Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 21, 2002


Here we go with part 22.

Well, now I know that this is a good story because it has appeared on another website under another author's name. What was that about imitation and flattery? Don't worry the offending clone has been eradicated. Thanks to the fan who brought this to my (and the other authors') attention. Better cut this short since this part is so long. (And I am not bragging.)

Now on to the CYB* part then on to the good stuff. (*Cover Your Butt.)

This is a work of total fiction. This in no way represents the real life or sexual orientation of NSYNC or the Backstreet boys. The author does not know any of them. (Sounds of the author softly crying. Sounds of the artists heaving a sigh of relief.) There will be descriptions of gay sex so if your underage or find such things objectionable stop reading now. (Sounds like a personal problem to me.)

On with the story:

Lance kept glancing at Justin as they got dressed for the concert. For the first time in two days Justin was smiling and humming. Justin would stop every now and then to smell the rose that Peter had given him. Lance had to admit Peter did have good timing. That rose was just what Justin had needed after Britney had stormed off. Lance made a mental note: Remember to send JC flowers on occasion.

Lance glanced over. JC was bending over putting on his shoes. Lance got a beautiful view of one of JC's finer qualities. Lance swung his coat. The sleeve caught JC on the ass.

"Hey!" JC stood up. "This isn't a locker room."

"Of course not." Chris replied. "No lockers. But we are changing for the big event in the stadium. And our star player is now happily looking forward to making a tight end into a wide receiver."

Joey groaned. "Chris, lie on the ground right here." He indicated a spot on the floor. Joey swung his right foot behind him. "I want to try for the extra point."

"You'll never make it." Lance said. "Chris's head isn't very aerodynamic."

"It should be. There's wind whistling through it all day." Joey added.

"Well, at least it means I'm not thick." Chris shot back.

Joey pointed to Chris's stomach. "You're getting there."

JC raised his hands. "Now, boys, no bickering before a show. You're creating bad karma."

"Don't worry, JC. Justin's positive energy will drown out any negative ones. Right, Justin?" There was no reaction. "Justin!"

"Yeah, right."

Chris shook his head. "You weren't even listening."

"I'm sorry, I was thinking." Justin looked around. "Is there a seating chart or a map of the stadium around here?"


Justin took hold of the rose. "I want give my answer to this as soon as possible. Did they say what suite number Peter was called to?"

"We can find out." JC went to the door. He talked to the security guard outside.

Lance smiled. "You are really into this, aren't you?"

Justin looked determined. "I had thought that I might have lost Peter after how I had treated him yesterday. I'm not taking any more chances."

Chris began to tease Justin. "It has nothing to do with you having ignored him for two days and now he's alone with two handsome single gay men? One of whom he thought he might have sex with for "medicinal" purposes? You may not be afraid of losing Peter, but you are afraid he might start playing on the Backstreet."

"Chris!" Lance snapped.

JC was walking back from the door. "They're in Suite 12C."

Joey picked up a towel. "Here, Chris. Put this in your mouth before you find yourself in more physical pain."

Chris was confused. "I'm not in any pain."

Joey shook his head. "And you think I'm dumb." Joey smacked Chris on the shoulder.


Joey pointed his finger at Chris. "Lay off of Justin."

"Chris, don't rain on Justin's parade."

Joey covered his ears. "Ah! Streisand! Lance is quoting gay culture."

"Come on, guys. There isn't time for this. We have fifteen minutes before show time." JC said. "It's time for a hacky."

They finished dressing.

"Justin, I'm sorry. I was just joking."

"It's okay, Chris. There was a grain of truth in it."

"I don't believe that would happen for a minute."

Justin sighed. "My how the worm has turned."


"Yesterday morning I accused Peter of being negative and waiting for the lightning bolt to hit. Now I am."

Chris put his hands on Justin's shoulders. "You know better."


"Come on. Hacky time."

Peter checked the suite number on the ticket. 12C, this was it. He started to knock then got a better idea. He'd throw open the door and shout "Security!" He took hold of the doorknob. One, two, three! He twisted the knob and threw his body against the door. The knob didn't twist. Peter's body thudded against the locked door.

Peter rubbed his shoulder glancing around to see if anyone had see his vain attempt at bravado. Everyone was too busy and excited about the concert to notice.

Peter knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" came Howie's muffled voice.

"Security." Peter said loudly in a bass voice.

"Sorry, we've already got one."

"I was told to report to this suite."

"You're no longer needed."

Peter rapped on the door again. "Come on, guys. It's Peter."

People were beginning to notice the man from security who couldn't get into a suite.

"Let me in, please!" Peter said through clinched teeth.

"Sorry, we don't know you."

"Well, I know you. I'm sure there are people around me who would be thrilled to know who's behind this door."

The door remained closed.

"You have until three, two, one." Peter knew he couldn't do it. He slumped against the door. "Okay, be that way. I'm going back to the..."

The door opened. Without the door to support him Peter backpedaled into the room. The door closed again.

Two hands caught Peter. "Hey, take it easy, guy."

Howie turned back after closing the door. "Kevin, I am so jealous. Gay men just fall into your hands."

Kevin helped Peter to stand. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I'd fire your doorman."

"We couldn't have you screaming our names around."

"I was just bluffing. I do work for security you know."

Howie gave Peter the once over. "And how fetching you look. The official shirt and ID tag really suit you." Howie moved closer to Peter. "I do love a man in uniform."

"Now, now Howie. Peter is taken." Kevin moved Howie aside. He moved closer to Peter "Besides, I have dibs on him."

Peter was backed into the door. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

Kevin put his hands on the door trapping Peter between his arms. "You know we wouldn't try anything." Kevin leaned in close to Peter's face. He saw Peter blush. "You're perfectly safe."

Peter ducked under Kevin's arms. Kevin swung around to see Peter walk to the center of the room.

"And I plan to keep it that way."

"Quick isn't he?" Howie said.

"Not at everything, I hope." Kevin joked.

Peter turned around. "You'll never know, will you?" The premonition of Justin catching Peter with Kevin flashed into Peter's mind. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Peter looked about the room. "So where are the other guys?"

"They left already. Kevin and I stayed to get a look at NSYNC's latest effort."

"Oh." Peter walked to the window and looked out into the stadium. He was worried about having the light on, but the room was up high enough that people walking around couldn't see in.

Howie joined Peter at the window. "Not a bad view." Howie said. They were a little closer than half way to the stage.

"You know, I've never seen them preform from this distance before. Well, except the first time, but I was all over the place."

"All over the place?" asked Howie. "How?"

"I projected. It was only my third attempt. I had very little control over where I went. I almost had a collision with NSYNC."

"It must have been fun to see them up so close."

"If I had known what I was doing maybe. I was too worried what might happen to enjoy myself."

Kevin stood at the bar toward the back of suite. "There's snacks if you're hungry."

"Don't mind if I do." Peter walked over to the bar. There was a mixture of fruits and vegetables and a hot plate with meatballs and cocktail wieners. Peter grabbed a plate. "This must have cost you a bundle. Outside a beer and a hot dog costs close to ten dollars."

"Nothing is too good for our guest."

"Anything to drink?" Howie asked. He opened the refrigerator.

"Is that iced tea?"

Howie looked at the label. "Yep." He handed the bottle to Peter. Howie grabbed a can of soda. "Kevin?"

"Is there another iced tea?"

Howie handed Kevin a bottle.

"Now this is cute." Peter was reading the label. "Flavored with 100% real lemon juice and containing artificial sweetener. They just can leave anything alone."

Kevin opened his bottle. "Okay, I have been dying to ask you this since JC called us to visit you in his room." Kevin took a swig. "How did you know we were gay?"

"It was your mental powers right?"

"Nope. It was even simpler than that. It was your dancing."

"Our dancing?"

"Well, Howie's actually."

"Mine? You're kidding."

"It was the "Quit Playing Games with My Heart" video."

"Oh, I get it." Kevin smiled remembering.

"Well, I don't."

"How soon they forget." Kevin teased. "Anyway, Peter what tipped you off."

"Howie was having way too much fun dancing in the rain."

"It wasn't fun. It was damn cold."

Peter grinned. "I know. I could tell from the nipple factor. That was nice too. But you seemed to be very enthusiastic about dancing with your shirt almost off. It was very sexy. Is that why they placed you toward the back?"

"They shot close-ups on my chest then on the wide shots they exile me to the background." Howie snapped. He glared at Kevin. "And I did not dance too gay."

Kevin laughed. "Now it's coming back to you. Peter has proven you wrong on that."

Peter took a bite of a carrot stick. "Hey, I enjoyed it. In fact I like the early videos. You two flash a lot of bare chest."

"Is that how you figured I was gay?"

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, Kevin. In your case it was just wishful thinking."

"You're kidding me?"

Howie laughed. "Sorry, Kevin, you just don't act gay."

"I do, too."

Howie patted Kevin on the back. "Sorry, straight appearing and straight acting is your epitaph."

"Actually," Peter added. "You did sort of hang to the back of the videos like you didn't want people to notice you. What gay person doesn't known how to do that?"

"Thank you." Kevin bowed slightly. He turned to Howie. "See?"

"I'm still not buying it."

Peter changed the subject. "I suppose Nick stayed shirt-on because of his age?"

"Yeah and was he pissed about it."

"Hey, it works for NSYNC." Peter added. "But I like your costumes better. Well, except in "Everybody" that mummy thing. Were you still looking out for Nick's image?"

"Not really."

"With his hair sticking out like that he looked like a deranged aerobics instructor. And what was that cross your heart harness thing? When he sings, "Am I sexual?" I answer him back "Nah". But I love Howie's outfit. That long coat, top hat, cravat and vest was killer."

