Lances Life

By Lukas Johnson

Published on Aug 16, 2000


Lance's Life Part 3 By Lukas Jonathan Johnson

Hey guys! Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate them! As long as you keep commenting, I'll keep writing. I love this series that I am writing. It's kinda growing on me. If you have any questions or comments about my work drop me a line:

Disclaimer: As much as I wish it were true... this story is a complete work of fiction and is not intended to imply anything about Lance Bass or anyone in Nsync. We don't know if they are gay or not, and it is not up to us to determine that, so for now... who really cares. I do not know or represent this group in any means possible, though if they happen to be reading... :)

Also, if you shouldn't be reading this...don't. Then again if you shouldn't be reading this why did you go through all the links to get to this story anyway?

Scene 3- Recovering Time

"911...Reporting homicide victim, male, age 20, possible danger of female at the site. All available officers report ASAP."

"911...Reporting possible homicide victim not responding, no visible wounds, blood drenching the place, possible multiple gun or knife wounds. All available ambulance teams report ASAP."

"911...Reporting unconscious male, age 20, not responding to any sound or light stimulants. Blood from mouth and nose came before hitting ground. Need an available ambulance to... Need police escort for crowd controls. ASAP."

The sounds of someone pounding on the door came later in the night while three warm bodies stirred. Everyone was stirring. It had been an eventful night and the three stayed up wondering what had been going on. Some in their cozy beds unaware of what was going on with their dear friend and band mate. Others were in the bathroom needing alone time, wondering what was going on with the rest of the band members. Reality of the situation will soon hit them all like a fist in the gut. Then all hell will break loose.

JC lay on the sofa bed frustrated at the night events. He had gone to bed quite sexually frustrated and it was his own fault! He should have finished what he had started with Justin, before he came back to bed. Now, he just needed to get off. He wore only a pair of blue silk boxers and was way uncomfortable because his cock was rock hard and he needed a release. He couldn't just do it right there. He needed someone...Justin, to help him with his release. It seemed the night would never end. If only he could sleep, then the night would go much faster, but sleep would not come. Speaking of "come," JC lay in the bed softly stroking himself thinking of what would be going on in the next room. Only thoughts of Justin sleeping with Lance came to mind.

He was jealous and wanted to be with Justin. JC knew that Justin cuddled in his sleep; he did it all the time with anyone he slept with. It had happened to him once and Justin had just laughed it off saying that it had happened all the time, but JC had actually liked it, and that was one of the first times that he and Justin had sex. It was great sex. They had lasted all night taking turns giving and receiving. JC didn't know how experienced Justin was, but he played like a pro. Each thrust was a pleasurable moment that nobody had wanted to end. After the sex, they lay in each other's arms, Justin wrapping his arms around JC's body and holding on for what seemed like hours in the night. JC's hand stopped stroking.

His imagination could only think of how Lance was sleeping with Justin: Justin's big, powerful arms wrapped around Lance while sleeping in a spoon position, each wearing a minimal amount of clothing like they usually did when they slept. Lance in loose fitting pajama pants that were easily accessible and Justin in only a pair of boxers. Justin would then slowly move his hands down Lance's chest and stomach and to the waistline of his pants and then beyond...Then Justin would wake up and realize that he had a boner. JC imagined for an instance that he was Lance and thought about how good it would feel if Justin would slowly start to hump him through clothes hugging him tightly and then rubbing his cock against JC's ass softly at first, but then harder and faster. JC could feel Justin's hands all over his body. First at his nipples stroking and rubbing them, and then down his jest to his blue boxers sticking his hands down the material and taking the treasure inside and stroking it.

"Oh yeah..." JC said in his thoughts encouraging Justin to go on.

"Oh Lance," JC heard Justin say.

JC sat up; he was not going to be able to sleep. Questions kept entering his mind like: Why was he always stuck with the straight guys? He had always seemed to be stuck with Joey and Chris all the time, the two straightest guys possible. Not that JC didn't like them, but he just knew that he would have better luck with Justin or Lance to get off with then those two. He didn't think that they knew about the three of them having different sexualities or experimenting with guys, but who knew? What exactly were Justin and Lance really up to and why are they being so secretive about it?

He really wanted to know what had happened in the room tonight. The screaming and the crashing of stuff were too suspicious. Something had happened in there and he needed or wanted to know right away. JC was determined to get up and go to the next room to get the "scoop" when he heard the sound someone pounding on the door and a voice shouting on the other side to open it loud enough for the entire hotel to hear.

