
By Timothy Lane

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Laramie Chapter 8

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As a reminder, the previous chapter had Laramie moving to Jackson Bend in April 2016.


**October 2016
**Laramie Jenkins (27)
C.J. McCall (26)


I had looked at Larry for so long, I'm surprised there weren't holes drilled into his shirt. I loved watching him work. My gaydar hadn't fully gone off. There was a slight something there, but I wasn't for sure. I liked his build. He was trim, and the way his jeans hugged his crotch, I was transfixed with him physically.

I was thrilled that my parents had ordered these chairs from Shuppe's Mantle. I chatted with Larry when I placed the order. The girl up front didn't have answers to some of my questions. She asked Larry to clarify.

I was taken with him. I didn't see a ring on his finger, but he didn't seem a lot older than me. Larry could have had a girlfriend. I was hoping he didn't.

I was hoping he liked men.

As the lady up front was preparing the paperwork, I continued to look at him. One of the other guys working in the back was also rather good looking. I liked this place.


These chairs were beautiful. C.J. had been called that they were ready for pick up. I felt it was some of our finest work.

He arrived at 3:30 to pick them up. I thought he was pretty handsome when he made the order. When I saw him again to pick up the chairs, I thought he looked even hotter. But he was probably straight.

I had been in Jackson Bend for almost six months. I hadn't sought out anyone to date. My Eureka upbringing still had me a little skittish about approaching men. Maybe it was time for me to put myself out there. I had only been to a nightclub once this year. For some reason I felt everyone looked paired up. Maybe it was a sign from the universe that I was supposed to be alone. With bills piling up, I didn't really think about going out drinking that much. Maybe it was time to get out there again. Heaven knows this C.J. guy was making me horny. Maybe I just needed to get laid.

After inspecting the work, I started to wrap the chairs in plastic. For a minute, I thought C.J. was watching me. Then I figured he was just making sure I was taking care of the chairs. They were pretty expensive after all.

His sideburns reminded me of Amos. They weren't as long, but there was something masculine about them that really grabbed me. If he were gay, I would almost consider asking him out.

My house was finally in a position to have someone over if I did start dating. It didn't look nearly as barren as when I moved in. Kent was great about letting me build after hours. It kind of eliminated any personal life, but the shelving in my house looked wonderful, and I thought the dining room table was incredible. Julio even pitched in some of his skills at no charge. After doing these chairs for C.J., I figured I would attempt the same style with my table. They matched nicely. But, since it was just me, there was no rush. The kitchen table from Wal-Mart was simple but served its purpose. I would replace it somewhere down the line.

I could have sworn C.J. was looking at me again. God, he was hot.


Was this Larry checking me out? I figured he had some hot chick back at the house. I must have imagined it.

Once the last chair was loaded, he reached out his hand. I shook it. Larry had a firm handshake. I, however, didn't want to let go of it. The warmth of his skin was nice. I mentally undressed him.

I watched him walk back inside. His ass filled out his Wranglers nicely. I completely undressed him.

I wished my parents had something else to build to bring me back here.

Oh well, it didn't matter. I had seen enough action this fall. I was enjoying finding new guys each week. The bars were working in my favor. Since college had started back, I had even managed to land a few juniors. Young guys finding their first fucks was always hot. I'm sure I could find someone to get Larry out of my mind.

Two weeks later


I had told myself for more than a week to get out of the house — and the shop — and put myself out there. I had concentrated so much on the house that I didn't allow me enough free time to even think about dating.

I decided to treat myself to a burger at McGee's. I noticed over by the window were two men sitting in a booth. They struck me as gay; I wasn't sure why. I shouldn't immediately jump to conclusions. Then I saw one of them reach for the other's hand. They just held hands until their food arrived.

In Eureka, I never could have done that. Ever. For some reason it struck me as nice. I was rather looking forward to being myself here. Unfortunately, that meant working late building my own furniture and shelving.

Damn it. It was time I went out. I decided I wanted a boyfriend. I didn't just want some random hookup. I wanted what these two seemed to have. I needed a relationship. I'd love to have something like what I had with Freddy again. Didn't I deserve that? It would be nice to fall in love again.

I pulled out my phone. Looking around to ensure no one could hear me, I orally Googled, "gay night clubs in Jackson Bend."

I was surprised that there were more than I figured. I had seen a couple. Some of these were just bars, but there were two country and western bars, a techno nightclub and something called a leather bar. I figured the last one wasn't for me.

The Black Stallion looked to be pretty big. Maybe every guy there wouldn't be paired up. But would I be lost in a sea of guys? Lamar Station looked like a good size. It was worth a try. I didn't have to have some one-night stand. Maybe I could find someone worthy of really starting something. I wouldn't know if I didn't try. I headed home to grab a cowboy hat. I figured switching into cowboy boots would help fit the part as well.

I pulled in shortly after 9. The parking lot wasn't too crowded. From what I knew of clubs, they were more of a late-night crowd.

I sat at a bar. There were a few stools available. I thought a couple guys checked me out. That made me feel good. Maybe they would come over and introduce themselves.

I noticed the bar had Yuengling in bottles. Score.

As I waited for the bartender to get me a second one, I swiveled to look around the bar. Probably 30 more people had entered in the time I had been there.

Then a certain gentleman caught my eye.

Oh my God.


"Oh my God. Well, that certainly answers a few of my questions," I said, as Larry and I made eye contact.

"I guess for me too," he said, smiling.

"Anyone on that empty stool next to ya?"

"It's open."

I moved in and got the bartender's attention for a draft. He brought Larry's and my beverage over together.

"Want to start a tab?" the bartender asked me.

I looked at Larry. "Sure. I could stay a while." I handed the bartender a credit card.

Larry smiled back at me.

"Now I wished I had asked certain questions two weeks ago," Larry said to me.

"You and me both. I thought you might have been checking me out."

"I was indeed. I hope it is okay to say that I think you are incredibly handsome. I suppose `hot' is a sexier compliment," Larry said.

"I'll take it. I thought the same of you as I watched your ass walk back into the store after loading my truck."

Larry laughed at that comment. I liked his laugh.

"So, tell me about you, C.J.," he asked, taking a drink from his pilsner.

"What would you like to know?"

"Lived here your whole life?"

"Pretty much. Since I was six. Jackson Bend is all I know."

"Parents know you are gay?"

