Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 10, 2001


Here we go on Part 4.

This is a work of fiction. It has no bearing on the real life and sexual orientation of the people mentioned in this story. To the author's knowledge, no one in NYSYNC is gay, has ever... oh, forget it. It was only funny the first time.

When we had last left the guys in part 3:

They both turned to look at the bathroom door. The water had been running for quite awhile. It stopped. After a moment, they could hear the shower start up.

JC smiled, knowingly. "It seems that this morning has started well for all of us."

"I didn't think he did things like that." Lance said, puzzled.

JC shook his head. "He's alone, Lance, not dead."

"I mean with us out here. You don't think he felt something from us? Something left over? You know, since we did it in there."

"It was pretty intense. Well, when he comes out, we'll just bluff our way through it. Then we'll see what he knows or not. Come on. Let's finish dressing. Room service should be here, soon." JC reached for his sock.

Peter emerged from the bedroom. JC and Lance were setting out the breakfast from a cart next to the table.

Lance looked up. "Gees, its about time. What were you doing in there? 15 minutes of preparation for a 3 minute shower?"

"Come on, Lance, we haven't been together so long that you forgot the official single male morning ritual." JC winked at Peter. "I hope you had everything well in hand."

Lance looked shocked. "In our bathroom!" He paused. "Of course, the guest should always come before the hosts." He smiled.

Peter, this time, didn't blush. He just looked at them calmly. "I couldn't help myself," he replied. "The room seemed to have this certain aura about it."

JC and Lance exchanged a look.

"Lance, you such a outgoing and kind person. Everyone likes you. I know you made quite an impression on the bathroom rug."

JC started laughing

"Oh, and thanks for this. It came in quite handy." Peter threw something at JC who caught it.

He opened his hand so Lance could see the bottle of lubricant. JC smiled weakly. "We've been busted." He started to laugh. "So it seems that the hosts came before the guest."

"You could have warned me. It was quite overwhelming to walk into a room filled with such sexual energy."

"Sorry. We didn't know it would effect you." JC said.

"We did have the fan on." Lance replied. "Pointless now, as it turns out."

"Thank you for the thought, though."

Peter could feel the moment slipping away. The mental connection between them was fading.

"Well, after such a busy morning we all should be hungry. Let's eat." Lance said.

"I'm afraid we weren't very polite last night. I mean before this morning." JC said, spreading cream cheese on his bagel. "You get us "out" of ourselves, then we get "into" ourselves and leave you in the lurch."

"It was my idea." Peter replied. "Besides, Chris showed up. He thought it might happen."

"You left right before you found out, well, what you came for last night." Lance looked puzzled.

"I was looking for what you felt separately. Together it would have been too overwhelming. As I found out later." Peter winked. "Besides what you were doing was too personal. When you're out of your body, morals seem to have a stronger hold on you."

"Oh, not just there. I, we appreciated your gestures last night." Peter looked at JC confused. " The earplugs, leaving the light on in your room in case we would think you were skulking around in the dark and when you walked with averted gaze to the bathroom and back. How's the shoulder?"

"Its fine."

"There we were paraded around in our shorts and not an improper thought all night. I don't know how you can do that. Especially with such a cutie around." JC leaned over and messed up Lance's hair.


"A "pair" of cuties who are spoken for." Peter smiled. "I don't know. I can look at a guy and find him very attractive, but the imagination just doesn't kick in, if you know what I mean. It would be kind of pointless if you think about it."

Lance gestured at Peter. "See, JC, there he goes, again. Being negative."

"Sorry, force of habit. I knock myself before someone else does."

"And look where it's got you. No wonder you broke down like that."

"I not always that bad. Most of the time I'm quite happy. It just was a really terrible week. And I missed church last Sunday. That always helps me get through the week."

Lance beamed. "A religious man. Good for you."

"Besides, its about the only time I get to spend time with the gay community."

Lance and JC looked at each other in surprise. "A gay church?"

"Yea, primarily. But we have our share of straights. We welcome everyone. It's a wonderful place. It's had a profound effect on me. We lay on hands and hug. At the beginning I would memorize each touch, the weight of the hands and the feel of warmth. It was so new to me. I didn't want to forget a moment of it. My first "touch" with the gay community. I been attending ever since."

