
By Timothy Lane

Published on Mar 3, 2023


Laramie Chapter 2

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As a quick reminder, Chapter 1 took place in Laramie's junior year of high school. May 2006.


**June 2007
**Laramie Jenkins (18)
Charlie Marx (18)


"I can't believe you got that much money for graduation!" I told Charlie.

"I have a few rich relatives. It really isn't that much though."

"To you! It's three times what I got from all of my relatives."

"Whatever. It's nice, I guess, but doesn't really matter."

"I hear you got accepted to the University of Pennsylvania. Why there?" I asked.

"One of my uncles ..."

"A rich one?" I interjected.

"I suppose. He had gone there."

"So far away."

"I know. At least we have the summer."

I blustered out a puff of air in my disapproval. "If my father allows me free time away from the farm."

"You'll go off to college in a few months. That will be the end of it."

"Yeah. A state school. I'm going to miss you."

"The same."

Five minutes later we had reached the barn. I knew soon the hayloft would be filling up again. I had kept a blanket up there. Charlie and I had jacked off up there numerous times. I was confident we would today too. We did every couple of weeks when we could find the opportunity. The nicest times were when I could stay over at his place. I loved that we could kiss and grope each other in his bed. It was wonderful. Since our first kiss, both of us had grown more hair on our bodies. Charlie was handsome to me. He had gone from good looking to hot in our senior year. I would hear girls say things about what a hunk he was during class. If they only knew.

Our bodies landed on the blanket with a crush of compressed hay beneath it.

When our lips met, I knew by my own erection we would be masturbating together again. Perfect. The weather was ideal. It was like only 80 degrees. Dad wasn't around. Grayson was off with friends. Mom never came to the barn. I was going to be bold and remove every bit of my clothes today. I felt so brave. The thought of being completely naked with Charlie in the barn made my dick as hard as the hoe I had just leaned against the wall.


Larry's lips on mine never failed to excite me, never failed to arouse me. I was so hard. Today was the day I was going to do it. We had come together so many times this past year, I was going to finally have the courage.

Our mouths engulfed each other. The two of us made sloppy kisses that we both loved. Our tongues had developed the habit of tickling the other, almost like a snake. Most guys probably didn't do that. Heck, most guys didn't kiss other guys.

But we did. Whenever we could.

My cock was hard as a staircase baluster. My hand pulled Lar' into my body closer. My hand slipped down under his waistband, and I gripped his ass.

This was it. I had to do it. I pulled our lips apart.

"Lar', I ... I want ... I ... I need to ..." I froze.

He pulled back and looked at me intently. "What is it?"

"I've ... I've ... I've wanted to ..."

"Just say it."

"I want to tell you ... I love you."

Larry said nothing. He looked at me. He didn't look away, and I was afraid to. I had to keep my eyes locked on his. If I looked away, it would indicate I regretted saying it. And I didn't.


"Is it okay that I said that?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. It's not like people our age say that to each other. Not guys."

His face pressed to mine. His lips crushed my lips. His hands held my head as if the seal between us would never end.

Fifty seconds later, it did.

"I love you too," he said. "I guess I've known that for ... like forever. I just didn't know it was something we said out loud. I love every minute we spend together."

"Me too."

We both pulled off our shirts. I leaned over to gently fold it at the edge of the blanket. When I rolled back over, Larry was naked. Completely naked. One hundred percent naked. We had seen each other's dicks countless times. We had slept together nude a few times. But this was daylight, the middle of the day. This was the last signal I needed.

I took all my clothes off. I didn't worry about folding them neatly. As I slipped out my jeans, I looked down at Laramie's body below me. He was completely exposed. I looked upon his erection as it jutted from his crotch like a sundial. I wanted it. I wanted all of it. I pulled off my briefs and my own cock snapped upward, hitting my belly. The two of us had good physiques from our days in track. I liked how more hair had grown on his chest since spring. Lar' was sexy. He was gorgeous to me at least.

I dropped on top of him with my body spread over his body like a sheet. I could feel his dick press next to mine. We were both 18. We were both men. We both had adult dicks. We kissed for a thousand years.

Breaking the seal, I said, "You know that I said, `I love you'?"

He nodded.

"It's time I really showed you."

I moved down and swallowed his cock.


Holy shit.

Charlie and I had jerked off together. We had felt each other. I loved feeling and smearing his cum after his orgasm. I knew his dick as well as my own. I studied it.

We had never done this.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. We were really doing this. This was a next level thing.

