motioned to Fred with her head. "Grab the plates, hun. The forks are right beside them too."

Fred disappeared into the kitchen as Jenny sat the pie on the table. She grabbed the knife from the pile in Fred's hands when he came back through again, and handed it to Randy. "If you wouldn't mind cutting the pie. I would sure appreciate it."

Randy grinned and plunged the knife into the concoction of eggs, sugar and pecans. It was one of his favorite desserts, and Jenny knew that. He cut himself a huge slice to first, and Tanner reached over and popped him on the arm.

"Pig! Leave some for the rest of us."

Randy looked completely unrepentant. "There's plenty for everyone. But pecan is my favorite."

Jenny chuckled. "It's okay, Tanner. I knew Randy would make sure to get himself a big enough piece that I won't have to fight Fred to stay out of it tomorrow."

Randy shoveled the huge piece of pie he'd cut for himself onto a plate, and then grinned at everyone. "Who else would like a piece?"

Tanner popped him again and chuckled. "We all do you big oaf. But don't cut us pieces big enough to feed the whole lacrosse team."

Randy cut the pie into reasonable slices. "Nope, there are guys on the lacrosse team who could eat the whole pie."

Randy slipped the knife under each piece of pie and deftly moved each one to the plates Jenny had placed beside him. Soon the only sounding the room was the contented sounds of four people enjoying excellent pie.

A short time later Randy was noisily scraping his plate for the last bits. If they had been alone in their apartment he would have licked the plate clean. But he kept up at least a few manners while he was at Jenny and Fred's house. He grinned at the trio and grinned.

"This was an excellent meal! Easily in my top ten."

Jenny smiled and waved her hand at Randy. "Oh, you're just trying to flatter an old woman."

Randy grinned. "Is it working?"

"Young man, you need to stop flirting with my wife," said Fred.

Randy glanced over, Fred grinned and winked at him.

Then Jenny reached out and patted the back of Fred's hand before she looked at the boys and smiled. "We wanted to talk to you about something, boys."

Randy and Tanner exchanged glances. "Yes, ma'am?"

Fred slid his hand across the table and rested it on Jenny's. He smiled and nodded at her. A smile came to her face without the need to look at Fred. "Well, we wanted to give you boys something."

Tanner shook his head. "You don't need to give us anything. We love it that you've been so good to us."

Jenny leaned forward and patted each of their hands. "Oh it's not much. But it means a lot to us. We know you're leaving so we wanted to give you something to remember us by."

Randy looked at Jenny and Fred, the expression on his face was one of concern. "Ya'll okay? Is there anything we can do to help?"

Fred waved his hand at Randy and chuckled. "Oh, heavens. It's nothing like that. We just want you to have our old wedding rings. They're plain and we replaced them with new ones years ago. So they've just been sitting in a drawer. We thought you could have them recast or something."

Randy and Tanner looked at each other and then the older couple. "We can't take your wedding rings."

Jenny grinned and patted Randy's hand. "Nonsense. Who else would we give them to? You boys are the closest we've ever had to children."

She walked to the china cabinet and pulled out one of the drawers. She lifted out a small box, walked back and handed it to Tanner. He flipped up the lid and peered inside. Nestled against a bed of cotton were two plain gold bands.

When Tanner looked up, there were tears streaming down his face. Randy was barely keeping his own emotions from overflowing too. He looked at the couple.

"This is really too much. You sure you want to do this?"

Jenny nodded and grinned. "Absolutely. We've talked it all through. We want you to have them."

Tanner grabbed Randy's hand and squeezed it. They turned their tear stained faced to the older couple.

"We would be honored. And no, we're never melting them down."

Randy sat looking at the envelope with its distinctive orange print. It had arrived with today's mail. The mail carrier had no idea that he was holding their lives in his shoulder bag. Randy had spotted it immediately, and knew what it had to be-Tanner's notification about veterinary school.

Randy had struggled with texting Tanner to let him know. But he'd want Randy to open it and tell him what it said. Randy thought Tanner was perfect, but someone else might not see the perfection. He didn't want to text that kind of news to Tanner. So, Randy had been forced to sit in the same room with the letter all afternoon while he waited for Tanner to come back from class.