"Oooo. Direct. Yes, they do. Yeah, I know, I still live at home, but it allows me extra spending cash. I do hope to move out soon. Not that I haven't brought a fella home every now and then. Our house is big enough for me to have my own space."

"Hm. If it works for you, sure."

"But if I want to get really rowdy, I tend to do it at his place."

"You have a him then?"

"No. I'm not in a relationship. But I've stayed at many places in town."

"Is that so?" he said back.

This was going well. I felt I was going to have this stud naked to myself tonight.


This conversation was going too fast. I wasn't ready to screw a total stranger. I was wanting to get to know the person first. But C.J. was hot. I was horny. Something told me we were going to fuck tonight. Would that be so bad? If we were right for each other, it could turn into something good.

Over the course of 90 minutes, the two of us had shared a lot. We couldn't have had more opposite lives. His parents were completely fine with him being gay. Mine were distant. He was very open to his friends and acquaintances. I was more private. He had a lot of experience. Aside from Freddy, I didn't have anything close to long-term.

I saw C.J. swallow the last of his most recent draft.

"One more?" the bartender asked him.

C.J. didn't look at the bartender. His eyes were locked with mine. "I'm good," he finally replied, not even looking the direction of the bartender. "If I had another, I might not be able to drive to your place," he bluntly said.

"Is that so?" I replied. Again.

"I think that's so," he calmly said. He stood to take off my cowboy hat. His lips were all over mine. It was not a quick kiss. It was elongated. I just grabbed his belt loops and went with it. Our lips didn't break the seal for at least 30 seconds. I was positive the entire bar was looking at us. We had to be a spectacle.

We broke apart. I wiped my mouth and realized no one was looking at us. Men kissing wasn't a big deal here. It reminded me of how much I loved being away from Eureka.

"How about I take care of our tabs," he said.

Five minutes later, I had taken my last swallow of beer, C.J. had paid for my drinks and he was moving his car around to follow me home.

I hoped my house looked okay. But then again, he wasn't there to photograph it. He was coming to have his way with me. I got the impression he was in charge. I had no intention of being submissive. Hopefully he wasn't into any bondage stuff. It just felt like we were too horny bastards looking to get off.

It was the first time two vehicles were in my driveway at the same time, other than perhaps a delivery.

"Can I get you a beer out of the fridge?" I asked, feeling just a twinge of nervousness.

"I'm good."

"Okay. So ... I take it you..."

His mouth was on mine again. This time, his hands gripped my ass. I was wearing my tightest jeans and he had a perfect grip. I couldn't figure out what to do with my arms, so I just wrapped them around him and held us together. In the timeframe of that kiss, my dick had become fully hard, fully extended and fully ready. I pressed our crotches together. He felt my erection press into his waist. C.J. got noticeably hard and thrust back.

I would never have categorized myself as shy, but C.J. had a macho vibe that conveyed that he was leading the proceedings. One by one, the buttons of my shirt were loosened. His hands moved through the garment like a belly dancer, causing it to fling to the floor. His hands plowed through my chest hair like a seed drill on the farm. It made me rejoice that I had a full chest of hair. His hands, his touch, his instruction set me afire.

He ripped open his fly and snapped out a dick a little longer than mine.

"Suck me."

I dropped to my knees and engulfed his organ. I liked the texture of it. Some dicks are smooth, some have a vein like mine. His had a bumpy feel that looked incredibly masculine. I loved sucking it. I moaned as I feasted on his flesh. Male flesh. Hard male flesh. At last. My eyes were closed in my oral service. I had no idea that he had removed his shirt and shoes while I had consumed his hard-on. The sound of his pants dropping to the floor caused my eyes to open. I took my mouth off his penis with a loud slurp. His briefs dropped to his ankles. The only clothing that remained were his socks, and he left those on.

He pulled me up to kiss me again. I felt him fiddle with my belt, and he yanked it from its loops with a loud snap. Within seconds, my remaining clothes were being shoved over my hips. I stepped out of them seconds later.

C.J. pulled his lips from mine. "I hope you have lube. I don't want this to hurt."

We walked to the bedroom. I leaned down into my nightstand. Did the fact that the bottle of lube had hardly been touched cast indirect insults at me?

"Get ready for the fuck of your life, Larry."

I figured we would head toward the bed. He guided me to the wall next to the bathroom. After kissing me again, all while fondling my cock, he whirled me around. I found myself pressed against the wall with one arm being held behind me. The other was palm open on the wall. He pushed his dick up and down the length of my crack. While still holding my arm, I heard the bottle of lube pop open. He let go of me just a second for him to pour out the first portion. Before I could turn around, I felt a probe enter my hole. I gasped in. A finger wriggled in me.

"Soooo tight. Relax for me, Larry."

Two fingers went in. I didn't like it. They forged my passage. My ass muscles got used to it, but I wasn't sure if I found it pleasurable.

"Relax," he breathed into my ear.

A second squirt came from the bottle. I recognized the sound of an erection being coated with lubricant. The lid snapped closed, and the bottle fell to the floor. His hand gripped my cock, and he jerked my pole as I felt the head of his steel shaft line up with its target. My penis was not slick, but it was no longer dry either.

He entered me. It felt invasive.

"C.J., I..."

He shoved all the way in. I groaned aloud. It was not comfortable. He let go of my cock and pressed me against the wall.

"Relax. Take all of me. Enjoy me."

We didn't move. His hips gyrated in the slightest. He breathed in my ear. I tried to match his breathing. His flesh didn't feel so intrusive. I kept breathing.

"Better?" he breathed into my ear.

"I think so."

He pulled one of my arms back again and begin thrusting his cock into me. We were well into it now. I knew I was going to be fucked good.

C.J. was strong. His build was as good as mine, but nothing like a body builder. He was simply fit. He leaned into me, and my face — my whole body — was pressed against the wall. I turned it to where my nose wouldn't be slammed.

"God, my cock feels good in that ass of yours, Larry. Fuck, yes."

He pushed into me. His thrusting hips pressed me into the wall. He began pushing up on my ass with his lead pipe. It felt like a prod moving up inside me. It pressed into places within me that had never been stimulated.

"Oh man. Ohhh, C.J."

"That's it. Enjoy it. Enjoy ME."

"Yes. Fuck, yes."

My ass was being plowed. At the same time, my erection was being rubbed into the wall. It was a smooth coating of paint, so it didn't rip any flesh. There was the slightest hint of lube to help it move appropriately up and down against the wall's surface.