"Ever since I saw Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise as a vampires I wanted to dress like that."

"Kevin looks good in those long coats, too. And Kevin those long nails suited you and that shirt you wore in the ballroom looked so hot."

"I didn't sweat at all."

Howie shook his head. "He doesn't mean warmth, he means sexy."

Kevin sneered. "I know."

"Yeah, open in front and backless. At least your arms stayed warm."

Kevin smiled. "So you liked that?"

"Your body is a pleasure to behold."

Kevin moved close. "You can be holding it right now."

The crowd screams grew to a roar.

"Sounds like the concert's starting." Peter dodged Kevin and made his way to the window. He sat down in a chair.

Howie smiled at Kevin. This was fun. Howie flipped off the light. They took seats on either side of Peter.

Lance did the intro and they went into "God must have spent a little more time on you."

"This is the song that made me realize that I had really became a NSYNC fan."

Howie nodded. "This is a real sweet song."

"I was listening to it one day and found myself doing the hand gestures."

"Copying the choreography?" Kevin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "That means you're a hardcore fan for sure."

"Well, he is as far as Justin is concerned."

Kevin said. "I love it when they point at the audience. Every girl screams like they are actually pointing at them."

Peter took on a high voice. "Justin pointed right at me. He loves me and not you." Peter stopped as he watched Justin. He was singing, "And you've changed my world with just one kiss." Justin swept his arm across the audience. "How could it be that right here with me there's an angel?" He stopped pointing in Peter's direction. "It's a miracle." Justin's dropped his arm and when into the set choreography.

Kevin looked over. Peter was agape.

"Did anyone else see that?" Peter stammered.

"Yep, Justin pointed right at you."

Howie took Peter by the shoulders and shook him. "Oh, my god!" Howie acted overly excited. "Couldn't you just die! Did you see that? Justin pointed right at you. Ah!"

A little farther along and Justin looked in their direction, again.

"It's got to be a coincidence."

"Or he found out what suite we were in."

Peter looked at Howie.

"Why? I..." Peter's head snapped back to Justin. "Of course, this is his answer."

"Answer?" Kevin asked. "Answer to what?"

"That little token I bought because we've been apart. I left him a rose. Looks like he got it."

"That's very romantic." Howie glanced at Kevin. Kevin was gazing at Peter with a look of envy.

Peter broke the mood. "Now I don't know how Chris does that."

Kevin turned back to the stage. NSYNC were raising off the stage on small platforms.

"Chris is afraid of heights." Peter watched the platforms wobble. "That's what I call dedication. I'd be scared to death."

"Don't worry." Kevin said. "Everything has been proven safe."

Howie watched Kevin gazing now and then at Peter. Maybe this was a bad idea. He relaxed. He could be just imagining things.

Chris was addressing the audience. "We want to thank you all for coming out tonight." The rest of NSYNC stepped from behind a curtain JC and Lance then Justin and Joey.

Peter started laughing.


"Chris just said "thanks for coming out" and JC and Lance step from behind the curtain. I think that's cute."

"It won't happen any other way." Howie said.

"Don't be so sure." Peter added.

Both Kevin and Howie turned to Peter.

"You have to be kidding?"

"No. They are seriously thinking about it."


"Well, they're afraid the press might find out about the wedding. This way it will be on their terms."

"No, shit?" Howie looked embarrassed. "Sorry." He looked to the stage.

Kevin looked serious. "I am impressed. They are very brave. I wish them the best."

"Now that's stupid." Peter said.

"What?" Kevin was shocked.

Peter pointed to the stage. "Everyone is dripping with sweat and Lance is putting on a sport coat."

Howie laughed. "Its NSYNC's purity image again."

Peter was confused.

"Lance is wearing a light white shirt, right?"


"Do you know what happens to a white shirt when it gets wet?"

"Yeah, it gets transparent."

"That is why Lance put on the coat."

"Spoil sport!" Peter shouted at the window. "I want to see those nipples!"

"Hey, you travel with them. You must have seen more than that."

Peter grinned. "I'll say." Peter shook his hand. "Woof!"

"Don't worry, Kevin. He's only talking about Justin. Right?"

Peter just sat grinning.


Peter pointed. "Just watch the concert, Howie."

Kevin glanced at Peter. Maybe he wasn't as naive as he seemed.

NYSNC came back on stage. Peter would never forget this part of the concert. They were about to do "This I Promise You". Peter felt himself getting choked up already.

"I need a refill. You guys want anything?"

"I'm fine." Kevin answered. "Peter?"


"You're sure?"

Peter waved his hand "Sh!"


Kevin could see Peter was getting emotional.

"This wouldn't be "your song" would it?"

"The first time I met JC and Lance I was so down they sang it to me to cheer me up. Then after the attack and the night with Justin they brought me on stage. A gay man with them in front of everyone..." Peter's voice broke.

Kevin put his arm around Peter. "It's your song, all right."

The front of the stage was moving down the aisle. Justin started singing. His arm swept around the stadium. He stopped again pointing in Peter's direction.

Peter had an idea. "Howie, turn on the room light."

"We're not supposed to do that during the concert. They'll..."

"Call security?" Peter finished. "Please, just for a moment." Peter turned back.

Howie flipped on the light.

Peter waited until Justin was looking in his direction, again. He stood up and raised his right hand straight above him then he placed it over his heart. The tears started as Justin raised his own arm and place it over his heart.

Kevin watched as the tears ran down Peter's cheek. He stood up and put his arm around Peter. "You are very lucky." He nodded to the stage. "Both of you."

"I never ever expected this." Peter sniffed. "It's like a dream. Justin Timberlake is in love with me."

Kevin took Peter into his arms. "Yes, he is. I am so envious. But you deserve it."

Howie was looking nervous. Kevin nodded. Howie switched off the light.

Peter shook his head. "I don't know how they can perform like this. I'd be sucking air after 5 minutes. They hardly take a break."

"The fans help." Kevin said. "You get so much energy from the audience."

"I remember."

Howie turned to Peter. "You remember?"

"I told Kevin, it was after the attack they brought me on stage during "This I Promise you". I was a bit overwhelmed afterwards."

Howie nodded. "It is one of the reasons we enjoy performing. It is a real rush."

"Yeah, look at JC." Kevin pointed. "He is really enjoying himself."

"It's the cut of the costume." Peter lied.

"Bullshit!" Howie grinned. "That is a 100% woody."

Kevin sighed. "Now I know what Lance sees in JC. If he is as enthusiastic in bed as he is on stage. Woof."

"Nah," Howie said. "They're probably too tired from performing to perform."

Kevin patted Peter's shoulder. "You poor thing. It must be so frustrating."

Peter grinned. "Trust me, they may not do encores for their fans but Justin's private encores are quite satisfying. Except I give him a kneeling ovation."

Howie shifted in his chair. "Damn, don't get me started."

Kevin turned. "Hey, I've been without it longer than you, Howie. I'm coping."

They watched NSYNC dancing to "Space Cowboy".

"Damn, look at JC stick that butt out there. I bet Lance gets the chance to be top dog now and then."

"Kevin, I said stop it." Howie snapped.

"I think JC stands for jumbo..."

"Don't say it."

"Rooster." Kevin finished.

A few moments later JC gave a few strong pelvic thrusts.

"Oh to be in Lance's place just once. I wouldn't mind JC riding my range."

"Damn you, Kevin." Howie got up to adjusting himself.

Kevin grinned. "Could you get me a cola since your, ah, up?"

Howie marched to the bar. "I'll get you a cola."

He took a can from the fridge. Grabbing the top of his pants Howie pulled it away from him. He slid the can into his pants.

"Whoo! That's cold. Peter do you want anything?" Howie asked doing a little dance.

Peer wrinkled his nose. "Ah, no, thank you. I'm good."

Kevin grinned. "Is what Justin says?"

"You better believe it."

Howie walked over to Kevin. He pulled the can out of his pants.

"Here." He handed the can to Kevin. "That took care of two pricks at once." He adjusted his pants. "Much better."

Kevin vigorously shook the can. He aimed it at Howie and grabbed the tab. "There's still one prick to take care of."

Peter got up quick. "I thirst after all. Excuse me." He hurried out of range.

Kevin laughed as he let go of the tab. "You'd think that Peter didn't trust us."

"I knew there was a reason I liked him."

Kevin got up and put the can on the bar.

"Peter, could you get me another. This one seems to be a bit warm."

"That's me." Howie licked his finger and placed it on his thigh. "Sssss, I'm always hot."

Peter started to laugh. "Hey, Howie, you just invented a new drink. Cock-a-cola."

Kevin shook his head. "Don't encourage him."

"Here you go, Kevin." Peter handed Kevin the can. Kevin took Peter's hand then took the can with his other hand.

Peter looked up into Kevin's green eyes and handsome face.

"Thank you." Kevin smiled warmly. "You are very kind." He went back and sat down.

Howie smiled as he saw Peter hold a bottle to his crotch for a few moments.

Peter sighed. That was better. He joined the others.

"Peter isn't coming back with us?" Justin was surprised.

"They've left already. They're back at the hotel by now."

Chris gaped. "He left before the concert was over? That bastard!"

JC shook his head. "How many times has he see it? Besides they had to leave before the crowds. Peter is having fun. Give him a break."

"Now too much fun I hope." Chris swung around. "I am real sorry. I didn't mean that."

"Its okay, Chris." Justin said. He ran his finger across the rose lightly. Peter and he had connected across a crowded stadium. Peter would be waiting for him. A small voice came from the depth of his mind.

But would he be waiting alone?

Of course, he would.

Then why did Kevin and Peter hug like that? Isn't that when the lights went out?

Howie was there, too.

You've never heard of a threesome?

They had to turn the lights off because of the concert. Peter just wanted Justin to see him.