My dick felt wet inside his mouth. I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes. My senses took in everything. I could smell the hay around us. There were hints of dirt and animals and feed wafting ever so slightly in my nostrils. I could hear cows in the distance. One of the farmhands had a tractor in one of the far fields; I recognized the cough of the engine that Dad had drug his feet at getting fixed. The pigs got riled up by a passing duck ... or something. It sounded like solitude. I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling. Tiny pinholes of light projected lasers of sunlight through places in the roof that we ought to repair. I lifted my head to look down at Charlie. His mouth was all around my cock. It was wet ... and slick ... and alive.

My fingers reached down just to filter through his hair as his head bobbed on my crotch. His ever-growing moustache was visible when he lifted just to the mushroom head of my erection.

My head rested again, and I closed my eyes as heaven swarmed me. His tongue tickled the underside of my cock like a snake.

"Ohhhh, fuck. That feels good."

With my eyes closed, I knew my mother would absolutely tan my hide — even at 18 — if she heard me use those words. In my reflections, I heard more ducks, gravel, more cows. The screen door on the house slammed, probably my mother taking something to the porch. One pig made a final grunt and the entire drove settled into the murky mud they so enjoyed.

"Suck me, Charlie," I softly said. "It feels so good. I love it. I love you."

He hummed in approval.

"My dick feels so good in your mouth."

Charlie worked my shaft up and down. It felt more electric by the second. This was a special moment in my lifetime. I knew it. Suddenly he fondled my balls, and the extra sensation was bringing me closer to climax.

I didn't want that. Not yet.


Charlie pulled off my erection looking a little startled.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just don't want to finish yet." I looked at him directly. "My turn??"

He smiled and laid next to me. For a moment he grabbed my hand. We let our skin touch as our bodies stretched alongside each other. He let go of my hand and instinctively we both reached for the other's anatomy like we had dozens of times before. I stared at the lasers of sunlight. I heard more ducks and a sudden gust of wind. I smelled the hay. My senses were magnified as if I were a handicapped person who had lost one sense.

Rolling over, I kissed him and then caused our hands to release their grips on hard flesh. I moved lower and let the tip of my tongue trace the entire outline of Charlie's dick. He was about the same size as me, but I think it was a bit thinner. I loved it. His hairy crotch really aroused me. Charlie had a stripe of hair that rose from his bush up to his pecs. I found that sexy. Charlie was sexy. We were sexy.

I swallowed him.


In the past, I had wondered if we would ever do this. And now we were. His hard cock in my mouth was everything I wanted it to be. I didn't know if I would be able to do a blowjob correctly one day, but here I was. What was to know? Pleasure the stiff shaft while it is in your mouth.

I closed my eyes. Hay. Tractor. Screen Door. Gust of wind.

"Ohhhhh, Larry. Ohhhh yeah. Yeaaaaahhhhh."

My slobbery consummation of his erection was thrilling Charlie. And me. Even free from his mouth, my hard-on was a flagpole. I sucked. I tasted. I savored. I stimulated. I coated. I tantalized. I suuucccccked.

"Yeah, man. My dick loves you doing that. It feels so good. Keep sucking me, Lar'. Ohhhh God."

I loved hearing him. My eyes closed. Ducks. Tractor. Wind. My slobbery blowjob.

I felt energized and started sucking harder. I had been at it a few minutes and wanted to improve my performance. On a few occasions, we had been so alone that we were able to be loud if we wanted. The solitude of our location caused Charlie to moan louder. I loved it. He was so sexy. We were men. Sexy men. Masculine men. Masculine cocks. Glorious cocks. Masculine men sucking masculine glorious, sexy cocks.

"I'm close, Lar'. I'm about to come."


What now? This was new.

Do I let him come in my mouth?
Is he supposed to come in my mouth?
Do I want his cum in my mouth?
Is that good? Is that wrong?

I wanted to.

"Oh man. Oh man oh man."

Charlie jerked out from under me. He made the decision for me. His hand pushed me down, and he straddled my chest. His hand gripped his erection, and he pounded it with a ferocity.

"Fuck I'm coming fuck I'm coming fuck I'm coming."

His dick exploded hitting my cheek and neck and upper chest with warm liquid. Charlie practically sprayed cum rather than spurting it in long missiles like me. I felt wet and sticky and warm and wonderful.

"Ohhhhh yeah," he moaned, resting his rear on my belly.

I loved feeling the weight of him on my body. My iron prod nuzzled into the crack of his ass. He smiled at me.

"Oh yes."

He moved back and devoured my hard flesh once more.

"Charlie. Yes. Ohhhh yeah. I love this."

And I did. I closed my eyes and relished every stimulation my hard-on was feeling. This was all so new and so wonderful. My erections were always great when we jacked off together, but this was so naked, so sensual, so physical, so wonderful.