Officer Darren Black heard the radio call and called dispatch. "I'm about two blocks away."

"We do not know if the scene is clear, Officer Black. The girl who called is not responding and all we are getting is the voice message of Lukas Johnson, the young man who is believed to have been killed."

"Believed?" Black questioned.

"We do not know, Officer Black. We did not get enough information, for all we know the subject is still at large. Make sure the scene is clear for the medical team. We do not want more than two victims!"

"Roger, that." Black said. "I'm on my way."

Darren hated how the department treated him just because he was the youngest cop. At 22, he was not only young but also very good-looking. Light hair and eyes made him irresistible not only to the ladies but to the guys as well. He liked having a choice in the matter. Months of training as a cop had left Darren hard and solid. He had an impressive body all around: cute face, strong hard body, big muscular arms and powerful legs. He loved to wear tight clothes to show off the muscles in his chest as well ass his package. His package was big and tight and stared right into people's faces when he pulled them over, it was his intimidation. His only downfall was that his face often led people to believe that he was a nice guy. It was hard to have such a cute face and have people take you seriously. He may have a pretty face, but they were not going to mess with the body. It was enough to scare anyone...or let him or her do something get out of trouble or whatever.

To him, Darren thought that being a cop was about compromise, he'd fuck a chick or a frat guy to get them out of a ticket or MIP. It was all part of the game of life. Using that power to him was the greatest thing about being a cop. He wasn't a crooked cop he did his job and worked the streets, but he just liked to do favors and have favors done for him just like any other person. When there was a sex offer, he rarely refused...he liked sex, only if it would be worthwhile, of course. The person had to be sexworthy.

He remembered an incident where a lady had run a red light at nighttime. He was going to give her a ticket, but she had heard about him through friend and took off her shirt in front of him and asked for a favor. Of course he didn't refuse and just fucked her on the roadside by her car. His most memorable experience was when he pulled over a drunken frat boy who was speeding. He pulled him over and the boy just dropped his pants. It was probably the hottest experience Darren had ever had. He never followed up on people; he just liked to fuck them.

He wasn't a complete asshole. Darren was usually a sensitive guy. Most people look at cops the wrong way and think bad things. Few cops were crooked and against the people that he knew of and Darren was definitely for the people! Only few people know the kinds of things that Darren does and they usually come back for more, following the law of course. Some people would even send others his way, so he was always doing a good deed.

Darren's mind snapped back to reality when he came to the house. Two cars were parked in the driveway, a Mazda and a Blazer. He pulled up to the driveway, go out, and pulled out his gun. He was the first to arrive at the scene. His heart was pounding; he should have been concentrating on the case on the way over rather than thinking about sex and tricks. Now he was going to be all hot and bothered and not on his toes, which could prove to be deadly especially in this situation. He peered into the cars and saw nothing just crumpled up papers and books. There was not anything to get too worried about, not a soul even around.

He looked up the drive and noticed that the pane in the kitchen door was broken out. Darren slowly crept up to the door, gun in hand and looked in. He gasped. There was blood everywhere, on the counter on the floor, it was everywhere just a red mess. He wondered how many people had been slaughtered in there. He quickly threw the door open and froze as he stared at the bodies on the floor below him covered in blood.

Joey was sound asleep, peacefully dreaming about a recent concert. The dream was about a concert that they had just been too. They were still warming up to the audience. Everyone was loving them and wanting for them to go on. There were others out in the crowd making it hard for everyone to have fun. Suddenly everyone was screaming his or her dislike toward Nsync. It had not been their best concert or turnout, but it was still fun to go out there. It was something that Joey had just loved doing. During the dream something caused him to wake up and it was a shout had awakened him sometime during the night. Joey sat up in bed. Chris was lying next to him sound asleep wearing a pair of ratty sweats and was all snuggled up and peacefully asleep. Apparently he hadn't heard the shout that had just woke Joey up. He also noticed that JC was not in his bed or anywhere in the room. Was the shout from next door? What was going on?

"Interesting," he said softly.

He got out of his warm bed, adjusted his superman pajamas and smoothed back his red tipped hair and quietly walked to the door. He cautiously opened the door to see if there would be anything around that would surprise him. He looked left and then right, there was nothing out there. Joey then went next door and put his ear to the door so he could hear. All he heard was JC, Justin and Lance talking very loudly. He couldn't make out the exact words they were saying, but he knew that there was some bitterness and sarcasm about something. JC was saying something about checking up on them.

Checking up on them? What? Joey didn't understand what was going on.

