Lances Thoughts

By Eric S

Published on May 9, 2000


*Okay the usual disclaimer...If you aren't of legal age or it is illegal to read this in your state...yadda yadda yadda...just don't get caught. If you don't like reading m/m stories than how did you end up here? In addition, I am not implying anything about the sexuality on the members of 'Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. Please send me e-mails on what you think...good, bad, etc.

Thanks and enjoy the story.

Well I think I can officially write my suggestions and thanks now...I think there is a waiting period of threeposts or something like that. Well I want to thank Frank, who has been encouraging me to keep writing my story. Sadly, he isn't writing anymore, he has a valid reason though, I guess =0). I also want to thank, you are really cool. I can't wait to finally read your entire story. I would also like to recommend a few stories that I really enjoy reading: Brian and Me (this is such a wonderful story. He got me hooked on the first chapter.), D-evolution (Very good story so far involving Howie.), Also, When Paths Cross, and Studio in the Country (I love this Story). All of these stories are great and I encourage you all to read them. I also want to thank everyone who took the time to write emails to me. Please send all the emails to I will try to reply ASAP. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this installment.


"Well Alex, I really had a good time. Thanks for being here for me today. You have really helped me a lot. I can't thank you enough."

"No, thank you Lance. I know that everything will be all right with you and your friends. And if that one doesn't come around you still have the other three who I am sure will support you." Lance smiled at Alex, leaned forward and soon they were in a passionate kiss.

After a couple minutes the broke the kiss. "Well Alex, I am going to be here for a couple more days. I hope that we can see each other again soon."

"I hope so too. I have really enjoyed myself tonight." Alex leaned forward and gave Lance another small kiss. Lance gave Alex his cell-phone number and soon Lance was walking back to the limo, happier than he had been in a long time.

Chapter 3: New turn of events...

Lance stepped into the limo and was almost floating on air. He hadn't felt this good in a long time, and for the first time in a long while he wasn't troubled by anything. He didn't want to think about Joey or Brian or anyone else for that matter well everyone except Alex. Alex had been so nice to him tonight. Lance thought back on the night.

Lance thought they might have moved to fast, but what was done is done. A few minutes later he arrived at the hotel. He entered the elevator and pushed the button to his floor. He leaned back against the elevator wall and thought once again about Alex. He really liked him, but he knew he would be gone in a week. He decided not to think about leaving until he had to.

The elevator doors opened and Lance stepped out. He walked down to his room and opened the door. Once in, he saw Justin seating on the couch. Obviously Justin hadn't noticed that Lance had come into the room. Lance looked down at his watch and saw that it was almost three in the morning. Justin was never up this late, Lance thought to himself.

Lance walked towards the couch and cleared his throat to try to get Justin's attention. Justin turned his head and saw Lance. He jumped off the couch and ran up to Lance. "Lance, where have you been. I...We have been so worried about you. You didn't give any of us that much of a chance to say anything after that outburst from Joey. Oh, and fuck Kevin, A.J., and Howie. If they can't handle it oh well."

"I know that Justin," Lance started, "but I thought that Joey was my friend. The way he acted today showed that I was very much wrong."

"Lance, Joey was just surprised and shocked that's all. You caught him off guard. You caught us all of guard. We just handled it a lot better."

"Yeah I guess your right, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurt very much."

"I know. You just need to give him some time."

"Yeah, your right. So, what are you doing up so late, Curly?"

"Waiting up for you man, everyone has been worried like crazy about you. I am sure that I am not the only one up. If you were to check I am sure J.C. would be up, and probably Chris. Speaking of Chris, I haven't seen much of him since he got back from the hospital. Do you know what's up with him."

"No," Lance said lying, "I am sure he is just resting or something."

"Yeah your probably right. Maybe we should get to bed. We have to meet up in J.C.'s room tomorrow for breakfast before we go to the photo shoot."

"After the shoot we are off right?"

"Yeah we should be finished by noon at the latest."

"Great. Ok, let's get some sleep."

Justin nodded and turned to go to his bed, but stopped and turned to Lance who had finished stripping down to his boxers. "Hey Lance," Justin waited for him to look his way, "where were you tonight?"

"Just went out and had dinner with a friend."

