Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 12, 2007


Here we go on Part 66. Wow, and they said it wouldn't last!

Now for the CYB stuff:

This story-Pure BS (Can BS be "pure"?) Complete fiction from a deranged mind. (No reflection on you readers because you can read whatever you want to.)

This author does not know NSYNC's real life. I suppose that should be "did not know NSYNC'S real life" but why split hairs. I am not implying their real sexual orientations (Well, I got Lance right but this still isn't (wasn't) his real life, damn it anyway! (Well so far he ain't telling. We'll have to wait until October for that one.)

There will be graphic gay sex scenes. So be warned. (I know you skip ahead to read them but what can I do about that?) If you are underage or find reading about sex offensive stop reading now! (Yeah, like that is going to stop them.)

On with the story:

"Lance, do you want any help?"

"No, I can manage. You be a good hubby and sit there and read your paper."

JC read a few lines.

"Maybe we should get a dog."

"Lance, we're gone too much of the time for that."

Lance nodded, "Yeah, I guess." He went to the refrigerator, pulled out the orange juice and went to put it on the table. As he set the juice down his robe billowed open and JC got another flash of skin.

"Please, Lance tie you robe closed or go put on some underwear."

"Tired of my sexy body already?"

"I never tire of your sexy body but just not at the breakfast table, please."

There was an edge to Lance's voice, "I thought I'd just enjoy some of that new freedom we have around here."

JC grabbed Lance's arm and pulled him to his lap. "I'm sorry, Lance, when I said that I didn't mean it that way." He gave Lance's cheek a peck. "I was just making excuses."

Lance nodded. "I'll go slip something else on." With a kiss he left the kitchen.

When Lance didn't return right away JC went in search. Sure enough he found Lance in Peter's old room. Lance shut a drawer on the dresser.

"The breakfast is getting cold."

"I haven't started cooking it yet." Lance shot back.

"Oh," JC walked next to Lance.

"I just wanted to make sure he didn't leave anything behind."

JC hugged Lance, "I miss him, too."

"But not him. We get back and 'Zoom' he's out the door."

"Lance, that's what we arranged. He didn't want to be in our way after the honeymoon."

Lance blinked back a tear, "He was never in the way before."

"That's because he cleared the way for us."

Lance looked surprised, "When?"

"Too many times to count but take two weeks ago we were out frolicking about by the pool all afternoon. When we got inside there was a note that Peter had gone to get something to eat and then was going to a movie. He was just wanted to stay out of our way."

Lance nodded, "He was always very accommodating."

JC kissed Lance's forehead, "You just have a case of 'Empty Nest Syndrome'. You'll get over it."

"That's it! Its like our child just left home for good."

"And look at how well we did. We took a shy hermit of a man and successfully launched him into the real world with a lover yet. I think we should be congratulated." JC smiled at Lance, "I told you you'd make a great parent."

Lance was about to say Peter was a little old for a child but they both knew that was only in body age. In his mind Peter still held on to being a child.

Lance smiled, "I am happy for him and Justin." Lance sighed, "I guess I'll have to concentrate on just you and me now."

JC grinned, "Just you and me? I don't believe it. You are too caring to limit yourself to just me."

They kissed.

Lance pushed JC back. "I'd better get breakfast ready. We need to be at John's soon." Lance hurried out of the room.

JC paused at the door. He had one more lingering look at the room. Yep, he'd miss Peter, too. Well, he wasn't that far away. JC followed Lance back to the kitchen.

"Good Morning," Lynn smiled warmly. He went to Justin and kissed his cheek. "My you both look so well rested." She kissed Peter's cheek next. "There is a healthy blush to your cheeks."

Justin patted his butt and leaned to Peter, "And some cheeks are down right rosy."

"Sorry," Damn, Peter was apologizing again.

Justin grinned, "Trust me, you did nothing wrong, Tiger. Rowr!"

Peter blushed. He nodded toward Lynn.

She laughed. She gestured for them to sit down, "Oh, come on, Peter. I'm a cool mother remember?"

They sat down and Lynn started serving up breakfast.

"I know full well what goes on in your side of the house." She put a hand on Justin's shoulder. "As long as you make my son happy I don't mind."

Justin grinned again, "And this morning I am very happy." He kissed the air at Peter.

"Good. Dig in."

"Dad leave for work already?"

"He has to be there before nine o'clock, you know that. Not everyone has their mornings free."

"Well, at least Dad knows when he will be home. These recording sessions can last all night sometimes."

Lynn caught Peter glancing about the kitchen.

"Peter, how many times have you seen that toaster?"

Justin chuckled, "Don't worry, Mom, its just Peter trying to acclimatize himself. It took him about two weeks to feel comfortable on the tour bus and about the one week for Lance and JC's home."

Lynn patted Peter's shoulder, "Then this should be a matter of days."

"I hope so," Peter hadn't meant to say it aloud. He blushed.

Lynn smiled, "You've spent way too much time alone. You have us now."

Justin grinned his Timberlake grin, "And I am making up for the lost time."

"Yes, you are." Peter winked.

After Lynn set them up with breakfast food she sat down, "It's too bad your folks couldn't stay longer after the trial. I would have liked to get to know them better."

Justin grinned at Peter, "That's right, we'll have to decide who's family we spend the holidays with."

Peter's eyes went wide, "I hadn't thought that far ahead. This will be my first holidays away from the family. I don't know what Mom will do."

"Oh, you can spend them with your family, Peter. We have you and Justin all the other days."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Justin added. "Maybe I'd like to spend the holidays with my family, too."

"Well, then I'll leave you to talk." Lynn stood up. "I have some other things to do." She left the kitchen.

"That was tactful exit number thirty five: throw up the bomb then leave before it explodes."

Justin patted Peter's hand, "Don't worry, the holidays are a ways off yet. We can decide later."

"I think I should at least see how Mom feels about it before we decide."


Peter nodded at the newspaper, "Did we make the headlines?"


"Justin Timberlake has a live in lover. That should make headlines."

"Not in this kind of newspaper and I don't care about the others."

"You're just saying that."

"I tell you and tell you I am not ashamed of you."

"I know but your public."

"Screw 'em."

"Now that I don't believe. You care too much about them." Peter seeing Justin's face quickly added, "Not that they make you who you are but you don't want to disappoint them. You do what you do but you want them to like what you do. I know I do."

Justin opened the paper. He glanced at a few pages. He set the paper down again. "Well, I guess am not big news to even bear a mere mention of my new live-in relationship."

"I know I shouldn't say this but I sort of like it that way."

Justin sighed, "Peter, your boyfriend is Justin Timberlake. We won't stay out of the headlines forever."

"I know and I am prepared." Peter patted Justin's hand. "I wouldn't have moved in if I wasn't."

Justin leered, "I thought it was the thought of sex with me twenty-four/ seven."

"Yeah, like that is going to happen. You're starting recording you know." Peter smiled, "But I will take you when ever I can get you."