"Its too bad we won't be here on Sunday, I would have loved to go," said Lance. JC nodded.

"I would have loved to take you. It would have been great to introduce you as visitors."

"That would have been the end to our secret." Lance smiled at JC.

"Nah, we have wonderful discretion. Not everyone who attends is "out". We had a minister attending our service before he led the service at his own church. He eventually came out to his congregation, thanks in part to being part of our worship. In fact, shortly after I joined, I marched with my church in my first Pride parade."

"You've marched in a Gay Pride parade?" JC asked surprised.

"Every year for five years now."

"I would have never thought of you doing something so public. You surprise me."

"One day a year for a moment in the sun."

Lance hadn't been listening. He sighed. "That is one thing I really miss when we're on tour. Going to church. Of course, sometimes it's a little uncomfortable. Especially now with JC and me." JC reached over and took his hand.

"What you need to do is look for a church that's O and A."

"O and A?" Lance asked.

"It stands for "Open and Affirming". It means they welcome everyone without judgements and support you for what you are as a person. Someplace where you won't get Bible bashed. There are lots of gay friendly churches out there. You should look for them, since it means so much to you. You don't even have to come out to them."

Lance smiled. "I think I might just do that."

"And remember Lance, you are very lucky. You're loved by two JC's. The big one and the one here."

"What a nice sentiment." JC smiled.

"JC, sometimes you are a religious experience." Lance leaned over and kissed him.

"Thanks," said JC.

Peter was grinning. "A religious experience? Is that because you scream "Oh, god! Oh, god!" a lot during it?"

JC bit his lip to keep from laughing.

Lance, very red in the face, looked sternly at Peter. "I thought you had earplugs in!"

"I was only kidding." Peter added quickly. "I wasn't listening. I swear. It was just a joke."

JC caught the look on Lance's face. JC burst out laughing. He almost fell out of his chair. "You put your foot into that one. The cat's out of the..."

Lance pointed at him. "You keep your mouth shut!"

JC snickered. "Why should I if you couldn't."

Peter tried to save the situation. "It only proves that you give everything during sex. You don't hold anything back. If it makes you feel any better, I wish my first time would be with someone like you, Lance. At least I would know when I was doing something right."

It didn't seem to help. JC was still grinning. Lance was sitting there embarrassed. Suddenly, Lance smiled.

"Say, Peter, does JC's lower lip look swollen to you?" Lance winked at Peter with his right eye, so JC couldn't see. Then he nodded his head slightly.

Peter caught on. He scrutinized JC's lip. "Yes, it sure does."

JC touched his lip. "It doesn't feel like it."

"Go check it out in the mirror." Lance suggested.

JC got up from the table. "I don't know why it would be swollen."

"Probably from biting on it so much this morning." Lance demonstrated to Peter by biting his own lip. He rolled his head side to side, moaning ecstatically.

JC stopped at the doorway. He had been set up.

Lance and Peter started laughing.

"Just wanted to get a little of my own back." Lance grinned at JC. "Remember, fifty-fifty."

JC sat down, again. "Touche'."

"You know, there are times that I am very glad I am still single."

"Does your family know you're gay?" Lance asked.

"Yep. As it turned out, I was the last to know. And I thought I was giving an Academy Award performance." He shrugged.

"If you don't mind me asking a personal question?" Peter shook his head. "Since you've never been with a man, how do you really know you're gay?"

"Lance. You should know the answer to that one yourself." JC replied.

"I want to know his story. I find it interesting."

"Its okay." Peter said. "I have always found men attractive. When I was kid, I sneaked a look at one of those magazines with nude male centerfolds. I thought the man was the most beautiful thing I had every seen. I remember All I could hear was heart pounding. I felt flush all over. Women just didn't do anything for me. I found myself going through my brother's girlie magazines looking for the guys. The proverbial needle in a haystack."

"More like looking for a penis among the bushes." Lance added, smiling.

JC and Peter looked shocked.



JC looked sternly at him. "You're a member of NSYNC. We know we don't use language like that. " JC broke into a smile. "We don't swear. We're not even supposed to let the public know we go to the bathroom."

"What a hypocrite! I take it that rule doesn't apply when we're naked together." He took on a hurt expression and looked at Peter. "He makes me say the nastiest things."