Joey never understood those three. JC, Justin and Lance all talked in riddles and said stuff that he never understood. It was their own secret language that no one else knew or understood. He didn't mind much expect that he felt left out sometimes. Those three had seemed to be almost inseparable the last few days. Something had to be going down for these three to have a midnight rendezvous without the others. There was definitely something going on in there tonight and it was definite because of the tones of the conversation that was going on in the room.

He hear the door click and quickly ran back to his room and slipped into bed without realizing that Chris was no longer there. Just as he slipped into the bed, he heard the door open and JC entered the room. He walked over to the bed and stood over him for a second, just starting. Joey played his best at being asleep, he didn't know how long it was, but it was a long time. JC finally went to his own bed, took off his clothes and got in. Joey had no idea what that was all about? Did he just get caught? Was there something that he shouldn't have heard that he did?

All of the questions were pounding in his head for a while, wondering what he could do and what was going on. It was only a few minutes later that the door was being ripped off the hinges and he would get his answers soon.

Katherine didn't know how long she lay on Lukas's body or even realized that she was. She just knew that she was a mess. There was blood all over her, thank goodness none of it hers. It almost looked as though she were the one that was killed instead of her friend. Her face hurt and was swollen from the minutes that she was crying since she got off the phone. She felt kind of weird not knowing whether or not she was lying on her dead friend. How could anyone hurt Lukas? How could Robert do something so horrible? Katherine thought back to the last few days and weeks. There were no episodes of any fighting or arguing between the couple. Robert and Lukas got along; they were the best of friends and lovers. They had everything that any straight or gay couple could ever want. What had happened? What had led to this?

Question after question racked on Katherine's mind. She could not think clearly about what had just happened. She knew thought that she had to stay calm and keep her thoughts together or else everyone else would think that she was the crazy one or even the one that had just killed Lukas. She laughed at the thought. How could anyone think that I could kill Lukas? Katherine looked down at herself covered in blood. Nobody would think that she killed Lukas, would they? After all, she was the one that had called the police...

Just as she was about to get up she heard a voice behind her say, "Freeze." It was the cops. Oh my god, Katherine thought, they are going to come after me, and I wasn't even the one who did it!

Katherine jumped up scared to death. She hadn't expected anyone else to show up just yet. The cops and ambulances in this town were always late and took their time. They were just not dependable. How could they be there this quickly? She was about to turn around and greet the officer and thank him for showing up so quickly when she heard him say in a raspy authoritative voice, "I said freeze and put your hands where I can see them."

Katherine slowly raised her hands to the air. Great, she thought, just great timing for all this crap to happen now. Now he probably thinks it's me. I'm the one covered in all the blood lying on my dead friend. He probably thinks that I was making sure that he was dead.

"Turn around."

Katherine turned around and looked at the cop straight in the face. She was going to let him have it, let him hear every word that was coming to him because he deserved it for being such an ass. She couldn't because he was too gorgeous. Nice soft and friendly blue eyes and a cute face looked back at her. How could this guy be a cop? He was way too cute. Katherine then realized how she looked. Like death herself, blood was dripping all around her and her hair was a mess.

"Are you ok?" He asked. She noticed that he had a nametag that said "Black."

"Yes, Officer Black." Katherine said. "I'm the one that called."

"Dispatch said that no one was answering any calls." Black said.

"Oh..." Katherine stopped and laughed without realizing it. "I broke the phone."

Black looked at the phone that lay on the floor on the other side of the room. It was a goner. "Well we know why you didn't answer. They thought you became a victim too. Is there anyone else here?"

"No, just me."

After searching the house Darren kneeled down in the puddle of blood next to Lukas and checked to see if he indeed was dead. He felt a weak pulse and was surprised. This boy still had a chance to live. "I thought you said he was dead?"

"He's not dead?" Katherine said surprised. "I don't know about that stuff. I would've tried saving him!"

"How did you know to lay him like this?" Darren asked.

"We took a first aid class once. That's all I remembered. That was so long ago." Katherine said.

Darren looked at all the blood on the counter and on the floor. He then noticed the knife that was all bloody and in a corner and Lukas's wrists, which were cut and mutilated. They were both sliced up to the forearm cleanly and quickly. The rest of the body was untouched. No gunshot wounds and no stab wound at all, whatsoever. There was no murder here. Darren was confused. Did Katherine not realize what was going on here? He looked up at her looking down at him. He couldn't believe it. She really thought that he had just been murdered. He shook his head to himself and sighed quietly. It was a matter of minutes before the young man would die.

"We need an ambulance to the scene, ASAP!"

