Lances Thoughts

By Eric S

Published on Aug 13, 2000


*Okay the usual disclaimer...If you aren't of legal age or it is illegal to read this in your state...yadda yadda yadda...just don't get caught. If you don't like reading m/m stories than how did you end up here? In addition, I am not implying anything about the sexuality on the members of 'Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. Please send me e-mails on what you think...good, bad, etc.

Thanks and enjoy the story.

In case anyone was wondering (I doubt it), no I haven't died or anything. I have just been so busy with work and a little lazy on the side, though I haven't had the time to be lazy. Anyway I got really motivated to finish writing this story cause I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. Anyway sorry for taking so long, I hope you enjoy.

Here are just a couple stories that I enjoy reading (when I have the time that is), Justin's Dark Angel (Such a great story. I highly recommend it.), Brian and Me (this is such a wonderful story. He got me hooked on the first chapter.), D-evolution (Very good story so far involving Howie.), Also, When Paths Cross, and Studio in the Country (I love this Story), and thanks to Nifty for posting this story of mine. All of these stories are great and I encourage you all to read them. I also want to thank everyone who took the time to write emails to me. Please send all the emails to I LOVE EMAILS!!!! (subtle?) I will try to reply ASAP. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this installment.

Previously Lance waited for someone to open the door, and was soon greeted by Justin. He walked in and everyone noticed that Chris wasn't with him. "Hey Scoop," Justin started, "where is Chris?"

"Chris isn't feeling to well, he isn't coming to the photo shoot."

"What do you mean he isn't feeling well? He was fine at breakfast," J.C. said.

"J.C. just trust me, let this one go. He will explain it to you later, alright?"


"Alright," Lance said giving J.C. a stern look. J.C. nodded and they were off to the photo shoot.

Chapter 4: Everything is out in the open.

The members of 'Nsync arrived at the photo shoot about forty minutes after they left the hotel. J.C. stepped out of the limo and put on his sunglasses and said, "Damn it's bright out here."

"Yeah J.C. that usually happens in the middle of the afternoon," Justin said with a laugh.

"Oh shut up."

"And what if I don't?"

"Listen here Curly..."

J.C. was cut off by Lance, "Boys, lets keep the testosterone in check." J.C. and Justin each started laughing and stuck their tongues out at each other. Lance smiled and started walking towards the building, followed by the other members of 'Nsync.

The photo shoot took about two hours, which is what Lance had expected. He felt relieved when it was over, he really didn't want to be there. As soon as he got back to the hotel, he called up Alex. It rang twice, and then someone finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Alex, it's me."

"Oh hey, Lance!"

"Hey, I am done with my photo shoot, I was wondering what you wanted to do."

"Well, I was going to show you the town, we can start with that."

"That sounds good, do you mind if we take your car, I don't really want to draw attention with the limo."

"That shouldn't be a problem. Where are you staying?" He told him, "Ok, I should be there in about thirty minutes.

"Great, see you then. I will be waiting in the lobby."

"Ok, see ya then." Lance hung up the phone and went to get ready. A few minutes later, Justin came in and sat down on the bed and watched Lance get ready.

"Hot date, Lance?"

"No, we are just going out on a drive through the city."

"Uh huh, that is how it always starts," Justin said grinning.

"Oh shut up."

"Yeah, yeah, so when is Romeo picking you up. I want to meet him."

"In about 20 minutes. I think I can arrange a little meeting for you two."

"Hey Lance, are you sure he isn't some stalker or something."

"Yeah, I'm sure. He is really nice."

"Alright I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Thanks, Curly. I really appreciate it." Justin nodded and went to watch TV. Lance went into the bathroom to finish getting ready. He emerged a couple minutes later, turned to Justin, and said, "You ready Curly?"

Justin got off the couch and replied, "Yep."

"Alright, lets go." They both left the room and went to the elevator. The ride down was short. We the doors opened Lance was surprised to see that Alex was already there. "Wow Alex, I wasn't expecting you already. Oh by the way," Lance said turning towards Justin, "this is my friend and fellow band mate Justin.

"It's a pleasure, Justin," Alex said showing uneasiness. Lance noticed this and got a little confused. He had no idea why Alex would be uneasy around his friends; he seemed like a pretty open guy. I will find out what is the matter Lance thought.

"So, Alex, where are we going," Lance said breaking the silence.

"I thought maybe we could drive around the city, and maybe go to the park and walk."

