Lances Story

By Jim Higgins

Published on Dec 13, 2001


Hey everyone!

First, sorry this took me longer to write than I anticipated. But I took a little time away from writing and even reading in the archive to recharge my batteries a little. This will be the last chapter of this story until just after Christmas... so be warned, get your fix now or save it. LOL

Lance had a solo.... Lance had a solo! : ) Everybody get your pens, pencils and crayons out to write to NSync and thank them for letting us hear dear old Lance's voice. If you didn't see that Atlantis concert on TV right after Thanksgiving shame you! : )

Ok, something interesting to share. I finally got my first ever negative email. I bring it up here because it referenced this story. It said: << i really don't understand why you would write a story about Lance and JC being gay! I think that is insulting to them, since they are not gay. ~Lauren >> Now before you get your email programs all fired up, I won't release this poor girl's address. But it certainly does raise many questions in my mind. One - why are you reading slash if you think it's insulting, Two - do you know for sure both of them are not gay? JC probably isn't, but the jury is still out on our Lance (just too many rumors) and Three - I guess it's not insulting to Justin since you didn't mention my other story... so what gives there?

It gave me a good chuckle. Anyway, on with the story and happy holidays to all my readers whether it's Hanukkah, Christmas, Winter Solstice or Kwanzaa.

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization or the reality of their lives. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Lance's Story

If Every Day Could Be Christmas

"If every day could be Christmas

What a wonderful world it would be

We could carry this feeling within us

All through the year

If every day could be Christmas

Christmas lights up the city

Rooftops covered in snow

Lovers sharing a sleigh ride cuddle close

And their eyes seem to glow

Window shopping on Main Street

All bundled up head to tow

Children ice skating 'round the Christmas tree

I see smiles young and old

If every day could be Christmas

What a wonderful world it would be

We could carry this feeling within us

All through the year

If every day could be Christmas

Church bells ring in the distance

'Peace on Earth' fills the air

Several Santas handing out candy canes

I feel love everywhere

If every day could be Christmas

What a wonderful world it would be

We could carry this feeling within us

All through the year

If every day could be Christmas"

  • G Baker/Frank Myers/A Little: 1999

The next few days, the first of their break, they worked to get JC comfortable and settled into Lance's house. JC didn't have much stuff, except clothes, so it was an easy move with Justin enthusiastically helping. Lance watched his younger friend with sadness, knowing that Justin was putting up a brave front for everyone.

JC watched as Lance closed the closet door and rubbed his eyes. "You're still worried about Justin."

"Aren't you?" Lance answered.

JC nodded. "Ya."

"So that's all your stuff?"

"That's it, except for that box in Lynn's attic. That's all stuff from growing up, nothing I really need."

"So what do you want to do?"

"How about going through the house together?"

Lance looked at JC and furrowed his brow. "But you've seen the whole house. You helped me move in."

"But we've never done it together..."

The way JC smiled made Lance's pulse race. "Where... um.. where do you want to start?"

"How about right here," JC purred patting the large bed, looking at Lance through long lashes.

Lance covered the distance across the room quickly and sank onto the bed next to JC. "I think that's a great idea," he whispered.

Leaning back, JC pulled Lance down onto the mattress with him as he kissed him. Lance groaned happily as JC's lips covered his own. Their tongues met and danced forward and back. Lance arched his back with desire as JC started unbuttoning his shirt, his fingertips brushing against the skin of Lance's chest and stomach.

Lance gasped as JC's lips moved to his neck. "Oh, Josh." Lance felt his skin flush as JC's hand lovingly caressed his chest through his open shirt, his tongue left a hot track under his ear.

"Josh? Lance? Where are you guys?" Justin's voice froze them where they lay.

With a smile, JC sat up and folded his legs Indian style. "In here Curly!" he called.

Justin appeared in the doorway holding a medium sized box and a large canvas bag. "We forgot these at the top of the stairs," he said looking around the room. His eyes took in his two friends on the bed and settled on JC's hand that was still on Lance's bare stomach.

"Thanks, just drop them beside the door."

"I... um... ya," Justin said as he put the box down and placed the bag on top. "I'll just..." he pointed his thumb backward. "Sorry for interrupting." He cleared his throat. "I'll just go now."

"You don't have to, Just," Lance said with a smile as Justin turned to go. "What are you doing for dinner?"

