Lances Thoughts

By Eric S

Published on Mar 11, 2000


Okay this is my first attempt at writing a boy-band story so bare with me. I figured that since I read the stories so often on here, that I should try and to write one.

*Okay the usual disclaimer...If you aren't of legal age or it is illegal to read this in your state...yadda yadda yadda...just don't get caught. If you don't like reading m/m stories than how did you end up here? In addition, I am not implying anything about the sexuality on the members of 'Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. Please send me e-mails on what you think...good, bad, etc.

Thanks and enjoy the story.

Lance Thoughts

Chapter 1: The Beginning

On a dark, desert highway, the 'Nsync tour bus was on its way to its next concert at Phoenix, Arizona. The members of 'Nsync were asleep, all except for Lance. He sat in the back of the bus on a couch going over some papers that he had been asked to go over. He finished with the papers, but he still wasn't tired. He picked up the remote for the TV and started flipping through the channels trying to find something interesting to watch.

He let the TV fall at a random station. He wasn't even paying attention to the program. He was thinking about all of the things he had just now come to realize and accept about his own sexuality. He knew that his parents would probably have a hard time dealing with this, but he also knew that he DID have to tell them and his fellow band members. This combined with the new boy-band tour coming up with them and the Backstreet Boys was taking its toll on Lance.

As he was thinking this Justin came into the room, snuck up on Lance, and grabbed his shoulders. Lance jumped up with a yelp and turned around to see Justin laughing.

"Oh you little bastard," Lance said grinning.

"Ha ha, I got ya," Justin replied in triumph.

Lance didn't say anything. He just sat back down and continued. Justin sat down beside him and said, "Penny for your thoughts Scoop."

"Not this time Justin...this is just something that I need to think about alone."

Justin nodded and got up to leave. Lance turned to him and said, "But thanks. I really mean it."

Justin again gave a nod with a smile and left. Lance sighed and eventually fell asleep on the couch. He awoke to find that everyone was still asleep. He then checked his watch and found out that it was only six in the morning, and that he had actually only been sleeping for an hour. He decided to go up and ask the driver how much longer.

"So Brandon," Lance said as cheerfully as he could, "how much longer?"

Brandon turned around for a second to see who it was. He then focused his eyes back on the road and replied, "Oh I don't know...probably another two hours."

"Thanks," Lance said and walked off. He walked over to his bunk and crawled in to try and get another couple hours of sleep. It didn't take long and soon sleep came over him. Before he knew it he was being shaken lightly as he heard the person saying, "Come on Lance, time to get up."

Lance groaned and pulled himself out of the bunk. He blinked a couple times so that he could focus on the person who had awakened him. He looked up to see a pair of brown eyes starring at him. He groaned again and said, "We there already Joey?"

"I'm afraid so, and it looks like we have been expected," Joey said pointing out the window. Lance turned and saw what looked to be at least 300 people lined up outside their bus.

"You have to be kidding me," Lance said in all seriousness. He couldn't even think about going out there and signing autographs. All he wanted to do was go to his room and fall back asleep.

"Don't worry Scoop. We called and security's on its way to help disperse the crowd. We already told them that we wouldn't be signing autographs at the moment. J.C., Justin, and Chris went to sign a few to make it look like we weren't being pricks," Joey said with a small smile.

Lance just nodded and went to the bathroom. He fixed his hair, used the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. After five minutes he emerged from the bathroom and heard the other member's voices coming from the front of the bus. He walked in as they were talking about their schedule. Lance nodded to J.C., Justin, and Joey who were facing him. He sat down next to Chris and just listened to the other guys talking.

He started thinking about the upcoming tour. He had wanted to meet up with them because it had been a while since they last saw each other. Almost 2 years actually. He was anxious because he liked hanging out with them. They were so easy to get along with. He was snapped out of his daydream when Chris lightly flicked him on his ear. "Yo, Scoop. Hey. Hello. Anybody home?"

"Huh...oh yeah sorry, what?"

"I said we can get off the bus now."

"Yeah, thanks," Lance said sleepily.

"You alright, Lance?"

"Yeah, I am just really tired. I was up last night going over the schedule and what not for the upcoming tour."

