Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Oct 20, 2007


Here we go on part 68. 68 chapters! Who would have known! Anyway, you're not here to read me blather on so onward!

This is a work of complete and utter fiction. (This utter not udder so don't have a cow.) This author knows nothing of NSYNC's real life, well back then at least. Hell, not even now. We all know Lance was gay back then but didn't act on it but anyone else being gay is just the authors twisted imagination.

Read on!

Oops, yes there will be descriptions of gay sex so if you're underage or offended by two hot guys getting it on stop reading now.

Now read on!

"What a fag."

"Lance!" JC sounded hurt.

"Wearing pink to the Pride parade."

JC turned back to the mirror and adjusted his collar, "I like pink. I think I look good in pink. It takes a real man to wear pink."

Lance put his arms around JC's waist, "You look good in anything and you look even better out of everything."

"I am not going to the parade naked no matter how much you want to show me off."

"I'm not even thinking about it." Lance leered, "Okay, now I am thinking about it. But I know better. You sunburn so easily and I can't stand the idea of not being able to touch you for days."

"It happened to both of us once remember. Our first time having sex out by the pool and we fell asleep after."

"Yes, and I don't want a repeat. Red skin and blue balls is NOT pretty."

"Remind me to get the umbrella just in case."

"Let's not go that far. Besides I want to be seen."

JC turned around and slipped his arms around Lance. "You'll make me so proud."

"Hey, I'm proud of both of us, all of us. Ah, hell I'm just proud."

"It is Pride."

"Yeah, but this is just a weekend. I'm proud of you twenty-four/ seven."

JC kissed Lance, "Come on. We'd better get over to Justin's."

"I bet Peter is bouncing off the walls."

JC smiled, "I bet he is, too."

Peter walked to the window and looked out. He sighed and walked away.

Justin patted the couch next to him. "Peter, sit."

"I want to see when they drive in."

"They'll ring the door bell."

"We can save them getting out of the car."

"Peter, sit."

"I'll be sitting soon enough."

"And a good thing too. We'll be in cars but you have been pacing the room so much you must have walked the whole parade route at least once already."

Peter forced himself to sit on the couch. "What can I say? I'm excited."

Justin gave Peter a nudge. "I thought I tired you out this morning."

"Not today, Justin. I still can't believe this."

"You've been in Pride Parades before."

"But I was just one among many. I mean, Grand Marshals! It is such an honor."

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder, "You deserve it." Justin smiled, "And people will see us together." He gave Peter a kiss, "They will be so jealous."

"Of me not you."

"Of both of us. And Lance and JC. They'll just have to suffer Joey and Chris and their girlfriends."

"I think the Pride Committee was being very opened minded."

"Well, we are a group. It made sense to included them."

"Speaking of being tired out I bet Chris is. Cindy freaked when Chris said she'd be in the parade. She hasn't stopped kissing him since then."

Justin wrinkled his nose, "Peter, please. I'd rather not think about that today of all days."

Peter frowned, "Sorry." Damn, he was apologizing again.

There was a noise. Peter was at the window in a flash.

"They're here."

Justin got off the couch, "Okay, okay, let's get going."

After they drove out of the driveway Lynn emerged from the house. She was on her cell phone.

"They just left. Do you have the signs? Good. You remember where we're meeting? Yes, that's right. See you soon." She hung up. She turned back to the house. "Will you hurry up? We'll miss the parade."

Her husband step out and locked the door. "We have plenty of time. The Grand Marshals had to be there an hour before the parade started. We'll make it in time."

"But I want to see Justin and Peter in the parade first."

"We'll make it. Trust me." He headed for the car.

They found where their car was waiting. It was hard to miss it with the "Grand Marshals" banner on it. Peter gaped. It was a stretch Limo Convertible.


JC patted the car, "Now this what I call traveling in style."

A familiar voice was heard, "Ah, rats do mean we have to travel together? I was expecting my own car."

"Sorry, Chris. This is what they got for us."

Joey added, "Probably cheaper than renting 4 cars."

Lance said, "Probably couldn't figure out where in the order to put the straights. This is more PC."

Justin caught Peter looking at the banner. He could guess why. "Maybe it's not your name up in lights but it's a start."

"I forgot they put the Grand Marshals' names on the banner."

Chris joked, "Maybe we should all sit down before Peter faints or something."

"Or Chris does," Cindy added. "The thought of all those gay men ogling him."

"Hey, we're both ready for that," Chris nodded to Joey. They started to remove their shirts.

Justin put his arms out and closed his eyes, "No, wait, spare us the sight."

"Ha, ha," Chris sneered back. "See?"

Under their shirts were T-shirts reading, "Straight but not narrow."

"I told you we'd wear these."

JC teased, "Isn't being seen with your girlfriends enough?"

"With this many gay people you can't be too safe." Joey said.

They both got a smack on the shoulder from their girlfriends.

JC stepped in, "Okay, let's get in the car before this turns into a street brawl."

The driver started to get out of the car.

Lance waved him back, "Don't bother with the car door. We can manage."

They all got into the car and sat down.

Peter began fumbling. "Damn, I forgot my watch. How long now?"

"Peter, will you just relax!"

A few people showed up with the Orlando Gay Pride Banner and stood a little ways in front of the car. Other people filed passed to get to their starting positions.

Justin watched Peter taking it all in.

JC took Lance's hand. "How about you? Excited?"

"Oh, JC I am so proud. This has to be one of the top ten days of my life."

"Good, I must say I never thought we'd ever be so out and proud."

Lance squeezed JC's hand. "Well it helped having each other's support."

"That's support spelled L-O-V-E, right?"

Lance smiled and blushed slightly, "Of course and don't forget S-E-X."

Chris leaned forward, "Hey, none of that." He sat back, "Oh, forget it. It's your weekend after all. I know I'll see lots of half naked man smooching up a storm." Chris turned away, "Just don't join them, please."

"We don't cheat, Chris," Lance grinned.

"I mean the half naked part. Just keep to the smooching and I'll be fine."

