Lances Search


Published on Apr 30, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously on "Lance's Search"...

"Well, cum boy, we better check on the time," Lance said. "It looks dark enough outside that it should be about time for us to get supper with the guys."

"Kewl, I'm starved," Justin said.

"When aren't you?"

"Good point. Maybe the area has cleared of all them girls so we can get out of here tonight in one piece. And I feel like dancing up a storm tonight. Hope the club scene is in full swing."

Chapter 12

Life on the road with NSYNC certainly opened up a whole new world for Lance. The parties and the clubs the guys went to far exceeded anything he might have come across at this age back in Mississippi. Whenever the band wasn't exhausted from concerts or a long rehearsal, the members enjoyed a night out, mingling with a crowd whose average age was a lot higher than those attending their concerts.

Justin had gone back to his room to clean up and dress up for the night. Lance still felt like he was floating on air. After all, earlier that day he had received his first blow job, given his first blow job and kissed a guy for the first time. He couldn't believe how great he felt. It distracted him while he tried to pick out clothes for the evening, but eventually he threw together an outfit.

While waiting for the elevator, Joey came bouncing down the hallway. He was full of pep tonight. "Hey, Scoop, ready for some fun tonight?" he said as he ran right into Lance.

"Looks like you don't need any more fun. Matter of fact, we may need to send you back to your room to calm down," Lance said with a laugh.

"No way, man. I've got plenty of energy, but the only way to burn it up is on the dance floor. But hey, you're looking mighty happy yourself."


"Yeah, there's something about you tonight."

'Oh, my God. Elevator, come on get here. Open the door, please.' Lance thought to himself.

"What is it about you, Lansten? You look like a cat that swallowed a bird."

"Nothing's different," Lance protested. 'Damn, why is this elevator so slow? Get here!'

"I don't know. Joey's Fun-o-Meter is registering pretty high for you."

Just then the elevator arrived. 'Finally,' Lance thought. He tried to ignore his bandmate, but Joey kept staring at him.


"What did you say?"

"Sex. That's it."

"What are you talking about, Joey?"

"You've had sex. You've got the glow."

"Man, I don't know what you're talking about," Lance said, but at the same time his face was turning a darker shade of red.

"Deny it all you want, but I can tell these things."

The elevator reached the lobby. Lance was glad the ride was over, but at the same time nervous that Joey would continue this conversation in front of the others and the bodyguards. But just before reaching them, Joey leaned over to Lance and whispered, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Lance stopped in his tracks, soaking in what Joey said. Joey stopped a couple of steps later, turned around and said, "Trust me, I only use this power for good." He took a Superman-like pose. Lance just shook his head in amazement, smiled and the two continued walking toward the others.

"About time, you slow pokes," Chris said.

"Blame it on the elevators," Lance said.

"So where we going to eat?" Justin said. "I'm starving!"

"I think there's a Hard Rock Café nearby," Lance said.

"Can't we find anywhere else to go?" Chris said a bit annoyed.

"Hey, be fair, we haven't been to one in a long time and it's JC's favorite. Whadda say, JC, you up to a Hard Rock night?" Lance asked.

"Thanks, Scoop. That would be great, if it's OK with everyone else."

Everyone else looked at Chris. "OK, OK, let's just go," Chris said.

"Oh, you're just so cute when you're agreeable," Joey teased. He started to chase Chris telling him he was going to pinch his checks. Even though he was the oldest, Chris managed to avoid Joey's pinching.

As the rest started for the door, JC grabbed Lance by the arm. "Hey, thanks for recommending Hard Rock. I hate to suggest it anymore. I appreciate it."

"Hey, glad to do it. You just looked like you needed some sort of pick-me-up tonight. I hope it helps."

"Well, if it makes me look half as happy as you look right now I'll be doing just fine," JC said as he headed for the waiting limo.

'Don't tell me JC could see it in me too! Man is there something written on my forehead or something,' Lance thought.

Lance and Justin sat next to each other at dinner. Every once in a while Justin's hand would rest on Lance's thigh out of sight for anyone else. He'd leave it there for a moment, then squeeze the leg and remove it, all done without any change in outward demeanor. Lance liked the play, but he still jumped a little every time he felt the hand. Lance thought JC actually was enjoying himself. They caught each others' eye every once in a while. Whenever it happened, Lance's insides jumped about as much as his outsides did when Justin hand touched his leg. Lance even caught JC smiling. That had been a rare site lately.

The guys asked their waitress for some recommendations on clubs in the area. She gave a few alternatives, but gave high praise to one that was located just two blocks down from the restaurant. Joey had been flirting with the waitress all night, and got a promise from her that she would join them at the club after her shift.

The club seemed to be everything their waitress had promised. Lots of dance floor space. Great sound. Plenty of hot bodies everywhere. It didn't take long for the guys to make their way out onto the dance floor. They were dancing with everyone and no one at the same time. The beat was fast and the volume loud, so one-on-one intimacy was not necessary for dancing.

After several dances, Lance made his way to the bar. He was thirsty and sweating heavily from all the dancing and the heat from everyone else. He paused to look around the room. Suddenly his eye caught JC heading toward the door. 'He's disappearing again.'

Lance spotted Justin on the floor. He told Justin he was taking off. Justin flashed him an OK and pursed his lips just slightly like he was throwing him a kiss. He then flashed that big smile of his and turned around to keep dancing.

Lance quickly headed for the door. He hoped that JC had not gotten out of sight yet. Once outside, he scanned the area. JC was walking, by himself, on the other side of the street. 'I hate doing this, but I just gotta know.' With that, Lance began to follow JC at a discreet distance.

JC walked several blocks. Lance didn't particularly care for the looks of the neighborhood, but kept going anyway. JC approached a building with a few men hanging around outside. He walked straight in. Lance stopped. Looked for some sort of sign. All he saw was a street address. 'Why did he go in there? What is this place?' Lance approached the building cautiously. He was nervous, but his curiosity was getting the best of him. The men standing outside stared at him. Not the same kind of stare he was used to from the fans. It was different, but Lance wasn't sure why.

The blond kept heading for the door. He nodded at the men outside, just to be polite. They mostly nodded back with big smiles and leering eyes on their faces. As he opened the door, he could hear the pulsing beat of dance music coming through a second door down a small hall.

"You a member?" an older man said from a booth window just inside the doorway.


"Are you a member here, honey?"

"Uhh, no. No, I'm not. I haven't been here before."

"Oh, some fresh meat hitting the floor. That'll be $5 to get in."

"Yeah, sure," Lance said as he fumbled around for his money. 'What did he mean by fresh meat?'

The man took Lance's $5. "Go on in honey, and be sure to play safe."

"Yeah, thanks." Lance turned and headed the few steps to the next door. A buzzer sounded, releasing the door lock and Lance reached for the doorknob. What he saw inside the room took him by surprise.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 13

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