Justin's expression changed. "You know we can always fly them down here."

Peter's brain tried to shift gears, "Who?"

"Your folks. It is just you and your parents on the holidays, right?"

"For the most part."

"So bring them down here together. That way all our families can celebrate the holidays."

Peter frowned, "I don't know, Justin. It will be a big change."

"What? Having all these people around?"

"No, no snow. How can you celebrate the holidays with no snow?"

"You can at least find out."

"Okay, Justin, I'll ask Mom."

"Good. Now lets eat up. We need to get to John's and I want time to ravish you on the freeway on the way there."

"I don't know, Justin. That asphalt will be mighty hot not to mention the danger of getting run over."

"Ravish you in the car, smart ass."

Peter grinned, "I think that title belongs to you this morning."

Justin grinned right back, "And you made it hurt so good."

Peter pointed his fork at Justin's plate.

"Eat up. You don't want to be late."

"Spoil sport."

"Hey, I have my reputation to think about. My first night living in your house and you sport a woody the next day? What would people think?"

"That I can never get enough of you."

"Then it is a good thing I did move in. Now eat."

"Next on the agenda," John was saying, "Has to do with the Official Website." John looked uneasy. "Peter, I wanted to discuss this alone but it is NSYNC's website and they should hear this, too."

Peter shrugged, "That's okay." Peter's paranoia kicked in big time.

"There have been some complaints and I have to say I think some of them are justified."

Chris chimed in, "No swimwear photos. I agree. You should have that photo shoot arranged."

"Chris, not now."

Chris's smile left his face. This was really serious. "Sorry."

"Some parents of fans have been complaining about the website's content. In short the articles that have been written lately."

There were glances at Peter.

"But we've read them. We like what Peter has written. We've all approved them."

"Well, that was before and we, well have a different perspective."

"What are the complaints about?" asked JC.

"They feel the website is getting too gay."

"What?!" Joey burst out.

"They feel the articles have too much gay content in them and I agree."

"But three of our members are gay."

Chris quickly pointed out, "Justin is BI."

"Leave it, Chris," Justin said, "I don't mind."

Joey was getting worked up, "But with three fifths of the group gay of course there's gay content but too gay I do not agree with."

John raised his hand, "Please, let me explain. This website is for the fans. It's a family friendly website."

"Oh, please, don't mention that 'Family Values' crap."

"I wasn't going to, Joey. But some of the visitors to the website are very young fans some of who don't know what gay is. That makes it difficult for their parents to explain. That is one issue, the second issue is your private life."

"Our private life is our own," JC said.

"Of course, but where do we draw the line between your public life and your private life."

"Peter has never written about our private lives."

John sighed, "I'm sorry for this but three of you are gay. Peter has written about that."

"What has that to do with anything?" Joey snapped.

"Okay, let's try this, being gay means that you are attracted to other men? Correct?"

JC shrugged, "Yeah."

"Being gay also means that you have sex with other men."

"If they're lucky," Chris chimed in.

John ignored Chris. "How do you differentiate between the two?"

"Why should we?"

"I get it, Lance," JC explained. "Some people when they see the word 'gay' think gay sex while others just see a preference. One way is us and the way we live our life and one is about our sex life."

"But one is public and one is private."

JC said, "But in the articles on the website we can't separate them. The people who think gay equals 'sex' sees that as what we are promoting on our website, hence the complaints. It's not for children."

"We can't help the way people interpret what is written." Lance protested.

John continued, "But we can tone down the writing. You said yourself that you wouldn't perform any differently. No kissing on stage. Well, that's what some people are seeing in the writing. It sucks but it happens. The third issue is it is supposed to be the NSYNC website. That means about all of NSYNC."

Peter blushed, "I guess I have been sort of one-sided lately."

"About that, Peter," John shifted in his chair, "The people who run the Website have decided to hire someone else to do the writing from now on."

Lance gaped, "What? You're firing Peter?"

"Gay discrimination!" Shouted Chris.

JC protested, "Don't we have any say in this? It is our website."

John stood up and raised both hands. "Calm down, calm down, let me finish." After they grew quiet John explained. "They want someone to really promote NSYNC not just write about them. Peter has done a wonderful job but they want more gloss to the articles plus. . ." John paused.

"There's the conflict of interests, right?" Peter said quietly

John was relieved, "Yes, that was a few of the complaints. Just seeing Peter's name on the article screams out to some 'Justin's lover'. That makes people uncomfortable enough. It was fine at the beginning because Peter was new to NSYNC and the fan's loved that angle. Now that Peter is a bit more involved as it were a new writer would give a different take on things."

"You mean more objective," Chris said.


Lance asked the question they all were thinking. "But what will Peter do now?"

"Oh, I am sure there is a job out there for me somewhere." Peter said trying to sound positive.

"Well, I know of one," John said, "Now that Peter is no longer needed for the official NSYNC website, I have another website he can help on and it should be right up his alley."

Justin and Peter said together, "Don't say it, Chris."

Chris looked innocent, "No bowling joke then?"

"I don't want to leave the gay angle out of NSYNC's image completely because I now it is important to you. Well, three of you."

"All six of us," Joey said firmly.

"Good. So we are going to have a link to another Website. ''. It will have links to gay support sites like Galaxy as well as letters and articles from NSYNC showing their support for gay youth and gay issues. Plus it will have a links to other charities as well. Since Peter did such a good job on finding all those gay youth groups to visit on that New York trip, I though it might be a good match." John looked at Peter. "What do you say?"

"What can I say? I'll take it. I've been unemployed for two minutes now and I'm getting nervous I'll never find another job."

Justin squeezed Peter's knee, "You'll be NSYNC's gay liaison."

"I take it there will be other people involved."

John nodded, "Yes, the same people you have been working with before. This is just an added NSYNC website."

Joey raised his hand, "I'm confused. You want to take the gay context out of the official website and put it on another website but the two are linked? How does that help?"

"There will be a disclaimer that the visitor will have to approve before they will get access to the other website. Plus a warning that this website is not for children."

Chris snorted, "Like that will keep the kids out."

"It won't," answered John, "But it will cover our butts."

"That's always a good thing," added Chris. "Especially Joey's."

"Next on the agenda," John hurriedly said.

Watching Justin record was one thing but all of NSYNC with all of their different opinions? Okay, it had started to be fun listening to a new song and watching the guys work but after the hundredth time hearing the same bit of music it had to become monotonous. After several hours Peter finally excused himself.

Peter was waiting at a traffic light when he spotted a young man coming out of a shop. He thought he recognized him. When the light changed Peter glanced over as he passed him. He was right. It was Ryan from Galaxy. Peter wanted to know about Brian. At the first parking spot Peter pulled over. He got out of the car and walked back to Ryan.

Ryan had stopped at a row of pay phones. He went through each of the coin returns looking for coins. Well, lots of people did that. But then Peter noticed Ryan's appearance. Always on the lookout for a Daddy, Ryan usually tried to look his best. But Ryan's clothes had a rumpled lived in look. Then Ryan bent over and started looking through the grass under the phones obviously still looking for any dropped coins.

