
By Timothy Lane

Published on Mar 15, 2023


Laramie Chapter 4

Thanks for continuing to join Laramie on his story. I hope you have found it to be entertaining. Those that read Coffee at 9, have a hint of what's coming.

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As a reminder, Chapter 3 took place Laramie's junior year of college in May 2010.


**April 2013
**Laramie Jenkins (24)
Marcus Calloway (22)


My mouth tasted every inch of Marcus' neck. It seemed so silly, so cliché, that we used the supply room at Johnson's General Store to make out on occasion. Marcus had only worked there five weeks, but by Week Two, our senses were tuned to each other's sexuality frequency. We talked first, an occasional touch, but now we had been sucking face in the supply closet at least a few times a week.

Marcus' hand reached down to feel my pants. He figured I would be hard by this time, and he was undeniably correct. I lightly nibbled on his ear as his hand rubbed my cock through the fabric of my clothing. I slightly panted as my erection was being stimulated. I had given him a blowjob once in this closet. We had driven off to a private part of town where we each received oral sex in the back of his car a few times.

"Fuuuuucck, that feels good," I whispered into his ear.

"And I love making it feel good," he softly said back.

Our lips met again, and we kissed fiercely for an elongated moment. We knew Wylene, the manager, would be back in a couple of minutes.

He pulled away. "You know, we really need to have proper sex one of these days."

I kissed him firmly again. "Yeah. Kind of tricky though. I'm not out at home, and you have a 16-year-old brother in your house."

"My parents know, but he doesn't," Marcus sighed. "They've asked me not to tell him until he's 18."


"I have no idea. I guess they feel as an adult, he can process it how he sees fit."

We had one minute left. I ripped open his jeans and groped his hard-on.

"Fuck," he whispered to me. "I want you so bad. I want to fuck you, Larry. Really bad."

I loved feeling his dick. Marcus was uncut, so it felt a little different than mine. It intrigued me. I thought of it inside me. Those images made me harder.

Marcus and I were just physical. I doubt if either of us thought of the other as a boyfriend. Even after three years, I missed Freddy. I hadn't loved anyone since. Casual sex was rare, and I found it felt a little hollow. Marcus and I were a curious thing. Neither of us really had feelings for the other. It was basically pent-up male lust in a small town in Kansas where we felt there was little opportunity. Masculine libido led our conversations to explore sexual contact. He had not gone to college but said there were a few ranch hands in town that enjoyed a blowjob every now and then. Both of us had minimal experience. It was plain luck that the two of us worked at the same store. We figured we were probably half the gay people in town, curious ranch hands being what they were.

"Wylene should be back," Marcus said with disappointment.

The staff was not large. There were never more than a few of us at the store at the same time. I never pictured myself at Johnson's General Store while I was in college. I figured I would go off somewhere. I worked part-time at Home Lumber until this assistant manager position became available. I felt like I should continue on at the house to save money. I wanted a place of my own, but I wanted to own it. An apartment seemed like a waste of my savings. Maybe if Charlie still lived here or if I was in a relationship like with Freddy ... maybe then an apartment would make sense.

Until Mom is better, I don't see me leaving town.


I grabbed a box of Windex and carried it from the supply room out to the aisles. I knew I needed to conceal my crotch for a minute or two. My jeans were tight enough to not stick out too much. Larry's khakis were tented out pretty noticeably when I left him in the supply closet. I saw him exit a minute later with a clipboard to make it look like he was all business-like in the closet.

I wanted to be all up in his business — naked. I wanted to fuck that man.

Larry and I hadn't talked a lot. I knew he had his college degree but remained in Eureka because of his mother's health. I knew he was once in love. I knew he wasn't out here in town. He had told me at the end of one of our back-seat sessions that he had never been fucked.

I wanted to be the first.

There was nothing serious between us. We didn't have that emotional connection. Yet. But the physical attraction was undeniable. His body was scrumptious. We had seen each other's crotches, but we had never been naked together. It was an awkward relationship. Two gay guys in a small farming town feeling like they were the only two gay guys in a small farming town. I had sucked enough dicks to know that wasn't exactly true, but my sixth sense toward the homosexual honcho knew our numbers weren't strong in Eureka. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

Wylene was the co-owner of Johnson's, as well as the manager. She was talking to Carolee at the counter. We hadn't given any of the coworkers reason to suspect us, but I wasn't sure how long our looks and casual touches and simultaneous trips to the supply closet could go without suspicion. I knew Larry was terrified with people finding out he was gay. He didn't want his family to know. My parents weren't wild about it, but they didn't give me grief as long as I didn't do anything to embarrass them. They just asked me to never to do it in the house and to not tell Jimmy.