I didn't hold back. I began moaning at a high level. C.J. grunted as he continued to ram his hips into my ass. The spots he was hitting within me, it was incredible.

"Fuck me, man!" I screamed.

My dick was rubbing the wall. I was so hard. It was throbbing in my own stimulated euphoria.

C.J. continued to grind us into sexual hamburger. The two of us were howling. We went on for several minutes. Writhing. Screaming. Pressing. Rubbing. Fucking.


"Oh fuck!!!" I screamed. I felt cum squirt between me and the wall. My dick started to slide in it. It was smeared into my crotch. It was an extreme orgasm. I had never had an orgasm standing like this. Never being fucked at least. My howls announced my climax.





His dick tried its hardest to lift me off my feet.

C.J. bit my neck and groaned as he unloaded his seed into me. I was shoved further into the wall. His hips pushed and pushed into me.

His teeth changed to his lips, and he kissed the back of my neck.


God, that felt good. Larry was such a better specimen than most of the college students I had been with recently.

"Dude. I fucking loved that."

I let go of him, and we stepped back. Larry's crotch was a mess, and I saw him look at the smear and spurts on the wall. He looked at me, and I nodded that he should get something to wipe it off. While he did so, I flopped down on his bed.

"Not every guy can keep it hard while being fucked."

"I guess it is the first time I have ever been fucked standing up," he softly said.

"It's one of my favorite positions."

He threw the rag onto the bathroom floor. The wall simply looked wet. It just needed to dry.

Larry joined me on the bed.

"So did you like it?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess. It was wild. Your dick really hit some pleasurable spots inside me."

"I've had practice," I chuckled. "You can see why I prefer not to do it at home. I can really let lose when I don't have to worry about anyone being in the house."

"Maybe we can use the bed next time."

That made me pause.

"Next time?"

"Yeah, I'd like to see you again," he said, sounding slightly perplexed. "I enjoyed your company tonight."

"Does that mean I'm staying over?"

"I'd like that. Would you?"

I hadn't intended to. I just wanted some action. I just wanted to fuck Larry. But he was nice to look at. I could easily wake up with him next to me.

"Sure. Why not."

He smiled at me.

"Need anything? Water? Food? Beer?"

I laughed. "I'm good. I don't think I need more beer. I must have come off as some kind of lush at the bar."

"No, of course not. Just trying to be a good host. It's been so long since I've dated, I just want to put my best foot forward."

Dated. Hmm. I was thinking this was a hookup and not much else. I wasn't really known for dating. Per se. Not that everything I did was a one-night stand, but I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. His statement made me reflect on my life. What was I looking for? For three years I had just wanted to fuck every guy that moved. I had never thought of myself as a sex whore, just ... "fun." Had I been avoiding anything serious? I didn't feel the need to find "the one." Why bother when you can have "everyone"? Hm. Larry was the first person to make me think on my decisions. He was nice. Maybe seeing him for a while could be a good thing. I loved his body.

"So, were your parents happy with the chairs?" he asked.

"Yeah, I suppose." That didn't sound overly supportive of his efforts. "Actually, yes. Very much so. They look great in our house."


I wasn't sure what to say in conversation. We had talked so much at the bar, but now that we had finished with sex, I wasn't sure what to say. This must be why I didn't date. I wasn't good at small talk after fun in bed.

Larry got up to brush his teeth. I had nothing. No toiletries, no change of clothes. Why was I staying? I suddenly felt weird. I glanced over and saw his naked butt slightly jiggle as he brushed his teeth. THAT was why I was staying. Larry was hot. I suddenly didn't know what to do with myself.


Larry turned to me with foam around his lips.

"Might you have some, uh, mouth wash. Or something." I felt awkward. I couldn't ask to use someone's toothbrush. It was no wonder I usually bailed after sex. I wasn't good at this.

"Sure." He leaned down and pulled a bottle out of a lower cabinet.

I got up to swish some Scope. After rinsing and spitting, I went to pee.

We both climbed into bed, still naked. Larry looked over at the wall to see it dry and turned out the light. I wasn't sure if I should hold him or he wanted to hold me or if we just kept to our own space. On those rare nights when I had college kids at my house, they let me take charge. This was Larry's house. I immediately wished I had left.

Larry leaned over and kissed me on the lips. "I've had a good time tonight. Thanks."

"Yeah," I said in return.

I had slept with at least fifty guys. At least. Lord, could it have been 70 or 80? Why did tonight feel different? There was something different about Larry. He wasn't just a wham-bam-thank-you-man guy. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

He pushed my shoulder. I rolled over and he pressed up behind me. His arm came around me to hold me tight. It surprised me how much I liked it. I could feel his chest hair on my back. He definitely had more than me.

I was hard as a rock again. I could feel the head of his cock nestle in my ass crack.

I knew I wanted to fall asleep this way.


C.J. lightly snored. As his nostrils momentarily honked as they took in air, the sound stirred me from the last cobwebs of a bizarre dream that immediately began to evaporate.

We had found our own sides of the bed during the night. Only a foot was touching his leg. I rolled over to hold him again.

My embrace caused him to stop snoring. I looked at the clock. 8:09. It was Saturday; we could sleep in.

As I held him, my nose was near his shoulder. I could breathe him in. Did every man have his own scent? I wasn't sure. I suddenly felt like a wine snob detecting the slightest aspects of aromas. A hint of alcohol escaping his pores, the slightest wisp of his armpit, dried sweat from our acrobatic lovemaking and the simple fragrance of his skin.

I was drawn in by the fact that a man was next to me. In bed. Naked. Good looking. In my arms. It was about time. I had been in Jackson Bend long enough to put myself out there. The excuse of getting my house furnished could no longer hold water.

I liked this.

My morning wood pressed into his leg. If he was willing, I'd be happy to go another round this morning. My ass was fairly sore from his rampage the night before, but ... man. C.J. knew how to work a guy over.

As much as I loved my dick pressed against his body, I had to pee.

It took a moment for my erection to go down enough to where I could aim properly. I wondered if we would do anything today. Sex? Lunch? A movie?

I came out of the bathroom and C.J. pulled up his second sock. He was fully dressed.


I then felt fully exposed. I stood before him naked. We had had raw sex the night before; I shouldn't have felt shy. But my nudity made me suddenly feel awkward.

"Are you leaving?"

He reached for a shoe and didn't look at me. "Yeah. I should run."

"You could shower here."

"I don't have anything clean to put on. I have things I have to do today, too."