"Ryan, you are definitely money minded."

Ryan jumped up startled. He turned to face Peter.

Peter's heart stopped. Ryan's face was bruised with a bandage strip on his forehead.

"Ryan what happened to you?"

Ryan backed up frightened. "I fell off my bike. Sorry, I've got to go." Ryan turned and ran back down the sidewalk and disappeared around the corner.

Peter looked up at the shop Ryan had just left. It was a pawnshop.

As Peter drove off his mind went into full gear. There wasn't much evidence but Peter decided he should at least check into his fears. He turned and made his way to Galaxy.

"Sorry, sorry."

The playback stopped and a voice from the booth came, "What, Chris?"

"I was off a little on that measure. I think I could do it better."

Joey sighed, "They can fix it up, Chris. Let's just get the vocals down and they can tweak it later."

"I don't want them to tweak me."

They rolled their eyes.

"I'm serious. Don't you want the fans to hear our real voices? They're not buying the album to hear technology. They are buying the album to hear us!" Chris looked from face to face.

"Okay, Chris." JC nodded, "Point taken. But remember we are supposed to be professionals. This should have been worked out in rehearsals. Do you want to go through it again before we record the next take?"

"No, JC. I just slipped up."

"Tell you what guys," came from the booth, "Take five while we play back the takes we have. Maybe Chris is just being too hard on himself."

Chris looked down at his crotch.

Joey pulled off Chris's headphones and pushed them into Chris's chest. "Please save us you're crude humor." He headed for the booth.

"My humor is not crude. My humor as been developed and refined into a fine art over the years."

"Like your voice?" Justin chided.

"Hey, even a Stradivarius plays a wrong note every now and then."

Joey patted Chris's stomach, "I'd say you are more like a cello."

"That coming from Mr. Bass Fiddle."

JC walked up and but his arms around their shoulders. "Please save your energy for singing, okay?"

"Sure, JC. Sorry." Chris stuck his tongue out at Joey.

Lance leaned to JC. "So much for 'professionals'."

"Hey, I profess about a lot of things."

JC pointed to the booth. "In there now and in silence, please."

Chris exaggerated his steps as he tiptoed out. Everyone else joined in the tiptoeing. JC just shook his head and followed.

"I'm sorry, but the kid's phone numbers and addresses are for emergencies only. We don't just give them out."

Peter nodded, "I figured as much but I just thought I'd ask. Was Ryan here last Friday?"

The counselor smiled, "He's here every Friday. Wild horses wouldn't stop him. He has many friends here."

"I might be jumping to conclusions here but I thought I'd give you a heads up. I just saw Ryan on the street. He was very startled when I called his name." Peter paused, "His face was badly bruised almost like he had been in a fight."

"Did you give any explanation?"

"Just that he had fallen off his bike then he ran away saying he had to go."

"It could be true."

"But Ryan was frightened of something."

"Or someone? Do you think he was gay bashed?

"It did seem likely. He could have approached the wrong candidate to be his Daddy."

"If Ryan is here tomorrow we'll keep an eye out. If he has been beaten we'll make sure he reports it."

"He was also coming out of a pawnshop."


"Okay, I know I have a wild imagination but Ryan has never struck me as someone who needs money besides his Daddy's. I have another scenario if you want to hear it."

The counselor sighed, "Okay, shoot."

"Do you know if Ryan is out to his parents?"

"He's out to his mother. His father I don't know about. Ryan never mentions him."

"Well, I don't know why but I have this image and sort of a feeling of Ryan being beaten by his father and not being able to go back to his home. That's why he was looking for money and his unkempt appearance."

"Well, thanks for the heads up. When we see Ryan we'll make sure we get the story from him. If he was kicked out we can find a place for him to stay. But its funny Ryan didn't know that already."

"Maybe pride is keeping him away."


Peter shrugged, "I guess there is nothing to do until you see Ryan."

"Yes, but thank you for caring enough to let us know."

"Sure," Peter smiled. "We have to look out for the next generation."

JC SO wanted to say 'Lance, do I have to?' but he knew better. He reached for another card. He flexed his hand as he began to write.

"I'm sorry, JC. I know you're tired but we have to get through the thank you cards sometime."

"I know. Maybe calling our honeymoon short was a bad idea. We could have done them then."

"But we didn't know who gave what. Thank God our mothers documented every gift very well."

Again JC thought, 'then let them do the thank you cards.'

"That's not very personal is it?"

JC snapped around to Lance.

Lance laughed, "I was thinking the same thing. We put in a long day at the studio and now this." Lance's hand found JC's arm, "But our guests put in the effort why shouldn't we?"

JC sighed, "I know. I am not really complaining but it has been a long day."

"Just another ten then we'll go to bed."

"I'll be too tired."

Lance chuckled, "You were too tired when you sat down. I understand. Not every night."

"But Justin and Peter?"

"They're new at it. It's important at their stage in their relationship."

JC glared at Lance.

"Oh, it's important in our relationship, too." Lance smiled. His eyes sparkled, "But I like just being near you now." Lance's face fell, "You're not upset?"

JC frowned, "No, but what a married couple we are. Honeymoon over and it's just 'hold me'."

Lance nudged JC. "You know better than that. I know you do."

JC nodded, "Having sex with you is wonderful but sometimes just holding you or feeling you close is nice too."

Lance tapped his pen on the card in front of JC, "Good. Now write."

JC spoke aloud as he wrote, "Thank you for your donation to our charity for our wedding. If you hadn't given the gift I could be doing my lover right now instead of doing this writing."

"JC stop." Lance grabbed the card. It was still blank. "You got me."

"Well, not tonight but maybe in the morning?" JC looked hopeful.

Lance smiled, "Don't worry, lover. I'll never turn you away completely." Lance's hand found JC's cheek, "You make me feel so good."

"And you me."

Lance sighed, "But we do have obligations."

JC sighed in chorus.

"Now if you ever wanted to have another day where we never leave the bedroom?"

"Not with our schedules now." JC looked up at Lance. There was so much love in his eyes.

"I loved that JC. It was one of a kind."

'Like your dance for me."

"Yeah, like that."

JC grabbed another card. "Then I can get through this." He smiled at Lance, "You're worth it."

Lance's green eyes showed his love, "And so are you."

They kissed.

After a moment they went back to writing the thank you cards."

When Justin got home to Peter's surprise Justin didn't seem the least bit tired and Peter wasn't complaining.

"Oh, Justin!"

Justin looked down at his lover as he bounced on Peter's cock. That blush on Peter's face was such a turn on. Okay, Peter's cock raking against his insides sending surges of pleasure through him wasn't half bad either. Justin lay his head back on moaned. He never thought he'd like getting fucked so much but damn, Peter made him feel SO good.

Justin felt Peter's hands caress his body and over his chest. He gasped as Peter rubbed at his nipples. Justin opened his eyes. Peter's met his. He knew that look.