"I can catch something. You need your privacy and I really need to go and get some groceries before my Mom gets home."

Lance looked at JC who nodded slightly. "Don't be silly. We need to go to the market too." He sat up and buttoned his shirt.

JC nodded. "Yup, let's go and get something good."

Justin smiled in gratitude. "Thanks."

They got off the bed and headed out to the driveway with Justin in tow. JC slung an arm around Justin's shoulders. "It's really no problem, buddy."

Lance patted Justin's arm. "It's not."

JC pinched Justin's cheek. "Just don't let it get to be too much of a habit."

The three friends laughed as they left the house.

"I think it's perfect," Lance said confidently.

"Um, ya.. it's nice..." Justin responded.

Lance tilted his head at the distracted teen. "Maybe some falsies and a big padded bra would go with it too."

Justin nodded automatically. "That's a great idea," he said softly, obviously in another world. Lance hit Justin on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You haven't been listening to a word I've said."

"I have too. You asked about those leather pants and then..." his eyes grew wide. Lance knew he was recalling the conversation word for word, one of Justin's many hidden talents. "Oh, I guess I really wasn't listening, sorry."

Lance put an arm around his shoulder. "Let's go get some ice cream." Justin smiled and nodded enthusiastically. They all knew each other so well and Lance instinctively knew what would cheer Justin up.

After paying, they walked through the mall avoiding most large groups of shoppers. There were mostly older people so early in the morning, but they still didn't want to risk being recognized too much. Once they were sitting down and licking at their cones, Lance tried to get Justin to open up and stop dwelling.

"So what did you get Lynn?"

Justin smiled. "A Harley."

Lance blinked. "What on earth for?"

Justin laughed. "It's something of a joke for us. When I was in the Club and dreaming of being famous, she would always say: 'My baby is gonna be a big star and buy his Mamma a Harley.'" His impersonation of Lynn's thick Tennessee accent was dead on and made Lance laugh.

"You sound just like her."

Justin smiled. "Other than the pants what else did you get Josh?"

"I'll tell if you swear to silence."

Justin looked at Lance cross-eyed. "Like I'd ever do that. I'm good at keeping secrets."

Lance nodded. "Ya, you are. Ok, I got him that bracelet that we were looking at in New York."

Justin whistled. "That was a pretty nice piece of ice. He'll love it. Anything else?"

"Just a few other little, more personal things." Justin nodded. "What did you get him?"

Justin frowned and bit his lip. "I haven't found anything yet. I'm hoping that when I go with him tomorrow that I'll get some ideas."

"That's a good plan. If you come up short let me know. I have his 'wish' list at home somewhere."

"Wish list?"

Lance nodded. "Ya... whenever he says anything about what he needs or if he says he likes something I write it down. Makes gift buying soooo much easier."

"That's a great idea." Justin thought a minute. "What if he gets what's on the list or buys it himself?"

"Then I cross it off. The list is pretty long since I write down everything. It gives me lots of options. It's a trick my mother showed me."

"You have one for each of us, don't you?"

"You bet," Lance grinned.

"Man, you're way too organized, but it's nice that you care -that- much."

"Well, some of it is being organized but most of it is absolutely hating not knowing what to get someone and wandering the stores trying to find the 'perfect' gift."

Justin laughed.

"Come on, Lance!" JC called from across the lawn. After a minute, Lance stepped out of the French doors leading to the bedroom onto the back deck. JC laughed delightedly at the sight. Lance was wrapped from armpit to knee in a large towel.

Lance blushed and scurried over to JC, red rising in his cheeks. "You're laughing at me," he accused.

"I'm laughing because you're so modest," JC grinned. He stood in front of Lance, unabashedly naked. The sun glinted off his tanned skin making Lance's mouth run dry. "Let's help you with that," JC said seductively.

He ran his fingers over Lance's bare shoulder, watching the skin develop goose bumps as Lance shivered from his touch. The fingers ran down Lance's arm then to his stomach, tracing the exposed edge of the towel. JC slipped is fingers inside and rubbed up the skin of Lance's stomach and chest until he reached the top of the towel. He flicked his wrist and the tuck let go, letting the towel fall to the grass.

Lance stood there twitching a little, aroused and flushed. "You are beautiful," JC murmured bringing both hands to Lance's body.

