Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 7, 2002


Here we go Part 27.

Sorry it took so long. My editor was being extra picky. (That's me you know.) And I am afraid my life got a bit in the way. I'll try not to let that happen again. Again thanks for the replies. I do appreciate them. Ah, hell, I live for them. I ache for them. I need... (ah, stop begging.)

This is a work of fiction. It does not mean to detail the real life or sexual orientation of NYSNC. To this authors knowledge NSYNC is not gay, has never been gay or will be gay in the future. (But oh, baby wouldn't it be hot if they were!) Speaking of which there will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage or find such things objectionable stop reading now. (That's going to be as effective as a Speed Limit sign on the highway.) Anyway, time to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and get on with it.

The bus was oddly quiet. Chris and Joey were watching TV but the volume wasn't as loud as they usually had it. Lance was busy reading, JC was writing, Justin and Peter were playing cards.

Peter glanced around over his cards. The quiet was telling. They wouldn't admit it but NSYNC was exhausted. The effect of the tour was catching up with them. Even Peter could feel it.

Lance turned from his book and stretched. He glanced out the window.

"Guys, quick. Take a look."

They rushed to the window.

"Isn't that the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?"

Peter saw nothing but a road sign. Then he got it.

"Orlando, 256 miles." Lance said. "Such beautiful words."

JC sighed. "I can almost feel my own bed."

Lance grinned. "And you next to me in it."

"Sorry, Lance. You'll have to wait. I have some serious catch-up sleeping to do."

"Then you'd better find the couch comfortable." Lance playfully threatened.

Peter looked confused. "I thought you still had a concert to do?"

"Yeah, we always finish in Orlando." JC explained.

Justin slapped Peter on the back. "No more hotels."

Peter's face went blank. He sat down heavily just staring ahead.

Justin looked worried. "Peter, are you all right?"

"It's Orlando. In a few hours we'll be there." Peter still stared blankly. "I mean for real."

Lance put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Yes, home."

Peter's eyes moved from person to person not believing.

JC nodded knowingly. "Yes, Peter. Soon you will be in your new home."

Tears started to run down Peter's cheek. A chuckle burst out of him. "My new home with JC and Lance of NSYNC. Holy, shit."

Justin squeezed Peter's knee. "Don't forget, I'm close."

Peter chuckled and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry. It just sort of hit me all of a sudden. This doesn't end with the tour."

Justin pulled Peter close. "I should hope not. You'll have to put up with us for a long time yet. As for me, you have a lifetime contract, baby." Justin gave Peter a quick kiss.

Lance returned to his book and JC to writing. Peter and Justin went back to their card playing.

"Peter," Justin sounded nervous. "There is a reason why I didn't ask you to move in with me."

Peter didn't look up from his cards. "I know."

"It's only partially because of you being out and the rumors and all."

"I know, Justin."


Peter looked up.

"I live with my parents. Well, one set."

"I thought it was that you bought the house then found it was too big for just you so you invited them to live with you. It was changed into a sort of duplex right? You sort of have one side and they have the other."

"How did you know that?"

"Where everyone learns these things, fan websites."

"Maybe once I tell them I'm BI and if they're okay with it..."

"Don't worry, Justin. However long it takes." Peter raised his voice slightly, "Or I could find a place of my own."

JC didn't look up from his writing. "We won't hear of it."

"You're tired of us already and you haven't spent one night in our home yet."

Peter looked at Lance. "I just don't want to put you out."

"It's our pleasure." Lance said. "Besides the guys come over enough so you'll get to see them, too."

Justin grinned. "I'll be making special trips."

"Gees, Justin, we thought you'd move in, too. We could charge you rent."

"Lance!" JC hissed. He nodded at Peter and shook his head.

"Hey, that's a given." Peter said. "I'm not going to be your "guest" if it's going to be for a long period of time. I want to contribute my share."

"We'll talk about that when the time comes."

"JC, you put that on your schedule right now." Peter pointed a warning finger at them. "I know you two, the time will never come."

Lance snapped his book closed. "Good, then that's settled."

Peter looked accusingly at him. "Lance."

Lance ignored Peter's look. "I suppose you'd want the address so you can tell your family where you will be living."

"Ah, yeah, I suppose."

"That's right," Justin beamed mischievously. "I'm not the only one who has to talk to his parents."

"Justin." Peter warned. He nodded at JC and Lance.

JC acted surprised. "Your parents don't know about you and Justin?" JC shook his head. "I am surprised at you. Some proud gay son you turned out to be hiding your love from your parents."

Justin shrugged. "What can I say, he's ashamed of me."

"I am not. It's just that you don't know my mother." Peter changed to a higher voice. "He is so young. He's just using you until he finds someone younger. You'll end up a drug addict, heartbroken and penniless. You'll end up prostituting yourself on the street. Never trust rock stars."

"I don't know," JC said. "I think she has a delightful imagination."

Peter gaped at JC. JC started to laugh. "Sounds like she doesn't trust your decisions."

"Nope," Peter answered. "Not since the day I decided to be gay."

It was JC's turn to gape. "You're kidding me?"

"Well, that's what she thought at first. She has gotten better about that. But my love for NSYNC is totally beyond her. She didn't really know that I was going on tour with you. I can just imagine what she's going to say when I tell her not only am I moving to Orlando, I'm staying with you and that Justin and I are in love."

Lance shook his head smiling. "I think she may surprise you. Mine did. At least in the end."

Justin was in one of his mischievous moods. He got up, grabbed a cell phone and set it in front of Peter.

"Here. Find out."

"Justin!" JC snapped. "Peter, you don't have to call now. Do it when you're ready."

Peter shrugged. "I have to sometime." He picked up the phone.

Lance stood up. "We'll leave you to it."

"No, you can stay." Peter glared at Justin fighting back a smile. "This way you'll see if I'm wrong or not."

Justin still grinned. "I need to see how he is with his parents before I trust him to help me to come out to mine."

Peter wrinkled his nose. "Bitch."

Justin didn't even blink. "Big news flash. Dial."

"Peter." JC protested.

"Its okay. This way I'm surrounded by friends." Peter glared again at Justin. "I can just feel the warmth and support."

Justin moved to sit by Peter. He put his arm around him. "You don't have to call. I was just teasing."

Peter pulled back. Justin saw the determination on his face. Peter held out the phone and pressed each button with a deliberate gesture. He held the phone to his ear.

They waited.

And waited.

"Looks like she's not home."

Everyone seemed slightly relieved.

"Sorry, I missed you, Mom. Just wanted to check in. Everything's fine. I'll try back later tonight. I love..." Peter's eyes went wide. "Oh, hi, Mom. I thought you were out. No, everything's great. I'm having a real good time."