Justin leaned down and whispered in Peter's ear, "Believe it. This hot body is all yours," then he kissed Peter.

As Justin sat up again he saw the surprised look on Peter's face. Then Peter smiled.

"You've got know me so well."

"That's what lovers do." Justin closed his eyes and began bouncing faster. "Damn, and this. Fuck me, Peter."

Peter was about to say, 'You're doing all the work' but then got the idea. He began thrusting with his hips. Justin stopped bouncing and leaned down so they could kiss. He let Peter take over. Justin felt Peter's cock sliding in and out of his ass. It felt SO wonderful.

Okay, it was true Justin had been tired but to come home to find Peter waiting was too good to pass up. They were together now. Peter was living in Justin's own house and they shared the same bed. The other night Justin would wake up and glance over at Peter. It felt so good to see him there. No more shuttling between homes. What Justin had wanted since that first night together had finally come true. Peter's cock hitting the right spot interrupted Justin's thoughts.

"Deeper, Peter! Faster!"

Peter took Justin in his arms and rolled them both over. He slid a pillow under Justin's hips. Peter thrust deep into Justin. After a few thrusts Peter began to speed up. Justin was soon writhing on the bed.

"Yes, Peter Yes!"

Justin looked up at Peter. He was feeling so much pleasure fucking Justin's ass but he got off the most by seeing Justin's pleasure. How many times had Peter spoke of it? Justin's arms wrapped around his lover he pulled Peter close.

"Fuck me, Peter." Then Justin felt a change of feeling. He looked into Peter's caring eyes, "Make love to me!"

Peter's thrust every inch of his cock into Justin but now he took it slow.

"I love this, Peter."

Peter just leaned in for a kiss. After a long while Justin grinned his Timberlake grin.

"I can't wait anymore. Finish this. Make me cum!"

Peter thrust for all he was worth. Justin knew Peter was doing his best for Justin. As he started stroking Justin's cock Peter leaned down to suck on a nipple.

Justin's whole body shuttered, "Fuck, this feels good!"

Between fucking, jacking and sucking Peter was beginning to tire.

"I'm getting close."

Thank god!

Peter sat back up. He loved to watch Justin cum, such a pure sense of joy.

"Oh, fuck I'm going to cum!" Justin took over stroking his cock.

Peter slamming his cock into Justin as hard and fast as he could.

"Oh, FUCK!"

Justin's cock exploded splattering his stomach and chest. Justin's body almost doubled over, veins stood out in his neck as he gasped and groaned.

Peter kept up his rhythm. He knew hitting the prostate was giving Justin a more intense orgasm.

Finally when Peter was beginning to worry Justin might rupture something Justin relaxed. He lay back on the bed panting.

"Damn, Peter. That was fucking great."

Peter looked down on his lover's cum splattered body, "You look like it."

"Let me finish you off."

Peter was a bit surprised but didn't care. He was cumming with Justin either way.

"Sure," Peter pulled out and rolled on his back. Justin began stroking Peter.

"Did I ever tell you what a great cock you have?"

"Not in so many words but watching you during sex I can tell I have." Peter quickly added, "You're no slouch either."

"Now that I have heard before. In that Jacuzzi surround by candles if I remember correctly."

"I may have been teasing but I really. . . oh, Justin . . . meant that. You were quite the mouthful for my first. . . sweet jesus. . . time."

Justin grinned, "See even my hand is talented."

"You're talented. . . fuck!. . . all over."

Justin sped up his stroking. He tightened his fingers around the shaft and twisted them around the head.

"Come on, baby, shoot. Show me the money."

"In porn circles its called 'the money shot'."

"Who cares? Cum for me."

It wasn't long before Justin felt Peter's body tense up.

"Oh, Justin I going to. . . shit!"

Justin laughed at Peter's unintended joke all the while feeling Peter's cock throb and pulse in his hand. White pumped out onto Peter's stomach and chest and that wonderful look of bliss on Peter's face. Justin kept stroking and Peter's body shook and trembled. Peter's hand finally took Justin's wrist to stop his stroking.

They kissed.

"Thanks, Justin. You got me off good."

"You're not disappointed?"

"Why should I be?"

"Finishing with a hand job. It seems a little anti-climatic."

Peter smiled at Justin's joke, "Hey, it was with you. That's all I care about." He gave Justin a kiss.

How sweet and so like Peter.

Peter cleaned them both off. Soon they were lying together basking in the afterglow.

Justin watched as Peter stared at the ceiling.

"Okay, will you tell my what's bothering you? You should be asleep by now."

"Sorry," Damn, apologizing again. "Its one of the guys from Galaxy. You've met him, Ryan."

"Oh, yeah. 'Will you be my Daddy?' Ryan."

"Yeah. I met him yesterday. He had bruises on his face."

"You think he may have been gay-bashed?"

"Could be but he was looking for coins in pay phones and he came out of a pawnshop."


Peter sighed, "I have a gut feeling that Ryan was beaten by his own father when he found out Ryan was gay and threw Ryan out of the house. Ryan's clothes looked like he had slept in them."

"Galaxy can help him, can't they?"

"Sure, but Ryan hasn't been there yet. I am hoping he will stay true to his habits and show up tomorrow night. I told them what I know so they were warned but until Ryan shows up there's nothing we can do but wait."

"And worry," Justin patted his chest. Peter laid his head on it and Justin put his arm around him. "Try to sleep. It will make the time go quicker."

"Its just the not knowing. I'd hate to think of Ryan sleeping in a cardboard box somewhere."

"He has friends at Galaxy, right?"


"So maybe he's staying with one of them? Ryan's no slouch when it comes to planning his future."

Peter rose up, looked at Justin and smiled. "I hadn't thought of that. Thank you, Justin. That makes me feel better."

Justin coaxed Peter back onto his chest. "Good, now sleep."

It was early the next evening when the call came. Peter was with NSYNC in the sound booth.

Chris cocked his head, "What's that? I don't remember recording that sound."

"It's my cell phone, dim-twit," Peter headed to the door. "And I'm taking it outside." Peter left the sound booth.

"And that's Mr. Dim-Twit to you." Chris called after.

"Okay, Mr. Dim-twit, may I ask a question?" Joey said.

"Shoot," Chris quickly corrected with, "Go ahead."

"Why are you being so picky?"

JC crossed his arms, "I was thinking the same thing. We've played take after take."

"I just want everything right, that's all."

"You were never this picky on the last album."

"But JC what if this is?"


"Our last album. I want it to be perfect."

"Who says this will be our last album?"

"I don't know. I mean we don't know. I guess I want this to be the very best we can make it. I want us to go out with a bang not a whimper."

Justin patted Chris's shoulder, "Chris, we'll be together for a long time yet. We're enjoying ourselves to much."

"Yeah, you say that now. What if that voice crying 'go solo' becomes too tempting?"

"It's not going to be. I love you guys too much for that."

