
By Timothy Lane

Published on Feb 26, 2023


Laramie Chapter 1

If you read my previous story, you know Laramie in his 30s. This book is long-range taking him back to high school and going beyond the last book.

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By Timothy Lane ©

I looked at the name added to the mailbox: L. Jenkins. I wasn't sure why it affected me. I didn't realize I had put my hand on my heart as I read my name. It seemed like most neighborhoods had group boxes in one unit nowadays. Some people might think rows of individual mailboxes up and down the street are an eyesore. As I glanced down the street, I thought it gave the neighborhood character.

I gazed up at my new home. I questioned how I ever got here. I never would have imagined it.


**May 2006
**Laramie Jenkins (17)
Charlie Marx (17)


Three weeks remained of our junior year of high school. I was ready for summer. I knew it meant a lot of work on the farm. I never liked that, but Dad stressed the importance of what all had to be accomplished during the weeks of summer. We had numerous farmhands working, but I knew I was "free labor." My father was good about sharing money as I needed, but sometimes what I "needed" was questioned. He put money on my behalf in a college fund. It all seemed normal to me, but I felt like my friends saw it as me being ripped off. Had I a job in town, I would be given my own paycheck, and it would be mine to do with as I pleased.

Charlie's family lived in town. They didn't own farmland. He had been working at G&W Foods for several months. I never got the impression that anyone in Eureka was necessarily that wealthy, but Charlie's father was president of one of the banks in town, so they had a nice house. I didn't think of it as a mansion or anything. It just had four bedrooms. It seemed nicely decorated. As nice as it was, he still liked coming out to the farm. We had been friends for a few years. We seemed kind of drawn to each other back in junior high. It was my theory that even back then, I was attracted to him. I never thought of "boyfriends" or anything in junior high. But I liked him. We were just friends.

However, I thought the same about Rex last year. We were pretty close too. He lived at the next farm over. We had spent a lot of time together. He lived so close by; it was easy. Rex started developing a light moustache his sophomore year. His sideburns started growing too. He looked so cool to me. Masculine too. I knew I liked it. I wanted that type of hair to start to grow for me.

Rex and I did so much together. We talked about so many things. We'd go up into the hayloft and talk about anything. We discussed parents, classes, girls, guys in P.E. — anything but stuff that had to do with living on a farm. I remember him asking me one day if I jacked off. It made me so nervous to talk about it. We were so alone one day, I thought he was going to ask for us to do it together.

But we just mentioned it now and then.

The fourth time he brought it up was one Saturday night. We were in the barn as night started to fall. All my chores were done. We just plopped down on a blanket in the hay. I remembered that he asked if I wanted to do it. Together.

I knew I liked Rex. As in liked liked. So many classmates were going girl crazy. I wasn't. I knew I was more attracted to my guy friends, even though I didn't think of them sexually. Girls were pretty, but ... I just wanted to be with the guys. On the rare occasion I would touch them — a one armed-hug, sitting next to them on the bus, lying around with our legs crossed on each other — I liked it. I liked touching them.

Ever since he asked about masturbating, I had thought about it 30 million times. Him. Jacking off. I was dying to see him do it. I wondered what his dick looked like. Did it look like mine? Did his get hard exactly like mine did? Did his cum come out like mine? I had heard my older brother call it that once. I think he insulted me when I was younger that my breath smelled like cum. I didn't understand at the time. When I had my first orgasm, I knew what my brother meant then. I hated him for it.

I wanted to see Rex come.


Larry's family was so much nicer than mine. Dad always seemed busy with work. We didn't do a lot together. Mom had her group of friends. I guess it was all fine. I didn't think our family was very different until I had dinner with Larry's family. His mom was a great cook. It was fun to have dinner with him once a month or so.

I was one of three kids in class that had a car. Granted, it was used. It was seven years old, but I felt a bit of freedom.

I enjoyed hanging out with Lar'. His mother called him Laramie, but I knew he hated that. He preferred Larry. A lot of his friends just called him Lar'. I think his father always used the term "son." I really didn't know what he called him when by name.