Peter looked very nervous. Justin was sorry he had pushed Peter into to this.

"Yeah, I know I haven't sent a postcard. Well, this isn't your regular type of vacation. When am I coming back?" Peter glanced around. "Well, that's sort of why I called." Peter listened. "Yeah, I could never put anything past you." Peter's eyes went wide. "Yes, it does have to do with NYSNC. Yes, I am on tour with them. How did you know that?" Peter was embarrassed. "I'm sorry you had to hear it from a friend rather than from me first but I didn't know my picture was going to be in the paper. I just didn't think of it." Peter winced. "I have not forgotten about my family. I'm calling now aren't I?" Peter's voice dropped. "Sorry."

JC and Lance walked over to stand close to Peter not really to hear just to encourage him.

"Mom, they gave me a job. I'll be working for their management company."

Justin smiled. Peter was starting with the down to earth news first.

"So I'll be staying in Orlando. Well, we have become good friends. I'll be staying with some of the guys for a while."

"A while?" Lance frowned and shook his finger at Peter. Peter smiled.

The smiled vanished. "Yes, I sort of did know that I would be staying before that." Peter grew a little angry. "Because I knew what you would say but I am not being foolish or reckless. This was very important to me." Peter looked up into Justin's gaze. "I've never felt this way before about anyone. I wanted to be with him." There was a pause. "Mom, are you still there?"

Peter smiled. "Yes, Mom. It did happen. I'm in love. And, Mom," Peter took Justin's hand. Peter beamed at Justin. "He loves me."

"Yes, it is a member of the group. No, Mother. He doesn't have the weird hair."

They were glad that Chris and Joey weren't close.

"It's Justin." Peter rolled his eyes. "Yes, he is the youngest. Mom, he's in his twenties. He's not a boy." Peter was getting mad again. "Look at Uncle Merle. When he remarried there was twenty five years difference between him Aunt Chrissy." Peter's mouth dropped open. "Are you saying that because they were straight the age didn't matter? Mom, this isn't a groupie thing. We love each other." Peter's voice became calmer. "Besides if it makes you feel any better, he approached me first."

Peter saw Justin mouth the word 'Bitch'.

"No, he is not using me."

"I'll start now." Justin whispered.

"He will not throw me over from someone younger."

"Just you wait."

JC frowned. "Justin, sh!"

"Well, I do have my job." Peter rolled his eyes. "No, he would not get me fired and I am too old to work the streets, but I could try being a gigolo. Then there's always gay porn."

Justin put his hand out to Lance. "Pay up."

"Mom, I'm sorry." Peter expression fell. "Mom, are you crying? Please don't. I didn't mean to upset you." Peter paused. "Mom, are you okay?" Peter face paled as he listened. "When did this start?" He listened. "Why didn't you tell me?" Peter turned away. "When do you go in? Don't worry, Mom. You won't do this alone. I'll be there. No, of course, I don't mind. I can fly out next week. I'll stay until you're back on your feet." Peter smiled. "I don't care if it is only a one day thing, I want to be there. I call you tomorrow and we can sort out the details. Yes, Mom. I love you, too. Bye."

They looked anxiously at Peter.

"It's nothing too serious. Mom has been having some pain. They found out it's her gall bladder. Next week she'll be going in for the surgery. It's out patient stuff. She might have to spend one night in the hospital at most. I have to be there." Peter looked apologetic at Justin. "She is terrified of hospitals. The last time she was in one she had me. That explains that."

Lance frowned at Peter. Peter was putting himself down again.

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Then, of course, you have to go."

"We have to go."

Peter looked up at Justin. "We? Justin, you'll be so bored."

"You want to be there for your mother. I want to be there for you." "You don't mind?"

Justin gave Peter a hug. "I love you, remember? Besides maybe if she actually meets me, she'll see how much I love you and stop worrying."

JC laughed. "She'll be drugged. It's the perfect time."

Lance gave JC a slight slap. "JC, stop it."

"But you'll just be back from touring." Peter said. "I'd hate to make you travel again so soon."

"Hey, I have a week to rest up." Justin gave Peter a squeeze. "Besides, it should go down well with my folks. I have a lover who is a dutiful son flying home to be with his sick mother."

Peter cocked his head. "So I passed the test? You trust me to meet your parents?"

"I was just teasing. I'm proud to show you off." Justin leaned in to give Peter a kiss.

Peter turned his head. "Sorry, Justin, the store's closed. You tricked me into calling my mother then the remarks you made."

"You're mad at me?" Justin pouted. Even though Peter's head was turned away, Justin could see the corners of Peter's mouth twitch. Peter was trying hard to keep a serious face. "You're just fooling. I'm going to get my kiss."

Peter wouldn't turn his head. "No way, Justin," he chuckled.

Justin took Peter by the shoulders but still he resisted Justin's efforts. Peter stood up to move away from Justin.

"Oh, no you don't." Justin grabbed him. "I want my kiss."

JC watched Justin's playful attempt to get a kiss from Peter. But then Peter's expression began to change.

"Justin." JC warned.

"Just one kiss. "

Justin didn't notice Peter struggling harder against him.

"Please, don't." Peter pleaded. He was feeling trapped. The hands had a firm grip on him and they wouldn't let him go. Peter was being forced down on the couch. He could feel the hot breath on his neck. "Leave me alone."

"I'm going to get my kiss." Justin managed to get Peter facing him but he kept his head turned away.

Justin grabbed Peter by the chin.

Peter was pinned down on the couch. The face was getting closer.

"Stop it! Get away from me!" Peter pushed hard against Justin.

Justin backpedaled. He managed to keep his balance. Justin was surprised at Peter reaction.

Peter's eyes were wide with fear and anger. "Stay away from me, Randy," he panted.

Justin stood agape. Joey and Chris came from the back of the bus when they heard the shouting.

Lance took a step closer. "Peter?"

Peter's head snapped around to face him. He retreated a few steps from Lance. Peter didn't seem to recognize him.

"Its okay, you're safe." JC said softly. "No one will touch you."

Peter's gaze flipped from person to person. All he saw was Randy's leering face. Then a familiar and calming voice cut through his fear. Peter recognized it. "JC?"

"Peter, you're on the NSYNC bus. It's over. Randy's not here."

Slowly where he was and the people around him immerged from Peter's confusion. He became calmer. Then he started to tremble. Peter sat down bringing his hands to his face. "Oh, god, not again."

JC just stood behind Peter. He didn't know how Peter would react to his touch. "Peter, you're safe and with friends."

They all looked questioningly at JC. JC answered in one word.


"But Randy didn't touch him." Joey said.

