Lances Story

By Jim Higgins

Published on May 5, 2002


Hey everyone! Remember me?

Well, it's been way too long and I'll apologize before all the tar and feathers start being brought out. I had originally planned to post this next chapter sometime around the end of February. But after that long break (which I really needed) I found that writer's block and real life intruded big time. Most of the chapter was done, but I just couldn't finish it. So here it is about 2 months late. But I hope you'll all agree it's better than never.

I'm planning on a two week schedule right now. If a chapter gets down quicker than I'll post it. As always if you have a suggestion or something you'd like to see happen in the story and in particular an event from Jamie's Romance that you'd like to see the other side of.. let me know.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization or the reality of their lives. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Lance's Story

You Go To My Head

"You go to my head

And you linger like a haunting refrain

And I find you spinning 'round in my brain

Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne

You go to my head

Like a sip of sparkling burgundy brew

And I find the very mention of you

Like the kicker in a julep of two

You go to my head

With a smile that makes my temperature rise

Like a summer with a thousand Julys

You intoxicate my soul with your eyes."

  • Haven Gillespie/Joe Fred Coots: 1938

JC entered his hotel room after making sure his family was settled in their own suite nearby. There were several doors off the main room but he decided to leave exploring for later. Throwing his backpack on top of his luggage, he made his way through the bedroom and out onto the balcony letting the warm heat of the Hawaiian sun flow over him.

He looked to his left and hoped to catch a glimpse into Lance's room next door as he peered around the divider. He'd called up from the lobby, but Lance wasn't in his room. His disappointed sigh turned to a contented murmur at the feel of arms circling his waist from behind.

"Hi there," the deep voice said in his ear.

JC turned and wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders. "Hi yourself." JC pressed his lips against Lance's for a long, slow kiss. "I've missed you so much," JC said in a whisper as the kiss ended.

"Missed you more," Lance kidded.

JC chuckled. "I can show you how much..."

"Oh?" Any further words were cut off as JC kissed Lance again. Heavy lips and hot, insistent tongue made Lance's head spin and his legs wobble. He gasped as JC pulled away. "Ok, you win."

"You liked that?" JC preened. Lance nodded, his face flushed. "Well there's more where that came from."

"I can't wait. I'm glad you're finally here. What was the delay?"

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "They were having icing problems in New York so everything was delayed. Our plane and most of the connecting flights were caught, so we had no choice but wait."

"I was so disappointed when your flight didn't get in on time. If it wasn't for my parents I would've waited for you."

"I know, sweetie. I appreciate it. So how did you get in here, spare key card?"

Lance shook his head and led JC back into the main room and opened one of the doors JC had ignored earlier. Peering inside, JC saw a mirror image of his main room.

"You got connecting rooms! You are the best."

"This way we don't have to be sneaking around in the hallway at night and in the morning. I figured it would be much nicer this way."

"That's my James, always thinking ahead. So where were you? I called up from the lobby."

Lance laughed. "Figures. I was watching from my balcony and saw you arrive and headed down to welcome you. I must've been coming down the elevators when you were going up."

"We're here together now, that's all that matters." JC once again wrapped his arms around Lance and pulled him back into the bedroom. "How about a little reunion celebration?"

"Mmmm... I like that. We don't have to be anywhere for a few hours until dinner."

JC pulled Lance down on the bed. "I think we can find something to keep ourselves occupied."

They spent much of the next couple of afternoons rehearsing their portion of the Millennium concert but the mornings and evenings were free to spend time on the beach, shopping, sightseeing and anything else they wanted to do.

Lance and JC often found reasons to sneak away together at least once during the day for some private time and they spent every night in bed together. All in all it was a relaxing week that did them all some good.

"I don't know," Chris was saying in the room they had set aside as a community lounge. "I don't like it."

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked coming in, JC following closely. It was the morning before the concert and they were getting together to meet about last minute details.

"Justin's pretty much shut himself off from everyone. I'm sure you've noticed," Joey answered.

Lance rubbed his chin. "A little, we've been sorta preoccupied."

Chris grinned. "I'm glad to see you two are having a good time but our little Justy is broken. Even Lynn mentioned that he seemed sad and lost some weight."