Lance grinned. "Come on. After all we've been through together. If those bathroom walls could talk." Lance leaned in toward Peter. "Keeping up these pure and wholesome images gets tiring after a while doesn't it?"

Peter whispered. "It fucking sucks."

"Please, boys. My virgin ears!" JC covered his ears.

"It's the only thing about you that still is. I should know."

"I didn't need to hear that." Peter blushed.

"Okay, now, how about Peter's virgin ears?"

"Why single out the ears?" Lance joked.

Peter raised his nose in the air. "You should know, I'm saving myself."

"You wait too much longer and you'll find yourself screwed." JC replied.

"That's what I was hoping for." Peter grinned.

"No, you'll just screw yourself."

"Been there. Done that."

"Now, that was something I didn't need to hear."

Lance was looking puzzled. "How? Why?"

JC shook his head. "Lance, don't be such a... dildo."

"Oh. But that still leaves, why?"


"I don't mind. I never get a chance to talk like this. It's refreshing."

Lance looked at JC and smiled. "I have to agree with you there. The guys are great, but there are some things that we can't talk with them about."

JC, grinning, leaned toward Peter. "Since you don't mind, that takes us back to... why?"

"In the first place, I wanted to know what it felt like. It seemed the surest way to find out. Then I wanted to see if I could do it. If lightening does strike and I do find a lover, I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be disappointed."

JC slapped the table with his hand. "There he goes being negative, again. I'm sure nobody would be disappointed with you."

Lance shook his head. "Gees, JC. He means disappointed as in it hurt too much to go through with it."

"Oh, sorry."

"I take it, you like being gay?" JC said.

"I might not put it to much physical use, but yes. I love to see things from a different angle. Being gay just seems to be a part of that. Of course, I have been blessed in not having any negative experiences, so far at least. I've just given up on trying to hide it. I have rainbow stickers on my car. I can stand in front of the gay section of a bookstore without feeling the entire store is looking at me and go into gay oriented stores without the hat and dark glasses.

Lance sighed. "It must be nice."

"I suppose it is tough being recognized every where you go. Not being able to just go out without having people come up to you."

"Its not just that." JC took hold of Lance's hand.

"Oh. You mean you two. I'm sorry," said Peter.

"Sometimes, so are we." Lance smiling weakly at JC. "After the accident I want to hold you so bad it hurt." JC squeezed his hand.

""Tearin' up my heart"," said Peter softly.

Lance looked thoughtful. "I never thought of the lyrics that way before."

"You're good at that, aren't you." JC looked at Peter. "Taking lyrics and plugging them into the perfect moment. Like you did last night. Now you give a song's lyrics a new twist. Do you always do that?"

"Yea, and it's not really intentional. Like I said, I have an ability to see things from a different angle. Maybe because I'm gay, I don't know. I can even give song titles a new twist. Take that song you did about the female hypochondriac."

JC looked puzzled. "Our song?"

"Yeah, the video was set on the beach."

Lance groaned. "That's really bad."

JC looked at Lance. "What?"

"He's talking about "For the girl who has everything"."

"Oh, a female hypochondriac." JC shook his head.

"You must listen to a lot of music." Lance said.

"Music is a very central and important part of my life. It cheers me up, cries with me, makes me laugh, gives me spiritual comfort, and it was music that even helped with my coming out. I never go anywhere without music. Sometimes it's almost like it was lover, if that doesn't sound too weird."

"We've heard the stories fans have told us on how our music has effected them." Lance said. "It can be very intimate to them, so the lover thing isn't weird at all."

JC smiled. "We certainly know first hand the power of music. To see all those people get into what you do is very powerful. I love to perform our music for them. Its quite a turn on."

"I'll say. Sometimes I'd think you would be quite embarrassed." Lance teased JC. ""Up" in front of the all those people."

"I can't help it." Peter was surprised to see JC embarrassed.

"Hey, us fans love it. It's so noticeable. I mean, your enthusiasm when you're on stage."

JC smirked to him.

Peter looked at Lance. "Do you realize that you are living the dream of every JC fan in the world? Even if they don't know it." Lance smiled.

"And I make all those Lance fans green with envy." JC patted Lance's cheek.

"I know I am." Peter's mood changed. He frowned.

Lance noticed. "Peter?"

"I'm not being negative. Love between two people is so beautiful. I hate the idea that you have to hide yours." He said.