I had been close before. Within a minute, he was bringing me near climax again. My breathing got deeper. My moaning echoed the gust of wind through openings in the barn. My nostrils inhaled the hay, and I could decipher the smell of the blanket on its own. I figured it was time to wash it. Particularly after this.

He sucked me harder. I was wondering what he would do when I came. I would be sure to tell him. I wasn't sure if I would do the same. I really wanted him to let me come in his mouth. I wasn't sure why, but it seemed like it would be tremendously hot.

"I'm close, Charlie. I'm close."

He sucked harder and didn't release my stiff captive from his mouth.

My moans blended with the wind. Ducks and pigs had been riled again. I heard the tractor stop. I heard steps on the ladder to the hayloft.


"What the hell!!!?"

I saw my brother Phillip rise over us. Us. Naked us. Charlie pulling his mouth off my cock us. Charlie's cum smeared all over my upper body us. Us.

Oh fuck.

"Seriously, Laramie!! What the hell? Do you guys do that in here all the time?!"



What had I done? I wanted to do this with Lar' and now look at the mess I'd made.


"Phillip..." I started but didn't know where to go after that.

"Please don't tell Dad. Please don't tell Dad," Larry implored.

Why did I decide to give him a blow job today? This was my fault.

"Dear God. Is that cum on you?" Phillip looked at me. "Is that your cum?!"

I meekly nodded.

"Gross! Ugh. All of this! You two sucking each other...?"

"Please don't tell Dad. Please don't tell Dad."

"I don't know," said Phillip. "Just ... just get dressed — and clean that off you!!"

Phillip started descending the ladder. I looked at Laramie as I reached for my clothes. I don't think a death in the family could have caused a more pained expression. What had I done?

Phillip had barely made it to the bottom of the ladder before Lar' had miraculously gotten dressed and had wiped my cum on the blanket. I was amazed at his speed. Larry hit about three rungs descending the ladder, rushing to meet his brother.

"Phillip! Wait!" Larry called out as he jumped the last five feet.

The two of them sat on some hay bales down below. I tried to get my socks on. I saw that Laramie was barefoot. I couldn't hear everything clearly, but the quiver in Lar's voice conveyed how scared he was.

A minute later, I slowly took the ladder a rung at a time. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I join them? Wait outside?

Phillip looked at me. "So. So, you're both gay? Is this some kind of weird friendship thing?"

In a moment of courage, I stood tall. "It's not weird. I love him."

Larry kind of smiled. "I guess I'm gay. That's what I feel now at least. From what I understand, it doesn't change. It's not a phase."

"Hm," Phillip grunted.

"Please don't tell Mom and Dad," Larry begged. "Just ... just ... just let me handle it myself."

"They're going to freak. You know Dad. Mom is all Mrs. Christian. They're going to freak, Lar'."

"I know. Maybe. But ... just let me do it. Okay? Will you promise that you'll let me handle this?"

Phillip glared at both of us.

"I guess. Whatever. I don't get it. Whatever."

Larry's brother started walking back to the house. I would never see him again.


"Fuck," we both said at the same time.

"What are you going to do?" Charlie asked.

"I have no idea. He's right, my parents will freak."

"You don't have to tell them," he said.

"I know. But how long do I keep it a secret? A huge one!"

"I wish I knew the answer."

"Do your parents know?"

"I think. We haven't discussed it, but I think they do. They never pressure me to date girls or anything. I just think they know."

"Will you tell them?"

"Eventually. They are probably waiting on me. When I feel comfortable."

"How on earth does anyone feel comfortable?"

"When they accept it. I guess." Charlie looked at me. "Do you accept it?"

I thought a moment. I heard ducks quack. The tractor restarted.

"Yeah. I guess. I figured with both Rex and you ... yeah. I suppose it's not who I wanted to be ... or expected I would be ... but I am. Actually, it's not really who I'm expected to be — at least from my parents. I just don't want to tell them right now. I guess the day will come."

"Do you think Phillip will keep to his word?"

"I hope. I don't know. But we get along well enough, I don't think he will stab me in the back."

I stared at Charlie.

"I do love you though. I know that. For now, that's enough."

He smiled at me. "Thanks. I feel like this is my fault."

"It wasn't your brother!"

"I initiated the blowjob."

"It was great."

"You didn't even come."

"It was still great."

"So now what?"

I stared out the doorway blankly. "I don't know. I don't want to go to the house just yet." I looked up at the hay loft. "Come lay with me."

A moment later we were back on the blanket staring at the ceiling. Charlie rolled toward me. He put his arm on my chest and I held it.

"I just want to die," I said.

"Never say that!!! Never, Laramie."

"I don't mean I'm going to do anything. I just ... want the Earth to swallow me whole."