"Oh, Josh," Lance moaned. His hands came up and gripped JC's shoulders and pulled them together. Their lips met for a deep, soulful kiss.

"Come on, I've set up one of the mattresses." JC pulled on Lance's hand and led him to the deck next to the pool. An air mattress was laying in the shade. With a smile, JC lay back on it and held his arms out, his now hard dick resting on the ridges of his lower abdominals.

Lance blushed as he realized he was fully erect standing over JC. He knelt down and crawled on top of his slim, bronze lover. With a satisfied sigh he settled down on him, pressing their hard members firmly together.

Lance gasped as JC undulated slightly underneath him. The length of their cocks rubbed against each other, making them both throb.

"You feel so good," Lance panted against JC's lips.

"You too," JC moaned, his hands running from Lance's shoulders down to his butt and then back again. One hand reached over and Lance saw JC grab a bottle of massage oil. "Just relax, sweetheart."

Lance nodded against JC's chin, flicking his tongue around his adam's apple. He groaned happily at the feel of JC's hands slickly sliding down the muscles of his back, kneading and massaging as they went. "Oh, Josh, that feels so good." He moved to slide to one side and off of JC.

JC flexed his arm muscles and held him in place. "No, I want to feel you on me like this."

"But I must be heavy on you."

"No, you aren't," JC shook his head. He kissed Lance's nose and grinned at him as his hands continued down until they reached the small of Lance's back. JC got more oil and massaged the globes of Lance's ass. "So beautiful," he moaned as he captured Lance's lips with his.

Lance exhaled into JC's mouth as their tongues met and wrestled back and forth. "Oh...." he moaned as he felt one of JC's fingers slide down to his hole and push slowly inside.

"Just relax, James." JC planted kisses all over Lance's face as his finger pushed until it was all the way inside. Lance breathed deeply on top of him, a blissful smile covering his face.

"More," Lance begged. "Please?" He spread his legs a little and put is knees on either side of JC's hips.

JC smiled and kissed Lance's chin. "Ok, honey. Take deep breaths and relax all your muscles." JC slid the finger out and added another. They slowly slide into Lance who grunted in pleasure.

"More," Lance pleaded in a whisper.

JC grinned at him. "That's enough for right now. Get used to this first, I don't want to hurt you." JC pulled the fingers out slightly and pushed back in.

Sweat broke out on Lance's forehead as he collapsed fully onto JC's chest. "That feels so good," he panted. "I love you." He kissed all around JC's neck and face.

JC started pushing and pulling his fingers a little more rapidly as he felt Lance relax. His own own desire grew as he watched the pleasure flow across Lance's face on every push in.

"More... please..." Lance begged. "I can take it."

JC kissed Lance's nose and pulled his fingers free. He got more lubed and returned, this time slowly pushing with three. He watched Lance's face carefully for any sign of pain. There was some but it was mixed in his eyes with pleasure.

With every inward thrust of JC's wrist, Lance would groan loudly until he quieted down to satisfied grunts. His lips found JC's once again and they kissed brutally. "Oh yes, Josh. That feels so good," he panted.

"You like that, baby?" Lance nodded as his eyes closed in pleasure. "I like watching you like this. You're all flushed and sweaty and the look in your eyes is really turning me on."

Lance groaned again and reached back and pulled JC out of him. Grabbing the lube, he raised up onto his knees and stroked JC's hard dick firmly, lubricating it. "I want you," Lance said breathing heavy. Before JC could even respond, Lance moved over him and sat.

"Careful..." was all JC could say before he breached Lance with the fullness of his very erect cock.

"Oh my God!" Lance yelled, his face scrunching in pain. He grabbed JC's wrists and pinned JC to the mattress when JC tried to lift him. "No.." He fought to catch his breath then slowly sank down on JC, whimpering a little as he fully sat on JC's hips.

JC groaned at the warm tightness that suddenly surrounded him. "Baby, are you alright?"

Lance nodded, his face still clouded slightly in pain. "Maybe I did that a little too fast," he whispered.

JC reached up and stroked his cheek. "Take it easy, move only when the pain is gone."

"This can't be that exciting for you."

"You're very wrong. I love the feeling of being with you like this, naked and touching each other." He grunted slightly when Lance lifted his hips ever so slightly then pushed back down. "Oh, yes, my beautiful James. You make me feel so good."