"How ironic," added JC. "You're envious of our love and we envy you the freedom of being out."

"You are lucky to be so excepted." Lance reached over and took Peter's hand.

"Yea, in a gay TV character kind of way." Peter replied.


"They come to me for help, I'm always cracking jokes and I have no sex life. I am comfortable to be around because I don't scare the horses. They don't have to think about it. I'd love for some guy show up at work to take me to lunch. "I have to be back in an hour," I'd say. "That's okay," he'd say. "We just won't eat." I'd love to see their faces."

"You'll find someone," Lance said. He saw Peter wince. "What?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that that is the standard happy couple to single person line. I know it's heartfelt, but I hear it at every wedding, anniversary and every family reunion. I'm thinking of having a T-shirt printed."

Lance looked a like hurt.

"Please don't take it personal, I know you really mean it."

Lance smiled.

Things were getting too serious. "Besides, I have found Mr. Right."

Lance and JC looked puzzled.

Peter raised his right hand and wiggled his fingers. "We're very attached. I've never caught him cheating on me. And if we do fight now and then, I just don't unfold the bed and make him sleep on the couch."

"Chris has contaminated him." JC nodded at Peter.

"You can't blame Chris for this. We're almost alike in that respect. People think I do weird things. The idea of me being an NSYNC fan, for one. If people knew I bought the JC marionette I'd get so razed."

JC pretended not to know. "Mine? I'm flattered."

"I couldn't help it. It was fifty percent off."

"I take that back."

Lance grinned. "My sweet baby, discounted. What a disgrace."

"Hey, I was the one he bought," bragged JC.

Peter could see Lance beginning to frown. He added, quickly, "They were all sold out of Lance. I tried 5 stores. Even your web site is out of them. Everybody, but Lance."

Lance broke into a big grin. "They like me! They really like me!"

Peter leaned forward as if telling a secret. "The doll they had the most of was Justin."

"What a cruel blow if he found out. I'll file that one for later."

"The only one they had more of was..." Peter nodded at JC.

"They probably made more because of the demand." JC explained.

"Yes, you're probably right, lover." Lance patted JC's knee reassuringly. He winked at Peter and shook his head.

"Its not a bad likeness." said Peter.

"Not a bad likeness? The doll has pecs!" teased Lance.

"Thank god! I'm not the only one who checked him out." Peter said with relief.

Lance laughed. "We all gave JC so much crap when we saw the dolls for the first time."

"See if I let you use me as a pillow again." JC crossed his arms and turned his head away.

"I'm sorry. Please, forgive me." Lance was hamming it up. JC didn't move.

"Lance." Peter was feeding him a line. "There's not much meat on him, but you will have to admit, what's there is choice!" JC turned back smiling.

Lance pointed at Peter, "What he said."

"I liked that!" said JC. He turned toward Peter leaning on his elbows. "So, you like what you see? Would you like to do nasty things to this..." he sneered at Lance, ""skinny" boy? Do you want to get down and get freaky freaky?"

"I might get down, but I not sure if I could get up again."

"Oh, I'll get you up, alright."

"Hm, I bet you could." Peter leered at him. "If you don't mind an older man."

"Please, be my daddy." JC batted his eyes.

"What about that sweet young thing I've seen you with?" Peter winked at Lance.

"He doesn't appreciate me any more." JC pouted.

""So tell me what to do, now `cause I want you back."" sang Lance.

"And he sings unpopular songs." JC added.

Peter sighed. "We're just fooling ourselves. It wouldn't work and you know it." He tried his best Bogart. "Inside we both know that you belong with Lance. He's part of your work, the thing that keeps you going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life."

JC turned. "Lance, I'm sorry."

Lance looked down, pretending to be hurt.

JC took Lance by the chin. He tried his own Bogart. "Here's looking at you, kid."

They kissed.

As they pulled back, Lance smiled. "Play it again, Sam." They kissed again, holding it longer.

There was a knock on the door. Lance pulled away, blushing. He went to the door and ushered in two large men. They were carrying boxes.

"Peter, it's for you."

"Oh, thank you. Put them down over there, please." Peter reached for his wallet.

"No need, their part of the crew." Lance said.

"What's in them?" asked JC, as the men set the boxes down.