Chris woke up to a bad dream. In his dream Nsync had split up and each of the members had gone his own way. In the dream there was an argument between Lance and JC, which was a surprise. Lance was an easygoing guy and rarely argued with anyone, if at all. They got into a heated debate and Lance left. Then JC left and the entire group just split because of that argument. It was sad to Chris how the media always made "boy bands" look like they were stupid and talent less and that was true with lots of them. He knew in his heart that they were really going to make it huge, better than any other band. They just needed an in and some goodness and he knew that it was going to happen.

Chris realized that neither Joey nor JC were in the room. He sighed, probably on a midnight jerk off session in Justin's room. He had noticed lately that Justin and Lance seemed to be having secrets between themselves. They had a lot to share with each other and not a lot to share with the group. It was just fine with Chris, but he knew that Lance and Justin were in the room fucking like little rabbits, whether they thought he knew or not. Chris wasn't sure if Joey knew about Justin and Lance, but it was all good. Let them do what they want if they want sexually kicks like that. He had just hoped that it wouldn't affect the group in any way. Chris knew that there were careful and tried to make sure that no body else knew about it, but it was bound to be let out of the bag sometime.

He wasn't sure what kind of a role that JC had in all of that. He knew that JC sneaked out of the room a lot to go either spy or join the two, but Chris wasn't too sure about that. He mostly guessed upon that. What confused him now more than anything was what Joey was doing and why was he gone? Joey was as straight as an arrow. He laughed at the idea of Joey joining Justin and JC on the session. At times he wondered about Lance, but usually just shook it off. Yeah Justin and Lance went at it a lot, but were they gay? Justin had his share of women and JC as well, but Lance...was he gay?

He got up and went into the bathroom and washed his face. Then he looked at himself in the mirror. He liked his new look with his hair cut short and his little goatee. He liked the way he looked like that. He wondered if anyone would recognize him at all like that. He smiled. He looked down at his tattered sweat pants that we wore to bed. Everyone gave him a lot of crap about them, but he really liked them. They were really comfortable to sleep in and it was very hard to find comfort anywhere especially when you were on tour and always on the road. He heard Joey rush into the room and fly into the bed and a few minutes later he heard the door open again and JC entered this time. Chris looked into the crack of the bathroom door curious. JC stood at the foot of where Joey was sleeping. Why was JC watching Joey? Before he could make a smart remark, JC stripped down to his blue boxers and got back into his own bed.

A few minutes later, there was someone pounding on the door. Chris walked out of the bathroom and to the door. Just as he opened it Justin popped into the room.

"Guys! Guys!! Get up! Something's wrong with Lance!!"

Four members of Nsync flew out of the room in a flash.

Lukas lay in ER totally unaware of what was going on around him. He lay bound to the hospital bed both wrists bandaged with white gauze, the room around him was white and people were running around frantically.

It was just a normal night in everyone's life...

Katherine sat in the hospital room sad and confused. She sat clean and showered in a bed in one of those awful gowns. How could Lukas do this to himself? She just found out after she came out of the shower that it was not a murder attempt by Robert only Lukas committing suicide. She had talked to the nurse about what went on during that day. The nurse was confused when Katherine was talking about murder, because she had bandaged the boy's wrists herself. She told Katherine about it and she had broke down and was crying frantically. She was ordered a shot to calm her down and so now she sat calm and confused.

Lukas was gone in Intensive Care getting fluids, bandaged, recuperating...whatever they did in Intensive care. Katherine had wanted to go and see him, but the nurse told her that it would not be a good idea at that time to go and see Lukas. He just didn't look too good at all and it would make things more difficult on both of them. Katherine just sat there and thought.

Katherine knew that Lukas had just been through a lot. Everything form Mel and Tom and now to Robert leaving him after a year of being together. She had known from Robert that it had been one year since Mel's death. A guy that had been obsessed with both Lukas and Mel killed her and left her to die. Lukas was the only one that had stayed with her and apparently watched his own best friend die in front of his eyes while everyone else partied on inside the club. It was one of the worst things that Katherine had ever heard of. Lukas and Mel both had been outcasts, which were fine, but to just continue partying...

Katherine was sad to hear this entire story coming from Robert. Robert and her had lots of long, good talks about what had happened in the past; Lukas never really liked to talk about it. He knew that Robert had told her most things and it didn't bother him. He thought it was kind of good, because at least she had a glimpse into his life and he didn't have to talk about it.

