Lances Search


Published on Sep 30, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez and any other member of a boy band that might appear in this story. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

For those of you who need a constant flow of Lance stories, I've just started reading Blind Date, and it looks like a good one. Also check out the variously named chapters of Lance's Story. Danny and Lance has returned after a much too loooong hiatus. And speaking of hiatus, attention Michael McColl! Next chapter of Lance and Michael, please! You've got millions of people wanting to know what's happened.

If you have any comments, observations, amusing bits of wit or whatever, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously on Lance's Search...

Justin was now wide-awake and excited. First of all, it was the first time Lance had called him since their big blow-up on the road. Second, the lovemaking he had sacrificed apparently was worth it. "And, what did he say? Did he admit he was gay? You tell him you loved him?"

"Slow down, Curly, slow down. He didn't deny it. He admitted it. And best yet, when I told him I loved him he told me he had fallen for me a long time ago, just never thought it would ever be."

"See, man, I told ya, didn't I?"

"Yes. You did. You knew it before I did."

"That's great, Lance. I'm really happy for you. Did you, you know?"

"We spent the night together, if that's what you're asking, but it didn't get any farther than a lot of kissing. We're going on a date tonight. Who knows what happens after that."

"That's really cool, man. You know where you're going for the date?"

"I haven't got a clue, but I'll come up with something. I want to make it really special."

Chapter 33

Lance had found little time to be idle on this glorious day. He was experiencing a mixture of emotions - extreme happiness along with the nervousness of a schoolboy preparing for that first-ever date. What to wear? What after-shave? Did he remember to brush his teeth? Why can't he get his hair to cooperate? Those shoes he wanted to wear are dirty. Deodorant. Don't forget the deodorant.

The boys agreed on 6:30 for their rendezvous. Lance would pick up JC at his home. Justin called Lance a couple of times during the day. He offered to come over and help Lance pick out his clothes. He was glad to be talking to Lance again - all the tension of the past few weeks behind them. Lance was also extremely happy to have his friend back. It had been extremely lonely without him - not being able to talk to anyone about how he felt. Whatever bitterness he had toward Justin had all been forgotten and forgiven.

Lance made one pit stop on his way to JC's. He knew he might be going over the top when he ran into the grocery store, reached into a refrigerated case and picked out a gift. He was afraid the gift might be too much of a cliché, but in the end, he really wasn't worried about it. It was what his heart told him to do.

He arrived on time, pulling into the driveway just exactly when the clock display in his car changed to 6:30. He took one quick glance at his face and hair in the rearview mirror, picked up his present and headed for the front door. He rang the doorbell with his left hand while his right hand was behind his back, obscuring the view of what he had in his hand.

When JC opened the door, wide grins appeared on two faces. If there had been spotlights shining on their teeth they might have blinded each other.

"Hey," JC said.

"How are you?"

"Doing much better now. I've been pretty nervous most of the day."

"I know what you mean. Oh, ahh, here. I got these for you." Lance moved his right hand from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers - mostly daisies with a single red rose in the middle and some baby's breath.

"Oh man, I can't believe you."

"Am I causing a diabetic reaction here?"

JC laughed. "No. Not at all. Yes, it is sweet of you, but just the right touch. Here, let's put these into some water before we go. Come on in."

Lance stepped inside and shut the door as JC went off to his kitchen. He came back a moment later with the flowers in a vase and sat it down on a table in his living room. "I guess I should've known you'd do something incredibly romantic like this," JC said as he walked over to where Lance was standing. He put his arms around Lance's waist. "Thank you very much. They are lovely."

"Well, I just threw them together real quick. It's not everything I would have hoped for, but..."

JC cut off Lance's apology with a long, loving kiss on his lips. When they separated JC said, "James you could have brought me a weed or an entire garden in bloom, I wouldn't love you any more or any less than I already do. The fact that you thought enough to bring me some flowers to start off our first date says volumes about your love for me. It's something I'll never forget. This I promise you."

"Oh-oh. Things are really getting deep when you start quoting our lyrics."

The two just laughed and stared into each other's eyes until finally Lance said they needed to be going if they were to make their reservations. Lance had picked out a small, family-run restaurant with minimal lighting. He had made sure they could be seated in a secluded spot to allow for their privacy. Lance had eaten here before and always felt right at home. The help, which was mostly members of the same family, never made a big deal out of who Lance was. They knew, but they treated him more like a part of their family than some singer from a famous pop group.

