Landlord with Benefits

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jul 1, 2020


LWB -- Landlord with Benefits

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

LWB -- Landlord with Benefits -- Chapter 4

The next couple days were just my basic routine; wake up, go to work, come home, watch tv, go to bed and repeat. I thought a few times about Keith and even considered inviting him down for dinner as I knew he was alone with Louise still out of town, but I didn't want to pressure him into anything. If something were going to happen between us, he would have to initiate it.

Thursday night just as I was getting ready to turn off the tv and get ready for bed, I heard a faint knock on the door. It was so low I wasn't even sure if it was a knock, still I got up and went to check. "Hey Mike" Keith said looking nervous. "Hey Keith, is everything ok?" I asked. Keith didn't say anything.

"Do you want to come in?" I suggested after a few awkward moments. Keith entered the apartment slowly and just stood in the living room area. "What's going on? I asked though I was beginning to have some suspicions. "I was wondering" he started, speaking incredibly low. I knew I could respond for him, but I wanted him to say it himself, so I waited silently. "I was wondering if we could try some things we talked about?" he finally got out.

"Ok what would you like to try?" I asked thinking he wanted to try fucking me. Something I wasn't prepared for at the moment. "Could I maybe try to suck you?" he offered. I was a bit surprised, as I didn't think he would be ready for that. "Sure. If that is what you want" I said but there seemed to be a bit more. "Is there more?" I asked waiting. "Can I try kissing you?" Keith finally blurted out; the words seemed hard for him to form.

The question really surprised me a bit. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes. I think so" he said looking very nervous. I stepped forward closing the distance between us. Keith stood silently, his breathing a bit ragged. "Ok" I said waiting for him to make a move. Keith moved forward and placed his hand on my neck then slowly brought his lips to mine, while staring into my eyes. Finally, his lips touched mine.

The kiss was not much more than a peck. Keith backed up his eyes still locked on mine, waiting for something. Was it my approval that it was ok, or was he trying to decide if he liked it. Then he moved forward again, this time his eyes closed, and his mouth connected with mine. Keith's lips parted and his tongue began to slowly press on my lips. I opened my mouth in response and allowed him to explore my mouth.

Keith's kiss became more intense, more aggressive. As he became comfortable with the kiss, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his embrace. With my body tight to his, I could feel his passion intensify. Keith's hands freely explored my body. I could also feel his dick growing in his pants and he began grind himself against me causing my dick to get hard in response.

Keith broke off the kiss and laid his forehead on mine, then took a deep breath. "Was that ok?" he asked. "That was great" was my simple response. A smile formed on his face as if he were proud of himself. I reached up and began to unbutton Keith's shirt, then peeled it off his body. Keith reached for my t-shirt and pulled it up over my head, then began pressing his naked body against mine. Warm skin touched warm skin. Keith buried his face in the crook of my neck and began to place soft, wet kisses on my skin sending goosebumps across my body.

His lips trailed up my neck and then to my ear. Each move sending waves of pleasure through me. The more he explored with his tongue the more excited I got. While he continued to lick and suck my neck, I reached between us to loosen his pants. To my surprise, Keith wasn't wearing any underwear. I pushed his pants down his legs and took hold of the shaft of his cock, as I did Keith let out a low, guttural moan.

Precum formed at the tip if his dick slit and I ran my thumb over it spreading the precum around the head. "Fuck" Keith said pulling his lips from my neck. "Can we go to the bedroom? He asked. I nodded and Keith followed me into the bedroom, removing his pants as he followed so that he was completely naked when he got to the room.

I quickly removed my pants and climbed into bed. Keith followed and pulled me to him then began kissing me again. As we kissed, he pulled my body on top of his and wrapped his arms around me. Our cocks began to rub together as we embraced. "Fuck you feel good" Keith said, and I could tell he was beginning to relax or at least his intense desire was taking over.