I had never been in an actual relationship. It was just the sex. I was okay with that. That was all I wanted. Or that's what I said. Larry and I had this weird thing going for three weeks now. I wouldn't have called him my boyfriend. But I certainly thought of him as more than just a hookup. I wasn't sure what he was, but I knew I wanted to fuck him.

I had fucked Leroy twice, and he did me once. That had been months ago. He was off back at college. We did it over Christmas break. It was the best gift I got for the whole holiday.

I wanted to fuck. My dick was aching for it. I thought about Larry again. His hairy crotch. I had never seen his ass, but I wanted to be dick-deep in it. And I was hard again. Damn.

I had emptied my third box of goods. I was breaking down the cardboard to be recycled when Larry approached and leaned down to me.

"When do you get off?" he whispered.

"3 o'clock," I whispered back, not knowing why we were whispering.

"That's what I thought. My lunch break — well, dinner — is from 4 to 5."

"And ...?" I asked, not following along.

"I got a text from my dad. He had to take Mom in for a test at the doctor's office."

"Is she okay?"

"I think so. Sounds like a routine test. He said they would be back after 6."

"Uh. Okay." I was still perplexed.

"It's 15 minutes each way, but that would give us a half hour at the house. If you know what I mean," he said softly.

My eyes brightened. "I do. I'll run home and grab stuff too."

Ten minutes later, he secretly placed directions to his house into my shirt pocket.

I wanted to fuck him.

I started reading ingredients on the macaroni and cheese boxes to distract my dick from getting any harder. I was surprised that I didn't know what a significant number of ingredients were. I just figured it would simply be macaroni and powdered cheese. What was Turmeric? Tapioca flour. Sodium triphosphate made my penis go limp.

I was leaning against my car in front of his house when Larry pulled up at 4:17.

He slammed the door of his car and ran up to me. We gave a quick kiss. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the porch. Larry looked nervous as he fumbled with the keys. I found it curious as to why people who lived way out on a farm would even bother to lock doors, but you never knew I supposed.

We ran through the house. His farmhouse seemed big to me. Two stories. As far as I could tell, his brother had his own room, probably because the older brother lived out of town. I barely had a chance to glance, but it looked like his mother had a small room with a single bed decorated as a guest room. I could see a sewing machine in the corner. I figured she called it her sewing room.

Larry threw open the door to his bedroom. It did not look like a guest room. There were enough clothes strewn about that I wondered if he knew which were clean and which had been worn. His shirt was torn from his body and added to the pile on the chair. I began to remove my clothing after setting down the small bag on his nightstand. I couldn't help but steal glances at his body. I found it hot. Hairy. Masculine. Larry. He had grown a lot of hair. I started getting some on my chest the last two years, but nothing like him. He looked more like a man than I did.

We were both nude in front of each other. We took a moment to take in the view of one other for the first time. My eyes told Larry that I thought he was beautiful. I smiled. Finally, our arms moved. Our hands roamed over our lover's body. After we groped the full erections that had developed, we kissed. I thought Larry's cock was delicious. Cut, thick enough but still streamlined when hard, hairy crotch.

I pulled out lube and a condom from the bag. "Got a towel?"

"A towel?" he asked. He looked around and then darted to get one from the bathroom counter. I smiled watching him run through the house with his hard dick slightly bouncing.

We threw ourselves on the bed. We kissed a moment, and then he let his tongue travel across my chest. He momentarily breathed in my crotch before licking precum that was leaking from my head. His tongue dabbed at it before engulfing my stiff organ. Even with only a handful of blowjobs, I knew Larry's oral skills were exceptional. Being on an actual bed, we were immensely more comfortable than any previous encounter.

"Oooooh, yeaaaaaaahhhh." I loved feeling his mouth on my cock.

He pulled his mouth off just long enough for him to say, "With no one here, we can be totally loud."

I moaned audibly for a couple of minutes. Then I pulled away and flipped my body to where we were both in a face-to-dick position. As we started to 69, our volume was suppressed with a mouthful of cock muffling our groans.

By my estimate, we had not much more than fifteen minutes before he would have to head back to work.

I wanted to fuck him.

"Hey. I've ... brought stuff. Is this ... is this the right time for us to ..."

Larry looked at the lube. His expression sort of ricocheted into several looks. His eyes met mine.