It was also supposed to be the day that Tom was going to be released from jail. Robert told her this as well. Apparently Lukas and Tom had something going on for a long time. Lukas was just too scared and ashamed to admit to anyone that they had been doing sexually things together. Lukas just wanted to fit in so he kept his mouth shut. When it came to Tom hurting Mel, it all stopped and that was about the time that Lukas's life became more miserable. After Mel was killed Tom was sentenced to a jail term that had been reduced and then parole for good behavior. It was not the best day for anyone.

"Fuck, I guess anything's possible today!" Katherine sighed.

The door to her room opened and a nurse came in.

"Time for your shot."

Katherine turned around and let the nurse jab the needle in her ass.

"Get some sleep."

Katherine lay back into the pillows and slowly fell into a deep sleep. The last things he remembered was the nurse taking her temp and writing some things in her chart before walking out of the room.

Katherine slept.

The four flew into the room where Lance was in and went to where he lay. He was unconscious and blood was coming out of his mouth and nose like Justin said, but there was not a lot of it and there was nothing wrong with the eyes like Justin kept going on about.

JC took charge right away. "Joey, call an ambulance, tell them where we are. Send him to St. Luke's, it's the best hospital around here." Joey ran back to his room for the phone.

"Chris, call Dr. Chen and have him meet us at St. Luke's," JC ordered. "We want a second opinion just in case of legal matters." Chris picked up Justin's cell phone on the bedside and dialed.

"Justin," JC looked at Justin's face. "Watch Lance. I'm going to call our lawyer just for legal stuff, just because it's us. Everything will be fine. He's going to be ok." JC looked into Justin's eyes with a look of fear and care. Justin knew that it would be ok as long as JC told him it was.

Justin looked sadly at the body of Lance that lay on the floor. He was so worried about his friend and had no idea what to do. He didn't know CPR or First Aid; people at the concerts were paid for that stuff. His friend lay helpless and hurt because of his ignorance and he had no what to do.

Joey flew back in an instance and noticed that everyone was busy except for Justin. He looked down at Lance's body as thought it was a foreign object, something he didn't recognize or know. He had never seen Lance so struck down and helpless before, it was a different thing for him to see. For a quick instance, Joey thought that maybe there was a fight and that Justin had knocked Lance onto the floor, but that thought quickly left his head when he saw just how sad Justin was about the entire thing.

Justin knelt down next to Lance and took his hand in his own and squeezed it hard. Joey could see tears coming to Justin's eyes. It was the hardest thing that Joey had seen in a long time, to see a guy like Justin upset at the fact his friend is hurt. It was very emotional. It was strange to see a guy cry, but when the group is close things sometimes get difficult. Joey went over toward Justin.

"They're on their way," he said quietly.

Justin looked at Joey with sad eyes. "Joey, I don't know what would happen if we lost Lance, I don't even know what's wrong with him."

Joey knelt down beside Justin and gave him a hug. "Lance will be ok, everything will be fine."

Justin let go of Lance's hand and wrapped his arms around his buddy, Joey, and the tears fell fast from his eyes and down his face. His arms tightened as he cried. Joey did the best he could to console Justin through this. He had never seen Justin so upset during their time together. It was almost a scary thing for him to see.

JC came up to them and said. "I called the lawyers, they will be on their way to the hospital as well, for legal stuff."

Justin broke away from Joey ignoring JC, and sat by Lance's head running his fingers through the fine hair. Blood was pooling by the young man's head and matting the hair that lay in it. Justin didn't seem to mind, he sat humming softly and slowly, upset at the situation.

Joey answered JC. "Why the lawyers?"

"Do you really have to ask, Joey?" JC asked. "We have to make sure that nothing happens to us. We are famous enough that people might try to hurt us to make a story and we want Lance safe from all that crap. Chris is supposed to talk to Dr. Chen to make sure that Lance will be alright."

"Got him," Chris called back to them. "He said he'd be at St. Luke's as soon as he possibly could."

"Great," JC said. "Now we just wait."

He looked over at Justin sitting quietly next to Lance wondering if everything would be the same ever again.

Lukas didn't know if he was dreaming or not. Everything in his mind seemed foggy and unreal like a dream, but he didn't know whether or not to trust his instincts or listen to his mind to know what was really going on. His mind was playing tricks, but he didn't know how to prove that it was. Were the things that he saw reality or were they things that would soon be reality? Lukas wished that he could decipher the clues in his dreams, but he knew that these "dreams" would soon come about into reality as if it were a psychic dream.