Chris just looked at Justin and didn't reply. How could he explain what he felt in his guts?

"Look, I'm not trying to sound depressing. I just want us to put out our best work. Sorry, if I am being a pain in the ass."

JC put his hand on Chris's shoulder. "We'll worry about the pain in the ass. You're just doing what you feel is right. We agree we want this album to be great for our fans. We can't argue about your motives."

Peter soon re-entered the booth. "Sorry, guys. You've been singing it all day so now I'm putting it into action. I'm gone."

"Ryan showed up?" asked Lance.

"Yeah, but he's not admitting anything. He's sticking to the 'I fell off of my bike' story and it's not flying. They think I can help."

"Well, they called the right person," JC said. "Just tell us how it goes."

"See you when I see you." Justin said as Peter gave him a parting kiss.

"I have a feeling I'll be home first again."

"Nah," Joey said, "We're almost through already."

"Can I hear that last few bars again?"


"I mean it. I want to hear it again."

Everyone gave a tired sigh.

Peter chuckled. "I'm really 'gone'," Peter sang. His voice cracked on the high note.

"That's one take we're definitely not using." Chris said.

Peter left.

As Peter entered Galaxy, Brian walked up to him. "Good, the cavalry is here. We're not swallowing Ryan's bike story." Brian suddenly seemed embarrassed.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine. Joe's been a bit busy lately but I'm not worried."

Peter could tell Brian really was worried but one problem at a time. As he headed for the office he saw Ryan among his friends. Their eyes caught for a moment. Ryan stood up straight almost in defiance. Peter walked to the office.

"Ryan has definitely been beaten but he won't admit anything. We'd call the police but that would be a waste of time. Brian thought you could help."

Peter said, "Well, first I'd like to check out Ryan's home. I'd have a better idea after that."

"But there isn't time."

"Trust me."

The counselor went to the computer and started typing. "Found it. Ryan lives at. . ."

Peter interrupted, "You wouldn't happen to have a map around here?"

A map was found.

"Would you show me the address on the map please?"

The counselor checked the map over for a few minutes.

"There," He pointed, "Ryan lives there, number 8576."

"And Galaxy is. . ?"


"Thanks," Peter looked around. "I'll be in that chair. It may look like I am asleep but please don't disturb me. This should only take a few minutes." Peter sat down.

"You're going to check on Ryan's house from that chair?"

"Do you have a dictionary?"


"Look up 'Astral Projection' or ask Brian." Peter closed his eyes.

Okay, this time it did feel like spying but Peter needed to see Ryan's parents. If Ryan had been beaten and kicked out Peter should be able to discover something that would prove it. Even just the way they acted might give him a clue.

As Peter floated up to the house the first thing he noticed there was hardly a light on. Next there were two newspapers on the welcome mat. He stuck his head through the mailbox. It was full of letters. No one had been here for at least two days. This was working against Peter's theory.

Peter floated around the house. In the living room two chairs seemed out of place and the rug was messed up. It looked like a tussle did take place. But why would Ryan have fought back against his father?

A trip to the Ryan's bedroom showed the closet door was open. There were clothes on the floor still on hangers. It looked like a hurried departure.

But the most puzzling fact was in the master bedroom closet. All the clothes were female. Ryan must live with just his mother but why the feeling of Ryan's father? Could have Ryan's mother thrown his father out after what he did to Ryan? This was getting nowhere.

One thing was for sure. Ryan had not returned to his home. But where was his mother? Out looking for Ryan? Maybe she had left after Ryan had been thrown out? But the lack of adult male clothes was puzzling. Could Ryan's father live somewhere else? With nothing else to learn Peter floated back to his body.

Peter stood to one side. He wanted to stay out of this as much as possible.

"I told you I fell off my bike. I hit a pothole and went head first over the handle bars."

The counselor countered, "You landed on one side of your face then rolled onto the other?"

Ryan's defiance wavered.

"Ryan, if you were attacked it should be reported. People shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. Peter knows that all too well."

Ryan's eyes went to Peter. Ryan's aura shifted slightly. Could it be because Peter had been gay bashed, too?

"Okay, okay, it wasn't my bike. I approached the wrong guy that's all. You were right. My looking for a Daddy got me in trouble."

"What did he look like?"

"I don't remember. It was dark." Ryan looked at the floor.

"You should still report this to the police."

Ryan's head snapped up, "What the hell for? They can't do anything about it? They make a good try at it. Getting you to think you're safe but you're not."

"This has happened before?"

"No, I mean, without a description what can they do? Nothing. I was just foolish, that's all. I made a mistake and approached the wrong person."

"Ryan, did you know the person that did this to you?"

"Of course not."

The counselor glanced at Peter. Peter scratched his nose. It was the signal to say Peter could tell by Ryan's aura that Ryan was lying.

"Ryan you haven't been home for a two days."

Ryan almost paled. He looked up surprised.

"Where you thrown out of your house?"

"No, we. . .I just can't go back."

"Do you have a place to stay?"


"In a proper place with running water and a bed."


"Are you staying with friends?"

"Sort of."

"I wish you'd let us help you."

"We. . .I am getting help. More help than from the police."

"Why do you hate the police so?"

"They promised," Ryan paused choosing his words carefully, "safety but they lied. It's no longer safe. That's why I can't go back to my home."

Peter walked over to the desk. Ryan's file was still up on the computer. He noticed the line 'In Case of an Emergency contact: Mother'."

"Ah, excuse me please." He gestured at the counselor.

When the counselor stood next to Peter, "This is getting us no where," the counselor whispered.

"Maybe it's time to force his hand." Peter whispered back.

"I'd rather it came from him."

"But you said you've never heard him talk about his father. It's a shot in the dark but what else can we do?"

The thought of Ryan's father beating him stayed stubbornly in Peter's mind. How could a father beat his own son? But where had the mother gone? Wait a minute, Ryan's father! If he could beat Ryan that means he could also. . .

"The mother was gone, too." Peter hissed.


"Do it."

The counselor turned to Ryan. "Your father did this to you didn't he?"

Ryan was on his feet, "No, he didn't! I told you it was this guy I tried to pick up! My Dad would never do anything like this!"

Peter nodded at the counselor. Ryan's aura showed the truth.

"Yes he would and your father has done things like this many times before."

Ryan was defiant, "My Dad has never beaten me before." The truth was out.

"You left your home but it was not because you were gay." Peter paused, "And your mother went with you and it was because of your father."

Ryan tried to protest but he couldn't think of nothing to say. Finally he just sat down again.

"So now you know. I didn't want people know how my Dad treats my Mother or that I attacked my Dad. What kind of a son hits his own father?"

"Someone who cares a great deal about his mother and her safety." The counselor knelt in from of Ryan, "Now will you tell us the truth?"