"Well, you thanked me for your rescue, this is my thank you for Chris. He did arrange this meeting. Speaking of Chris... If someone would do the honors?"

Lance crossed to the phone.

The men started to leave. One man handed Peter back his keys.

"Thanks, again. I really appreciate it."

As they shut the door, Peter could have sworn that the men were looking at him very strangely.

There was a knock at the door. It opened and Chris entered the room. JC, Lance and Peter were sitting around the table. Chris noticed the sofa bed was unmade.

"Gees, you guys needed both beds?"

Lance smiled. "We had to. It was late, nowhere to get a clean change of sheets."

"That was more information than I need to know," remarked Chris.

"Well, you brought it up," added JC.

"Look, you guys called me to come over. So I'm here. What's up?"

Lance nodded at Peter. "Talk to him. This is his idea."

"Pete?" Chris asked surprised.

"I wanted to thank you for last night. And for orchestrating this meeting. I owe you a lot."

"No sweat," said Chris.

Peter pointed at the two boxes sitting in the corner. "They let me send a car for them this morning. I don't use them any more. I thought that maybe there would be someone who would take care of them. Give them a good home."

"For me?" asked Chris.

Peter nodded. Chris went to the boxes and opened them.

He turned around. "You really mean it?"

"They're yours."

Chris almost squealed with excitement. "Awesome!"

He started pulling Peter's records out of the boxes.

"I'm afraid you won't find anything too new in there."

"That was nice of you, man," remarked JC.

"Hey, he deserves it. I knew it was a hobby of his. Now your hobby was more my style."

Lance smiled. "Yeah, sleep."

Chris stopped his exploration. "Hey, maybe you two should make a date. You could sleep together."

JC put his arm around Peter. "What makes you think we didn't?"

Chris smirked.

Peter patted JC's arm. "I can definitely say the we did sleep together."

Chris's looked surprised.

"In different beds, but at some time last night we were asleep together."

"Oh," groaned Chris. He smiled at Peter. "Then I take it you were out here while these two got freaky in the bathroom?"

Lance and JC gaped at Chris. "How?"

"I went into the bathroom this morning and the wall was practically glowing with the energy. Besides, who turns on the exhaust fan 20 minutes before they take a shower?"

Lance wasn't going to go down alone. "How about running water for 15 minutes before a 3 minute shower?"

"You..." Peter paused. "Bitch."

Lance grinned.

Chris stared at Peter. "You went in the bathroom after them?" Peter nodded. "Gees, guys, why didn't you just put viagra in his orange juice? Are you okay? No energy burns? You didn't strain anything?"

"I know he pulled something." Lance added. "For 15 minutes."

"You're suppose to do that sort of thing in the shower." JC remarked.

"But, you can't see the mirror from the shower."

All three gaped at Peter.

"In front of the mirror? I thought you didn't..." Lance started.

"Well, they say you can't expect someone to love you until you learn to love yourself, so to speak. And don't even go there, Chris."

Chris grinned. "There's hope for you after all. I just glad I don't have to clean the bathroom! JC, you'd better leave a good tip for the maid." JC threw a bagel at Chris. He caught it. "Thanks." He took a bite and turned back to exploring the records.

Lance hung up the phone. "The car's ready. Just take the elevator to the basement garage. He'll be waiting."

"Thanks for everything." Peter stood up "It was some night. I'll never forget it."

"Our pleasure." Lance winked at JC. He gave Peter a hug, then kissed him on the cheek.

JC swept Peter into a big hug. Then he pulled back and kissed Peter long on the lips. Peter blushed. "You've never been kissed by a man before?" Peter nodded. "Good. That's for my rescue and for last night."

"I didn't get one of those." Lance said. "Fifty-fifty, remember." He moved JC to one side and kissed Peter.

"Now, that makes me one short," added JC. It was his turn to move Lance out of the way. He kissed Peter on the cheek.

"I want another," laughed Lance.

Peter put his hand up, his face very red. "Sorry, store's closed. Besides, there's a straight in the room."

He turned to Chris, extending his hand. "More your style I presume."

Chris pushed the hand aside and gave Peter a hug. Lance and JC smirked at him.

"That was for the records," explained Chris.

"Oh, yeah. Sure," said JC. "We saw you two slink off together last night. Something you want to tell us, Chris?" JC winked at Lance.