"Well, Britney did pull me aside last night and asked if everything was alright." Lance scratched his head. "He's been pretty much staying by himself and they're both concerned. They know he's keeping something inside."

JC rubbed Lance's shoulders and sighed. "I guess it's time I sit down with him and make him talk."

"You sure you're up to it, Jace?" Joey asked. "He's being real moody."

JC nodded and kissed Lance's forehead. "It's gotta be done. I'll be back later."

"We're going out to the beach, meet us there," Lance said with a grateful smile.

"Sure thing." JC left the room and headed down the hall.

Two hours later, Lance watched JC walk across the beach toward them, an arm around Justin's shoulders. Justin still looked sullen but not as sad as he once had and even smiled at some joke JC was telling him. JC was all smiles and Lance's heart leapt in his chest. 'That man is special,' he said under his breath.

"What was that, lamb?" his mother asked from beside him.

Lance blinked and smiled. "Oh, nothing. Was just talking to myself."

"Looks like Joshua got Justin out of his little funk," Lance's father observed.

"Um... ya. That's really good. We're worried about him."

"Anything wrong?" Diane Bass answered.

"Just some depression lingering from the lawsuit. He'll snap out of it."

"Hi everyone," Justin said, waving shyly.

"Good to see you, Justin. You need to get more sun," Jim Bass commented.

Justin nodded. "That's what Josh told me. Is my Mom around?"

"She's in the water with Joe Sr. and Phyllis," Lance said pointing.

"Ok... I'll be back later." Justin stripped off his shirt and ran to the surf, tackling his mother and bringing them both into the water.

"He's so skinny," Lance said softly to JC as JC sat down next to him.

JC nodded glumly. "He hasn't been eating much."

"How did it go?"

"Well, he's here, so I suppose I did some good. He'll snap out of it, he just needs time."

Lance nodded in agreement but deep down knew something else would have to be done to make it right.

"This is nice. When did you find this?"

"Yesterday when you were shopping with your parents." Lance wrapped his arms around JC's waist as they walked around the cove. "I asked at the hotel and they said that this was pretty secluded and that only natives know about it. During the day it's deserted but pretty busy in the evenings."

JC looked around at the small beach surrounded by ferns and bushes that cut off all views of the road. The morning sun sparkled on the gentle waves of the cove. "It's perfect." JC turned and pulled Lance firmly against his chest. "You're perfect and I love you."

Lance smiled. "I love you more."

"I'm not getting into that argument," JC giggled as he sweetly kissed Lance. "Tomorrow is New Year's eve..." he said thinking aloud.

"We have the concert," Lance sighed. "I guess we won't be able to kiss at midnight since we'll be on stage."

JC frowned. "No, but we can hug and get away with a kiss on the cheek."

"I'll think of something." Lance's eyes sparkled as he started stripping off his clothes until he was down to a slightly skimpy bathing suit.

"Where did you get that suit?" JC laughed.

"What? You don't like it?"

JC hugged Lance again and cupped his ass with his hands. "I think you look very sexy in it. I have a confession to make."

"Oh?" Lance's eyebrow raised slightly.

JC pulled away and undressed down to a tight black speedo and held his arms out. "What do you think?"

Lance swallowed hard. "I... I... I think we'd better be careful."

JC smirked and put his arm around Lance's shoulder as they waded into the water. "You like?"

"Oh, I like very much. Let's not stay here too long."

"Why not?"

"I want some private time before we go to rehearsal."

JC laughed. "You're insatiable but you get no argument from me."

They spent the next hour swimming and horsing around in the waves, forgetting about NSync, fame and responsibilities and just being two young lovers enjoying themselves.

"Joshua! You answer this door right now," Karen Chasez demanded with another hard knock.

The door flung open and JC, shirtless and with a towel around his waist, smiled at his parents. He was flushed and breathing a little heavy, "Sorry, I was out on the balcony and didn't hear you right away."

Karen smiled at her half dressed son. "Your father and I are headed out for some lunch with Heather. You care to come along?"

JC smiled and shook his head. "Thanks, but no. I promised Lance I'd have lunch with him. Where's Tyler?"