"That sounds great. Let's do it." Lance said enthusiastically. Alex smiled and Lance and walked towards his jeep with Lance following behind. Justin looked at him strangely and knew right away that he didn't like Alex.

He turned around and walked back into the hotel. Once he got to the floor they were on he headed straight to J.C.'s room. He knocked and waited for an answer.

A few moments later J.C. opened the door wearing nothing but a towel. Justin stepped right past him and entered the room. "Hey J.C. we need to talk."

"What about, Curly?"

"About Lance's 'friend'"

"What about him?"

"I don't like him. I met him downstairs, and I got a real bad feeling about him. I don't think Lance should see him anymore."

"What do you want me to do about it. I am not his father. I can't control him."

"You can do something. I am telling you J.C. I really have a bad feeling about all of this. I think something is not right."

"Curly you are just overreacting. Lance is a good judge of character. You should trust him. I do."

"Maybe. Hey J.C., I think I am going to go lay down for a bit. I still think something isn't right."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get some sleep Justin."

"I think I will."

In Nick's Room

"Chris, I still think you should have gone to your photo shoot. You know you didn't need to stay here. I can take care of myself."

"Nick," Chris sighed, "I know you can take care of yourself. I missed the photo shoot because I wanted to be here with you. I know you didn't want to be alone, and I didn't want you to be alone. I wanted to stay with you. I love you, don't you know that?"

"Yeah I do. This is just all new to me Chris. I have never been in love before. I have never had anyone love me as much as you do. No one has ever cared about me this much."

"That is a shame. You are a wonderful person and you deserve the best."

"I got the best."

"Thanks babe. So anyway have you thought about what you are going to tell the other guys, yet?"

Nick looked sadly down at his feet and answered, "No."

Chris put a finger under his chin and slowly lifted Nick's head so that he was looking straight into his eyes and spoke softly, "Nick, don't worry about it. If you want me to be there I will. All you have to do is ask. I will always be by your side. Anyway, enough of the depressing conversation.

What do you want to do today?"

"I don't bout we lay down and watch a movie?"

"Sounds like a plan," Chris said smiling at him, "what would you like to watch?"

"I haven't seen The Green Mile yet, how about we watch that, I heard it was really good."

"Yeah, I have heard the same thing. I think we can order it or something."

A few minutes later the movie was playing and the two were holding each other contently on the bed.

"Hey Chris," Nick said timidly.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Thanks for staying with me this afternoon. It meant a lot to me."

"That's what I'm here for Nick," Chris said smiling at him.

"I love you, Chris."

"And I you," with that the two settled down and finished watching their movie. Afterwards they fell asleep in each other's arms content with how their life together was turning out.

In the car with Alex and Lance

"So Lance, we need to stop by my house I left something there I need," Alex said smiling at Lance.

"Ok, that's fine with me." Alex just smiled at Lance again and turned his head back to the road. Within minutes they were at Alex's house and walking towards the front door. Lance followed Alex through the house until they were both standing in his room. Alex turned to Lance, leaned forward, and gave Lance a kiss on the lips, which was returned to him.

Lance leaned back and gave out a small sigh, while Alex leaned forward again and gave Lance an even more passionate kiss. He started unbuttoning Lance's shirts and quickly pulled it off. Lance pulled back from Alex and said, "Alex, I'm not ready for this."

"Sure you are Lance, just go with it. I know what I'm doing." Alex continued what he was doing and unbuttoned Lance's pants and let them drop to the ground. He put his hand down Lance's boxers and grasped his hardening dick and said, "See Lance, you're enjoying this."

Lance pushed Alex away from him and said forcefully, "Alex I think you should take me back to my hotel I don't want to be with you anymore."

"Oh shut up Lance, you know you want it." With that Alex grabbed him and threw him on the bed and jumped on top of him kissing all over his chest and kissing down his entire body, slowly working his way down to Lance's dick. Lance kept screaming, but Alex's house was nowhere near anybody else's house. He kept trying to push Alex off of him but he was too strong

Alex turned Lance over and ripped off his boxers and quickly stuck two fingers in Lance's ass. Lance screamed out in pain, it felt as if his ass was on fire. Alex quickly put on a condom and said, "Who knows what kind of disease I could get from a slut like you," and with that Alex shoved his dick inside of him. Lance thought he was going to pass out from the pain. He tried to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth. After what seemed like hours, Alex cummed inside of Lance's ass. He got off of Lance and started to get dressed. Right before he left the room he turned to Lance and said, "Man Lance, you're a terrible fuck. By the way this isn't even my house so whenever you drag your pussy ass out of the bed, I won't be here, but I am staying here for a while so make sure you get your ass out of here. If you're still here when I get back later on, I'll fuck you again," and with that Alex was out of the house.

