Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 10, 2005


No time to be trivial on with the CYBS (cover your butt stuff).

This story is pure BS. Not a drop of the truth. Don't believe a word of it. The author does not know anything about NSYNC's personal life (waaah!) and this is on no account to be thought of being chronicled here. This is just the author's own warped and sick imagination. (I wrote that because you never know who might be reading this but between you and me I think this story is very hot!)

As for Gay sex. Skip to the next chapter. Well, this was to be one chapter but it got too long. The chapter that is. So size can be a draw back. Enough of me dithering. On with the story!

Justin stepped into the kitchen and gaped.

"Who's all coming for breakfast? You made enough for an army."

"You guys eat like an army. Besides you'll need the energy today." Lynn answered Justin's question before he asked it. "Joey and Chris are eating out by the pool. They were the first down for breakfast, big surprise. Lance and JC are probably still sleeping, another big surprise and I assume Peter is on his way."

"Yeah, he decided he wanted to change his shirt." Justin's eyes narrowed. "He's delaying on purpose."

Lynn shrugged. "Well, I wanted to check in." She gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. "A little one on one with your mother is that so bad?"

"I'm fine. What did you expect?"

"You just let the public know that Justin Timberlake is in love with another man. I don't expect you to be just 'fine'."

"You too with the 'Timberlake'. Am I so different from the others?"

"Yes, you are. At least to your fans. Well, maybe even to yourself. Your fans are so important to you."

"Our fans are important to all of us."

"But you want to keep your fans happy. You try so hard to please them all. I know this must be hard for you. But, Justin, you didn't disappoint your true fans. They'll understand. Believe it or not seeing you happy is just as important to them." She patted Justin's cheek. "And I am so proud of you. You really took the wind out the sails of that son of a bitch."

Justin pretended to be shocked. "Mom!"

"And I toned that down." She jabbed a spatula into the pan of scrambled eggs. "Taking someone like Peter to court and perverting everything people say. It just pisses me off."

Justin hugged his mother from behind. "It pisses me off too and thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there. It meant a lot to Peter and to me." Justin sighed. "Well, at least everyone knows about me and Peter now. It must be a relief to Peter."

Lynn turned to face Justin. "Peter knew why you were waiting and he understood. The time had to be right for you. Even if you had never come out he would have still understood."

"But I wasn't ashamed of our love."

"Justin, not being ashamed of Peter and having to tell the public something very intimate about yourself is very different."

Justin shrugged. "I had to. I just had to. I keep saying I'm not ashamed of my love for Peter but there was Welks treating it like it was some deep dark evil secret to be dragged out before a shocked and repulsed public. And there were our lawyers trying every trick in the book to keep it from even being brought up. I couldn't stand to see our love treated like that. It is so important to me. I had to speak up like I said, for the fans, for me and for Peter. I wanted Peter to hear me say in public that I loved him. I had to prove that I meant what I said to him."

"He knows. Are you sure you weren't trying to prove it to yourself?"

Justin didn't say anything.

Lynn gave Justin's arm a squeeze. "It was the public's acceptance that you were afraid of. You already have Peter's."

Justin turned to look out the window. "Yeah, my public."

Lynn set the spatula down and turned to Justin. She spread her arms. "Come here."


"Just come here."

Justin moved close and Lynn wrapped her arms around him. She held on to Justin.

"Okay, nice hug but . . ."

"It's not through yet."

"But. . ."

She gave Justin a soft slap on the back. "Stop being so goddamn brave. You just came out to your public. You must be scared or anxious or at least nervous. Don't put on that 'everything is fine' face. I'm your mother. Can't you let your guard down around me?"

"Okay, I am a little scared. I'm disappointing a lot of fans out there. Justin Timberlake does not sleep another guy."

"Oh, yes he does." Lynn stood back and looked Justin in the eyes. "You can never disappoint fans when you are being who you truly are. You know that and they know that."

"But the response has been so negative."

"Knee-jerk response. You shocked a lot of people but they will come around."

"What if they don't?"

"You still have Peter, the guys, your friends and your parents. Or you can break up with Peter, say the whole thing was a lie and try to go back to the way it was."

"But I can't. Peter means so much to me."

"They'll see that, Justin, in time." Lynn poked at Justin's chest. "Trust what is in there. It has never steered you wrong yet. Be true to yourself and others will be true to you. And if they don't, screw `em."


"Justin, stand by what you did. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I am not talking Peter I am talking you. You told the truth even if you didn`t have to. You were brave and your fans, your true fans will see that. What other artists would have done what you did? You're breaking new ground. In that I am very proud of you."

"I second that motion." Peter entered the kitchen.

"Oh, the co-conspirator." Justin stood back from his mother and gave a fake frown. "You set me up."

"Well, if I am going to share this house I will have to get on with the other housemates."

Lynn smiled. "I like that. It's better than 'Justin's parents'."

Justin nudged Peter. "What a flatterer."