"Today sucked, but tomorrow will be easier. The day after that will be easier..."

"Are you going to major in counseling?" I said with a bit of sarcasm.

Charlie gave me a simple peck on the lips. "I do love you."

"And I love you. But what happens in three months?"

"We'll just see what happens."


"We can call all the time."

"Charlie, it's not like my parents are going to buy me that new iPhone thingy. Your parents have money we don't have."

"There are payphones I suppose."

"I guess."

"Think you'll be `out' at college?" he asked.

"I think it would be easier than here in Eureka, you know? Surely there are others on campus."

Charlie laughed. "Yes. I imagine there will be quite a few."

I contemplated what he was saying. Would college life be easier? It would be nice not to hide. I would have no connections to where it would get back to my parents. Possibly.

Charlie's hand slipped up my shirt and started petting the new hair on my chest. We rolled into each other, and he kissed me.

"You never did come," he whispered.

"You're kidding, right? After all that?"

"Could the day possibly get worse?"

"Maybe." I laughed. I felt his hand slide down into my shorts. Why would I possibly consider doing anything sexual after getting caught like that? It would be stupid. It would be foolish. It would be a mistake.

I was getting hard. His hand on my cock felt good, regardless of the earlier incident. I pushed Phillip from my mind. I concentrated on Charlie's hand. On my dick. Hand. Dick.

I was hard.

Charlie unzipped me and pulled my cock free from my shorts and briefs. I shimmied them down a few inches.

"We're insane," I muttered.

"But totally hot."

I laughed. Then I felt his mouth around my cock again. I exhaled.

His oral service somehow pushed the terror of being discovered earlier from my mind. I just focused on Charlie. I loved Charlie. I loved Charlie's mouth on my dick. I loved Charlie. I loved Charlie's tongue wrapping around my shaft. I loved Charlie.

Minutes later, I knew he had done his job. "I'm getting close, baby."

Baby? I had never called him that.

I at least gave him warning that I was nearing my orgasm. What would he do? I started to lift up my shirt, but I felt him descend as deeply around my shaft as he had gone. He was going to swallow me.

"I'm gonna come," I warned one more time.

Charlie's hum let me know he knew what he was doing. I felt his hand grip the base of my erection as he swallowed the red flesh with a mighty force.

"OhhhhhHHHH YEAH!" I burst. "Ungh! Ungh!"

I'm not sure it was the orgasm I would have had had Phillip never discovered us, but it was good. Spasm after spasm of cum fired into Charlie's mouth. I momentarily wondered what it tasted like while my mind reeled at what had just happened.

"Fucking yeah," I whispered.

He took his mouth off my dick. It looked fiery red. He smiled at me and came up to kiss me. Some of my cum was on his tongue, and he wiped it on my tongue. I wasn't sure what to make of that. But it seemed masculine. And sexy. And hot. And adult.

We held hands for a moment, lying there. My dick was still exposed, but it had deflated to its normal three inches. I didn't mind Charlie seeing it that way. I felt completely free with Charlie.

Then I realized he would go away in three months, and we would probably never see each other again. How was I going to get over him? Maybe we would somehow work out. Maybe. But probably not. We'd meet other people. Our lives would be separate.

I zipped up my shorts.

"I guess I should get to the house."

"I'll pop in," Charlie said, giving me one last kiss.

The walk to the house was scary. I just had to trust my brother that he hadn't said a word. I didn't like the feeling of my heart pounding so rapidly, but there was no way to stop it other than going inside. We continued to walk to the house slowly. As we took the step on the porch, I dreaded opening the door.

"Charlie, would you like some lemonade?" my mother asked as we stepped into the kitchen.

"You're kind, Mrs. Jenkins, but I'm heading home. I just wanted to say hello."

"Well, it's always good to see you, Charlie."

I looked at my brother in the corner who just leered at me and gently shook his head back and forth. Things seemed normal for the moment, but I didn't know what my normal would be from here on out. Life suddenly got a little scary.

"I'll see you sometime," Charlie said to me.

"Yeah. Holler at me next week," I said.

What I really wanted to say was "I love you" and I wanted to rush into his arms and I wanted to kiss him like there was no tomorrow and I never wanted to let him go.

We waved.

I could feel Phillip watching me as I watched Charlie walk to his car out the window. I knew we would most likely have a few more encounters that summer — I certainly hoped so — but beyond that, life seemed uncertain. Life had taken an unexpected turn on so many levels. I hadn't thought deeply about college yet. I made good grades, so I wasn't worried about that aspect. For the first time, I pictured everything about my life, and I suddenly felt adrift. I felt like a stranger in my own life.

* * * *

A new blog post, "Discoveries," has been posted on the blog:

Next: Chapter 3

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