Dinner had been great. Mrs. Jenkins' fried chicken was the absolute best. She always smiled when I told her so. I think she liked me.

Larry got so busy in the summer working for his dad. I had hoped we could do some stuff together. We had become such good friends this past year. We were always friends since junior high. But this year ... we were close. We'd put our arms around each other in the hallway or on the track field. It was just affection of friendship, but I liked it. I liked touching him. It felt good.

We had Lar' over for dinner at our house once. I'm sure my parents thought it was very casual, and for us, it was. I could still remember Larry looking at the full set of silver and being curious as to why there were two forks. He had never heard of a few of the ingredients either: cilantro, curry, quinoa. I felt like we were a bit pretentious; we weren't having city officials over. Granted, a Mediterranean meal wasn't necessarily that unheard of, but I'm not sure it would have been a right choice for my school friend.

I wondered what my parents would have thought if I told them I liked Larry. I never really thought about the word "gay" for too long. I wasn't sure if I was. I guess I just questioned. But I liked Larry. I did. I knew I did. Maybe I was gay, or maybe our friendship was just incredibly close and that's how tight friends felt.

I had never kissed anyone. Well, that wasn't true. Melinda kissed me in 8th grade. It was a quick peck. I at least could tell everyone I had kissed a girl. But she kissed me. I was just on the other end of it. I hadn't ever initiated a kiss. I was wondering if I would summon the courage to do it with Lar' if we ever had the opportunity. Or if he would even want to.

I didn't have to be home at any certain time. Spring had arrived and the weather was fantastic. Neither of us had much homework. With only three weeks left of school, about the only thing that remained was studying for finals. The last week was pretty much a blowoff. I only had to read one chapter this weekend. I had no reason to run home. Since I was invited to the Jenkins' house, I knew my parents would be out at a social function anyway. Dad seemed to be getting invited to more of those. Since I had a car — and was 17 — I felt more independence. I guess it was nice that my parents trusted me.

After I thanked his parents once again, we went for a walk as the sun was setting. Laramie's younger brother, Grayson, wanted to stick with us. I felt that was okay; I didn't have any obvious reason to reject it. I just kind of liked being alone with Lar'. Maybe Gray was saving me from being too nervous to think about kissing Larry.


Charlie was very polite to my parents. He thought they were so nice and so great. I didn't get it. I thought they were just plain `ol parents. I didn't get the "nice" observation. At all. They were nice to him. I guess Mom was pretty sweet to me. She practiced Christian values. I'm sure they would have said they loved us three boys exactly the same, not that they had ever said anything like that. I kind of think they favored Philip, my older brother. But he would spar with Dad from time to time too. Overall, we were fed, had a good-enough house. I shared a room with Grayson.

After dinner, Gray wanted to pal around with Charlie and me. I kind of wanted it to just be the two of us, but I wasn't sure why. As much as I would think about Charlie and me being together, I never really acted on it. If Grayson was with us, maybe that would kept me in check, sparing me the opportunity to make a fool of myself.

I hated remembering last year. I made a complete fool of myself with Rex. I had wanted to see him jack off; I wanted to see him come. He had mentioned it a few times. I liked Rex. I wanted to kiss him as much as I wanted to see him naked.

We weren't completely naked. We pulled off our shirts. He was the first to yank his shorts down. I moved right beside him. I pulled my shorts down too. I looked at his dick; he looked at mine. I was pretty sure we were comparing. How were they alike? How were they different? Did we both question those differences? He had a hairier crotch than mine. I had hair growing, but his bush was really puffy. His dick was nice too. Not that I knew what made one dick better than another, but it just looked ... handsome. I thought I had been hard, but once I saw his cock, my dick seemed harder than ever.

We started stroking our erections. I sat a few inches from him. I was dying to move closer so our bare hips would touch, but I wasn't sure if that was a safe move.

Rex moaned a little, so I moaned a little. He tilted his head back and breathed heavy. I tilted my head back and breathed heavy.

I remembered him asking me if I did this every night. We kept jerking and talking and stroking and moaning. I thought he was getting close. His hips were really gyrating. He was panting: "Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah."