Lukas was looking into a room. It looked like a nice hotel room; there was a king sized bed, a bar, and even a Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. He wandered around looking at the room inspecting it for clues as to who was occupying the room. Nothing really jumped out as to anyone he knew that was in the room at all. Nice clothes in the closet hung neatly and organized by shirt, pant and sweater; clothes folded nicely in the drawers; and items neatly placed in the bathroom. Whoever it was, planned to stay in the room for a while because suitcases were stored in the closet like they weren't going to be used for a while. Besides, nobody could keep a room that clean and organized and not be staying for a while. Lukas was curious whose world he had just stepped into.

The door flew open. Two bodies entered the room laughing and talking about nothing in particular. Lukas recognized the two guys as Justin and Lance from Nsync. He wondered what he was doing in their room. Whatever the reason, it seemed that they didn't know Lukas was present in the room with them. It was a weird experience being in a room with people and they not know that you are there. Justin and Lance went about taking off their clothes and changing into new ones as though they were the only ones in the room. The weird thing was that they were the only ones in the room. Lukas didn't know what was going on. Was this a dream? Or was he looking into the past or future?

The scene quickly changed from Lance and Justin changing clothes to Lance and Justin in bed. Apparently the night was over and the two were going to go to bed. Lukas didn't understand why the two were sleeping together. Were they together? What was going on with this group? Did the other guys know about it? He was distraught. Why did he even care? It was only a dream that he was looking at, right?

Lukas watched the two guys in bed. The lights had dimmed and the two lay in bed talking. Lukas could not make out any words in the conversation, but he knew that it was important by the looks on both Justin's and Lance's faces. Without any warning Justin grabbed Lance and pulled him into a kiss. It was long and passionate and lustful, clothes quickly got lost and then...the two disappeared. Lukas was confused. What was going on? Why was he seeing all of this?

A light went on in the bathroom. There was nobody else in the room, why was the light going on? Curiosity got the best of Lukas and he walked toward the light to the bathroom interested in what he would find. When he walked into the bathroom there was not a soul in sight. Nothing in there showed that a person had even been in there recently, only the sign of the light being on. The room was empty not a towel or even a shower curtain decorated the empty room. It was like going into a house that nobody lived in anymore. It was spooky and weird.

The water in the shower sprayed on without warning making Lukas jump. There was nobody in the bathroom to turn on the water. It was starting to get weird. Steam filled the room making the mirror mist. Lukas went to the shower and turned off the water, and then he walked to the mirror. He stared at it for the longest time wondering what was going on, and what had brought him there. He then wiped the condensation off the mirror and gasped.

Lance Bass stared back at him. His green eyes looked sad and lonely and his blonde spiked hair was limp and messy looking. Lance looked like he was having a rough time with something. His lips began to move and Lukas tried to make out what he said.

"Lukas..." Lukas heard Lance whisper his name.

It was the first sound that Lukas had heard through this entire dream sequence. It was a strange feeling hearing Lance, a total stranger, whisper his name, almost as though he knew him personally, like a close friend.

"Lukas, I need you. Let me find you."

Lukas strained to listen to Lance's soft voice. Curious as to why he was trying to contact him.

"What do you want?" Lukas finally asked.

Lance looked straight into Lukas's dark eyes. "I want to find you. Let me find you and your problems will be solved."

Lukas laughed. "Solved, huh? Glad you can make it all better."

Lance's eyes turned bright yellow, evil looking. Lukas jumped fearing that he had pissed Lance off, and somewhere around him glass broke. Then Lance's handsome face started to twist out of shape and blood ran from his nose and mouth and dripped onto the counter creating a pool. Lukas stared at the horror in front of him, shocked at what he saw.

Then the mirror broke into a thousand pieces and a hand came out grabbing Lukas's throat...

Lukas screamed.

Lukas jumped up in his hospital bed confused at his surroundings. He was in a white room with no color to spark his interests at all. It was boring and dull and Lukas was wondering what he was doing in there. His head hurt, his face hurt and his wrists...

He looked at his bandaged wrists and everything came back to him quickly. Mel, Tom, and Robert...He was depressed. He had wanted everything to end. He wondered who had found him and who had brought him to this awful room. He wanted to get up and walk around, but he was bound to the bed. The room itself seemed child proof. The chairs were bolted to the floor and all closets and drawers were locked. Even the bathroom door had a lock on it. It was a very strange room as though it were meant for him not to get hurt. The bed was even made of plastic with no sharp edges. Apparently the doctors didn't want Lukas to try again at any cost.