Lynn handed them plates. "Here, help yourself. I'll send JC and Lance out when they get here." She waved them on. "Go, go, eat up."

As they left Justin's house they were greeted by a throng of people. But these were fans. They shouted encouragement and love to Justin. Peter wanted to keep behind Justin and let Justin bask in the support of his fans but Justin would have none of it. Justin waved the crowd to silence.

"I am very humbled by your show if support. I am sorry I didn't turn out to be the person you wanted me to be."

"We love you, Justin! We love you as you are!"

"I don't suppose you'd like to see him but I want you to meet someone very special to me." Justin took Peter's hand and pulled him close. "I know he is no Britney but he makes me very happy. I'm sorry if that disappoints you."

"Justin, you rock no matter what!"

"This trial seems to be a more about muckraking than getting to the truth."

"Boo! Take `em to the mat!"

"We have always tried to be ourselves because you fans can see through any false front and we can't be what we are not. Yesterday I came out to you because I had to. I could not stand to have someone out me. It had to come directly from me. I owed you all that much. I hope I," He took Peter's hand, "will still earn and merit such devotion. And I hope when you get to know him you will see why Peter is important to me."

Peter couldn't help himself. He turned to the crowd. "Justin is the same person you've always screamed at. I would never dream of interfering with that. He can have the spotlight to himself and NSYNC. You fans are so important to him. But if you could find it in your heart to share just a bit of him with me, I'd be very grateful."

There was more whistling and shouting.

Justin waved his hand. "I was afraid of telling you that I was in love with a man. I was afraid of losing your respect. I had made up your minds for you. Please forgive me." Justin bowed.

The crowd screamed. The chants started of `Justin. Justin.'

They made their way to the car and climbed in.

"That was easy."

"Just you wait," added Justin.

He was right. The scene at the courthouse was very different.

There were two factions. The ones across the street from the courthouse were for NSYNC. The ones around the courthouse steps were of the opposition. Peter was bustled up the steps so he didn't really see all the signs but the ones he saw turned his stomach.

"NSYNC: In Sin" "Tear'n up your Soul." "Save Our Children from Satan's Music."

Justin turned Peter's head away and put his arm around him.

"Justin, don't."

"I am not ashamed of you. I want them to know that. We can face anything together."


"Burn in Hell!"

They got to the top of the steps and Justin and the others turned around. He waved at the people across the street and had Peter do as well.

"Those are the true fans, Peter." Justin whispered into his ear. "What teenager knows a word like `sodomite'? Trust me, this will soon all be over." Peter looked up into Justin's best Timberlake smile. "This I promise you."

They turned and walked through the door.

"That Welks really knows his stuff."

"How's that, Joey?"

Joey answered Lance. "Any reporter getting a photo of us entering the courthouse will have the protesters in the background. It will look like everyone is on his side. The fans are on the other side of the street out of camera shot."

"Oh, they'll get photos of the fans, too." JC added. "Reporters can sense a set up job."

JC could be right but it didn't make Peter feel any better.

Hugh was standing outside the courtroom as Peter and the lawyers approached. Hugh smiled. Peter beat him to it.

"I know, 'Stop being afraid and trust my friends'. I assume I can add "lawyers" to that list."

"You're in good hands. It is almost over."

"And that dark cloud we both saw?"

"The wind is changing. It looks like it will pass us by."

"It hasn't been much of a vacation for you."

"I have been needed and been of a help. That is a nice vacation for me."

"And how about for you?"

"You never know. I have a few days more."

Will touched Peter's arm, "We'd better go in."

Hugh blew Peter a kiss as they walked away.

Peter stepped through the courtroom door and stopped. The place was full of people. Well, his side of the court was full. Lonnie he saw first. Lonnie smiled and pulled on his own angel charm. He gestured at the people around him. Peter recognized some of the crew. They all were wearing the old anti-violence buttons. Lonnie gave Peter the thumbs up.

"Hey, Peter."

Peter turned around. "Brian! Shouldn't you be in school?"

"It's only for a few hours." Brian gestured at the group kids sitting close to him. "We couldn't let this go by without Galaxi showing our support." Brian wrinkled his nose. "We had to sit on the bride's side," He nodded at Welks, "because the groom's side was full. But we're still on your side."

"Does your father know you are here?"

"Who do you think drove them here?"

Peter turned. "Mr. Wilson, Phil, you're here too?"

Mr. Wilson smiled. "Call me Kent, please. And I wanted to be here after all you did."

Peter smirked, "Yeah, under my influence we now have a gay father and gay son. Don't let Reverend Welks hear you. It will add to his evidence against me."

Mr. Wilson looked serious. "That's why I had to come. I once thought as Welks does. You changed that. I thank you for that."

Peter could feel the tears starting. "I'd better sit down. This is a courtroom after all."

"It will turn out all right. God is looking out for you."

"Tell Welks that will you."

Phil smiled. "That's why we're here."

As Peter made his way to the table he was amazed how many people were there.

In the second row behind NSYNC were the Backstreet Boys.

