Landlord with Benefits

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 1, 2020


LWB -- Landlord with Benefits

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

LWB -- Landlord with Benefits -- Chapter 3

Work was crazy busy the next couple of weeks, I would leave work early and come home late, which meant I did not see Keith or Louise. A few times Louise left some cookies or other treats with a note outside my apartment door. She even offered to shop for me, if I needed anything, but I heard nothing from Keith.

Finally work started to calm down a bit and I returned to a normal schedule. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw Louise packing up the car and offered to help her. "Are you and Keith going on a trip?" I asked as I lifted a suitcase into the SUV. "Just me. My sister is having knee surgery and I am going to help her for a couple weeks. Keith will stay here as he would be totally bored there." She said with a smile then closed the back door of the vehicle. "Maybe you could have him come by for some pizza and watch a game if you wanted?' she asked then gave a wave and drove off.

On Sunday, there was a knock on my door and Keith was on the other side. "I don't mean to intrude but Louise is gone, and I wanted to see if you wanted to watch the game" He asked holding up a case of beer. Keith was wearing some sweatpants and his team jersey, and I couldn't help noticing his dick flopping around in the soft material as if he had no underwear on "Sure that would be great. I'll order some pizza" I said stepping out of the way to let him in.

The pizza arrived and we sat mostly quiet watching the game and drinking some beers. Keith and I talked casually, commenting a few times on the game. I couldn't help watching Keith out of the corner of my eye. He was a really good-looking man, but generally older than the guys I typically messed around with.

Finally, the game came to an end and I muted the volume on the post-game wrap-up. Keith sat quietly drinking his beer still staring at the tv in silence. "You know, I never did that before" Keith finally said still staring at the tv. "Sure, I thought about it a few times, but until you moved in, I never imagined I would ever do it. Just one of those things you occasionally think about while you are watching some porn or something." Keith said and it almost felt like he was talking to himself.

I wanted to say something to him, but I had no idea what to say. I wasn't even sure where he was going with this. "Hey Keith, I'm sorry." I started. "I liked it" he said softly cutting me off. "I haven't cum that much in a long time. That blowjob you gave me was the best I ever felt." He said sounding a bit more excited. Then it was if the wind was let out and he once again dropped his head and became quiet.

I looked over and I could see the bulge forming in Keith's sweatpants. He was getting excited talking about it and that was causing me to get excited. "I can help you with that if you want." I said and Keith perked up. "But I need to get off too" I said shifting my eyes to my crotch and waiting for a response. "Ok" Keith said softly then reached to pull his sweatpants over his boner causing his big hard dick to snap back against his stomach.

I got down on my knees in front of him and pulled his sweats down his legs and then completely off. "Remove your shirt" I said before getting started. Keith looked at me for a moment, then reluctantly removed his shirt. I looked over his body, fully naked for the first time. Keith had a nice body. Not a gym body but one he gained from hard work rather than machines.

I took Keith's dick in my hand and started to slowly stroke it. Keith sat almost perfectly still except for his chest rising and falling with his breath. I bent forward and flicked my tongue at the tip of his cock, then with my fingers I squeezed gently and precum formed at the head. I licked it slowly, moving my head so Keith could watch. Then I squeezed again and even more precum oozed from the head.

This time I bent forward and licked it up but held it on my tongue. Still holding his cock in my hand, I moved up Keith's body and ran my precum coated tongue over one of his nipples. Keith let out a moan and his whole body vibrated. I licked around the nipple, feeling the wisps of hair that circled it with my tongue. Keith's cock swelled in my hand as I teased his nipple.

I could feel Keith begin to relax as I continued to lick around his nipple. I parted my lips slightly and began to suck the nipple into my mouth. Keith arched his back pushing the nipple harder against my mouth. I took this as a sign that he liked it and I applied more pressure.

While I continued sucking on his nipple, I released his cock, and moved my hand up to the other nipple, grasping it with my thumb and forefinger. The more I sucked and twisted his nipples the more he seemed to enjoy it. While I worked Keith's nipples, he reached his hand between us and started to play with his cock. I wanted to make this last, so I reached down and moved it away. Keith let out a sound of frustration but did not fight me.

"Suck it" he said finally, the desire growing in his voice. I moved my mouth down trailing over his stomach to his dick. I lifted it away from his body at the base and examined it. Keith's dick was over 7 inches and moderately thick. He did not trim his pubes or his balls. His pubes were dark and full like I liked them, and his balls were coated with soft downy fuzz.