His nerves were shot when he heard the click of the door. Randy rocketed out of the chair, his books flying everywhere, and yanked the door open. Under any other conditions he would have laughed at the expression on Tanner's face. But he was too anxious.

"It came. Open it!"

He thrust the envelope in Tanner's hand and then crossed his arms over his chest. Randy was about to burst with expectation but was trying to be cool about it. Tanner stood in the open doorway and studied the letter in his hand. He looked back at Randy, and the fear was plain on his face. He tapped the side of it against his palm a few times, obviously hesitant to open the packet.

"Open it already, dammit!"

Tanner lifted his pocketknife from the bowl he'd dropped everything into last night and pulled open the blade. Carefully, he pressed it back along the seal and slit the paper open. He eased open the top as if he were questioning that its contents were safe. Randy began to fidget in anticipation.

Finally Tanner slipped the letter out, and unfurled it slowly. His eyes scanned down the page. The anticipation was tearing Randy up. After what seemed like a millennium to Randy, Tanner looked up. At first his face held no expression, then a smile exploded with the intensity of July sun in Oklahoma. The next words were some of the sweetest Randy had ever heard.

"I got in."

The simple statement seemed to bounce around the room. Echoing and multiplying until it filled their apartment. Then the world stood still for just an instant, before Randy screamed out.

"You're in! You're in!"

He grabbed Tanner around the waist and yanked him tight. Screaming at the top of his lungs, he spun Tanner around the room. After a minute or two, he dropped Tanner and started covering his face with kisses.

"Holy crap! Let me breathe."

Randy gave Tanner a little space, but refused to let him go. "So, what did they say? We need to frame this sucker."

Tanner chuckled and scanned down the page again. "They just congratulated me on getting in, gave me some dates for orientation, general form letter kind of stuff."

"They can do all the form letter kind of stuff they'd like. So long as it says you got in vet school!"

Tanner grinned and pulled Randy into a tight hug. "It does, and I did."

"We have to go celebrate. Steak, shrimp, whatever you want."

Still grinning Tanner replied, "Steak. I like beef."

Randy snickered. "Yes, yes you do. I think we can take care of that too.

A soft voice drifted through the open door. "Boys? Everything okay?"

Randy sprinted to the landing to see Jenny staring up at them with a concerned look on her face. "No. Everything is great! Tanner got accepted into vet school. We're going to go out and celebrate, would you and Fred like to go with us?"

She smiled and waved her hand at them. "Oh heavens no. You boys go celebrate. Tell Tanner congratulations from us."

Tanner sat on the edge of the bed pulling off his boots. Their evening had been outstanding, and Randy had taken him to the best steak house in Oklahoma City. Tanner enjoyed every bite, but even more he relished the weight of not knowing from his shoulders. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, working his head from right to left to loosen his muscles. He felt Randy's hands on his bare skin and turned to smile.

"You keep that up and I might just let you stay."

Randy leaned down and kissed Tanner on the back of his neck. "I'm so proud of you. It's going to be so fun at state."

Tanner leaned back against Randy and sighed. "I'm so happy, and so glad I'm with you."

Randy's hands ran under Tanner's arms and caressed his chest. Randy found his nipples and tweaked them. Electric pulses ran through Tanner and he sighed softly. He relaxed under the attention and soon closed his eyes to enjoy what Randy was doing. After a few minutes, the movement stopped, and Randy moved away. He turned in time to see Randy's clothes flying across the room. He was back on the bed in seconds, holding Tanner against his now naked torso.

Tanner sighed, he could feel Randy's hardness pressing against his back. He turned and took Randy in his arms and kissed him hard. "I love you. Thank you for putting up with me while we waited."

Randy slid his hands over Tanner's back and slid them lower until he was cupping Tanner's tight butt. He squeezed and leaned down to kiss along Tanner's neck.

"You know you're about to get fucked if you don't stop."

Randy chuckled. "Well damn, it took you long enough."

Tanner laughed and stepped off the bed. He grinned at Randy as he popped open the button on his jeans and let them fall to the floor. His briefs followed shortly afterward, his cock hovering in front of him. He climbed back onto the bed and pushed Randy backward until he fell back. Tanner crawled after his husband, and lay across him. Randy's hard cock pressed against his own created a tingle inside Tanner that left him struggling for control.