Tears came to Lukas's eyes. He didn't really want to kill himself. He just wanted to know why his life was so crappy and wanted the pain to stop. Why had he had so much bad luck in his life? Why couldn't he have a normal life? Was it because he was gay? Lukas had a feeling because he was gay, his life was slowly going to come to an end. Thoughts of his friend Mel came to his mind and tears ran down his face.

"Mel, where are you?" he said aloud.

"She's gone Lukas."

The voice came out of nowhere scaring Lukas.

"Who's there." He called out.

"It's me, Lukas."

Lukas looked up. It was Katherine. She looked like crap. She was wearing a hospital gown and looked as though she had been crying for a long time. Her eyes were swollen and her hair messed up. She usually presented herself really good and hardly ever looked bad. This was a surprise to Lukas.

"What happened to you?" Lukas asked.


"What?" Lukas was confused.

"I came to your house to look for you, Lukas and I found you." Katherine talked softly. "I thought you were dead. It was scary, Lukas. I didn't know what to do. You looked awful and I didn't' know what to do. I didn't know."

"Don't worry, Katherine." Lukas said softly. "I'm here now. How bad do I look? I feel like shit."

Katherine laughed quietly. "Surprisingly good."

"Why all the bandages and bondage?" Lukas asked.

"You broke your nose and cut your lip when you fell." Katherine said. "I guess they don't want you trying to hurt yourself again, so they strapped you down and put you in the "recovery" room."

"Great. How long before I get better and get the straps off?"

"Hmmm. Doctors say you will leave here pretty soon, but I think they want you to see a counselor." Katherine said. "In fact, I think that you have to see a counselor. I was talking to the cops and they said that attempted suicide could be classified as attempted murder in the state of Idaho. So, if you don't go to counseling you could go to jail."

"Great." Lukas said. "Who knows? Maybe it'll help me."

"You were screaming before you woke up. What were you dreaming?"

Lukas thought for a moment. "Before I tell you that, untie the straps so I can sit up and chat with you."

Katherine untied the straps while Lukas talked. "It was the weirdest thing. You know who Nsync is, right?"

"Yeah, that boy band." Katherine said knowingly.

"Well, the dream was about me watching Nsync." Lukas sat up.

Katherine laughed. "Pervert."

"No," Lukas said with a smile. "Not like that. I was like watching a day in the life of."

Katherine smiled waiting for him to go on.

"This is what happened..."

Lance opened his eyes. He lay in a hospital bed. He was hooked up to a machine that was monitoring his heart and an IV. He sat up looking at his surroundings. It was a single, private room with only one bed and some machines. There was a bathroom in one corner and Justin lay on a chair in another corner. Lance smiled. He wondered how long Justin had been sitting in the room. He looked really cute sleeping. He had his legs hugged up to his chest and looked peaceful and innocent. His hair was a little messy and he had changed into a pair of loose fitting Calvin Klein's and a wife beater shirt. Lance could see the tight muscles of Justin's arms hugging his legs and felt turned on. He wanted to take Justin up on his offer and see what it would be like to have sex with one of the hottest boy band members.

Lance sighed. He thought about what had brought him to the hospital. The last thing that he remembered was arguing with Justin about JC and then...what? He couldn't remember what had happened to him. Lance thought that he felt all right. He didn't hurt anywhere. He was just there. It was a strange feeling. He just knew that it had something to do with the guy he kept seeing in his dreams and everywhere else.

Outside the window it had rained a little bit, cooling the air some. It was a nice morning and the sun was beginning to rise out of the sky. The hospital looked almost peaceful and quiet. The rays of the sun caught the name of the hospital: St. Luke's. Lance heart raced.

He didn't understand. Why was he getting emotional over the name of the hospital? Lance's breathing grew heaving and fast, he started hyperventilating, not getting enough air. The machine that he was hooked up to started beeping loudly.

"What's going on?" Lance thought to himself.

The loud noise woke Justin up from his little nap. He jumped out from the chair and flew to where Lance lay. Just as he got there the beeping stopped and Lance began to breathe normally again.

"What's the matter, Lance?" Justin asked. "You are scaring me man."

"I'm fine, Just." Lance said. "I just forgot where I was for a sec."

Justin breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're ok. You scared the shit out of everyone. They don't even know what happened to you. Do you remember anything?"

"The last thing I remember is you and I arguing." Lance said slowly. "I don't know what happened after that."

"You began to bleed out of your nose and mouth and then your eyes were doing some weird fucked up shit. They changed colors and started glowing." Justin shuddered remembering what had happened. "Doctors don't know why you started bleeding. They said that you are ok and that nothing was the matter.