Kevin grinned at Peter. "Don't worry we all know you're innocent. Well, in this case." He winked.

Howie nodded. "They're not going to get away with this."

Brian beamed next. "Look, Backstreet and NSYNC both together in public. You did that."

"We're all behind you," Nick looked around, "Okay, not just literally. Knock 'em dead."

They all turned. "Nick!"

"Sorry, bad choice of words. I had a blond moment, what can I say?"

Peter steadied his voice. "I know what you meant, Nick. Thank you all. I really appreciate this."

Kevin winked. "No sweat." He nudged Howie's shoulder, "We owe you one."

Peter got to the gate when suddenly there was a voice at Peter's ear. "You're in big trouble now."

Peter turned to find his brother Darrin grinned at him.

"And your Mommy isn't here to help you. You're going down, Little Bro. You should never have thrown me out." He hissed, "Sissy boy." Then he sat down behind Reverend Welks. Welks nodded in greeting then went back to his paperwork as his assistant talked to Darrin.

Peter looked at the small group behind Reverend Welks and the large group that was behind him. He wasn't quite as scared as before. He sat down.

"Now I know why you are such great lawyers. Getting all these people here that was a fantastic idea, Ben."

Ben shook his had. "This wasn't my idea."

Will replied, "It was mine. Welks may have one witness but this way I can show the judge even more witnesses that I could call. No matter what your brother says I think the judge will get our message."

"Then what was Ben's idea?"

Ben turned and signaled a guy at the door. "This was it."

The door opened and Peter's mouth did the same. A couple approached from the door. When they got close Peter stood up, greeted them and got a hug from the woman.

"Mom, Dad what are you doing here?"

"What do you think?" His mom said.

Peter got a hand shake and a hand on the shoulder from his father. "The lawyer called us and told us what was happening. We had to come. Well, that and they paid for the airfare and the hotel."

They sat down directly behind Peter. Peter's parents glared across the court room at Peter's older brother.

Seeing their parents there was the last thing Darrin had expected. Peter fought back a smile. His brother's bravado was crumbling.

The gavel sounded. "Mr. Welks, are you ready?"

Welks rose grinning. "Yes, I am your honor. With this witness I can prove without a shadow of a doubt just what kind of person the defendant really is. This shy wholesome demeanor is all a very carefully calculated false façade. All of this posing and pretending will not be able to hide the defendant's true intentions."

"Mr. Welks, just call your witness."

"Your honor I am very pleased to call. . . "

Peter's brother stood up. "I can't do this."

Welks turned. "Don't worry, you're doing God's will."

Darrin shook his head. "I can't do this. I can't say these things."

"But we worked it all out." Welks hissed.

"Ive always wanted my parents to be proud of me and look at me. I am nothing to be proud of." He pointed to Peter. "He is. A sissy boy. Despite of how I much I want to pay him back I can't. I can't lie in front of my parents. Ill lose everything."

"Lose everything?" Welks spat back. "You don't know the meaning of the phrase."

Peter felt a strange wave pass through him.

Welks spat, "Nothing should keep you from doing God's work. Even the apostles left their families to follow Jesus. You'd turn your back on your heavenly Father?"

Darrin looked at his parents. "It's my earthly father I'm thinking of now. I'm sorry." Peter's brother pushed passed the people sitting in his row and made his way out of the courtroom. He didn't even glance at his parents as he passed them but he left with his head down.

"Mr. Welks," began the judge, "I take it that that was your new witness?"

"Your honor, I am sorry. It seems he lost his nerve."

"Then the court will pass judgment."

Welks walked in front of the court. "But your honor it was all his doing." He pointed at Peter. "He insinuated himself into NSYNC's presence. At every point he used and manipulated them. He even faked being critically ill to get Britney to give up on trying to get Peter away from Justin. He seems an innocent person but he was always plotting and planning everything."

The judge sat forward. "Mr. Welks. There is no evidence but your own imagination."

"Not so," Welks almost shouted. "I know people like the defendant and I show the truth about their intentions. I know I am on God's side an angel touched me that night."

Peter felt a greater wave hit him. The room grew muffled. He felt like something or someone was pushing into his body.

Ben noticed Peter grip the table. "Are you all right?"

"It's happening again. I'm losing control."

"Don't fight it," Will whispered.

"But surely the ruling will be in our favor."

"You forget Reverend Welks."

As Peter turned to Welks the surges going through him grew stronger. He needs to talk. He knows the truth. He must stop this. He needs to talk. An angel, he needs an angel. Peter stopped fighting. He felt like he was being pushed back. It was like he was projecting without leaving his body. Something else was taking control of Peter`s body.

"Mr. Welks, please be seated. If you have no more witnesses to call we shall pass judgment."

Welks reluctantly returned to his seat.

Peter started to stand up but still disoriented fell back into his chair. He gave up and let whomever take control.

"The defendant does not need to stand up."