Justin moved to Peter. "Yes, he did." Justin corrected. "He had forced Peter onto the couch before I could enter the room. I never thought of it before but for those seconds Peter was under attack. It must have combined with Bill's attack. When I tried to force a kiss from Peter, I triggered his reaction." Justin knelt by Peter. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Peter? Are you okay?"

Peter lowered his hands. "I'm so sorry, Justin. I didn't mean it."

Justin pulled Peter to him. "Its okay. I know."

"He was too fast. I couldn't react to mentally push him away. Randy was so strong, Justin. If you guys hadn't been there, I'd have been..." Peter couldn't say it.

JC patted Peter's back. "You're safe and sound. Try not to think about it."

Peter looked up. "But I had thought that maybe I could still talk Randy out of it. If I had tried he would have..."

"Forget it." Lance said. "The past is the past."

Chris moved close. "Peter, it never happened, so don't keep, I'm sorry for this, beating yourself up about it. It is over and done with. You'll give yourself nightmares."

"Too late."

Justin looked surprised. "Was that what you were dreaming about yesterday afternoon?"

Peter nodded. "But there was no one there to stop him." Peter managed a slight smile for Justin. "Until you broke through and woke me up."

Justin pulled Peter close. "Peter, you're safe with me. It's over. Let it go."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "I wanted so much to protect you. But I was powerless. There was nothing I could do to stop Randy. Not even my abilities could help."

Joey stepped forward to put a reassuring hand on Peter. "But you had the solution. You brought us together so we could help each other and we made it through."

Peter smiled a bit.

"We both learned a lesson," Joey said. "Neither of us wanted the others to know our problems and tried to deal with them by ourselves."

"Never, again. Right?" JC said sternly. He looked around. "That goes of all of us."

Chris couldn't resist. "One for all and all for one. None for one and all for six. Two by four, twenty-four seven and seven eleven!"

"Leave it, Chris."

Joey headed for the cupboard. "I'm suddenly hungry for a candy bar."

"I'm sorry, Justin." Peter said. "I didn't want you to worry."

Justin smiled at Peter. "I'd rather worry about what I know than worry about not knowing." He frowned. "I think that came out right."

Peter leaned down and kissed him.

Justin grinned. "Definitely right."

"Still reading?"

Lance looked up at JC. "It makes the time go faster than watching TV."


"What are they watching now? More sports?"

"Of course. Actually, its men's diving."

"Joey and Chris are watching men's diving?"

"I think they're doing it for Peter's sake."

"We're not all into buff bods in Speedos." Lance smiled. "Why aren't you watching?"

"I kept thinking of you."

Lance chuckled. "Thanks for the thought but where do I fit in that picture."

JC sat close. "I thought you looked very sexy in that Speedo."

"Well, you sure did. But mine wasn't very comfortable. It was off the hips and I kept trying to pull them up. I almost ended up singing in Chris's range."

JC pressed against Lance. "As I remember we didn't have them on for long."

"That's right. We held our own Gay Games. We moved from swimming to crotch diving."

"You won the gold medal."

"The judge was biased."

JC leaned close. "Damn right." He pressed his lips to Lance's.

Lance pulled back with a content little sigh. He wrapped his arms around JC. "I like trunks better."

"They are more comfortable."

"And when they're wet they cling to every beautiful curve of your sexy buns."

"Is that why you always get me to retrieve the beach ball when you throw it out of the pool? And I thought you were just a bad shot."

"It seems to me that sometimes you're a bad shot, too."

"Hey, it works for you."

Lance leaned in to kiss JC. He pulled back. "Excuse me a minute."


"I'm going to ask permission again." Lance teased. "They can watch TV for another hour."

JC took Lance's hand. "Don't bother. I am willing to wait for our own bed."

"But that's not until after the concert."

"I can wait. Then you can be as loud as you want." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "You know how much that turns me on."

Lance laughed. "And when I talk dirty."

"When we both do."

"Then, JC, fuc..."

JC put his hand over Lance's mouth. "Don't tease."

Lance nodded. JC removed his hand.

Lance changed the subject. "I am so glad the tours almost over. I think everyone is. The fun is wearing a little thin for Peter, too."

"He has been through a lot. But don't forget there's more in store. He gets to meet Justin's parents, Justin gets to meet Peter's not to mention our coming out and the wedding."

"We better make sure he gets lots of sleep."

"I'll talk to Justin."

"Nah, leave it. I sleep my best after making love with you. They're probably the same." Lance looked at the floor. "JC, have you talked to your mother lately."

"Yeah. She is really hyped for this wedding."

"So is mine." Lance didn't look up. He heaved a sigh and raised his head. "I can't believe this after the way my mother first reacted to me being gay but my mother would like to see us do a big church wedding."

"What Baptist church would have us?"

"It doesn't have to be Baptist. Mom is being a little logical there. She is so in wedding mode she doesn't realize that this isn't going to be your run of the mill wedding."

"It's the same with my mother," JC looked embarrassed. "Except she is thinking of a small private ceremony."

Lance looked at JC. "We're in deep shit."

JC took Lance's hand. "No, we are not. This is still our wedding. We'll find a way to make both of them and us happy. Trust me."

"I do."

JC smiled and tapped Lance's nose. "Remember that for the day."

Lance turned so he could lay against JC. "We are so lucky our parents are so accepting."

JC put his arm around Lance. "Well, they are now. I didn't think so at the time."

"But my mother and father came around."

"Not your parents. Mine."

Lance sat up. He turned to JC. "Yours? Your parents have been so wonderful. I have a hard time believing that."

"I told you that they still have problems with me being gay."

"You never told me the details."

JC gestured for Lance to lay back. "Since soon we'll be sharing everything anyway." Lance snuggled against JC. "Sherman, set the Way-Back Machine to one year ago. Our destination is the Chasez residence, the kitchen after dinner."

JC's mother put the last plate away. "Thanks for helping, Joshua. You didn't have to."

JC hung up the dishtowel. "It's okay. I wanted to."

Karen cast a searching glance over her son. He was nervous.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not really wrong."

"Then there's something bothering you." She paused. "It's Lance isn't it. You said he's been quiet and keeps more to himself lately. Have you found something out?"

"Oh, yeah. Big time." JC realized that he had said the last out loud.

"Joshua, can you tell me about it?"

JC turned to his mother. "I want to. But I'm a little scared."

She put her hand on JC's shoulder. "Please, Josh. We've been through a lot together. If there is something wrong with Lance I want to know."

"It's not wrong." JC looked down. "I mean, I don't think so. I just don't know how you will feel about it. What I want to say isn't only about Lance." JC braved a look into his mother's face. "It's more about me."


JC just nodded.

"Its not drugs is it?"

"No, never."

"I'm relieved. Then what is it?"

"I always want to make you and Dad proud of me."