I have a feeling that weird shit is going down."

"Remember how I was telling you about that guy, that I had a dream about?" Lance asked.


"His name is Luke...Lukas I think." Lance said.

"How do you know?" Justin asked with obvious interest in his eyes.

"I saw the name of the hospital and it came to me."

"Is that why you started getting all weird? Is it this guy you keep seeing?" Justin was intrigued.

"I think so, Just." Lance said. "I think that he's trying to send a message to me. I don't know what he wants or what he is doing, but it seems that I am some kind of link to something."

"That is so weird, Lance." Justin looked at him. "What are you going to do?"

"I am going to find him, Justin." Lance was determined. "I am going to find him and see why he's been trying to contact me."

"Sounds like an idea." Justin said. "I have one question for you."


"That night that you were looking at the stars. What exactly did you wish?"

"I wanted to find the love of my life." Lance said. "Someone that I could be with forever."

"Maybe you are getting your wish." Justin said. "Maybe that's why you keep getting these signals. Maybe Lukas is the one for you."

Lance sat and thought about what Justin had just said. It made a lot of sense to him. Maybe that is why he kept seeing the guy everywhere he went. "That's sounds like what's going on."

"I'll help you, Lance." Justin said. "That's what I'm here for."

Justin sat on the side of Lance's bed and took his hand in his. He rubbed his thumb on Lance's hand feeling the heat and friction. Lance looked into Justin's eyes and could see just how much he cared about him. Justin leaned in and kissed Lance on the lips. It was a quick kiss, but it was punched with a lot of feeling and emotion. Lance knew exactly how Justin felt about him. He would do anything for him because they were great friends.

"Thanks Justin for everything. When do I get out of here?"

"Today, if Dr. Chen could pull some strings."

Lance was surprised. Dr. Chen was their personal doctor that they called up when anything happened. "Dr. Chen is here?"

Justin laughed. "No, he's gone now. He came over to check up on you. He said that you were just fine, but probably needed rest. We've been really busy and you are on a high stress level. That's what he thinks anyway."

Lance smiled. "I have an idea on how to find Lukas."

Justin was surprised. "Oh?"

"I am going to start my own agency. I am going to find an excuse to make Lukas famous."

"Sounds good, Lance." Justin was happy that Lance was excited about something. He just hoped that he wasn't getting way over his head.

"I am going to find him as soon as I can. Maybe all of these dreams will stop when I find him."

Justin smiled. He knew that Lance was himself and that everything was going to be just fine.

JC looked into Lance's room through the small window on the door. Just as he looked in he saw Justin lean down and kiss Lance right on the lips and was holding his hand. JC was surprised. He wondered what was going on between the two of them. They looked like they were plotting something big.

He had a strange feeling come over him. It was almost like jealousy. Was he jealous that Justin was moving in on Lance? He and Justin had shared a lot and he wondered if that was going to come to an end soon. He needed to do something so JC walked into the room. Just as he walked in, Justin's hand quickly disappeared from sight.

JC walked to the bed and gave Lance a hug. "How are you doing, buddy?"

"Just great." Lance said. "When do I leave?"

"As soon as the doctor comes back," JC said. "He's talking to Chris and Joey now. He told us that you needed to rest and relax a lot. Keep the stress level down."

Lance smiled. He had big plans and knew that everything was going to be just fine.

"That is some weird shit, Lukas." Katherine said. "Maybe it's a sign. Maybe he's supposed to be like your soul mate or something. That's just freaky. Or maybe you are just under a lot of stress and that you dreamed something weird because of the meds."

Lukas smiled. "Maybe it is my sign. The night I met Robert, I wished that I would find the guy of my dreams. The guy I would spend my entire life with. I thought that Robert was that guy." Lukas face grew solemn. "Now I know its not, maybe Lance..."

"So what do you think he meant when he said that he wanted to find you and solve your problems?" Katherine asked. "It must be a good thing, because when you laughed, you just pissed him off."

"Maybe after he finds me, I'll be ok." Lukas said. "Maybe I'll be well and forget all my stuff ever happened."

It was Katherine's turn to smile. "Well, if you hook up with this guy, I want to meet Justin Timberlake."

"Deal." Lukas said. "Though, by the looks of it, Justin is already taken."

Katherine laughed. "Well then, I guess you are going to have some competition."

From that moment on, Lukas knew that everything was going to be just fine.

To be continued...

Thanks to all of you who have sent me comments. I really like and appreciate them. As always my line is open if you want to chat:

Hope to talk to you soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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