"What the heck." He turned to Peter. "I'm still waiting for my snog." He opened his mouth and wiggled his tongue.

"Chris, you're not my type, I'm afraid," said Peter.

"Nobody's your type," quipped Chris.

"Chris!" Lance and JC said together.

Peter smiled. "Well, I can safely say the list is now infinity minus one."

Chris clutched his chest. "Ouch."

"Oh, and Chris," Peter added. "Don't make me mad." He pointed a finger at Chris. Chris backed up in surprise. "Because there is nothing worse than a sore Peter."

JC and Lance laughed. Chris rolled his eyes, grinning.

Peter headed for the door. They followed him.

"No more late night excursions into people's bedrooms, unless you're invited. Okay?" JC said.

"I wish!"

Lance looked at him sternly.

"I'm sorry. I promise." Peter said, smiling.

"And ease up a little on yourself. Keep the faith, bro. You'll get there," added Lance.

Peter opened the door and turned back to them. "This I promise you." He closed the door.

There were people moving up and down the hall. A man watched as Peter walked away from the hotel room. Peter didn't notice. He turned the hall corner his mind still whirling. He pressed the elevator button. The man came up behind him.

"Excuse me, sir." Peter turned around into a mountain of a man. He recognized him from the concert videos. Lonnie wasn't it? He was one of NSYNC's bodyguards. He put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Would you please come with me, sir?"

Peter nodded numbly. He was too confused to argue.

The elevator doors opened. Joey got out.

"Hey, Peter. Thanks again, man. Take care." He walked away.

They entered the elevator. The doors closed. Peter's mood fell faster than the elevator.

"Gees, guys, couldn't you find someone else to walk Peter to the car than Lonnie?" Joey asked, as he closed the door. "Peter looked scared to death."

"What to mean, Joey? Peter left by himself," said JC.

"Well, I just met Peter at the elevator. Lonnie was with him."

"What would Lonnie want with Peter?" asked Lance. He looked at Chris.

"I never said anything to anyone."

Lance faced paled. "You don't think he could have found out about his first little visit?" He smiled nervously. "Oh, my god!"

JC, Lance and Chris scrambled to their feet. "Joey, go and find Justin. Meet us downstairs."

The three of them hurried from the room.

Peter was ushered into one of the banquet rooms. There was a large group of people listening to a man on the dais. He was leaning on a podium at the front of the room. It was some kind of a briefing or pep talk. Peter didn't know which. He wasn't really listening. All he could hear was his heart pounding. He didn't know what was about to happen, but it couldn't be good. He looked about the room. Some of the people were as big as Lonnie. This had to be the concert crew. Could they have found out about his little visit last night? No, the concert! They had seen him! Lance and JC could. They knew of his gate crashing. He was in for it now.

Peter's attention was brought back to the room. The man had finished and the people were clapping. The man nodded at Lonnie. Lonnie motioned to Peter. He started down the aisle. People began to whisper together. Why did this remind him of those old movies of people being lead to execution? As he approached the man on the dais, Peter noticed that he was smiling at him. They stopped at the foot of the dais, Lonnie at his side. Peter turned. Peter saw JC, Lance and Chris run into the room. They stopped short. They had that "too late" look on their faces. Peter smiled at them weakly. They had tried.

The man started to speak.

"Yesterday, as some of you know, we had a near tragedy. One of our family could have been seriously hurt or worse." He smiled at JC. "His rescue was very mysterious. Miraculous, one might say. There were a lot of questions left unanswered. I'm not blaming any one. It wasn't anyone's fault. Fortunately, there was someone there to prevent this terrible occurrence. No one knew who or how to find this person. Well, about an hour ago, he was revealed to us." He nodded. Lonnie picked Peter up and set him on the dais.

"May I ask your name?" he asked in a low voice.

"Peter." He addressed the room. "It's an honor to present to you, Peter. This is the man who saved JC." Everyone in the room rose silently to their feet.

Peter stood there thunderstruck. He glanced at the guys in the back of the room. They were all beaming with pride. Justin and Joey entered the room.

Peter heard a voice. "Please, Peter. Could you tell us how you did it?" There was a general murmuring of agreement.

Would they believe the truth? Or would they just think Peter was a nut case? Peter knew this was going to be difficult. But, these people were the guys' extended family. They cared about them. He felt like he did owe them an explanation. Peter nodded. The man motioned for the people to sit down. He took a deep breath.

