Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Apr 28, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 30

The following morning was a repeat of the faux morning sex of the previous days. Michael pulled me aside during the show to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?"

"Letting Shik and I have some alone time together as you did yesterday and I sense you will again today. That alone time is hard to come by and he is precious to me."

"Hard I am sure, and he is precious." I winked.

Punching my arm with a laugh he said "He is special to me like Robin is to Idris and you are to Gwydion."

"And Sprite, or Marcus as he is properly called."

"I prefer Sprite," Michael smirked "it speaks more of his nature."

"Me too."

"You do realize you are going to have to explain this bizarre relationship to us, and that means Robin and Idris too, at some point?"

I shrugged saying "as soon as we know, you will know."

Just then Lillian let out her morning shriek and a few minutes later both she and I were gone. I stopped by the kitchens again to pick up something for breakfast and it was clear Mandragora's and Ceres gossip had gotten around. One of the kitchen maids sidled up to me and asked "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That Lady Lillian is pregnant and the baby will come early."

I shrugged while trying to contain a laugh, "how should I know? That is a woman thing; I'd know nothing of that."

"But you are Lord Mountview's Squire, you must know everything." She seemed put out.

"The only thing I know is they make an awful lot of noise at night like two cats in heat. They can't seem to keep their hands off each other from the sounds coming out after the doors are closed." The girl beamed, now she had her own dirt to spread. I believe I made her day.

After I left her I trotted to the swimming hole. My lance leaking and stiff in a combination of need, desperation, and desire. I was dripping all over my legs with the anticipation. In the crook of one arm I held breakfast, in the other I held the loincloths I had from Ceres. As I ran I thought on what we three were. Was it strange? Yes. Was it what it was? Yes. Was it magic? Who cared. Maybe we were making this all up in our minds. Whatever the reason I knew I was exploding in anticipation of seeing my loves. Magic and confused destiny be damned! I was to see two people I could not be without. Just seeing them would be enough (sex would be better, but seeing would be enough, and I stress the "enough"). My lance was so hard as it bounced and pounded my belly, smearing and spattering its lubrication over my belly, I had managed to strip in anticipation as I ran, juggling my burdens all the while.

I did not care, I wanted my lovers. I wanted to feel and hold them, be inside them and them in me. This was not coupling for lust or sport, this really was coupling for love and I thought at last I had come to believe in it in a way I never had before. Prior to them it had been about attraction, or lust, or nature taking its course. Whatever perceived magic there might be in a witchy, druidy, way I put no stock in. This was my heart beating for my lovers, my boys and that was enough magic of its own. Dreams be damned, they were just dreams in the night and this was daytime, it was life, it was spring becoming summer, and the two most beautiful boys in the world, who I cared for beyond just sex, were waiting for me.

There is nothing that will bring down ebullience and joy faster than tears which is what I found when I hit the swimming hole, almost naked except for my shoes. I had torn off my tunic running through the graveyard eager with anticipation. What I found was Gwydion cuddling a sobbing Sprite. What could be wrong? I dashed to them and slipped on the wet morning grass in front of them making quite a fool of myself. They gave up their mutual tears to laugh, which gave me joy. I was with THEM again; I could not care less what sort of fool I made of myself if it restored their smiles.

"What is wrong Sprite?" I asked while trying to right myself and tangling in the food and tunic I carried. They both laughed, so I made the clown and trying to rise confused all things even more; which made them laugh harder (it helped I was trained by my Da in the arts of the fool). I could live on their laughter as individuals, but together the sound was better than the most lustful tunes of a talented bard.

"Marcus returned to Malificant last night and had some news." Laughed Gwydion as I did a pratfall into Sprite's groin with my face. They were both naked prepared to swim. At the touch of my face Sprite's lance rose to the occasion.

"It is not serious Bug. Malificant simply told me we would be journeying with you and Idris instead of remaining here. I thought I would lose you for a time, now it is not you but Gwydion I will be loosing!" He exclaimed.

"Nonsense! You are not loosing either of us, we will simply be separated for a time. Think of it as the ultimate in anticipation strain. We can still pleasure ourselves with each other and others for fun. It will not be the same as the three of us, but it will be a fine time nonetheless, and Gwydion will have Michael, Shik and the barn twins..." at that point Gwydion leaned in and kissed me.

"Thank you" he said. "This is all so new I was not sure..."