"We are very proud of you."

"But you might change your opinion after..." JC looked down again.

She could see he son starting to tremble. She took Josh by his shoulders.

"Please, Josh. What is it?"

JC tried to look at his mother but couldn't. "Mom, I think I'm..." He stopped.

"You're what?"

JC looked up. "I've discovered I'm gay, Mom."

Her hands dropped from JC's shoulders. She took a few steps back from him. All JC could see was the look of shock on his mother's face. Which way was she going to turn?


She turned away with no reply.

JC hung his head. "I'm sorry, Mom. I guess I'm a disappointment to you and Dad."

His mother turned back to JC. "Roy, come here, please."

The voice came from the living room. "But the games on."

"It's important."

JC heard the grumbling from the living room. He stood there in fear. The times he had been punished it was always Dad who did it. JC felt like a man waiting for the jury to pass sentence.

His father entered the kitchen.

"What is it?"

"Josh has something to tell you." His mother looked in JC's direction. "Tell your father what you just told me."

How many times before in his youth had he stood there having to tell his father what he had done feeling so ashamed? "Dad, I am..." He couldn't do it. Then something stirred in JC. Lance's face appeared in his mind. This time would be different. He raised his eyes and looked steadily at his father. "Dad, I'm gay."

His father laughed. "That's stupid. Who put such an idea into your head?"

"No one," replied JC. "I just sort of realized it."

Roy laughed again shaking his head. "Look, I've raised you and I can clearly say that you are not gay. A bit too artistic perhaps, but not gay."

"Dad, its true."

His father scowled. "What are you trying to do? Ruin everything you worked so hard for? Josh, you are talented and sensitive. Don't let someone try to convince you that you are gay. We know you are not."

"No one is convincing me except me. I can't help the way I feel."

"Roy." His mother's hand was on his father's arm. He looked at her. There was a silent agreement between his parents. His father let out a deep sigh and nodded.

"He never should have learned to dance."

JC suddenly knew that his parents had suspected. Why had they not told him?

His father turned to him. "How can you know for sure? You've never had any experiences with another man."

JC said nothing. If they knew the truth they could blame Lance. He just stood there clasping and unclasping his hands. He couldn't look at his parents.

His silence told them the truth.


"I'm sorry. I know I let you down as a son." JC couldn't stand it in that room anymore. He started past his parents.

His mother's voice stopped him.

"Joshua, please don't go. Wait for us in the living room."

JC tried to look at his parents but couldn't.


JC nodded. He left the kitchen.

From the living room JC could hear his parents voices in quiet urgent tones. Other voices mingled with theirs. They came from the TV. A happy beaming family was climbing into their new van for a drive somewhere or other. JC grabbed the remote and jabbed hard at the button. The happy family vanished as TV went dark. Now the only voices came from the kitchen. JC threw the remote onto his father's chair.

He sat on the couch trying hard not to cry. Maybe Lance was right. He should have stayed quiet about being gay. But JC had been taught differently.

"I can't talk to him." It was his father's voice.

"He's our son." There was a pause.

"I wouldn't know what to say."

"Then just listen."

His mother stood at his side. "Josh?"

JC fought the urge to fall on his knees and beg forgiveness. He'd hurt them, his own parents. He'd killed their dreams for him.

The couch gave as she sat down next to him. Soft hands took his.

"Joshua, have you been with another man?"

JC nodded.

"He's not trying to use you for your money or your fame?"


"You must be careful of that. There will be people who promise you anything and take everything."

"He wouldn't do that. He doesn't have to."

"Joshua?" his mother asked. "Were you... Do you..." She took a breath. "Are you safe about sex?"

"Yes, always. Even before him."

JC's mother glanced back at her husband. There had been girls. She turned back to her son. "Do we know him?" JC nodded. "Do you love him?"

For the first time JC raised his head. He looked into his mother's face.

"More than anyone I have ever known. I feel so alive when I am with him. It's like we are of the same being."

Karen gave a knowing look.

She continued. "He is of no danger to you? No blackmail of extortion?"

JC chuckled. "No, never." He looked at his mother. "I'm in love with Lance."

"Sweet Jesus," came from the other room.

JC raised his voice to make sure he was heard in both rooms. "His parents don't know. Please, promise me not to tell them until Lance choices to."

JC's mother nodded.

JC continued. "That's why Lance has been as solitary these last few weeks. He discovered that he is gay. He was so afraid that when we found out that we would throw him out of the group. Now we share that fear together."

"I can't believe that the guys would do that." JC's father came into the room. He went and stood at his wife's side.

"I didn't know it, but Lance had feelings for me. So when the guys sent me to find out what was bothering Lance..." JC smiled. "I did. Plus I found out what has been buried inside of me for all these years. I dated girls because I was expected to. But my heart was never in it. My being gay made all the pieces fall into place. It made everything clear."

JC's mother patted his knee. She managed a smile. "Lance is a good boy. We all like him. I guess if it had to another man Lance is a good choice."

"I began to enjoy the time we spent together. I forgot about why I was there. His eyes and his smile delighted me. I wanted so much just to be with him."

JC's father shifted uncomfortably.

JC looked up. The look in his mother's eyes told him that she knew what he was taking about. He went on.

"All the time I never knew he felt the same. Then the wonderful night when we drew together and I felt for the first time his lips on mine."

"Joshua, please!" his father snapped.

JC looked down.

His father calmed his voice. "Joshua, what you have told us in difficult to take. I don't know what to say. I'd be lying to say what you have told us makes us happy. I guess I dreaded that you might be gay. Now I wonder how we went wrong." His father didn't look at him. "You told your mother that we are disappointed. It is true."

JC nodded.

His father's gaze fixed on JC. "This changes all we had hoped for you future. You are successful, but we wanted to see you married and raise a family. Now that is all gone. The picture that we had painted of your future will have to be redone." Roy nodded and Karen took over.

She squeezed JC's hands. JC looked up at her. "To see you in a happy and safe life was all that we wanted. But now? You're not as safe as you would have been if you were straight. And your career could suffer as well." She patted JC's hands. "But we have seen the change in you over these last weeks."

"I must admit that you have been happier than I have seen you in some time." JC's father added. "But now we know it was a gay love affair that did it. I am at a loss. Your happiness now contradicts the happiness I wished for you."

His mother continued. "I understand how you feel but I never imagined that it would be for another man. If Lance makes you happy..."

"The only other times I have felt this happy are..."JC looked up. "Were with my family or the guys."

"Josh, I ask you only one thing."

JC turned to his father.

"Give us some time to get used to the idea. I don't mean to be heartless, but when the two of you are in front of us at least. Show some restraint. I mean the sight of my son with another..." His voice cut off.