I figured he was about to come. I jerked harder. I wanted to climax with him.

"Fuck yeah," he breathed.

I moved my bare hip to touch his. Our skin was touching. I was closer to coming but I wasn't there. Watching cum spurt up his chest was bringing me further to my own orgasm. I loved seeing him come. I loved looking at his dick. I totally wanted to kiss him.

"Fuuuucccckk," he softly uttered.

Then I slammed my lips on his. I kissed him hard.

Rex jolted. "Wha - ??" He pulled away. "What was that?"

My body incinerated to ash. I immediately no longer wanted to come. I wanted to run. I wanted to hide.

"What the hell, Larry!?"

"I'm – I'm – I'm ... sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I ... I ..." A tear dropped out of the side of one eye. "I ... just like you. That's all."

"Man. Fuck, I'm sorry. I gave you the wrong impression with all this. Dude, I'm so sorry. I just thought it would be fun to do this together. But ... you know, as buds. Friends. I ... don't like guys that way. I'm sorry," he had told me.

I remembered him pulling a handkerchief from his pocket. Obviously, he had hoped we would do this. He just didn't want me to fall for him. My dick had become limp in my fear and horror. I pulled up my shorts as he wiped his chest.

"I'm so sorry," I whimpered. "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"No. Don't worry. I feel like I led you on. But ... you like guys, huh?"

"I'm ... not sure. I – I just know I like you."

He had paused. "I guess maybe there is a compliment in all that. I don't know. I just know that I ... I don't know how ... I'm not sure what to ..." Rex stopped. "Lar', I just don't know what to say."

I had ruined our friendship. He didn't hold it against me. He kept his word and didn't tell anyone, no one that I knew of anyway. He never came over again. We'd see each other in the hall at school. A casual wave was the most we could muster.

Here I was, a year after Rex wanting to do all this with Charlie. My heart was beating so fast. I wanted us to kiss. But what if I messed up this friendship too?


Grayson asked us high school questions. Next year would be his freshman year. It was probably a good thing he joined us. My heart was beating so fast. I was wondering if tonight might be the night I finally kissed Larry. Part of me thought he wanted to, but what if I was just mixing signals. He never had said anything. We just ... liked being together. At least I thought about it like that.

The three of us sat at the edge of the pig pen. I thought the pigs were funny. The two of them were used to them. They were just pigs. I thought they seemed to have a lot of personality. For pigs. We climbed up on the rail and hung our legs over. That caused the pigs to squeal for some unknown reason. We laughed.

Gray asked me what life was like in town. I'm sure not having several acres of land to deal with would seem foreign to them. I told them a bit about my homelife, but there wasn't a lot to tell. I mentioned that my parents were not as nice. Grayson looked at Laramie and asked, "Are our parents nice?" The two of them laughed. I assured them that they were.

"Your parents are nice to me," Larry told me.

"Yeah. When you are there, they seem friendlier."

"Are they not nice to you?" Grayson asked.

"Oh, sorta. They aren't mean. They just seem ...busy. I'm not sure if that makes sense. We don't do many fun things together anymore."

Larry looked at Gray. "Do we do fun things with Mom and Dad?"

Gray shrugged. "I dunno."

"You do," I insisted. "They spend time with you. It may not be bowling and ice skating, but you all do things together as a family. You watch TV or movies; you play a board game every now and then."

"And cards," Grayson interjected.

"Yeah. That. The only thing I've done with my parents in the past two years has been while we are on vacation. Away from home, they kind of have fun with me. Here in Kansas, not so much."

"The thing I like the most is when Dad teaches me how to build things," Larry said. "He loves woodworking. He's spent some time with me. Philip never cared for it. He went off to college. He's kind of a brainiac. I helped Dad make cabinets for a family a few miles away whose house was hit by a storm last year. I think that was my favorite thing I've ever done with Dad."

"See? Much better than my family." I shifted my weight on the rail. I had good balance, but I moved my arm. My hand now rested against Laramie's. The edge of our fingers touched. I saw him sit up straighter. He didn't look at me. He watched the pigs, but his pinky just gently moved up and down, caressing my pinky in the gentlest of strokes.