I moved my body so that I could reach Keith's cock and wrapped my hand around the hard-thick flesh. Keith sucked in air as I began to stroke him. He turned to his right laying me on the bed, then wrapped his hand around my cock.

Keith began kissing and sucking on my chin, then he ran his lips down my neck, before heading down to my chest. Keith's lips found one of my nipples and he began to drag his tongue over it, then began sucking it with his mouth. Finally, he placed his teeth on the nipple and gently began biting it. My nipples were very sensitive, and Keith seemed to know exactly how to work them.

After working over one nipple for awhile he kissed and licked across my chest to the other nipple and gave it equal treatment before working down my mid-section. The lower Keith went the harder my dick throbbed with anticipation. There was something exciting thinking mine would be the first dick he sucked. As he approached, he moved his hand to my dick and held the shaft then moved his face down one side of my dick into my pubes, then down below my balls. Keith took a deep breath and I assumed he was going to go for it but instead he seemed to be just breathing in my musky smell.

Keith then began moving his lips against my balls. A few times his tongue barely darted out as if he wasn't sure what would happen. After a few more licks he brought his face up the other side of my dick still kissing as he went. "Suck it" I said, the anticipation driving me crazy. Keith looked up at me with a questioning look but said nothing.

I pumped blood into my cock causing it to stir in Keith's hand and triggering some precum to ooze from the tip. Keith held my cock inspecting it from several angles, but he still did not seem ready to take it into his mouth. While I waited as patiently as I could, I slid my hands up Keith's legs toward his crotch. Finally, he moved his face towards my cock as I waited. Keith diverted his eyes towards me and looked as if he were terrified. "Take it slow" I said in a very nurturing voice as he parted his lips and brought the wet head closer.

Finally, the mushroom head of my cock disappeared between his lips as he continued to slowly take it into his mouth. "Guard your teeth" I said feeling them scrap a bit on my shaft. Keith immediately rolled his lips over his teeth and went a bit further. His warm mouth felt good, but he didn't make any moves. "Suck it" I said waiting.

Keith pulled his mouth off my cock and looked at me a bit confused. "It's ok, take your time" I responded trying to be patient. Keith had a look on his face then bent down and took it into his mouth again. This time he began sucking my dick. At first, he started slow, not taking my cock too deep into his mouth. Then he began to go a bit deeper with each pass.

"That's its buddy" I coached as he began working my cock. Keith began sucking my dick a bit harder. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and started using a stroking motion along with his sucking. It wasn't well coordinated, but it still felt really good. I could feel myself getting close and I wanted to let Keith decide how he wanted it. "Fuck buddy, I am getting close" I moaned softly. Keith pulled his mouth off my cock and looked at me for a moment but kept stroking my cock.

"Yeah that's it, fuck that feels good" I said looking into his eyes. Keith stared back but said nothing. Without much warning, cum shot from my dick and splashed onto my chest. Keith looked surprised but kept stroking. Again, cum shot forward falling slightly short of the previous blob of cum, and finally the remaining orgasm passed and the last of my cum oozed from my cock.

Keith looked happy watching cum shoot from my cock. "Thanks buddy" I said looking up at him. "Did you like it?" he asked eagerly. "Yeah it was hot" I said, but before I could continue Keith was moving his body on his hands and knees so that he was directly over me. I reached between us and took his hard cock in my hand. As I did Keith bent forward and placed his mouth on mine.

With one hand I began to stroke Keith's cock and the other I placed behind his head as our tongues intertwined. It did not take long, and Keith began moaning loudly and shifting his body back and forth in my hand. "Oh fuck" Keith cried out pulling his head back towards the ceiling like an animal. Warm cum shot between us and hit me on the chest.

Keith's body convulsed and jerked as the strong orgasm passed through him. Several more spurts of cum shot from his dick landing on my torso before he finally stopped moving altogether. For a moment Keith was perfectly still then he bent down and gave me a gentle kiss and rolled off me and flopped onto the bed. "I haven't cum that much in years" he said finally breaking the silence and we both began to laugh.

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