JC stood up. "I think I should go." JC smiled. "So you can think and talk." He looked at his father. "I hope I can earn back your respect."

His father took some steps toward him. "Josh, you are my son. I don't understand this gay side of you yet. Perhaps in time." He looked sternly at JC. "But Joshua, you and the others have created a successful group with shear will and determination. You have done things beyond my wildest dreams for you. And now you have found someone to love that, I believe, loves you back. It is a love that I cannot understand or at the present accept. And if the world found out might serve as an end to all you have accomplished. But you have come here to tell us the truth about you fearful how we would react. Afraid that your own parents would reject you. For that I am sorry. But still you came and did what you knew had to be done." His voice broke. He raised his hand on put it on JC's shoulder. "As you were taught. I respect you for that."

A tear ran from JC's eye. He wanted to hug his father but it was too soon for that.

"Thank you, Dad."

He turned from JC. "Just give us... me some time."

JC looked at his mother. She just nodded.

"I love you both." JC turned and left the house.

JC fell silent. Lance sat up and gently brushed the tears from JC's face as he brushed tears from his own. He kissed JC's forehead. Then Lance moved and let JC rest his head on his chest. Lance held him in his arms. They just sat quietly.

Peter smiled at Joey and Chris pretending to be enthralled with the men's diving. "You can watch something else."

"Like what?" Joey tried to sound innocent.

"Anything that doesn't have half naked men in it."

"I'm enjoying myself." Justin grinned.

Chris pointed to the TV. "Those divers are much more than half naked. Its almost scandalous."

"Then watch something else."

"Why?" asked Joey. "Are you embarrassed?"

"No, of course not."

"Then why do you want us to change channels?"

"I just thought you'd prefer to watch something else."

Chris turned to Peter. "What about Greg Louganis?"

"What about him?"

"He was a diver and gay."

"I know that, Chris. I have his book and I got the chance to get him to autograph it."

Justin looked up. "Really? That's cool."

Joey glanced at Peter. "Nice pictures I bet." He winked.

"I suppose you mean the centerfold shots. Yeah, they were nice."


"Yes, Chris. He posed for a centerfold spread. His mother told him not to show too much. After seeing him in his Speedo, there wasn't much left to see."

"So did he show it all?" Joey asked

"No. Just his butt."

Justin sighed. "I bet it was a nice butt."

"Very nice." Peter caught himself. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Chris shrugged. "I don't know. You brought it up."

"You mentioned Greg Louganis."

"Oh, yeah. He is a gay diver."

"I know that!"

Chris looked at Peter. "You don't have to shout."

Justin smiled. They were working Peter over.

Chris nodded toward the TV. "I just mean that some of those divers could be gay."


"Well, I would think you'd want to support them. Show your solidarity to your gay brethren. That's all."

"Chris, I don't know if they're gay. They could all be straight for all I know."

"I thought you could tell."

"Not from this distance, Joey."

Joey glanced up. "You don't have gaydar?"

"No, Joey."

Chris pointed his thumb at Justin. "If he did Curly here flew under it." "I'm BI not gay." Justin corrected.

Chris shrugged. "Whatever."

"Wait a minute, Joey." Peter leaned close to the TV. "I think that one is gay."

"How can you tell?"

"I can see the outline of his PA through his suit."

Chris grinned. "What a liar."

Joey took the bait. "What's a PA?"

"Joey, you don't want to know." Chris warned. "Trust me."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."

"You really don't want to know."

"I can take it."

"Go ahead, Peter. We warned him."

"PA means Prince Albert. Its a metal ring about so big that you wear, you know, down there. After they pierce your penis."


"Not through the whole thing. They go through the pee hole then pierce through the bottom of the penis."

"Ow!" Joey's knees snapped up to his chest. He held his legs to him and rolled over on his side. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"Something wrong, Joey?" Peter grinned down at Chris who grinned back.

"What sick bastard thought of that?" Joey sat up but still held his legs. "It hurts just thinking about it."

"It's suppose to increase the feeling at orgasm."

Joey's jaw dropped. "You mean you're supposed to wear it during sex?"

Chris shrugged. "Why not? She'll love it. It might be a bit tough on her teeth."

"Chris!" Joey held a hand to his teeth and pulled his legs close again.

"Don't worry, Joey. During intercourse the condom protects it. As long as she's careful during oral sex, but I've never heard of one ripping off."

"Ow!" Joey rolled over again. "Ow, ow, ow, ow."

Justin, Peter and Chris laughed at Joey's reaction.

Joey sat up again. "Change the subject, please!"

Chris looked at Peter puzzled. "How do they explain it when they go through airport security?"

"Well, you can't say that they are concealing a deadly weapon."

"Leave it!" Joey snapped.

"Okay, where were we?" asked Justin.

"Peter, didn't want to show his support of gay divers."

"That's not what I said, Chris!" Peter calmed himself. "I know watching men's diving was a gesture to cheer me up. I feel better now. So you can watch something different if you want."

"You know what I think?"

Peter rolled his eyes. Now it was Joey's turn.

"What, Joey?"

"I think that this show is a little too 'stimulating' for Peter."


"He's getting turned on so we have to turn it off."

"It takes more than buff guys in Speedos to turn me on."

"Really?" Chris asked. "I would be."

"Me, too," added Joey.

Peter got up. He had had enough. "Fine. Watch whatever you want to watch. I'll find something else to do."

"Be quick, others need the bathroom." Joey teased.

"Oh, Joey. Remind me to not to tell you of the couple having oral sex when the one person's tongue piercing got caught in the other partner's PA."

Joey's legs snapped up, again. One hand went to his mouth. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He rolled over.

Chris laughed. "I hope everything comes out all right, Peter." He winked.

Peter started to leave. "Justin, if you are looking for me, I'll be in Chris's bunk." Peter left.

"Don't you dare!"

Justin laughed. Peter fitted in so well. "You guys are so mean."

"He knows we were teasing." Chris started flipping through channels.

"I mean," Joey started. "How can anyone get horny watching sports?"

Chris stopped flipping. "Here we go. How about women's tennis?"

"No way, dude." Joey said. "All those women grunting gets me worked up."

"You guys are unbelievable." Justin got up and left.

Peter started for the front of the bus. He could see Lance and JC cuddled together. Something intimate was going on. He had no choice. Peter crawled into their bunk.

A few moments later the curtains parted.

"Need a hand?"

"Oh, Justin, not you, too."

Justin climbed in next to Peter. "I don't know if you have noticed but you're fitting in quite well."

"It's easy with you guys." Peter stared upward.

"Lance and JC seemed to be having an emotional moment."

"They're getting married. I've heard that that stirs up a lot of emotions."