To see him and Kevin embrace? After how Justin had treated Peter wouldn't Justin deserve it?

No! He wouldn't believe it!


Justin snapped back to reality. "What?"

"You almost ready?"

"Yeah, Joey."

"Don't forget your present from loverboy."

Justin took the rose. As he left his mind filled with the possibilities.

Peter answered the knock on his door.

"I've missed you."

It wasn't Justin. It was Kevin. He had a very determined air about him.

"I'm leaving tonight. I never got the chance to thank you properly."

Before Peter knew what was happening Kevin had him in his arms. Kevin's lips pressed against his. After a few moments Kevin pulled back.

"I can never repay you for what you did for me. But let me try." He kissed Peter again.

Peter was so surprised his mind didn't have time to think up any objections. This wonderful handsome man he had been with for two days was kissing him. He felt the fervor of the kiss. Slowly he raised his arms and wrapped them around Kevin. He felt himself melting into Kevin's arms.

JC ran his fingers through his hair. He adjusted a few tufts. That was better. He checked his breath. There was no odor. Maybe he should use a bit of cologne. No, Lance would know he had prepared.

The Justin and Peter crisis was seemingly over. They were probably in each other's arms already. That would mean only one thing. Lance would be in love mode big time. JC adjusted himself so his semi-hardon would be less noticeable. Lance was going to be in super seduction mood so JC didn't want to be pre-aroused. A last look in the mirror and he switched off the light. JC left the bathroom.

One look at the bed and JC couldn't help but smile. Lance lay on his stomach pretending to be asleep already. The sheet was draped over Lance's back and legs but his beautiful round butt was in full view. Lance hadn't even put on his shorts. He had one leg slightly bent. This caused a slight dimple in one ass cheek.

JC realized that Lance was imitating a poster that they had once seen on the Internet. JC had mentioned how sexy he thought it was. To keep from chuckling JC gave a slight cough.

Lance sighed sleepily. He rolled at his hips on the bed lowering the one leg and bending the other. The muscles of Lance's ass rolled and shifted. They never lost their beautiful round shape. The dimple switched cheeks.

Lance had succeeded. JC's hard cock strained against his shorts. He walked to Lance's side of the bed.

JC kissed Lance. "Aren't you cold?"

Lance raised his head trying to look sleepy. "No, actually I was hot."

"I'll agree with you there." JC glanced to the bedside table. The lube and a damp washcloth were ready for use. "I was fine a moment ago. Now I'm hot, too."

Lance watched JC strip off his shorts. Once freed his hard cock pointed toward the ceiling. "Yep, JC, you're definitely hot."

JC bent down and began kissing Lance's ass cheeks.

"Um, nice and cool. This is just what I need right now."

JC got on the bed, straddling Lance. He rubbed his hardon between Lance's round mounds.

Lance pushed himself up on his hands. He pressed back against JC. "That's good, JC."

"Do you like that?"

"Your cock is so hot."

"The sight of you made it that way."

Lance moaned. "I'm glad it worked."

JC leaned down and brushed his chin against Lance's ear. "I see you are all prepared."

"I didn't want to waste any time."

Lance turned his head so they could kiss.

JC loved the feel of his cock sliding up and down Lance's crack. "Lance, you always feel so good."

Lance thrilled at the feel of JC's hard cock rubbing on his ass. He tipped his head back. "Fuck me, JC. Do it now. I need you in me."

"Now, Lance," JC chided. "There is a certain order to things." JC took hold of Lance's cock to stroke it. It was already oozing precum.

Lance pressed back on JC. "I don't care about the order. Fuck me. Please, JC."

"What about what I want? I like to suck you off first."

"You did that this afternoon." JC's cock slid past Lance's asshole. "Oh, god, yeah." Lance pressed back against JC again. "What about some variety? Damn, that feels good. Please, JC. Please?"

JC knew that sooner or later he get that glance from those wonderful green eyes that he couldn't say no to.

"Okay," JC reached for the lube. "We'll just shuffle the steps a bit." JC made a mental note: If you want foreplay leave Lance's ass alone.

Lance buried his face in the pillow and stuck his butt up as high as he could.

"Thank you, JC. I love you."

JC lubed up his cock "I know." He rubbed the lube into Lance's asshole.

Lance started whimpering.

Lance was trembling so much JC was afraid Lance would cum as soon as his cock touched his asshole. "Please, just take it slow at first. I don't want to cause you any pain."

"Okay, JC."

As JC's cock sank slowly into Lance, Lance let out the most contented low moan.

"Oh, that is it!"

Lance's ass enclosed JC's cock in its tight warm grip. JC reached full penetration and pulled back. Then JC pushed his cock back into Lance. Lance's body shook. JC saw Lance's hands grip the sheets. His whimpers grew louder. JC forgot about the foreplay. What he was doing was what Lance needed so badly. Lance's response was turning him on.

Lance raised up until he was kneeling. He reached behind to fondle JC's ass.

"JC, I love this you deep inside me. We are as close as any two people can be."

JC leaned close. They kissed. JC ran his hands over Lance's chest. Lance gave off the most satisfied of moans. JC almost glowed from his love for Lance.

"JC, I love you so much." Lance dropped back to the bed. He turned his head to one side. "JC, please, fuck me!"

JC let go and let Lance's passion wash over him. He began steady thrusts of his cock into Lance. Lance's whimpering went louder. JC sped up the speed and the strength of his fucking.

"Yes, JC, that's what I want. Please, don't stop. I love it."

JC grunted each time that his cock plunged into Lance. Their bodies slapped together as their passions grew.

Lance would arch his back then put his head back to the pillow. His body was in constant motion. With the pleasures and passions surging through him Lance couldn't stay still. JC made him feel so alive. Alive and in love.

"Fuck me, JC. Show me you love me."

JC caressed Lance's back. "I love you, Lance. You make me feel so good. I want you to feel good, too."

"I wish we could always feel this way."

"We will, Lance. As often as we can."

Lance sat up again. He pulled JC to him so they could kiss.

JC's hips went faster. Lance dropped back to the bed. He clutched the sheets.

"Yes, JC, yes!"

JC could feel his passions peaking.

"Lance, I'm getting close."

Lance pushed back meeting JC half way. He wanted JC to go deeper into him.

"Oh, Lance, make me cum."

Lance squeezed his ass muscles.

It only took a few more thrusts of his cock. "Lance, I'm going to cum!"

Lance pushed back hard as JC's muscles went rigid.

"Oh, fuck, Lance, yeah!"

Lance could feel JC's cock throb and pulse as his cum shot into Lance's ass.

JC managed a slight thrust that sent more surges of pleasure through him. Lance clamped his ass muscles around JC's cock. JC's body convulsed as Lance added to the intensity of the orgasm. Slowly the feeling abated. The climax past. JC breathed easier. He leaned down and took Lance into his arms. Lance rolled so they were side by side on the bed.

"Thank you, Lance. You make me feel so good."

Lance rolled over to face JC. "So do you. I love you so much."

They lay holding each other.

JC's eyes snapped open.



"You didn't cum."

Lance smiled. He ran his hand over JC's chin. "I know. It was difficult but I was saving it."

"For what?"

"So that you could suck me off. You said you wanted to."

"But Lance, you love to cum when I am fucking you."

"I know. But you gave me what I wanted. Now I want give you what you want."

Lance rolled onto his back. His cock stood up hard and throbbing.

JC moved close. He pressed his lips to Lance's.

"Lance, I love you."

"I know."

JC turned. He moved down Lance's body. The cock grew larger as he neared it. JC wrapped is fingers around the shaft. He looked back up at Lance.

"JC, blow me."

Before Lance knew it his cock was in JC's throat. Lance's hand gripped the sheets. This was no foreplay. JC's passions had gone beyond that. JC's tongue licked and prodded. His soft warm lips caressed the sensitive skin. Lance put his hand gently on the back of JC's head.

"That is so good, JC."

JC went at it with a passion. Lance had held off cumming just for JC. JC had one thing in mind. He was going to give Lance one hell of a blowjob. He pressed three fingers along Lance's cock. On his downward plunge his lips enveloped the fingers. When he pulled back he moved his now lubed fingers to Lance's asshole. Slowly he worked the three fingers into Lance.

"Oh, fuck, JC. Finger me ass."

JC increased his rhythm on Lance's cock. His fingers wiggled in Lance's ass.

JC swallowed Lance's cock like there was no tomorrow.

Lance's hips began to buck forcing his cock into JC's mouth. JC pressed his fingers deeper into Lance.

"Damn, JC that feels good."

JC started to fuck Lance with his fingers.

Lance grabbed the sheets, again. JC was causing such waves of pleasure he couldn't hold out anymore.

"JC, You're going to make me do it."

JC sped up his strokes of both his mouth and his fingers.

"I'm cumming!"

Lance's hips drove his cock into JC's mouth. JC rammed his fingers into Lance as far as they would go.

"Yeah, JC!"

Lance's cock erupted in JC's mouth. JC swallowed quickly as spurt after spurt of cum filled his mouth. Lance's cock pulsed with each shot of cum.

Lance rolled about on the bed. Twisting and turning as the waves of joy surged through him. His whimpers were almost screams of delight. Finally, after a few moments they tapered away. Lance relaxed.

JC continued to suck Lance even after his cock stopped shooting.

Lance reached down and pulled JC to him.

They kissed with passion. Their tongues caressed each other. They pulled back.

"JC, you treat me so good. I wish everyone could be like us."

JC lay beside Lance. "Maybe in time."

"I love you so much." Lance nestled next to JC. "Why do people have such a problem with that?"

JC took Lance into his arms. "Because they don't believe in the love."

Lance sighed. "I wish people would see how much we love each other."