"I've ... I've never done that, Marcus. It would be my first time."

"If you'll let me, I'd take it slow."

He didn't speak. He just nodded.

I rolled out the towel. I motioned him to lay on his belly. He heard the lid of the bottle of lube pop open. I saw him bury his face into his pillow, and I knew he was nervous.


Damn, I was scared.

Freddy and I had never done this. I had thought about it from time to time, but I had so many questions. I wasn't sure what I had to do. He had a condom. Did I need anything? I was glad I took a dump this morning. I'm glad my ass was clean from a shower. I wondered if it would hurt. I didn't know how long it took. I wasn't sure if we stayed in this one position the whole time or if we moved around. I was scared.

A trickle of lube dripped in my crack, and I jumped. We both giggled.

I felt his finger at the entrance to my asshole. He gently rubbed it in tiny circles. I liked it. A millimeter at a time I felt a fingertip enter me. It was new. It was different. I wasn't sure if I liked it. I gasped as I could tell he was knuckle deep. He fingered it around in me. Wow. I thought I liked it, but I wasn't sure. After a moment, he withdrew it. Then two fingers entered. My body tensed, and I gave out a tiny yelp. Again, he slowly roamed inside my interior.

"How does that feel?" he asked.

"Okay." I wasn't sure.

The more he moved inside me, the more I was getting used to it.

I heard him rip open the condom package. I turned to watch as he pulled his foreskin back and rolled the condom on his cock. Marcus had an interesting dick. His bush was not thick, but it made his shaft look even longer. He was a bit longer than me, I thought. I was six inches, but he might have been pushing closer to seven. The lid of the lube popped open again. I buried my head in the pillow. I was going to be fucked.


"Gaaahh!" I cried as his erection entered me. I immediately hated it. I knew why it wasn't Freddy's thing. Damn. I was going to be terrible at this.

Marcus placed his entire body weight on me. I felt a little better by that, but I wasn't sure why. "Just breathe," he whispered into my ear.

I took several deep breaths. With each passing second, my ass was becoming accustomed to being penetrated.

"Better?" he asked.

"I think so," I uttered.

I felt his cock start to push in and withdraw. Slowly. Sensually. Tenderly.

Thirty seconds later ... "Oh yeah," I said. "Fuck me. Fuck me, man."

Within minutes we were the loudest people in Kansas. I growled and snarled like a bear. He groaned loudly hovering above me. I turned my head to see his stiff arms holding his body as it made thrust after thrust, piercing me with his stiff spear.

"Let's change positions," he said.

I didn't know what all was possible. I just went along with it.

Marcus flipped down on the towel, laying on his back. "Put some more lube on my cock," he instructed.

I dripped a little and rubbed it around. I tried not to think about everything unsanitary about it all. I didn't want to ruin it.

"That's it," he said. I put the lube back. "Now, position yourself above me. Try that. Ride my cock. Ride it, cowboy."

I smiled and wriggled my body to straddle his crotch. I pushed the head of his dick to my hole and positioned it to enter me. Slowly I descended. It felt invasive for a moment, but then I welcomed it again.

"Holy fuck, Marcus! Holy fuck!"

"That's it, man."

I gyrated up and down his shaft, feeling it enter me and stimulate me and excite me and enthrall me.

"This feels so good. I love your dick inside my ass!"

"Ride me, cowboy. Ride that bucking bronco!!"

We groaned and yelled as he pumped his cock into my hole. My passage was on fire in a good way. I grabbed my cock and screamed louder. I pleasured my own flesh while his was being pounded into my depths. My hard-on was like touching an electric fence. It felt so good.

"FUCK YES!! FUCK YES!!" I screamed.

"Yeah man, I feel so good inside you. I'm fucking loving it."

I jerked my cock as his meat filled my insides. It was so much stimulation. I knew I would soon come. I didn't want it to end, but I knew I had to get back to work. I just got louder as my orgasm began to build.

We called out each other's names numerous times. It was loud. Incredibly loud. It was the most stimulating experience I had ever had. Extremely loud. Insanely loud.

"I'm close, Larry. I'm about to come."

"Me too. I'm about to come."

My fist pounded my cock.

We both groaned.

"Fuuuuuckkk yeaaaahh! I'm coming, man!" Marcus screamed as he jackhammered my ass.

I leaned back on my arms as Marcus' crotch was shoved into my ass. He was wearing a condom, but I knew his cum was still inside me. I wasn't touching my cock, but my orgasm was building. I didn't have to touch it. I was going to explode.

"I'm gonna come," I groaned.