I bent my head down and ran my tongue up over Keith's balls and he let out a sucking sound and his head went back against the sofa. I slowly licked up the underside getting the good musky sent of his cock. The smell of a real man always drove me crazy. As I approached the head of his cock, I started to slowly lower my mouth. Keith was horny and tried to buck up into my mouth. "Relax and let me do it" I said looking into his eyes. Keith did not say anything, and I went back to work.

Soon I had my mouth down over his cock and I was working my mouth towards his pubes. Keith's dick was rock hard as I slowly took it deeper and deeper into my mouth. "Yeah buddy, that feels great" Keith said in little more than a whisper. I began working his cock with my mouth. I knew I could get him off quickly, but I wanted it to last, so I began teasing him by slowing down and even stopping, for a few moments, which was frustrating Keith.

Finally, without warning I stopped what I was doing completely and stood up. My dick was at face level with Keith and it was rock hard and pressing against my shorts. I did not say anything I just waited for him to make a move. Finally, he reached out with his hand and touched the bulge gently as if it would bite him. "Touch it" I said a bit sharply. Keith moved his hand and started to slide it up over the outline of my cock.

"Take it out" I said watching him and he looked up at me as if to say, "I don't do that". I did not ask again, I just waited. Finally, Keith reached up and pulled my shorts down roughly over my hard cock then just stopped. "Touch it. If you want me to get you off, you have to help me out" I said. He looked up at me and there seemed to be a bit of anger on his face, but he reached out and touched my cock. "Yeah that's it now stroke it" I said, and he ran his fingers up the length, but did not seem to put much energy into it.

I took his hand and wrapped his fingers around my cock. "Like this" I instructed moving it up and down the shaft. My dick was about the same thickness as Keith's but a bit over 8 inches. I did not completely shave my pubes, but I did trim them to keep them neat. Keith began to move his hand up and down my cock on his own and I stood there watching. I could feel myself getting close and stopped him.

Follow me I said and headed into the bedroom and began taking off my cloths. A few moments later Keith slowly approached the room, his dick hard and bobbing in front of him as he walked. "Lay on the bed" I said, and Keith moved to the side and slowly laid down. Every move was slow and cautious. I moved to the foot of the bed and began moving my mouth up the inside of his leg. Slowly licking the hair as I went.

Keith was propped up on some pillows and just watched every move I made as I got slowly closer to his balls. Finally, my face was below his balls and I began to give them a good licking with my tongue. As soon as my warm mouth hit his balls his dick jerked and precum oozed from the head. I pulled his cock back and licked the precum slowly showing it rolling on my tongue. Keith did not say anything.

I dipped my head back down to his balls and then started to dart my tongue between his legs, then I placed a hand under one leg and pushed it upward, giving me more access between his legs. Slowly I went lower and lower. I placed a hand under Keith's other leg then pushed that one up as well.

Now I had clear access to what I wanted. I laid flat on the bed and positioned my face at Keith's hairy ass. Starting at the bottom of his ball sack, I slowly dragged my tongue downward until it came close to his hole. As I approached, I could feel Keith tense up a bit. "Relax" I said and continued moving down lower into his hairy ass.

On my first pass I ran my tongue along the crack barely touching the hole. Each pass I slowly came closer and closer until my tongue raked over his puckered virgin hole. Finally, I began to focus directly on the hole flicking my tongue at it and teasing it. Keith moaned and took his cock in his hand, but I moved his hand away. "Don't touch" I said sternly and went back to his ass.

Now I began to really work my tongue into the hole driving it harder into him. Again, Keith tried to grab hold of his cock and again I stopped him. "Please" he said so softly I could barely hear him. I continued working on Keith's ass, his moaning getting louder as he squirmed on the bed. "Do you like it" I asked. "Yes, god yes" Keith said in a husky voice. "Do you want to cum?" I asked still poking at his hole. "Yes please" Keith said sounding desperate.

I got up and moved closer, Keith's legs were wrapped around me and my dick lay on top of his. I took both cocks in my hands and began to stroke them together. Keith's dick started to ooze precum that I scooped up and used as lube between us. "Oh fuck" Keith said trying not to make too much eye contact.

Keith's breathing got a bit ragged and I suspected he was getting close to an orgasm. I dropped both cocks and Keith shot me a look. "Jerk me off" I said still hovering over him. Keith reached forward and grabbed my cock roughly. "Get it wet first" I said but Keith did not respond. I took his hand and brought it up to my face, then I ran a wet tongue over it then moved it back to my cock.