"A friend huh? But you don't know anyone here."

"Correction, I didn't know anyone here."

"Oh, so you met someone huh? He is cute," Justin started giving a little laugh.

Lance smiled and replied, "Listen here, Curly I can still take ya."

"You and what army?"

"Oh I don't need an army for a squirt like you." With that Lance and Justin started wrestling around. They were going at it until J.C. stormed in to find out what was wrong.

"Hey something wrong..." J.C. started before he saw Lance. When he saw him he gave him a stern look.

Lance saw that J.C. wasn't too happy and whispered to Justin, "Oops looks like I am in trouble," with that comment Justin and Lance started cracking up.

J.C. just shook his head and said, "Well I am glad you are back and in a better mood. Tomorrow we are having breakfast in my room at about ten." Lance looked at J.C. and nodded. With that Lance got up from the floor and went to his bed. Justin looked at J.C. with a puzzled look. J.C. motioned for Justin to join him outside the room.

"Hey J.C., what was that all about?"

"Well I think it is that Lance is still scared about what everyone else thinks."

"I talked to him about it when he came in."

"It won't really matter. It will take both sides a while to adjust."

"I wonder why Brian outed him like that? That seemed like a pretty bad thing to do," Justin said kind of staring off into space.

"Yeah I know. I tried to talk with him today, but he just ignored me."

"Well come on J.C., let's get some sleep."

"Yeah, lets go, tomorrow is going to be a hectic day." Justin nodded and they both went back to their rooms. Justin walked over to his bed and climbed in; he looked over at Lance, making sure that he was sleeping peacefully. Justin then fell asleep. Justin didn't get much of a chance to sleep before he was awoken by noises coming from Lance's bed. He looked over and saw that Lance was tossing and turning in his sleep. Justin knew that Lance was having a nightmare.

He got out of his bed and walked over to Lance's and gently started to shake Lance. "Hey Lance, wake up. Come on buddy, wake up." Justin continued trying to wake Lance like that for a few more minutes, and when that didn't work he went to the bathroom, got a glass of cold water, and poured it on Lance. Lance quickly shot up and looked around the room with eyes wide open.

"Lance, you were having a nightmare and I couldn't get you up. I am sorry I had to use water, but I couldn't wake you up any other way."

Lance looked up at Justin and let out a little laugh, "Thanks Justin."

"Don't worry about it, so what was your dream about?"

"I don't remember."

"Oh, well if you remember I am here if ya want to talk about it."

"Thanks man. Well I think I am going to go back to bed."

"Alright, I'll be going back to sleep in a few minutes." Lance nodded and laid back down. Within minutes he was back asleep. Once Justin saw that Lance was soundly back to sleep, he too, fell back asleep.

Meanwhile, in Chris' room

Chris and Nick sat on the couch and were quietly watching TV. Nick sat up against Chris and had his head on his lap. Chris played with his hair as the movie was quickly coming to an end. Nick sat up when the movie ended and looked into Chris' eyes. "How did I ever get so lucky," Nick said taking Chris' hand and kissing it.

"Oh I don't know. I think you were in the right place at the right time," Chris said returning Nick's smile.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I wonder if Lance ever got back. Too late to call. I still can't believe how Joey acted."

"I know babe, I can't remember him ever acting so callous towards anyone before. I wonder what is up with him. I saw the hurt in Lance's eyes as he ran out of the room. I think the me and the rest of the guys are going to have to sit down with Joey tomorrow."

"Yeah, lets go to bed now babe." Chris nodded and followed Nick into the bedroom. The stripped down and climbed into bed together. They held each other and very quickly fell asleep.

The next morning

Lance woke up around 7:30 and saw that Justin was still asleep. Lance got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He finished he morning ritual of going to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, and fixing his hair, and emerged from the bathroom 15 minutes later. He saw that Justin was still asleep. Lance saw that it was almost eight and decided to call Alex to arrange something for later this afternoon.

He dialed the number on his cell-phone and went out on the balcony. It rang twice and someone picked up.


"Hi, Alex?"


"It me Lance."

"Hey I was hoping that you would call."



"Well I was wondering if you wanted to do something later this afternoon. I have got a photo shoot at noon. I will probably be done around two. What do you say."