They settled into a slow, steady rhythm. Lance would raise off JC then push back down. JC would meet his downward push by raising his hips to push himself into Lance. Before long they were both groaning and their movements sped up until they were rocking together. Lance's hard meat was slapping against JC's abs as it pulsed heavily.

"I... I... cant' hold on any longer," Lance gasped from his position leaning over JC.

"Let go baby... go ahead," JC groaned, feeling his own orgasm building inside him.

Lance sat up straight and pushed down heavily so that JC pushed into him as far as possible and shuddered. With satisfied cry, he came in long ropey spurts that covered JC's stomach.

Lance hadn't finished before JC let his orgasm rip through his body. The fluttering of Lance's muscles around him pushed him over the edge and intensified it. "Oh God..." he cried out, his hips and shoulders rising of the mattress at the first shot.

Grabbing Lance around the waist, JC stayed sitting as he filled Lance, his lips tasting the sweaty skin around Lance's collarbone. Lance held onto JC's shoulders as they both trembled against each other. They sat there as they recovered, holding onto each other and lightly kissing each other's lips.

"We should get cleaned up," Lance suggested eventually, as the blush subsided on his cheeks.

JC nodded as he opened his eyes. He looked at Lance seriously and smiled. "I love you so much."

Lance giggled happily and rubbed his nose against JC's. "I love you too."

Lance pulled up and let JC slip out of him. With creaking, protesting joints they both got up and dived into the pool. Lance kissed JC as they surfaced and clung to his sleek form as they climbed out and lay back down on the mattress.

"This is nice," Lance said sleepily as he cuddled up against JC.

"Very," JC agreed with a yawn.

"Nap time?"


They kissed once and dozed.

"So what are you getting me for Christmas?"

Lance grinned at JC from across the table. "That's for me to know and you to find out." Lance smiled and pushed the peas around on his plate. "What did you get me?" He looked up and winked at JC.

JC smiled, his eyes wrinkling in delight. "I'll never tell."

Lance reached over and took one of JC's hands in his and continued eating. "So is everything set?"

"Ya, my folks are pretty excited. What's the schedule?"

"Christmas at home for everyone, then we meet in LA for the flight to Hawaii on the 27th."

JC nodded. "Are you still leaving on the 24th?"

Lance looked up at JC sadly. "I suggested that they come here but they didn't want to. My Grammy doesn't want to travel, so..." Lance shrugged.

"It's ok, baby." JC stroked the back of Lance's hand with his thumb. "It's not like I'm gonna be here alone. My Dad jumped at the chance to get away from the cold in Chicago."

Lance grinned. "What did they say when you said they'd be staying here?"

"At first Mom said no but then I told her you'd be insulted if they stayed at a hotel. Tyler and Heather are psyched to have a private pool."

Lance sat, pondering his last couple of peas. His grip on JC's hand firm. JC watched the thoughts fly across Lance's face.

"What is it, sweetie?"

"Do you think at all about telling them?" Lance saw JC's face cloud slightly. "I mean... eventually. You know, getting it over with and just letting them know?"

JC pondered that. "I guess that we will have to at some point. I don't know if I'm ready to do that yet."

Lance smiled sadly at the pain in JC's voice. He dropped his fork and took JC's hand in both of his and squeezed it firmly. "I don't know how much longer I can keep lying to mine, Josh." He bowed his head then looked JC in the eye. "We both come from very religious families and there are no guarantees. But I can't hide this any more. It eats me up inside every time I go home and my Mom starts talking about finding me a nice local girl to date."

A ghost of a smile appeared on JC's face before it was lost to his worried thinking. He reached up and trailed his fingers along Lance's sideburn to his ear. "Can you forgive me?"

Lance blinked at him. "For what? That you aren't ready to tell?" JC dropped his gaze and Lance smiled as he reached over and lifted his chin. "I will try to not force you on this, Josh. I just want you to know where I am."

JC nodded and smiled slightly. He turned his head and kissed Lance's palm. "Let's go swimming," he said simply with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh Lord, bless all around this table as we celebrate the birth of your Son," Lance prayed aloud. "Let us end this year in the peace and prosperity in which it started and begin the new one on new roads with open hearts. We wish to thank you for watching over us and seeing us through these last few months. Amen."