"Do it, cowboy!"

My climax was there. I tilted my head back to feel my orgasm prepare to burst from me.

Wait. Did I hear something? Was there a voice in the hallway?


Dad was standing in the doorway. Both Marcus and I were naked and joined. My orgasm began. Cum shot from my cock all over my chest.

No, no, no, no.

I closed my eyes as Marcus screamed seeing cum fly everywhere. I knew Dad did too.

No, no, no, no.

Spurt after spurt escaped. As my orgasm finished, I turned to see what my father was doing.

"Dad, I ..."

He turned and left the doorway.

Marcus realized what had happened.


Holy shit.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

"What do we do man? What do we do, what do we do, what do we do?!!"

"I don't know," Larry muttered.

Fuck. I couldn't fathom anything more horrible for him.

I wanted to curl into a ball and just die. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling. What was there to say to your father in this situation? I was out to my parents and still couldn't comprehend even my father witnessing such a scenario.


My dick pulled from Larry's ass. I had no words. I didn't know what to say. I peeled the condom off and placed it in the bag along with the lube.

We wiped our bodies with the towel and quickly got dressed in what seemed like an instant.

Larry ran ahead while I was still putting on shoes. As I started down the stairs, I heard the beginning of the conversation.

"Dad, I didn't think you were going to be home."

"The specialist wanted to see your mother's prescriptions. I came home to gather them."

"I ... I ... I have to get back to work. We'll talk about this later tonight."

They didn't, Laramie told me. Ever.

**Later that night
**Laramie Jenkins (24)
Phillip Jenkins (27)


"Well, I always said you needed to tell them," I said into the phone. Larry sounded like he was dying a thousand deaths. "That's not the way I would have done it though."

"No kidding, asshole."

I laughed into the phone, but deep down, I really felt for my younger brother. "So, what did Dad say?"

"That's just it. Nothing. I came home from my shift. I thought for sure he would yell and scream and berate me, but when I went into the living room, he was sitting there with a beer. I asked, `How's Mom?' He said, `Sleeping.' So then I said, `I guess you want to talk.' All he did was get up and leave the room. `Not tonight,' he mumbled. And that was it."

"That was it??!"

"Yeah. What should I do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Should I bring it up tomorrow? Or wait for him to? Or wait to talk to him and Mom together?"

"I don't know what to tell you, man. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes."

"Who do you think will take it harder?"

"Mom's very much the bigger Christian among them. Probably her. But I'm sure Dad isn't thrilled to have a faggot as a son."

"Hey! Asshole!"

"I'm just sayin'," I tried to say calmly. "It's just not what dads want in their sons, ya know?"

"How do you know that?"

"I know Dad. A whole lot better than you."

"Like how?"

"He has a lot of expectations. He doesn't always tell you, but when he feels you aren't meeting them, hoo boy. He verbally gives you a whippin'."

"Why? What's he said to you?"

"Never mind. We're not talking about me." Nor did I want to. I remembered Dad telling me I was a disappointment on multiple occasions. I didn't like thinking about it.

"You okay?" Larry asked me.

"I guess. Hate my job. Doesn't pay what Dad thinks it should."

"He's never mentioned it."

"Not to you."

"Gray and I always feel you're the favorite son."

"Ha! Not in Dad's eyes. Mom's maybe."

"Oh no. Mom loves us all equally."

We both laughed. "Probably," we said at the same time.

We were quiet a moment.

"Until tonight," I said softly.

"Think he told her?"

"Not sure. She had another appointment, so he maybe didn't want to bring her down."


Bring her down. Laramie Jenkins ... Son of Disappointment. I replayed those final seconds. Cum all over me. Dad seeing me come!! He hadn't seen me naked since grade school, and then — the two of us screaming in the middle of sex ... and he saw me come. Come. Cum. Cum.

"How can I face Mom, Phillip?" I asked, my voice having a slight quiver.

"I don't know, man. Why not tell her why you want to be gay."

"Want to be? I just am. It's not like a choice. It's not like choosing a flavor at Braum's. I just am."

"Mom won't see it that way."

I sat my phone down and buried my face in my hands. Life had turned pitch black. I didn't know where to turn. I just wanted to sleep and never wake up.

"Lar', you there?"

I picked the phone back up. "Yeah."

"Tomorrow will be better. No. It won't. It will suck too. But by the weekend it will get a little better each day. If this is ... if this is who you are, then ... be you. Just try not to do it in front of our parents!"

"God!!" I groaned. Phillip laughed.