"I don't believe that, Chris." JC leaned over and kissed Lance.

"See? I survived." Chris leaned close, "And didn't you just break the rule?"

"Sorry, Chris." JC winked, "Lance is just too tempting. But I'll try to stick to our rule."

"Good." Chris sat back.

After a few minutes a woman with a head set & mike walked up. "You ready?"

Justin glanced at Peter, "Some of us are more than ready."

"Good." She lifted her hand to her ear. "Right, we're standing by."

From around the corner came a wail of police sirens and then the roar of motorcycles.

"The police escort and the Dykes on Bikes are off. You're next."

"How can people hear us over the motorcycles?" Chris yelled.

"They'll be long gone soon," Peter shouted back. "Trust me. I've been to a few of these."

The woman stepped back and motioned the car forward.

"Here we go."

Justin hoped that Peter wouldn't burst something in excitement as they pulled away from the curb.

They hadn't gone two blocks before the motorcycles were at least 4 blocks ahead.

"Damn, Peter," Lance said, "You sure know you're Pride Parades."

Peter kept waving at the crowd, "Well, you try to ride those big motorcycles at slow speeds."

"They should try 'Dykes on Trykes'."

Chris got a glare from Cindy.

Debbie leaned over, "Chris is Chris."

Cindy shrugged. "I know. He's just joking."

Justin leaned to Peter. "I don't have to ask if you are enjoying yourself."

"This is overwhelming. Don't take this wrong but this is better than when I was on stage during your concert. These are our people."

"Yay, NSYNC!"

"Woo-hoo, Lance and JC!"

Someone yelled, "Yo, Peter! Good going, man!"

"Yeah, Peter, you rock!"

Peter blushed but kept waving.

Lance glanced back, "You'd better get used to it. Like we always say, Peter you have your own fans."

Justin smiled. "See? It's fun in the spotlight. You're not in the sidelines now."

"It's really heady."

Justin leaned close, "Don't worry, I'll keep you humble."

Then from the crowd, "Kiss him!"

"Yeah, kiss him!"

Justin turned, "Guys? On three, two, one."

Every couple kissed. The watchers cheered.

Justin pulled back from Peter. Peter wiped a tear away.

JC noticed, "Oh, don't start crying now. You'll set Lance off."

Lance gave JC a friendly push. "I don't cry that easy."

"You're emotional. I love that about you."

Lance smiled at JC, "You saved yourself again."

From the crowd came, "Joey, Chris you're so cool guys!"

Chris beamed. "Hey, I have gay fans."

Joey nudged him, "Like you didn't know that already."

Cindy gave Chris's knee a squeeze. "This is really fun. I'm glad you invited me."

Debbie patted Joey, "Me, too. This is so important."

A young man ran up to the car. He shook Lance and JC's hand. "I love you guys. All of you!"

There were pauses in the parade. Every now and then someone else would run out to the car to shake a hand or even get an autograph. Once someone just wanted Peter's autograph.

Justin noticed Peter's slight nervous reaction. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder, "Hey, don't worry I'm not jealous."

"Well, I am," came from behind Peter.

Peter added over his shoulder, "He just couldn't get around to your side of the car, Chris. He had to settle for me." Peter winked at Justin before he could protest.

Justin leaned close, "You do know he just wanted your autograph."

"Yeah, I know. Just smoothing things over with Chris."

"You're such a diplomat. Okay, guys, again. Three, two. . ."

All the couples kissed again. The crowd cheered.

Justin gave Peter a hug, "Just another first."

"Yeah, and I am liking this one."

"Just wait until after." Justin winked.

"That may not be a first but it is my favorite." At the mere thought Peter blushed.

"You are so adorable when you blush."

"Thanks." Peter turned even redder as he went back to waving at the crowd.

They were half way along the parade route when Justin felt Peter's hand slide around his waist. He was surprised.



Peter had that totally innocent look. He didn't even know he was holding Justin.

"Ah, nothing." It felt too good to have Peter hold him in public. Okay, they were mainly gay people around but Justin wasn't complaining. Justin decided to be brave. He slid his hand around Peter's waist. Peter didn't pull back. In fact Peter leaned closer. He gave a little sigh.


"Mm," Peter replied.

Justin needed a kiss, "Okay, guys on three."

"Again?" Chris whined. "I think we should just let the gays guys kiss. I wouldn't want to gross anyone out."

"Too late," Joey quipped.

"No way," JC said. "Everyone or no one. We decided on that."

Chris looked resigned, "Well, if I have to."

"Have to?!" Cindy didn't look too happy. "You don't 'have to' do anything you know."

Debbie gave her a nudge, "I have an idea. Lets join the crowd. On three, two, one . . ." As the other gay couples kissed, Debbie and Cindy kissed.

"What the. . ?" Joey and Chris gaped.

"Oh, well, when in Rome," Joey said. "Chris?"

Chris shoulders slumped, "Just don't get used to this."

Joey and Chris kissed. The crowd roared, whistled and shouted.

"Watch. That will be the one that ends up on the Internet," Chris frowned.

"Don't worry," Cindy said squeezing Chris's knee. "I know the truth."

"Ah," Chris began, "Would you two be interested in a repeat? When we're alone that is. Say after a double date?"

Debbie smiled, "Only if you and Joey are."

"Ah, never mind." Chris snapped around and went back to waving at the people.

Debbie and Cindy both laughed.

"Oh-oh," JC said, "Don't look now but there's the opposition."

Three people behind the crowd at the street with signs with bible verses and "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" on them. They were being completely ignored.

"Three people," Joey sneered, "Big deal."

"Last year it was five of them," the driver said. "So it's getting better."

Lance added, "I feel more sorry for them. They are SO outnumbered."

Debbie spoke up, "Remember that all of you."

Lance laughed, "Your girlfriends really kick ass."

Chris rubbed his butt, "Tell me about it."

Peter became aware of someone waving a scarf and shouting Justin and Peter's names.