JC smiled. He kissed Lance's forehead. "They will, Lance. We will make sure of that."

Justin headed down the hall to Peter's room. He couldn't stand it any longer. He wanted to be with Peter. First he had ignored Peter because of Britney then they had been kept apart. Justin would make it up to him.

He stopped in his tracks. Justin felt a cold dread descend on him. There was a "Do Not Disturb" sign on Peter's door.

No. That was impossible. Peter was just jerking Justin's chain. He and Kevin couldn't be... Maybe it was Howie or both of them? Justin's doubts filled his mind like popping popcorn. Justin decided. He had to know. He unlocked the door and gently turned the doorknob.

No one was in the main room. One table lamp was on. It seemed like very romantic lighting. Justin slowly crept across the room toward the doorway to the bedroom. Justin felt the dread again. He could hear moaning. Peter could just be jacking off after all it had been two days.

"Yeah, fuck me!" It was Peter's voice.

Justin's heart sank. What he had dreaded was true. Peter had succumbed to temptation. He couldn't bring himself to look. He had only himself to blame for ignoring Peter. With a heavy heart Justin started to leave. He'd blown it.

"I love that, Justin."

Justin stopped in his tracks. Had he heard right? He went back hardly daring to breathe and peered around the corner. What he saw made Justin almost cry with relief.

Peter was alone. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed stroking his cock with one hand and happily shoving a dildo up his ass with the other.

What a feeling of relief! Okay, maybe technically Peter was cheating on him. But a dildo was not a real threat.

The feeling of relief gave way to the feeling of excitement. The sight of Peter getting off by himself turned Justin on. Peter was enjoying himself, but to Justin it looked like it took way to much effort. Justin decided to help. He stepped into the room and approached the bed.

"Care for some help?"

Peter started. He opened his eyes. When he saw it was Justin he grinned.


Justin reached down and took over control of the dildo. He pulled it almost all the way out then pushed it all the way back in.

Peter gasped. He face went flush.

"You like that?"

"Yes, Justin."

Justin began turning the dildo as he plunged it in then pulled it out Peter. Peter took Justin's wrist encouraging him on.

"You can let go, I know what I'm doing."

Peter released Justin's wrist. He took to running his now free hand over his chest.

Justin watched as the dildo went in and out of Peter's ass. He had never seen fucking up close before. His own cock twitched as he saw the muscles part before the dildo and then close around it as it pulled out. Justin increased the speed. Peter's moans grew louder.

"Justin, I can't hold out anymore."

Peter's body shook on the bed. Justin watched Peter's mouth fall open. His body stiffened. "Lover, I'm cumming!" He arched his back off the bed. Peter gave one last thrust of his cock into his hand.

Cum cascaded onto Peter's stomach. Arc after arc shot from his cock. Justin kept thrusting with the dildo. Peter's body jerked at each stroke of his hand on his cock. Then his body began to relax. He lay back on the bed panting.

Justin watched as the last throws of the orgasm went through Peter. He pulled the dildo out.

"Thanks for the help, Justin. That really did it."

He looked up and saw Justin face.

Justin looked apologetic. "Have I reduced you to such a pathetic state?"

"I had an itch and you weren't around."

"Yeah and I'll bet Kevin was the poison ivy."

Peter moved over. "I was thinking of you."

Justin sat on the bed. "I know. I heard." Justin ran his fingers through Peter's hair. "You had me worried though."

"Are you back?"

"Yeah, Britney left this afternoon." Justin caressed Peter's face. "I am sorry how I treated you."

Peter smiled. "I know. Britney surprised you. You snapping into Timberlake mode in self-defense."

"I did tell her about us. She didn't take it very well."

"I'm sorry. I know you're close."

"She'll get over it. But when she does watch out."

Peter sat up. "It's nice to have you back, again." He kissed Justin. "I see the "Do Not Disturb" sign worked."

Justin gaped. "What? Did you set me up?"

"I figured it would be a good way to get you into my room if you were passing. I was just hoping you would get here sooner."

"When I heard you say "Fuck me" I thought the worst."

Peter grew serious. "Justin, nothing happened between Kevin and me. Well, he did stop by to thank me and kiss me goodbye." Peter blushed.

Considering the state he had found Peter, Justin figured that had to have been some kiss. Still Peter had been thinking of him.

"Yesterday he jacked himself off while I was physically in the other room. Then we just talked. That was it."

Justin smiled. "I know. Kevin told me this morning. He was very worried that I would be jealous."


"I was more afraid that I would lose you. I completely ignored you because of Britney and Kevin is very good looking."

"The word is hot. You're BI, you can use it."

"Yeah, he's very hot. So I wouldn't have blamed you at all. Its like I pushed you into his arms."

"Justin." Peter looked down. "I have to tell you that I did have the urge to go further with Kevin." Peter looked up at Justin. "Kevin was in so much pain. What he and Kirk did wasn't what we would call sex. With the connection between us I could feel his longing. I wanted so much to show him what we have, what sex should be like. But I knew I would end up hurting you." Peter looked down again. "I'm sorry if you're mad at me. But I wanted you to know the truth."

"Thank you for telling me." Justin took Peter by the chin and raised his head until they were eye to eye. "It's alright. Both of you were a lot stronger that I think I would have been in the situation."

"We didn't want to hurt you." Peter kissed Justin's cheek.

"Thank you."

"Excuse me. I need to wash up." Peter got off the bed.

Justin picked up the dildo. "Would you be interested in some of the real thing or is that itch taken care of?"

Peter cupped Justin's chin. "Not if you're going to do the scratching. That itch never goes away." Peter walked to the bathroom. "Back in a minute."

Peter returned to the room wearing a robe. Justin was pacing next to the bed.

"You're still dressed. Or do you want to do it with your clothes on?"

"No. I'm sorry. I was just thinking how I could make it up to you. After how I treated you, I mean."

Peter put his arms around Justin.

"If it makes you feel better I don't blame you at all. I'm just glad to have you back."

"It could happen again."

"Probably. But I thought of that before. I decided I wanted to be here with you all the same."

"Peter, you're a saint."

"Hmm, Saint Peter. I like that."

Justin leaned close. He put his fingers on Peter's chin. "Open up those pearly gates."

They kissed. Peter let Justin's tongue slip into his mouth and mingle with his tongue. After two days it felt so nice. They parted.

Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "You made quite the impression on Kevin. He warned me to do everything I could to hold on to you."

Peter blushed. "Really?"

"Yep, and that if I did cause you to leave me that he would be one in a long line of men ready to snatch you up."

Peter gave Justin a squeeze. "Too bad. He's going to have a long wait."

"Sounds like he almost had you yesterday." Justin grinned. "You could say you almost put your ass on the line for Kevin."

"Well, that's over and done with." Peter kissed Justin. Peter pulled back and lay his head on Justin's shoulder. "I missed you."

Holding Peter in his arms had never felt so wonderful. Justin was all at once relieved, happy, horny and proud. Proud, that's right. Justin remembered.

"I forgot. Kevin wanted me to give you something." He pulled the pill bottle out of his pocket.

"What are these?" Peter gingerly took the bottle as if it was radioactive.

"A prescription that Kevin got when he first had trouble sleeping."

"They wouldn't have worked. Sleeping wasn't Kevin's trouble."

"That's what Kevin said. So he threw them away."

Peter's puzzled look asked the question.

"Kevin was shocked when he found not only had he saved them, he had actually packed them. He didn't remember doing any of that."

Peter knew where this was heading. "He wouldn't have gone that far. His mind had already started fighting back." Peter looked the bottle with disgust. He walked to the wastebasket.

"Peter, wait. Flush the pills but save the bottle."


"To remind you that you got your wish."

Peter grinned. "But Kevin and I didn't have sex." The smile faded as Peter saw how serious Justin was.

"Remember the news article of that gay teenager's suicide? You said you had wished you could have been there for the boy." Justin pointed to the bottle. "Peter, this time you were there. You helped. You may have saved Kevin's life. He told me so himself."

Peter stood staring down at the bottle. This explained the intensity of Kevin's kiss.

Justin walked up behind Peter and put his arms around him. He kissed Peter's cheek. "I am so proud of you."

"I guess I had sensed the seriousness but refused to believe it."

"Are you kidding? You were ready to put everything on the line for Kevin. That's why you asked for my permission."

Peter turned to face Justin. "I'm glad I didn't need it." Peter smiled at Justin. "If I can resist Kevin, you should have nothing more to be jealous about." Peter puffed himself up. "Get thee behind me, Satan!" he said firmly.

Justin squeezed Peter's ass.

"Okay, maybe that's not a good spot for him."

Justin pressed his lips against Peter's. Peter could tell Justin couldn't wait anymore.

Justin pulled away. He slipped off his shirt.

"He lives in Orlando, you know."

"Satan?" Peter helped Justin undress.

"No, Kevin. We could arrange something. If you still want to." Justin kicked off his shoes.

Peter looked at Justin. "Do you actually want me to have sex with Kevin?"

"I don't know. I guess I was so obsessed with the thought of you and Kevin having sex that now that I know it didn't happen I feel kind of cheated."

Peter laughed. "You feel cheated that I didn't cheat." He helped Justin off with his pants.

"I did give you my permission."

"You weren't listening to me. That doesn't count." Peter took off his robe. "Why are you talking about this now?"

Justin removed his underwear. "I know how much you like making people feel better. I guess I'm bothered by the fact that you could have done more for Kevin if it wasn't for me."

"Don't blame yourself. You didn't know. Besides, it's over. Kevin's gone. Can we have sex now?" Peter took Justin into his arms. He pressed his hard cock against Justin. "My motor is running and with all this talk its over heating."