Justin moved close. "One more night. Then it's just us."


"Peter, I have to tell you something about tonight."

Peter said nothing. He knew but he let Justin say it.

"You'll be staying with JC and Lance but I'll be going back to my house tonight."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Justin, you live in the same house with your folks. You come back from a long tour and tell them you won't be spending the night? You might as well tell them the truth then."

"And about that, will you feel up to it in two days time?"

"Why two days?"

"We always have a tour wrap party with just the guys and our families. It will be the day after tomorrow. Then would be a good time to tell my parents."

"So soon?"

"I want to. My mother has a weird habit of finding things out before I can tell her. The sooner the better."

"Do you want me with you or do you want to tell them and bring me in later?"

"Lets play that be ear."


Justin hugged Peter close. "One more concert and then we're free."

"But now we no longer have rooms together. We'll spend more time apart."

Justin lay his head against Peter. "I know."

"Well, I'll get used to it."

Justin's head popped up. "What?"

"I didn't say I'll enjoy it. I'll just have get used to it." Justin lay his head back. "So do you ease off a bit being that this is the last concert." Peter knew better.

"Hey, this is our home town. We will really rock this concert."

The fireworks went off the band hit the last note and the stadium went dark. The roar of the crowd shook the walls. Back stage there was an eerie quiet. The same quiet that Peter had noticed in the bus that morning. The tour was over and everyone was feeling the effect.

NSYNC had gone off to the dressing room but Peter stood looking around him. A familiar hand slapped him on the back.

"You survived."

Peter looked at Anthony. "Yeah."

Anthony noted the edge of sadness in Peter's voice. "Now you can look forward to having more relaxed times with Justin."

"That's true. But I will miss all this. I've never known anything else. Everyone really has become a family."

"I remember when I first met you. I though that just for once here was a fan that would stay out from underfoot. It did last very long, did it?" Anthony gave Peter a friendly squeeze. "And I am glad you didn't. You really pitched in and did your part."

"Anthony, I..."

Anthony raised his hand. "The next tour will be here before you know it. You'll be there?"

"I'd hope to be."

"Until then." Anthony gave Peter one more slap on the back. He walked off.

Peter wiped his eyes then headed for the dressing room.

He met the guys heading toward him down the hall.

"Come on. One last thing to do before leaving."

Peter fell into step along side JC.

They walked out on stage. The stadium was almost empty. The crew had already started dismantling the stage. JC grabbed a mike.

"Could I have a moment, please." Everyone stopped and turned to the stage. "We would like to give you all our deepest thanks for all your hard work and effort. This tour wouldn't have been a success without each and every one of you." JC handed the mike to Lance.

"Thanks to all of you. The concerts would have been nothing without you. God Bless."

Joey was next. "Your efforts gave us a lot less to worry about. Thank you."

The mike was passed to Chris. "I think the stage was just about a half an inch higher that it usually was, but I adapted to it. Otherwise you guys did a great job. We sincerely appreciate it."

Justin's turn. "What can I add? You are all part of the NSYNC tour family. Bless you all."

Peter suddenly found himself holding the mike. JC nodded to him. He looked about at all the people. "I'd like to thank you, too. I've learned a lot and from very friendly people. You were so welcoming to an outsider. I will never forget it."

The crew started clapping and chanting. "NSYNC. NSYNC." Someone then shouted, "and Peter." The chant was changed to "NSYNC. NSYNC and Peter. NSYNC. NSYNC and Peter."

NSYNC gave a last wave and a bow then JC ushered them and Peter off the stage.

They were walking down the hall.

"JC, wait," Peter stopped. "There is someone I forgot to..."

"Stop that man!"

A bodyguard grabbed Peter. He was turned around.

"Where do you think you are going?" Lonnie came striding down the hall. "Tried to get away without saying goodbye?"

"No," Peter protested. "In fact, I just remembered..."

"Yeah, sure. A likely excuse."

Peter blushed. "No, really I just said to JC..."

"It doesn't matter." Lonnie swept Peter into a big bear hug. "You take care now." He set Peter down. "And keep close watch over that one." He nodded to Justin. "He's showing such progress."

"Thanks, Lonnie. Take care of yourself."

"Of course." Lonnie then turned to NSYNC. "See you later guys." He gave each one a hug.

When he got to Chris, Chris threw his arms wide. "How about a kiss you big lug?"

Lonnie hugged Chris then much to their surprise Lonnie planted a long kiss on Chris's cheek. Chris struggled but Lonnie held him firm. He let go of Chris. Lonnie chucked Chris's chin. "You're such a cutie."

"Yuck!" Chris wiped his hand over his cheek.

JC chuckled. "You asked for it Chris."

Chris wiped frantically at his cheek.

Peter took hold of the angel charm. "Bye, Lonnie."

"See you later."

Peter again wiped his eyes as they walked away.

When they got to the underground garage Peter was surprised. The bus wasn't there. Two men came out of a small office.

"Just a minute guys." They hurried off into the lines of cars.

"No bus?" Peter asked.

Lance smiled. "We're on our own from now on."

A Mercedes pulled up and stopped. The man got out and held the door.

Justin turned to Peter. He gave Peter a friendly slug on the shoulder nodding to the man behind him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

After Justin climbed in the man closed the door. One last wave at Peter and Justin drove off.

Peter chuckled.

"It fits him doesn't it?" Lance said.

"Yep, I should have known."

The next car was a sports model. Joey and Chris walked to it.

Peter could see the suitcases in the back seat.

"Good thing you didn't buy anything more." Joey said to Chris. "You'd have to be the hood ornament."

Chris struck a pose. "I still can."

"Just get in." Joey turned. "See you all later."

The car sped off.

The next up was a truck/van sort of vehicle.

JC stepped forward. "This is ours."

Peter followed them to he car. The man opened the passenger door for him. The car was packed with luggage but there was a spot for Peter to sit. He buckled up and waited.

"Ready?" JC peered from the front seat.


"Okay, Lance. Take us home."

They headed out into the night.

"You're not too squished back there are you?" Lance asked.

"No, I'm fine. Good thing you didn't take JC's Jeep. You'd need a trailer for all this."

JC turned around. "How did you know I drove a Jeep?"

"Don't you guys ever read the fan websites?"

"Nope, not anymore. It was too much of a head trip." JC said.

Lance added. "You wouldn't believe the stuff our fans write about us."

Peter watched the lights flashing by. "Oh, I don't know. I think I can imagine."

"When the wedding becomes public there will be a lot of heartbroken females out there."

"Don't limit yourself to just females."

"Then it's a good thing you found Justin."

JC snapped around to gape at Lance. "What?"

Lance realized what he had said. "Oh, sorry, Peter."

"Its okay, Lance. It's all in the past."