He lay across Randy as their crotches ground against each other. Soft moans were coming from Randy as the heat built inside Tanner. The passion was building as Randy took his nipples between his fingers and twisted them.

"Ah fuck, that feels good."

Randy twisted them again and then bit into Tanner's shoulder and started sucking. The electric jolt went through Tanner. He moaned loudly as he bounced against Randy. They held each other. Their hairy naked bodies grinding against each other as their passion built.

Tanner slid down, sucking and biting each of Randy's nipples until the volume of moans coming from Randy was filling the apartment. Tanner slid over Randy's crotch, only leaving a passing swipe with his tongue as he moved lower. He slipped between Randy's spread legs and began licking on his nuts. He tongued the heavy orbs until they were tucked tight against his hard shaft. Tanner slipped lower and wiggled the tip of his tongue against Randy's flexing ass.

"Ah, shit. That's it," Randy said.

Tanner pried Randy's cheeks apart and sank his tongue inside. The tight heat drove him harder as he rimmed Randy. The minutes slid past as Tanner feasted. He slid his tongue deep inside until Randy was begging.

"Please. Come on. Quit teasing."

Tanner smirked and reached up to grab the lube they kept beside the bed. He coated Randy's ass and then himself. Tanner pressed his cock against Randy's hole. He teased for a moment, then buried himself deep inside.

"Ah shit." Randy sighed.

Tanner paused for a moment, then started pounding. In seconds the two merged into a writhing muscular mass with cries and moans coming from them both. Tanner's muscular butt drove his cock into Randy again and again. The heat and grip of Randy's butt on him was driving him to the edge. He could feel the sweet sting of pain as his nuts slapped against Randy.

Suddenly Randy's strong hands were over him and the touch of his hot hands across Tanner's skin was the final push. With a grunt he thrust in hard and pinned himself inside Randy. His body began to shake as the euphoria overtook him. Soon his body was twitching madly as he emptied himself into Randy. The pleasure crested and fell, never wanting it to end, but knowing that it would. In a short time the waves slowed and a sense of contentment surrounded him as the last of his load flowed out.

Tanner ran his hands over Randy, his breathing labored as he returned to this world. He smiled at the sensation of Randy's hard cock pressing against his stomach, even harder than before. Tanner pressed his softening cock in again, and then slowly let it slip out.

He began fingering Randy as he curled down and sucked the head of his leaking dick into his mouth. The sweet taste of the clear elixir was heaven to Tanner. As he moved, he was banging his fingers against Randy's filling prostate. Randy's hands wrapped around his head, urging him on as he thrust into Tanner's mouth.

The combination didn't take long before he felt Randy sudden tense. Tanner pulled almost off before the first volley filled his mouth. He swallowed, trying to keep up, but a thin trickle of cum slipped from his lips. The moment stretched out as Tanner drank down Randy's pungent essence. He sucked and licked, seeking out each particle, until Randy dropped his hips to the bed and squirmed.

"Stop, stop! That's enough."

Tanner laughed and crawled back onto his husband's body to press their lips together. Tanner ran his fingers over Randy's dark blond hair.

"That was amazing, as always," Tanner whispered.

Randy chuckled. "I'm still shaking all over. That's a sure sign that I've been royally fucked."

Tanner chuckled and kissed Randy's chin. "I always knew you were royalty."

Randy smiled and wrapped his arms around Tanner. "We won't be here much longer. We can help the girls move in so Fred and Jenny don't have a lag time."

Tanner kissed the side of Randy's neck and then snuggled in against him. "That sounds good. We can borrow Dad's stock trailer to haul our stuff up there. We can get everything we need in one load."

"Sounds like we've got everything planned out," said Randy.

Tanner chuckled. "I hate to break this to you, babe. But we are more the 'let 'er rip' crowd."

Randy chuckled. "I suppose we do kind of draw drama to us."

Tanner kissed him and sighed. "So long as you're with me, everything's cool."

With a kiss, Randy wrapped his arms around Tanner. "You've always got me. Never fear, Randy is here."

Tanner chuckled as the two of them drifted into a well deserved peaceful sleep, ready to face the world, together.


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