"I don't know if you have ever heard of Astral Projection or Out of the Body experiences. It's the ability to project your mind and awareness out of the physical body. I have learned how to astral project. There is also a thing called psychokinesis or telekinesis. The ability to move things with your mind. It was this that allowed me to save JC." The people started whispering. There was some laughter. "I know how incredible it sounds, but I swear it's the truth. Please, believe me." The murmuring grew louder.

Chris could feel Peter's desperation. He was about opened his mouth to speak when the man raised his hand for silence.

"You wanted an explanation. Please allow him the courtesy!" The room fell quiet. He nodded at Peter.

He had to make them believe him. There was only one way. Peter let his mind go back to the moment. His hands could feel the guardrail as he looked across the atrium. He could feel his heart beating wildly. He described what he was feeling and seeing. "I saw palm tree wobbling after the fan had climbed it. I knew that something terrible was going to happen. I knew I had to try to warn somebody. I was too far away to yell. There was only one option left to me. I projected myself out of my body and toward the people to warn them of the danger."

Lance nudged JC and Chris. He nodded at Peter. They could all see it. His whole body started to emit a slight red glow.

"He's reliving the accident," Chris whispered.

Peter continued. "Chris sensed the warning and started getting everyone in the clear. When JC fell, I didn't really know what to do. I just want for him to move. So I concentrated and tried to move JC with my mind." He turned his concentration toward the podium. In his mind Peter saw JC on the sand kicking wildly. No! His mind remembered, "Move, damn it! Move!"

The podium started to grate across the dais. The people gasped. It moved about two feet and stopped. Peter relaxed. "That was how JC was moved out of danger."

He looked up. The guys were gaping at him. Peter nodded at the podium. Chris gave him the thumbs up.

"I was the man the paper mentioned who fainted. But as you now know, it was before the accident not after. I'm afraid I lied about that." Peter shrugged. "That's about it."

The man put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Thank you for sharing the truth with us. It must have been hard realizing that we might not believe you."

Peter felt drained. He wiped his forehand with his handkerchief. "It was harder than coming out." Peter blushed. Did he really just say that?

"You, go boy!" a man shouted. The people burst into laughter.

When the laughter faded away, the man turned to Peter. "We would like to show our appreciation for what you did yesterday. It was very short notice. We couldn't get you a plaque or anything. So we decided on this." He handed Peter plastic tag. It was one of those tags Peter had seen being worn backstage in the concert videos. "For your bravery and courage in the saving of one of our family from danger, we hereby appoint you an official bodyguard to the NSYNC tour." He shook Peter's hand. The room burst into applause.

Peter looked to the back of the room. The guys were clapping the hardest. As the applause died down, the man addressed the room, again. "He has shown us his courage and bravery in saving JC and in his honesty here today. As a new member of this family, we also have the responsibility to look out for him and protect him. Nothing is to go beyond this room. His secrets are now ours. That is all."

Lonnie helped Peter down from the dais. People started to step up and shake his hand. Some patted his on the back thanking him. Everyone filed out past Peter.

After most of the people had left the guys gathered around him.

"Quite the little "gay" hero. Welcome to the family." JC shook his hand.


"I was getting worried that they would never believe you," said Chris. "Causing the podium to move really saved the day."

Justin looked at Peter. "How did you manage to do that?"

"I was reliving the accident in my mind. I remembered what I was thinking as I saw JC struggling on the sand and..." He shrugged. "Voila', encore!" Peter leaned in closer. "Actually, it surprised the hell out of me, too."

"Excuse me, fellas, please." The guys parted. Lonnie approached Peter. "I hope I didn't scare you, too much. It was supposed to be a surprise. We didn't know it was you until two of the crew overheard you talking to JC."

JC, Lance and Peter looked at each other. "The guys who delivered the records! That's how they found out."

"I really appreciate what you did yesterday in saving JC here." Lonnie put his hand on JC's shoulder.

"I was just in the right place..." started Peter.

"No," interrupted Lonnie. "It was God's will. God put you there on purpose."

Peter looked at the guys. He remembered all that had happened since. "Yes, I truly believe he did."