We had now told each other everything there was to tell.


Charlie had placed his hand next to mine. My heart was beating fast again. I was probably nervous, but I was so exhilarated. It was a miracle that my body was still taking in oxygen.

"Gray, go ask Mom if we can have some Cokes."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the youngest, and I'll whoop your ass in the room at night if you don't."

Slowly, Grayson moved off the rail. "Fine."

He trailed off in a slow trudge. Once he rounded the corner, Charlie and I slipped down off the rail.

"I – I ... don't want to make a mistake," I stammered. "But, is it – is it – is it okay if ... I kiss you?"

Charlie's lips were pressed to mine instantly.

He pulled back and our eyes were locked. Grins came across both our faces.

"Wow," I said.

"Yeah," he smiled back.

We kissed again. It should have been gentle, but it wasn't. We were forceful. For two or three minutes, we just kissed; our lips melted together. I thought I felt his tongue in my mouth near the end. That was unusual. But I loved it. Kissing him was everything I hoped it would be. It was magical.

Our arms were around each other. My hands pulled him closer to me. We hummed and moaned as we kissed.

I felt one of his hands move from my back. It gently touched the front of my shorts. He could easily tell. My dick was iron.

"Me too," he softly said.

My fingers graced his fly. For a few seconds, I fondled the hardness at the front of his shorts.

"Laramie!" Grayson screamed out.

Both of us jerked our hands away.


"Come to the porch!"


"Just do it!"

I let out an exasperated sigh. I started to walk away when Charlie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He kissed me one last time.

"I really like you," he said. "I like you a lot."

"Me too." I gave him one last peck.

We started walking back to the house. I hoped my dick would go down so it wouldn't be noticeable. Thinking about his penis being hard didn't help. I distracted myself with other things. Pigs. Cokes. Fried chicken.

When we got to the porch, Mom was coming out with a tray.

"She said it was too late for caffeine," Gray said. "But she's okay with ice cream."

"Sweet!" said Charlie. "Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins."


I loved being here. This family was nice. I had touched Larry's dick. I hadn't touched it touched it, but I felt that he was hard. I loved Cookies and Cream. She had given us big scoops. I had touched Larry's dick. I needed to stop thinking about that, or my shorts would be a dead giveaway. Off the edge of the porch, fireflies had begun to blink in the darkness. I had touched Larry's dick.

"So, we don't get as many lightning bugs in town. Did you ever catch them in jars growing up?" I asked.

"Oh, they did when they were little," Mrs. Jenkins said.

"I kind of remember that," said Grayson.

"Then, I ..." Larry started laughing and then Grayson joined him. "I said they looked lonely in the jar, and we let them out. We would chase them after that, but we never caught them again."

"You're so weird," Gray said.

"I think it's kind," I said.

"Exactly," Mrs. Jenkins agreed.

"Thanks for the ice cream, Mom," Larry said. Gray and I agreed with a hum ("mm-hm") of melting ice cream in our mouths.

"Won't be long `til the nights will be as warm as the days," Mrs. Jenkins said.

"Soon," Larry mumbled in a daze. "But tonight is nice."

"Tonight is very nice," I echoed. I had touched Larry's dick.


I had carried all the bowls back into the kitchen. For a moment I was alone. I thought about Charlie's hand on my dick. It wasn't actually on my dick, but he knew I was hard. My breathing got heavier just thinking about us kissing. My heart raced again. My penis got firm again.

I put the bowls in the dishwasher. My hands were just slightly sticky. I rinsed them heavily with suds. Then I went back out to join the others. The television wasn't on, so I assumed Dad had turned in early or was watching TV in the bedroom.

"What time are your folks expectin' you back, Charlie?" Mom asked.

"They're out at a party or function or social or whatever you want to call it. I'm not sure when they are getting home, but I promised them I would be safely home by 10."

"Be sure and be true to your word," she said.

"I will. I'll leave shortly," he answered.

It was such a simple answer. An appropriate answer. The obvious answer. But it killed me. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted us to kiss all night. I wanted his arms around me. I wanted his hardness up against me.