Ryan thought for a while then began, "My folks are divorced. My Dad treated my Mother like shit. He was always yelling and sometimes he'd slap her. Finally my Mother went to the police. We had a day in court then they told my Dad never to come near us again. Just to be safe we moved here. Then two days ago I came home to find Dad in our living room. I don't know how he found us but he did. As usual he was yelling at my Mom. When he saw me he started yelling at her about me. 'You made my boy a fag!' I got so mad. I yelled back, 'She did not make me gay!'," Ryan looked down. "I never spoke back to my Dad. I knew better but I was so mad. He wasn't supposed to be there. We were supposed to be safe from him. But there he was yelling just like before." Ryan looked up. "The police promised us we were safe. They lied. I hate them for that!"

"Okay, Ryan what happened next?"

"My Dad moved to hit me and my Mother shouted at him not to so he slapped her instead.

That did it. I couldn't see my Mother go through this all again I jumped on my Dad and just kept hitting him over and over. I hated him so much. Dad elbowed me in the stomach and I fell off of him. Then he hit me a few more times. He was yelling something about 'how dare I'. Then Mother hit him with something. A broom I think. Dad was knocked to the ground dazed. Mother grabbed me and we locked ourselves in the bathroom.

When Dad threatened to break down the door, Mother said she had her cell phone and she was calling the police so he'd better go. Mother didn't really have her phone but Dad believed her. When he was gone we grabbed some clothes and Mother drove to a shelter she knew about. We've been living there since. They told us not to go back to the house because Dad might be watching it." Ryan shrugged, "That's about it."

"Ryan, you should tell the police."

Peter stepped in, "We should check with the shelter first. I'm sure a police report is standard policy."

Ryan looked very sad, "We can never go home again."

"Oh, yes you will, Ryan."

He looked up at Peter, "But how? Dad got in so easy and he knows where we are now."

"All you need is a good security system."

Ryan looked down, "We can't afford that."

"Well, you can't but I, we have some very good friends who might just help."

Ryan looked up surprised, "Do you mean. . ?"

Peter shrugged, "No harm in asking." Peter thought of something, "And speaking of asking, why were you in that pawnshop and looking for coins?"

"The shelter needs money. Since that is the only place we could stay I wanted to help."

Peter smiled, "And Ryan, I think you just helped them more than you know."

To say NSYNC caused a bit of a stir when they showed up at the shelter the next day would be an understatement. The mothers and children all enjoyed the mini concert they gave and the director of the shelter nearly fainted at the check she was given.

"Thank you," She wiped tears away, "This will help so much."

"Thank, Ryan here," Justin but his hand on the boy's shoulder, "He brought your cause to our attention."

"And thank Galaxy," Ryan added, "They cared enough to get the truth out of me." He nodded, "And Peter."

Ryan's mother gave Peter a hug, "And thank you for giving us back our home."

"Well, with NSYNC's help."

JC said, "There will be a guard at night until the security system is up and running. The police will make regular patrols to the area. At least until your Ex is found."

Ryan's mother sighed, "He's probably three states away by now. He likes to act tough but he is a real coward at heart."

Peter snorted, "Aren't they all. They love to exert power over others so they can feel the power they really don't have."

Ryan's mother looked at Peter, "Have you been. . ?"

"Older brother," Peter simply said. He put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly, "and gay younger brother."

"Oh," She patted Peter's hand, "But that's all over, right?"

Peter glanced at Justin, "Right. And it will soon be in the past for you, too." Peter turned to Ryan, "And this time we mean it."

Ryan grinned.

"You're sure you're not too tired, JC?"

"Not for this, love."

"But you've been singing for days. What about your throat?"

"This is the best thing for it. It stretches it out." To prove his point JC swallow Lance's cock. He took it into his throat and held it.

Lance shuddered, "Damn!"

JC pulled off and just stroked Lance.

"Not that I am complaining," Lance panted, "You know me, I just worry."

JC smiled up at Lance, "Don't worry, lover. I love sucking your cock."

Lance frowned slightly.

"I love sucking you?"

Lance still frowned.

"I love oral sex? Okay, Lance no dirty talk?"

Lance suddenly grinned. "Suck my dick, Josh!"

JC happily obeyed.

"Oh, fuck you're a good cocksucker!"

JC stopped and looked up.

Lance blushed, "Too much?"

"I'm a good butt fucker, too you know."

Lance leered, "You'll have to prove that to me again tonight."

"Gladly," JC swallowed Lance again.

Lance gasped.

After a few more trips of JC's lips up and down Lance's hard shaft and JC pulled back to catch his breathe. "You have such a nice cock, Lance."

"And you treat it so well." Lance tapped JC's shoulder. On cue JC move up so they could kiss.

JC smiled, "Of course, it treats my ass so well."

"Your ass cries out to be treated well. It is so beautiful."

"Yours isn't half bad either."

"Really?" Lance teasingly rolled over, "You think so?"

"Damn, Lance, it's irresistible."

With that JC caressed and kissed the two perfect mounds. Soon he parted the cheeks and began tonguing Lance's puckered opening.

Soon Lance was happily whimpering. But JC had better idea. He coaxed Lance up on all fours. JC lay below him. Now JC could easily switch between rimming Lance's ass, licking his balls and sucking his cock.

"Oh, Josh, that feels SO good."

"Mustn't play favorites." JC plunged back on Lance's cock.

After a few minutes of intense delight Lance said, "How about hogging all the fun?"

"Sorry." JC kicked around so they were head to toe.

Lance now followed JC's example. He swallowed JC's cock for a bit then sucked his balls then lifted JC's legs so he could rim JC's sweet ass.

Their mouths and their tongues sent such waves of joy through both of them with a warm sweet wetness.

But JC's tongue was hitting Lance's hot spot. Soon Lance said, "Josh, do me."

"Do me?" JC teased.

Lance gave in, "Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me hard, long and fast! Slam your cock into my ass!"

JC moved from under Lance. Lance may have been saying the words but they both knew what each other wanted. The words were decoration. The act was true.

JC lubed himself and Lance up. He knelt behind Lance, aimed for the spot then pushed his cock into Lance. Lance responded as always with eagerness. His lover was going to fuck him. Okay, in Lance's mind his lover was going to make love to him, hard and fast! No, this wasn't making love. It was a fuck and that just what Lance needed.

"Please, Josh!"

JC had no hesitation. He thrust back long and hard. Lance loved this so much. JC pushed his cock into his willing lover's ass. Lance moaned and gasped. Everything they were was reflected in this act. Two bodies intertwined. Two bodies connected.

JC reached down and wrapped his arms around Lance.

"My wonderful, wonderful Josh, fuck me!"

Lance wanted this to be different. Dirty talk and an act of lust but the lust had a hidden side. They loved each other.

"Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me!"

JC almost wished Lance would give up the dirty talk. This was more than that but JC soon fell into the fantasy.

"You like my cock in your ass?"


"You like me to fuck you!"


Then a change, "I love you, Lance."

"I know."

Lance turned his head so they could kiss and they kissed and kissed and kissed.

"I'm sorry about the language."

JC smiled, "Don't be. It is so hot!"