"Justin, look." Peter pointed.

"Mom! Dad!" Justin waved them forward.

Justin's mom took a few steps into the street, "No, this is your day. Smile." She held up a camera.

Everyone smiled. Joey grabbed Chris's hand before he could put two fingers up behind Lance's head.

She took the picture, "God bless you," and walked back to her husband.

A voice asked, "You're Justin's parents?"

"Yes." Lynn turned to a woman.

"He is so lucky. Mine won't even talk to us."

Another women stood at her side. She had a little boy's hand.

"Then they're missing out. Is he yours?"


"What a lovely family and a cute little boy."

"You should be so proud of Justin."

Lynn smiled, "I'm proud of all of them."

"Is it true Justin and Peter live with you?"

"Sort of. We share different parts of the house."

"That must be so nice. You're a really understanding mother."

"Well, I try. May I give you a bit of advice?"


"Keep trying with your parents. I can't imagine how they could ignore such a lovely grandchild."

"They'll never come around. Against God and all that."

"What a pity. They're the ones being punished." Lynn patted the little boy's head, "You're the ones that God has blessed."

One of the women opened her arms, "May I?"

Lynn smiled, "I can never get enough hugs."

They hugged, "Thank you. Justin is so lucky."

Her husband tapped Lynn's shoulder, "We better get going."

"See you later."

"I doubt that."

"Oh, yes you will." Lynn grinned then followed her husband.

It seemed to go so fast. Soon they were at the end of the parade but they weren't through yet. There were bleachers set-up for the crowd. Next to it was a covered dais with places for them all to sit. There was a drag queen announcing the marchers and doing commentary.

"At least we get to see the rest of the parade." Lance said.

"That's what we're here for."

Chris nodded and whispered in Peter's ear, "Why are you gays so fond of drag queens?"

"For the dish, Chris. Some of these drag queens can say stuff we just wish we could."

As if she heard, "Hello, Colonel Sanders my order of chicken has arrived."

Peter looked up. "Oh, my god!"

It was a float for the Saloon. The float was packed with go-go boys wearing nothing but tight short shorts. They were writhing to the music pulsing out of large speakers.

"I hope those guys have sunscreen on." Chris quipped.

"They don't have much else on." Joey said.

Justin gave Peter a glance but he was more surprised than enjoying the eye candy.

"I hope that one has sunscreen. He's so pale."

Justin replied, "They only come out at night. Of course, they're pale."

"They almost look like vampires." Lance added.

"No sucking joke, Chris."

"Me?" He looked innocent. "Besides, I restrain myself in my present company." He smiled at Cindy.

"Oh, bull!" She gave Chris a nudge.

"Well, I try."

Down the street the cheering and clapping grew louder. It could be heard coming nearer.

"What's coming?"

Peter answered, "PFLAG, I'd imagine. They always get the biggest cheers."

The Drag Queen announced, "And here now is the Orlando chapter of PFLAG. Let's hear it for these wonderful supportive people!"

The crowd applauded, whistled and cheered.

Peter looked from person to person from sign to sign. They had the usual "I love my gay son" or "I love my lesbian daughter." One even had, "I love my gay grandmother."

"Justin look!"

There were two signs, 'I love my gay son' but it had Justin's photo under it.

"It's your folks!"

"I didn't even know they joined PFLAG."

Peter reached over and squeezed Justin's knee, "You must be so proud."

Justin nodded to the signs, "Ah, Peter, look again."

They had turned the signs around. On the other side was 'And we love his boyfriend, too' and Peter's photo was under it.

Peter gaped. "Damn, you're parents are more than cool. Oh, my god Lance, JC, look!"

Lance and JC's parents were marching behind Justin's with similar signs with their photos on them except 'boyfriend' had been replaced with 'husband'.

"How cool it that?"

Chris joined the ones already surprised, "Joey?!" He pointed.

There were Joey's parents and Chris's mother with signs, "We support our gay friends."

The parade came to a pause. They all left their seats so they could greet and hug their parents. Peter followed.

"This is SO cool and such a surprise!"

Lynn smiled, "No, this is the surprise." The parents parted.

Peter's mouth fell open. There were two more parents holding signs with photos of Justin and Peter but the 'son' and 'boyfriend' were reversed.

"Mom! Dad! How did you. . ? When did you. . ?" Peter was at a loss for words.

Peter hugged and kissed his mother and without even thinking about it he gave his dad a hug. His father was a bit embarrassed at first but hell this was his son and that was why he was here. He even wore his uniform to make a greater statement.

Lynn grinned at Peter's surprise. "We flew them down special. Besides it gives us parents a chance to finally meet and talk."

Peter was too surprised to be worried.

Peter's mother smiled, "We're so proud of you, Son. When Lynn called we jumped at the chance."

"Even Dad?"

"I'm proud of you, too. We saw the TV spot. You made your point without a confrontation. That was something." For the first time his father hugged Peter.

The parade started forward again.

Lynn said, "You'd better get back. We'll see you later for supper."

They all went back to their seats.

The announcer asked, "Those were your parents?"

Lance said proudly, "Yes they are."

She spoke into the mike, "Everybody, those were the Moms and Dads of the Grand Marshals'. Put it together for such wonderful and understanding parents!"

Peter barely heard the crowd applauding and cheering for them. He was wiping tears from his eyes.

Justin joked, "I promise you dinner won't go that badly."

"It's not that. I mean my folks are here in the parade. A Gay parade."

Justin grinned and put his hand on Peter's shoulder, "Now who's proud."

"I may never recover."

Justin gave Peter a kiss. "Oh, yes you will. Happy Pride."

Peter looked at the others. "Did any of you know about this?"

"Nope," JC replied, "It was a complete surprise to us, too."

Lance was also wiping away tears, "We have great parents, don't we?"

JC gave Lance a kiss, "Yes, we do. All of us."

Debbie grinned, "I wouldn't have missed this for anything."

"Yeah, that," Chris gave her a nudge, "And that." Chris pointed.

