Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Sep 3, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love

part 6

"I know it is just that he told me everything and I always held out to tell him anything. Now he didn't tell me this and I care about him so much." Justin said as he just grabbed me and held me close.

"Justin, it is all good. So you care alot about JC you need to tell him that. If he doesn't know then you might never know if you and him could be something. I mean for all you know he cares for you the same way. If he doesn't well then you just need to be there for each other." I said in his ear. Justin just sat in my arms and cried.


"JC I want to talk to him so bad but I have to wait. I have no idea where he is at right now. JC I want to be with him. I know that now, I want to be true to myself and honest to everyone." Lance said as he parted from JC and just stood there looking him in the eye.

"Lance I know who he has gone to see but where she lives I don't know."

"I've pushed him away and towards a female."

"No No you don't know what he said about her. He said that she is like the older sister that he has always needed. He is not interested in her as anything other than someone to comfort him." JC explained to Lance.

"So I still have a chance with him. I really don't want to lose him now that I know that I want him."

"If you want it bad enough and you talk to him and be truthful you will have another chance. I am sure of it." JC said comforting his friend.

"JC I have a question for you."

"What is it bud you know I am here for you."

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Well I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Ju...I mean all of you." JC said trying not to slip something he wants to keep quite but it didn't work out so well.

"You have a thing for Justin don't you." Lance said as he jumped up from the bed.

"I do not you are absurd." JC said in a nonconviencing way.

"You do, OH MY GOD, no wonder you didn't want to come out of the closet you are afraid of him not accepting you." Lance said looking at JC blush.

"I just don't want him to shun away from me. If I can't have him as a lover than I want him as a friend." JC said as he shuttered at the thought of Justin hating him.

"JC what makes you think that he would not still be your friend. He was totally cool with me bieng gay and well I really don't think that he would." Lance said this time being the comforter.

"Are you sure about that. I have known him alot longer than you have. I am just not sure if he would wanna be with me. Why must I have such strong feelings for him. I want him to be with me but I don't want to ruin it with him." JC said on the verge of crying.

Back at Jamie's..........

"Justin, Justin, calm down everything will be ok. I promise no matter what happens I am here for you as a friend. I will always be here. Now listen, Jamie should be here in about half an hour. You should go clean up. Take a shower freshen up because you look like shit." I said as I started to giggle to myself about my last remark.

"Look who's talking but from where I sit I think it is you who needs to get some beauty treatment. You look really bad you go first then I will follow after." Justin replied as he stood and laughed and ushered me towards the bathroom.

I just laughed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped and got in and as I stepped into the shower I thought of when Lance walked in on me. That one little thought got me hard as a rock. To see him totally naked. I wish he would honestly take all of his clothes off for me. Because he wanted to be with me. I stopped that trail of thoughts because all it would do is work me all up. I need Jamie here but it helped to have Justin here to help me. I got out and grabbed my robe which was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. I put it on and walked into the living room to tell Justin that the bathroom was all his.

"Your treatment is ready sir." I said with a grin on my face from ear to ear laughing all the while.

"Thank you, you may leave now Jeeves." Justin said as he fell on the floor laughing so much tears started to force their way through his eyes.

I helped Justin up off the floor and he went into the bathroom to take his shower. I was rummaging through my suitcase when I heard the front door open. I walked into the living room and saw Jamie standing in the door way. I ran and jumped over the couch and grabbed Jamie. I stood there holding her tightly.

"I am so glad you are back sweetie." I said still holding her.

"Are you ok, you sounded so bad on the phone I was so worried about you." Jamie said pulling me away to look at me.

"I am better now thanks to Justin." I said reasuring her that I was better.

"Who is Justin. You didn't do anything in my bed did you." Jamie said as she looked at me like I was a little kitten who did a bad thing.

"It's not like that...."

"You are wearing your robe and I heard the shower when I walked in and you said it yourself that someone else is here. I know you to well Crispy." Jamie said as she cut me off rather quickly.

"Chris, what can I wear out of your suitcase." Justin said as he walked into the living room to see me and Jamie very close.

Jamies' head turned to face Justin. I swear Jamie almost died right there to see him, Justin Timberlake of N'sync. One of my other friends had the hugest crush on him and Jamie knew it. She grabbed me and pulled me outside. Still in nothing but a robe and a surprised look on my face.

"How could you. You know how much Harry likes him. You just go and have sex with him in my bed none the less. I thought you were a better friend than that." Jamie said as Nicole walked up with a very puzzled look on her face.