Justin watched as Peter sat down in his chair. But when he stood up again Justin knew this wasn't Peter. The body language wasn't just right. Justin could barely watch. Peter was under someone else's power.

Peter turned and slowly began to walk to Reverend Welks.

"Consol, please ask the defendant to return to his seat."

"Your honor," Will raised his hand in a quieting gesture. "This is irregular but please let this play out. It is very important to the case." He turned to Welks. "On the night in question you felt the presence of an angel." He pointed. "The presence you felt was Peter's."

Welks looked up to Peter. "He is certainly no angel!"

Peter stood and calmly looked at Welks. "Matty, stop this."

"Your tricks won't work on me."

"Matty," The voice came louder. "Please, stop. For my sake."

"For your sake? Never I. . ." Welks paused and grew a little pale, "What did you call me?" Welks looked up as the man in front of him smiled.

"Matty, you know that's not correct, you did called me. You wanted an angel and you were contacted by one. Now I am here. Please, stop this."

Welks shook his head. "I don't believe this."

"You did on that night but you had so much else on your mind. All those plans of yours. Well, now they are over and I am here. So talk."

Justin was surprised. Peter was talking with a Southern Accent.

Welks wagged a finger. "This is some trick. How do I know it is really you?"

There was laughter, "You always talk so well about your faith but in truth you were always a Doubting Thomas. You know the Bible verse I always used 'Stop persecuting me and my people'."

Welks almost smiled. "I always hated it when you twisted Bible verses to try to prove your own way." Welks face filled with awe. Peter`s changed voice and even his mannerisms seemed right. "It is you. You really are here?"

"Isn't it what you wanted?"


"Only on the surface, look deep down. Stop this already. Persecuting them won't help me."

"But they killed you." Welks spat back.

The court fell into a stunned silence.

The man in front of Welks only laughed. "They didn't kill me. AIDS killed me."

Welks's anger told in his voice. "They lured you into their lifestyle and then God's revenge took your life. If you have just resisted you'd still be alive."

"I wasn't lured. I was always this way."

"No one is born that way. When father and mother found out I knew that they would make you change to cure you of this sickness. But they didn't. They let you stay that way. Why?"

"Because they saw nothing wrong with having a gay son."

Welks turned away. "You were not gay! Well, not at first. I tried to turn you away from the dark path but you wouldn't listen to anyone."

"Matty, enough of this. We've been through this all before. Is this what you wanted to say to me?"

Welks almost against his will shook his head.

"Then talk to me. There isn't much time."

Welks hung his head. "I wanted to tell you but. . ." Welks look up at his brother. "I wanted to tell the folks but they're gone now. You were the last but I never got the chance to. . ." Welks looked at the floor.

"Tell me now."

Welks took a deep breath and looked up. "I have to explain why I did what I did. You have to know. I didn't want this to happen. It was . . ."

"The Will of God?"

Welks looked up again. "I had to. I had no choice."

"Everyone has choices. Never mind, go on."

"I wanted to make Mom and Dad proud of me so I went to Bible college. I tried my best and studied hard."

"You were on the Honor Roll every year. They were very proud."

Welks looked surprised then nodded. "Then it happened."

Welks's brother laughed, "I came out."

"Why did you have to do that? Why did you let them corrupt you? Why. . ?"

"Did I ruin everything?"

"I was sure Mom and Dad would send you away. There are places that can cure you. But they didn't. I thought that once people found out you'd be shunned. That didn't happen either. In fact. . ."

"I got more popular. It was my love of life. Go on."

Welks clasped and unclasped his hands. "I didn't want to but I. . ." He lapsed into silence.


"I couldn't let them find out I had a gay brother. I couldn't let them find out my parents were accepting of you. I had to do it. I had to protect what I had worked so hard for. I had to fight for what had made Mom and Dad proud of me. I had to do it. They would have thrown me out. Please, believe me." Welks paused and swallowed. "That's why I changed my name. That's why I had to cut all ties with you and the family. I was doing so well. I had friends and I was noticed. They took a great interest in me. I was going to be their protégé. I had to protect that at all costs. You see that don't you! I had to be what they wanted me to be!"

"It was God's will."


"Go on."

"After Mom and Dad died it grew easier. Where they were they knew why I did what I did. But you. . . Then I heard you were sick. I wanted to go to you and explain but I was afraid to be caught talking to you. Then I thought I could go saying I was trying one last time to turn you away from being gay. They wouldn't know you were my brother but before I could arrange it. . ."

"I died."

Anger entered Welks's voice. "I knew that it was the gays that killed you. Okay, it was AIDS but you would never have caught it if they hadn't turned you gay. They were to blame. I hated them for it! So I vowed that I was going to make them pay anyway I could and I did. The Chairman took an interest in me and soon we were working together. No gay person escaped us. We made them suffer for your death. I, we were doing God's will. The gays had to pay!"

"Matty, this still isn't why you brought me back. What do you want to tell me?"

"I just wanted to explain why I did what I did." Welks looked down.