It was a group of gay firemen in uniform. They still wore the red suspenders to hold up their pants but they had no shirts on.

"Whoa, talking about one hundred percent beefcake!"

"Lance!" JC scolded.

"Hey, I can look can't I?"

"I guess. . . today."

Lance gave JC a peck on the cheek. "You're all I need."

"It would almost be worth setting the house on fire if one of those carried me out."


Peter winked at Justin.

He sighed, "Okay, I'd volunteer to be the CPR dummy gladly and don't say it Chris."

Chris looked shocked, "Justin, I wouldn't dare." Then Chris grinned and lightly smacked Joey, "Besides Joey here's the dummy."

Cindy snapped, "Chris, behave."

"Gees, my own girlfriend!"

After a while as the next car with a banner and one person waving drove by Chris said, "I have never seen so many politicians in my life."

Peter explained, "There's an election coming up and the gay vote is important. Well, to some of them."

"You know," Lance started to say, "All that flack about whether we should be here or not. Look at this. There are families, children, pets. . . What's the big deal? This is wonderful. I don't see anything too shocking. Well, the go-go boys were close."

"You're not looking," JC nodded to the street.

Two women came toward them. They had on rainbow shirts. As they got closer Lance noticed that their 'shirts' were painted on.

"Okay, they are just showing their freedom."

Joey added, "You guys are SO gay. That's not what those are called."

"Joey," Debbie warned.

"They're lesbians!"

"They are still women with a woman's anatomy."

"But they don't have your soul."

Chris whispered to Joey, "Nice cover."

Debbie sighed, "Why do we put up with this?"

Cindy winked and grinned.

"Okay, I remember now."


"Sorry, straight sex talk." Debbie smiled.

There came next the Flamingo Freedom Marching Band, The Orlando Gay Men's Chorus, more politicians, groups of churches of different denominations showing their support and even more politicians.

Music was getting closer and the thumping grew louder and louder.

"Now what's that?" Chris asked Peter.

"Loud dance music? Either another gay bar or a gay youth group."

It took only a few minutes for them to come into view.

"Now we have the Gay Young Groups from around Florida. Give a hand to the gay youth of Florida. Hm, and honey, my hand would do you so good."

"Damn, Peter you're right again."

"These parades do have a pattern to them." Peter was eagerly scanning the marchers.

Lance leaned over, "Do you think Galaxy is here?"

Justin grinned, "to Hell with Galaxy. He wants to see if Brian is here."

Lance noticed him first. He pointed, "Our boy is right over there."

Peter was surprised. Brian was proudly showing off the Wilson physique.

"My our boy is in good shape."

"Now who's looking, JC." Lance teased.

"Just being a proud mentor."

"Is that what they call it now?" Lance joked.

It didn't matter that they spotted him first Brian came running over to them.

"Happy Pride." He hugged each one of them.

"Where's Joe?"

JC rolled his eyes. Lance, the romantic.

"He's not up to parading around in front of people."

"Probably for the best," Peter nodded at Brian's shirtless state.

"Hey, I'm advertising for Galaxy. Anything to get new guys to show up."

Chris raised his hand, "I'd join."

Joey gave Chris a shove. "Stop that!"

"Does your father know?"

Brian point back up the street. "Yeah, they were watching back there someplace." He turned back, "We're all proud of our bodies. Why not show 'em off?"

"You're father didn't feel that way once."

"And you changed that," He gave Peter a quick peck on the cheek, "Thank you. Sorry, Justin."

"It's okay. It was a thank you kiss."

"I'd better get back. Happy Pride." Brian ran back to his friends.

Cindy sighed, "Oh, if only I were that young again."

"He's gay!" Chris snapped.

"Yeah, but I'd be proud to be his fag hag."

"There's always Brian's older brother. He's built the same way. Oh, wait he's straight."

"Really?" Cindy asked.

Chris snapped, "Don't encourage her."

"Sorry, Chris," Peter apologized as usual. "I wasn't thinking."

"Straight?" Chris added grinning.

"Chris," JC sighed, "That is SO old."


There was a lull in the parade. A gap had formed. There was a sound of a car's engine starting than stopping.

The noise around Peter grew muffled. The car engine began to sound like a dragon or monster unhappily disturbed from its sleep and getting ready for the attack.

"We seem to be having motor problems," The drag announcer said, "All dykes with a tool belt you're needed down the block."

Justin glanced over at Peter's blank look. "Oh, no not again. How can you feel dread at a Pride Parade?"

"I feel it, too." Chris said softly. "There's something wrong about this."

Peter was getting frustrated, "If only we could see what's going on."

"Nothing easier," Chris pointed up. "Meet you there." Chris leaned forward resting his head on his hands. At least it wouldn't look like he was asleep.

Lance nudged JC, "Let's follow."

"We can't have the Grand Marshals look like they all fell asleep."

"I don't care. I want to help."

Soon five of them floated off down the street. About that time the car's engine roared to live.

"Got it!" Someone yelled. The motor revved.

"Look at that aura. It's got so dark."

"Why rev a motor during a parade? There's no place to go."

"Oh, yeah? Do you notice something? They have cleared a whole city block with no obstacle."

At that thought with a squeal of tires the car took off down the road.

"It will hit someone!"

"That's what they want to do."

"We've got to stop them!" Lance thought.

"How do you stop a speeding car?" Peter asked, "I mean people are one thing but that car weights a lot more."

"We need time," Chris thought, "JC, Lance & Justin keep in front of it concentrate try to slow it down. I have an idea. Peter, you're with me."

As they floated forward Peter could hear Chris in his mind. "Anyone who hears this concentrate on the car. Try to slow it down."

Peter didn't see but a few people turned and began to stare hard at the oncoming car.

The three of them floated in front of the car. They concentrated. At first nothing seemed to happen but soon they saw the car was slowing a little. The wheels were beginning to smoke. They were having an effect.

"Hurry, Chris!"

Chris and Peter floated into the car.

"Push down on the brake. We have to stop this car."