"Gray comes home from college tomorrow. Having him here over the weekend will be a good distraction."

"Sure. You think that."

"No. Really. With us all here, it will be ... more normal."

"Maybe," Phillip mumbled. "You gonna tell `im?"

"Yeah. I'm done with the hiding in secret. That is just too stressful. I probably will leave out the sex act part, but I will let him know I have told Mom and Dad."

"Your life is changing, man."

I looked at the clock. It was 10:22. A pregnant pause must have caused him to do the same.

"Hey. I'll let you go," said Phillip. "Just ... hang in there. Really. It'll work out."

"Thanks. Maybe. I dunno. Thanks. Bye, Phillip."

I plugged my phone in the charger. My head sank into my pillow like it weighed 500 pounds. I wanted it to smother me. I turned to see the towel thrown in the corner. I knew my dried cum was all over it. My stomach twisted in knots. I relived the scenes in my head again.

Then I allowed myself to turn back the clock ten minutes prior. Marcus penetrated me. He fucked me. I rode his cock. It felt amazing. I pictured my body squirming on his erection. I loved being fucked. Maybe I was going to be a bottom. For a moment, I didn't think about Dad.

A tone from my phone indicated a text coming in. It was Marcus.

"Hey. It's me. I can't imagine what you're going through. Finishing your shift must have been hell. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. Just hope you're okay."

I realized that was the most emotion he had ever shared with me. We had just been physical. Sexual friends. There had been no emotions involved. I wasn't sure if that made me feel better about the sex or worse.

I seemed to ruin everything.

**Laramie Jenkins (24)
Grayson Jenkins (21)


I called Grayson into my room.

"I so miss Mom's cooking at school," he said, entering my room.

"I want to talk," I said, a little more solemnly.

Gray immediately got concerned. His expression was one of alarm.

"What is it. What's wrong? Is it Mom? What's happened?"

"No. Nothing like that. Mom's getting better. We're seeing progress. Really. I don't know if it will ever be 100 percent, but ... she's okay."


"I just ... I want to ... I need to ..." I went silent. "I don't know how to begin."

Grayson looked so baffled.

"Don't scare me, Laramie," he said.

"Don't be scared. We're all fine. I just ... just want you ... I want you to know ..."


"I came out to Mom and Dad. I'm gay. I wanted you to know."

"Okay." Grayson's answer was short.

"That's it? Nothing else? No questions?" I asked.

"No. I'm fine with it."

"Well. Good. Okay. Um ... are you surprised? You don't seem shocked."

"No. I kind of wondered a couple of years ago."

"You did!!? Why?"

"I don't know. After my first year of college, I got to meet a few gay people. In some ways, they reminded me of you. I've never seen you date a girl. It just seemed to make sense."

That was not the reaction I had expected. Somehow, I found it both comforting and a letdown.

"How did Mom and Dad take it?"

Ugh. That was an awful question. I wasn't sure how to answer it.

"Well, Dad caught me in the act, and..."


I sighed. "Unfortunately."

"What did he see? With who?"

"I don't want to get into it. Anyway, he and I haven't really talked about it. It's weird. I sat down with Mom and told her this afternoon before you got home. I think she's processing it. I doubt if she's happy about it."

"Super Christian Mom?"

"She's not that bad."

"Bad enough." Gray looked at me intently. "I'm sorry. I imagine it's tough. Thanks for opening up to me. I'm okay. At least you know that. I'm your brother, and I'm fine with it."

My brothers and I didn't hug. We would hug Mom, but none of the men would hug. Grayson leaned over and hugged me. I squeezed him back.


I felt bad for Larry. I couldn't imagine Dad walking in on me. I didn't have that much sex in college, but if Mom and Dad ever saw me screwing Haley — or Audra! — I would die. Totally die. He had to have been mortified. And with a guy. Man.

"So now what?" I asked.

"I have no idea. You being here makes things a bit normal, but ... when you leave Sunday, who knows? Dad doesn't seem to want to talk about it. When I was telling Mom, he was in the kitchen, but then he decided to walk outside."

"I feel for you, man."

"You do get this is just who I am. I didn't go out and seek out to be gay. I just am. I didn't choose it."

"I know how it works. Despite how some people feel — and their opinions don't matter to me — I find the gay people I've met to be really nice. I have two friends which I would call good friends at school who are gay. I like them. They're cool."

"That's a nice attitude," my brother told me. I always felt he looked down on me as his little brother, but I saw something in Larry's eyes that let me know he saw me in a more mature light. I appreciated that.