Justin pressed his lips against Peter's. He ran his hands over Peter's warm skin. The need for Peter rushed through Justin. It had been two days and Justin's cock was throbbing. Justin was going make it up to Peter.

Justin lay Peter down on the bed. He kissed Peter while caressing Peter's body. The chest, the thighs, the arms and his cock felt Justin's hands.

"That's nice, Justin."

Justin's face was a blur of motion. He kissed Peter all over. Peter was getting caught up in Justin's passion.

"So Kevin knew nothing of sex like this?"

"Yes. Kirk didn't like kissing and touching. You treat me so good. I wanted to share that with Kevin. How sex can be. So he would want to find another lover."

"Then I thank you for the opportunity," said a voice.

Justin broke into grin. As Justin sat up Peter looked past him.

Kevin was watching from the doorway.

"Justin?" Peter couldn't believe what was happening.

"I was such a jerk I want to make it up to you. All this talk about Kevin got me hot. So while you were in the bathroom I made a phone call."

Peter was confused. "But you were leaving."

Kevin smiled. "You've never heard of taking a later flight."


"You had something you wanted to share with Kevin? You both now have my official permission."

"Thank you, Justin." Peter pulled Justin to his lips.

"So that's what a kiss between two lovers looks like."

Justin pulled back. He ran his hand over Peter's cheek. "Together we can really show Kevin here how two people in love make love. It will be like the time with JC and Lance but with a little audience participation thrown in."

Kevin began undressing. "I have to say I am very nervous. I've never done something like this before."

"Neither have we." Peter said. His eyes locked on Kevin.

Justin smiled. He didn't blame Peter for staring. Peter turned back to Justin. Justin leaned down and pressed his lips to Peter's.

Kevin stood there watching the two lovers. Part of him felt out of place. These two people loved each other. What was he doing here? But slowly a larger part was taking over. It had been a long time since Kirk left and he had to face it. He was horny. The one reason Peter and he hadn't gone on was with them now. Justin had even come up with the idea and had called him. Although Kevin was a bit scared, he couldn't pass up the chance.

Peter and Justin caressed and kissed each other. It had started out like that with Kirk, but it had quickly faded until it was Kevin doing the sucking and Kirk doing the fucking. His body ached to be touched like the two lovers before him were doing.

Peter looked over at Kevin. He was naked, but still just watched. Peter reached out his hand to him in a welcoming gesture. Kevin waved it off.

"Give me a bit."

Peter nodded.

Justin started his way down Peter's body licking and nibbling. Peter's neck, his shoulders, his nipples, his navel then down to his crotch. Justin took Peter's cock in one hand. He turned his head to glance at Kevin.

Kevin's cock was hard pointing out from his body. He didn't even touch his cock. He held his arms across his chest.

Justin turned back and took Peter's cock into his mouth. He heard a gasp and then a shuddered sigh. One had come from Peter and the other had come from Kevin.

Kevin watched in awe as Justin went down on Peter. He had done it before with Kirk but never like this. Justin's hands reached up to caress Peter's chest. He tweaked and pinched Peter's nipples. Kirk had never reacted like Peter. Peter's hands also reached out to Justin. They went up Justin's arms to his neck and back. Peter even stopped Justin to pull him up and kiss him. Kevin kept moving forward not wanting to miss any detail. This looked so wonderful. Soon he stood by the side of the bed watching.

Peter looked up. Kevin's hardon stood out close to Peter. Instinctively Peter felt that Kevin needed to be eased into this.

"Kevin, kneel down."

Kevin knelt. He kept watching Justin's effort of Peter's cock.

Peter reached up and ran his hand across Kevin's neck. Joined by Peter's other hand they spilt and caressed Kevin's shoulders and down the arms.

Kevin was distracted between what he wanted to watch and what he was feeling.

"Close your eyes."

Kevin followed Peter's words.

Peter's hands moved over Kevin's chest. They cupped his pecs and rubbed lightly on his nipples.

A deep-throated moan rumbled through Kevin.

Justin pulled off Peter's cock. He saw the goose pimples spread across Kevin's skin. Kevin's whole body trembled. His face ran flush. Kevin's arms just hung at his side. He wasn't even stroking his cock. Justin looked at Peter. Peter was concentrating on what his hands were doing and their effect on Kevin. Kevin was in such a state of rapture and only from being touched. Justin realized that these simple caresses were new to Kevin.

Peter's eyes met Justin's. His eyes asked the question. Justin nodded.

"Kevin, stand up."

Kevin rose to his feet. His cock stood out from his body throbbing.

Peter gently took Kevin's cock in his hand.

Kevin almost jumped back.

Justin saw Kevin's nervousness. "Kevin, it's all right."

Kevin looked down as Peter's head moved forward. Peter opened his lips. Kevin's cock was enveloped by Peter's warm wet mouth. It closed about the shaft.

Kevin gave off a deep bass groan. "Oh, my god!"

Peter started a rhythm. His lips slid up and down Kevin's hard shaft. The tongue caressed and prodded the tender flesh.

The few times Kirk had allowed himself to suck Kevin had never felt like this. Kevin felt his whole body trembling. It felt so good. He could feel his passions building. Kevin reached down to take Peter by the cheek. He stopped. Would Peter stop sucking him if he touched him or even talked to him? No, Peter wasn't Kirk.

"Slower, please. I don't want to come so soon."

Peter slowed his pace on Kevin's cock.

Justin was watching this. Now he knew what Peter had meant about Kevin's sex with Kirk. The kissing and caressing were unusual to Kevin. And Kevin's stilted behavior told him there were rules. How could anyone not want Kevin to fully enjoy sex?

Justin sat up. "It feels good doesn't it?"

"Yes," Kevin breathed. "It's fantastic." Kevin watched Peter sucking his cock. Peter would look up from time to time. Peter was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing and what it was doing to Kevin.

Justin leaned to Kevin. He pressed his lips to Kevin's. He resisted. Justin pulled back.

"We will show you what you have been missing. Trust us."

Kevin nodded. When Justin pressed back, Kevin gave in. Justin's lips on his and Peter's lips on his cock, this was nothing like Kevin had ever known. All the rules that Kirk had taught him Kevin threw away. Here were two people who wanted to give him pleasure. He felt a sudden feeling of great joy. He wanted to give them pleasure, too.

When Justin pulled back, Kevin had a slight smile on his face. He looked down at Peter then he looked at Justin. "Can I do that to you?"

Justin stood on the bed. He moved in front of Kevin.

A cock stood out hard and throbbing in front of Kevin. This time it wasn't his duty. The rules were gone. He leaned forward and took Justin's cock into his mouth. A surge of pleasure washed through Kevin. Sucking cock was a delight again. He plunged on and off of Justin's cock.

Waves of pleasure went through Justin. Kevin's tongue darted around his cock with a fervor. He swallowed Justin's cock with gusto. Justin looked down at Kevin. Kevin glanced up at Justin his green eyes glinting. Justin closed his eyes as a wave of joy washed through him. Kevin definitely knew what he was doing and Justin loved it.

"That feels so good, Kevin."

Kevin doubled his efforts. Peter was right. Kevin was rediscovering sex. The true meaning of sex of people wanting to give each other all the pleasure that they could. Justin tilted his head so he could see Peter below sucking eagerly on Kevin's dick.

Suddenly Kevin felt it. He had to make Peter stop. Kevin pulled off of Justin's cock but too late. The climax hit him.

At the first spurt, Peter swallowed Kevin's cock. Wave after wave of intense pleasure ripped through Kevin. Kevin's head snapped back. Peter's tongue hit spots on his cock that sent thrills through him. Kevin thought he would never stop cumming. His whole body jerked as Peter sent more surges through his body. Then slowly the feelings subsided. Kevin relaxed.

"That was wonderful. It has been so long." Kevin's face fell. "I'm sorry it was so quick. I was hoping for longer."

Peter smiled. "Don't worry. There's more from where that came from."


"That is only the first time. You'll cum again."

"Again?" asked Kevin.

"Sure." Justin smiled. "On some nights we can make three times."


Peter's realized the truth. "Once is all you've known?"

"Yeah, once you cum it's over. Sometimes I had to jack off alone after Kirk came."

"My poor, Kevin." Justin put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "You do have a lot to relearn."

"I can cum more than just once?"

"You'd better believe it." Peter grinned.

"I think I would like that." Kevin smiled.

"Then let's get to it."

"Uh-uh," Kevin protested. "I'm ahead of the game. You two need to catch up. Can I suck you off?"

That was a dumb question.

"Sure. Who first?" Peter and Justin got off the bed.

"Well, just to make sure there's no jealousy, I think I should switch off between you. If you don't mind."

Peter and Justin shook their heads. "No. That's fine."

Kevin saw their dicks twitch in the air. They were more than happy at the idea. Kevin sank to his knees.

First Kevin swallowed Justin's cock. Up and down the shaft licking the soft flesh. When it was well lubed with spit he took over jacking it with his hand. He pulled off and turned his head.

Here was the cock he had waited for. Peter had done so much for him now he could repay him. His tongue swirled around the soft mushroom head. Kevin heard Peter gasp. He closed his lips around the hard shaft, pressed his tongue against the underside and slid Peter's cock into his mouth. Kevin felt Peter's body shake from the thrill. He pulled back and started down again. Again he pulled back and again down the shaft. He started a faster rhythm.

Justin watched as Kevin sucked Peter's cock. Peter was moaning happily to Kevin's attention. Justin ran his hands over Peter's chest rubbing hard on the nipples with the other hand he caressed Peter's back and squeezed Peter's ass.

Kevin was making Peter feel so wonderful. Justin's caresses were sending additional thrills through his body. Peter looked to Justin. He was smiling back at him.

"Does it feel good?"