They both concentrated. The brake pedal was pushing down slowing the car.

The driver stamped down harder on the accelerator. Peter was getting pissed off. He concentrated on the driver's ankle.

"Ow! Son of a bitch!" The driver pulled his foot off the accelerator. "What the hell was that?"

With the car now stopping Chris concentrated and turned the ignition key off.

"Peter, help me with the key."

Before the driver could try to restart the car they managed to get the key out of the ignition and it dropped to the passenger side floor out of reach.

The car was soon surrounded by security. The driver felt a little smug as they tried to open the locked doors.

Chris gave one more pulse of thought waves at a button.

The driver was quite surprised as all the doors suddenly unlocked. The driver was pulled out of the car and spread eagle against it in no time.

The four guys around Joey moved.

"Did we miss much?"

A security man walked up to them, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine." JC said.

Lance added, "It happened so fast."

The man was led off yelling at them, "You ruined the Greatest of the Godly men! God will make you pay for that!"

JC smirked, "Subtle, isn't he?" He nodded to the car.

The banners had blown off. Across the side of the car was written "God's retribution!"

"Do you think he was trying to kill us?" Lance asked.

"No, just frighten us."

"Well, it worked."

"But he was stopped. You have to be glad of that and that nobody got hurt."

The car was finally driven away by the police.

"Well," The announcer brushed herself off, "now that the pissed straight guy is gone, let's not let all this fabulousness go to waste. Here come the Gay US postal workers. Mm, I do love a man in shorts. You can deliver my male any day."

They were soon in for another surprise. Peter recognized the song playing before he saw the float.

"Now give it up for the Backstreet Boys. Oh, honey I'd do that in a minute for any one of them."

Peter smiled. Backstreet was each wearing a different color T-shirt in the colors of the Rainbow Flag. They were just miming to a playback. Nick walked over to the side of the float.

The Announcer stood between the float and the dais, "Now no fighting between you two. Unless it involves scratching and pulling hair."

Nick gesture for the microphone. The announcer walked over holding up the mike.

"I promise no fighting." He looked at NSYNC. "You didn't think we'd let you be in this parade by yourselves, do you? You can't have all the fun."

The announcer said, "Give us the dirt. We know three of NSYNC are gay. What about you boys? Anybody ready to crack that closet door a bit?"

Nick replied, "Today we're all gay. But for you, I'd make an exception." He went back to their mimed performance.

The announcer fanned herself. "Oh, honey you have just made my day."

The float moved off.

Next came Britney riding in a car. Her music was also being played. Britney was throwing out fliers.

"Justin!" Britney was holding out a flier. Justin got up, walked over and took it. Britney quickly leaned down and kissed his cheek. She then waved at Peter. The car drove off.

"Figures." Justin shoved the paper in his pocket. "It's her next album. She's not one to give up free publicity."

"Nor is John," The next group came up. JC nodded toward them. "Every group that John manages must be here."

"So John knows a good thing when he sees it, too." Lance said.

JC tapped his chin, "Or publicity was covering all the bases. At first they didn't want just us being here so now they send the whole roster. No one could object to that."

"Well, devious." Chris finished.

"So like John."

"Peter?" Justin asked.

"Still enjoying myself. I hope it never ends."

"Well, it all has to. Then it's dinner with our parents."

Peter paled, "I forgot that. Now I don't want this to end."

"Nonsense it will be all right, you'll see."

Justin's mother hadn't stopped talk about Justin for some time. Justin even looked at his watch but she missed the hint.

"Justin was always a handful. He was singing and dancing at a very early age. Talent shows and even pageants Justin joined them all. I have this cute photo of Justin winning this pageant. He was blubbering like a baby."

Justin tried to explain. "I was very young then."

Peter tired to keep from smiling. Why when parents get together they always tell the most embarrassing stories and yet are proud at the same time.

"You'll always be my little boy." She patted Justin's hand. "Then there was the Mickey Mouse Club."

"He was on that? I don't remember him."

"Ah, Mom, this was the second club." Peter explained, "Not the one with Annette."

"I know that. I didn't know there was another one."

"Well, I didn't either," added Peter. "But what a talented bunch they were."

"Yeah, it's great to see so many of them are still doing well. And then there was NSYNC. That was a real handful. Being Justin was underage I had to chaperone. I got to see a lot of Europe. That was nice. Then we got back home and we had to start all over again. But they made it."

Justin's father started, "Of course there was the side effect of all the attention."

Justin looked embarrassed, "Dad, please."

Lynn continued unabated, "Justin got a little too full of himself. I can't say we blamed him. Everyone telling him how talented he was. Even us. And we were almost with him twenty-four/ seven. He didn't get much privacy. But he's better now. Thanks to Peter."

Justin seemed annoyed, "Any more embarrassing and intimate details any one wants to bring up?"

"Mom?" Peter said looking at his plate. "When did you find out I was gay?"

"I don't think now is the time."

Peter looked up at her, "Why not? It's in the past and we're all sort of family."

"I don't really remember."

"Oh, bull," Lynn said, "A mother always remembers what she learns about her children."

Peter looked down again and moved the food about on his plate, "I mean, I am just sorry you didn't hear it from me. It was that girlfriend I had in high school. You told me I was just using her as a shield because I was gay, sorry liked men."

His mother nodded, "Yes, I remember now."

Peter's father gaped, "You knew Peter was gay and you didn't tell me?"

"You were away in the military. It would have worried you. Besides I wasn't one hundred percent sure."

"I would have liked to have known."

"Dad," Peter looked sheepish. "It was bad enough that Darrin found out."

The realization dawned, "Oh, yeah, I guess you didn't need two people trying to get you to change."

"And Mom?" Peter smiled. "About my girl friend, I wasn't using her. She was gay, too."

"She was?"

"Yep, she was the first person I ever came out too. Too bad it didn't last."

"She went away to live with a relative didn't she?"

Peter frowned, "Yeah, I think they sent her away."

"Sent her away?" Peter mother asked, "Why?"