C.J. didn't say it in words, but it felt like he wanted away from me. Did he feel I was a mistake? I pulled on my briefs, so I wasn't quite as bare while he tied his other shoe.

"Can I see you again?" I meekly asked.

"Uh. Yeah." He didn't sound wildly enthusiastic. "Sure. This was fun."

We both stood to grab our phones. After entering numbers into our contacts, I took a quick picture of him to add to his contact profile. He didn't take one of me.

"I'll text you," I said.

"Okay. Sure."

He stood before me. I got up to hug him. C.J. gave me a peck on the lips and then leaned before my crotch. He pulled my briefs down to kiss the head of my penis and then stood again.

"I'll see ya," he said and moved toward the door.

"Yeah," I said as he made it to the living room.

I didn't move. I stood there feeling all but naked and alone and ... empty.

I flopped on the bed. What had gone wrong? We seemed to hit it off, so why didn't he seem excited to go out again? Was I not good at sex? Is my house below his expectations? Did he want someone better looking? I was overtaken by feelings of inadequacy.

My day was immediately wide open. I found myself planning to go work at the store. It was my day off but being active at what I did well would make me feel better. Perhaps I would start carving something new.

A Week Later


Some of Larry's cum grazed my navel as he shot his orgasm all over his chest. He growled like a bear. He was both hot and cute that way. He still groaned as my dick pummeled his ass. His grip on his legs still held them apart. I looked deep into his eyes. Larry was really handsome.

"Yeah, man. This feels so fucking good. Fuck, I'm close." I pushed my cock harder. "Fuck, yeah. Fuck!!" I slammed his hole with no regard for what he was feeling. I was close. I was going to explode. "FUUUUUCKK!"

"Do it, C.J.! Yes. Fuck my hole. Give me your load."

I called out one long, unending "Uuuuungghhh!" My climax was intense. My neck muscles were stiff, my arms were stiff, my dick was stiff, my body was stiff.

Then I allowed myself to collapse on him. I thought Larry was a good lover. It's funny that I never told that to any of my sexual partners. He put his arms around me and kissed my neck.

We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. I just placed all my weight on top of him. He kissed my neck again. His cum smeared between our chests. Silence.

"We're a mess," I said, as the eroticism of the stickiness transitioned to simple goo-on-skin.

Larry chuckled. I rolled off him so he could go get us a washcloth. In the minute or two he did so, I paid closer attention to his bedroom. There was nothing wrong with Larry's house. It wasn't as fancy as ours, but then again, he didn't have the money that my father did. It was fine. I didn't love it, but it was fine. It dawned on me that Larry didn't have a picture of a single person in his house. No family. No anything. We had portraits and relatives and friends everywhere. I wasn't sure what made me realize that, but I was startled from my observations with a warm, wet washcloth moving across my chest.

"You have a nice dick, Lar'. Bring it up here."


"'s not as big as yours."

"It's nice," C.J. said, before I let his tongue lasso my dick into his mouth.

I didn't think he was initiating Round Two. I think it was just playful post-sex silliness. Was there a word for the opposite of foreplay? Post-play? He consumed my dick like ice cream, sucking on it and licking at the same time. There was no way I was getting hard again that fast, but I liked how it felt. He said my dick was "nice." Was that a compliment? Or something you said when a person wasn't pretty — "She's nice." C.J.'s dick was almost an inch longer than mine. It was certainly the biggest that had ever been up my ass. Maybe I had a tad more girth. Why was I even thinking about this?

He pushed me back, releasing my penis from his mouth.

We lay next to each other. I placed my hand on his arm just above his wrist.

"You're really good at sex," I said. "Does that come with a big dick?"

"Well ... thanks. I've had ... let's just say I've been with many men. I've had a lot of practice. You pick up things."

For the first time — alarmingly! — I realized last week and this week he did not use a condom. People teach you safe sex and you know its importance, but sometimes in the throes of passion you ignore what is responsible. I wasn't panicked, but I immediately felt concerned.

"C.J." I started. I wasn't sure how to broach the topic. "We ... we really didn't practice safe sex. Should I be worried if you've been with a lot of men?"

"I get tested twice a year. I was clear a few months ago."

My mind wondered how many men he had sex with since then. Was he always a top? Did that make it foolproof? What about when you swallowed? How was I gay and not know any of the answers to these questions?

"You don't use condoms normally?"

"Nah. I like how my dick feels inside a guy's ass," he bluntly replied.


I turned out the light. He rolled over to hold me. I liked being held. Ten minutes later, a light wheeze let me know he was asleep. I wasn't.

For ten minutes I had become lost in the cyclone of my thoughts. Safe sex. Swallowing. Awesome sex. A wonderful dinner. Condoms. Dying. Confessing. Coming. Awesome sex. Responsibility. Laughing. Talking. Smiling. Seven inches. Dying. Awesome Sex.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes.

I finally shut my eyes.


It took me a second to remember where I was when I opened my eyes. I turned my head to see Larry's back a foot away from me. Where I was came into focus. My general routine was to get dressed and head out. Part of me resisted that urge. There was something about Larry that made me feel differently. I gently pulled down the sheet just enough to view his ass. I liked it.

I surprised myself. I didn't move to get dressed and make my escape. I rolled over to hold Larry again. I wasn't sure if he was still asleep or not, but his body pressed back into mine. My fingers ran through his chest hair. I liked that.

We lay still for a few minutes. I enjoyed the warmth of his skin next to mine. Of all the guys I'd slept with in the last two years, they were usually just for one night. That's what both of us wanted each time. I did a few twice. Only once was there a person that caused me to fuck them three times. This was my time to exit.

But I didn't move. I couldn't see me becoming serious with anyone. I had no desire to. So why was I enjoying this moment like this?

Slowly, his arm moved. His hand grabbed my wrist and gently moved it to his crotch. I grasped his morning erection. I just held it. The slightest movement of my fingers groped and squeezed and stroked. But the motion was almost nonexistent. It was unspoken and shared between the two of us that the holding was what was wanted. I pressed my face to the back of his neck and continued to grip his cock. I liked this simple moment.

"That was nice," he mumbled. "Sorry. Gotta pee."

And the moment was paused.

After returning from the bathroom, he saw that I had peeled back the sheets. All but my calves and feet were exposed. My dick was still rather upright. He got into the bed on his knees. Looking at the clock — 8:22 — he leaned over me and grabbed my hard-on, which caused it to get fully hard once again.