"What are you saying?"

"Oh, come on, JC. Why do you think Peter projected to our hotel room in the first place? He really didn't know that we were a couple."

"I just wanted a close look at two people I greatly admired."

"You mean that you were in love with," corrected JC. "The night you spent with us. It must have been difficult for you."

"No. Once I saw you two together I let my love go. Besides, I love to see you as a couple better."

Lance turned his head. "The same goes for us."

Peter was glad it was dark so they couldn't see him blush.

Peter fell silent. His thoughts were a jumble of Justin and 'what the hell was he doing?'. The car turned a corner jarring Peter from his reveries. Lance took another turn.

"There we are." JC pointed. "Home."

All Peter could see in the dark was a roof showing over a six-foot stone wall. Lance turned into the driveway and up to a wrought iron gate. Like the wall it was more decorative than imposing. Lance pushed a control on the visor and the gate swung open.

"Sorry there isn't a guard house or barking dogs."

"That's okay, JC. The gate was enough."

They pulled up the short drive to the double garage. Another control and the door went up. Lance pulled in next to JC's Jeep.

"Well, we're here."

They piled out of the car. Lance opened the car doors and they started pulling suitcases out.

"I suppose the butler has the day off?" Peter teased.

"The butler, the maid and the gardener." JC said. "The pool man was probably here today just in case."

"Pool man? There's a pool?"

JC smiled at the sound of excitement in Peter's voice. JC tried to sound irritated. "It came with the house. Of course, there is a pool."

"You have to forgive me. I'm used to apartments. Even a garage is new."

"JC, we have rescued him from such a deprived life."

Each grabbed as many suitcases as they could carry and headed for the front door. Peter looked up at the house. It was big but it wasn't huge. The front showed two stories.

As they got close to the door the outside light came on. JC unlocked the door. A beeping started. JC turned just inside the door and Peter could tell he was pressing buttons. The beeping stopped.

"There. No police will interrupt us now." JC turned on some lights. He stepped aside and let Peter pass.

Peter stepped through the door into a small alcove.

"Just set them down anywhere."

Peter took a few more steps in then stared about him. There was a kitchen on his left and a living room to his right.

Lance pushed passed. "Over here is fine." He put his suitcases down. Peter just stood there wide-eyed. "Peter." He waved his hand.

Peter blinked. "Sorry."

"Put them down there."

Peter stirred himself and set the bags down. He still gazed around him.

JC laughed. "Peter, it is just a house."

"No, this is your home. JC and Lance's home." Peter muttered. He realized they were watching him. "I'm sorry. The fan in me kicked in."

Lance patted his shoulder. "Come on. Let's finish unpacking the car. You can gape in awe later."

"And this is your room."

"This is almost bigger that the hotel's." Peter set his suitcases down.

"The bathroom is through there. It has a full shower. Big enough to accommodate two people." Peter turned to JC. JC smiled. "If necessary."

"That would be another first."

"I heartily recommend it. And don't worry the towel racks and the shower curtain have been reinforced so you won't have to go through that embarrassment."

"JC, thank you so much for this. I really do appreciate it."

"No problem. Considering his house arrangement I'm sure Justin will, too." JC went to the door. "You sure you don't want anything?"

"I'm fine."

"We're just down the hall. Good night."


Lance was roused from his sleep. The house was quiet but he just felt something wasn't right. JC was asleep on his back. Lance got out of bed as gently as he could. He left the bedroom and headed down the hall.

"Can't sleep?" Lance squinted in the light from the TV.

Peter looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yes, I think you did but not by the TV."

"Its just I have trouble sleeping in a strange bed."

Lance sat down next to Peter. "I can help."

"Please, don't suggest warm milk. Yech." Peter wrinkled his nose.

"No, I can help with the real reason you can't sleep. You miss Justin."

Peter sighed. "It's the first night I have been without him since I joined you."

"I can help."

"I'd project so we can connect but I don't know where he lives." Peter looked dejected.

"You miss Justin so much you're not even thinking straight." Peter shot Lance a glance. "Sorry. That was not meant to be a Chris. But I can help."

"I don't know what to do except wait for tomorrow."


Peter looked up at Lance. Lance raised an eyebrow. Slowly the wheels in Peter's mind began to turn. The light finally came on.


Lance grinned. "You go back to your room. I'll meet you there."

"Meet me there?"

"I've been practicing. Remember when you got JC and me to join that first time out?" Peter nodded. "I surprised JC with an encore on our anniversary. It was my present to him."

"Lance, it must have been wonderful especially after JC proposed."

"It was. And it was thanks to you."

Peter beamed.

"Come on. Let's get you to Justin."

Sure enough Lance was bobbing about Peter's room when Peter floated free. Peter felt a little strange doing this without JC but he was too anxious to get to Justin. Peter reached to connect with Lance when Lance stopped him.

"Its not that far way. Just follow me."

They floated out of the room.

Soon they arrived at another large house. Peter had no mind for checking the details of it. He just floated through the wall with Lance.

Justin groaned and rolled over.

"It looks like he misses you, too. I'll leave you to it." Lance floated away.

Peter floated close to Justin.


Justin sensed him already. Peter touched him.

"Yes, Justin. It's me."

"How did you find me?"

"Lance brought me here."

"Not so good for the first night apart."

"We will get better. When we can't do this." Peter's blue glow began to rain down on Justin.

"I can feel your love, Peter. Can you feel mine?"

"Yes. Do you want to...?"

"No. I want to save that when we're together physically."

"We are connected now, Justin. Sleep well."

"I love you, Peter."

"I always will love you, Justin."

Lance had the idea of bringing JC out again but as he floated to the bed JC was gone. The bathroom door was closed. Lance floated over his body. Slowly he felt his blood pounding in his veins and his breathing. Lance rejoined his body.

Peter awoke briefly. He reached to the nightstand and opened the package he had placed there. Pushing an earplug into each ear, he thought of Lance and JC down the hall and smiled. He lay back and went to sleep with Justin still connected to him.

JC slid back into bed. Lance rolled over to face him.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was out doing my good deed." Lance ran his hand over JC's chest. "Now I want my reward."

"Lance, I though we agreed no sex tonight because Peter is alone."

"Not any more."

"What do you mean?"

"I got up to check on Peter. He couldn't sleep because of the strange room and no Justin."

"He could have projected but he doesn't know where Justin lives yet."

"Yes," Lance moved closer. "But we or I should say, I do. All he needed was a guide."

JC looked delighted. "Lance."

"They are now together, just mentally but together. Do you approve?"

JC smiled. "Yes."

"Do I get a reward?"

JC moved closer. "You deserve one."

Lance slid his hand to the front of JC's shorts. His hand rubbed against JC's already hardening shaft.