Peter just looked at her.

"Oh," She looked a little sad, "Well, it was back then and times were different."

"Mom, when did you find out about me?"

She sighed, "It was one Spring and I was going to air out your mattress."

Justin tried to keep the mood light, "They need to have mattresses made with secret compartments for all those hidden magazines."

"It was just a fitness magazine and I know Darrin always hounded you about working on your body."

"But the catalog clippings cinched it." Peter added.

"I must say I blushed." She chuckled a little, "All those men in underwear. It was quite the surprise."

"I'm sorry." Peter bowed his head.

"Nonsense," Peter mother smiled, "Look how it all turned out."

Peter looked up.

"You being here in this house and with Justin and his parents. I couldn't be prouder."

Peter smiled, "Thanks. I must say Justin makes up for what happened in the past." Peter didn't notice his mother's pained expression. He sighed, "I guess we all would like to change something in our past."

"Not me," Justin said. He winked at Peter. "Well, nothing that happened to me at least."

Peter knew Justin meant about Bill and the gay bashing.

Peter's mother asked. "Since we're on the subject of children, how did you find out about Justin?"

"He told me."

"Mom!" Justin chided, "You cheated."

"Okay, Justin talks in his sleep. I could always find things out about him that way."

Peter's father jokingly shook his head, "tsk, tsk."

Lynn laughed, "And didn't I learn my lesson. One pry too many. Justin had just come home from the tour and he was so happy I had to find out why. I couldn't wait until Justin woke up." Lynn smiled at Peter. "And I deserved the shock. Well, that is all over now."

Justin began, "Mom, when did you guys join PFLAG?"

"Well, we really didn't. But after the donation we gave them and they let us walk with them. It was a good promotion for them and we had a good place to be seen from."

Justin looked upset, "Is the Pride Parade all about promotion and publicity?"

"Of course," Peter said very matter of factly. "The politicians are there to show they stand for gay rights and to attract the gay votes, the businesses are there to show they are gay friendly and to attract gay cliental and we are there to show we're out and proud. It's all rather self-serving."

Lynn snorted, "I don't believe it's just that. We got to show how proud of you two we are and show our love and support. What's self-serving in that?"

"Well," Peter held Justin's hand, "When our parents are happy we're happy."

"Well, we parents are very happy." Lynn nodded around the table.

"Right," Peter's father replied.

Peter smiled. He was so glad his mother and especially his father was here. It was a wonderful surprise. They were always there for him and proud of what he did for the family.

Peter sounded angry, "Stop comparing yourselves to Justin's parents. I love you both. You raised me well."

"You said that Justin made up of it all. You had a lousy life growing up."

"You can't change the past but I can enjoy the present and hope for the future. I'm happy. You should just be happy in that."

Peter's mother got off the couch and hugged him, "We are happy for you and proud of you. Parents just have to always wonder 'what if?'. It comes with the job."

"Just don't wonder too much, okay?"

She nodded, "Okay."

"See you in the morning." Peter left the room.

"Sleepy, Henry?"

"Nah, I'd like to see the rest of this show."

They watched the TV in silence.

Justin sat on the edge of the bed. The bedside lamp showed off his beautiful naked chest. Peter could hold himself back no longer. He walked up to Justin bent down and latched onto Justin sucking his nipple.

Justin was surprised. "Peter, your parents," He hissed.

"Their bedroom is on your folk's side of the house."

"So they could be close and talk."

"And so we could. . ." Peter kissed Justin with a growing passion. "Your mother is so thoughtful."

"But they're still on our side right now."

"Just another first."

"Really?" Justin grinned.

"All day I have wanted you so bad."

"I'll try to be quiet. How about you?"

"Well, you can always put something in my mouth." Peter winked.

"Be my guest."

Peter knelt down in front of Justin. He tugged off Justin's shorts.

Soon Justin sighed softly, "Oh, Peter."

Peter's dad slapped the couch. "Damn, I shouldn't have had that third cup of coffee. Be right back."

He could have used the bathroom on the main floor but he climbed the stairs instead.

After he'd left the bathroom he stopped in the hall. He turned and looked down the hall at the closed bedroom door. Without knowing why he walked to the door. Peter's dad stood quietly listening. He didn't have to wait long. A long very contented moan could be heard through the door.

Then, "Yes, you do that so good."

Then Peter, "Thanks. I love to do it."

Then an even louder, "Please, Peter, stand up. It's my turn." Then soon a louder, "Yes, Justin, oh yes."

Peter's father felt suddenly embarrassed standing there. He turned and walked back down the hall. He had found out what he barely realized he wanted to know.

"He's gone."

"Damn, Peter. We never need to worry about being surprised by eavesdroppers with you around."

"But if we were in bed I wouldn't have seen the glow through the door. I guessed he wanted to hear us."

"So we cranked it up. But why let him know we switch off?"

Peter helped Justin to his feet so they could kiss. He brushed his fingers lightly across Justin' cheek. "I wanted him to see how really happy I was. You know, that our relationship isn't all one sided."

"Is that what he wanted to hear?"

"Probably not. Maybe he wanted to make sure I really am gay. But talking about my father will put me out of the mood."

"Well, we can't have that." Justin sank back to his knees.

"Oh, Justin!"

Peter's dad sat on the couch. "Well, we now know one thing. They both really do make each other happy."

"Henry, you didn't!"

"I don't know why but I needed to know."

"But eavesdropping on your own son and Justin, ah. . ." She was at a loss for the right words. ". . . being together. It's sick."

"And it's rude. I don't even know why I did it. I definitely don't need to know what they're up to."

"Henry," his wife acted shocked.

"You know what I mean. Well, there's no doubts now."

"After seeing the two of them together all day today, you still had doubts?"

"I don't know. There's the difference in their ages, Justin's fame and I guess. . ."

"You can't imagine our son is finally happy."

"Where did we go right?"

"We had nothing to do with it. He did this all on his own and I am very happy for him."