"Sure. I can show you around town. Sounds like fun."

"Great I will call you when I am done with the photo shoot."

"Good, than it's a date."


"Well I need to get ready. I have to attend a breakfast with everyone in couple hours. I need to decide on what to do."

"Ok. I will let you go. I hope that everyone goes alright."

"Yeah me too."

"Ok see ya later."

"Bye," with that Lance hung up the phone. He looked out across the town. The sun had just come up and the sky looked a beautiful light blue. He let out a sigh and knew what was coming at Breakfast...a lot of tension. He wasn't really in the mood for it, but he knew it had to happen.

"Woah, Lance has a date." The sudden voice intruding into his thoughts made him turn around quickly. He looked at Justin and gave a little nod.

"Yeah I do."

"So, where ya going," Justin asked as he plopped down on a patio chair.

"I don't know. Alex is going to show me around town."

"Uh huh," Justin said smiling, "than he will show you his bedroom, then he will give you a detailed tour of his bed."

"Anyway Curly, shouldn't you still be asleep or something, and besides we just met. I want to get to know him before anything happens. Also I am only going to be here a couple more days. I don't want to get serious with anyone because I know it will only hurt more.

"You remember what happened a couple months ago with J.C. He was depressed for the longest time. He has just recently gotten over that girl. I don't want to end up like that. I just want to be friends with him. Well, anyway, we are having breakfast in a couple hours, and knowing you it will take you almost as long to get ready. So, get your butt in the bathroom and get ready."

"See I knew you have always had a fascination with my butt," Justin said smiling.

"Yeah I have always thought you had the best looking butt in the whole group," Lance said playing along.

"Well I think I will go take my shower now," Justin said shaking his butt as he walked to the bathroom.

"Oh Justin by the way," Justin turned and looked at Lance, "just kidding."

"Oh that hurts."

"Go take your shower now."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." About 45 minutes later Justin emerged out of the bathroom completely dressed and ready to go. He walked over to the couch, plopped down, and flipped on the TV. Lance laughed to himself and went into the bathroom to get ready. He went to the shower and turned it on, and when the temperature was right, he stripped down, and stepped in. Lance quickly washed himself down and was out in 10 minutes. He walked over to the mirror and fixed his hair. He put a towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom.

When he stepped out he saw that Justin was still watching MTV. He walked over to the closet and got out what he wanted to wear. He was soon dressed and saw that it was now 9:30. He walked over to the couch and took a seat near Justin and watched TV with him. Ten minutes later Lance got up and said to Justin, "Come on Curly, time to go."

"Alright, do you know what you are going to say," Justin asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I have an idea, but nothing major." Justin nodded and soon they were on their way to J.C.'s room. The knocked on the door and Chris was there answered it. Justin walked in followed by Lance.

"Hey Lance," Chris said. He turned around to face Chris, who immediately brought him into a hug and whispered, "don't worry man, I am here to support ya."

"Thanks Chris, I need all I can get." Chris nodded and they all sat down after taking a plate of food. A few minutes later there was another knock at the door. Justin got up and let Joey in. Joey was real quiet; he looked around the room, and looked at Lance last. Their eyes locked on each other and there was no emotion in either one of their eyes.

J.C. saw this and quickly got up and said, "Ok, come on guys, the tension is so think in this room you could cut it with a knife. Calm down a little bit and relax. I think that everyone here knows why we're here this morning. We need to work out some...misunderstandings we have had."

Lance stood up and faced Joey and calmly said, "Joey I don't know why you acted the way you did, I am still the same person you have always known, I have known for a while that I might be gay, but I was still the same person.

The way you acted yesterday really hurt me because I thought that you were my friend. I am the same person that you played basketball with, the same person that you sang with, and I am the same person who listened when you had a problem. None of that should have changed when I came out to everyone, and I don't know why things did change.

"I just hope that you can accept the fact that I am gay, and that nothing is going to change that, and if you can't than I am sorry. Because Joey, I am who I am, and I think it is time that you do accept it because if you don't there is going to be a lot of unneeded and unwanted tension between us." Once Lance finished he sat back down and looked around the room. Everyone was very quiet, and Joey had his head down, deep in thought.