"Oh, ok I will make sure that you are allowed to sleep for a little while longer," Chris said with a smile. Lance returned the smile and walked off the bus. As soon as he stepped off the bus, he was greeted by a young girl running up to him past security. She looked like she was probably fourteen or fifteen.

"Did ya need something, darlin'," Lance asked with a big smile.

"Umm, yeah I was wondering if I could maybe get an autograph. I know you guys weren't signing any, but I really wanted to get your autograph," the young girl said.

"Hmm I guess I could sign just one." The girl got a very big smile out of that comment. Lance was handed the picture of him she was holding and signed the picture. To the one who ran past security to get my autograph. Love, Lance. The girl read it over quickly, thanked him, and ran off. Lance sighed to himself and continued the walk to the elevator. The ride was very short and soon he was in his room. "Hey Scoop," Justin said coming from the bathroom, "looks like me and you are sharing a room."

"That's cool. Right now though, I just want to get some sleep."

"Ok, I figured that. Don't worry I was going to go chill with J.C. for a while. I will make sure no one disturbs you." "Thanks Justin."

"Hey, no problem, man." After Justin left the room Lance lay down in his bed and started up at the ceiling. He desperately wanted to sleep, but for some reason, he couldn't. He was very tired just not sleepy. He sat up in bed after more than an hour of trying to sleep.

"Man, why can't I get to sleep," Lance asked the empty room. A few moments later there was a knock at the door. Lance groaned and said, "come in." The door opened and Justin emerged.

"Hey Scoop, just checking to see if you were up."

"Yeah I couldn't fall asleep."

"Oh. Well I came to tell you that the Backstreet Boys are here."

"Ok where are we meeting them at."

"We are going to have a meeting in the conference room in the hotel. Also, they will have the rooms on the floor above us."

"Great, so when is the meeting. Do I have time to take a shower."

"Yeah you do the meeting isn't for another hour and a half."

"Ok thanks Justin. I am going to go take my shower now."

"Ok I am going to watch some TV." Lance nodded and walked into the bathroom. He started the water up and when it was at the desired temperature, he stepped in. The warm water felt relaxing spraying off his very tense body. He quickly finished his shower and dried himself off. He put the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom.

Justin was still sitting on the couch watching TV. Lance walked past him and quickly got changed into some causal clothes; a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He saw that he still had about half an hour of time to kill, so he sat on the couch and watched a little TV with Justin.

About ten minutes later, there was another knock at the door. This time J.C. emerged into the room and spoke up to the two younger members who were totally oblivious to his presence. "Hey guys, we have to get going now," J.C. said making the two other members rise from the couch and follow him out the door.

When the exited the room they were joined by Joey and Chris and they all headed to the elevator. In no time, they were all seated in the conference room with the Backstreet Boys and a half of dozen people from Jive records. The sat in the conference room for more than two hours mostly going over the schedules of concerts, autograph signings, etc.

Lance was having a hard time concentrating on the meeting his mind kept going in overtime on how he was going to tell the guys of both 'Nsync and the Backstreet Boys, as well as his family. He didn't even notice when the meeting was over. He came out of his thoughts when he felt someone lightly shaking his shoulders. He looked up and saw Brian smiling and saying, "Nice of you to finally come back to planet Earth."

"Huh? Oh. was just thinking,"

"Ok. Well the guys were talking about going somewhere for dinner. They are going to meet up in J.C.'s room and decide what to do. I told them that I would wake you up from LaLa land," with that Brian let out a little laugh and extended his hand to Lance. Lance shook it and got up out of his seat.

"Well, lets get going," Lance said and exited the room. Brian nodded and followed Lance. They both entered J.C.'s room at the same time. When they entered the rest of the band members were decided on what kind of food to eat. Chris, Nick, A.J., and Justin. all wanted Pizza; while Howie, Kevin, Joey, and J.C. all wanted to go out for dinner. Justin looked up and saw Brian and Lance standing at the door. He quickly got up and ran to them and said, "Ok we are trying to decide on what to eat. We have narrowed it down to pizza and going out to eat. We are tied on votes. What do you to want to do," Justin said in one breath.

Lance and Brian looked at him and burst out laughing. Justin looked at them questionably. Lance saw this and spoke to him, "Jeez Curly, I am surprised you were able to get all of that out in one breath." With that Brian gave a little snicker and spoke up, "I want some pizza." Justin than looked at Lance and was met with a reply of pizza. Justin and Nick both jumped up and said "yes".

