Land of Men and Honey

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jul 12, 2005


You must be of legal age to read this story. All rights reserved by Author. Support so We can keep this great site going. This is not a true story. If ever in Montreal stop by the Agora gay bar on Rue MacKay down from Boul. Rene Levesque . The Author Kevin Kelly is there most Fridays 7 until 9 PM. I am not a professional writer so pardon my mistakes. Enjoy Kevin Kelly All Rights reserved.

Chris looked even hotter and more sexy as We joined up for Our second week of Living together. This was going to be one hot hell of a summer? Sometimes I wondered how I would ever be able to just go back to College in the fall and not have these two hot studs?

I thought it best to not mention what Professor Jon and I had been up to the last week? I wasn't sure if that would have bothered Chris or not? In making love in the gym area at night in bed together while He was fucking into me he always was telling me how much He loved me and I was afraid telling about Jon would only hurt Him so I kept silent.

the next afternoon after our work outs I knelt removed Chris's sneakers and His white sock and was licking and eating on his Adonis manly feet just like Jon had done to mine. after in the showers together he had told me He really liked my tongue bath on His feet. He asked where I had learned it from. I lied and said " Remember I said I had sex with three guys before? Well I only told You about the one I learned that little trick from another guy" This seemed to have satisfied Him and we were seated at the table for Our beers naked.

I said " So Chris I told You about one of my past sexual experiences now it's You turn?

His mood changed from good laughing to sad with His head hanging down and I was sorry I had asked it was not something I could see He wanted to remember. I reached over and held his hand saying " Chris please I didn't mean to make You think of things that are unpleasant. Forget I asked and Let's talk about something else?

He looked ip at me that handsome face now with a smile on it he said. " We have a thing going on here and it's not really unpleasant at all. In fact the relationship is still going on and I still love it"

I said " Still going on? You mean You are still seeing this guy and having sex now?

Chris said " Yes but Kevin You have to hear me out first and You'll know why I even am doing it with what You and I have going"

Knowing I had my fling with Jon I sure couldn't get on my high horse so I smiled and said " Chris we do love each other and let's promise to always have faith in what we have going. Sex with others in just that lustful sex with Us two it is love making. Only We share"

He squeezed my hand and smiled saying " Just listen and Let me get it all out"

I got up served Us a beer and He began. " When I was just 14 I got into body building My Dad had a small area in the basement for Us to work out in and sometimes a few times a week he would bring along a few guys to work out with Us. Then they would all have some beers up stairs. It was and still is really just Dad and I at home. Mom took off when I was little and I don't even remember Her. Anyway we had this work out thing going and the two or three Men would come home from work with Dad. I'd meet up with them in the basement and We would all strip down naked then change into the work out clothes. Kevin let me tell You at 14 the sight of these strong linemen getting naked was really turning me on. they were all so well built just from the job then the work out. I would love sneaking a peek at each of their cocks some cut some not cut some long even soft some with big hairy balls. The manly smell in that small room was like drink to me. Then after the hour working out they along with Me would all strip again and just sit around as We took a shower one by one. Dad usually would be up stairs preparing a small food tray and drink. He'd take his shower last. I stayed down stairs with the men. One by one they would shower then dress and go up the stairs.

Then there was one guy still in the shower and the last a guy named Mike and myself in the gym area alone both still naked and sitting side by side. Mike was just 19 new with the job and built so strongly and He had the biggest cock in the place. A long thing fat and His balls so hairy and hanging so low. Mike caught me taking a good look at His cock and He twitched it some laughing. I blushed red and He put His hand on my bare back and said " Hey relax buddy it's OK to check other guys out Hell I've been checking out Yours too and I like what I see" He actually reached over and took hold of my bare cock. My dick shot up at once and I spread my legs to allow Him to continue stroking my cock and balls. he pulled a towel over me and then one over him so in case the other guy came out He wouldn't know. Then He was giving me my first hand job. His hands were all up and down the shaft of my teen thick cock and holding and feeling my young balls my cock was at it's full 8 inches then. He took my hand and slipped it under His towel and I was holding his thick adult cock in my hand which was about 7 inches and I loved the feel of another guy's cock in my hand. We were smiling at each other as we stroked under the towels. Mike whispered in my ear that we must never tell anybody. Then we heard the shower stop and quickly put the towels around ourselves. Mike went into the shower now and I was alone in the room to wait my turn.