"So ... in high school. Did ... you and Charlie ever ...?"

"Uh. Simple stuff. Did you suspect?"

"Not then. When I began wondering, it made me remember certain things. I had my suspicions."

"I guess I loved him. As much as an 18-year-old kid can."

"You make it sound like you're 40 years old."

He chuckled. "It does seem like ages ago. I fell deeply in love in college when I was a junior."

"What happened?"

"He was a senior. Freddy. We were in love for quite a few months, but when he graduated ... we knew it had to end."

"Brutal," I said.

"Yeah. We still call. We stayed in touch. He moved to Boston. I hardly ever hear from anyone else in college. Don't make that mistake. If these friends are real friends, stay in touch."

"You can still call your college friends, you know."

Larry paused. He looked inward. "Yeah. I should."

"Yes. Surround yourself with friends while things are kind of uncertain."

Larry looked at me. "You seem so wise. College is treating you well."

"I wouldn't go that far. I'm struggling in one class, and probably will come out of one with a C."

"You've got four weeks until finals. You'll make it."

"I hope. I'm ready for this semester to end."

Larry's phone buzzed. He looked down.

"Wow," he said. "Speak of the devil, it's Freddy."

"I'll let you take it," I said.

"Hey there," Larry said, answering. "Can you hold on a second?"

I had already stood to leave his room. Larry stood and grabbed me. We hugged again. It felt really good. It struck me odd that none of us did this growing up. Only with Mom. I was always the little brother that Phillip and Laramie wanted to go away. I felt a closeness after our talk that I hadn't felt in the past.

I let go so Larry could take his call.


Once Gray was gone, I shut the door and picked the phone up off the bed.


"Hi," Freddy started. "I got your text. It sounded ... what's wrong?"

"I came out to my family. I'm ... I'm glad you called."

"Oh, wow. How did it go?"

"Oddly. I hadn't intended to come out, but ... it just happened."


"Dad walked in on me. In the act."



"It gets worse. I was finally fucked. That was the first time."

"Holy fuck."

"It gets worse. I was riding his cock and ... and ... I exploded when Dad got to the door. I came and he watched it shoot."


"Yeah. Cum was all over me like sexual shrapnel."

"I – I – I ... I don't know what to say," admitted Freddy.

"Neither did I." I was quiet. "I tried to talk about it with Dad, but he won't. He doesn't seem to want to discuss it."

"I'm sorry. And the rest of the family?"

"Phillip is sort of `whatever' with it. Grayson is great. I'm not sure about Mom. She was quiet; she told me she needed to think on it. She said she needed to pray about it. I imagine she thinks she can pray it away."

"I'm sorry. I wish I was there."

"I wish you were too." I thought about Freddy being in Boston. "So ... how's Joshua?"

"He's good," Freddy said, hesitantly. "We're good."

"Good. I know you feel awkward talking about him, but I'm glad you found someone to be in your life."

"Don't think I ever stopped loving you, Lar'. I mean, I've given my heart to Josh. We're ... he's my partner. But ... you will always be in my heart. Timing and fate were against us. I'll always be your friend though. You can always turn to me."

"You're my best friend. I'm glad we still talk." I was quiet. "Not in just an ... `in love' way ... not just a sex way, but I miss you."

"So... this guy who fucked you. What's happening there?"

"Eh. It's basically just physical. He's nice enough. There aren't a lot of gay guys in Eureka. We're just sort of getting physical needs met."


"Do you think bad of me?"

"No. Of course not. I was kind of hoping you might find someone to make you happy. I know you hadn't intended to stay in Eureka, but with ... your mom and everything, I know you felt kind of stuck. It's great that you stayed to help your dad out and everything."

"Yeah. He and I worked a lot on cabinetry and woodworking. It was kind of a bond between us. I enjoy doing it. I just don't know if we'll do it together anymore. Once someone sees you shoot your load with a guy's dick up your ass, it kind of changes everything."

Freddy burst into laughter. I followed. It felt good to laugh.

"Um. We never fucked when we were in lo... when we were seeing each other. Did you like it?" my college lover asked me.

"I wasn't sure at first. But ... yeah. It was really hot. I was screaming like crazy, which is why I guess my dad heard and came to investigate."

"Dear lord." Freddy went quiet. "You know you can call me at any time, right?"

"I know. I don't want to impose on you and Joshua though. I'll be fine. I hope." I paused. "I love you, Freddy bear."

"I love you, Larry bear."

* * * *


Next: Chapter 5

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