"Oh, yes."

Kevin pulled off Peter's peter. He took over jacking Peter's dick. Kevin looked up. "I used to love to suck cock until things got so restricted. You've made it fun, again." He looked from Peter's cock to Justin's. "In fact it's double the fun." He swallowed Justin's cock.

Peter caressed and rubbed Justin's chest. Justin closed his eyes and moaned. The warm wetness and the soft lips surrounding his cock felt wonderful.

Kevin's enthusiasm had kicked in. He was so eager to please. It was carrying Peter and Justin away. This incredibly hot man was sucking them off with abandon. Kevin's tongue licked and prodded sending thrills through them both. Kevin could tell by their moans and their breathing that they both were getting close. He quickened his speed switching faster from one to the other. Soon he would swallow one cock pull off then swallow the other back and forth in succession.

Peter looked down into Kevin's beautiful face with those green pools for eyes and watched his cock disappear between those soft lips. He felt the climax starting.

"I'm getting close."

Justin was also succumbing to Kevin's looks and talented mouth and hand.

"Me, too. I can't hold out much longer."

Kevin pulled off and just stroked them now. "See if you can cum together."

Kevin watched them as the climaxes neared. Both had their eyes closed and both were breathing heavily. He continued long strokes all the way to the base then up to squeeze the head gently.

Peter's body went rigid first. His mouth fell open.

"I'm cumming. Oh, Kevin, I'm cumming!"

He threw his head back, gave a thrust of his hips and his cock erupted.

"Oh, fuck!" Justin bent forward. His cock exploded.

Cum arced through the air. Kevin felt the hot cum splatter on his chest. He enjoyed the double-barreled bath.

Peter gasped as his body shook. Kevin's hand rubbed the cock head. A shudder went through him.

Justin jerked and twitched at each stroke of his cock. Cum still shot from his cock. Kevin's hands sent pulses of joy through his body. Slowly the climax past Justin began to relax.

Peter's cock finally stopped shooting. He took a couple deep breaths and relaxed.

They looked down at Kevin's cum covered body.

He just grinned up at them. "Was that satisfactory?"

Peter and Justin both sighed. "Yes, very." They broke into laughter.

"Singing isn't your only talent." Peter said.

"Thanks. It's been so long. I'm glad I still know how. Can we go on now?"

"First let's get you cleaned up. Don't move." Justin headed for the bathroom.

Kevin stood up. "I still not sure if I can cum more than once."

"Kevin, look," Peter point down. Kevin's cock was hard again. "That's telling you so."

Kevin smiled like a little kid. "It maybe possible after all."

Justin returned and wiped Kevin off. When he was done cleaning off Kevin's beautiful chest Peter and Justin were both hard again. Justin went to the drawer and got the condoms and the lube.

"Now, Kevin. I believe Peter wanted to share something with you." Justin handed a condom to Kevin. "Here put this on." Kevin quickly obliged. Justin noticed that his hands were shaking. Kevin lubed up his cock. He set the lube down.

Peter lay down on the bed. Kevin started to climb onto the bed.

"Kevin." Justin handed Kevin the bottle of lube, again. "You're only half done."

Kevin looked confused.

"How about Peter?"

"That's right. I forgot." Kevin got off the bed. He squeezed the lube into his hand.

Peter gasped at Kevin's first touched. Kevin looked worried.

"It's cold that's all."

Kevin rubbed the lube around Peter's asshole. Then slowly he worked his fingers into Peter.

Justin was surprised at Kevin. He had forgot? Then lubing the ass wasn't usual for Kevin. Justin could only imagine the pain and discomfort that Kevin endured.

Peter was moaning from Kevin's fingers in his ass.

"That's good Kevin. I'm ready."

Kevin climbed on the bed. Peter raised his legs.

Justin almost wanted to look away. No, this is just sex.

Peter helped Kevin into position. His cock pressed on Peter's asshole. Then gently ever so gently Kevin pushed forward. The cock strained at the sphincter.

"A little harder, Kevin."

The cock moved past. Kevin felt Peter's ass close tightly along his cock. It felt so wonderful. When Kevin was all the way in he stopped.

"It's okay, Kevin. There's no pain."

Kevin looked surprised.

"Do it, Kevin."

Kevin slowly pulled out. The tight warmth around his cock was incredible. He pushed back in. Peter's face flushed with pleasure. He let out a low moan. Kevin looked down into his face. Knowing that Peter was enjoying it sent a thrill through Kevin.

"You can go faster if you want."

Kevin sped up his rhythm.

Peter looked up at Kevin. "Does that feel good?"

"Yes. Oh, god, yes."

"You're fucking someone at last. Enjoy yourself."

Justin watched Kevin's hips thrusting his cock into Peter. It wasn't as difficult a sight to take as he had thought. But still there was a twinge of jealousy. He had been Peter's first. Now Peter was having another.

Peter looked up. Kevin's eyes were closed. He face showed he was in total bliss. Peter had wanted so much to share this with Kevin and now it was happening.

Peter turned his head. Justin stood there watching. There was an intense feeling of deja vu. The premonition! This was it! Justin hadn't caught Peter cheating. He had arranged it. But Peter could see the doubt in Justin's eyes. Peter glanced back. Kevin's eyes were still closed.

Justin doubts began to grow. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Why had he ever agreed to this? Peter was his. He wanted Kevin to stop.

Then he felt a hand take his hand. He looked over to see Peter smiling up at him. Peter's eyes indicated Kevin. Justin leaned down to look into Kevin's face. What he saw was such an expression of joy. Justin remembered when Peter was fucking him and seeing that same look on Peter's face. He had been so overjoyed by that look of bliss.

Justin looked back at Peter. Peter squeezed Justin's hand.

"Thank you." Peter mouthed. Then he added. "I love you, Justin."

All doubt fled Justin's mind. It was he that Peter loved after all. This was just sex, showing Kevin what sex truly should be like. Justin turned Peter's hand over and pressed his lips into Peter's palm. Pulling back Justin moved his lips. "I love you, too."

Peter's hand stroked Justin's cheek.

Kevin panted. "I never knew it could feel like this."

Peter grinned up at Justin. He nodded his head in Kevin's direction.

Justin pointed to himself questioning Peter's meaning.

Peter nodded again.

Did Justin want take a turn with Kevin?

Peter gave Justin a wink.

Justin just shrugged.

"This is so hot." Peter gasped.

Then Justin broke into a large grin. He ran his hands over Kevin's back.

Justin leaned to Kevin's ear. "How would you like to fuck Justin Timberlake?" Justin lay on the bed next to Peter.

Kevin looked at Justin with surprise. But he saw the look in Justin's eyes. There was a stirring within him. The lust swelled within Kevin. So much for the demonstration of making love.

Kevin pulled out of Peter. Justin raised his legs. Peter lubed up Justin's asshole.

"Come on Backstreet. Show me what you've got."

Justin felt Kevin slowly pushed his cock in. He gave a few slow thrusts into Justin. Justin looked from Kevin's sculpted chest up to his green eyes. Peter was right. This was hot.

"Come on, Backstreet Boy, do me like a man."

Kevin pulled almost out of Justin. He looked down grinning. "Fuck you, Timberlake." He thrust his cock to its hilt into Justin.

Justin dropped his head back to the bed.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!"

Kevin cock raked against Justin's insides. Waves of pleasure washed through Justin's body. He tightened his ass muscles. Kevin let out a low moan. A few moments ago Justin had wanted Kevin to stop, not anymore. Kevin's cock fucking his ass felt so good. Justin glanced over to Peter. Was Peter feeling jealous?

Peter lay watching Justin's face flush with pleasure.

"He's good isn't he?"

"Yeah," Justin panted. Peter took Justin's hand and gave it a squeeze. He knew what Peter meant. "But not as good as you." Justin squeezed Peter's hand in return.

Kevin watched Justin and Peter's eye contact. He knew what they wanted to do but they didn't want to do it in front of him. He didn't mind. In fact he wanted to see it.

"Go ahead." Kevin said.


"Kiss him."


"It's part of good sex isn't it?"

Peter pressed his lips to Justin's. Their lips opened and their tongues darted around each other. After a few moments Peter pulled back.

Kevin smiled. "That is so beautiful." He didn't stop his thrusts into Justin.

Peter winked at Justin.

Justin wrapped his hands around Kevin's neck. "Come here, Backstreet."

Justin pulled Kevin to his lips. Kevin pressed back. It was a joy to feel such contact between a partner more than just at the cock. Kevin sat up.

Peter sat up and leaned toward Kevin. Kevin leaned forward to meet him. Peter's lips on his were so soft and warm. Kevin felt Peter's mouth open. Kevin responded and soon their tongues wrestling with each other. Peter pulled back with a smile. He lowered his head. Kevin felt Peter's lips surround his nipple. There was a slight sucking then the tongue licking followed by a playful nip of the teeth.

"Peter, yes." Kevin moaned. It was like electricity. The surges of pleasure he got as his cock plunged into Justin seemed to magnify. Kevin picked up the pace. He thrust his cock into Justin faster. Justin responded by moaning louder.

Peter turned his attention to the other nipple licking and sucking. Then Peter dropped lower. He took Justin's cock into his mouth.

"Oh, yeah! Suck me, Peter." Justin's whole body shook. He was being sucked and fucked at the same time. The surges of pleasure washing through his body were almost too much.

Kevin was thoroughly enjoying fucking Justin. He smiled to himself as he remembered times of Justin's arrogance. And here he was with legs in the air taking Kevin cock. No wonder Justin had changed.

"You like my cock in your ass, Timberlake?" Kevin felt a rush of excitement. He never had the chance to talk dirty.

"Yeah, fuck me harder."