"A big reward, I hope."

"As always." JC started kissing Lance. "You deserve every inch of it."

Lance's hands caressed JC's warm skin. "Then what are you waiting for. Show me the money!"

JC pressed his lips to Lance's. He opened his lips so their tongues could wrestle and collide. JC pulled back. He ran his fingers over Lance's forehead, his cheeks and the side of his head.

"Lance, you are so beautiful." He began raining kissed on Lance.

Lance relished each touch of JC's soft lips to his skin. JC's kisses started down his body. His lips latched onto his nipple. Lance gasped. JC's tongue flicked and pressed. His teeth gently nipped at it. Then lower still. This time JC gently kissed his stomach. There was no tickling. JC was being gentle tonight.

JC took hold of the elastic of Lance's shorts and pulled them down. Lance lifted his legs so JC could pull them free. JC's hand wrapped around Lance's hardening cock. JC's blue eyes looked up into Lance's green ones.

JC lowered his head with agonizing slowness to Lance's cock head. He tongue flicked and licked about the head. Lance pressed back against the bed. His mouth opened.

JC swallowed Lance's cock.

A low bass rumble came out of Lance's throat. "Oh, yes."

JC kept with a slow rhythm. His tongue swirled about the head then he buried the length of Lance's cock in his throat. JC reached down and pulled his own shorts off never losing his concentration on hitting all the spots of Lance's cock that sent him wild.

Lance reached down and pulled JC up to his lips. They parted. "You are so good. Let me do it to you." Lance was surprised when JC shook his head.

"No, I want this to be for you. Please, Lance."

Lance was too turned on to argue. He lay back and JC dived back onto his cock. Lance's hands found their way to JC. One ran through his hair as another caressed his shoulder and arm.

"Oh, JC."

JC continued his slow rhythm tightening his lips around Lance's throbbing shaft.

Lance's head rolled back and forth on the pillow. His hands rubbed against the sheets. He was getting close.

Much to Lance's surprise JC pulled off his cock.


"No, tonight will be different. Roll over."

Lance did as he was told. JC's hands gently kneaded Lance's ass cheeks.

"Lance, you were right. One look at your ass and I..."

Lance gasped as JC's tongue pressed its way into his asshole.

"Oh, god, yes."

JC's tongue poked and prodded. Lance moaned loudly. Lance wrapped his arms around the pillows pulling them against him. JC was sending thrills through Lance's body. His tongue hit just the right spots.

It didn't take long before JC could feel Lance asshole opening up. Lance was pushing back against him willing his tongue to go deeper.

"Yes, JC, yes!"

JC pulled back and slipped a finger into Lance.

Lance gasped.

Then soon two fingers slipped into Lance.

Lance reached behind him and took JC by the wrist. He forced JC's fingers into him.

It was time. JC reached for the end table and got the bottle of lube. He had been right to make sure that that was unpacked first. He squeezed some onto his fingers and pressed them to Lance's asshole.

Lance's whole body shuddered.

"Yes. Please, JC. Please."

JC lubed himself up then lay close on top of Lance.

"You ready?" he whispered into Lance's ear.

"God, yes. Please, JC."

Slowly he moved forward. The cock head pressed on Lance's asshole. Then it gave and JC's cock entered Lance.

Lance's cries got louder the further JC's cock slid into him. "Oh, oh, OH! YES!"

JC started a slow deliberate rhythm. He lay on Lance's back using his arms to keep some of his weight off Lance. He nibbled Lance's ear. He kissed Lance's neck and back. JC leaned closer still so they could kiss.

"Oh, JC, you feel so good in me."

"I love you, Lance."

Still JC stayed with the slow rhythm. Lance's hand grabbed JC's ass. He pulled him close.

'Fuck me, JC."

"No." JC said softly. "Tonight I make love to you." He looked down to see his cock sliding between the perfect white mounds of Lance's ass cheeks. JC gyrated his hips. His cock hit new places inside Lance.

Lance's hands gripped the sheets. He couldn't see JC so all he could do was to concentrate on the feelings flooding through his body. He could feel JC's warm body pressed against his and JC's warm breath on his neck and back. JC's hard nipples raked across Lance's back. Lance pushed back urging JC to go faster and deeper but JC pulled back farther. Lance was going crazy. He wanted so much to be pushed to climax but JC was holding back.

A while later JC pulled out. He rolled onto his back. His cock standing up straight in the air. "You're in control now."

Lance moved and straddled JC. Lance's head tilted back as JC's cock entered him to the base. Lance began to bounce up and down on JC's cock. He started to go faster then decided not to. This was too wonderful to rush.

JC looked up as Lance's pleasure blushed his face. Lance leaned down and they kissed. They parted. Their eyes locked.

Lance moved his hips forward then back. He gasped loudly. Now JC's cock was rubbing harder against his insides sending surges of pleasure through him.

JC's head was flung back. "Yes, Lance. That is so good."

Lance went up until JC's cock was almost out of him. Then he sat back plunging the shaft completely into him. He began to feel the stirring of his climax.

"JC, I'm getting close."

JC responded by pressing up with his hips shoving his cock as deep as he could into Lance.

Lance's face flushed. His body started going rigid.

"Oh, my." Lance said softly.

"Come on, Lance. Remember we're home."

Lance threw every inhibition to the wind. He let his voice grow to a scream. "Oh, JC. Oh, JC! OH, MY GOD, JOSH! I'M CUMMING!"

Lance's cock exploded. Cum flew everywhere. Shot after shot of white cream splattered on JC's chest, stomach and even his face. Lance's whole body convulsed as the climax ripped through him.

This pushed JC to the edge. With one final thrust of his cock into Lance he lost it.

The feeling of JC cumming in his ass only heightened Lance's already ecstatic state. His cock kept on shooting volley after volley of cum. Finally after what seemed like ages, his climax abated. Lance collapsed forward onto JC. He could feel JC's cock pulsing in his ass shooting its final shots of JC's climax.

They kissed with passion. Their tongues wrestling. They parted. Lance rolled over and flopped onto the bed still breathing heavily.


"Excuse me." JC left. The bathroom light went on. Soon JC came back. He climbed into bed. "Sorry, I forgot the washcloth by the bed. I needed to clean up."

"Oh, JC." Lance wrapped his arms around him. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Lance." He gave Lance a quick kiss. "Welcome home."

Lance snuggled close. "Oh, JC. Its good to be home."


I decided to lose some detail so I could get Peter to JC and Lance's home. Lots more happened then I had planned, but I don't think anyone will complain. Still I welcome your remarks. Just don't go for blood, please. E-Mail me at I better get onto Part 28. You readers are so insatiable!

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 28

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