I was fighting with myself what to do? I opened the shower room door stepped in. Mike pulled back the curtain and His wet manly muscled body with the water cascading down it looked even more sexy to me. His cock I saw was still rock hard and standing out from his black bush of pubic hairs. He smiled and said "Come on it Chris we'll shower together. I stepped in and Mike took me in His arms and our cocks pressed together.God it felt so big so hard against mine. Then he worked his cock between my thighs and was pumping me like that and I was pulling on his bare round hard ass pulling his cock in me. We lost track of time as we took turns. MY cock between his thighs and His again between mine. We heard the door open and dad calling out. " Chris, Chris" I spoke up saying in here Dad. he threw open the curtain and there we were naked in the shower. I remember Dad looking up and down Our nude bodies and he said. Mike Don't You ever mention this to a soul and ruin this Kids reputation for him. I should beat the shit out of You for this. Now both of You get out of there and get up stairs not a word of this to the others,Act normal" He looked at me and said " You Chris we'll talk later." he stormed out of the room Mike was really shaken up and worried. Afraid my dad would beat him up? I was the one calming the older guy. We got up stairs and things went as normal with the food and beer. Dad, Mike and myself were cool in front of the others.

The last to leave was Mike. He sat dejected at the table waiting for the other shoe to fall as they say. I was feeling so sorry for him. see Dad never hit me. He didn't believe in that. In stead He would talk things out for hours sometimes. mike now was a grown man and Dad was known around the neighborhood bars for a man who could handle himself and was not to be messed with.

Dad sat at the table giving Mike a beer and said " Now the thing with You two. Have You been doing this sort of thing before?

We in unison replied " No"

Dad was shaking His head then he looked up and said " Chris You are only 14 and its normal to be horny all the time at that age and to even experiment. You Mike are in Your 20s That is a horse of a different color." Mike was shaking his head in agreement then said "BC I am sorry I have no idea what came over me down there i just lost it BC I am so sorry" They call Dad BC for Big Chris. Dad now turned to me and said. Chris its not easy being a single Parent and in this case I don't know what to say? You'll have other opportunities coming and I guess all I can say is Be careful and don't get caught? Follow Your heart Son" I couldn't believe it that was all? follow my heart? Don't get caught? Was Dad more or less saying it was O just don't make it public. He didn't mind if i liked men and not girls? I got up and gave Dad a hug. Relieved He was being so good about it and I kissed Him on the cheek telling him how much I loved Him.

Mike left shortly and he said at the door to me out of Dad's hearing " That is one Hell of a Father You have there Chris" Somehow at that moment I knew someway Mike and I would finish what We had started in the shower. Only we would never get caught at it again?

I found dad in the living room on the sofa watching TV. he motioned to the seat next to him and i sat down besides Him. The Man was strong as an ox. Built much like I am now with a 50 inch chest and 32 inch waist arms like three trunks and so good looking. He put his arm around me and pulled me to Him he kissed the hairs on my head and said " Chris the world is not as accepting of this sort of thing as I am. You have these feels and I won't say they are wrong because i strongly feel two men can love each other in that way and that love is never wrong. But then the world is what it is son. You have to live in this world so You have to go along at least in the open. In private you can do as You wish.

I said putting my head on his chest " Then in our private Home if I wanted to I could do the same thing with You Dad?

He squeezed me harder drawing me to him. He said '" Yes if that is what We both wanted? Then in our own home away from the world why not?

I got brave and I put my hand on my Dad's crotch. To my surprise and delight his cock was rock hard. My dad was turned on by the whole thing and by the idea of Us doing it? He made no resistance to my feeling His cock and I felt along the whole length of it in his pants being able to lift it in his pants to feel around its thickness. I felt the head of His cock in the material. I now slipped my hand down and was holding onto Dad's big balls in His pants. His legs spread some and I knew I could go on further. He was moaning as I was nervously undoing the belt of His pants. I had a hard time getting the fly to come down and dad helped me pulling his fly down for me and there was his cock in his white briefs so big strong and the spot of wet from His precum. Now I held it again and now with two hands one on his monster cock the other on His big balls.

Dad made the next move. he was lifting up pulling down his ant and underwear in one motion. All I could door say was " Oh dad thank You" His thick 8 inch cock was standing out from His bush of pubic hairs gorgeously. It's big flared mushroom head with the wide cum filled piss hole there in sight. His ball the largest I had ever seen and so hairy. I was so excited I took hold of his cock now and it felt like steel hard yet the skin soft and movable in my hand His balls sweaty wet and filling to over flow in my hand. I felt with abandon his rippled ABS up his chest feeling his nipples then down to his thick strong now bare thighs all the while loving the feel of his bare hard cock in my hand.

He said as I was doing this "Chris I have to warn You there is a lot of cum built up in those balls for you"

I playfully squeezed those big balls saying "And I want to get it all out for You Dad. I want to try giving You a blow job?

He rubbed my head and just said " Then let's go up to my room and do it Chris?