After about ten minutes of silence J.C. got up and cleared his throat. He looked around the room and said, "Ok Lance and Joey we are going to leave you two to talk. The rest of us are going to Lance and Justin's room. You two talk now." With that the other 3 members of 'Nsync left the room. Lance got up from his seat and took moved a chair so that is was facing Joey.

Joey still had his head down, and it looked like he was having a battle inside his head and it looked like he was losing. "Listen Joey, talk to me.

What's the matter?"

"Ah shit Lance, I don't know. I have no idea why I acted the way that I did. You want to know what I did after I stormed out of the room," Lance nodded and Joey continued, "I cried, I cried like a little baby. I felt so stupid and so callous. I couldn't believe that I had said those things. I have been up all night thinking of a reason on why I did it, but I haven't been able to think of one.

"There is no excuse for what I said. The only thing that I could possibly think might have contributed to it was that you caught me off guard. It was just a major shock. I know that isn't much of an excuse, but it is all I can think of. I just hope that you will be able to forgive me for the way I acted. I feel like such an asshole for acting the way that I did. So how 'bout it Scoop, forgive me?"

Lance pretended to think about, giving a little smile, "Well since you put it that way, sure I forgive you." After saying that they both stood up and hugged.

"Thanks Lance, I am really sorry. I can never forgive myself."

"Hey, quit beating yourself up over it. You apologized for it, I know it was a lot to take in all at once. Just understand that it is who I am."

"I know Scoop. Well let's go get the others." Lance nodded and they went over and opened the door. Soon 3 bodies came tumbling in front of them. Lance and Joey looked down at the three and said, "Been listening long?"

"Umm, yeah kinda," J.C. said blushing, "we just wanted to make sure you two didn't kill each other."

"Uh huh," Joey said.

"Well it is good to see you two are back to normal," Chris said.

"Yeah we worked everything out. Well you guys already know that though."

"So what do you say we really eat our breakfast," Lance asked with a smile.

"Alright," Justin said running to the food. The rest of the guys just laughed and soon joined him. Everything seemed to be going back to normal.

Meanwhile at breakfast with BSB

At the same time on a different floor, the Backstreet Boys were having a very similar meeting. Only in this meeting they weren't arguing over one band member, they were arguing over the actions of Kevin, Howie, and A.J. Nick was standing up and calmly trying to talk to them. "Why do you guys have such a hatred for Lance," Nick asked keeping his cool.

"Look I have already told you," Kevin started, "I don't hate him, I believe that it is against the bible says that is wrong to be with the same sex. I don't even want to be around him. He makes me sick."

"I am going to have to agree with Kevin on this one," Howie said.

"Oh blow it out your rear," Brian, "he is the same person I met before I knew he was gay. Nothing changed that when I found out. Kevin I am of the same religion of you, and I don't feel any different towards him. I can't believe you three could be such bigots. You guys are the ones that make me sick."

"You know I am not even going to argue anymore about this," Kevin said, "you know where I stand on this."

"Yeah, well know this" Nick said standing up and taking a deep breath, "I am gay, too. There has anything changed since five minutes ago when you knew me. No absolutely anything has changed. I can't believe you three. I am out of here, I hope you guys think long and hard about this." With that Nick picked up his coat and left the room.

The other members looked around at each other in shock. "I am going after him," Brian said getting up from his seat. Brian ran out of the room and down to his and Nick's room. He wasn't in there. Brian picked up the phone and called down to Lance's room.


"Hey Lance, this is Brian."

"What do you want?"

"I am looking for Nick. Have you seen him."

"No. Bye."

"Lance? Lance you there?" Brian hung up the phone and called down to J.C.'s room.


"Hey J.C.?"


"Hey this is Brian. Have you seen Nick? He ran out of the room this morning."

"Um, I think I saw him go to Chris' room a minute ago."

"Great thanks." Brian left his room and walked down to Chris' room. He knocked on the door and waited. A minute later the door opened and Chris was standing in the doorway. "Hey Chris, is Nick in there?"

"Yeah, but he is pretty emotional right now. I think you should just let him rest. Don't worry I will look after him. Trust me."


