Landlord Dominated

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Dec 17, 2020




Due to Covid, I was getting behind on all my bills. I had lost my job a few years ago, realizing how hard it is to find a job today at my age, and decided doing food delivery would probably be the best thing to do. I actually found it to be a great job. I could work when I wanted to, didn't have to deal with too much bullshit from people and the money wasn't too bad. At first, when the pandemic hit, restaurants were closed for dine-in, people were scared to go out, so they ordered delivery and tipped really well. As time went on, restaurants re-opened and while people were still getting a lot of delivery, their financial resources had depleted and those great tips had grown slim.

My name is Jeff, I'm 58 and not in that good of shape, I stood 6' and weighed about 265. Also, I am gay and a bit of a loner. I had a few really good friends to hang out with, would also occasionally hookup with someone, so life wasn't the worst. I had gone out on a few dates, but never in a serious relationship, as far as a gay one. I had been married earlier in life, but for obviously reasons, that didn't work out.

I'd been messing around with guys since I was 13, when me and a few friends jerked off together. After doing that a few times, we tried sucking each other, which went on for a year or so. The 2 friends decided they weren't interested in sucking anymore, thinking it seemed "gay". I didn't really care, I just knew that I enjoyed it and offered to continue sucking them. Of course, what horny teenager would turn down a blowjob? After a few years, I moved away from them and that ended my fun.

Back to my life now, with the mortgage getting behind, I decided to take on a renter. I placed an ad on Craigslist, describing the house and the open room, detailed with pictures. I was also sure to point out that I'm gay, not wanting to hide who I am, like I did for years. However, I was sure to add that I wasn't looking for anything sexual, just someone to pay rent, so I didn't really care about their sexual orientation. I did advertise for a male though, figuring that would work out better.

I received several text messages, calls and emails. Most were either women asking why I was only looking for a male roommate, or men who were looking for a hookup. I was in financial trouble and didn't take kindly to people who weren't taking my ad seriously. It's not that I was a prude, I loved hooking up, but kept those activities separate from my financial needs.

There were a few serious inquiries though, so I set up a few appointments. The first was another gay male, about my age. He was on disability, so he'd be around the house all day. I met with him, but soon decided after living alone for years, I'd prefer the renter not be home 24/7. The next guy came a day later, he was in his late 30's, seemed nice enough as we started speaking. As the conversation went on, the guy said he does like to smoke weed, which I said would be fine, but outside. I then asked about other drugs, apparently the guy felt comfortable enough to admit he likes to do meth as well. I promptly told him it wouldn't work, and the guy left.

A few days later, on a Saturday, a guy named Jordan came to look on his day off. We had texted a bit, Jordan telling me he had recently moved to town for a new job and was staying with a friend, but needed to move before he overstayed the invitation. When I opened the door, I couldn't believe how gorgeous Jordan was. Jordan looked young, turns out 23, in very good shape, you could tell he worked out regularly. He had a bit of a baby face, very light brown hair, I'd guess 5'9". He was well dressed in jeans and a button down shirt and a pair of Nike's. I felt like an old fat man, compared to Jordan.

"Let me show you the room," I said as he led Jordan to the furnished spare room.

"Looks very nice, the room looks great...your whole house is really nice"¸ Jordan complimented.

"Thanks, must be the gay part of me," I joked, Jordan appeared to grimace a bit. "The ad did state I'm gay, I hope that's not a problem?"

"No man, I don't care, just to let you know I'm straight," Jordan replied. "Will it be ok if I have a girl over occasionally?"

"Thats fine," I advised, "as long as it's only 1 or 2 nights a week. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet, " Jordan replied, "I haven't met anyone since I moved here 3 months ago."

"3 months?" I asked, "I'd think a hot young guy like you would have girls falling all over him."

Jordan got a strange look on his face and said he'd think about the room and let me know, then left. I was beside myself, why did I have to let on I thought he was hot? I needed the money, here was a young, good looking guy, with a job who seemed interested in the room and I blew it.

I had no other prospects to look at the room, nobody called over the next week. I had reposted the ad a few times, but nothing. After a week, I got a was from Jordan. He asked to come by to take a look at the room again. When he arrived, I was surprised to see him a lot more casual. He was wearing basketball shorts, a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and sides slit down and flip flops. I could really see how nice his body was this time, but was quick to look away, so Jordan didn't become uncomfortable again and leave.

"Hi Jordan, thanks for coming to take another look," I told him. Jordan came in and sat down in the living room.