I knelt on the floor and was helping his up with his pants and underwear so excited that I would soon be tasting His big 8 inch cock bare in my mouth. We walked up to His room which is next to mine. In the room Dad took me in his arms giving me a bear hug and pressing our hard cocks together. He kicked off his sneakers and then opened his pants. they along with his underwear fell to the floor while He was stepping out of them I was on his cock holding it smelling it so excited at just this freedom. I took the big knob cock head into my virgin mouth. The rush of pleasure for both of Us was wonderful Him moaning at my warm wet mouth tight around his thick manhood. Me at the taste and feel of a bare hard dick in my mouth. I knew this would not be the last time for us and was happy. Dad was telling me to watch my teeth and I did as I went all around the rim of His flared cock head. Licking at the cum hole. Tasting Dad's cum. Then I went under his thick cock licking the length of his manhood on the bottom from the head own to his hairy balls. I licked around the thick root which was set in his pubic hairs now licking all along the top of his cock I licked the whole 8 inches to His mushroom cock head again. Now Dad was telling me about how to deep throat Him. It was as if this blow job was a Father son Activity for us and I loved it my dad teaching me how to please his cock. I wanted to learn with a passion. I knew if I pleased Him He would let me taste him again? He explained as I had his cock pumping into my mouth to relax my throat let him push his cock in deep. The head he said would make me gag as it pushed on my tonsils but if I relax and let it down His cock head would actually be in my throat. It took many tries and i was gagging and nearly choking on the thick wide head as it would pass down my throat. I am a quick learner and soon Dad was deep throating me like mad His thick bare cock down my throat and fucking me tight in my throat and mouth. I held his balls as he deep throated me.

I came off him told him I liked being His cock sucker Son and wanted his load of cum to taste. his cock came back into my went down my throat the bare flared head leading the way into my throat He stayed there then pulled out of my throat pushed again hard into my throat and he moaned and the flood gates opened his sweet cum load flying into my virgin mouth down my throat. he pulled back and another stream of his cum was now filing my mouth to over flow. His balls were again firing more cum in my mouth i swallowed best I could and really loved that I had done this and taken this for my Dad.

We were far from finished. Dad had me strip slowly for him and the when naked he laid me on the bed and starting with my bare feet he gave me a tongue bath all over my body for nearly a full hour my whole body in total pleasure. He licked at the hairs of my arm puts kissed suck at my nipples my ABS my belly button then flipped me over and had me on all fours and Dad was eating at my rosebud virgin hole. His tongue pushing into and spreading my cherry sphincter. I was going crazy and loving his tongue him and male on male sex. Nothing could feel better I thought? then dad was getting something from under His pillow a tube of something. He explained it to me that it would make his finger enter into my hole easier. He asked if i wanted him to open my virgin hole and later when I was ready to put his cock into me? I told Him yea and I knew it would hurt cause his was so thick and long but I wanted it.

His finger was now lightly pushing into me all the while Dad ws pushing his thick finger into me He was telling me how much i woud love getting a cock in there and turning my hole into a cock fucking male pussy. He told me he had been fucked by guys before and that i would get to fuck him too and he would show me like with deep throating how to treat a mans cock in my hole. His words coupled with his finger slowly fucking into me wewre making me so mellow I cued to dad. "Oh dad that fels so nice the way your finger is going in and out of my hole makes it feel so good" he said " Good Chris and I like seeing the lips of Your rosebud moving in and out as my finger goes in and out of you. Your pussy lips are going to love the skin of my bare cock against them."

I cued again. " Dad Your making my male pussy feel so good right now with this." He said " Not yet Chris. Its not a pussy yet. Not until I put my dick in there and fuck my cum load in it. Then its a new Male pussy. My pussy"

Dad You got to do it now. I need it now. I want Yu to make me Your Male pussy and fuck me Dad"

There is not pleasure in the world after the pain of getting use to a cock is over and replaced by the wonderful pleasure of that man's cock slowly opening You spreading you fucking into you. Two men joined together by His bare cock inside you thrusting banging inside You hitting push fucking against Your prostate. His words of love as he releases his lust emotions and thrill to fucking your male pussy. His tensing up to release his Male honey juice inside you share that part of his body with you. Make you fill up with his honey cum load of male juice from His balls. Soon Dad was laying on top of me all sweaty and with His prick still inside my now Male pussy. He let His cock grow soft inside me and then pulled it out. I then held his cock admiring the fat now soft dick that had been the object of my pleasure that had shown me the joys two men can only share.

Then Dad let me fuck my teen 8 inch cock into his tight Male pussy. His hole was tight warm and I loved it. while I fucked him royal. He was making his hole tight around my cock. Contracting his hole to squeeze on my hard 8 inch shaft as it fucked in and out of his pussy. Dad moaned he loved my teen big thick cock up his hole getting the fucking of his life from his strong young stud son. Dad ws off the next day and i was off from school. We fucked and sucked the whole weekend never leaving the house or even getting dressed. i took a fucking from him in the showers up stairs and down on the living room floor on the kitchen floor. In my room his room. Even on the work out bench. We were both so fill of each others cum load we were dripping cum from our pussy all day.

pleases write You must state Your age. No flames Please. Kevin Kelly look up kevinmjo in author's for my list of stories.

Next: Chapter 5

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