His ending was echoed by everyone. "Ok, who wants to go first?" Chris asked.

"I will," Joey replied. He looked around the table at the four others, his friends and brothers. "I want to thank you all for being my friends." He shrugged with a broad grin. "Well, that's it I guess."

Chris sat quietly for a second then nodded. "I have nothing to say. You all know how I feel since I'm not that good at keeping things to myself. Joey, you are my best friend and I'll always appreciate that. Josh, Justin and Lance, you are the little brothers I never had..." He wiped is eyes slightly and Joey patted his shoulder.

Justin was next. "I just want to say that I love you all," he said softly.

"I'll agree with that," Lance agreed from beside him. "I can't imagine not knowing you guys, my life wouldn't be quite as happy." His eyes slid to JC, sitting on the other side of him and he smiled.

JC grinned and kissed Lance's cheek. "I don't think I can add to any of that because it's all how I feel, so let's eat."

They spent the afternoon eating, sharing presents and just enjoying having the free time to be together just as friends and not co-workers or business partners. They all laughed at the gag gifts and were genuinely touched by the other more heart felt ones.

As the day drew to a close they started saying their goodbyes and double checked their plans.

"Ok," Lance said, "Just in case nobody was paying attention... Joey and Josh will be here in Orlando with their families. Justin will be in Tennessee with Lynn. Chris will be in LA with Beverly and Dani. If you need me, I'll be home in Mississippi. Everybody's got their tickets for LA so don't miss your flights because I won't be waiting for you!" Everyone laughed.

"Aw, Lance... you won't be ushering us on the plane?" Chris kidded.

"No way... If you're not there then you'll have to deal with it yourself. I'm going to Hawaii with or without your sorry ass!"

They all laughed again as they got ready to go. Saying goodbye at the door, Lance hugged each one of the tightly and kissed them on the cheek. Justin he held a particularly long time knowing that he was still hurting

"What are you doing tomorrow, Josh?" Justin asked as they hugged.

"No plans. The family comes in the day after and Lance leaves tomorrow morning."

Justin smiled at both Lance and JC. "Why don't we both take him to the airport then you and I go do some errands."

"Errands?" Joey asked. "You hate errands."

"I have some things to check out, that's all."

"Things?" Chris asked.

"Ya, I've been talking to a real estate agent. I'm thinking of getting a place of my own."

Everyone grinned and Joey clapped him on the back. "Welcome to the world of the independent adult, Just."

Finally the door closed and JC slumped against it. He looked at Lance who was standing in the hall, fiddling with his thumbnail. "So... wanna clean up?" JC asked with a smirk.

Lance looked up grinning. "You know that there's nothing to clean, except maybe starting the dishwasher."

"That can be fun. How about we do that then take some wine out to the hot tub?"

"You have some of the most wonderful ideas."

JC grinned and took Lances hand. He led him through the kitchen and grabbed a bottle and two glasses while Lance hit the dishwasher and left it chugging away. Going through the back door they crossed the yard, arms around each other.

"I hope you got everything you wanted this year?" JC asked as they reached the tub. JC sat the bottle and glass down and ran his hands down Lance's chest.

Lance's gaze was beaming. "Everything and then some. How about you?"

"Definitely the best Christmas ever," JC purred as his lips met Lance's.

They kissed as they undressed then slipped into the warm churning water, snuggling against each other. "Do you realize we haven't been apart at all since we got together?"

JC nodded, his forehead rubbing against Lance's temple. "I know it's only 4 days but I'm still gonna miss you."

Lance sighed. "I'll miss you too."

They were silent for awhile as JC poured the wine. Sipping it quietly, they shared gentle kisses and held each other.

"We're not gonna be able to share a room, are we?" JC suddenly asked.

Lance smiled. "No, but we will be right next to each other."

JC grinned. "That's my Lance, always thinking of everything."

"Believe me, purely selfish reasons."

They giggled shared more kisses. JC pulled away and looked into Lance's eyes. Blue met green and JC licked his lips. "Merry Christmas, my love."

Lance moaned his Merry Christmas as he pressed his lips to JC's. JC groaned as they slid deeper into the tub, arms and legs tangling together.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Notes: If Every Day Could Be Christmas - One of the several nice songs on 98 Degrees' Christmas album.

Jim AIM: bangoremail

Next: Chapter 11: You Go to My Head

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