It was so clear that I liked boys. I liked Charlie for sure, but with Rex and Charlie ... I began to admit I was gay ... or was going to be gay. For a while. I wasn't sure how long it was supposed to last. I didn't really know anything. The only thing I knew was that tonight was the most amazing night of my life.

"I'll walk with you to your car," I said.

"Me too," said Gray.

"Go inside," I snapped.


"Why do little kids have to hang around big kids all the time!?"

"I'm not little! I'm going into high school next year."

"Probably because they feel sorry for you and just let you in."

"You suck, Laramie." Grayson slammed the door as he went inside.

"Smooth," Charlie said as we stepped down the stairs of the porch. "Did you want to hang around with Phillip like that?"

"Some. And he made fun of me just the same."

"Little brothers, I suppose. I'll never know what it is like," Charlie observed.

We got to his car. We both looked awkward and sheepish, or as much as we could tell with the minimal lighting of the environment. We knew we were alone. With the tall oak between his car and the house, we knew we couldn't be seen.

"Tonight was great," Charlie said.

"I think so, too."

He leaned in for a kiss. I met him with my lips.

"I'm so glad we did this," he whispered. "I've wanted to for a while."

"Me too," I shared. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure. Anything."

"I kissed Rex last year."

"Rex Fitzgerald!? Rex Fitzgerald likes guys?"

"Sadly, no. I was getting mixed signals. It was a disaster. I interpreted things wrong. I was humiliated."

"He hasn't said anything, has he? I had never heard."

"Not that I know of. He's been cool about it. I still die when I think about it. My first kiss — what a disaster."

"I'm glad I could make up for it." Charlie grinned.

We kissed for a couple of minutes. The back of my hand gently nuzzled up to Charlie's crotch. He was as hard as I was. Again.

Then I felt him put his hand inside my waistband. My shorts were loose enough for his hand to work inside. He gripped my hard-on and I gasped. Wow. I wasn't sure what to do. I watched him fumble with his fly. He unzipped his shorts and pulled his briefs down below his balls.

"Hold mine," he whispered.

I held his cock. If God had granted me a wish right then and there, it would have been to never let go. We both squeezed and gripped and grasped and felt for a minute. The grand euphoria of it all was escalated by our mouths being conjoined, our tongues exploring.

"If I don't leave now, I'll never get home." Charlie took his hand from my shorts. "I hate to leave."

"I hate that you're leaving."

I groped him another minute. My cock ached for him to hold it again.

"Larry.." he said.

I just kept jerking his erection. It felt magnificent.


I squeezed his cock and wrestled it in strokes.

"God..." he breathed.

Cum shot all over my shorts. Shit. I didn't know he was that close to coming.

His moan was breathy and quiet. But cum kept spewing. The third and fourth shot missed my shorts. I had let go. His penis now just dripped cum in oozes.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were close to... I'm sorry, really, Charlie."

"I need to go."

I felt bad.

We both adjusted our crotches. I looked at my shorts. His first two missiles looked totally like a guy's cum on my shorts. Damn. Why did I ruin it? He was ready to go. I just didn't let go of his dick like I should have.

Charlie opened the car door and slipped inside. All during that time, our eyes never stopped looking into the other's. He started the car. As he backed away, I never stopped looking into his eyes, until he finally turned the car around. I didn't know what he felt: Anger? Satisfaction? Romance? Frustration?

I ruined the moment, and I still had a raging hard-on.

I stood in the darkness of our gravel driveway until the taillights of his car slipped over the horizon. I hoped Grayson would fall asleep quickly tonight. My thoughts were not going to allow me to fall asleep quickly. After the sensations tonight, my anatomy was going to need specific attention.

As I walked back to the house, I tried to think about things to make my shorts less obvious. Ice cream. Pigs. Fried chicken. Humiliation with Rex. Dad.

I grabbed a bucket off the porch to conceal the stain. I loved that Charlie and I explored a lot of feelings. I hated that I ruined it.

P * * * *

If you are new to my work, you can read more about this story and the character of Laramie at the blog:

Next: Chapter 2

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