Roy chuckled. "He, Chris and Justin have discovered the arcade. I suspect we won't see them for a few hours."

"We'll see you at dinner later?" Karen asked.

"Sure thing. Remember it's early because of the concert."

Karen nodded. "We won't forget." Karen waved and they headed to the elevator.

JC shut the door an leaned against it with a relieved exhale. Clearing his throat he returned to the bedroom to see Lance still laying naked on the bed.

"Well that was a strange experience."

Lance grinned held his arms out. JC dropped the towel and climbed on top of Lance. They playfully wrestled around the bed, kissing and fondling each other.

"Lance, honey, where have you been hiding yourself?" Lance smiled cautiously and gave his mother a hug and kiss on the cheek. "And you're flushed... are you feeling sick?"

"I'm ok, Mamma. I've just been busy with everything. I find it easier to just hole up somewhere for some privacy."

Diane Bass chuckled as she took a sip of her drink. "That's my baby, the business man. Just remember to take some time and enjoy yourself here. It's supposed to be a vacation."

Lance nodded with a sheepish grin. A blush rose on his cheeks as he recalled just where he'd been and what he'd been doing during the past hour.

"5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

Confetti shot out of cannons and balloons flew everywhere as Hawaii celebrated the coming of the year 2000. NSync with the other acts congratulated each other on the stage as noise makers blew and the band played.

A hand grabbed Lance's wrist and pulled him behind the large speakers where there was a clear area that was out of sight of the stage and audience. Lance looked around to see one of their bodyguards blocking access. Without a pause, JC's lips were on his and their tongues met.

"Happy New Years, baby," JC said panting into Lance's mouth.

"Happy New Years to you." Lance kissed JC again.

"Are we all set for our private celebration?"

Lance nodded with a wide smile. "Let's get back out there and finish this so we can start."

It didn't take long for them to get back to their nearby hotel. Security wanted all acts out of the area for safety reasons. None of the guys, especially JC and Lance, argued differently.

After a short private celebration with everyone and their families, the groups started splitting off. Lynn corralled the parents into heading down to the late-night native fire show. Joey and Chris pulled Justin into one of their rooms to celebrate, while Lance and JC separated and met back at the joining door.

"God, I want you," JC hissed as Lance nibbled on his lower lip.

"I'm all yours," Lance groaned as JC started massaging his ass through his jams.

JC pulled away from Lance and gazed at him seriously. One hand went through the damp spikes and circled around to come to rest on a flushed cheek. Lance turned his head slightly and kissed JC's palm.

"James, baby. I want you to make love to me. You gave yourself to me and I want you to be my first."

Lance's smile split his face. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you and I'm perfectly happy with the way it is now."

JC nodded. "I know you are. I want you like this. I want to feel that pleasure too." He took Lance's hand and led him to the bedroom of the suite. They slowly undressed each other, the only sound it the room their heavy breathing.

Before too long they were naked and in each other's arms on the bed. They slid against each other as hands and mouths touched and tasted warm skin. No matter what Lance did, he found himself laying on top of JC. The feel of the firm, hard muscles moving under him made his pulse hammer in his chest.

"Now, baby. Please do it now," JC whispered as Lance licked at the skin under his ear.

As Lance reached over for the lube, JC raised and spread his legs. Lance groaned involuntarily at the sight of JC offering himself. After slicking himself, he pushed one finger into JC. JC moaned loudly and rolled his hips so that Lance's finger went in as deeply as it could.

"Now," JC groaned.

Lance grinned and settled himself more firmly on his knees. He hesitated as he placed his head against JC's opening. "Sweetie.. it will probably be easier for you if you sit on it instead."

JC grinned. "How do you know that?"

"I do alot of reading. You know that."

"And here I thought you were just doing business things on that laptop of yours."

Lance smiled and rubbed JC's sweaty chest and stomach with both hands. "I do play sometimes."

"Yes you do.. now please do it. I want to feel your weight on me."

JC's eyes tightened in pain as Lance held his ankles and gently pushed. JC hissed slightly and the cords on his neck bulged as Lance's blunt, thickness pushed into him. Lance stopped.

"This is hurting you..." Lance said, holding very still.

"It does hurt a little," JC panted. Lance raised one eyebrow. "Ok, alot. But I want this, James, just go slow."