Kevin thrust harder and faster into Justin. Justin began to roll his head back and forth on the pillow. Kevin reveled in the pleasure he felt and the pleasure he was giving to Justin.

"That's it. Give me that dick, Backstreet."

Continuing his fucking, Kevin looked down to see his cock disappear into Justin then slid back out again. The sight sent a surge of excitement through him. He was actually fucking someone, well, two people actually.

He watched Peter swallowing Justin's cock. How he could take the whole thing into his throat without gagging was beyond him. Of course Kirk was no problem. Kevin wondered if other things would feel different. He slowed his thrusts.

"Can I ask something?" Kevin said almost timidly.

Peter pulled off of Justin's cock. "Sure."

"Whatever you want," added Justin.

"This sex is so different from my times with Kirk. There's only one thing I haven't tried yet."

"You want to be fucked?"

Kevin couldn't hide the eagerness in his voice. "Yes, please." He pulled out of Justin.

Peter and Justin were both smiling.

"I don't know, Peter." Justin said. "Do you think you will be able to do such a thing?"

"I'll close my eyes and think of England." Peter grinned. "But who should do it?"

"Go ahead. You deserve the honors."

Kevin lay on the bed on his back. He lifted his legs. "Lube, please."

"Oh, no." Peter protested. "Not yet. We need to get you primed first."


"Roll onto your stomach."

Kevin did as he was told. He could feel hands massaging his ass cheeks.

"We skipped this part, but not with you. You have to experience everything."

A finger began to rub at Kevin's asshole.

"That feels good." Kevin sighed.

"Just you wait." Justin said.

Something warm and wet pressed into Kevin's ass.

A shudder went through Kevin's body. "Oh, my. That feels good." Kevin tried looking over his shoulder.

"It's called rimming. Peter's getting you ready."

"Now this is something I've never done or felt." Kevin panted.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah. It's getting me so hot." Peter's tongue caused a wave of pleasure shooting through Kevin. "Right there. Damn, this is great!"

Justin was eyeing Peter's ass as he bent over Kevin. He licked his lips. "Once you learn to rim you'll never be able to look at ass the same way." Justin knelt down and buried his tongue in Peter's ass.

Peter let out a muffled cry. He tongued Kevin harder.

Kevin gasped. "I never knew it could be like this!"

Peter was enjoying eating Kevin's ass. Justin's attention on him heightened the feeling. When Justin hit just the right spot, Peter pressed his tongue harder into Kevin.

Kevin reached around and took Peter by the head and gently coaxed him into his ass.

"Peter, this is so good. I can't want to be fucked now. Get me ready." Kevin moaned loudly. "I have got to try this someday."

Justin was around the bed in a flash. He bent over on front of Kevin. "Welcome to someday."

Kevin watched as Justin spread his round firm ass cheeks and exposed his puckered opening. Kevin paused.

"It feels good doesn't it?" Peter said separating himself from Kevin's ass for a moment.

Kevin stuck his tongue out warily. He brushed it across Justin's crack. Justin gasped. That was all it took. Kevin plunged his tongue into Justin's ass.

"Yeah, Kevin eat that ass."

Kevin pushed and prodded. He loved the tight muscles clinched around his tongue. His cock had felt that earlier. Justin was pushing back trying to Kevin's tongue to go deeper. Kevin put his hands on Justin's ass cheeks and attacked Justin's butt with relish.

Kevin felt Peter stop his rimming but he didn't stop licking Justin. Then there was the cold feel of lubricant. Kevin trembled with excitement. This was his first fuck after Kirk. Anything would be better. The cock head pressed against his sphincter. Slowly Peter's cock slid into him. Kevin was expecting one thrust and full penetration. Peter's cock sank in deeper than Kevin had felt before. Peter stopped. There was very little pain. The cock pulled out then again slowly back in. He moaned as he rimmed Justin.

Peter started the rhythm. Slowly at first then increasing in speed. Kevin was moaning louder already.

Justin wanted to watch. He turned himself around.

Kevin was about to attack Justin's cock when Justin stopped him.

"Peter, let him watch."

Peter lifted Kevin's leg and gently rolled him over. Justin moved the pillows under Kevin's head so he could see easier.

Peter's cock penetrated deeper now. Kevin took Peter by his ass and pulled him to him. Peter's cock hit all the right places in his ass.

"You are so deep in me. Fuck me!" Kevin laid his head back on the bed. "It was never like this!"

Peter thrust with his hips sending his cock as deep as he could into Kevin.

Justin walked around the bed to Peter. He took him in his arms. He looked down to see Peter's cock sliding in and out of Kevin's ass. Justin was so turned on at the sight.

Peter turned so they could kiss. Their tongues wrestled for a few moments.

"Peter, I want to be in you."

Peter grinned. "Go to it."

Peter kept up his thrusting into Kevin.

"Then stop."

"Why?" Peter bent farther over Kevin.

Justin realized that Peter's ass was accessible. "At the same time?"

"This will never happen again. Please, Justin. I always wondered what it would feel like."

Justin was too turned on to argue. He grabbed a condom and lubed up. Peter slowly his thrusts so Justin could slowly slide his cock into Peter.

Kevin was rolling about on the bed. Again, this was a different feel then he was used to. Peter's cock sank deeply into him. It felt so good. He looked up at Peter just in time to see Peter mouth drop open. A loud moan escaped his lips. Peter leaned down closer Kevin. Peter must be ready to cum.

"Oh, fuck, yeah." Peter gasped.

"Cum in me, Peter."

"I'm not cumming." Peter groaned. He looked over his shoulder. "Fuck me, Justin!"

Kevin saw over Peter's shoulder Justin thrusting away. Every time Justin thrust into Peter, Peter pushed his cock into Kevin.

"Justin, wait. Let me."

Justin stopped and let Peter control the motion. As he thrust into Kevin, Justin cock pulled out of Peter. When Peter pulled back Justin's cock plunged into Peter. As Peter's hips moved back and forth Peter became the fucker and the fuckee.

The surges going through Peter were intense. His cock and his ass sent wave upon wave of delight. It was overwhelming. He pushed back sending Justin's cock into him. Moving forward his cock slid into Kevin.

Kevin couldn't believe it. He was being fucked and the person fucking him was being fucked. His horizons weren't being broadened. The whole frame of his reference was being smashed. He couldn't look away from Peter.

Peter's head was whirling. His whole body thrilled to what was happening to it. But his brain was almost on overload. His cock pushing into Kevin felt wonderful. Justin's cock fucking his ass felt great. Surge after surge of pleasure ripped through him.

"How does it feel?" asked Kevin.

"Its wonder... Fuck, it's so...Damn, you.. he...feel...Oh, god!"

Kevin almost laughed at Peter being so overwhelmed. He pulled Peter to him and kissed him. "Everything you have done for others is being repaid now."

"Oh, fuck, Justin. Oh, god, Kevin you're so..."

Peter's face was flushed red. Kevin hoped it wasn't too much for him.

Justin had never seen Peter like this. His body shook and trembled, his head snapped up then down. Justin slowed his rhythm. Maybe this was too much for Peter. He leaned forward. "Are you all right?"

Peter managed to gasp. "Yeah. I am so full."

"Can I try?" Justin asked.

"I...I..." Peter panted.

Kevin knew that Peter was too spent to try this. He gently pushed Peter back. They all separated. Kevin got off the bed.

"Here, Peter lay down."

Peter rolled and flopped onto his back. He was still breathing hard.

"Justin," Kevin gestured to Peter. "As you were."

Justin slid his cock back into Peter. Peter looked up at Justin. Only one cock was more manageable. "Yeah, I like this."

Kevin donned a condom, lubed up and moved behind Justin.

Justin felt the Kevin's cock push into him.

"Oh, fuck, yeah." Justin thrusted his cock into Peter. "Fuck, oh fuck! This is... Oh, fuck!" Justin tried to steady himself as waves of joy surged through him. Now he knew why Peter reacted that way. His cock and his ass were pulsing surges through him. It was almost too much.

Peter by now had regained his composure. He watched Justin's reactions. His eyes were closed his mouth open and his body swayed with Kevin's rhythm. Justin wasn't doing any thrusting. It was the rebound of Kevin's thrusts. Peter pulled Justin to his lips. Justin was panting too hard to hold it for long. Peter pulled back.



Then Kevin felt it. It was true. The climax was building.

"I'm going to cum... again!"

Kevin started to pull out but Justin's hand grabbed his ass and pulled him into him.

The climax blasted through Kevin. Every nerve fiber thrilled to his cumming. Kevin's head was thrown back and he gave off a choked gasp. He tried to pull out again and Justin pulled him back. Kevin's body snapped forward. He wrapped his arms around Justin. His body shook as his cock shot off. Slowly it was reduced to a trembling. Kevin's breath was hot on Justin's back. Kevin finally relaxed. His breathing slowed.

Kevin stood up. "That was indescribable." He almost laughed. "Wow."

He pulled out of Justin. Pulling the condom off he managed to make it to a chair. Kevin dropped into the chair. When he looked up he saw that Justin and Peter were watching at him.

"I'm done." Kevin panted. "Carry on."

Peter looked at Justin. Justin smiled down at him.

"Another show?"

"Looks like we have the stage to ourselves."

"What are you waiting for, lover? Fuck me."

Justin smiled, pulled back then thrust his cock to the hilt into Peter.

Peter's head dropped to the pillow. "Yes, lover. That's it!"

Justin looked down at Peter. Their eyes locked. Suddenly Kevin was out of the picture. It was just the two of them. Justin knew that it had been two days since he had been with Peter.

Peter was thinking the same thoughts. He took Justin's head with both hands and pulled his lover to his lips. They pressed together with an urgent need.

Peter let Justin pull back from the kiss but his still held him close.