"Can you spend time with me today?"

And there it was. My reflex wanted me to bail.

"How about we go out for breakfast," I said.

"It's a start," he conceded.

Then his mouth was all over my wood. I hadn't expected morning sex. I was going to pull him from my anatomy, but it felt good. I let it go on for a while. I would stop it shortly.

But it felt good. I too needed to pee, but that urge had been overtaken by another. I reached over and grabbed his bobbing pole. Once again, it felt great. I liked the thickness of it.

I would stop all this shortly.

His mouth worked me over harder. Then his hand gripped the base of my dick, and he sucked me and stroked me at the same time. Damn, it was nice. I was not stopping this. I pulled on his dick more powerfully. It was like milking a cow. His hips thrust and gyrated with my motions.

"Oh. OH, WOW! Jerk me hard, Larry!"

His fist pounded my shaft. My hips lifted off the bed thrusting my waist into his face more firmly. And I fired bullet after bullet after bullet of masculine gunfire. Larry took it all down his throat. Then my body felt like a thousand pounds on the bed. Once again, I needed to pee.

To my surprise, he straddled my chest. He grabbed his rod and started stroking himself right above me. If I hadn't needed to pee, it would have been a view I would have enjoyed for a long period of time. I hoped he would come soon. I needed to pee.

He didn't. After two minutes, I tried to help him along. One hand fondled his balls, which were beautiful. That caused him to moan. My other hand ran up and down his hairy thigh. I needed him to come. I didn't want to be rude and push him off me to go pee.

Larry's moaning escalated.

"Ungh. Ungh! UUUNGGGGH!!!" Yes. "AUUHHH!!!!"

He aimed his dick at my neck, and I felt it become splattered with streams of warm liquid. His hips thrust and rose. With one last grunt, he relaxed on my chest.

After a few seconds, I admitted, "I really gotta pee, Lar'."

He laughed and raised his body off its haunches.

As my lengthy stream hitting the toilet bowl progressed, my mind wondered if Larry expected me to spend the day with him. I could offer breakfast, but after that, it became too "boyfriend-esque." I didn't need a boyfriend. I just needed male ass. That would probably sound bad to others, but I was honest with myself.

He had briefs and a T-shirt on when I emerged from the bathroom.

"I'm putting coffee on. Do you drink?"

"No thanks. I'm fine. I'll just hop in the shower. That okay?"

"Sure. I set a towel out for you on the edge of the tub."

I saw it. "Thanks."

All through my shower I kept thinking of things I would do if I was not with Larry. None of them were pressing, but I didn't feel the need to linger here. The water felt nice. I assumed I got all the cum off my neck, but I scrubbed it for a fifth time.

I turned the water off and reached for the towel I had draped over the glass doors. Through the steamed glass I could see Larry's figure standing there. I wiped away the moisture to see him standing with a mug of coffee, looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I like what I see."

Damn. Was he developing feelings this quickly?

"Well ... stop. I don't need to be adored."

"Just saying I like what I see."

I stepped out of the shower and finished toweling off. He slapped me on the rear and then reached in to turn the water back on.

I headed toward the bedroom after combing my hair. I turned to look back as he stepped into the shower. I liked his ass, his dick, his chest ... so why was I in a hurry to leave?

I didn't need a boyfriend. Was I feeling something?

Breakfast was nice. Larry was easy to talk to. We enjoyed each other's company. He almost seemed like he needed a friend. Maybe I was just misreading his feelings. We both enjoyed slurping down a stack of pancakes. He opted for blueberry syrup. I was content with maple. He was easy to be with, so why was I resistant to anything? Nothing was wrong. Except that I think he liked me.

We had parked side by side. I gave him a quick hug. We didn't kiss in the parking lot.

"I'll call you this week," he said.

"Um. Okay."

Before I shut my door, he leaned in. "I like you, C.J."


Two Days Later

Laramie Jenkins (27)
Freddy Spaulding (28)


"So what happened again, buddy?" I asked Laramie.

"I have no idea. I thought we had two great dates. Then I get the text this afternoon: `I don't want to lead you on. I'm not looking for a boyfriend. You're nice and everything, but I think we need different things. Sorry.' What the fuck?"


"I mean, I thought the sex was awesome."


"Yeah. Like crazy, fucking awesome."

"Do tell."

"No. I don't need to go into details. I'm just not sure I'll ever be fucked like that again."

"Now I'm intrigued."

"Why? You don't even like fucking! Or has Joshua made you a fan?"

"I wouldn't say that. I do him maybe twice a year. Me? I never want to be a bottom again."

Laramie got quiet.

"What's wrong with me, Freddy? Why would he cut me off?"

"Well, bud, at least he was upfront. You wanted to date, he wanted to fuck. Two different things."

"But we really got along so well. At least I thought."

I hated hearing Laramie sad. He was such a good catch for somebody, but he hadn't had much luck in finding whomever that might be.

"At least you put yourself out there. That's a step."

"I guess. It doesn't make me want to do it again."

"Dating sucks, but ... look what it did for you and me back in college?"


I knew of no way to lift his spirits. "How's the job?"

"Fantastic. I love it. I kind of buried myself into it. My boss is so supportive."

"Of your work or being gay?"

"My work. He's known I was gay since the beginning. That isn't an issue. Every now and then he tries to nudge me into the dating scene. Look how great that turned out."

"This C.J. is one person, Lar', not the entire world."

He sighed. "Maybe."


Freddy made me feel better. I continued to be happy for him and Josh. I listened as he told me about their latest vacation. The two of them fit so well. I felt we would have, too, if circumstances had been different. I was just grateful that Josh recognized the importance of our friendship and wasn't the jealous type.

I knew Freddy's pep talk made sense, but I still felt dumped by C.J. We had only been on two dates, so I couldn't have been that deep into feeling anything. It was just strange that we seemed to have a good time and the sex was great. So, what was wrong with me? Why wasn't I boyfriend material? He said he wasn't looking for one, but couldn't we have just hung out?


"Think you can come see us soon?" Freddy asked.

"I don't see it happening. Finances are `okay,' but being a sole homeowner still has some things on my plate I want to get taken care of first. All I have planned is Christmas at home. I'll drive that. Not that I'm really looking forward to it."

"Surely there is something you miss about home."

"Do you miss Kansas?"

"Well ... not really. A few people."

"Exactly. I might try to say hi to a couple people when I go back, but ... I have not got the impression that Mom and Dad miss me at all."