Lance ran his fingers over JC's lips. "I don't want to hurt you so it'll be nice and easy."

JC nodded and bit his lip as Lance pushed a little more. Lance's heart was thumping wildly in his chest. It was taking considerable control to not just take JC right there. The tight, warm feeling was making his head swim.

Finally after several long minutes, Lance was as far into JC as he could be. JC's eyes were glazed with pleasure and pain and he was groaning constantly.

"You ok?" Lance asked in a harsh whisper.

JC nodded as he clutched at Lance's biceps. "I'm fine," he gasped.

Lance pulled his hips back a fraction of an inch and then back again. JC's grip on him became bruising and he cried out.

"Oh God, that's incredible!" Lance started slowly moving in and out of JC in small amounts. JC's head rolled on the bed as a flush spread across his body. "Does it always feel like this?"

Lance swallowed. "Feel like what?

JC groaned. "It does hurt a little but it feels so good."

Lance lowered himself and kissed at JC's lips. "That's it alright," he said between deep kisses.

JC sucked Lance's tongue into his mouth as he wrapped his arms and legs around Lance's shoulders and ribs. "More... please... don't stop."

Lance grunted into JC's mouth and started long, smooth thrusts that had them both gasping for air. Lance stared into JC's eyes and saw his love reflected back at him. This was only the second time he had ever done this to another person but he let natural instinct guide him. He now understood the expressions that came over JC's face and what caused them.

Soon, Lance was rocking gently in and out of JC who met him for every thrust. Lance's hand had snaked between them and was stroking JC's leaking member.

"James, I'm going to cum," JC said suddenly, his eye widening in surprise.

Lance stuck his tongue in his mouth and pushed deeply into him as he sped up his strokes with his hand. JC screamed out once and Lance's hand was quickly covered with JC's load.

The feeling of JC shuddering under and around him made Lance see stars. With one deep hard thrust, he started shooting into JC. The world fell apart at that moment and slowly put itself back together again. Lance found himself laying fully on JC, both of them sweaty and panting. He had slipped out of JC and JC's legs were wrapped around his.

"Welcome back," he giggled as he kissed Lance's sweaty forehead.

"I think I died."

JC kissed Lance's nose. "You, my dear James, are the greatest lover ever."

Lance blushed and pressed his face into JC's neck. "Ever?"

"Of all time."

"Please... can't we just..."



"No, you can't do this anymore."

Justin sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Lance sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. "It's eating you up inside," he said gently. "We can't just sit back and let you continue to do this to yourself."

JC sat on the other side. "We really wanted to let you work this out on your own, but it's starting to affect us all. We need you on top of your game right now and you're not."

Justin looked up at JC, a hint of betrayal in his eyes. JC looked away and at the floor. Lance sighed inwardly. They had decided that JC would be the one to take that line with Justin knowing it would shock Justin into doing something.

JC didn't like it but reluctantly agreed. He and Lance had stayed up late the night before talking about it. Lance knew it took alot out of JC to have to be so cold sounding to his best friend but he was the best person to do it for the best effect.

"I... I...," Justin coughed and wiped his eyes. "You..." He gave up and nodded. "What do I do?"

JC almost broke down but instead hugged Justin to him. "I'm sorry, Just. Really I am."

Joey leaned over and put a hand on Justin's knee. "In two days we'll be in New York. We got his address and you'll go over there and work this out one way or the other. No more denial that it may work out over time. You need to close this." Chris nodded from beside him.

"Do I have to go alone?"

Lance shook his head. "No, me and Josh will be there right beside you."

"I'd like to be alone now, ok?"

"Sure. I'm in the next room if you need me," Chris said, ruffling Justin's growing curls.

"And we'll be across the hall," JC added.

Justin nodded and lay back on the bed as they left his room.

JC pulled Lance into a hug as soon as their door closed. "I hated that."

"Me, too. I know it was hard to say that to him."

JC nodded. "You have no idea."

Lance gazed at JC. He saw something there he hadn't before and didn't know what it was. "What are you thinking?"

JC shook his head. "Everything. Justin, the group, us..."