"Yeah, me too." He sighed, "This TV show is stupid. Let's go to bed." He turned the TV off then got up and stretched.

Peter's mother started chuckling, "I wouldn't have put it passed him."


"Peter and Justin, you know with us sitting out here."

"Well, it is sort of rude not waiting until we're asleep at least."

Peter's mother nudged her husband. "As I remember it, we had sex with our parents in the house before."

"Well, yeah, but we were discrete."

"Yeah, right. I can remember when we went out to the garage and did it in the back seat of the car."

"How could I forget that time? What a time for your mother to decide go to the store for cigarettes?"

"She didn't touch a cigarette after that."

"And we got engaged at the same time."

She slapped Henry's shoulder "We did not! We were engaged way before that. I am not a woman of easy virtue."

Henry grinned, "How about tonight?"

"You can't be serious."

"Why not everyone else is doing it?"

"You can't be sure about that."

"Who cares? Let's just pretend they are." He kissed his wife.

"Okay, Henry. Just try to be quiet."

They made their way to their bedroom on the other side of the house.

As they got to the hallway they stopped. Sure enough somewhere above them there came a soft thudding noise. By it's steady rhythm there was no mistaking what was causing it.

"Well, I'll be. I was right. What is it about this house?"

His wife smiled, "It's the love in it. You can see it on everyone's face."

"Maybe we should stay here another week?"

"Oh, Henry," She pushed her husband into the bedroom and shut the door.

Lance got off the lounge.

"Where you going?"

"I think I can get in a load of laundry. We'll be busy most of the week."

"After all we've been through today and we take the time to sit here looking up at the night sky and you have a sudden urge to do laundry?"

"JC, it's piling up. We'll have nothing to wear. Forget I said that."

JC stood up. "Okay, you want to do laundry we'll start with the clothes on your back." JC grabbed Lance and began dragging him toward the pool.

"JC, stop it!" Lance fought back. "I don't want wet clothes."

"Too bad, I want to be romantic and you want to do laundry. We're compromising."

"JC, stop you'll ruin my watch."

"Then take it off."

Lance removed his watch.

"Anything else you'd like to discard before your dunking?"

"As a matter of fact." Lance pushed against JC's hold.

JC let Lance go. Quicker than JC had even seen him Lance stripped naked.

Lance grinned, "Now we can proceed." He grabbed hold of JC and pulled him to the pool.

"No fair. You wanted to do laundry not me."

"I have to wash your clothes, too. Looks like the shoe's on the other foot now." Lance pulled JC closer to the pool.

"Hey, they're sandals and I don't want them ruined either."

"Okay," Lance leered letting JC go, "Even the odds."

JC quickly stripped. Lance reached for him.

"Sort of pointless now isn't it?"

"Well," Lance pulled JC close, "You got my mind off of laundry."


"Yep, how about a little moonlight swim?"

"Bend over Lance. Let me see that full moon."

Lance faced JC. "No way. No distractions. We're supposed to be swimming." He stepped backwards into the pool.

"You're no fun." But JC knew the swimming wouldn't last for long. He dived into the pool.

JC bit his lip as surge of pleasure washed through him quickly being followed by another.

"Fuck!" JC blanched, "Ah, sorry."

Lance kissed the back of JC's neck, "Feeling good?"

"Oh, yes!"

Lance thrust back with his hips. He looked down into the water. He couldn't see JC's ass clearly but the water made gemlike shapes on JC's body. It was almost the only thing Lance could see in the dark. Only the pool lights were on.

JC clutched at the side of the pool. Lance's cock hit the spot again.

"Yes, Lance, right there."

"You mean here?" Lance thrust back harder.

JC's head snapped up. "Yes!"

Lance leaned close and whispered in JC's ear. "We're supposed to be swimming."

"I love this stroking better." JC panted.

Lance grinned. He knew they wouldn't skinny dip for long without getting 'distracted' and now Lance needed to be distracted.

"I love this and you, Josh." They kissed.

After the kiss ended JC panted, "Keep going, my James. You're making me feel SO good."

"For you, my loving husband." Lance gave long smooth strokes. He watched in growing excitement as JC body thrilled to his cock.

JC groaned again.

Neither of them had to say it but after all they had been through today this was how they wanted the day to end. It was so fitting to end Pride showing their love for each other.

Lance leaned close relishing the touch and the warmth of JC's body. He wrapped his arms around JC. One of JC's hands found his. They kissed again.

Lance could feel his need growing. He found it back. He'd wait until JC either decided to change off or pop. Which ever it was Lance was going to be his very best for JC.

JC was in pure bliss. Lance seemed to be doing him better than ever. Well, his mood of today helped heighten everything but JC wasn't thinking about that right now. Lance's cock slid in deep sending such pleasure through every nerve. As Lance pulled back JC had one quick second to think about switching places then Lance's cock sank back and causing another surge of pleasure and pushed the thought out of JC's mind. He was enjoying this SO much.

The water rippled and splashed around them. The feeling of the water on their bodies was so different and enveloping than usual sex.

"Josh, turn around. I want to see your face."

"This could be a bit difficult."

"We did this before don't you remember? Except you did me."

"I got you."

Lance grinned, "No, I got you."

JC turned around and leaned against the side of the pool, spread his legs as Lance moved close. After Lance's cock sank in deep Lance took JC in his arms, pulled him close then moved deeper in the pool. With JC buoyed by the water Lance could hold JC very easily. JC started bouncing on Lance's cock.

JC's mouth fell open, "Oh, James! Oh, fuck!"


"Better than good. Oh, damn, Lance right there!" JC sped up. "Damn, you found the magic spot."

Lance helped JC by thrusting with his hips.

"Fuck, Lance it feels SO good! Fuck me!"

Lance didn't mind the dirty talk. He could see all too well that he was sending JC through the roof. He pulled JC close so that they could kiss.

JC couldn't hold the kiss for long. Lance's cock was hitting a new spot inside him sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body.

"Don't stop, Lance please don't stop!"