They ended up ordering pizza and eating in Kevin and Brian's room since it was bigger than the rest. They all broke up into little groups and started chatting about the upcoming tour and non-important things. Lance sat over in a corner and started thinking to himself. He was really fighting with himself about what to do. He just couldn't decide.

Nick saw that Lance was sitting all by himself and decided to go over and talk with him. "Want to talk about it," Nick asked politely.

"No, I don't think so. At least not right now." Nick gave a shrug and left. Lance was approached by J.C., A.J., and Howie all asking him if he wanted to talk about, but Lance gave the same response he gave Nick. By now, Lance was getting frustrated with everyone wondering if he was alright.

Next came Kevin. He strolled up to Lance and took a seat next to him.

"So Lance, looks like something is bothering you. Anything you want to talk about? I am a pretty good listener."

"No, thanks Kevin."

"You sure?"

"Yes I am sure."

"Ok but if you want to talk about it, just let me know."

"Thanks I will."

Soon after Kevin left him alone he moved over to the couch that Howie and Joey were sitting on, and joined them in watching TV program they had on. After watching MTV for a very short time Lance got up and excused himself and went down to his room. He entered his room, removed his shoes, and walked over and laid down in his bed. He let out a deep sigh and wondered he would ever tell the others that he was gay. He so much wanted to, he just didn't want to be rejected.

Just then Justin walked into the room and asked, "Hey Scoop, they guys are going to go clubbing. They wanted to know if you wanted to come?"

"No, not this time. Maybe some other time."

"You ok Lance?"

"I will be eventually." Justin gave him and odd look, nodded and left the room. Lance lay back down in his bed and decided that he didn't want to sleep, so he got up and decided to go for a walk around the hotel. Lance grabbed his CD player and put in a Jefferson Airplane CD. He put on the headphones and started his walk around the hotel. He was listening to the song "White Rabbit"; this song always calmed Lance down. He was looking down and didn't realize that Brian was walking towards him.

Soon they collided and Lance and Brian were both on the ground. Lance quickly picked himself up and looked down at Brian and said, "Oh Brian, I am sorry I didn't see you coming. I am really sorry," Lance babbled, "here let me help you up," Lance offered his hand and Brian took it. Brian stood up and said, "No, it was my fault I wasn't paying attention. Are you ok?"

Lance looked at him, smiled and said, "Yeah I am fine."

Brian nodded and said, "So I see you didn't go out with the rest of the guys."

"Yeah I just don't feel much like partying right now."

"Something I can help you with," Brian asked with pure kindness.

"Not right now. This is just something that I need to do on my own, but thanks anyway I really mean it."

"No problem. Just know that if you want to talk that I'll be here." Lance nodded and walked back towards his room. Brian in turn did the same thing.

Meanwhile at the club

Nick came off the dance floor and sat down next to Chris who hand sat down only a few moments before Nick. "Hey Chris!"

Chris looked up and smiled at Nick and replied, "Hey yourself. Got tired of dancing for now huh?"

"Yeah I just wanted to get something to drink," Nick said taking the cap off a bottle of water. "So why aren't dancing right now?"

"Oh, I just felt like sitting down and watching everyone else," Chris replied looking out onto the dance floor. Nick nodded and continued to look at Chris. Nick had always wanted to be close to Chris. He always admired him, but that wasn't all of it, Nick also had a huge crush on him. Chris turned back to see Nick staring at him and just smiled back.

Chris stood up and turned to Nick; "Well I think I will be leaving. I am getting tired."

"Yeah I think I will join you. Today has been a long day, and I have serious jet lag." Chris nodded and walked over to J.C. and told him that he and Nick were going back to the hotel. J.C. nodded and continued dancing. Chris walked back over to Nick and told him, "Well lets get going." Nick nodded and he and Chris walked out of the club.

Back at the hotel

Lance got back into his hotel room and turned on the TV. He turned on MTV and saw a rerun of 'Nsync's Favorite Videos. He signed and sat back on the couch and hoped he would just fall asleep watching TV. In no time, he had dozed off. He was awoken a short time later by a knock at the door. Lance groaned and got up from the couch. He walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Brian standing at his door with a saddened look on his face. "Brian what's wrong?"