"Oh, please. What parents don't miss their kids?"

"I don't know. I've called once a month. Calls are short. They wrap them up very quickly. There's no emotion to them at all."

Freddy was silent a second. "I'm sorry, Larry bear."

"I love it when you call me that."

"We were so young."

"My parents are different since Phillip ... died."

"Put yourself in their shoes. That's a HUGE loss for a parent."

"I suppose." And yet I didn't feel like a huge loss to them. I moved away. They seemed content with it. Or were they mad at me for leaving them too? All three boys were no longer home.

Freddy listened to me talk about work a bit. He seemed to be really successful with his job too. Even in New York, the two of them weren't hurting for money. Good for them.

"I'll let you get back to your husband. I appreciate you listening to me Freddy. I can always depend upon you."


We hung up.

Christmas 2016

Laramie Jenkins (27)
Grayson Jenkins (24)


I hadn't seen Larry since I helped him move in the spring. I never wanted to let go. Once the two of us allowed ourselves to hug, we were quite good at it.

"How was the drive?"

"Longer than I had planned," he said. "I hit a snowstorm in Kansas City, but it wasn't long. It just slowed me down an extra 45 minutes."

"So ... country, rock or Christmas songs to keep you occupied?"

"I don't own any Christmas music."

"You could have found it on the radio."

"Nah. I had plenty of CDs. Mostly country, but a Maroon 5 and Imagine Dragons CD were thrown in too."

"There's some hope for you then," I jabbed.

He grabbed a box of presents from his trunk. I helped out by grabbing his suitcase. I had brought mine in earlier.

"Merry Christmas," he said to my parents. My father started to get up out of his recliner. Mom came out of the kitchen.

"Both my boys are here," Mom said. She gave Laramie a gentle hug.

"How are you, son?" Dad said, extending his hand.

Laramie shook it. "Fine. Good. The drive seemed long, but nothing too bad."

"Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes," Mom said, turning to return to the kitchen.

My father sat back down. I tried to read my brother's expression. It was like he was standing in the middle of the living room — alone. He glanced at the tree and moved down to place his presents underneath it.

"I guess I'll take my suitcase up," he said. He grabbed his luggage and moved toward the stairs. I followed him.

"How much did you spend on them?" I asked.

"Would you stop that?! What difference does it make?"

"I don't want to come off as lame. I don't want to be the cheap son."

"Oh, trust me, Gray. Judging from that blah reaction of my arrival, I don't think you'll be the lame son."

"Were you expecting pom poms?" I sarcastically said.

"Our parents? Hardly." He sat on his bed. "I dunno. Maybe I thought they would be excited to see me after being away for almost nine months."

"I think they are happy to see you."

Larry looked at me blankly.

"And how did you arrive at that conclusion? Did they talk about me before I got here?"

"We'll, I had only been here an hour. I asked what time you were arriving, and they said it could be any time."

"And THAT made you feel they were happy to see me?"

"I'm happy to see you. VERY happy."

"Thanks, Gray."


I looked around the room. Everything was in place. I just noticed that my personal belongings weren't in the room. It was like my room was still there; I was just erased from it.

As much as I was thrilled to see Gray, I knew I wasn't going to enjoy this visit. At least dinner was smelling good.

My brother and I went into the kitchen to help mother with dinner. Dad continued to watch the news in the living room. She asked us to set the table and fill glasses.

"Is Grandma coming?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. Christmas," she responded.

"How are you feeling, Mom?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry none."

"That's good."

"What kind of pie?" Gray asked, staring at one on the counter.

"That one is cranberry-apple," our mother replied. Both of us responded with a "mmm." She informed us that a coconut cream pie was in the fridge.

"You make awesome pies, Mom," I said. I thought the corners of her mouth smiled just a bit, but she didn't say anything.

"So has anything changed in Eureka since I've been gone?"

She was scooping mashed potatoes into a bowl. "It's only been nine months, for heavens' sake. What could change?"

"Here? Probably nothing."

"Eureka's just fine," she said matter-of-fact walking around me. "It was a fine place for you to grow up."

Was it? Would I have been happier in a larger city? Would it have been easier to be gay when you weren't growing up on a farm? I had no fondness for the town. I guess there were things I liked about the farm. I always enjoyed playing in the hay loft. Charlie and I fooled around there. I always loved our horses. Even the cows grew on me some. I used to talk to them from time to time, just for the fun of it.

"How's everything at church, Mom?" Grayson asked.

"The same. You two should go with me in the morning."

Grayson and I looked at each other. That didn't seem fun. But church wasn't about fun. It was about faith. Christmas fell on a Sunday, so we acquiesced.

"Suuuure," I replied, making it sound like three syllables. "Will Dad join us?"

"I'm not sure," she said. Which meant "no."

Christmas Day


To our surprise, our father did go to church with us. The holiday décor helped make the service tolerable. To no one's surprise, the sermon was centered around Christ's birth, but the message of keeping promises and sharing one's love was easy to take, uplifting even.

Larry had a nice voice. He was a better singer than me — or Phillip. I detected a slight sense of bonding between him and my mother as they sang together. We knew these songs from when we were kids. Dad didn't sing. He sat there.

We got home at 10:45. Grandma Jenkins had followed us home, so it was the five of us. Aunt Louise and Uncle Frank were supposed to come over early this afternoon for desserts. Mom had made several. In addition to two pies, there was also a German Chocolate cake.

My father put on some Christmas music. Mom asked me to plug in the tree. We had planned to open gifts right after lunch. The ladies started fiddling with lunch.

We had pot roast the night before. I could have been content with leftovers, but I assumed that was what we would be doing for supper. Mom was pretty traditional with a ham. I looked forward to the sides more than anything else. Mom's cheesy skillet potatoes was my favorite. But green beans, glazed carrots and cinnamon apples were great staples for us too.

"Remember when Mom was sick, and we just sent out for food?" I softly asked my brother.

"Yeah. It was strange. What did we get? Like a turkey breast or something?"

"Right," I acknowledged.

"I made a salad and baked a pie. Phillip made green beans and baked beans..."

"I think I went and got rolls," I said, sounding like my contribution was incredibly lame.

"Did Dad do anything?" Laramie asked.

"I don't think so."

We paused a moment. "Pancakes," we both said.

Our father had prepared pancakes for breakfast that year. It was odd that when our mother was at her worst, we almost felt closest as a family.

"I hated last Christmas without Phillip," I said.

