Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Apr 7, 2022



By: Sile

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 24

We got to the swimming hole and tethered our horses then stripped off our garments to stand naked and hard, staring each other in the eye. Think we made it to the water? Not a chance, we were on each other like animals rapidly flattening the grassy bank. Gwydion had me on my willing back faster than you can spit. Burying himself deep into me as we noisily ran our hands over each other, our lips on the attack for any body part they could reach. He entered me and I relished every thrust of his passionate lance until mine exploded as I felt him spew up to my heart.

Without pause we reversed position, our lances never wilting, and I returned the favor with equal passion. Gwydion had just spattered all over his face and body, his arse contractions causing me to let fly inside of him when we were interrupted.

"Ahem, uh, lads?" Our heads snapped around to see who had caught us to find Idris standing just feet away, one hand under his tunic obviously stroking himself. I did not have to ask if he liked what he saw. We both blushed and stumbled to our feet, swety, comey messes. "I was concerned where you could be and Maq thought you might be needing a bath on returning from Mountview, so I thought to look here."

"I cannot imagine why he would think that!" I scratched my head and gave him a mischievous, puzzled, grin and a wink.

Idris laughed saying "neither can I. Though I daresay Mandragora won the bet."

"Bet?" Both Gwydion and I asked at the same time.

"Oh yes, it has been all over the castle between the men and even some of the women as to the number of days before Gwydion finally gave in. I dare say Agatha probably gave her some help on the prediction though." I was stunned, apparently other people had their own sight if not insight.

I was even more shocked when Idris stepped over to Gwydion and took the stinky and bewildered boy in his arms saying "welcome to the family Gwydion. I have spoken to Maq who will now take all his evening meals in the hall, as will you, only you will dine at the Squire's table."

Releasing the stunned boy he went back to unconcernedly stroking himself under his tunic "Now you two need to wash up and get up to the Castle as it is almost supper time."

"Um, Sir Idris?"

"Yes Gwydion?"

"Before you go shouldn't we help you with that terrible itch you seem to be scratching?" Gwydion gave me a wink and a smile. This was a great relief to me as it indicated he was as interested in fun and games with others, and more than one at once, as I am. Of course, even if we were not two pees from the same pod we were from the same stalk; so I suppose I should not have been surprised.

Idris beamed "I was hoping you would offer." `

In two shakes of a lance the two of us were on our knees and under Idris' tunic attacking his eager, dripping weapon. He was very hard and dripping. Having been there before I nodded at Gwydion to have his first taste. His brows bounced in gratitude as he lapped up the drool then immediately began to suckle my master, first taking in the bellend before sucking in the entire shaft. I was impressed!

For my part I was engulfing Idris' bollocks with my mouth relishing the salty, manly, smell surrounding them. I knew him and as he had been stroking while watching us he was already quite excited. He was very close, and while normally I would liked to have drawn things out, we were short on time. So in the interests of expediency I reached around the man's firm buttocks and pushed a finger in his hole, going straight for the berry.

"Oh God!" we heard above us and Idris' legs began to quiver as he relieved himself with bolt after bolt, at least three I think, judging by the flexing of his arse around my finger. When Idris stopped shaking Gwydion pulled off his lance which I lapped clean before being pulled into a lovely come sharing kiss. So thoughtful of Gwydion to share.

We came out from under the tunic to look up at a smiling Idris who said "what a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Thank you lads, now hurry and clean up, no more fooling about either. I will see you back at the Castle." He slapped our rumps playfully as we stood and turned toward the river, not leaving until he saw us in the water. I am sure he was hoping it would cool our ardor.

We mainly swam around and Gwydion turned out to be as much of a fish as I am proclaiming how much he loved the water. I wished we had soap, but then we would have washed each other which would probably have led to other things. We climbed out and lay on the bank to dry off, deliberately not touching each as we knew what would happen.

"Is this driving you as crazy as it is me?" He asked referring to the frustration of not being able to be going at each other.

"Absolutely." I bit my lip before saying "I think I may be in love with someone else too, just didn't realize it because the whole time I've been here I haven't really had anyone on my mind except you, and him when I'm not thinking about you. But when you said you were in love with someone else it made me realize..."

"It makes sense," Gwydion interrupted. "I had my boy before you got here. Then when you arrived, you were all I thought about."

"It is strange eh, what we have is so weird yet right. We need to talk about it more." I said.

"True, but not now, we have to get back." We both rose and sighed in admiration of each other's naked bodies before dressing and gathering the horses.

Gwydion knew a shortcut back to the Castle and as we rode (thankfully the come had dried on our saddles) he asked. "What's it like dining in the Great Hall and at the Squire's table?"

I chuckled saying "You are going to love it, just don't drop your knife. It comes with obligations."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out." I chuckled again, certain he was going to love the meal. He reached over and cuffed my head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Keeping secrets." He smiled playfully.

Just then we passed the enclosure where the surviving outlaws were being held. They looked pretty miserable. I would too if I did not know what my fate was going to be. Castlemount was putting off hanging them as he was looking for someone who might buy them instead for a salt mine or something. An earlier idea came back to me and I mentioned it to Gwydion.

"There aren't many of them but do you think they could be put to work raising Mountview?"

He considered it for a moment before shrugging "I don't see why not. They look strong enough and I am sure they would prefer that fate to a noose."

"Mention it to Maq and I'll do the same with Idris. This is going to be a big job and labor is expensive."

On reaching the stables we were greeted by the twin stable boys. I knew Gwydion had dabbled with them as had I one afternoon when I had some time. It dawned on me I didn't know their names and honestly could not tell them apart.

"Oooh, you two really do look like twins. Twins with twins, that could be lots of fun!" He beamed, then licked his lips and gave his crotch a quick squeeze.

"You two are incorrigible." Admonished Gwydion.

"Incorrigible or insatiable?" The boy winked. Just then his twin who was unsaddling our mounts took in a deep breath and let out a great sigh, drawing our attention.

"Oh my, smells like someone had a good ride!" He exclaimed. The little runt had been sniffing the saddles we had leaked over. "If you'd like another we're available."

Both of us blushing I said "Perhaps another time, we're late as it is." We made our escape quickly scurrying out of the stable where we leaned against each other and burst out laughing. The contact sent that lightening through us and we quickly drew apart. Looking at each other knowing how much we wanted to but couldn't.

"Those two are impossible!" Exclaimed Gwydion.

"Impossibly insatiable you mean." I responded stealing the twin's words as we began the short walk to the Hall.

"I wonder if my boy will be here tonight?" Gwydion thought out loud "I don't know if I mentioned he is a Squire like you."

"Really?" I asked as we entered the Hall "So is mine, who is he?"

Before he could answer there was an excited cry of "Gwydion! Jack!" from across the Hall. We both looked to see who it was and smiled.

"Sprite!" I responded with a grin.

"Marcus!" Gwydion responded with a grin.

Suddenly the truth dawned on us.

"Yours?" Asked Gwydion.

"Yours?" I responded with a nod.

Further thought was impossible as Sprite slammed into us, in a great mutual hug. If touching Gwydion cause lightening bolts the connection of Sprite to us was a veritable thunderstorm. I thought things were complicated before!

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. I have eliminated some anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: these, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 25

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