Landlord with Benefits

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 19, 2020


LWB -- Landlord with Benefits

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

LWB -- Landlord with Benefits -- Chapter 1

Moving to a new town was hard but my company helped me move cross country and make the transition a lot easier. The new town was much bigger with a much steeper price tag. I needed to find a roommate to make the move financially sound. One of my co-workers recommended renting a room. The idea of living with strangers wasn't really for me until I found the perfect solution. A family was renting their fully furnished separate basement they had converted into an apartment.

I met Keith and Louise and they showed me the space it was perfect. One bedroom with a den/office that could be used as a guest room, living room, full kitchen and bathroom. The place even had a private entrance so that I could come and go as I pleased.

Additionally, Keith and Louise were empty-nesters and seemed like really cool people. Over the next few weeks, I tried to stay out of their way, but Louise had invited me to dinner on a couple occasions. Keith was twice my age at 48 but we seemed to click. We both liked sports and he had invited me to watch a game or 2 which I took him up on a couple times.

Over the next few months, we all settled into an easy routine. Louise would bring me dinner some nights if she found out I had worked late. Keith and I hung out at times watching a game. We did not root for the same teams, and we both ribbed each other if our team was doing better than the other.

I never divulged to Keith or Louise that I was gay. The smallish town I came from did not really take to gay behavior. In the larger city I was hoping to find guys to hang out with and even enjoy sex with without worrying someone would find out. I didn't bring anyone to the house just yet as I didn't want to hurt my relationship with the landlords.

"Hey Mike" I heard Keith call out as I approached my apartment door. "Hey Keith" I hollered back waving to him. "What are you doing this evening? Wanna watch the game?" He asked catching up to me. "Yeah sounds good." I replied eagerly. "Can we do it at your place? Louise is having friends over to talk about some cosmetic shit" He added I can bring the beer. "Sounds like a plan" I said with a chuckle.

I changed into some sweats and my team jersey just to rub it in Keith's face then straightened up the place and waited for him to arrive. I heard a knock and opened the door and we both broke out in laughter. Keith was in sweats and had his team jersey on. "Nice man" I said letting him into the apartment.

Keith flopped on the sofa and I grabbed some chips and turned on the tv. We began drinking some beers and by half-time we were feeling pretty good. "Man, I gotta piss" Keith said standing up. "You know where it is, help yourself" I said moving out of his way. Just as Keith entered the bathroom, I remembered I had left some porn sitting next to the toilet. Sweat poured down my back and I worried what he might see.

A few minutes later Keith came back and sat down on the sofa. I waited for him to say something, but he just went back to beer and the game. So, either he did not see the mags, or he just decided he was cool with it.

Keith sat finishing another beer and sort of staring off reflecting. "Do you like it?" Keith asked finally. "It was ok I said, not the most exciting game." I replied. "Do you like sucking dick?" Keith blurted out. I began to stammer trying to think of an excuse. I liked this place and didn't want to have to try to find another one even though I had a 1-year lease. "It's cool Mike. I have no problem with your lifestyle" he said quietly.

"Thanks Keith. I appreciate it. I really like living here and don't want to do anything to hurt that." I said feeling a bit more relaxed. "I always wondered what it would be like to get a blowjob from a guy. I had always heard that guys gave the best head." Keith said.

"You never tried it?" I asked curiously. "Nah just thought about it. Why are you offering?" he said with a laugh. The idea hadn't really occurred to me until he said it. I did not answer. I sort of wanted to do it. Keith was a good-looking guy and I always liked older men but at the same time I did not want to ruin my living arrangement.

We sat silently staring at the game and drinking more beer. The room had gone awkward between us and I had no idea what to say. "Would you ever consider it? I mean blowing me?" he asked finally. "I guess so if you really wanted it and it wouldn't bother you." I replied. The idea of blowing him was making my dick hard.

Again, silence fell between us and Keith broke the silence again. "How does it work?" he asked. "How does it work? You mean you've never gotten a blowjob?" I asked confused. "Yeah I have, Louise doesn't really do it, but I got blowjobs from women before I got married." He said emphatically. "How does it work if you blow me?" He asked.

I had never been asked that question. I had always found someone I was interested in and we would do stuff and then one or both of us would blow the other and maybe do more stuff. "I don't know, maybe you take it out and I suck it for you?" I said more as a question then a statement. With that Keith slid a bit down on the sofa and started to open his sweats.

At first his bushy pubes came into sight. I was always a fan of hairy pubes. I didn't get into manscaping. Then Keith wriggled a bit and got his underwear and jeans down below his balls. Keith's semi-soft dick came rolling out and into plain view. His dick was thick and a good size even soft.

"Ok now what?" he said sitting with his dick out. Nervously I stood up and dropped to my knees in front of him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked looking at his dick then up into his eyes. Keith nodded so I moved forward and took the base of his cock into my hand then I brought my mouth to the head and started to slide it in slowly.

I looked up to see Keith watching my every move. I know some straight guys liked getting a blowjob, but they would watch porn or close their eyes. Keith seemed to want to see what was happening. As his dick started to slide in and out of my mouth, I could feel it getting hard, slowly growing in both girth and length.

I started to work his hard cock, showing him how good a job I could do. Keith started to softly moan as I would take him deeper and deeper into my throat. The taste of precum filled my mouth. "Fuck this feels incredible" Keith said in a whisper. I continued sucking then I reached under his balls and gently started to roll them in my hand. When I did this Keith let out a loud moan.

"Fuck buddy that is incredible" He said as I continued to work his dick with my mouth and balls with my hand. With my free hand I started to move up and down on the shaft in opposite directions to my mouth. This caused Keith to suck in a deep breath. I could feel his dick swell as I continued working it.

I felt like he was getting close, so I backed off. "Don't stop please" Keith begged. I waited a few more seconds then I started up again sucking and moving my hands over his balls and shaft. Again, I stopped waiting for his reaction. Keith put his hand on my head and gently pushed hit down. "Don't stop I need to cum" he said gruffly.

A smile formed on my face knowing that he enjoyed what I was doing. "Suck that dick man" Keith said through clenched teeth. His hand started to rub my head as I sucked him. "Fuck I am going to cum" He said, and I stopped sucking, but Keith was too far gone. He started to thrust into my mouth just as warm cum shot into the back of my throat catching me off guard.

Cum flowed from his swollen dick deep into my mouth. The load seemed huge, but I swallowed every drop. When it was over Keith sat back on the sofa breathing heavily from the orgasm. I held Keith's dick in my mouth as it started to soften. He did not try pulling it out. I got up and grabbed a towel and handed it to him then flopped down on the sofa.

Keith cleaned himself up and pulled up his sweats, then stood up. "Well I better get going" he said not making much eye contact. Thanks for the game and the beer he said. "No problem Keith" I replied trying to keep things casual. "Hey this is between us, right?" He asked fear in his voice. "I won't say anything to anyone" I promised easing his tension. "If you ever need help in the future don't hesitate" I said as he left the apartment.

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Next: Chapter 2

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