"Okay, Matty, then I will be going." His brother turned.

Welks leapt to his feet. "No, Trevor, please wait! It's just difficult."

Trevor turned back.

"I wanted you to know that even though I did what I did. . . I wanted so much to tell you. . . I couldn't bring myself to and then you were gone and I'd never get the change until now. That's why I needed an angel. I needed you to know. . . You died before I could tell you."

"Tell me now, Matty."

Welks looked up at his brother. His lips trembled. "I love you. I loved you. Even though you were gay and I shouldn't have, I did. You were my younger brother. I wanted to look after and keep you safe. I wanted to make you proud of me, too. Even when you were gay you had so many friends. I was very jealous but I was also glad. I do love you, Trevor, always."

Peter felt the presence getting less and less. He found he was slowly regaining control. But the words were stopping. Would Peter know what to say? Peter wasn't sure but he felt the truth.

"I know you loved me."

Welks looked at his brother. "Can you forgive me?"

Oh, the things Peter could have said. No, he'd leave it up to Welks.

"You know what to do."

Welks turned away. It was then he saw the people. He had forgotten they were even there. What had he done? He had to pull this back together. He had to regain control. He brought his hands to his face.

Welks seemed to be weeping. Peter reached out and put his hand on Welks's shoulder. Welks spun around sneering.

"I've got you. My brother would have never done that! In fact, I don't have a brother."

The force blasted through Peter. Peter suddenly snapped up straight. In a loud voice that wasnt Peters came, "Matthew Jacob David!"

Welks reacted like he was slapped. He almost cowered. "Sorry, I didn't mean that." He shook his head and said softly to himself. "No one could know those names, no one."

The last blast had thrown Peter's mind off balance but one last thing needed to be said.

"Stop this, Matty. By hurting them you are hurting me. 'Everything you have done onto them you have done onto me'."

Welks almost smiled. "You know I hate when you do that, Trevor."

Then it was gone. Peter had full use of his mind and body again. He leaned heavily on the table. Will quickly when to Peter's side. He helped Peter back to his seat.

"Sorry, your honor," Peter gave a nod to the judge.

Welks watched Peter resume his place. Welks sank into his chair. "He's gone. Trevor is really gone. But I got to tell him. He knows the truth."

Once Peter was seated Will stood up. "I beg the courts indulgence. I am afraid this is a little difficult to explain."

The judge raised his hand. "Don't bother. It has been of great use in this case and from the very mouth of the prosecutor himself."

Welks rallied. He jumped to his feet. "It was all his doing," He pointed at Peter. "It was some type of hypnosis. He made me say those things. They are not true. I do not have a brother!"

Ben stood up. "True, your honor, Reverend Welks has no family but a Matthew Welkstone did. We're still waiting on the details."

Welks turned angrily. "You couldn't know that. Those records were destroyed when I. . ." Welks stopped.

Ben almost smiled. "Yes, Reverend Welks?"

Welks's mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. For the first time Welks was trapped.

The judge leaned forward. "Enough of this, I will see the Consul and the Prosecutor in my chambers now." With the sound of the gavel the judge walked out.

Welks turned to the people sitting behind him. "Don't worry. God's will will be played out. We shall prevail."

Even Peter could tell his usual flair and enthusiasm was gone. It was just rhetoric now.

Welks went with Will into the judge's chambers. Ben stayed seated with Peter.

Ben leaned close. "It's almost over."

"What's happening?"

"I think the judge knows the truth about the false charge. He would never say such things in public during a trial. They go into his chambers to talk this out. I think the worse is over."

Soon they returned.

Welks stood tall but Peter could easily see that the conviction he once had was gone. As he got back to his seat the judge sounded the gavel.

"The charges have been dropped. The defendant is free to go."

"But who attacked Reverend Welks?" someone called out.

There was a rumble of disproval from Welks's side of the court.

The judge banged the gavel but the murmuring persisted.

"Mr. Welks, I believe you can clear this up?"

Reverend Welks looked very displeased but he had no choice. He stood up and faced the people. Welks's voice soundly loud above them, "I did it. I did it myself."

The crowd fell silent. The reporters wrote quickly.

"I did the cuts myself then my assistant struck me a few times while it looked like he was helping me. That's why no one saw who did it. I was blocked from the crowd deliberately. It was all planned. Peter didn't do a thing."

"But he is gay," came a voice. "We must fight against their agenda. It is God's will."

Welks glanced over at Peter but as he watched his brother took Peter's place. He saw the pained expression on Trevor's face. Yes, he was hurting his brother with what he was doing. "You know what to do," echoed in his head. Yes, he did know.

Peter was surprised as the Reverend Welks's aura lightened.

"Fighting is one thing. What I did," Welks paused. He was fighting to get this out. "What I did was wrong. Peter is innocent. It was just because he is homo. . ."

Welks glanced over but his brother was gone. Peter was sitting there but he heard Trevor's voice, "Go on."