"James, I'm so happy to see you again," Antonio said. He was the owner of the restaurant. "Mama, look who's here." His wife, Angela, was the boss of the place, even if Antonio owned it.

"Good seeing you again too. Antonio, I'd like you to meet my friend Josh."

"Welcome to my place, Josh. I hope James hasn't built up your expectations of us too high, you know. We just throw things together in the kitchen. Nothing special."

"Don't believe him for a moment," Lance said to JC. "What they throw together is fit for a king."

"You are too kind, James. Here, let's get you to your table. A little privacy for you two over here. No one will be able to see you. You can talk, eat, hold hands."

"Antonio!" Lance exclaimed. JC got a panicked look on his face.

"James... Josh, don't worry about it."

"But how..." JC asked.

"Ahhh, because I know James all too well. I take a look at him and there's a glow. I take a look at you and there's that same glow. Only one thing explains that. But don't worry, Josh. James here can tell you that my family is loyal to each other and James is like one of our family. So, let's get you to your table and begin your evening."

"Thanks, Antonio," Lance said followed by a hug. "You are the best."

Just as Lance had promised, the food was excellent. Antonio made sure the waiters were unobtrusive, leaving the two men alone as much as possible. The two boys even held hands a few times without blushing. It was a perfect dinner. JC could understand how his boyfriend had fallen in love with this restaurant and the people who ran it.

"So, what's next?" JC asked his date for the evening.

"Well, how about I give you a choice. We could go see a movie. We could also head off to Pleasure Island and see what's happening there. You know, hit some of the clubs there."

"Not really in the mood for clubs. Too noisy, so I wouldn't be able to hear you."

"How about a stroll around the lagoon at Epcot?"

"Yeah. The lights will be dim and the air romantic. And the fireworks going off will be like my heart beating for my boyfriend."

"Now who is causing a diabetic reaction?" Lance said with a giggle.

"What can I say. You bring it out in me."

The duo took the trip down the Interstate and made their way to Epcot. They each had annual passes to all the parks, so getting in wasn't a hassle. Not being recognized was going to be trickier. Too dark for sunglasses and Lance only had one hat in his car. First place they could, JC stopped to buy a hat for himself. They hoped that between the low lighting and the hats, they would go undisturbed.

They made a quick path through Future World, heading for the World Showcase area. Once there they took a quick right turn, heading for the Canadian pavilion. They chatted about the different countries while they strolled, recalling events from their earlier days as a group when Europe was the only part of the globe that knew NSYNC existed.

The boys were enjoying their time together, but then a man in a coat and tie walked right up to them.

"Gentlemen, I'm Mark from Epcot. One of our cast members noticed you were in the park tonight. If you are interested, we do have a private location where celebrities such as yourself can view Illuminations without being disturbed. I'd be happy to take you there if you'd be interested."

"Wow. I never knew you did that," JC said.

"We don't make the location or the service widely known, Mr. Chasez. Not even that many cast members are aware of it. As you know, we host a lot of celebrities throughout the year. This service just makes the Epcot experience better for people who might otherwise be distracted from the show by other guests. Shall I take you there?"

"By all means," Lance said with a big grin. "Will we be the only ones there tonight?"

"I believe so. You will have the location all to yourself. When the show is finished, you can just exit the way I will bring you in."

They were taken to an upper floor of one of the World Showcase buildings and then led outside to a recessed area. The boys were able to look down over the lagoon without being seen by the gathering crowd at the lagoon's edge.

"Wait until we tell the rest of the guys about this spot. Man, this really rocks," JC said.

"Yeah, but what makes it special is who I'm sharing it with," Lance said as he reached out and grabbed his boyfriend's hand. JC smiled widely and looked deep into Lance's eyes. The staring might have continued for hours were it not for the beginning of the program. They continued to hold hands and watched the fireworks, lasers and lights do their magic. As the finale began JC leaned in toward Lance and aimed his mouth for his boyfriend's. As lips touched, passion flowed. The deafening sound of the fireworks were barely noticed by either man. They separated their lips when the applause began below them.

"What do you know," Lance whispered, "they are cheering for our kiss."

JC laughed, then said, "Let's go home. I want to make fireworks of our own."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 34

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