About an hour later Lance finally got the strength to get up and throw the remains of his clothes on, and did the only thing he could think of, he called J.C.

Back at the hotel

J.C. was sitting on his couch silently reading a magazine he had picked up downstairs from the lobby when his phone rang. He was hoping it was Lance because he has been out for almost two and a half-hours and hadn't called. He walked over to the phone and picked it up, "Hello?"

"J.C.," this person questioned almost in a whisper.

"Who is this?"

"J.C., please help me."


"J.C. I need help."

"Lance, where are you. What's wrong?"

"He hurt me bad."

"Who hurt you? Alex?"

"Yes, and he will be back. I need help J.C."

"Lance where are you."

"I'm in some house, I sort of know how to get here."

"Ok give me some directions." Within minutes J.C. was running out of the hotel and jumping in a rental car he had picked asked management to give them in case they wanted to go somewhere without being seen. J.C. made sure that he didn't drive like a maniac; getting a ticket wouldn't help Lance any.

It took J.C. about thirty-five minutes to get to the street that Lance was on because he had gotten lost a couple of times. Once on the street he looked for the house that Lance had described. He quickly found it and pulled into the driveway. J.C. jumped out of the car and ran into the house. "Lance," he yelled looking through the house.

"J.C.," Lance said as loud as he possibly. J.C. quickly ran into the room and found Lance curled up into a ball on the bed. It looked like he had been attacked. He quickly ran over to Lance and asked, "Lance are you alright?"

Lance started weeping and puled J.C. into a tight hug. "He hurt me bad J.C. I couldn't stop him. He was too strong. I'm sorry J.C."

J.C. kept trying to calm Lance down and finally picked him up and carried him outside to the car. Soon they were on their way back to the hotel. J.C. helped Lance to the elevator and they were in J.C.'s room a few minutes later. On the ride back to the hotel Lance told him everything.

J.C. laid Lance down on his bed and left him to sleep. Lance was asleep within in minutes leaving J.C. to figure out what he was going to tell the others. He called the others and told them to meet in Joey's room. The next thing J.C. knew he was telling all the guys about what Alex had done to Lance. Justin jumped up and said, "I knew something wasn't right about him.

If I see him again I am going to kill him."

"Justin calm down for a minute we need..." Chris said acting as calm as he possible could.

"What do you mean calm down Chris? Lance was raped."

"Yes, I know. What I was going to say is we need to decide what we need to do. We know we need to have Lance looked at by a doctor. Another thing is do we tell the police," as soon as Chris finished his sentence Lance entered the room and turned on the TV. On it they saw the scene of a car accident. Justin immediately recognized one of the vehicles as Alex's.

"What is this about, Lance," Chris asked.

"That is the car Alex was driving," Justin answered. They all got quiet and listened to the new report.

"This four car pile-up started when the drive of a white jeep apparently lost control and swerved into the next lane hitting a pick-up truck head on.

There appears to have been alcohol involved. The driver of the jeep was thrown from the car and died on the way to the hospital. Police are still cleaning..." Lance clicked the TV off.

"We don't need to tell the police now. He's dead and it will just make a scene that we don't want or need. I am fine. I just need some rest," with that Lance exited the room and went back to his own room. Justin followed him out and entered his room.

"Justin I said I would be fine."

"Lance I am so sorry," Justin said pulling Lance into a hug.

"Justin I'll be fine, everything is going to be ok."

"Lance," Justin said breaking the hug and looking straight into Lance's eyes, "when I found out what had happened I was so upset. I wanted to find Alex and kill him. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen and you weren't here anymore. I mean knowing that you have been hurt this bad is tearing me up inside. I don't even know what to do. Lance...I love you."


Ok I know it has been FOREVER since I last updated and I am sorry. Now that school is starting back up maybe I will finally have some time to actually write again. I really missed writing this story. It has been kind of an outlet for me. Anyway sorry it is short, but I needed to at least post something. I hope ya'll can forgive me. Anyway I already know what is going to happen next. That whole rape thing took me forever to decide what to do. I hope it was the right thing though. Drop me an email and tell me what you think.*

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