Lances Story

By Jim Higgins

Published on Oct 21, 2001


Hey everyone!

So here's the next chapter of Lance's Story. I've been getting some great response and feedback about the story. Keep it coming!

Saw Lance and Joey on TRL the other day starting the promotion for the movie. From the trailer, it looks like a nice, funny romance. I hope it does well and we see more NSyncers on the screen.

So here's the next chapter. Ok, before you send the hate mail, yes it is short... but when you read it you'll see why. It's all part of the master plan for the story, so enjoy.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization or the reality of their lives. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Lance's Story

Interlude - Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry

"The torch I carry is handsome

It's worth its heartache in ransom

And when the twilight steals

I know how the lady in the harbor feels.

When I want rain, I get stormy weather

I'm just as blue as the sky

Since love is gone, can't pull myself together

Guess I'll hang my tears out to dry.

Friends ask me out, I tell them I'm busy

I must get a new alibi

I stay at home and ask myself 'Where is he?'

Guess I'll hang my tears out to dry."

  • Sammy Cahn/Jules Styne: 1944

Someone was persistently shaking Lance's shoulder. He groaned wanting to stay where he was.

"Lance, time to get up," a familiar voice called to him.

'I know that voice,' Lance thought to himself. "What... where?" he started then stopped and rubbed his eyes.

"You were really out of it. Took me awhile to get you up."

He cracked his eyes to see Jamie smiling at him. "Jamie... but I don't know you yet..."

Jamie's face was filled with concern. "What? Are you alright?"

Lance sat and waved Jamie away. "It was just a dream. It felt so real."

"I can understand that. I've had a few myself." Jamie sat next to Lance and rubbed his shoulders. He remained silent, trying to comfort Lance as best he could.

"So you woke me because?" Lance glanced over at Jamie and smiled.

Jamie giggled, carefree and open. "Sorry. Just wanted to let you know that we'll be leaving soon in case you wanted to take a shower or something."

"That sounds like a good idea." Lance stretched and heard his knees pop.

"Can I get you something?" Jamie asked as he stood.

"I'm fine, thanks." Jamie nodded and left.

Lance glanced around his room. "It all seemed so real," he said aloud. He still felt the warmth of JC's arms around him, the feel of JC's lips on his. With a loud sigh, he stripped down and went into the bathroom. Setting the water as hot as he could take, he stood in the shower and let the water try to wash away his sadness and loneliness.

Even all the soap he could afford to buy couldn't clean him of his heartache, he realized sadly. Lance shut off the water and grabbed a towel. He dried, put on his fluffy robe and went out into his room. Justin was waiting for him on one of the couches.

"Something you need, Just?"

Justin shook his head. "I should be asking you that."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"If I'm not then I will be. I just need time. Did Jamie send you in here?"

"No, I came on my own. I saw the look on his face when he left here."

Lance scuffed the carpet with his foot then headed over to his dresser. "Is he ok?"

"He'll be fine. I don't like to see him sad."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to him."

"I don't like to see you sad either."

Lance paused for a second as he put on his boxers then turned to Justin. "What are you saying?"

Justin stood and went over to Lance and put his hands on Lance's shoulders. "I'm saying that I care a lot about you. Jamie and I both do. Lance you mean so much to me. We've been friends for so long and I know you're hurting."

Lance's chin bobbed slightly as he held back his tears. Justin shook his head with a snort and pulled Lance into a crushing hug. Lance's quiet sobs filled the room. "Thank you, Justin. Oh God, thank you," he whispered through his tears.

"So I thought I'd give you a ring to say hi."

"Lance, you're such a doll. So how's my supposed boyfriend and my favorite date doing?"

Lance sighed with a small laugh. "They are both fine and driving me up the wall."

"Good. How are you, sweets?"


"James Lance Bass, stop feeling sorry for yourself."

"I wish I could. I just feel so adrift, so alone. Where is he, Brit?"

"He hasn't called me, that's for sure. There was some rumor of him buying a house around here, but I haven't seen him."

"I heard that rumor, too. It was supposed to be not too far from you." Lance paused. "That's why I called, I guess."

"Tell you what. I'll go take a nice long walk through the neighborhood and see what I can find, ok?"

"Oh, Brit, I love you!"

"Just my luck, loved to death by all the gay boys," she laughed. "Now if only I could latch onto a straight one."

"You'll find someone, Brit. Sometimes it just takes time," Lance paused, swallowing. "And a few false starts."

"Do I have to go?"

Justin almost growled in frustration and Jamie rubbed his arm to quiet him. "No, Lance, you don't. But Joey invited us all over, it would be rude to just sit at home."

Lance sighed and looked at Jamie with a pout.

Jamie laughed. "I've told you before, you still haven't got it. You should take more lessons from Justin."

Lance broke into a small smile that was quickly lost on his face. "Ok, I'll come."

"Good. We'll have some fun and eat lot's of food!" Justin said cheerfully. Both he and Jamie got on either side of Lance and pulled him along, their arms around his shoulders.

Within minutes they were headed across town, with Justin driving Jamie's Rav4. Lance had chosen to sit in the back. He stared out the window at the passing scenery deep in thought.

"Hey, Lance? You with us?" Jamie asked turning around.

Lance turned his head and looked back at his friend. "Ya, sorry. What did you say?"

"I was asking if you'd would want to come with us tomorrow. We're gonna go to Epcot and eat some Italian and gorge on French desserts."

"But it's supposed to be a day for the two of you."

"It's a day for friends and those you love and you are overqualified," Jamie said with a big smile. "Besides, we won't take no for an answer."

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"We really aren't asking you, Scoop," Justin said, eying Lance through the rear-view mirror.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

Justin smiled at Lance. "No way, buddy. You're stuck with us."

"Ok, but if you start getting all kissy face then I'm out of there!"

Jamie laughed and reached over to rub Justin's thigh. "Ok, we'll keep the smooching down to a minimum while we're there."

"Besides, we're not out yet, anyway," Justin said with a quick smile to Jamie.

"Not yet," Jamie agreed.

Lance's thoughts echoed their words. 'Not yet,' he thought, 'but very soon.' He sighed quietly and leaned his head against the window. He watched the houses pass and saw people out mowing their lawns, playing with children and generally living their lives.

'How come I feel like my life is over or like I never really had one?'

Lance squeezed his eyes shut to block out any more images as a tear rolled down his cheek. Without even a thought he was chewing on his fingernails. He didn't catch Justin's worried glance and Jamie's sad frown.

With his eyes shut he could feel like his life was normal, almost boring. He was just going to a friend's house to hang out. He had no other obligations or needs. He worked a typical 9 to 5, Monday through Friday desk job at some company, went out on weekends occasionally, dated infrequently and went on vacations with his buddies or family.

He was lulled by Jamie and Justin softly singing with the radio and laughing when one of them messed up the words. They were so happy and Lance was happy for them. With dreams of a normal life crowding his mind, Lance drifted off to sleep.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim AIM: bangoremail

Next: Chapter 8: Look What Youve Done to Me

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