Lance sighed. "Are we ok?" Helping Justin through his own problems and insecurities stemming from the lawsuit and his break up with Jamie had made both of them reevaluate everything about their lives, including their own relationship.

"As far as I'm concerned we are. I just have to sort through some things." He kissed Lance then hugged him tightly.

Lance nodded against his shoulder, deep in his own thoughts.

JC smiled at Lance in the dim light of their room. They lay in bed holding each other, listening to the low murmur of voices from the next room broken occasionally by a louder giggle.

"It seems like it's gonna work out."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "Time will tell, but they have as good a chance as anybody. Justin loves him so much. I..." He paused and sighed.

"You don't know if Jamie loves him back, do you?"

"I have no idea," JC said with another sigh. "I'm having a hard time trusting him with Justin. I know that it's Justin's decision but I'm feeling protective."

"I know," Lance said quietly as he rubbed JC's back. The noise from next door had died away and Lance held JC as he fell asleep. Holding him, Lance lay awake with his own doubts and fears.

Lance sat chewing his thumbnail.

"Ok, what gives?"

Lance looked up at Joey, the first to arrive for breakfast. "You're up early for you."

"I got hungry," he grinned. "Now what gives?"

Lance sighed knowing that Joey wasn't so easily diverted. "It's my trip home this weekend."

"What's worrying you about that? You love visiting with your family." Lance sighed again and Joey's eyes grew wide. "You're gonna tell them, aren't you?"

"I haven't decided for sure yet, but ya, that's the idea."

Joey nodded and looked around the suite. "There has to be more."

Lance sighed again, this time more heavily. "I can't keep anything from you, can I?"

Joey grinned widely and said simply, "Nope."

"I don't want Josh there when I do," Lance said flatly. His face, forlorn and sagging, betrayed his tone.


Joey's simple question, asked without emotion or judgment made Lance smile. "Only because I don't want him in the line of fire."

"You think they'll take it out on him?"

Lance nodded after a hesitation. "I think so. If he's there they'll have someone to blame and I want their focus to be on me."

It was Joey's turn to nod. "I can see where you're coming from. When are you gonna tell him?"

"Tomorrow on the ride home."

Joey gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck." He took a bite of his bagel and thought for a second. "Hey, whose idea was it to take a bus from Atlanta to Orlando tomorrow instead of flying?"

"Johnny and Jive. They thought we needed time to sit with the tracks we already have and talk about others. It's supposed to be all work."

Joey nodded. "Ah, that makes sense. I guess 'Bye Bye Bye' all alone doesn't make a whole album."

"Not even close," Lance said with a grin as Chris stumbled out of his room and sat heavily at the table.

"There's no way..."

"Please, let's not make it harder than it is already."

"No way," JC continued as if Lance hadn't spoken, "that you are doing that alone."

Lance crossed his arms across his chest and raised one eyebrow. "I think that should be my decision and yes I am. I don't want them thinking you made me this way."

"What a load of crap!" JC loudly sighed and threw up his hands as there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" he asked, not too gently.

Justin poked his head through the door. "We just pulled onto my street. We'll be at the house in a minute."

"Thanks, Justin." Lance stood and stretched.

"Hey, Just. Do you think Lynn would mind if I spent the night here?"

Justin looked between his friends and sighed. "Of course it would be ok. Are you two alright?" The look of concern on his face spoke volumes.

"Yes, we're ok." Justin nodded and disappeared.

"You... you're not coming home?"

JC rubbed his forehead and looked sadly at Lance. "I need to think and I am pretty upset right now." The bus jerked to a stop and JC started through the door.

"Please, Josh..." Lance called following behind him. He caught up to JC on the sidewalk as he picked up his bag.

"I'll see you tomorrow, James. Have a good night."

"Josh, it doesn't mean I don't love you. I'm doing it this way because I love you."

JC nodded, then turned and walked into the house.

Lance took a deep breath and picked up his bag. Joey gave him a pat on the back as he went by and hopped into his car and drove away. Justin followed JC into the house, a confused look on his face.

"I have a feeling you know what that was all about." Chris said to Joey.

"Ya, let's go to my place and I'll tell you."

"Good, I'll bring the beer."

"Even better."


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim AIM: bangoremail

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