"Oh, god I missed you, Justin. Fuck me. I need to feel us as one."

Justin thrust faster into Peter. Peter's ass clamped around his cock sending pleasures pulsing through Justin's body. Justin managed to pull back enough from Peter's embrace to look into his eyes.

"I was a damn fool. I love you, Peter."

"Show me, Justin."

Their bodies slapped together. Peter tried to keep his eyes on Justin but the joy surging through him from Justin's cock fucking him was too much. He closed his eyes and raked his hands across Justin's back.

"Fuck me, lover. Don't stop. I love it!"

Justin felt the stirrings of the orgasm.

"I'm getting close."

Peter's eyes snapped open. "Cum in me, Justin. Cum in my ass."

A few more thrusts and Justin lost it.

"Oh, fuck!" Justin gave one last thrust hard into Peter.

Peter watched Justin's head tilt back. His cock pulsed in his ass as he shot off. Peter squeezed his ass muscles. Justin lurched forward.

"Fuck, yeah."

Peter tweaked Justin's nipples. Justin's head snapped around.

The climax past. Justin relaxed. His panting grew slower. He collapsed on top of Peter.

Peter held Justin to him. "Apology excepted."

After a while Justin raised his head. He smiled at Peter.

"Thank you." They kissed. Then Justin pulled back grinning. "Your turn." In a quick move he turned from Peter and in the next moment Peter's cock was down his throat.

"Justin, yeah. Suck me off!"

Justin's hand and lips stroked Peter's throbbing cock. Up and down in rapid succession. Justin knew it wouldn't take long. Peter was too excited already.

Peter lay his head back on the bed. Justin's lips and hand felt so good. Peter didn't even try to hold off. He let the climax take him.

"I'm cumming, Justin!"

Justin swallowed Peter completely. He relaxed his throat as Peter's cock erupted in his mouth.

Peter grasped the sheets as the climax surged through him. Justin's throat tightened around his cock. Delight like an electrical charge pulsed down his nerves.

Peter's body shook as Justin pulled back the swallowed Peter's cock again.

"Oh, Justin!"

The climax eased. Peter relaxed on the bed. He took Justin by the shoulders and pulled him to his lips. They kissed for some time.

They were distracted by a loud groan. Looking over they saw Kevin with his mouth open, stroking his cock and sending spurts of cum onto the carpet. When the shots stopped Kevin opened his eyes.

"Fuck, I came three times! I didn't think it was possible."

Peter made room. He held out his hands. "Make it four. Come here."

Kevin walked to the bed. Peter let Kevin lay down beside them. The three of them kissed then held each other close.

They lay there together for a while. Suddenly Kevin began to laugh. He rolled over on his back and put his hands behind his head.

"That was fucking-tastic. I have never ever felt anything like that. What a pathetic sex life I have had. If I would have known this was possible I would have dumped Kirk long ago."

"You thought it was love. Stop blaming yourself."

"But I dated before Kirk. You'd think I would have remembered."

"With sex each person is different. Now you know what you can look for."

Justin idly stroked Peter's chin. "Kevin, you'll find someone. I know you will.

"Thanks to you two." Kevin smiled. "And now I can be a better lover to them as well."

Justin grinned. "You'll be getting our bill."

Kevin glanced at the time. "Damn, I hate to come and go, but I have a plane to catch." He got off the bed.

Justin put his arm around Peter as they watched Kevin dress. Justin gave Peter a squeeze. Was that pride Peter saw in Justin's eye?

Kevin buttoned the last button on his shirt. He turned back to the bed. "Thanks again. I will never forget this." Kevin stepped to the bed. "Peter, stand up. I want to show you my thanks. Justin, if you don't mind."

"No. I'll just wash up."

"Please, stay. You'll be next."

Peter got off the bed. He was very self conscious standing naked in front of Kevin even with what they had just done.

Kevin put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "How can I thank you enough? I came here so down and depressed. You saved my life. Then you put life back into that life. You have ability to change a life or find a little girls stuffed rabbit." Kevin took Peter into his arms. "God bless you, Peter. You are a very caring human being."

"And you, Justin." Justin stood up. "I know it was difficult to share Peter like that. I am very grateful to you. You helped me, too."

"Kevin, you're my friend. I was glad to do it. Besides you are one fucking hot man."

Kevin laughed. He hugged Justin. "You are so lucky. I am envious." Kevin stood back.

"I'll have you two over once you get back to Orlando."

"I'd like that." Peter said. "Ah, no sex though."

"Of course not. This was a one time deal."

Justin slapped Peter's ass. "You are no fun."

"Look who's talking now." Peter pushed Justin down on the bed.

"I'll be going now. I can find my way out."

"Bye, Kevin." Justin grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him onto the bed.

Kevin turned around in the doorway. Justin and Peter were wrestling and laughing. He walked to the main door. Someday he would know such happiness. He opened the door. Of course just the sex would do in a pinch. Kevin closed the door behind him.

Peter and Justin flopped down side by side.

"I am just beat."

Peter seemed anxious. "Justin, this was just sex. You know I still love only you."

Justin moved to Peter and lay his head down on his chest. "I know you love me." Justin sighed as Peter ran his fingers through his hair. "When you took my hand I knew. I could see it in your eyes."

"I'm glad. You didn't look very comfortable around then."

"I wasn't. But that helped." Justin paused. "So, how was it for you?"


"Yeah, it sure was."

"Too intense actually."


"So much was happening all at once. It was almost hard to know what thrill was coming from where. I'm glad we helped Kevin, but from now on I'd like to concentrate on only one other person."

"And who would that be?"

Peter smiled. "Me of course."

Justin raised his head and looked at Peter. "Thank you, Timberlake."

"Hey, I was doing fine when you walked in."

"Yeah, but it looked like it took so much effort. I'll tell you what. I can do more things and be less tiring for you. If you'll have me."


Justin lay back.

"I am proud of you Peter. I could really see Kevin change tonight. I can't imagine what his sex life was like before."

"Justin, I promise no more self help sessions on proper sex."

"Oh, I don't know. It depends on the student."

Peter stopped stroking Justin's hair. "You mean you want try a threesome again?"

"I..." Justin sat up. "I think that I want to get some sleep."


"Would it be all right to say that being in love with you I'll have to keep an open mind?"

"So you do love me?"

"You know I do."

"I just like to hear you say it."

"Peter, I love you."

"I love you, too, Justin."

They kissed.

Justin pulled back. "Now I'd love to get some sleep."

"Cute." Justin lay down. Peter snuggled close to Justin. "Good night, lover."

"Good night, my love."

JC groaned in his sleep. He reached out his hand. All he felt was cool sheets. Lance was gone. JC looked up. Lance wasn't in the room. The bathroom door was open and there was no light on.

JC was about to get out of bed when he heard the door latch click loudly followed by an exclamation from Lance. Soon Lance tiptoed through the doorway.

He saw JC sitting up. "Damn, I thought I would get back before you missed me." Lance knew what JC would ask. He threw away an empty cellophane package. "Midnight snack. I went down to the vending machines." He took his robe off and slid into bed next to JC. "I was so hungry. You wore me out." Lance snuggled next to JC. "But I am not complaining."

"Well, at least we weren't out flashing people."

"And you'll never guess what I saw." Lance grinned.


"It was actually a who not a what."

"Then who did you see?"


"Lance, it's the middle of the night. I'm not up for guessing games."

Lance ran his finger across JC's chest. "Are you up for anything else?"

He looked up to see JC staring at him.

"Okay. I saw Kevin coming, I mean, walking down the hall. He must have come, I mean, been leaving Peter's room."

JC was shocked. "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

JC's face fell. "Poor Justin. Do you think he knows?"

Lance still grinned. "I think so."

"Lance, this is serious."

"Not really, JC. You see Justin wasn't in his room. I checked."

"You checked?"

"You know that they make our room keys interchangeable."

"Then where could he be?"

"Oh, come on JC. If this was a game show I'd win a million dollars."

"You mean?"

"It has to be. It looks like Peter got to help Kevin after all. Justin probably lent more than just a hand as well."

"Now that's one way to solve the problem. Its not cheating if they're both involved." JC almost said how he envied them but managed to keep his mouth shut.

Lance fell silent. JC guessed Lance was thinking the same thing.

"I'm sorry, Lance I'm too selfish for that."

Lance looked up with a puzzled expression.

"I could never share you with anybody." JC kissed Lance.

Lance smiled. "I don't want anybody but you. But Kevin is very good looking."


Lance squeezed JC. "I have a Rembrandt. Can't I look at a Van Gogh?

JC sighed. "I guess I don't mind."

"But like all works of art it is strictly hands off. I promise."

"Kevin is a work of art." "And how." "I wouldn't have minded watching though."


JC just looked at Lance. There was a pause.

"It would have been hot."

"It's not really our business is it?"

"No. We have to respect their privacy."

"I think we should drop the subject and get some sleep."

"Good night, JC."

"Night, Lance."

They closed they eyes and relaxed.

"We'll ply them for details in the morning?"

"Damn straight!"

End part 22

Okay, so there wasn't much with JC and Lance and astral traveling. Peter can't be out of his body all the time. Besides I had to keep Peter in his body for the sex, right? Actually I was hoping the sex would make up for it. Did it? Was it okay? My first threesome and of course it was pure speculation. Well, at least it's out of my system. (I might be talked into another if you like this one.) Kevin was just to hot of a guy to pass up (or leave behind.) I think I see a future plot point in him.

I keep trying to make these parts shorter so I can get them out faster and they are getting longer. I'm sorry. As the bumper sticker on the nudist's car reads: "Please, bare with me."

Anyway, let me know what you thought at

On to part 23.

Next: Chapter 23

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