"Never, my Josh." Lance plunged back into his lover.

"Fuck!" JC leaned back and Lance supported him in his arms.

Lance thrust back faster. JC was soon shaking and trembling in his arms. Seeing his lover in such a blissful state turned Lance on. He felt the first stirrings and fought against them. He was going to do this as long as JC could hold out. JC was so into this it would have been a shame to cut it short. JC however couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh, Lance I'm going to. . . Oh, fuck! I cumming, I'm CUMMING!" JC cries grew louder. "Oh, OH, OH!"

JC thrashed in Lance's arms. At every thrust of Lance's cock JC's body shook and twisted. Then Lance realized that JC still held on to him with both hands. JC was cumming without even touching his himself. Lance grew worried. It was almost like JC was having a seizure. It was sometime before JC finally lay back still panting in Lance's hands.

"Damn, I'm going to have to remember this position."

Lance leaned down so they could kiss.

After the kiss, "Are you all right?"

JC laughed as he stood up, "I'm better than all right. Damn, you did me good."

"Ah, JC?" Lance hesitated.

JC just grinned, "Your turn."

Lance felt JC's fingers close around his cock gently begin stroking it. It felt great but Lance wanted more than a hand job.

As if he understood JC disappeared underwater.

"Oh, Josh!"

JC's talent mouth and lips had Lance whimpering in no time. Lance slowly backed into the shallow area of the pool. JC held on to Lance and didn't miss one lick.

Four breathes of air and four kisses later, "I'm close, JC."

JC kept kissing Lance and stroking his cock. JC felt Lance go tense.

"I'm going to shoot!"

"This I've got to see." JC sank underwater.

As Lance shot off the tendrils of white just hung suspended in the water disturbed only by JC's stroking hand. Even underwater JC could see Lance's body shake and tremble. When the shots of white stopped so did JC. He bobbed to the surface for their kiss.

"What a stud. I don't know if it was the water but cum was everywhere."

"Well, you had me so turned on. I've never seen you enjoy it that much."

"Like I said you really hit the spot."

"Ah, Josh?" Lance hesitated.

JC laughed, "Like I don't know?"

"Oh, Josh. Oh, JOSH!" Lance pushed back against JC willing his cock to go even deeper into him. Lance slapped the pool deck. "Give me your cock!"

JC kissed Lance's neck and back. "Good?"

"Fuck yeah! Ah, sorry."

"Don't worry, Lance I think be both passed the 'No Dirty Talk' point."

"Then fuck my ass, JC. Slam it in me!"

"Take my dick, Lance. Damn, I love your ass."

"Ah, JC?"

"Yes, my love?"

"The neighbors."

"On a hot night like this? They'll have the windows are closed."

"Just in case."

"Okay," JC leaned close and whispered in Lance's ear. "I am giving your tight ass every inch of my big dick."

Lance whispered back, "Don't stop keep fucking me."

Somehow whispering made it even more of a turn on.

Soon Lance's vocal range started to go up. That meant only one thing.

"Oh, Josh, oh, Josh."

JC pulled Lance up to him. He caressed Lance's chest and nipples while Lance stroked his cock.

"Oh, fuck!" For the second time that night Lance shot his load into the pool.

"Oh, Lance!" One more thrust and JC shot his into his willing lover.

After they relaxed they turned and kissed and kissed both of them sated and very happy.

Lance sighed, "I love the night. With the lights out we can lay here completely naked and no one can see us."

"They could have earlier."

"How? We were in the pool. I mean the lights were on but with the wall and all. We were well below sight level."

JC pointed up. "Satellites. Some guy at NASA is probably cleaning the cum of his monitor as we speak."

Lance looked anxious, "You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah, I'm kidding. We're moving and the satellites moving he couldn't have seen much for long."

"JC, you're not helping."

"Probably got some good still shots though."

Land turned back, "I don't believe you. There is no way they could get that close from all the way up there."

"We can see the planets and stars from down here."

"But look at the size of the telescopes. Satellites are smaller than that."

"Someday they will Lance."

"I'll just have to remember to wave."

JC laughed, "My little exhibitionist."

"Well, if they are going to try that hard to see us fuck."


"I can't believe people would be so hard up." Lance snickered. "That was a Chris."

Lance crawled into bed. "What a day. We marched as out and proud gay men, we kissed in public as a gay couple then finished up with hot man to man sex. You know I don't think this day could have got any gayer."

"We could redecorate something."

"Oh, JC stop."

JC settled in, "Just a suggestion."

"I wonder how the meeting of the parents went."

"We've met Peter's folks before and knowing Justin's parents it went just fine. At least that hurdle is over for them."

"Our folks sure surprised us marching in the parade like that."

"We are certainly blest with great parents and true friends."

Lance cuddled close. "Yeah, it was some day."

"Of course, you know that it's all down hill from here."

"Don't be gloomy especially today."

"I was just joking." JC paused, "Still want to do laundry?"

Lance frowned, "Why did you have to mention that? Now I'll be thinking about that all night long."

"Sorry, hubby." JC kissed Lance's forehead. "Still joking. Just try not to wake me when you get up early to do the wash."

"Am I that bad?"

"Now there's one of those questions that never should get an answer." JC pushed himself up on his elbow, "You're not going to start the laundry in the middle of the night are you?"

"No, JC I'm not THAT bad."

"Good," JC lay down. "I'd never get to sleep without you in the bed."

Lance kissed JC. "I wouldn't do that to you. Its just laundry." There was a pause. "Of course, we could have sex on the washing machine again."

JC closed his eyes, "Okay, wake me in the morning but try to make it after six at least. We still have recording to do and we need our sleep."

"Yes, love." Lance kissed JC's cheek. "See we compromised again."

"That's why we're so good together."

"Night, Josh."

"Night, James."

"I love you," they both said together.

Lance laughed, "We are good together."

They settled in to sleep.

End Part 68

More to come (so to speak). As always if you need to speak (or type) your mind I'm at or I'd love to hear from you. Later.

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