"Don't worry. I will let him know that you stopped by, I will make sure he calls you soon. Ok?"

"Alright," Brian gave in reluctantly, he paused, looked in the door, and left quietly. He walked back up to his room and sat down in a chair to think. Why had he done that to Lance yesterday? Why had he been so stupid?

"I was scared that's right. I just didn't know what to do. I thought I was helping him. Man I hope he can forgive me," Brian said to himself. "I need to go talk to him."

Brian walked out of his room once more and this time, down to Lance's room.

He got to the door and stopped. He knocked twice and waited. Lance opened the door and just stared at Brian. The both stood in silence for a few minutes until Lance finally spoke, "Brian, what do you want?"

"Lance, I came down to apologize. I am so sorry that I did that to you yesterday. It was not my decision to make, and I had to right to do it. I was just scared I guess. I thought I was helping you, but I guess I hurt you more than I helped you. I just want you to know that I am truly sorry, and I will understand if you hate me."

Lance let out a sigh and thought to himself for a minute before speaking up, "Brian I don't hate, I am just really disappointed with you. I trusted you with a very big secret and you betrayed me."

"I know Lance, I-"

"Just let me finish. It didn't do as much harm though. Joey and I worked everything out at breakfast this morning and everything in out band seems to be all right for now. As for you guys, I don't know, and frankly I don't really care about them. Their opinion doesn't even phase me one bit. So if they wanted to be so small-minded than let them."

"Lance I still don't think I can apologize enough."

"Don't worry man, everything is going to be alright. Now I need to go because we have a photo shoot in about an hour so I really have to get going. I will talk to you later." Brian nodded, said good-bye, and went back to his room.

In Chris' room

Chris was rubbing Nick's back as he laid on the bed crying a little softer now. He kept repeating over and over again how the rest of the guys hated him. Chris did everything that he could to help calm Nick down. Soon a knock came at his door and he got up to answer it. It was Lance.

"Hey Chris, you all set to go?"

"Listen Lance, I don't think I can do the photo shoot," Chris said obviously distracted.

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's Nick. He told the rest of the guys that he was gay and he ran out of the room. I don't want to leave him alone. Please Lance can you cover for me. I really want to stay here with him."

Lance thought for a brief moment and let out a sigh before speaking, "Alright Chris, but please try not to make a habit of it. I know you love him, but you do have your own obligations to the band."

"Thanks so much Scoop," Chris said giving Lance a hug, "I really appreciate it." Lance nodded and went to J.C.'s room where the rest of the guys were waiting. Chris walked back to the bed where Nick was laying. Nick sat up and gave Chris a big hug and whispered into his ear, "Thanks babe for staying with me."

"I didn't want to leave you alone. I want to be here with you. I love you Nick."

"I love you, too, babe." The two hugged and laid down together holding each other.

"Just sleep Nick, everything will be alright," Chris said wiping a tear from Nick's face. Nick nodded and soon he was fast asleep. Chris let out a sigh and watched him sleep.

In J.C.'s room

Lance waited for someone to open the door, and was soon greeted by Justin. He walked in and everyone noticed that Chris wasn't with him. "Hey Scoop," Justin started, "where is Chris?"

"Chris isn't feeling to well, he isn't coming to the photo shoot."

"What do you mean he isn't feeling well? He was fine at breakfast," J.C. said.

"J.C. just trust me, let this one go. He will explain it to you later, alright?"


"Alright," Lance said giving J.C. a stern look. J.C. nodded and they were off to the photo shoot.

All right everyone, I know it took FOREVER to get the chapter out and I am so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry. I don't really have an excuse except that I was lazy. I sat there forever at my computer wondering how I was going to work the story-line with Brian and Lance. It turned out that the answer was so simple, that I didn't even need to worry about it. I think that posts will be out more often cause I have got a great motivation in my writing, and I am enjoying it with each time I update. I am really looking forward to writing more and more of this story. With every story, a writer must find a thing part that he really enjoys writing about. I have found that mine is writing about Chris and Nick. I feel that they have great potential and I am going to enjoy writing about them the most. Once again I am very sorry that is to so long to get this out. Please accept my apology.


Next: Chapter 4

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