"Then fuck me, Josh."

JC slowed.


"No, your Josh."

Lance smiled, "Do me."

"With pleasure."

Lance's whimpers were growing. JC knew that end was in sight.

"Oh, Josh, yeah, I'm getting close."

JC thrust back harder.

Lance's body went tense, "Oh, Josh! I. . . " Lance's voice pinched off.

JC could almost feel as the climax washed through his lover. He never grew tired of it. This is what couples were meant to see. Soon Lance just knelt there panting.


Lance relaxed. "Damn, JC you are such a great lover."

"You, too."

"Me, too? You haven't cum yet." Lance smiled as he rolled onto his back, "Keep fucking me."

Soon JC continued his thrusting. He was a bit embarrassed. They usually had better timing than this. Lance seemed to notice.

"I'm sorry, Josh. You were just too good. I couldn't hold out."

JC leaned down and kissed Lance. "Thanks."

Lance leered, "Fuck me, Josh. Make me cum again."

"Then bring that pretty ass of yours to the edge of the bed."

Lance repositioned himself. JC was now standing on the floor. He pushed his cock back into Lance.

"Here we go." He began thrusting hard into Lance.

Soon Lance was whimpering again. His head rolled back and forth on the bed.

"Oh, Josh!"

JC sped up, thrusting into Lance for all he was worth.

"Oh, Josh! Oh, Josh! Fuck me!" Lance gave a long drawn out shout, "Fuck me!"

Lance closed his eyes. His hands caressed his chest. He pinched his nipples and moaned. JC didn't mind. This was for Lance. Let him revel in his own pleasure.

At that moment Lance opened his eyes. Smiling he ran his hand's up JC's body, across his chest and rubbed hard on the nipples. He noted JC's sigh of pleasure.

"I've been ignoring my Josh." His hands slid over JC's exposed skin. "You are so beautiful. I love your body."

JC got a deep thrust. Lance's head dropped back on the bed, "Oh, and your cock, too." Lance's hands cupped JC's ass. "Give it to me. I want it SO bad!"

JC began to swing his hips a little. Lance moaned at the new feeling. JC leaned down so they could kiss. Lance wrapped his arms around JC pulling him close.

Lance whispered in JC's ear. "Keep fucking me, Josh. Please don't stop."

"Not until you pop." JC whispered back. He stood up.

Lance was in pure bliss. It was such a turn on to see. JC could feel the first stirrings but held back. Lance had to get close too.

Before JC knew it, Lance's mouth fell open and his face flushed.

"Oh, my god, I'm going to cum again! Damn, Josh, I'm cumming!"

Lance twitched about on the bed as his cock splattered his love over his body.

Seeing his lover in such a state was too much for JC. The stirrings grew into a pulse that surged through his body.

"I'm going to pop, too."

Then came the surprising words, "On my face, Josh."

Lance slid from the bed to his knees. Lance looked up at JC with eager eyes.

That did it. Those green eyes looking up at him JC gave up. His climax blasted through every nerve. JC managed to keep his eyes open to watch Lance take his load on his face. He secretly prayed 'Not in the eye. Not in the eye.' but Lance quickly shut his eyes as his lover shot off.

Wave after wave of pleasure surged through JC. Lance kneeling before him was so much of a turn on. JC thought he'd never stop cumming but after a time he did.

JC pulled Lance to his feet and kissed him with passion.

Lance fought against his need for a washcloth. JC was saying 'thank you, I love you'.

They parted from the kiss, "Now you can get the washcloth," JC chuckled.

"How?" Lance shook his head, "I should stop asking that. We're just that good together."

Lance cleaned himself off then he pulled off the top sheet off the bed.

"Lance, you're not going to change the bedding?"

"Just the top sheet. I had quite the gusher."

"Just leave it."

"Okay, it's your side of the bed."

"Okay, change it. I need to keep my lover happy."

"I am after that." Lance pulled down a clean sheet from the closet. "I always keep a clean one close."

JC helped tucking in the clean sheet, "Good because I want to cuddle."

They climbed between the sheets and nestled close.

"Damn, JC I'm tingling all over. That was so good."

"And you were marvelous as well. I am quite happily spent."

"Well, you did all the work."

"What work? Seeing your reaction makes it sure pleasure not work."

Lance kissed JC, "You always say the right thing."

"Hey, I like a fuck now and then, too. It behooves me to keep you happy."


"See I don't always say the right thing."

Lance snuggled closer, "I don't care."

"Well, at least the problem with Ryan is sorted out. Just because Ryan is gay we immediately thought he was gay bashed and here he was protecting his mother."

"Yeah, it was nice to see Ryan had more than just money on his mind. He is actually a very decent young gay man."

Peter answered his cell phone, "Hello."

"Gay men are fucking pigs!" There was such anguish in the voice.

"Brian? What's wrong?"

"Joe's left me. The bastard didn't even say a word."

"Brian, where are you?"

"At home in my room." Brian was on the verge of sobbing. "I've never setting foot outside again. The world fucking sucks!"

"Hang on, I'll be right over."

Peter left a hurried note for Justin and headed for the Wilson's.

Mr. Wilson answered the door.

"I'm glad you came. He's in his room. He hasn't eaten anything all day. He didn't even go to school today. He's very upset. How could someone do such a thing? What a bastard!"

As Peter headed for the stairs he barely registered the other man sitting on the couch. It must be Phil worried about his brother.

Peter knocked on the bedroom door.

"Go away. I'm not hungry!"

"It's Peter."

A muffled voice said, "Come in."

Brian lay on a rumbled bed. He was still in his pajamas. His eyes were red and his nose was running from crying.

When he saw Peter he burst out, "You were so right to wait. I didn't and look what happened. Joe got what he wanted then dropped me like a hot potato."

Peter's mind filled with dread, "Got what he wanted" he thought. He decided to let Brian bring it up.

Peter sat down on the bed. He put a comforting hand on Brian's shoulder. "What happened? Start from the beginning."

Brian wiped his eyes and sat up. "We were kissing, making out. This time we were lying on the couch. I could feel his hand on me to see if I was hard. Joe laughed. He said he always had to jack off after I left. I told him, me too. Then he said why didn't we jack off together. I thought it would be harmless enough. I was so horny and I, well, wanted to see him. He has a real nice cock."

Peter blushed. For the first time Brian smiled.

"Sorry, but he does." Brian paused, "He did." Brian frowned then after a bit he continued, "I was so turned on. I knew I'd pop any minute and I so wanted this to last. Well, seeing Joe standing there stroking himself I was so tempted. I swear I could see such love in Joe's eyes. I wanted so much to show him how I felt about him. Before I knew it I was on my knees in front of Joe and I took his cock in my mouth. Joe was so surprised. He'd stop me now and then so we could kiss. He was showing me how much he cared." Brian frowned. "No, it was just a goddamn blow job! That's all it was to him."

"Brian, no opinions just the facts for now."