"Yeah that's much better" I said. Keith began stroking me and this time it felt like he wanted to. Not as if he were just doing me a favor. I placed my hand on his chest to balance myself. "Do you like it?" Keith asked sounding like he wanted approval. "Yeah man it feels good" I said watching him stroke me.

"Stop" I said pulling my dick from his hand. I was close and wasn't ready to cum yet. I moved back down to Keith's ass and this time he lifted his legs up giving me access. I smiled as I started to lick his hole again knowing that he liked it. This time I did not take my time, I drove my tongue into his ass, then I gently brought my finger to his hole and began using it in addition to my tongue.

"Oh fuck" Keith moaned loudly. At first, I was afraid that Louise would hear then I recalled that she was out of town. Soon I began to slowly insert my finger into his wet hole. Keith grabbed his cock and began pumping it while I licked and fingered him. I did not try to stop him his time. I knew he would not hold off much longer and I wanted to show him how good it would feel to have an orgasm with my tongue and finger in his ass.

"Oh fuck" Keith said lifting his legs up even higher giving me even more access to his hole. "I'm going to cum" he said through raspy breaths. His ass quivered and started to spasm as I continued working his ass. Then for a moment he went completely still, his body tightened and then I could feel his ass lock down on my finger. I pulled my head up just in time to see his dick spray a huge blast of cum across his body on the wall behind my bed.

While he continued stroking his cock, Keith reached down and took hold of my hand. I thought he wanted my finger out of him but instead he pushed my finger in deeper as he continued to cum. A loud unintelligible set of words left his mouth and then his body relaxed, and he slumped weak on the bed as he softly panted.

Finally, I slid my finger out of his ass and moved up on my knees so that I was once again hovering over him. Before I could reach for my cock, Keith took a blob of cum on his hand and began to stroke me. I looked at his body coated in cum as he started to slide his hand up and down my cock shaft.

I imagined what it would feel like to stick my hard dick into his tight virgin hole as I slid my dick in his hand making a slow intense fucking motion. Keith held my cock as I fucked his hand. It did not take long, and I could feel my cum getting ready to shoot. I hadn't cum in a few days and I knew it would be a good-sized load.

"Fuck buddy I am getting close" I said watching him stroke me. Keith adjusted his grip on my cock and started to make a slight twisting motion that added to the intensity. I arched my back and let Keith work my cock. His hand felt really good and I could feel the cum getting ready to shoot. A couple more strokes and my first shot blasted from my cock and landed directly on Keith's face and open mouth.

Keith's eyes widened for a moment at the warm creamy liquid entered his mouth. I expected him to freak out, but instead he continued jerking my cock, cum clinging to his lips and dripping off his chin. "Stop" I said finally as my orgasm ended. My dick had become super sensitive.

I looked down at Keith, his hair was a bit messed and the cum on his face and body only made him look even sexier than I had noticed before. Without thinking I bent forward and placed my lips on his cum coated chin and became to taste it. Keith laid still for a few more moments allowing my mouth to cover his chin and neck, then moved his head away indicating he was done.

I got up slowly as my legs were a bit sore and grabbed a towel and handed it to Keith. Keith took the towel and began cleaning himself up but did not get up. When most of the cum was mopped up he handed me the towel then placed one arm behind his head, propping himself up.

I threw the towel into the laundry basket then came and sat on the edge of the bed next to him as silence fell. "That was incredible" Keith said softly, as he absentmindedly ran his hand over his body. A sense of satisfaction came over me, but I did not say anything. "Do you think we can do it again? Try some other things?" Keith asked.

"Other things like what?" I asked. Keith did not immediately answer. "You can tell me whatever, it's safe between us." I replied trying to make him feel comfortable. "Maybe I can try to suck you? Or maybe fuck you." Keith asked. "That is if you are into that?" he added not sure if he crossed a line. "Maybe something else. I don't know" he finally said waiting for a response.

I thought about his proposition and figured it was probably safer for him to experiment with me then some random stranger. "Ok we can try some things when you are ready" I said, and a smile crossed his face. I moved off the edge of the bed so Keith could get up and get dressed. We left the bedroom and I followed Keith to the door. He stopped with his hand on the door, then turned to me.

"Thanks Mike" he said and pulled me into a hug. I wasn't expecting it and I went a bit slack as he did, then I felt his lips on my neck. This wasn't just a friendly bro hug. "If you keep that up, you are going to need to blow me right now" I said jokingly. Keith broke off the hug and looked at me as if he were going to say or do something then changed his mind and left the apartment.

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Next: Chapter 4

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