He raised his head. "It was because Peter is gay. I let my hate overpower my judgment. That is my sin. I lied to make innocent people suffer and that is not God's will. I hope God and you will forgive me." Welks turned back to the judge.

The judge nodded his approval. "Case dismissed." The judge banged the gavel.

They all stood. But when the judge had left the courtroom exploded with cheers. Peter was surrounded by people patting him on his back and congratulating him.

The people behind Welks got up and left silently down a side aisle. They barely spoke to the reporters that posed questions as they went by.

Welks began gathering his papers. Peter was surprised to see Hugh walk up to him.

"Reverend Welks?"

"Please, no gloating. You've won. I've lost. Just be happy in that."

"But I want to give you a chance to get back something you lost. If you are interested."

"Just leave me alone, please."

Hugh reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He then pulled out something that looked like a photograph and a business card. He handed both to Welks. Welks ignored him. Hugh set both down on the table.

"If you ever want to talk there is my phone number. Next week I can be reached at the number at the bottom." Hugh walked away.

Welks stopped shifting papers and glanced at the photo. He quickly picked it up and turned to Hugh.

"It's Trevor. How?"

"We were lov. . ." Hugh paused. "I was blessed enough to shared the last two years of Trevor's life with him. I just thought if you ever wanted to know about your brother I could fill in some detail. "

Welks almost reluctantly moved to hand the photo back.

Hugh waved him off. "Keep it. I have another. Do what you want with it."

"I can't have a photo of two gay men."

Hugh shrugged. "Just cut the photo in half then you'll have a nice photo of just your brother." Hugh turned.

"Thank you, ah," Welks was flustered. "for the photograph."

Hugh turned back. "We both know that no one is really gone for good. You just need to look in the right places and ask the right people. Trevor is alive in a lot of people's hearts. When you're interested you can still find him."

Hugh walked back to Peter. Hugh looked a little sad.


Hugh's smile returned. "Not a bad vacation. Trevor has a brother again. Well, almost." Hugh patted Peter's back. "You did quite well."

Chris sniffed indigently. "What do you mean 'he'?"

Hugh laughed. "You all did very well."

They had gathered in their lawyers' office.

"Hugh," Lance began, "You said Trevor died from falling off a mountain."

"At his request," Hugh explained. "At the end he was so thin and weak. I had to carry him from room to room and he hated that. He was so active and to be reduced to that. At the end he looked up at me and said, "Don't let it end this way. Say I died falling of a mountain. That's more me." So I did. It was his dying words. I wanted to stay true to his last wishes. Only now do you know the truth."

Joey got up and stood in front of Hugh. "But what you said is true. Trevor did fall off a mountain. It took months not seconds but from what Trevor was at the beginning to what he was in the end was a fall. It was a slow but fatal fall. So you didn't lie." Joey bent down and hugged Hugh.

"Thank you, Joey."


"Yes, Chris."

"What exactly did we see? Was it really Welks's brother?"

Hugh chuckled. "Like my mother said the spirits have better things to do than come back and talk with the living."

"Then who, where, what? Who had control over Peter?"

Hugh turned to Peter, "What do you think?"

"Well, it does seem impossible but it was Welks."


Peter explained, "What I felt came from Welks. Maybe this was Welks's greatest nightmare and he had played the situation in his mind so often the scene was already written and I just tapped into the part. Or down deep Welks knew what he was doing was wrong and he did want to make it up with his brother. It took his brother to finally make him face the facts."

"So Welks brought about his own downfall?"

It was Will who answered. "Trust me. In our line of work we have seen it all. Never underestimate the power of a guilty conscience."

Lance was thinking. "Welks knew the only way he could get in touch with his brother was through an angel."


"So when he felt Peter's presence when we were projecting and thought he was in touch with an angel. . ." Lance frowned. "Then I get lost. I realize that Welks then knew he might contact his brother but his affect on Peter. . ?"

Ben put in, "Well, Chris did say that sensing Peter meant that Welks had some kind of psychic powers. It's along those lines right?"

"Yep," Hugh explained. "All that night Welks kept praying the angel would return. As the night wore on Peter had stayed connected to Welks. Welks's prayers began to build up inside Peter so slowly he didn't even realize."

"But he did," Justin put in, "During 98 Degree performing. That explains why he asked me if Nick and Drew got along. They're brothers!"

"When Welks's prayers had built up sufficiently Peter found himself returning to Welks."

Chris was confused. "But they're just prayers."

Lance turned to Chris, "What are prayers but a mental wish. Welks and his followers probably put out quite the signal."

"That's it exactly," Hugh said. "Welks was a bit confused by Peter reciting his brother's favorite line but he had the assault already planned and Peter was a prey too good to be true."

Will continued, "Welks and his crew had done research into NSYNC and Peter. When it was Peter who was caught in his trap it was the icing on the cake. He had more direct access to NSYNC through Peter."

Chris raised his hand. "I have a question. All during the trial Peter didn't sense anything from Welks until boom right at the end right when we needed it. What set Welks off?"