"What's more to know? I sucked him off. I came while I was as at it so Joe said he'd pay me back the next time. I went home on a cloud. I sucked my first cock. I enjoyed it, too. So did Joe. I was so in love. Well, that was then." Brian shrugged, "I haven't heard from Joe since. He doesn't answer his phone. I've left messages but he doesn't call me back. That was two days ago. He didn't even show up at Galaxy." The tears started again. "He just wanted the sex. Once he got that he was gone." Brian forced a slight smile, "At least my ass is still virgin."

Peter was very uncomfortable, "Brian, please, your language."

"That's what Joe was thinking. I thought it was love but all it was was a blow job."

Peter took Brian into his arms. Brian was soon crying on his shoulder.

"Maybe it's not how it looks. We don't really know Joe's side of it for sure."

"Oh, I am very sure." Brian snapped, "Once you put out for a guy he's gone."

"I've met Joe. I find that hard to believe."

Brian looked at Peter. "But he's gone! He's cut me off totally! Not even a phone call!"

"There has to be another reason."

"Gay men are pigs, that's all they are."

"You're just upset."

"Do you blame me?"

Peter combed Brian's unkempt hair with his fingers, "Not in the least but there still may be an explanation."

Brian looked hopeful, "But what?"

At that moment there was Mr. Wilson's raised voice then feet were heard running up the stairs. The bedroom door burst open. It was Joe. He rushed to the bed.

"Brian, I am SO sorry. I got called away. My grandmother had a stroke. Between the hospital and family I forgot. I should have called but it's been so crazy. Then when I finally got home and checked my voice messages. . ." He hugged and kissed Brian, "You must just hate me. I am so sorry."

"I was worried sick. I thought you dumped me."


"I thought all you wanted was the sex and when you got that you left me."

Joe held Brian close, "No, no never that. I couldn't do that to you. I care too much about you."

Brian was crying again but this time they were happy tears.

Peter got up and walked to the door. He was no longer needed.

As he got to the door he heard:

"You didn't answer your phone."

"In the emergency I forgot my cell at home. We've been staying at my grandmother's house up state. I just got home a few minutes a go."

"Why didn't you just call?"

"I wasn't sure you'd take my phone call if you were angry at me and I felt that I should apologize to you in person."

"How is your grandmother?"

Joe paused. He began to tremble. "She didn't recover. My Nana is. . ," Joe's voice caught. He couldn't say it.

"Oh, my poor, Joe." Brian held Joe close. "I know how close you were." He rocked Joe in his arms.

"She raised me while my Mother worked. Now she's gone, Brian. Nana's gone."

Peter smiled at the role reversal and shut the door.

Mr. Wilson met Peter at the bottom of the stairs.

"Brian's better?"

"Well, Brian's no longer the one who's crying. Joe had a medical emergency in the family and Brian just got lost in the shuffle." Peter glanced upstairs, "Brian's the one doing the comforting now."

"Oh, then Joe lost someone in his family?"


Mr. Wilson look sad, "I should apologize. The things I thought about the boy leaving Brian like that."

Peter put his hand on Mr. Wilson's shoulder, "You're a father. It's your duty to look after your children."

"Well, at least Joe's back. Brian is going through a difficult time. He doesn't need a broken heart on top of that. It might put him off forever."

Peter was confused, "Put him off?"

"Did you close the bedroom door?"

"Yeah, I thought they'd like to be alone."

"Good." Mr. Wilson smiled. "Brian may have a lot of comforting to do. Oh, and don't worry. I made sure that Brian has condoms just in case." Mr. Wilson smiled at Peter's shocked expression. "You said it is a father's duty to look after his children."

Peter pointed back upstairs, "You don't think they'll. . ?"

"Oh, not now but sometime. Probably soon. I know how much Brian cares for Joe and about the other night. It's inevitable."

"Mr. Wilson, you sure have changed."

"Thanks to you."

"Ahem." It was the man in the living room. To Peter's surprise it wasn't Phil.

"Oh, sorry," Mr. Wilson turned to the living room. "May I introduce you? This is Chuck."

Chuck got up from the couch and walked over to Peter. They shook hands.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Chuck."

"So I meet you at last." Chuck smiled, "I owe you so much."

"Owe me?"

Chuck put his arm around Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson stepped out of the embrace, "This is the man I met at the club. You were right he did come back."

"Then I am happy for you both."

Chuck pulled Mr. Wilson to him making sure he couldn't slip away. "We are so far. He just has to get used to the hugging part."

"Not in front of guests."

"Then I am just leaving. That way you can owe me one more thing." Peter decided to skip the "up Chuck" joke. With a wink Peter turned to the door and then stopped. He pointed upstairs then back at Mr. Wilson, "I am assuming you bought enough for all of you?"

"None of your business!" Mr. Wilson was embarrassed, "Will you just go!"

Peter smiled. That was the old Mr. Wilson.

Peter couldn't resist a parting shot.

"I'm sure everyone here will enjoy the rest of the evening."

Peter left and closed the door muffling any remarks from inside the house.

Justin was home when Peter got there.

"Crisis over?"

"Yeah," Peter flopped onto the couch next to Justin. "Two crisis's in as many days that is too many crisis's for me."

Justin patted Peter's knee. "But you handled them so well."

Peter's hand squeezed Justin's knee. "There are other things I'd like to handle right now."

Justin pretended not to catch the innuendo and stared at the TV.

"Recording going well?"

"Yeah," Justin sighed, "If only Chris wasn't so picky."

"Well, he wants to put out the best for your fans."

"I know." Justin's eyes never left the TV.

"Of course, Chris could just be having you guys on."

There was a warning tone in Justin voice, "He had better not be or he will soon be in great pain. He won't be able to sit for days."

"Ooh, sounds like fun. Can I watch?" Peter wigged his eyebrows.

"But you don't like. . ." Justin turned to see Peter's pleading gaze. He chuckled, "Okay, I give. Let's go up to bed."

"Thank you, lover." Peter gave Justin a kiss.

Peter almost waltzed out of the bathroom. He sat down on the bed to take his slippers off.

"And Mr. Wilson actually approves. He bought Brian condoms and everything." Peter sighed, "To think Brian is discovering sex and love. I am so happy for him." Peter slipped under the sheet. "But I wouldn't change how I found out about sex. Thanks to you." Peter snuggled up to Justin's back, "Lover."

Justin just lay there.

"Lover?" Nothing, "Justin?" He shook Justin a slightly.

"Please, Mom, just ten more minutes."

"Okay, son," Peter said joking. "Good night, Justin." He kissed Justin's cheek.

Justin mumbled something unintelligible.

Peter spooned up next to Justin and fell asleep.

End Part 66

Looks like we've come (no pun) down to the end of another one. Sorry it took so long. I guess after 6 years the mind runs dry a bit. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know, if you would be so kind at or Feedback is always appreciated (and it helps grease the mental wheels.) Okay, no begging.

Time to start the next part.

Next: Chapter 68

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