"Will you just shut up, stop accusing me, and listen to me. Thank you. One I am Harry's friend and no I didn't have sex today or within the last week for that matter. Justin was here to comfort me. He followed me to the car got in and I didn't even notice till we were half way here. I just let him in and we ended up talking through things and we both got upset. About half an hour ago we actually took a good look at each other and realized we looked awlful. So we used your shower seperately I might add." I said sorta hurt about all of Jamies acquistions.

"I am sorry, please forgive me." She had to go and do it. She gave me the puppy dog face. I just can't say no to the puppy dog face.

"Yes I forgive you. I just can't say no to a face like that. Don't you agree Nicole."

"I love that face no matter what it looks like." Nicole said as she leaned in to kiss Jamie.

"Come on now we are in public, look there are children around here your gonna scare them for life." I said as I opened the door and walked back in the apartment. Jamie and Nicole followed me in. "OK now we can do this right. Justin this is Jamie and her girlfriend Nicole. Ya'll this is Justin Timberlake. Now that, that is done I can find some clothes for me and Justin." I said as turned around to go and look through my suitcase.

"Justin what do you wanna wear shorts, pants, or just nothing it doesn't matter to me," I said as Justin just gave me a look.

"I think I will wear some clothes preferably shorts." Justin said as he punched me in the arm for my comment.

"What about these grey cargo shorts and I have a wife beater you can wear as well." I said and handed the clothes to Justin so he could examine them.

"That's cool, What are you gonna wear." Justin said as he walked to the bathroom. I didn't realize it but he was wearing only a towel around his waist.

"Hey Justin I got a quick question."

"Shoot man."

"I have a friend who thinks you are so fine. Do you mind if I take a pic of you in that towel for him. He would get the hugest kisk out of it." I said with a devilish smile on my face.

"Go for it man. It will be cool as long as I get a copy of it as well." Justin said as he started to pose for me.

I grabbed the polariod camera off of Jamie's dresser and snapped one for Harry and then one for Justin. I put them to the side so nothing would mess them up. Justin went into the bathroom to get dressed. I looked through my suitcase and decided on wearing a pair of CK blue jeans and a Lugz shirt. I just got dressed right there in the bedroom. It's not like Jamie hasn't seen me naked before and it would only be in time that Nicole would as well. We get pretty wild at our parties. I finished getting dressed when Justin came back out of the bathroom to see me fully dressed.

"Damn that didn't take long for you to get dressed. You must have practice getting dressed in a hurry. Or would that be getting undressed." Justin said and just bursted out laughing. Of course it was true but it was still really funny.

"Well at least I have had some experience. Not like a certain virgin I mean someone I know." I looked straight at Justin when I said this.

"No you didn't just go there I am going to get you." Justin said as he charged after me and knocked me on the bed and just tickled me.

"Stop, stop, please stop, I'm...I'm....Sorry I am so sorry Justin. I take it back.....Please just stop." I said inbetween laughing. Justin got up off of me and just laughed.

"For your information I am not a virgin so there. And no I won't tell you who. I am not the type of girl to kiss and tell." Justin said as he fixed his clothes and giggled like a school girl.

"Well you are the ugliest girl I have ever met." I said as I stood up.

"Well thank you. What do you want to do know." Justin said with his hands on his hips.

"Well I guess I need to call my place and tell them that we are on our way home and that we will have some company later on tonight." Jamie walks into the bedroom to put her bags up. "Ain't that right James."

"What, your not pulling me into some arguement."

"I was just saying that I want you and Nicole to comeover tonight to hang out with me and the guys. It will be sort of a party. Will you bring some party favors."

"Party favors????OHHH party favors yeah sure. I will see what me a Nicole can work out."

"I am going to call the guys to let them know that we are coming back and will be there shortly." I said as I picked up the telephone to dial my number.


"Well I see you are making yourselves at home. I mean answering my phone and all. I thought more of you JC."

"Hey you have had us worried. Especially Lance he really needs to talk to you badly. I mean mondo badly."

"Well me and Justin will be there very shortly. See ya in a minute or two."


Well this is part six finally I have finished writing it. I would like to thank all of those who wrote me. I love to hear your comments. Let them be good, bad, or suggestions I welcome them all. Thank you for reading my story this means alot to me. I will have the next part out as soon as I get some feedback and figure out what to write it about.


Next: Chapter 7

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