"Nonsense," I sat upright. "Let us all be clear;! Sex is wonderful, it is natural, it is fun. What we have goes beyond that. BUT; that does not mean we should not satisfy our urges when the opportunity arises, else we will die of anger and frustration. Release is a need of the body, love, I am learning goes beyond that; but release is necessary." I paused to look at their two stought and leaking members. I licked my lips in want but had to finish my speech.

"The Christians are starting to say that boys and boys, and men and boys, is a wrong thing. I say no. But we must be cautious or we will either burn or hang in their communities. What we have is a golden bond that takes us beyond play. Call it love, magic, destiny, what you will. We are together and it is beyond sex when we are together. I pledge my life to the two of you for I do not know how I could live without either of you and see nothing wrong with that."

"I agree," said Gwydion with a leer as he lowered his head to my crotch and swallowed me. Oh! His lips were like the tender kiss of a dragon on my sword. I almost shot bolts at the first touch of them to my piss slit, while two lovely fingers penetrated my arse, seeking the nut hidden inside.

"Tell us of Malificant" I urged as I bent to take Sprite into my mouth while still being serviced myself.

"He, ungh" his legs kicked out solidly as I sucked him I and fondled his bollocks. I murmured a nod of serious agreement around his shaft as I licked and gulped them into my mouth. My word, was there ever a boy as sweet as him? "He is the eldest, bar one, and was, oooh! Kicked out of France because of his predilection for young boys. Augh!" He was writhing to my ministrations which I soon matched as I felt Gwydion's fingers finding and massaging the treasure they sought.

"They are very rich and give him a great allowance. But they are Christians and, while they do not care about his tastes, the Church does and so he has been exiled until he can produce an heir and a wife. Ngh! Um! Ork! I'm...."

Recognizing the signs, I pulled off just as Gwydion's fingers pulled out of me. "Tell us more," I teased.

Sprite continued as I moved down to his hole and buried my mouth there wrapping his legs around my neck. He writhed and let out many grunts before gasping as my tongue penetrated him. "Augh! He likes hairless boys before they can come. He likes to teach them. Ungh! Has no interest in women. So long as his chests of money arrive and he stays away from his father and family all are happy. He said, OH! Please fuck me Bug! That he will never go home and will never find a wife. That is why he came to Brittania, he is a nice man and tortured by his exile. Yes!"

The last was screamed in joy as, moving his legs to my shoulders, I pushed my lance into him. I echoed his joy as Gwydion was penetrating me at the same time. That strange intensity was back. I have been penetrated while penetrating before and it is always enjoyable, but that "something" which connected specifically us made our joining so much more overpowering than any previous experience such joining.

As was to become usual for us the first coupling after a separation was relatively quick and desperate. Our need for each other, which we did not yet fully understand, made us need to release quickly. The sight of Sprite's morning come splashing his face and the grass above his head coupled with the clenching of his arse ring set me off, and the clenching of mine launched Gwydion who shot so hard I felt his milk might very well blow out of my nose.

We fell back a bit to collect ourselves in the morning sun until Gwydion indicated he'd like both of us to return the favor of mounting. There was enough come dribbling from myself and Sprite and we used that to slick up his arse, even if he didn't need it as he was still oiled from the previous night's games.

Gwydion's eyes bugged out. "Holy Shite!" He squealed as we entered him together "that feels sensational, far better than the oil we usually use." Perhaps we should save our come for future use, I thought then disregarded it as it probably would not keep and would deprive us of the pleasure of licking each other clean. Still, it was something to keep in mind for the future.

Pushing into Gwydion together never seemed to lessen as an experience. The feel of Sprite's hard lance against mine, easing in to the same tight warm hole, lubricated by the juice of all three of us was exciting enough; but the strange energy of our connection enhanced everything for all of us. Gwydion's head was lolled back and his eyes rolled as he moaned and salivated while he rode us. His lance bounced against his belly and was soon erupting in a veritable fountain of come which sprayed everywhere. The feel of his arse tightening, and the pleasure of being splattered by Gwydion's essence set Sprite and I off at the same time with both of us crying out in ecstasy.

Sadly we all had a busy day in front of us so we quickly washed each other with the soap I had brought. That of course led to more play, but we restrained ourselves to a mutual handling of each other's weapons until our milk spit into the stream to be carried away. On leaving the stream Gwydion instructed us on how to wrap ourselves in the loincloths. Sprite and I both found them most confining and uncomfortable, but at least they would protect us from unwanted future embarrassment.

"You know," Gwydion said as we pulled our tunics on, "if we clothe the outlaws only in loincloths, at least for the summer, it might help keep them from trying to escape." Sprite and I thought this a capital idea.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cor. I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. I have eliminated anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: thees, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 31

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