"Lance, Chris and Nick are in the hospital."

"What," Lance asked in shock, "what happened?"

"They were in a car accident."

"Oh my God, are they alright?"

"I am not sure I just got a call from management. They were notified by the hospital, they than called me because they couldn't get a hold of anyone else. They sent someone to the club to get everyone else."

"Well what are we waiting here for lets go to the hospital." Brian nodded and followed Lance down to the parking garage where they were met by a limo driver. Lance told him where to go and they were off. Lance looked at Brian and asked, "Did management tell you how bad they were hurt?"

"All they told me was that Nick was having surgery done on his leg and Chris was recovering in ICU."

"Oh, no."

"Yeah they told me to come get you so I did." About ten minutes later they pulled up to the hospital. They both ran in and quickly asked the nurse where Chris and Nick were. She told them to wait in the lobby and a doctor would be with them shortly. The both reluctantly sat down and waited. About 20 minutes later the reaming band members rushed into the lobby. Lance noticed them and hollered for them to come over. Lance explained that the doctor would be out soon and talk to them about Nick and Chris.

Less than 10 minutes after the rest had arrived the doctor came out and talked to them. "Good evening I am Dr. Carlisle, I have been supervising the car of your friends. I am going to tell you now that they were very lucky. From what I got from the officer that when they were brought in that it was the limo drivers skills that kept them from being injured even worse than they were."

"Mr. Carter was the most severely injured of the three, although it isn't life threatening, he has broken his leg in two different places. He also cracked a couple ribs. He won't be doing any dancing for at lease 3 months.

Mr. Kilpatrick only received a cracked rib and a sprained right foot. He should be able to return to his usual daily activities within a couple weeks. If you want you can see them now. They have been moved to the 2nd floor."

Everyone thanked the doctor and were off to the elevators. The members of Nsync went and saw Chris while the Backstreet boys went to see Nick. In Nick's room, Brian and Kevin approached the bed while A.J. and Howie stood back so they could talk with Nick. They talked for a few minutes about the accident. Howie and A.J. excused themselves and said they would come by tomorrow after they recovered from their hangovers. Brian and Kevin said they would stay until Nick fell asleep, and continued to chat with him.

In Chris' room, it wasn't that different from the scenes in Nick's room. All left the room except for J.C. who stayed to talk with Chris. "So Chris, the doctor told me that if all the tests turned out ok, they would release you tomorrow or the next day."

Chris nodded and asked, "How is Nick? The nurse wouldn't tell me anything."

"He isn't in the best shape, but on the other hand he isn't in the worst. He broke his leg and he cracked a couple ribs. They said he wouldn't be able to go back to the usual routine of the performances for about 3 months." Chris sighed and turned over and looked out of the window. J.C. saw that Chris wanted to be alone so he told Chris he would come by tomorrow to check on him.

Back in Nick's room, Nick had finally dosed off and the two remaining Boys left the room. A few minutes later the door to Nick's room opened and Chris came in the room supported by a wheelchair. He pulled up next to Nick's bed and began talking, "Man, I am so sorry Nick. This is all my fault. If I would have stayed at the club with the rest of them, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. I am really sorry." Chris reached forward and touch the sleeping man's cheek. He then moved down and took Nick's hand in his own. He held on for a few minutes and then felt Nick's body stir.

Nick looked up and saw that Chris was smiling at him. "Hey, man," Nick said in a groggy voice.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"As fine as I can, under the circumstances that is."

Chris nodded and replied, "I am sorry Nick. I shouldn't have suggested we leave. This is all my fault. I am so-." Nick cut him off by leaning forward and kissing Chris on the lips. The stayed in the kiss for a minute and then Chris finally pulled away.

"Wow," was all that Chris could come back with. Chris leaned back down and gave Nick a brief kiss before pulling away and saying, "I will see you tomorrow, ok? You need to get some sleep." Nick nodded and closed his eyes. Before Nick fell back asleep he mumbled, "I love you."

Chris smiled and replied, "And I you."

To be continued...

Well there it is. I hoped you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing this story. Please send your comments to They will be greatly appreciated. I am not sure when I am going to have the next part out. But rest assured I have already started the second part so it shouldn't take to long

Next: Chapter 2

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