"I wanted to give you this." He held up a gold chain. From it hung a charm in the figure of an angel. "If I may?" Peter nodded. Lonnie reach behind Peter's neck and hooked the clasp. Peter held the angel in his hand. "I always keep one with me wherever I go. It reminds me that I am kind of a guardian angel to these guys." He placed his hand on Peter's shoulder. "This is to remind you that yesterday God made you JC's guardian angel."

"Thank you." Peter had tears in his eyes. He showed it to around.

Lonnie leaned toward Peter. "I don't suppose you could you teach me how to do that?"

Peter smiled. "I doubt if you'd need it. I'm sure that one look from you could part the Red Sea." Lonnie grinned. Peter leaned closer and whispered. "If you are still interested, talk to Chris."

Lonnie nodded slightly confused and walked away.

"Well, that little card will now get you in anywhere we are appearing." said Lance. "So, what are you going to do with it?"

"I don't know. You guys are leaving town tonight." replied Peter.

"Look, we'll be back in this area in a few months. Promise me, we'll see you then."

"Sure, JC. I'll be there. I wouldn't want to piss Lonnie off."

"I'll have them call you ahead of time and make the arrangements. And maybe," added Lance. "We could find the time to go to church together."

"I would really love that."

Peter sighed. "Well, you have things to do. I better get out of the way. I believe I have a car waiting."

Peter looked out the window as the car left the hotel. He had been hailed as a hero and was now an official member of the NSYNC touring family. He had spent the night with JC and Lance. He had got to see them in their "finest" and had got hugs and kisses from both of them. This weekend hadn't turned out so bad after all. It had turned out Life did have a joke in store for him. He started to laugh. For once, he loved it.


A few weeks later Peter got a package in the mail. He tore off the paper and couldn't believe his eyes. The Lance marionette! There was a manila envelope attached. The writing on it said:

"I had to pull some strings to get this, (ha, ha), but I couldn't stand the thought of JC being alone. May the sight of these two together make you remember that you are not alone. TIPY. Hugs and kisses: L and J."

Peter quickly set up Lance. The bases had been designed like a puzzle so each piece when placed together would form a display of all five dolls. He was delighted to find that JC's and Lance's bases fit together. See. They were supposed to be together. He placed a cassette box under Lance's feet and propped him leaning casually against the post.

Peter picked up the envelope and opened it. He found an autographed picture of the whole group. The other photo had a note covering it. The note simply said. "Since you didn't bring your camera." He removed the note to look at the photo.

It was a recreation of the visit. JC and Lance were standing in their shorts in the doorway to the bathroom. JC was striking a brave protector pose, while Lance cowered behind him. It was signed. "To a sweet pathetic, guy. Love Josh & Lance" Peter couldn't tell if it was guy with an "u" or "a". It didn't matter.

"I don't believe you guys." He found he was talking to the dolls. "I'm losing it."

The phone rang. He picked up the empty box, crossed to the next room and put the box into the wastebasket. He picked up the phone.

"Hello. This is Peter. Yes, I have heard of the men's group. Yes, the announcements before the church service. It was nice that they thought I might be interested." Peter began to feel the shyness setting in, again. "I don't really think I would be..." He glanced down. He saw Lance's face on the side of the empty box. Lance seemed to be looking up at him, disapprovingly. "...ah, doing anything else that night. Sure. 7 o'clock. I'll be there. Thank you. Bye." He hung up the phone.

Peter smiled. "Yes!" He lifted a few pages of the calendar, which hung by the phone. A large red star surrounded the date. The words in the middle read, "NSYNC Concert."

Peter opened a drawer and took out the bodyguard tag they had given him. He had to keep reminding himself it was real. He smiled to himself as he put it away, again. What was going to happen? He'd have to wait and see.

As Peter walked back into the room, he noticed the dolls. Lance had slipped from his standing pose. He had fallen sideways onto the JC doll. Their hands were lightly touching and Lance's head was resting on JC's shoulder. Peter looked around the room. Was anyone there? He nodded at the dolls.

"Much better." He said to no one in particular.

The End... Of part 4

This was meant to be the end of the story, but the old gray matter is working. I changed it a bit to leave an opening. In the story NSYNC is coming back, and so are the plot ideas. Probably more Astral stuff next time. The ideas are developing faster than I expected. So keep watching for part 5.

Anyway, let me know what you think. The E-mail is Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 5

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