Peter chuckled. "His star witness, my brother did."

Will explained. "Peter's brother didn't want to lie in front of his parents." Will smiled at Ben, "Nice idea by the way."

Ben bowed, "Thank you."

"Welks had turned his back on his family to pursue his religious career. When Peter's brother wanted to keep his family connections the parallel was clear and that set Welks off."

"Speaking of," Chris winkled his nose. "Welkstone became Welks? He dropped the last four letters off his name and it became an alias?!" Chris shook his head. "He definitely uses his imagination for interpreting the Bible and not on real matters. That alias was so weak."

"Welks only wanted to hide his past not himself. The name change worked for that."

Peter's mother shook her head. "I don't understand any of this and I was there."

Will smiled. "Let's just say the trial is over and we won. That is all that counts."

"Henry?" Peter's mother said.

Peter's father looked a little nervous. "Well, like you said the trial is over. Ah, I don't want to seem impolite but since we are here. . ."

Peter chuckled. "Of course, go ahead." Peter turned to the others. "We never got to travel much." He turned back to his mother. "Go see Orlando. Have a good time."

Peter's mother added. "We will see you before we leave."

"As to that," Ben said. "Take a couple more days on us. You saved the trial," Ben glanced at Will. "I am sure the firm can show how grateful they are to you with adding a few more days."

Will smiled. "Of course." He shook Peter's father's hand. "I appreciate you coming down. Like Ben said, you turned the tide."

Will turned to Peter's mother and shook her hand. "It was nice to meet you."

"I hope you don't judge Darrin too strongly. He just tries too hard at things."

Will nodded, "That's all right. We do know Peter. I think he makes up for Darrin."

"I'll say." Justin grinned.

Peter's father sighed. "Well Peter, you have a fine group of friends. I think you are in very safe hands."

Peter blushed. "Thanks."

"Sorry, to rush off like this." Peter's parents went to the door.

"No problem," JC said. "We'll have you to dinner while you're here."

"Sounds nice." Peter's mother held the door open. "Henry?"

"Well, I must go. Later then?"

"Yes, Dad, later."


The door closed.

Chris put his hand over his heart. "Ah, Orlando."

Peter gave Chris a playful nudge. "I felt the same way when I got here."

Will put a hand on Peter's shoulder, "You up to meeting the public and the press?"

Chris leaned to Will and whispered. "Is there a back way out?"

Peter stood tall. "Not this time, Chris. We made it through the battle and I for one think our lawyers desire the attention."

"And you?"

"Well, I was the defendant," Peter frowned and sighed heavily, "I guess I'll just have to." Peter broke into a smile. "I'm sort of looking forward to it."

Joey slapped Peter on the back. "All right! You're improving."

"And I will try hard not to gloat too much."

As they walked down the hall Peter leaned over to Hugh. "Did what I said really all come from Welks.?"

"Do you doubt it?"

"Well, yes. At one point after Welks tricked me to put my hand on his shoulder. I scolded him with his full name."

"So, you think Welks didn't know his own name?"

"But it was something his brother would never do. It was more like his mother and Welks said his mother was proud of him."

"Proud of what he did in college. I doubt if she was proud when Welks's turned his back on the family."

Peter nodded, "But I still find it hard to think that Welks wanted to cause his only destruction."

"Hey, remember he needed to find an angel first. How many angels have you known?"

Peter smiled as he glanced at Justin. "None of the heavenly variety but many of the earth bound type."

"Look, when Welks sensed you and really thought it was an angel he had this nightmare of his to rethink. Maybe it would come true. And just maybe you knowing what Welks was doing was wrong influenced your part as well. You and his brother fit so well in Welks's mind. Who knows, maybe that's why the dark foreboding went away. You forced Welks to face the facts. All right it was as his brother but there was no one else he would listen too."

Peter nodded. He was quite for a while then, "Hugh, I wish I had met Trevor. I mean I see how he changed your life. He must have been quite the guy."

"He was." Hugh nudged Peter. "And what about you and Justin?"

Peter smiled. "You've got that right. He gets me to do things I`d never imagined. Even now going out to meet the public. I should be scared to death."

"Hey, that is experience not just Justin."

Again Peter nodded. "Hugh, I'm going to miss you."

"I'm only an astral projection away."

"Hugh. . ."

"Save the thanks for Justin and the others. I just explained it. You did it." Hugh patted Peter's shoulder. "Come on. Your public awaits."

"Hey, that's my line."

Hugh smiled. "Not anymore, Chris."

As they came through the courthouse door the cheers went up. Now the positions were reversed. The fans were all around the steps and a smaller group of Welks's people were across the street. Peter had thought they would have given up.

At the sound of the cheer NSYNC stepped back. Peter motioned them forward but Lance mouthed, "Later."

Peter realized they weren't shouting just for Justin or NSYNC. They were shouting at him. He waved back.

A mike was held out to him. "How do you feel now that the charges were dropped?"

"Relieved. I'm glad it is over."