"No problem, sorry I left in a hurry last time," Jordan said, without explaining why.

"That's ok, I hope I didn't upset you by saying something wrong. I think I may have made a comment about you being "hot", I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I was simply trying to pay a compliment." I explained.

"Well, to be honest, it did kind of freak me out a bit," Jordan said. "When I got home, I was talking to the friend I've been staying with. I told him you said I was hot. He laughed and asked what the problem is with that. I explained I'm straight and don't want to live with a guy who thinks I'm hot..."

"I'm so sorry," I interrupted, "I didn't mean to give you the idea that I was looking to start a relationship or something with you, like I said in the ad, I'm just looking for someone to help pay the bills and nothing sexual."

"Oh," Jordan went on, "my friend was telling me about his college roommate and that he was a fag, sorry, I mean gay. He told me that once he found out and thought about it a bit, he figured he may as well make the best out of it."

"Make the best out of it?" I asked.

"Well the roommate admitted he thought my friend was really good looking," Jordan explained, "so my buddy just came out and asked him if he wanted to suck his cock. Well, the homo dropped to his knees and dug out my friends dick and sucked away. I was a bit shocked he was telling me all this, and told him I would not be admitting that to anyone. He said, who cares, the other guy was the one sucking and he turned out to be a great cocksucker who took care of him for 2 years."

"Wow, thats quite a story," I said.

Jordan continued on, "I couldn't believe it. I told him that's not me. All week long, I couldn't get it out of my mind, and at the same time, without a girl, I've been horny as hell. The idea of having a cocksucker there to service my cock, has gotten me hard more than once this week... to the point of me having to jerk off. I kept thinking, why am I jerking off when maybe you'd take care of me. What do you think?"

"Look Jordan, I do think you're extremely good looking, very hot actually," I told him, "but I'm not really looking for that type of set up."

Jordan got that look on his face again, stood up and said "sorry, I guess I misread the situation. I'll go ahead and leave."

I spoke up, "it doesn't mean you can't live here, I just don't know that I want to be your cocksucker."

"I see, maybe this will change your mind," as he walked to where I sat, pulling down the front of his basketball shorts, freeing his cock and balls. They were all so huge, how had I not noticed that earlier. His cock was still soft, but at least 6" and really big balls. He was trimmed above the snake and kept his balls smooth. "Why don't you take a little taste and maybe that will make you want to be my cocksucker."

It was worded as a question, but the tone wasn't a question, he expected me to take it. I looked at it for a moment, he leaned forward, lifting his cock and dragged it across my lips. I opened my mouth and he inserted the head. I swirled my tongue around the head and he let out a moan.

"Oh yeah, I knew as soon as you opened the door you wanted me, by just the look on your face and how you couldn't take your eyes off me," Jordan let out. "I just knew you'd love my cock once you saw it and tasted it. Now put the rest in your fag mouth, I need to get off."

All of a sudden, it hit me...I'd just become his cocksucker. Once he got hard, I released his monster dick, looking at just how big it was. I'm guessing between 8 and 9 inches. My cock was harder than it's ever been. He started pumping in and out of my mouth, telling me he was gonna make me his bitch, saying things like "suck it, cocksucker", "take it, cockhole" and "lick my big balls". He lasted about 10 minutes, then shot down my throat. I've never been a fan of cum, but his was so delicious, I almost felt like I could live off that.

Jordan pulled up his shorts and asked, "when do I move in?"

Once again, not really said as a question of can I, but more I am, now tell me when. I told him he could move in the next day. I reminded him of the rent amount, $450 per month, and the $200 deposit.

"The cum I just deposited in your mouth is all I can give you for a deposit. I'll take the room for $300 per month, and thats a bargain for what you'll be getting," he told me as he grabbed his cock through his shorts. "See ya tomorrow around noon, cocksucker!" He chuckled and walked out the door.

I was stunned. Why had I let him talk to me like that? Why didn't I say no to sucking his cock? Why didn't I tell him he had to pay the $200 deposit and the rent will be $450? I looked down at my jeans trapped cock and felt I was about to shoot my load, then it hit me. I let it all happen because I liked it. I would make due with $300 and consider myself lucky that a hottie like Jordan would let an old fatass like me even see his cock, let alone worship it.

Feedback encouraged, I do plan to continue the story, but please don't tell me how to proceed, I like to create my own storyline and already have some ideas on where to take this.

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