"It was tough," my brother said.

"Let's try to keep it livelier this year."

"Yeah. Lively. That's me," Laramie said flatly.



I looked around. There was one family picture in the dining room. It was taken four years ago. Gray wasn't even out of college. I wondered if my parents kept any pictures of Phillip around.

Dad had turned on a football game but kept the sound down because of the Christmas music.

I stood to walk to my parents' bedroom. Once I entered, I saw pictures of all three of us on the dresser. Each was when we graduated college. I was glad they still kept a picture of Phillip. As I glanced around the room, I noticed the carving I had given my mother was leaning in the corner. It wasn't on a nightstand or dresser. It wasn't displayed in the house. It was just in the corner, like it was being punished. I immediately felt crushed. It was just a carving. It was no big deal. But I felt like it was me.

Me. In the corner. Leaning to where I didn't look at anyone. It was like no one was supposed to see me.

I tried to console myself that it wasn't shoved in a closet. Yet.

I went back to the living room. Grandma called out that dinner would be in ten minutes. We had always called the big meal of the day "dinner" whether it was at lunchtime or suppertime. She said we should wash up. I did so at the kitchen sink and offered to fill the glasses. My grandmother thanked me. Mom was preoccupied.

The meal was marvelous. Everyone's spirits seemed appropriately merry, if not subdued as the Jenkins clan was prone to be. The ladies appreciated the compliments.

We decided to do dishes but were going to wait for dessert when other relatives arrived. It was just before 1 when we sat in the living room to open gifts.

Grayson started by handing a present to our grandmother. It was a set of earrings that had green stones in them. I was quite confident my mother had either selected them or flat out purchased them and he paid her back. I handed Dad a gift from me. It was hard to buy for my parents. We didn't give hints or make lists, anymore at least. He ripped the paper away to reveal a small laptop computer.

"Really?" Grayson said out of the corner of his mouth. He gave me a look that conveyed he was clearly pissed that I was spending more than he did.

"I know the one on your desk is getting outdated, Dad. I thought this one would work better for you."

My father seemed both surprised and appreciative. He smiled and nodded at me.

Grandma handed a gift to both my brother and me. She rarely spent a lot, but she wanted to contribute to the occasion. We each received the same thing — a tower of assorted nuts.

"Pecans, almonds, peanuts," Gray read aloud.

"Love it," I said. "Thank you, Grandma."

Gray gave a gift to Mom. It was a new sweater. She beamed over it, going on how pretty it was. To be fair, it was attractive. My parents gave each other a gift. Dad's was a box with new jeans and a nice pair of slacks. Mom received a new hat. She liked to wear hats to church. This continued for a while. There weren't a lot of gifts to distribute, but it still took up to 20 minutes for each gift to receive its "moment." I gave Mom a new coat. She said it was "nice," but the response was far less enthusiastic than the one for Grayson's sweater. It was at that moment that I actually wondered if she would wear it even once. Grayson loved his concert tickets for 21 Pilots, although the show wasn't until February in Wichita.

There was little left under the tree. I reached down for my last box.

"Mom, Dad, this is for you."

Mom tore the paper and popped the tape to open the box. Rustling through the tissue paper, she put her hands on the carving I had made and pulled it out. At first it looked like a canoe, but there was a figure curled in part of it.

"I call it `Phillip.' Remember when he was eight, he fell asleep in that boat? Everyone teased him for so long about that. It's my oldest memory."

Grandma just hooted remembering the moment. "Oh dear. I look back on that and just smile," she said.

"Let me see it," Dad uttered to Mom. She handed it over.

"Larry, that's amazing," complimented Grayson. "It's really beautiful! You spent a long time on that."

"It's lovely," echoed Grandma. "How nice."

"Yes," said Dad and then handed it to Mom. She put it back in the tangle of tissue in the box.


My parents' reaction seemed odd. Laramie had put a lot of time and effort into that present. It truly was a personalized gift from the heart. Their less-than-enthusiastic response was curious. I could see it on Laramie's face — he was disappointed. I saw him take in a deep breath. He held it a long moment before he exhaled.

I hated this moment. My parents could have put forth a little more effort to praise his art. Even if they felt it brought back some hard memories, Phillip was their son. I was too young to remember that occurrence, but I had heard about it my whole life. It was a big story with our family.

There were two gifts left. Mom handed one to Larry. He tore open the paper. It was a small box of caramels, which he had always liked. There was a gift card to Target taped to it.

"A gift card," he said. He turned it over. "$50."

"We didn't know what you needed in your new house. We figured you might still need a couple of things," Mom said.

"Right." He paused, looking down. "Thank you."

I was angry at that moment. It was truly an emotionless gift. It wasn't a lump of coal, exactly, but there was no feeling behind it.

I was handed the final gift. I tore the paper and slid out a new set of headphones. It looked to be a pretty nice set.

"Wow! I needed a new pair! These look great."

"Well, you dropped enough hints," Mom said.

"Thank you, both of you."

I tried not to look at Larry. I just couldn't.

Our grandmother noticed a car pulling up. "Louise and Frank are here."

"I'll get plates ready," Larry said, jumping up to walk to the kitchen.

His eyes were moist. I could tell. My mom's gaze followed him. I knew Larry just wanted out of the room.

"I can do that, Laramie," she said.

"I'll get it ready," he said. "Just welcome Uncle Frank and Aunt Louise."

My aunt and uncle walked in. Everyone gave merry greetings. It was a couple of minutes of joy and good tidings. We were just missing one person. I walked into the kitchen. Larry was preoccupying himself getting plates and silver ready. He had both pies pulled out and moved the cake over from the counter. He seemed to be fiddling with napkins, making some inexplicable attempt to fan them out.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Fine," he muttered. I knew he was lying.

"Well. Come on out."

"Will in a minute."

I walked back into the living room. It was nice to see relatives. They enjoyed seeing me. We hugged and smiled and shook hands and chatted briefly. I glanced over at the kitchen telepathically begging Larry to come out.

He did.

"Hey! There he is!!" Uncle Frank called out.

Larry lit up a little with the spark of someone happy to see him. I was glad.

"Ohhh, let me look at you," beamed Aunt Louise. She tweaked his cheek and then gave him a strong hug. "So how is this Jackson Bend place?"

"I – I – I like it," Larry stuttered. "It's nice. I love my job. It's great."

"Well, good. I just wish it wasn't so far away. I still wish you were closer."