"How does it feel like to be the first person to defeat the Reverend Welks?"

Will leaned to the mike. "We didn't defeat Welks the truth did."

There was a general disgruntled murmuring from Welks's people.

Ben added, "Not God's truth just the truth. The charges went through even though they knew Peter was innocent."

Peter added. "It just goes to show that the system does work. Plus it helps if you have two brilliant lawyers." Peter let Ben and Will take a bow. "And I had a great group of guys showing their support." Peter gestured to NSYNC. After the shouts grew less Peter continued, "And someone who was always beside me through this. He was a great comfort." Peter held out his hand and Justin moved to Peter's side. "Now I know why you fans love him so."

The few of Welks's followers started booing.

"Justin Timberlake the fag!"

The fans were stunned at first but then started to shout back while some even gestured.

"Justin is no fag!"

Welks's people shouted and shook their signs. The fans responded back and not very politely. They moved to the sidewalk. Policemen came from no where and spread along the street. They were ready to keep the two groups apart.

Lance just gaped.

What had happened? What started out as a feeling of victory was changing into anger. It had to be Welks's influence again. He had trained his people well. This was what was meant to have happen on the night of the party. Welks's people were getting the upper hand. This was the reaction they wanted.

Peter looked at Justin a little worried. "This can't be real. Where's an angel when you need one?"

Lance nudged JC with an idea. "Sounds like a song cue to me."

JC got NSYNC into a huddle. After a short time they stood back.

"Okay guys, on two, three, four. . ."

Loudly Justin began to sing, "Can this be true? Tell me, can this be real?"

NSYNC joined him. "How can I put into words what I feel?"

Instantly a few of the fans standing close sang with NSYNC. "My life was complete. I thought I was whole."

Then more fans joined them. "Why does it feel like I'm losing control?"

Peter almost nodded. Losing control was right.

Like a wave more and more fans joined the singing. Soon it was only Welks's people who were shouting. The fans got what NSYNC was trying to do. Don't match the anger. Soon the fans were swaying to the music. They stood there facing Welks's group and even went into the choreography.

The fans sang and pointed at the 'other' group across the street. "God must have spent a little more time on you."

This enraged the opposition even more. "Blasphemers!"

But NSYNC and the fans continued with their impromptu performance.

The mood was broken. The fans' voices grew drowning out the opposition. The photographers were busy snapping away with their cameras. Welks's people were getting madder and madder and that made the fans sing louder and enjoy themselves even more. They were having fun playing against what the opposition wanted them to do.

The song ended with a cheer and applause. Still clapping NSYNC and Peter made their way down to the car. Justin turned and waved for silence.

"Despite what some might think NSYNC fans rock!" He threw the crowd a kiss.

The shout that went up after that! Welks's people put down their signs and covered at their ears. NSYNC and Peter climbed into the car and with one last wave the car pulled away.

Everyone in the car was laughing.

"Now THAT was definitely worth it," Peter laughed. He nudged Justin. "And that must have done your heart good, too."

"Well, they don't speak for all fans but it does give me hope."

JC said. "Justin, you owe Welks's people a thank you."

Justin gaped. "What for?"

"The fans might not have liked the idea of you and Peter being together but they sure came to your defense when they called you a fag."

Chris chuckled. "Justin Timberlake may sleep with another man but don't you dare call him a fag. I loved that."

"Chris," JC said sharply. He nodded at Peter. Peter had a pained expression. "Ixnay on the agfay." He whispered.

"That's okay," Justin said. "I'll just have to get used to that word."

"Oh, god I hope not," Peter exclaimed. He took Justin's hand. "I don't want them to call you that at all. I know how much it hurts even if you don't show it."

Justin patted Peter's hand. "That's okay, I don't mind."



"Well, it is. If it would have been a fan who said that Justin would be devastated. Well, on the inside."

"Can we just leave it?" Lance snapped. "After all we've been put through can't we talk about happy things for a change?"

JC gave Lance a nudge. "Good idea." He rubbed his hands together. "Now that the trial is over how about a little celebration?"

Peter sighed, "I sure could use some fun."

"Good, how about dinner out and then hit the clubs?"

Justin smiled. "That sounds good. Some place where we can dance."

"I know the perfect spot."

"No, Joey," Justin squeezed Peter's hand. "I mean where we can dance."

"But no club will allow two men. . ." Joey stopped. "No way!" He snapped.

"Come on, Joey it will be fun." JC teased.

"For you guys, maybe. Look, I hate to be the odd man out. Chris, don't even say it. But there is one place you will never find a Fatone. You can not get me to go to a gay bar." He crossed his arms in defiance. "Uh-ugh. No way."


Well, like I said this part was getting too long and I couldn't let you loyal fans wait. I guess it will work as two parts. I hope you enjoyed it. Again any feedback is always appreciated. Either or I'm branching out. The next part is almost complete. Just the sex scenes at it is done. How's that for a cliff hanger?

Next: Chapter 57

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