"Why don't we all come into the kitchen and grab a dessert," Mom said.

Everyone carried a plate of some sweet concoction out to the living room. Each of us complimented my mother on the desserts. She smiled and returned appreciation for the remarks.

Larry sat silently eating his cake.

Our aunt and uncle shared moments from their own holidays. We continued to simply sit and converse. Laramie got up and began collecting people's empty plates to take to the kitchen sink.

"Oh, thank you, dear," Aunt Louise told him.

He returned and sat quietly on the loveseat.

"So, Grayson, tell us about this Denise. Haven't you two being seeing each other for a while now?"

"Not quite a year," I said.

"Hmm. Sounds like wedding bells aren't too far off," Uncle Frank joked.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now," I chuckled.

I told them of a few things Denise and I had enjoyed over the past few months. Everyone seemed interested.

"He's my only hope of grandchildren one day," Mom said with a smile.

Then she looked at Laramie for two seconds, looked down and then returned her attention to me.

I saw it. I felt it. I was right there with him. My heart broke for my brother. I knew he was counting the hours if not minutes until he could leave.

Larry sat on his bed. Mom and Dad had turned in. For the most part, it had been a nice Christmas. Except for Larry. I knew Eureka was not a happy place for him anymore. Thank heavens he had escaped for a couple of hours this evening to see an old friend from high school.

"How are you doing?" I asked, sitting next to him.

He was blank. A moment later, he leaned into me. We were almost the same height. I put my arm around him.

"How do you do it, Gray?"

"Do what?"

"How are you so nice? With our parents, with Phillip and me for brothers ... how did you turn out so nice?"

"Uhh..." I didn't know how to respond. "You and Phillip were good brothers."

He turned his head to look at me. "Were we? You think so?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I mean, I was the little brother that got picked on, but that's what brothers do. I guess."

He got quiet again.

"This isn't home for me. Not anymore. I hate it here. I don't want to come back."

"Oh, come on," I said. "Yes, they can be a bit insensitive at times, but they are your parents."

"They don't love me."

"Of course, they do."

"No, they don't."

"Yes. I'm sure they do. They may not know how to ... how to relate to ... you. But Mom and Dad love you."

"They never say it."

"They don't to me either, not with words anyway."

"Grandma does."

"Yeah. She misses you."

"One person does then."

I grabbed him by the shoulders. "I miss you. Yes, we talk on the phone now and then, but that doesn't compare to being in your company. I miss you, Lar'. Always know that. I can't wait to see you again whenever you leave."

"It's funny how we've become closer as adults than we were as kids."

"Phillip's absence may have something to do with that," I said, not exactly sure of what I was meaning.

I did miss Laramie. Perhaps the two of us could take a trip sometime. A brothers' road trip. I knew I would enjoy that. I would try to work up a plan for next year. I squeezed him tight.

"Good night, Lar'."


"Why are you leaving so soon?" Dad asked.

"Well, there is some snow forecasted for the drive. It would be nice to be home before dark."

"He's probably right," Mom said. "It could be safer."

I set my suitcase close to the door. We made casual chitchat for a few minutes. Grayson came downstairs. He could see I was preparing to leave. He ran back upstairs to get his shoes on.

Mom returned with a small bag. "I wrapped up a piece of pie and a slice of cake."

I smiled at her gesture. "Thank you, Mom."

"I hope I get a bag too," Gray said, entering the room. Mom slapped his wrist.

"Well ... thanks for everything. I'll call each month."

"Mmm," Mom hummed.

"Take care son," Dad said, reaching out his hand. I shook it and gave him a one-armed hug.

I hugged my mother gently; she returned the same.

"I'll walk out with you," Gray said.

"It's cold out, dear. Get your coat," Mom said.

"I'm fine."

Gray and I just looked at each other once things were in my car. His eyes conveyed a lot. I knew there was a level of understanding.

"Merry Christmas," he said to me.

"Yeah. Right." I lowered my voice. "I don't want to come back."

"You don't mean that."

"There's nothing for me here."

`Your family is here."

"Ever since I came out to them, it's ... it's not the same."

"Give them time."

"To do what?"

"To ... adjust."

"You didn't need time."

"They're older."

"They've known me their whole lives. I feel like ... like someone released from prison when I'm in this house. I feel so looked down on."

"No. They'll come around. They lost a son. That has to weigh in here. We have no idea what they are going through."

"Don't we?? We lost a brother, Gray! We have some sense of loss. A big loss. You'd think that they would embrace the sons they have. They do you, I guess. Just not me."

"That's not true. They love you."

"They show it strangely."

"I love you, Larry."

I stood and looked at my brother. We didn't use those words growing up. It has only been as adults that we even learned to hug each other. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to me. Tight. Tighter.

"I'm glad you were here. It was good to see you. I do miss you. I hope you can come visit soon. Maybe next year."

"Maybe we can do a trip together too."

"I'd like that, Gray."

We didn't let go of each other for a very long moment. I squeezed him even more tightly. "I love you, too, Gray. Please know that. Thank you."

December 30, 2016


We left the theater and headed toward the lobby. I was glad that Julio and Maria had asked me to join them for a movie. We all enjoyed La La Land. Maria seemed to like it the best. As we discussed the artistic style of certain scenes, we were just outside the lobby. As we made our way to the mall escalators, the three of us saw a couple not too far in front of us. They wrapped their arms around each other and forced a passionate kiss upon each other. It continued. And continued. And continued.

"Oh my," said Maria.

The couple kept kissing. The man pushed so hard that they stepped backward. They kept stepping as they continued kissing. A few teenagers pulled out their phones and started filming them. We stopped for a moment to see how it would turn out. It was like a car wreck from which you couldn't look away. They kept blindly stepping backward. Backward. Backward. They were about to crash into the wall. We all gasped as the two bodies slammed into the "Coming Soon" movie poster frame. Had it been glass, it would have shattered as they crashed into it. Being plexiglass, it just rattled. I was still amazed it wasn't damaged.

We turned from them and stepped on the escalator. As we descended, I told myself I wanted to find love like that. Not that I pictured myself making out like that in public, but I wanted to feel that passion.

I thanked Julio and Maria for inviting me. I needed this pick-me-up. We wished each other "Happy New Year," and then we entered our own cars.

I didn't start the car. I pondered a new year.

Yeah. I wanted to find love.

* * * *

Look for a new post — "C.J." — on the blog:

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Next: Chapter 9

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